Mild Myocarditis is equivalent of Slightly Pregnant

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Myocarditis is always fatal in the end...It's Non-Repairable Heart Damage. She's a dip shit idiot.

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The realities of that statement needs to be understood twist. Just how many heart issues coming over the next 1, 3, 10 + years from these experimental gene editing medicines?!

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More than you can fathom.

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And we still don't know long term implications

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Some insight regarding Myocarditis......It doesn't seem to be repairable...just good heart tissue replaced with scar tissue, which is useless. Again ,it's the degree of damage and resultant scarring.


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permanent damage is permanent damage, but scar tissue on a heart is diff I would think than say from scar tissue in a twisted ankle over the years. I mean scarring tissue is similar, but it's on the pump of life right!

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It IS different. Skeletal muscle can repair/heal fairly "easily". Up until recently it was thought that cardiac muscle could not repair at all. Well, turns out it can BUT does it at an extremely slow rate...


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Excellent info!

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Exactly… inflammation, repair is with scar tissue (does not contract like normal myocardium. ) sam pathology as an ischemic heart attack, but on surface of the heart, not endocardium like an ischemic heart attack

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It goes beyond being a dip shit idiot.

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It should be criminal for an MD to spread these outright lies.

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Most of the medical profession have failed us. Hopefully when the Republicans take both houses we will be able to demand that they remove the immunity screen from Big Pharma and all who participated and continue to participate in this fraud.

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Many Republicans aren't our friends

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You are right on!

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Way way beyond.

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or devoid of empathy

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Nah. She knows it's


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yeah....totally! They know no ONE is gonna hold them accountable. They have zero worry...why would they

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The powerful left is never held accountable and Covid should have made everyone see this fact. Sickening.

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Yeah, the French royals thought that as well, around 1788. Give it a little time...

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cue Dr. V Prasad's next video smackdown of CDC misinformation...

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Yes but note he is a vaxx pusher..

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Alas, true, but I think he has evolved in his thinking and pushes it more selectively, stressing that the focus should be on the vulnerable, at least not people under 50. Even so I can't think of anyone calling out "his own team" with more integrity

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Is this factually correct?

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No, she is a criminal brwaking Nuremberg code. These people might be diabolically insane, but they ain't stupid.

Btw, does anyone have link to that heavy Italian that they used to make fun of covid nonsense by giving hysterical "translation".. I NEED TO WATCH AGAIN!!! THERE was his buddy laughing hysterically.

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And she thinks we are the dip shit idiots.

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Per Dr. McCullough, Myocarditis from a natural infection is very different than that resulting from vaccination:


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He's a Texas Dr. and he and my uncle who is an MD in College Station have worked together.

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Is your uncle a brainwashed vaccine pusher? We're moving to college station so it would be good to have a name of a decent doctor if he isn't 😬

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He's most certainly not... He's an ER Dr. at the Hospital. He's been a medical missionary in Nigeria for decades and he said two weeks into this, it wasn't a pandemic. He said, he's seen a few in Africa and this wasn't it. He treated people for their symptoms like we have for decades and he didn't loose any until the higher ups told them to stop treating Covid patients in the ER and to not write scripts.

Covid was here at least during the fall and winter of 2019 and Dr.'s were treating the symptoms just like they always did with any URV. We didn't have the death issues until they stopped treatments and told everyone to go home and come back when they were dying and had pneumonia. All MD's know that treating URV early is the key to keeping people from developing pneumonia, so why did they tell people to wait 10 days? Now they are saying incubation is no more than 5 days. This was all rigged!

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Indeed it was rigged. I had one of the original European strains when i returned from Spain in the fall of 2019.

No one was talking covid then, but doctors were curious/ treating this respiratory virus before it all exploded.

It was Nasty, but recovered completely, no side effects . No hospital, no doctors.

All such a crock of sh….!

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My son and his girlfriend were at UC Davis in CA in the fall of 2019. Lots of people were sick, and doctors just characterized it as "a weird virus and we don't know what it is." My son and the GF got it, were sick for a couple of weeks ("gnarly" was his description). The GF has asthma and had a harder time of it, went to the ER one evening and got a nebulizer with steroids, and was also given some.....drum roll....ivermectin. They both got better, he a bit quicker than she did. Since that time they were never sick again (no vaccines for them) until this last January 2022, when they both seemed to get Omicron (she had a positive test, he didn't test). This time they were much more mildly sick, just an upper respiratory thing for a few days. And this time around, the GF actually had it milder than my son.

In any case, a respiratory virus is a virus is a virus is a virus (not much new there) and you treat it early as you would any virus, and you get better.

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I had it Nov 2019 and called it the cold from hell, 4 guys in my sat morning bible study were sick off and on for a month.

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Because team Trump was going to reform medical care by forcing competition back into the marketplace. The first piece being - transparency in the price of medical procedures - remember that? I think this was another of those first day in office biden EO to suspended the rule. And the Trump EO imposing MFN (most favored nations) pricing on drugs - another EO suspended day one by Biden.

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"forcing competition back into the marketplace"

"Forcing competition"? Weird given the marketplace is not at all about force and is about freedom. Government should get entirely out of healthcare.

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I'm positive I had it in the fall of 2019 as well. It spread thru our office into the holidays and several people here antibody tested positive to that timeframe. Fever for a few days which then switched into a horrible cough that lasted 4-5 weeks.

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I got that every year for 3 years starting in 2014. I don't know if I ever had a fever, we never have a thermometer that works.

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Knowing the treatment worked why did the administrators demand the doctors stop treating the patients.

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Multiple reasons from voter fraud on and on. These crazies never let a crisis go to waste. To the left political power and control is their religious jihad. They are willing to burn it all down if they can't have the controls.

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Because there was much more $$$ to be paid once the Feds gave $30K incentive for Covid diagnoses

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That was my first big clue. Early symptoms of flu, call your doc for Tamiflu, treat early. “Novel” virus - go home, isolate till you can’t breathe? Huh? I called BS early on … loaded up on zinc, Vit D&C.

