These are all the same people who squawked “I’ll never take that untested racist trump vaccine” about 12 mo ago.

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Covid Vaccines "are safe and effective" is the biggest Conspiracy Theory ever told !!!

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Tragic Story coming out of Michigan.......Vaccine Failure.


Could proper front line Covid treatment have saved their lives; it looks like the standard protocol Failed, including the 100% ineffective vaccines.

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It seems as though they were really good people who, along with the daughter, bought into the idea that the vaccine solves everything. At the risk of seeming insensitive, maybe they should have focused on their health and losing a lot of weight instead of depending on the vaccine. The daugher's anger is missplaced.

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Obesity is the elephant in the Covid room.


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I think immobility is still a bigger factor. Fat or skinny immobility makes it easier for viruses to overwhelm you

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Low vitamin D levels in those fat or thin easily fixed would save many trips to hospitals and lives.

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The Lymphatic System can only circulate through movements of the body,that is why staying active is so Important for Immunity !!!

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She wants to blame someone who it is politically okay to blame

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Your risk of being insensitive is only met by the risk of nonvaccinated in highest age ranges (actually you probably beat them)

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Key words: preexisting conditions.

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When it became obvious about 18 months ago that Covid robs you of lung capacity, I started exercising. Went from getting winded up a flight of stairs to 2 marathons. Pre-existings need to be worked on. And the best part is that I not only survived the virus without much trouble, but chances of avoiding a whole lot of other killers got better too.

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Wish others could be as smart and self-starting as you. (I am not being snarky, just stating the facts... and great job on improving your health! )

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Great summary of the whole mess. Clear & concise. In my circle of friends, nobody has died with or of Covid. The two recent deaths were men in their 60s (one with heart problems) who took the shot, went home, took a nap, and never woke up. Nap nap to dirt nap. A friend in her forties was forced to get it for work and experienced heavy uterine bleeding and breast and underarm lumps. Her doctor told her that was "normal."

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Sure. That all sounds completely normal.

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That was my immediate thought. If they had known that early treatment was available, they could have taken a course of early treatment that probably would have cost them $20 and saved their lives. It's so sad what's being done.

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Also, this business of putting them right onto the ventilators is bad.

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The doctors and hospitals are following (bad) suggested government treatment protocol and avoid liability by doing it that way instead of following a course that may have a much higher success rate.

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Ventilation Kills !!!

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Unfortunately, they were both overweight...and yes...early treatment probably still would have worked...but anyone who thinks the vaccine “works” is sadly mistaken...

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Data doesn't work that way. The vaccines provide an order of magnitude protection against severe outcome. Pick a state or a country and I'll show you with the raw data. If we were at 95% over 50 vaccinated instead of 93% over 65+ with one shot, we'd see about half the covid deaths being vaccinated people...there just would be less. Is this a data substack? Pick a state or country, we can normalize the data and break into age ranges together and look at vaccine efficiency

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All the while "early treatments" prevent most hospitalizations as is being done around the world. If fighting covid was an Olympic event the USA would not even be a contender and India would have all the medals.

In particular the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a little smaller than Michigan but with a population of over 200 million (more than half the population of the USA) is the world champion of fighting covid and it is done without vaccines... it is done with early treatment, something the CDC and WHO try very hard to forbid (as instructed by their big-pharma masters).

Think about how dense the population there is and yet they have a far lower rate of covid deaths than in the rich modern USA. According to https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths (as of 9-17-21), the USA is experiencing about 6 deaths/million... India is below 1/million.

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India has 833 million covid vaccinations and are going up by 50 million per week. ....certainly the per week gets them the gold I watch 12 countries more closely than India.....I can take more of a look at India data this weekend...you were 3rd person to mention it. The little I've seen but not researched was their deaths were massively underreported in some regions...that is Google level knowledge not research...can start some research on it and post back Sunday.

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Look at Uttar Pradesh in India

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When you say "provide an order of magnitude protection against severe outcome", can you clarify how long this level of protection lasts? I have a lot of questions about the data but I'd most like to understand what you believe the order of magnitude protection is when comparing a group of people say 5+ months post-vaccination to unvaccinated. If the vaccinated group is anywhere from 1 day to 8 months post-vaccination then I don't see how the data is very useful since most people seem to acknowledge that the vaccines provide some level of protection for some period of time.

