The fix was in on the "vaccines", so I don't think it mattered who was in that spot. Like so many tainted bureaucrats in government, it was be quiet or be destroyed, and that assumes he knew the trials were corrupt. As for the control group, in January, 2021, he was at the end of his tenure, or even gone, when the placebo group was compromised:
Compared to the rest of them, I always had the feeling that Redfield was very conflicted, as if he had a conscience. I'll stick with my gut feeling about him, but certainly don't begrudge how you feel!
I appreciate that. Now I will see him more kindly, knowing he must have trouble sleeping at night. Collins, Birx and FauXi seem to have no feeling for humans.
He belongs in jail. He supervised the vaccine trials and said nothing when they eliminated the control group. Jail. prison
The unvax’d are now the control group !!!
The fix was in on the "vaccines", so I don't think it mattered who was in that spot. Like so many tainted bureaucrats in government, it was be quiet or be destroyed, and that assumes he knew the trials were corrupt. As for the control group, in January, 2021, he was at the end of his tenure, or even gone, when the placebo group was compromised:
good points.
I hate him anyway because he admitted pushing all vaccines so people would get used to it.
Compared to the rest of them, I always had the feeling that Redfield was very conflicted, as if he had a conscience. I'll stick with my gut feeling about him, but certainly don't begrudge how you feel!
I appreciate that. Now I will see him more kindly, knowing he must have trouble sleeping at night. Collins, Birx and FauXi seem to have no feeling for humans.
Or beagles...
Omigosh! Yes!