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We should make a list. I'm in Austin Tx and would like a sane doctor

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Honestly, there are not that many. My MD friends know far less about Covid, the CDC, Fauci and the politics driving all of this Scientism (religion of science) than I do. I actually had to tell them that Fauci didn't believe in herd immunity as most would discuss this stuff with me and I would say, but Fauci doesn't agree with you. LOL Most of them had no idea that Moderna was 0-9 in putting mRNA's on the market until covid and that not a single mRNA experiment made it past phase 1 of human trials until Covid and they just skipped ahead in the trials because they knew they always failed within 4 months. So exactly how long before the mRNA begins to stop working, oh, yeah... 4 months! Then you need to line up for your next jab! LOL

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Many of these damning facts are acknowledged (after the damage is done) by culprits themselves.

Walensky had utterly damning admission she didn't know basics of what cdc was saying, I think onn95% effectiveness and waning nature of vaccines

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What did he think of McCullough as a colleague --prior to COVId?

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And McCullough is a real cardiologist.

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IIRC, he's written more than 1,000 peer-reviewed papers. Incredible credentials!

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But, on the news, they obviously don't differentiate, mostly because the jab is "safe and effective," therefore causing nothing and most don't know any difference anyway.

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Great resource! Thanks! Bookmarked it.

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Dr. Alexander is also on Substack: https://palexander.substack.com/?

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It's like a minor surgery... It's minor if it isn't happening to you!

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My 62 year old healthy friend had minor surgery developed sepsis and died within 48 hours

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Like a mild stroke

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You know, that's pretty accurate. At least in my husband's case.

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Mine too. Completely inexplicable stroke a month after Moderna.

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His was Moderna as well. Started as a transient, itchy rash 3 weeks after then joint pain then the final blow of myocarditis. No. The FINAL blow was getting full blown Covid in November along with me, the unvaccinated one. He was as sick as I was and for almost as long.

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It was a case of "safe and effective" myocarditis.

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Mostly peaceful myocarditis.

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ExActly!!! Good one!!

And, considering there weRe effective treatments for Cvd theN, pretty much leaves only absolute risk left to JABbination. She's a harmful idiot.

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LMAO.!! Nailed It.!!

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Mild myocarditis means that you have a Sword of Damocles over your head for the rest of your life.

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That's funny, I don't recall death ever being medically described as a mild outcome.

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Here in the uk they’ve normalised heart attacks in kids, I’ve never seen this in my life. There is an advert by the British heart foundation which shows a kid collapsing on a football pitch. Today I went into the heart foundation charity shop and I heard them repeat about looking out for the signs of stroke and heart disease. Never seen this ads or messaging in shops before the clot shot arrived,

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These mass murderers must be prosecuted

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Seeing the same thing in Canada - bus board ads normalizing strokes in children.

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I’m also seeing AIDS ads on TV now. Very regularly. Never in 40 years of AIDS have I see ads. Now many times a week. They know what is coming.

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I'm seeing tons of ads for AIDs related things, also shingles. I don't remember those types of ads before.

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Still tons of ads in the DC area for AIDS testing, shingles vaccine. So curious, eh?

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Apr 13, 2022
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Not many people have AIDS. They are easy to reach as likely there are at most 500 docs who specialize in it. You don’t need expensive TV ads because all those who have it are reachable already through a very limited group of doctors. They only are doing this because of millions of potential customers up and coming.

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I'm still seeing several versions of the commercial of a child and her daddy talking about the covid vaxx, where the child is questioning the dad about it, the dad says he's not sure he trusts the vaxx or what's in it, the CHILD says "daddy please get the shot to protect me, please". Since when do parents take advice from 6 year olds? Oh, right, when their child hates their sex and want to explore sexuality and sexual reassignment! Our schools and govt and the wokey media and LGBQTXG%&*# whatever are controlled by a spirit of chaos that will never end until death of themselves and as many as they can take with them. It is satanic 100%. If you choose to be trans or gay or whatever you choose, fine, but leave everyone else alone, especially the children. All of these bizarre choices are simply self-hatred gone amok. PPL who hate themselves want to spew it onto others....Pelosi, Biden, Bush, Clintons, Gates, lord Fauxci... there's visable self hatred amongst them all. Nothing will fill the void in their lives except the peace that Jesus calls us to. Peace doesn't come from control and power over others. It comes from humility and daily submitting to God.

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That is not normal, kids do not have heart attacks. You only need to look at the amount of athletes who have had heart attacks.

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So the Aussie's and other western countries calling Novak Djokovic the GOAT an anti-vaxer, Putin's boy, he is Serbian not Russian Idiots. Nole is smart, he could care less about the AO or any other, he said if they want him jabbed. He cared more about his health, his family, than any Trophy and the $$$ that came with it. Bravo Novak. Bog te vole. God Bless Novak.

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He held the line, he wasn’t prepared to sell his soul like many individuals have who want their holiday. Sad

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couldN'T care less...

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Apr 13, 2022
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Thank God. Obviously not that the injuries are occurring. But that mainstream news is talking about it. And in Australia. Amazing. Thanks for the post!

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See my post above re Australia and the AO. I hope they are ashamed of themselves for bashing and trashing #1 Novak Djokovic for not being jabbed, hence not allowing him to play and treating him like a terrorist. He is healthy and Lord willing will not collapse while playing tennis due to the evil snake.

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Surprised if these guys keep their jobs!

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They had to do a spot walking everything back...

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Australia used Astra Zeneca, which is not an mRNA jab. Slightly better.

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They used Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna

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Soon if not already ads normalizing Communism I expect also.🤮 This🇨🇦 not sure I will survive. First time I ever had this thought.