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Rob C, I believe after reading a couple of posts that made it sound like people were saying covid didn't exist and vaccine wasn't at all effective that I may have had the wrong read on the what the substack had become. I didn't realize it was an understood that vaccine had order of magnitude benefit so was stressing it. When I normalize to vaxxed and unvaxxed population I'm going into them at this point for the last month of data usually (to make sure I catch it with full Delta) and breaking it out in age ranges. Pfizer has the best real world data on it out of Israel and the best booster data. Moderna it is harder to get a read on that Pfizer but appears to last longer. It's a good question that deserves more than my mind can do at 1:47am thinking about working at 7am. I'll see what I can see on Pfizer on the Israel data. Note, I also haven't figured out a way to adjust for people having had covid..if you see a place that tracks data that way, please let me know. Have a good night

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If your goal is to truly understand the benefits of the vaccines (vs simply looking to shape the data to promote the vaccines) then there are lots of issues with the data in my opinion. Considering natural immunity in the vaccinated group is one and as mentioned previously considering days or months post-vaccination is another. If any comparison includes people recently vaccinated then that is going to paint the vaccinated group in the best light when the reality over time may be very different. There are also questions about the definition of "vaccinated" as it relates to the data and how many partially vaccinated people are included in the unvaccinated groups (should be zero in my opinion). I also have questions about including people that die with covid and not from covid. In a perfect (and not so political) world we'd have the data to make adjustments to get a more accurate comparison and then we'd be able to compare those results to all cause deaths for the same groups.

Also, note that the people that decide how the data is collected (and not collected) and the people that collect the data overwhelmingly have a vested interest in the success of the vaccines. They promote the vaccines, they take the vaccines and many of them profit from the vaccines. They risk being embarrassed, losing credibility and losing money if the vaccines aren't everything they predict they will be. This is why we see them every day giving statistics that may be true for a moment in time and pretending that they know the future. 95% effective as if they just knew they would be 95% effective forever. Safe and effective as if they know how safe and how effective the vaccines will be in 1 year or 5 years. The vaccines allow you to return to normal life without masks, with little to no chance of spreading the virus. Reduces serious illness, hospitalization and death as if they know how long and as if they know what happens when that protection goes away. In an environment where the truth was the highest priority no one would accept this kind of recklessness but it's clear that the truth isn't the highest priority. That isn't to say that I don't believe that the vaccines are a valuable tool in the fight against covid. The problem is that once you realize how much the data is being manipulated and once you realize how the push to vaccinate everyone actually gets more aggressive as the vaccines are consistently proven to be of less value than previously thought, the only reasonable position is to question the data and the agenda. So far, the people questioning the vaccine propaganda have been right far more often than those pushing the propaganda. That may change over time but therein lies the real problem... we need more time to have any real confidence in any of this but despite clear evidence that the vaccines aren't preventing the spread of the virus (the one thing they needed to do to justify the aggressive actions), they don't want to give people time which adds to the doubt about the real motivation here.

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Me, I like "the vaccine is The Mark of the Beast" (Rev 13:16-18) the best.

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Shouldn't you be with your buddies inciting a riot somewhere and then blaming it on Patriots?

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Why not look at the videos of 'patriots" from the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and their ilk assaulting the Capitol Police. Look at the bios of those arrested and charged (and pled guilty and were sentenced) and you will see these "patriots" were wild animals unleashed by Your Dear Leader. Return to reality, Bliss Boy

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It was an FBI sting on people who were rightly concerned about election fraud.

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Most those arrested had no priors and were charged with parading and nonviolent offenses. Feds did not seem to catch their friends who broke windows and assaulted police.

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Why not do the whole playground thing, Pro? "Liar, liar, pants on fire, Nah Nah Nah." You can do better. I hope.

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Once the "Vaccine Tracking Chip" is fully implemented, I would have to agree.

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I am awash in nanoparticles.

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Use a magnet to test your theory.

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Like the lady who claimed the vaccination made her magnetic and showed a key clinging to her?

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Guess you're vaccinated.

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666 all the way, baby. Lock your doors at night....

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If anyone has pre-pubescent boys, yes indeed lock your doors to prevent Valerie Fellow Dog from violating them

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Not everyone posting here qualifies as a mature and thoughtful person. Some insist on childish comments that do them no honor -- and add nothing to the discussion.

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Oh No for all those fully vaccinated.......

Fauci changes the definition of 'fully vaccinated' to include booster shots

"It is likely, for a real complete regimen, that you would need at least a third dose," Fauci said.

Here comes the Booster Campaign!!

I guess Vaccine mandates will follow accordingly with Booster dead lines or be fired !!


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What I want to know is by what authority does Fauci decide how many shots is fully vaxxed?

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The bigger conspiracy is that an invisible virus that has NEVER been isolated and purified magically infects people, causing a disease. The lie is decades long, and a lot of the silenced drs and scientists have been trying to expose the facts.

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Plandemic is one of the largest ever told. 6.2 billion shots in and Trumps warp speed is getting derailed by what Trump calls deranged anti covid vaccine pseudoscience

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Absolutely true

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Trump correctly said the vaccines were saving the country and frankly the world recently.

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Wrong !!

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Are you claiming Donald Trump did not say that or are you claiming Trump was wrong when he said it?

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Who exactly said that? In your head, bro.

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Kamala Harris in the VP debate for one!

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I found these in less than 30 seconds using a search engine, which I recommend you try sometime. /s



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The common theme in those comments was that faith in the vaccine depends on approval by the scientific experts in the FDA, not a political statement alone. The comments reflect a lack of faith in Bleach Man, not in the vaccine when finally approved by the scientific process we have come to trust.

