Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023

Who are these parents that have sacrificed their children to THE SCIENCE?!

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Hmmm, I thought EBV was one of the side effects of MRNA Vax? So now the company that is (?in part) responsible for the side effect of the C Vax, is trying to produce another vaccine to counter their own vaccine' side effect ! Nothing to see here!

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Which of course begs the question that if one case of myocarditis necessitates the suspension of use, shouldn’t thousands of cases from the Covid jab necessitate it’s removal from the market?

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Our government seems desperate to jab everyone with mRNA as often as possible for any reason or none. This is not being done to benefit our health.

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Did they want to name it EpsteinVax?

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What I find remarkable is that this Phase 1 started January 2022 while data was coming in rdg. myocarditis from the jab...yet they continued with the trial. They are just so wedded to this mRNA biotechnology that they can't give it up. Yup, we'll figure it out eventually....meanwhile the death count & injuries mount but, hey it is all for science, right?

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You would think with all the cases in doctor's offices emergency departments and people who are or have been hospitalized you would think they would be filing bankruptcy soon. Or is Uncle Joe still spending taxpayer's money on more pipe dreams?

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Could it be that eventual mRNA delivery to heart cells and their subsequent production of antigen triggers an immune response and causes myocarditis? Any antigen, not just spike.

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Looks like any mRNA vaccine, regardless of the protein that’s generated, will cause myocarditis as well as all the other horrors.

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A frankenshot by any other name I would say, ye know, cause the original mNRA shite worked so wonderfully. And like Ryan asked Who are these people that wish to indulge in a spot of ye olde Russian Roulette and do they not have a responsible adult to perhaps advise them otherwise. Oh I dunno!!!

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What a stupid vaccine idea. It just fits in with everything else. EVERYTHING must have a vaccine or a pharmaceutical "treatment". Ridiculous.

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Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023

"A person not employed by Moderna, which makes the Spikevax Covid vaccine, provided the email to Unreported Truths."

I'm going to ask a basic question. This statement in the stack suggests a single source. Did you independently acquire additional sourcing on this? I may be a conspiracy loon but I would hate to see Alex get burned on something this serious. This news, when properly understood, will tank Moderna's remaining market cap at market open I suspect. Probably won't do any favors to the others working in the mRNA space either.

One addendum. I have previously noted here that both myself and my 93 year old mother have VAERS entries for severe cardiac arrhythmia following closely after Moderna booster (3rd shot; baseline 2 + 1). Mine resolved after a week on its own, hers became a permanent debilitating condition requiring massive doses of beta and calcium channel blockers (Metoprolol and Diltiazem) to keep her heart rate sufficiently under control. This was in fall 2021. Since that time we have been contacted twice by researchers looking into this. The first time was a year later in 2022 to see how her condition was and if she still had the AFIB/SVT. The second time was last week when they wanted permission to get a complete copy of her relevant medical records. My point is that someone continues to look closely at this and their interest seems to be increasing.

I was convinced, at the time, that hers and my responses/conditions were a direct result of the booster. Two people closely linked genetically and following precisely the same mRNA shot regimen both display cardiac arrhythmia within hours of the 3rd shot. One of them becomes a permanent condition. Neither has any prior cardiac issues or history. I challenged her cardiologist on it and at the time he dismissed my question. He was the chief of cardiology at a large teaching hospital and has since retired. I'd be interested to know if he would still dismiss my assertion. At any rate, someone is not dismissing, they are looking at it closely. So I am not surprised by this news in the least. We haven't seen the iceberg yet, just the tip. It's not just about young people and it's not just about myocarditis. I suspect there is a much wider array of cardiac muscle damage pathologies at play here.

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Why does Epstein-Barr (along with a host of sub acute diseases) need a vaccine? Couldn’t we focus on effective treatments instead? I had a pretty major case as a college freshman and had to withdraw from school for a quarter, but I don’t see how this frankenshot is a good idea.

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I am betting these guys are going to be sued. Not for damage from the vaccine because they are exempt from that. But from fraud during the trials.

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My gosh! This is explosive stuff. Alex’s source needs to be very careful.

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Is this an example of “limited hangout”?

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