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Oh yes. I worked for a Liberally funded education initiative in BC and they wanted us emphasizing “the collective” and “de-centring the child”. I was naive on this prior to the pandemic. Now I get it. Watch out for the language entering the schools.

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The new dialogue;

“ do children belong to their parents or the state ?”

Guessing you already know which narratives are being pushed .

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Ooooo! You should then get paid by the government to raise your child, because you are fostering a child of the state. 🤔🤨

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Thanks… I am already struggling… am I former Teacher …. long retired from stress because I saw what was happening back then😔 This gender grooming is making me ill. More mind fuckery. Sorry for the language.

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Yeah the gender and sexuality talk is so pervasive!! And upsetting.

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It’s a sad state of affairs for sure. I am starting to think about where I might want to live instead.

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Hungary 🇭🇺 seems like a good place. However it's not easy gaining access. Luckily my wife has family there, so it's on the table but still a long shot.

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Wishing you the best of luck!

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I sure can relate to that… it’s taking up a lot of space in my head these days. If I were single I would bolt for sure… Nicaragua does not belong to WEF… maybe you already knew? It’s on my list… getting US citizenship very tough😔 Mexico run by the cartel but I hear great things from Canadians who have landed there. 😉✌️

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I have a friend who spends half the year in Mexico and loves it. I agree, finding a non WEF country makes sense. I am single so need to think about somewhere that I will feel safe and comfortable in addition to having freedoms. Lots to think about and research.

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Yeah. Me too. A lot of people are. The Canadian government though is imposing all Sorts of rules prohibiting asset transfer and cash transfers out of the country. We are moving into a full on Cold War East Germany situation.

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Thanks for this intel🙌 I am really struggling with getting honest & trusted info about what to do with money as in get it the heck out of Canadian banks😔asap. Sorry this🇨🇦is a lone wolf & this Community is very sacred to me. It’s the only place I am on but realize this topic is likely off limits. Seriously I just need a starting point.😔 I guess that’s my cue.

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Wow! I haven’t seen those but I live in a small city.

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I'm in canada. Very interested to see this. Could you post a pic?

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I don't have one, I was driving when I saw it on a Durham Region Transit bus in Ontario.

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Exactly, I live in Houston we have Texas Children's Hospital which people fly in from all over the world to have their kids treated there. My friend took her 16 year old there due to chest pain and yes he was having a heart attack. The MD's there said, it was a pretty common issue they were seeing due to the mRNA shot!

My Sis-in-law is an OB/Gyn in the med center and I have a really good friend who is a cardiologist at Methodist Hospital these side effects are real and far greater than the CDC is admitting.

Again, truth is not a moral value of the left, if it was they would be on the right!

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Have you listened to Nurse Erin?

She was a nurse in NY. A whistleblower.

Drs paid 60K week, Nurses 10K week. Homeless were brought in, poisoned w Remdesivir and Ventilators to boost numbers.

People taken out in trash bags.

There was no emergency w a Covid.

It was Remdesivir Genocide

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A nurse out of Fresno was saying something similar with drug overdoses. They would put them on the covid ward because they couldn't answer whether they had respirator issues or been around anyone with covid and voila, they came down with covid.

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It’s a big Genocide agenda.

Eradicate these demons!

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Former Gov. Cuomo ordered the VA hospitals to move the residents into a community room. The private rooms were used by incoming patients who had covid. Because of the excessive crowding the virus spread like wildfire. Those with a preexisting illness had no chance.

The staff at hospitals do not have epidemic training. Quarantine areas cannot be mixed with other hospital needs.

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At this point, there isn't much that would surprise me!

Read Romans 1 in the Bible we seem to be living it currently! These people are depraved and they truly believe themselves like God!

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Yes. Yuval has said as much

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I've read that as well...deaths due to treatment by Remdesivir AND ventilators. Of course, people waited too long for treatment and hence ended up on vents and Remdesivir.

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I believe you

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Dear God… I can’t. I just can’t.

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It’s truly shocking and it’s particularly affecting men and boys. My friend vaccinated her 15 year old daughter after having covid and no issues now has menstrual problems which I know is being researched. Sadly the fear got to these people and their rational thinking went. We do not have any long term data, 3, 5 or 10 years. One big experiment no matter what way you look at it. The truth will be known soon. There was a cardiologist in Canada that said he wanted to punch anti vaxers in the face. Sadly a heart attack came for him and a cardiologist would be healthy and know the symptoms of heart disease. In the uk as we have a general taxation healthcare service, we cannot see the codes for treatments. However I can send a FOI request to our local NhS trust to ask about heart attacks and strokes.

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My mother who is in her 70's who had breast cancer 25 years ago went in for her mammogram a few weeks back. They said her lymph nodes were swollen under her arm and needed to do a biopsy. It wasn't cancer thank goodness, instead they said it was likely due to the so called "vaccine" she took. They said, it's another common side effect. So ladies watch out for that one as well!

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They ask that now on women getting breast exams in my area. A friend was upset about being asked if she had been jabbed and they explained why they were asking

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Wow. Basically admitting cancer causing vax

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Before you go for a mammogram, they tell you that you have to wait a month or so after you got jabbed. That's reassuring!

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WTF !?

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Yes! The vax removes the protective cells against cancers. That’s why Cancers, Immunity destroying vaxes.

Ivermectin supposably halts cancers

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It’s supposedly, not supposably 🥰

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There is a very good research study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8538446/

that shows the bio-weapon shots prevent the BRCA1 hormone from performing its DNA repair function that allows cells to replicate correctly, which is a findamental determinant of cancer formation. The proper functioning of BRCA1 has been known for 30 years to be an essential hormone in the prevention of breast cancer.

This study focused on the effects of the bio-weapon in the time immediately following injection. Whether its pejorative influence on BRCA1 functioning continues long after injection remains to be seen.

If so, there likely will be a significant increase in breast cancers among women who took the shot. These women should be especially vigilant in self-examination for breast lesions going forward, and should reduce the intervals between mammograms.