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The "vaccine" currently in use is still under an EUA and has not been "approved," only Comirnaty, which is not currently available, has been approved. This was a legal head fake by the FDA to suck in people like you who continue to display their ignorance and belief in the good will of global predators.

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and Comirnaty is the only one where you can sue for damages if hurt by vax, that is why they do not want it on the market. Do they really think we are all so daft that we do not see what is going on????

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I think Big Pharma is protected, no matter. Congress gave them that little gift in the 80’s.

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You cannot sue for comirnaty either

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Mouser, you are correct. Trials for the current vaccine will not be done until 2023 at the earliest. And yes, the “approved” vaccine has not been available yet.

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Brilliantly put

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You misread what I was saying.

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Gee, they put the Pfizer in my arm last week.

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Hi VYD. Respectfully even if we do not see eye to eye, I am truly glad you did not suffer any deleterious side effects. You have a differing opinion than most on here, including me, but it takes a lot of guts to take the heat. I want us all to remember that we are of the same human family and most of us are good hard working people putting one foot in front of the other every day. At the end of the day, debate is a good thing and we should always remain open minded and follow our gut instincts. We are at war with one another and it hurts my heart. I wish the best for you and your family as I do for all my compatriots on here. We can't let America be destroyed from the inside out. She has always been a shining beacon in the world and I for one don't want us all to lose that.

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Gee, I guess I was mistaken when I got the Comirnaty booster the other day. It is indeed available.

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The branded product? I had not heard that it was in volume manufacture. The bottle actually had that name or was that what you were told?

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The scientific process... You mean the one that's still not discovered how effective ivermectin is for covid? The IFL Science types have turned science into an idol. You have zero idea what science is.

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One of the problems is Nirvana fallacy...it's a belief that when something isn't perfect, it isn't good. A second is that proving something statistically with a P<0.05 is difficult. I was disappointed in the Aug 25th Brazil trial on Ivermectin. I'm definitely interested in the Principle trial from UK in December. I was more hopeful on the data but of course we should continue to all hope for the best vaccine and the best treatments we can reach together

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Times for continued open minds in science. There are probably multiple successful strategies that can be employed. There may not be a one size fits all. If Ivermec works, great, if inhaled H2O2 works. great, if shaking hands with a Yeti works, great. Whatever it takes to help ourselves and our international community survive and ensure the next generations thrive and can live under the banner of freedom.

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"The common theme in those comments was that faith in the vaccine depends on approval by the scientific experts in the FDA, not a political statement alone. The comments reflect a lack of faith in Bleach Man, not in the vaccine when finally approved by the scientific process we have come to trust."

But the people at the FDA were the same over both administrations. So you should have "trusted" them regardless of who's president.

Also, even though I am no fan of his by a long shot, it wasn't under Trump that those "scientific experts" quit in protest over the politicization of the vaccine rollout. . .

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I always trust the actual scientists at the FDA and CDC. But not necessarily the political appointees (of whatever stripe). And it is well documented that under Trump his political operatives in the White House and elsewhere tried to slant, spin, and corrupt the CDC reporting. Look it up.

That said, I did not approve of Biden getting out ahead of the experts on booster shots -- and we don't know who counseled him so to do.

There are no unalloyed heroes.

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46% of the FDA's budget comes from Big Pharma. From...https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/fda-basics/fact-sheet-fda-glance

"About 55 percent, or $3.2 billion, of FDA’s budget is provided by federal budget authorization. The remaining 45 percent, or $2.7 billion, is paid for by industry user fees."

How can their be any semblance of trust when the FDA's funding comes from the very entities it is designed to regulate. Helps explain why 1/3 approved drugs is eventually pulled from the market over safety or efficacy concerns.

Whether individual scientists are complicit or innocent is not the issue. The appearance of corruption and the observed failures of the FDA in terms of drug recall proves the point. The FDA is basically the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for Big Pharma. Both are bought and paid for by the companies that receive those seals. The American public would be better off if the FDA was disbanded, or if the FDA was fully funded by the American taxpayer.

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the fda voted 16-2 against giving the 'booster' jab. then a political appointee at the cdc approved it. so the actual scientists are against the 'booster'. how is it you say you are trusting the scientists and not political appointees?

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"And it is well documented that under Trump his political operatives in the White House and elsewhere tried to slant, spin, and corrupt the CDC reporting."

If you think boosters is the only place the Biden group has done exactly this, then I suggest you look again. Denial of natural immunity, withholding alternative/early treatments, "spinning" data to conform with their predetermined policy goals, etc. The list goes on.

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The common theme is a blinding hate for anything Trump no matter what the actual merits of the things are.

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Trump said the vaccine is saving the country and frankly the world recently and warned people against deranged anti covid vaccine pseudoscience

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Mike are you a scientist or a doctor?

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Then why didnt they ask the fda and cdc to make a non partisan statement of support for the vaccine? It seems like they did the political math and decided to use the vaccine as a political attack... using intentionally broad attacks to hurt Trump and betting they could 180 it after the election with acceptable loss of life.

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You're trying your best.

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Thank you.

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You should ask for a raise.

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Kamala Harris, for one.

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"Asked at Wednesday's vice-presidential debate whether she would take a vaccine approved by the Trump administration before or after the election, Harris said she'd be the "first in line" to take the vaccine if health experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci recommended it.

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it," Harris said."

That's hardly what you are claiming she said. Oh, and how many of you ran out and drank bleach and shoved a UV light down your gullet because Trump thought it might be a good idea. And Hydroxychloroquine is still unproven in any reputable study. Now, about your horse dewormer....that is actually being studied right now, but I would suggest you wait a while.

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He never said anything about drinking bleach or swallowing a UV light. That's a lie, and you're a liar.

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The Mamet Principle: In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things. - David Mamet

For an example of said principle: see Valley Yellow Dog

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"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous -- whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light -- and I think you said that that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that too. It sounds interesting...

"...Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds -- it sounds interesting to me.

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You need to get away from your left wing sources. This internal UV light was under development prior to Trump's comments that the left moronically turned into "drink bleach".


There's also an inhaled 'disinfectant' under development.

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Explain, exactly, where he told people to drink bleach or swallow a UV light.

As I said - you're a liar.

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Regarding the bleach nonsense...Trump was reacting to a report from the DOD that found that UV light killed/denatured COVID rapidly, something like 15 seconds. This was the context in which Trump said something to the effect that it would be great if we could somehow get UV light...NOT BLEACH...into the body to accomplish what UV light was demonstrated to do externally.

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Ivermectin has been used here in the US for years, off label for scabies and pinworms, works for Covid too. Just wait… Pfizermectin is just around the corner, they tweak the molecule and rename it. I know ~ 35 years in pharmacy.

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Ivermectin at the doses it was used has been used over 3.7 billion times worldwide with a good safety profile. Always ask your doctor before taking medication and obviously the dose is important. I don't know if it works. Was more hopeful before some recent studies but the December study from UK Principle has 34k people and hopefully will show statistical significant. While it's not close to the 6.2 billion doses of covid vaccine, 3.7 billion is still a ton

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Mike are you a physician or scientist?

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I think you're right. I've heard it elsewhere. Figures. Bottom of the whole noisy, clamorous, turbulent, chaotic mess: simply money.

I don't understand why in this thread no one has mentioned the Flccc.net - Dry Kory's 'front line criticical care' and his insistence that saves from death routinely hundreds of patients with Ivermectin and that there's over 60 studies vouching for it and Uttar Predesh Stat in India solved their covid problem with it?

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Uttar Pradesh has had over 100 million vaccine shots (mostly first shots). I'm interested in Ivermectin and looking forward to results on all 6 drugs in the Principle UK trial in December (and was disappointed that the Aug 25th study from Brazil didn't prove it out). I'm not as familiar with India than other countries but keep on seeing it being mentioned and will look at more this weekend. Believe there are 27 studies showing no impact. A number showing positive impact. The best p I saw was 0.19...which is interesting. For comparison though the vaccine has an incredible p<0.000000001. Under 0.05 to be statistically proven but with 34k in the Principle study we should see one way or another in December

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Works for rosacea, too, but not proven to work for Covid. Being studied, so give credit to that.

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It worked in India. Story heavily suppressed

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Anecdotally, it works. But I’ll stop there, I don’t have time for a pissing match.

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""If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it," Harris said.""

Have you ever stopped to think how moronically political this would have been? If Trump said take it and Fauci says no, who benefits? If Fauci said yes, and Trump said no? If they both said yes?

It's nonsensical because they were nakedly political statements, just as their flip flop was nakedly political in nature.

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horse dewormer? now you're letting your bias show.

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Ivermec works, had a friend who had early tx with it and some other things and stayed out of hospital. She has recovered quickly!

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Its been used successfully by humans many times for a different condition. It is 3.7 billion plus doses with a good safety profile vs 6.2 billion covid doses with a good safety profile. Vaccine proven to p<0.00000001. Have seen p=0.19 on Ivermectin and hoping like heck the Principle trial out of UK in December finds it or something else positie.

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Valley Yellow Dog

This is what former President Trump was referring to:


Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Brief Summary: This pilot study will assess the safety and effectiveness of UV light treatment in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

UVA Light Device to Treat COVID-19 - Full Text

Viewhttps://clinicaltrials.gov › show › NCT04572399

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Thanks. I stand informed. Too bad it sounded strange when he said it. Politicians ought not to play scientist or doctor (and that applies across the political spectrum I freely admit).

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Sigh --read all the replies to you above-- then tell us you stand informed.

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a lot of things sounded strange when Trump said them. because he's intelligent and witty and he'd jump from one thought to another and one slant to another - catching the slow, uninformed flat footed wondering what the hell he was talking about.

which their often moronic mates were only too happy to tell their version of.