While Iamafanof Ivermectin - Iused it to great success in overcoming a pretty bad case of Covid - I would not put a lot of credence in its ability to stop cancer progression. Ihave read that it has that ability theoretically and perhaps when introduced to small numbers of cancer cells in vitro.

But there is no evidence that it can perform anywhere as beneficially as radiation, which is really the best known method of cancer treatment we know of today for the broadest range of tumorous cells.

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I’ve heard there is research on nitazoxinide for cancer too.

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Sterilization and murder

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I wonder if young girls, oops, people who menstruate, getting vaxxed now will end up with similar problems.

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I think the plan is to make them infertile. That’s if they live.

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Great Name

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a lot of women I know

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I am glad they seem to at least be admitting to patients it might be due to mrna vax? Can’t solve medical mysteries if you ignore an obvious change in health so I do not trust any doc who will not admit the vaccines were a terrible idea for children and anyone who rushed them is an idiot not to be trusted with a child’s health. I have left TX childrens due to their ridiculous and unscientific stances

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Same in Canada. Heart and stroke in kids being normalized. And still parents don't question or fight back. They're killing your kids.

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Of course, kids have always gotten heart attacks and strokes , right???

Totally normal for healthy 8 year olds….. sigh 😔

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Sickening brainwashing

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Hell they are normalizing pedophilia so nothing surprises me anymore.

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We need a Holy Smite immediately

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yep. here in the US too. took my daughter in for her 6 month teeth cleaning a few weeks ago. Kid only dentist. First question on her "update" form (which i filled out 6 months previously) was "does your child have a history of cardiac or heart issues?" Def wasn't there before. They see, they know, yet they are pushing it. Disgusting

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Good lord

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TX Children's Hospital, which relentlessly pushes the mNRA shot in Houston, 'suddenly' has an interstate highway billboard advertising its expertise in children's cardiac medicine. Just a coincidence, no doubt.

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So sickening. WTF

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Exactly, none of this is about taking advantage of people for power, money and control. Right?

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(I think you are in my hometown: so, it's on I-!0, inside the Loop, mainly to inform all the young prof parents who now live in the Heights)

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Vile people. Absolutely horrific!

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That's insane!

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No, she's saying vaxxing *avoids* that one death that would've otherwise occurred *absent* the vaxxes. But it's still unadulterated bullsh8t. Because we've SEEN more than one 12-17 year-old drop dead, shortly after being vaxxed.

Her dishonesty is subtle - she makes it sound like she's talking about ANY death from vaxxing, when her reference to myocarditis gives her game away - she's only talking about myo deaths. She subtly ignores deaths from OTHER afflictions caused by the vaxxes.

She is a dishonest, evil, POS human being.

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Plus she should have multiplied her Myocarditis numbers by 100 to be on the safe side.

Then there's the thought about how many of the kids who didn't end up in hospital... did they have minor damage to the heart that would show up much later? Something that could cut 1 to 50 years of their life.

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She said that last June and was just extrapolating from what Pfizer reported from their trials. For all we know she believed what she was saying.

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Well then that makes her comment even more dishonest/evil/stupid/incompetent, because just six months after the release to the public of vaxxes that went through 90 DAYS of (rigged) trials when vaccines have typically gone through 3-5 YEARS of testing, that makes her "the benefits far outweigh the risks" absolutely and literally impossible to even suspect, let alone know with her cocksure certainty.

She is a serious, persistent threat to public health in America.

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She was explaining what she heard on CNN

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we all know that she is big on "believing" things, such as, "we wanted to *believe* the vaccine would end the pandemic"

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But what she meant was "We wanted you to believe the vaccine would end the pandemic."

they know that particular virus was not going to be put back in a box. Not even possible.

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This is all intentional

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I think she doesn't care whether or no. She believes proles should be told what to do.

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And , don’t forget ( without the shot) it would have been worse . Hmmmmm, worse than death??

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That line, it would have been worse, makes me want to scream.

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It’s mild if without the vaccine it would have been far worse.

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The “vaccines” have no benefits at all.

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I know. I was being facetious. I hear you hints like that reasonably regularly. Four family members vaxed. One unvaxed. Four vaxed all get sick with COVID and they say how much worse it would have been if they hadn’t been vaxed. ‘Really? John isn’t vaxed. He didn’t get sick.’

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Yes. After all this time, I cannot understand why everyone doesn’t realize that no one should have ever gotten any of these injections, and that no one should submit to getting any more of them. Not one more shot to one more person. I believe this is vital to the human race.

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this should be shouted everywhere

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As a massage therapist, I am pretty sure I got my last COVID episode in August 2021 from someone who had been vaccinated that same morning (I found out only after the session…:-/ ) and I wonder if it was not the equivalent of being vaccinated myself. What do you think Mr Yeadon?

That would mean that the whole world practically would have actually been vaccinated through contact with vaccinees.

Thank you for all your early warnings into the pandemic. It must be so hard and frustrating for you to hear all those lies leading to the unnecessary death of so many and all the human dramas. Plus all the conflicts and division it generated among families. So so sad and unfair!

They are calling for a climate change emergency world response, as if they care, while they have just destroyed or attempted to destroy the entire human community! But we will rise again and regain our freedom and dignity. We owe it to Life!

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I hope Dr. Yeadon does answer, because I'd like to see what he thinks.

If I may put in my two cents (a totally non-expert 2¢). I've read over and over again about the "worry window"--the two weeks or so immediately after each jab. During that time, as I understand, the recipient has a very compromised immune system and can easily be breeding all kinds of things in their body, which they can readily spread from any part of their body.

And there is also the spike shedding that Fauci mentioned matter-of-factly.


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A researcher in France estimates that a Pfizer vaccine shot contains, in terms of spike protein, the equivalent of 6,75m3 of nasal fluid of an Covid infected person!!! For the Moderna, it is 20m3!!!