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Oh, stop it. You knew, or could have looked this up, yet you troll and troll

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Find another place to troll

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Providing actual facts rather than fantasy is hardly "trolling". Truly, in this land of trolls, the one-eyed gal is queen.

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Your Trump obsession is showing. Does your arm get tired holding up his photo while the other hand is busy?

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What "facts" have you provided?

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Fraudci, expert at vaccine failures

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Stop trolling you KNOW all the lefties were saying that. More Gas lighting from idiots.

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Now, actually, I don't know "all the lefties" were saying any one thing. Ever. That is more a characteristic of the radical right. Right?

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I have receipts and screenshots, but you have terminal TDS so I won’t bother trying to help

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Saying " you have terminal TDS" solves all your problems. Now, if there were a vaccine for TDS, would you mandate it?

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TDS is so vile, so all encompassing and deadly to the mind and soul, and infectious that if the infected weren’t so wasted they wouldn’t need it mandated, it would sell itself

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How ungracious. And here I have been helping you.

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Oh geez really? Not everyone is black and white like you. Some of us are medical professionals who actually know what we are talking about. Others of us are not as rigidly us and them-- if that's what you want so you can feel virtuous-- try another blog. Troll.

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Oh, uh sorry, I guess…thank you? 🧐

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Evidence is there-- just read the many replies to your incomplete at best disinformation. Find a new place to troll and pick a fight.

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Where's yours?

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Madcow quote: It`s a piece of information that we have needed. Today we got it. We all know already if you get vaccinated, that vaccine will basically prevent you from getting sick with COVID, it will prevent you from going to the hospital with COVID symptoms, prevent you from dying with COVID. Great, good for you.

Here's the link so you can read the transcript for yourself:


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Both the left and the right played into a Nirvana fallacy potentially accidentally and both by not normalizing the data. Early on when few were vaxxed, the 99.9 % postings came out. Now people like Bereson go into countries where 95% of their 50+ population is vaxxed...expect he'll do it here next year too...93% of 65+ with first shot not high enough for him to play games. You're on Bererensons site...want to take a look at what he posted about Israel about 6 weeks back...you want to ask for someone to correct, ask Berenson

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Hard to follow what you are suggesting here, but I'm interested. Can you elaborate? I like Alex, but I've noticed he tends to drop topics, just like the news media (India, Florida), when they start to go the way he doesn't like.

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When you heard 99.9% of the people hospitalized in 2021 were unvaccinated around April, I don't think people were trying to mislead.....it was obvious that the vaccinated were having huge protection. The numbers however did not normalize for the vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations....it was never 1000 to 1 or 100 to 1 benefit. Unintentionally, it fed into a Nirvana fallacy (when we say something that isn't perfect isn't good) because that replace the 70% that we were originally shooting to at least get on vaccine. They should have divided out the population between vaccinated and unvaccinated (and broke into age ranges since severe outcome highly tied to age). Alex does the opposite of that where he'll go into populations where 95% of population 50+ is vaccinated and won't normalize and break into age ranges to make it look like vaccine isn't effective.....or at least that's what I perceive. It looks like a cherrypicked narrative.. I'm referencing if you give me a random country or state, I can go into current data, normalize it to percent of population that is vaccinated/unvaccinated and break it it age ranges and it'll show the vaccine reduce severe outcome by order of magnitude. I'm really annoyed at Berenson for a nursing home article he put out January that convinced a few 80 year olds that I know not to take the vaccine because it was going to kill them like that nursing home in Europe.....never saw him come back....6.25 billion shots in to say that he overstated....they haven't had the shot until this day and the next 6 months with Delta look especially rough for older people that haven't have coronavirus. You'll see the age range of effected drop by 20 years but that is likely because of the higher vax rates of older populations. It's not a problem to make a mistake in data analysis..in 30 years I have...many times. It is a problem to continue a narrative without recognizing that path information was wrong and then doing your best to correct the past information and take the lessons learned to improve your future projections or assessments

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I don't just "listen to Berenson". I have looked at the data from Israel and the UK and it is not a slam dunk for either position. The data can get complicated because you have different variant waves hitting populations at different times and then boosters being added in the case of Israel. In Florida, where I live we are coming out of delta. Our data will be skewed because we have had monoclonal antibody sites that have been set up all over the state. They have been heavily used and in many cases, Broward County for example, 60% of the patients were fully vaxxed, 73% over 65 that used that site were fully vaxxed. Those treatments kept people out of the hospital and kept them from dying, but if this is not taken into consideration it can skew the numbers. A statistician can say, well the vax worked. Data can be manipulated to support a number of desired outcomes depending on ones bias. Scientists should be examining all of the variables. I am interested to see how the winter months will play out in the North since it appears there is definite seasonality at play. My issue with the booster plan is that the scientists @ the FDA did not recommend broad use of the boosters because the data was not yet there on effectiveness & safety and then the CDC decided to make a political move and overrule them. As I stated before. I think they are concerned that the winter will bring a delta surge in the highly vaxed Northern states and that without boosters there will be many serious break through infections and it will be harder for them to blame the vaccine uptake. The data from Israel seems to support this. I'm not against helping people with the boosters, but I feel many more people would be helped if they would highlight treatment regimes from front line doctors that are working and use monoclonal antibodies as well. I feel they are stuck in a vax only strategy and there is far more going on that has nothing to do with saving lives.

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I'm better with data than with politics. I had thought the only disconnect was whether it should be offered to frontline workers under 50. When I look at he data, the first think I do is to normalize within vaxxed and unvaxxed population. The second thing I do is break into many age ranges..there is substantial relationship to severe outcome (rough, double every decade). The third I would do but don't know how to do is to try to account for people who have had covid before and I'm looking if anyone has found a state our country that breaks that out. On your example, I wouldn't combine and county and compare to another county, I would combine the vax and age status. Because it's order of magnitude it shows past the noise...at least the 50+ times I've done it with the raw data. Do that breakdown using first normalizing population and breaking into age ranges make sense to you as a way to try to assess vaccine effectiveness.....there are 10 other factors at least but those there is data that breaks it out and it's prime.

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I'm not sure that I understood your post b/c it has a lot of typos. The point I'm trying to make is that this shouldn't be political, but I feel the CDC and the establishment of "captured" scientists are cherry picking data to try to bolster their view that the vaccines are highly effective and justify draconian mandates. Therefore, I'm not interested in narrowly focused analysis based solely on vaxxed/unvaxxed, level of disease, and age stratification. If life saving treatments such as monoclonal antibodies aren't examined as a contributory effect the data will be skewed. Unfortunately, we have a situation where it is difficult to obtain data on break through cases and the severity of them. Currently, if a break through case results in death when the patient is not in hospital it is not counted. The data is important, but all factors that are occurring around the world need to be evaluated including VEAs both from US (VAERS) & elsewhere (UK Yellowcard example) to get an accurate picture of vaxx efficacy and safety.

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Mike are you a physician" Scientist?

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Masters in aerospace engineering. Have done data analysis last 30 years.

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TDS rots the brain

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Jo Jo Magoo, Cackles Harris, I think Fauxcahontas too.

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So, that was a quote?

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Kamala Harris VP debate 2020: "If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it. Contrast that now to Biden threatening people's livelihoods telling them to "GET VACCINATED", and lying to them that it's "safe, effective, and convenient" and that if they get the vax they "won't get sick from Covid". It seems that it's ok to be wary of a vax if Donald Trump is in power and suggests people take it, but not if Joe Biden is in power and threatens people if they don't.

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President Biden has the backing of the FDA, the CDC, and every reputable virologist and epidemiologist here and abroad. It is safe, effective, and convenient as witnessed by the experience of millions and millions of people here smart enough to get vaccinated. Or witnessed sadly by the 670,000 dead Americans.

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The FDA, CDC, and "every reputable virologist and epidemiologist here and abroad". This is laughable and patently false. They are all captured regulatorily speaking by Big Pharma and Fauci. If you had bothered to watch the FDA advisory committee hearing recently you would have witnessed that there are many independent scientists, virologists and epidemiologists that are concerned about the safety signals that are being ignored as well as the loss of efficacy over time of these vaccines and lack of evidence to suggests boosters will be safe or effective. They declined to approve the booster for everyone. What did the Biden administration through CDC director Walensky do? She ignored the narrow recommendation of the SCIENTISTS to approve the boosters only for the elderly and immune compromised and broadened it to include basically anyone who wants one, all so they can continue pushing more boosters in hopes of staving off a huge level of break through cases this winter in the heavily vaxxed Northern states. If the vax is so effective, then why are boosters needed and why be wary of the unvaxxed. You know the answer, you're just not big enough to admit it.

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Kari, don't waste your breath. He/She has the right to their opinion but in much of his/her talking, thinking is half murdered.

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The data out of Israel is compelling. To have 73% of the current severe cases in the 775k unvaccinated Israelis over 20 is compelling especially sine unvaccinated skew much younger and bad outcomes skew much older. I would have likely done 50+ on the boosters but see the case for what was done. I would have done that to keep the focus on the older since pre vaccine causing ages to drop (since the older are more vaccinated) 83% of deaths from covid were 65+

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So why do you (or maybe you don't) get a flu shot every year? To make Dr. Fauci happy and the drug companies richer?

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Everyone should stop saying that "it is safe and effective" without having the same caveats that every drug ad on TV has to have. It can have side effects in some people, including very serious ones, and long term effects cannot be known with any certainty. The fact that the same agencies that require that warning for every single drug out there, including aspirin and Tylenol, and won't issue it for the new vaccine makes some of us nervous about how much political pressure is being brought to bear. The fact that the most recent recommendations by the FDA with respect to the booster were overridden by a political appointee doesn't help with that.