So we’re way better off getting COVID from a freshly vaccinated person than getting vaccinated!;-)

Although 4 days after the massage session, in 5 hours without warning my lungs were very congested and I was envisioning myself needing to go to the hospital during the night if it kept progressing at that pace. Which means, in the end, I did get a very important viral load during that 90 minute massage session.

Believe it or not, with a combination of acupressure points for my lungs and the Wim Hof breathing exercises, when I woke up in the middle of the night my lungs had all cleared up.

So I wonder since those proteins that are being shed by droplets or sweat of a vaccinated person are the synthetic spike proteins (not to say that there is a natural spike protein since it was lab engineered), could they be possibly more harmful that the circulating virus? or not necessarily ?

Also, one more question: can there be shedding of graphene oxyde as well?

Anyway, I would not be surprised if the spike protein manufacturers walking around (the vaccinated people) would in fact be responsible for the ongoing circulation of the virus.

I believe last summer was the first summer ever a coronavirus was in circulation. Thanks to… the vaccines!

I just can’t believe all this theater going on in Shanghai now! We ought to unite to prevent this circus from continuing next fall!

Bon courage to all of us!

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agreed! and 80% of hospitalized with Covid are fully vxxed

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Worse than no benefit, more susceptible to covid and other infections.

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I actually read someone saying their family member died, but it would have been ‘worse without the vaccine’.

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Myocarditis DAMAGES the heart! There is no such thing as MILD myocarditis!

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A "mild" case of permanent disability.

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Like have a 'mild' case of meningitis.

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So untrue - she has been one of the only people smart enough to wear two masks AND color contrast them, to make sure you can tell she is wearing two of them. I mean, is that something an idiot would do?

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Yes. She should actually be wearing three. Just ask fraud fauci

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And goggles. Don’t forget goggles.

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My woke us law firm have recommended 2 and they’re insisting unvaccinated wear them but not vaccinated

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I guess they missed the fact that now it's a pandemic of the vaccinated.

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I work in their London office and I cannot tell you the discrimination we’ve had to endure, every fortnightly call they did not mention us. We only found out we could return a few days before everyone went back. We had to test every day and mask up when moving about the office. The ironic thing about it if that 3 vaccinated people have come in with symptoms tested once they’re in the office and tested positive, no unvaccinated person has spread covid there. I’ve now had it a few months back so recovered. They talk about kindness to one another but what it has shown these woke lawyers is to be vindictive, vicious against us and they’ve shown no kindness whatsoever. Also just the other day we had a calendar invite to attend a diversity training session by two trans women. I’m 59 this year so for me it’s not too long to stay with them but once that day comes I’ll tell them exactly what I think.

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Challenge every bloke in your office that gives you a hard time to a bet of who has the higher number of IgG antibodies to Covid, you or them. Blood test will show it. You will make enough to be a premature pensioner, move to Devon and enjoy life by the sea. And then the rest of the wankers will stfu.

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Yes I agree, the office manager came by my desk to say hi as she joined before we went back. I’ve had all the boosters etc, I wear my mask on the train 🤷‍♀️ Whatever and the next day came in feeling unwell, tested positive in the office. Their rules are a joke, to punish us for not adhering to their bullying and harassment to get the vaccine. Woke idiots!

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Jan, we travel in the same industry! I am an unvaxxed inclusion builder, believer in diversity when diversity includes diversity of viewpoint. Wish we could talk but it is important that I remain incognito, at least until I get a new job:) I suspect we have a lot of common experiences. Last day countdown because I got the axe from a Fortune 500 company, after seeking accommodation on both religious and medical reasons. God has an amazing plan for me. My view, which was nascent pre-pandemic but has crystallized over the course of the pandemic, is that the louder one cries inclusion, the more likely they are to embrace group think, exclude persons of particular political persuasions based on rampant false stereotypes about persons of those viewpoints, and definitely exclude the unvaccinated (no matter the reason for being unvaccinated, because, really, there is no acceptable reason).

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Yes, we’ve had to endure relentless abuse, my friend is a true Christian and never once did any ot this stress her out.

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my lord

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Well, they obviously don’t know how to read, or how to think.

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Only on woke issues

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My mechanic had the shot and wore the mask. He still caught the flu.

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Masks are germ fest. More pneumonia and bacteria gather on touched masks. And if gets at all moist, also worse than not wearing one.

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Tons of people got jabbed, wore masks religiously, and still got it.

And then you have my mom, a normally conservative doc who has been completely sucked into the brainwashing. Less than 2 weeks after she, jabbed+boosted+masks in public (and my family, not jabbed) caught Omicron from my jabbed+boosted+mask wearing SIL, my mom walks into a restaurant wearing a mask. A restaurant that doesn't require masks, because we live in the reddest county of Florida and very few wear them here. 🙄 She's normally a very bright woman, but the brainwashing is real.

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Dwight Schrute:Whenever I’m about to do something I think, “Would an idiot do that?” And if they would, I do not do that thing.

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Watch her display her genius - she will be putting a layer of sandwich wrap on there shortly.

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One can only hope.

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Ultimate virtue signaling

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And her hair and clothing are stylish.

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I'd fuck her.

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Willful, evil Minion of the Elite

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That Domain already registered.

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Rochelle is a dumb Bimbo. Only In America!

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a useful one.

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the virologists on TWIV are always saying that myocarditis is very mild, just a few days in the hospital and some drugs, kind of like when your dentist tells you "this won't hurt a bit." call me crazy but heart problems in a teenager that result in ANY hospital time plus drugs CANNOT be considered mild. cardiologists have said that myocarditis is NEVER something considered mild but what do they know?

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Crazy. And imagine, less than a year ago most of us had never heard of myocarditis!