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Covid Vaccines "are safe and effective" is the biggest Conspiracy Theory ever told !!!

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Everyone should stop responding to trolls here.

I'm on here to connect with like minded people, not to get into fights Twitter style. I feel you all are here for the same thing. Let's preserve this community and not devolve into negativity. PLEASE everyone! These threads are saving my sanity. Thank you.

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One thing I really don't understand is with the reporting structure for an EAU and 392 million doses given, how there can't be randomly more VAERS entries. Go back to 2019 before covid came and made 2020 have 504k more deaths than any year in US history. Total deaths were about 7700 a day and 23% were heart disease.....how do we not have more random overlap even if there were zero negative effects?

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Please come and troll my articles, you can start with this one, but be sure to read it all the way through first as well as the source I cite:


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I enjoyed reading it.

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Read it. Thanks. I do find much alternative medicine has value -- but I'll take my vaccinations when they are indicated.

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LOL!!! you are FULL of MSM bs stats. Good god-- find a health professional (maybe one who was threatened to be vaccinated-- they will have time) to set you straight. God good 🤣

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A vaccine that wouldn't be available if not for the herculean efforts of...President Trump.

It's risible how you enthusiastically and often beclown yourself by your presence here.

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Trump was a unwitting dupe in the warp speed saga!! We are in this vaccine mess because he put the vaccine production on steroids using tax payer money!! Neither party gives a F..K about the American People (except at election time) !!!

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Covid Vaccines "are safe and effective" is the biggest Conspiracy Theory ever told !!!

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I give full credit to President Trump and his administration for Operation Warp Speed. The funding and guarantees provided by OWS were critical to bringing the vaccines so rapidly to our arms. The effort built on the work over decades by the medical research community, but were brought to us by truly Herculean efforts by the pharmaceutical companies under the administration's program.

And with all those efforts led by Your Hero, you won't stick your arm out and get a shot? So, "the herculean (sic) efforts of...President Trump" were all for naught? You are in a logical pretzel, my friend.

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Covid Vaccines "are safe and effective" is the biggest Conspiracy Theory ever told !!!

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Here's a question, It's not my question; I think the answer is worth considering...

"What if leading healthcare “experts” are psychologically motivated to generate widespread suffering?"

And you can include elected officials and the MSM & Local News in the answer.

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I wish you well. The world that exists in your head is not real. In general, most people are good. This logic extended would mean you would never go to a doctor...never vote...never believe information. Healthy skepticism and checking data that you are given makes sense but living with this world view does not

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I wish you well, too!

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They wouldn't be here if they weren't frightened of what he writes and the huge numbers of us who believe him.

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You want big numbers? TOTAL CASES


+106,794 New Cases





+1,850 New Deaths

CDC | Data as of: September 29, 2021 4:36 PM ET. Posted: September 29, 2021 5:40 PM ET

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Also from the CDC


Covid survival rate - 99.7%

Abortion survival rate - 0.0%

In the last decade:

Covid deaths - less than 700,000

Abortions - more than 7,000,000

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Covid survival rate is not 99.7%. The death numbers are right...is your point that 700k deaths isn't a big deal...it's about 240 911's or 15 times the US casualties of Vietnam. How can anyone reference 700k dead in US as not a big deal?

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" How can anyone reference 700k dead in US as not a big deal?"

Because it isn't. About 8 million people die annually in the US.

Excess deaths have indeed been higher, but not double or anything outrageous.

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58,000 young men in the prime of their lives die violently, while hundreds of thousands of elderly are killed by Democrat governors, not the same thing

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How can you characterize 7 million dead babies as ‘not a big deal’?

Do you see how this works?

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You believe a massive lie. Show me the virus in an isolated purified state that causes Covid-19. How long do you need?

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Mike, what do your Communist friends in China say what the survival rate is? We want to make sure all our ships are sailing in the same direction. Thank you, comrade.

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Both Cases and Deaths numbers listed above are 250% higher than same week one year ago which had no vaccines available. How does that fit the vaccine is "effective" narrative?

Shouldn't we be seeing smaller numbers since 2/3rds are fully vaxxed and 3/4 with 1st shot per CDC data?

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To state your case stronger, use that 93% of 65+ have at least one shot. It breaks down though since when you normalize the data and break out into age ranges, you see the vaccine giving an order of magnitude protection. Delta is rough. It's far more transmissible and looks to be twice as bad for outcome. We'd be beating the Jan spike which was twice as high right now without the vaccine. Twistertim, I'd like you to thank the last 5 presidents who contributed to the vaccine for the reduced deaths from what we'd be seeing. Thanks in advance

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Delta is more contagious and far less lethal in the unvaccinated. Countries with low vaccination rates are having a better time dealing with Delta. The current spike would be much lower had we all stayed unvaccinated. Viruses do not mutate to deadlier strains, it goes against natural selection to survive and replicate. Even Ebola has mutated to less deadly versions since the original outbreak. The first outbreak is always the worst !!