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It was extremely rare a year ago

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Oh and the super duper smart think that their TWIV podcast subscriptions keep them SO smart AND safe. I thought twice when they were talking about their good buddy "Tony" ... they are like the Click & Clack of the vax-woke (with big apologies to Tom & Ray for the comparison).

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oh my god! i've been listening to them for over two years now and it all seems to be propaganda and self aggrandizement. at this point it's almost unbearable. i'm starting to believe that every other word out of their collective mouths was written by the (un)trusted news initiative. Dr Daniel Griffin seems to agree with justice sotomayor that children are dropping like flies. he has his slogans that he repeats every week- "children are at low risk, but not at no risk" "vaccination is how this pandemic ends" "never miss an opportunity to vaccinate; never miss an opportunity to test"

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This Week in Virology, the podcast all about viruses, the kind that make you sick

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wow! Glad I asked.

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This week in virology podcast

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thank you

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Using kids to protect elderly or obese cowards. Not ok, never was.

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Didn't you hear? You can be hundreds of pounds overweight and it doesn't affect your health. Someone on Twitter said so. Then they tried to sell me a license to give to the Dr that says don't weigh me.

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But your myocarditis would have been so much worse if you were unvaccinated...

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What is creepy is they still don't know why it causes Myocarditis... I dunno about you but if it was my product I would be freaking out "If we missed something like this? My God what else did we miss? What about long term effects?"

I'd rather shot myself in the face than allow children to be hurt by something I made. I guess these people have... different morals?

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lack of empathy (sociopathy)

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They’d have to be sociopaths.

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Let's think about it a little bit... if one subscribes to the idea that we came from randomness - meaning there is no absolute Truth, as we're taught through the religion of evolution - why wouldn't one just go for it and try to maximize whatever it is that makes one feel good? They're just grabbing as much money as they can, as fast as they can. They're simply cultivating the field and reaping their crop.

But it's obvious that people do have value. It's obvious that children are a treasure. It's obvious that we don't know it all. And on and on.

But their evil heart (like my evil heart) blinds them to truth.

So sad... They need our fervent prayers.

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Nope. Not different. They don’t have any.

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Apr 14, 2022
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I think the bosses are this. And some of the scientists. But I don’t get the unawake sheep that work there. The $50,000 people in accounts receivable, etc. they’re hearing everything. They know what is going on. Yet they continue to work there. Your boss is killing children and you aren’t saying anything. They’re not really sociopaths. But they’re not yet human also.

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Maybe it’s a form of sociopathy. But it seems to be something different. They’d feed a hungry child who came to their door at night. But they ignore what is happening at work. Just keeping their head down.

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Apr 14, 2022
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Every one truly evil person relies on a hundred or more who have turned themselves off somehow. And just do as they’re told.

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I have a friend that posted on FB about her 16 year old son, who was admitted to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston after a mild heart attack. She stated that the MD's at Texas Children's said, that it was something they were dealing with fairly often. She was pissed they didn't tell her the side effects. Heart attacks kill the heart muscle and on top of that he will have to deal with myocarditis for rest of his life! Thanks Rochelle, you lying sack of shite!

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It will shorten his life. I read somewhere between 25% - 50% (2 different sources) will die within 5 years.

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I'll say this, one of my friends is a cardiologist at Methodist in Houston and he stated it will be a lifelong battle. Again, these people in government are just pure evil POS.

Rochele and the rest of these POS's never tell you that the majority of people who die WITH Covid, would have died of their other diseases within the year anyway!

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the vents and remdesivir are pretty deadly too

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I’ve read nurses call it ‘Run! Death is near.’ Yet, my guess is they still give it out.

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The 20 something son of a friend of mine got myo from the first shot. He still went ahead and got the next one. And then a booster. No issues from the second or third shots fortunately but I do wonder if there is something brewing beneath. The cardio dr said it was temporary and he was fine to continue with the shots.

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We don’t know this yet about Vax myocarditis. It’s new. They all might die. Or the body might learn to fight the poison and most will get better. I know the old stats say what you said. But this is new. With a new cause.

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And if you are really unlucky it can develop into cardiomyopathy. :(

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And yet 540 out of 833 of athletes have died and they still say it's safe? hogwash

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Yeah but maybe those athletes brushed their teeth 1 minute too long or drank some juice or lay down to relax... all of which are serious causes of heart attack.

Kids always have heart attacks after a cup of juice.

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So if one out of a million dies, that's an unacceptable risk. Wish this same standard applied to the vax.

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She. Should. Be. in Jail!!!!

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I am sure it's a lie based on past history, though I'd love to have the papers/sources that prove they were a lie. Would make exposing this nonsense so much easier with a simple share.

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In her defense....maybe she heard this from CNN - I believe that's were she learned about Pfizer efficacy last year??

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still hearing it from CNN experts is not a defense that will set her free ... i think, but who knows.

yes, that's what she said to astounded students at GW.

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frightening thought

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I know experienced doctors that have NEVER seen a case of childhood myocarditis in 10-15 yrs of practice. "Normalizing" this is evil and criminal

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Is a mild case of myocarditis when it doesn’t kill you right away?

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Why are you blaming her instead of the cowardly doctors that actually know whats really going on and have decided to look the other way and even worse cover it up. I BLAME THE DOCTORS. THE BIGGEST COWARDLY BUNCH OF HUMANS ON THIS PLANT besides a few like Dr. B, Dr. M, Dr. M, Dr. K and a handful of others.

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Doctors are complicit too... but they aren't spreading it on national TV, etc.

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They are enabling the lies to continue.

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Bingo. Truth.

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They’re spreading it in their practices. Big time. At least, here in Victoria BC.

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They would be if offered the role...

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she knows. would you keep urging people to hurt their children. wouldn't you quit?

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You’re right of course. Im just furious at the doctors that are treating these vaccine injured and not saying a word about it.

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I'm with you but they don't want to lose their licenses. Didn't one country make it actually a crime for a dr to naysay the official narrative?

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well for starters she is CDC director.

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'Her' is also a cowardly doctor.

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She’s not a doctor that treats people. But she is still inhumane and awful dont get me wrong…..but the doctors seeing this happening day in and day out and not going to the press or MSM is murderous in my eyes.

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Myocarditis is always fatal in the end...It's Non-Repairable Heart Damage. She's a dip shit idiot.

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Please write a thorough report on this so we can forward to our loved ones on the fence

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Proof positive that this woman is either a blithering idiot or a bought and paid for shill of big pharma. I vote for the latter.

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No reason it can't be both.

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Why can’t she be both?

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The boldness of the lies is unbelievable, but they have the media and big tech on their side. Still, they cannot squash the truth forever, and the truth ALWAYS comes out.

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Having seen truth suppressed for decades (on things like vaccines and assassinations and environmental toxins) and even centuries (on other major issues), I'd love to share your optimism, but I don't. Hopefully now that media is in the hands of the people on something closer to a level playing field with the big corporate media, things can be different than they have in the past.

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This is what you get when you vote for a Democrat. Any Democrat. For any office. Anywhere in the USA. People have to stop voting for these liars.

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I despise the 'democrat' party. I hope it's extinguished this coming November. However, "republicans" aren't a hell of a lot better. It's just a matter of degree.

We HAVE to 'primary' these 'republicans'.

Or it will be the same, over and over.

A uniparty, pretending to be rivals.

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YES. we are going through hell in NY. Dems have ruined this city.

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not that easy!

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It is difficult to move but if you’re not safe what choice do you have?

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Was Trump’s CDC director Redfield any better?

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He wasn't Trump's. Just like Fauci wasn't Trumps. You have to remember that these swamp creatures outlast administrations, doing their evil bureaucratic shit.

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Redfield did have his moments. When he said wearing a mask was better at protecting against COVID than any vaccine, he was more correct than even I realized at the time! I also appreciated it when he gave credence to the lab leak theory. Of course, he had to wait until he left the CDC to do that. The way Collins and Fauci kept him out of the loop was criminal...

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He belongs in jail. He supervised the vaccine trials and said nothing when they eliminated the control group. Jail. prison

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The unvax’d are now the control group !!!

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The fix was in on the "vaccines", so I don't think it mattered who was in that spot. Like so many tainted bureaucrats in government, it was be quiet or be destroyed, and that assumes he knew the trials were corrupt. As for the control group, in January, 2021, he was at the end of his tenure, or even gone, when the placebo group was compromised:


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good points.

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I hate him anyway because he admitted pushing all vaccines so people would get used to it.

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Compared to the rest of them, I always had the feeling that Redfield was very conflicted, as if he had a conscience. I'll stick with my gut feeling about him, but certainly don't begrudge how you feel!

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actually, that is BS. The masks do nothing. The "vaccine" do something after two weeks for two months.

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Of course it's BS, but he said that in September, 2020, when we were all waiting for the miracle "vaccines"! At the time, we knew masks didn't work and thought the "vaccines" would work. Now we know the "vaccines" might help, but they also might kill you or have long term deleterious effects on your health.

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But I think it's great you see some goodness in him. He looked corrupt to be early on.

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Thank you ~ I have to laugh, our replies to different comments crossed in the ether!

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so can wearing masks

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redfield was the other day on tv predicting a bird flu next with 10-15% mortality ... makes you wonder about his crystal ball.


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I always liked Dr. Redfield. What's your point?

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You need to read about him. He is corrupt. Maybe not as much as Dr. Fauci (is anybody?) but he has a history, and is a corruptocrat.

Just sayin.

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ugh! Howww! Whyyy?

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Just curious. How was he better than Biden’s pick? The first vaccines were authorized by the FDA while he was still director. Did his CDC not recommend them?

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he supervised the bogus trials and lied about them. Please don't give him a pass

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I didn’t know that.

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He wasn’t as terrible as Walensky. He’s a actual virologist, not an academic with one paper published like Walensky (that’s all I could find in PubMed, haven’t searched him), and he believed in the lab leak. Even a lot of Dems can’t stand the weak, vacillating Rochelle.

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I find it striking she only thought it would eliminate 8,000 cases per 1 million vaccinated. The vaccine was even a joke from the beginning by their own estimates. And it ended up being much worse in reality. These decision makers need to be held accountable.

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There is no such thing as mild myocarditis.

Holy F these people are exterminators and must be eradicated, now.

It’s us or them time!

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The lies are so brazen you'd have to call them evil

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Alex, if you could parse those numbers for us, and point out the specific fallacies, that would be great! We need our debunking army ready.

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The 5 year survival rate for myocarditis is 50%. Hardly "mild".

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Exactly. There is no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis. It either is or it isn't myocarditis. If it is the heart is done, permanently and forever damaged.

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More evidence for the tribunals.

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Hello Thomas Shuman...Remember me?

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You blew my cover, comrade ;)

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you blew it yourself with your excessive drinking problem :)

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I had no idea myocarditis is completely cured.

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‘The Science’ has changed 🤪 🙄 🤯

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Hmm if I don't get the covid shot there's probably a zero percent chance of me developing myocarditis. She can fuck off

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The adjective mild is applied to myocarditis when it happens to someone else.

Myocarditis is scary at any age.

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Yeah, you get myocarditis but the heart muscle repairs itself over time. Oh wait a sec. The heart muscle is the one muscle that cannot heal? Whoops.

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These are horrible, vile, criminal people! I was just reading an article from Steven Kirsch where he was looking for CDC whistleblowers and they are being threatened and intimidated to levels that would make Hitler blush.

As an aside, I'm also listening to this interview on Rumble called The Water Full movie. I must admit I have not listened to all of it, just don't have that much time at once to set aside, but Dr. Ardis indicated that the FDA has approved remdesivir under its brand name, Veklury, as the only drug to use for covid, and that includes use in infants 7lbs and up. I did look that up and it looks like on January 21st, 2022, the FDA did approve that.