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LOL, the last five presidents. Figures Mike would say this. Let's also thank the last couple of Chinese dictators.

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There’s a big difference between dying ‘from’ Covid and dying ‘with’ Covid. Why did you choose not to write the number of those who died ‘from’ Covid!’? Is it because it’s less than the number of people who have died from the Covid vaccines??

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Add me to the list. I have yet to meet one single person who has had it. Vaccinated or not, nobody. Including anyone they know.

I think people are hip to this game they've played it out.

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I have CKD and several other underlying conditions. If I am driving my Boxster down the road and you run into me with your F-150, are you going to tell the judge that it was my CKD that killed me? This is one of the most specious arguments I have seen here. There are responsible posters here. Study and emulate them.

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No. 2020 504k more people died in US that any year in US history. It was in waves of total deaths that coincided with covid waves. You can see it in any state data if you don't trust compiled data. This is a data substack..this is easy to check and has been for sometime. Where are the people that used to be on this site that correctly were pushing back when the "other side" wasn't normalizing data?

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"504k more people died in US that any year in US history. It was in waves of total deaths that coincided with covid waves"

How can you say this with such certainty when it often takes years to correct/normalize flu deaths? It's not so simple.

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now do the Vaers reports

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in 2020, 504k more people died in US than in any year in US history. Total deaths were in waves that matched covid waves. This BS stopped coming out from most in March of 2021..the new misinformation is about going into countries where 95% of their 50+ population are vaccinated and not mention that...but instead give that there is a split between vaxxed and unvaxxed. Just wanted to get you the fresh misinformation approach.

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When a pathogen has been circulating for 2 years now, classing people as vaxxed vs unvaxxed doesn't make sense. It is better to classify immune vs naive.

When claiming the vax has saved the day, how are you normalizing for broad natural immunity that clearly exists at this point? Why has India seen its outbreak drastically decrease with less than 20% of the population vaccinated?

You believe it's the vax because you want to believe it's the vax. It might, but it also might not be.

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When I was a kid, they only lived under bridges. Yes, now they are everywhere -- like Covid-19.

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Sophia, you don't believe covid 19 is widespread? That seems an odd view. Is this a data substack?

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Oh but it's so much fun watching yellow dog foam at the mouth.

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Calm down, Carol. You don't have to read what I say. Actually, please don't. If might lead to cognitive dissonance, for which there is no vaccine.

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NYT invented Propaganda !!

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How about Johns Hopkins, brother? See US and global maps here: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

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ah yes, Johns Hopkins, the arbiters of SPARS 2025-2028. comforting stuff

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The best comment I have seen that elucidates the stupidity of the MSM and government spin around this vax came from a retweet on Bret Weinsteins' feed. I cannot remember the author but to paraphrase the quote "soon they'll be blaming people who've never taken antibiotics for antibiotic resistance" One has to wonder if any of these people have even passed a high school biology class.

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“The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected.” Got it.

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I like Stacey Washington's quote: "For the first time in history, a medication's ineffectiveness is being blamed on those who have not taken it ."

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If we just got EVERYONE to take antibiotics all at once, then we would eliminate bacterial infections forever.

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Germ theory is just that, a theory. We do WAY more harm “disinfecting” with toxic chemicals and injecting humans with poison than any bacteria will ever do to us on its own.

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Yup welcome to my world. Every patient I have to explain this BS about how unvaccinated can give vaccinated people the virus. Its ridiculous and exposes how pathetic science education is.

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Alex, what this class of corrupt, political, and power-thirsty pseudo-elites ought to be telling people is the actual truth: that the half-life of facts in Medicine is in the range of 5-10 years. In other words, every 7 years or so on average, 50% of what medical experts claim are proven to be false. And that includes some very well-esdablished, century-long medical facts that have withstood the test of time. If you single out novel medical topics such as COVID-19, that half-life will be likely to drop down to a few weeks at most. As a published scientist and academician myself, I can tell you that this concept is absolutely pivotal to any attempts at understanding published "science". Humility is key. Those dumb mediatic pseudo-elites literally make a fool of themselves when they start pontificating this way on national TV. But, hey, I guess this is what their job is all about, endless cheerleading for their political overseers. Besides, if they were to admit the real uncertainties surrounding this topic, how could they then justify mandates? They couldn't, hence the need for dumb, tyrannical dogmatism.

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" Humility is key." We don't know what we don't know. This has been a foundational element of risk analysis for centuries. Now it seems that too many people "know" everything because the "experts" told us so.

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you mean " endless cheerleading for their financial backers"

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This is also what good ol’ Governor Inslee said back in the spring. He said “the vaccine stops the vaccine dead. Get vaxxed”. Of course we now know that it does not stop it dead, even in a recent interview with Fauci he said vaccinated can get it AND spread it yet in WA state thousands of state and healthcare workers are getting fired for refusing the vaccine even though IT DOES NOT PREVENT SPREAD

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Yes! This!! It is completely irrational. Therefore we know it is not about public health at all. It is about the passport and control.

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