Alex, do you have any insight as to this? What I've read is that remdesivir is one of the worst drugs.

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Nurses call it “when death is near”

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My father contracted covid in December of 2020. He was told to stay at home and isolate. On December 22nd he was rushed to the hospital with an 02 level of 66%. He was then transported to another hospital within that hospital group and put on remdesivir and a ventilator. He died on January 11th. These people should all be held criminally negligent and civilly accountable for their crimes against humanity and their violation of the Hippocratic oath.

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I'm sorry for your loss and you are totally right

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Thank you

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They call it ‘run death is near’

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Need to compare remdesivir and how it was approved with "studies" which did not approve cheap effective drugs like IVM and HCQ.

Read RFK Jr's book "the REAL Anthony Fauci". Remdesivir is a deadly ineffective EXPENSIVE drug.

Pharm giants "game" the system and Fauci is nothing but a pharm shill. With his history he should be in jail.

Read RFK Jr's book

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Totally agree! And it's disgusting to think the motives behind using remdesivir and all these people who needlessly died because of that.

I do have RFK Jr's book and it is excellent! I must admit I only read it in short bursts because it gets me so upset and bothered about how fraudulent, deceptive, and really criminal Fauci is. It's disgusting that somebody like that has kept a job, at the taxpayers expense no less, and hasn't been thrown behind bars.

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My understanding is that it causes your kidneys to fail and then ultimately the rest of your organs.

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Thank you. That's horrible and makes no sense whatsoever to give it to ill people who are struggling. So covid causes lung damage and remdesivir attacks the other organs....lovely.

I don't believe hydrochloroquine or ivermectin have such adverse reactions... or the expensive pricetag.

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What's the latest on the vaccines' impact on people's immune systems? A bunch of triple vaxxed people I know are now getting covid for the first or even second time. Any updates there?

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I have a friend who is triple jabbed and just got Covid - and got super sick - but she still said that it would have been worse without the jabs. The brainwashing is very real. Meanwhile, I am unjabbed and haven't gotten Covid at all despite being directly exposed several times.

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yeah well, some people ...

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We allow below average people into positions that require above average people.

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That's pretty much all of government.

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cleverly said

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Will we ever trust our public health leadership again? Maybe after all of us are dead and gone.

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What a skank

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fire this idiot immediately

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I'm a cardiac ICU nurse and I'd like to know her definition of "mild" myocarditis. You can survive (depending on the cause) with little to no damage if caught and treated early. That's the catch, though, isn't it. What a witch she is. She's completely willing to sacrifice 30-40 young hearts to save maybe 1 death (I'm sure the numbers they are using for their models are impeccable, right? Right?).

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Whether those numbers are a lie or not, look at it this way. Walensky says that, if not injected with an experimental drug with uncertain long term effects, the chances that a child will die is one in a million. One in a million. But she was willing to destroy millions of lives, and cause thousands of deaths due to drug overdose or suicide by useless restrictions, and who knows how many long term vaccine deaths.

All in an attempt to "save" kids from a one-in-a-million chance of dying from coronavirus.

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Kids need the vaccine to be allowed to get their life-saving gender affirmation surgery. Staying the same sex kills.

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Wow, isn't it just wonderful that Ms. Walensky can make such a difficult decision for everyone; especially for all those poor souls who were forced to hurt (dare I say kill) themselves... I feel so much better now... When she stands before God, I just wonder how she will justify herself?

Here's and idea Rochelle... resign, and offer it to God as part of your confession acknowledging you desperately need His help... He is very forgiving and maybe it won't be so difficult to stand in front of Him... just a thought.

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I have a high regard for the truth, and this kind of thing makes me angry and disgusted.

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got to keep it going...elections coming up.

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For over 30 years I have had to deal with the federal government (US EPA) overstating risks in environmental cleanup work I do. Now, with vaccines the government is all "Nahh, risks-smiksh, who cares?"

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The only healthy kids that went to the hospital “with covid” have parents that were all in on the covid hysteria.They were the double masked, quarantined forever types that were completely scared shitless of this cold. “Oh my god, Johnny has a slight fever and tested positive for covid, I need to get him to the hospital…” fucking sickos, all these people.

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It was all a lie for power and control which is why Fauci’s hiding under a rock somewhere now.

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Fauci was around last week and was correct TWICE -- a new record!


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OK, everyone, get ready to scream.

My cousin's grandson, age 2, recently tested positive for covid. (Translation: he has a runny nose and a little cough.)

i said, That's good news! Now he'll have immunity.

Well, just to be on the "safe side," my cousin said he'll get the "vaccine" as soon as he's 5 years old...as recommended by the boy's father...who is...(wait for it)...A DOCTOR.

There's nothing I can do about this except to hope that in the next three years, the "vaccine" will be banned.

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Sad story in at least three ways. 1) the kid's gonna get the toxic jab completely unnecessarily and it'll weaken his natural immunity and otherwise screw him up, 2) his dear Father is going to be the one responsible for damaging his son's health, 3) in expressing his determination to jab his son as soon as he turns 5, the MD dad proves himself a bad doctor, an imbecile who should find another profession where his stupidity won't damage people's health.

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Y'know, I'm going to need a new doctor for myself in a year or so...I've already decided that when I meet that new doctor I'll ask where he/she went to medical school. Then I'll ask, "How many sexes are there?"

If I get the wrong answer, I'll walk out.

As for that poor little kid, I wonder if Dr. Dad will be able to forgive himself.

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That makes my blood pressure go up. I can only imagine what it does to you.

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MSM -- nothing but lies. CDC -- nothing but lies. IPCC -- nothing but lies. Misinformation is the new information. What a shit show.

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So, who is going to start holding these folks accountable for the pain and suffering they've forced upon the world ... and when?

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Damn straight!

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