I exited actually working 20 years ago. At that point academics were largely funded by NIH/NSF, heads-down in their research, living in a pre-9/11 and pre-Iraq NPR-world where "trust us we are from the government and here to help" still seemed OK (Vietnam not withstanding). They do have computing / stat backgrounds to make some really g…
I exited actually working 20 years ago. At that point academics were largely funded by NIH/NSF, heads-down in their research, living in a pre-9/11 and pre-Iraq NPR-world where "trust us we are from the government and here to help" still seemed OK (Vietnam not withstanding). They do have computing / stat backgrounds to make some really good, clear-headed conclusions. Whether they would have the data is one thing. Making a public statement is quite another. It is very hard to stand up and talk against your income stream. It is probably a good bet that few have read von Mises "Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis" which was written in 1922 but could largely be speaking about today. Had they read it, they would not be surprised at the widespread extent of intended destruction coming at normal people from totalitarians and corporations. And so it goes.
I exited actually working 20 years ago. At that point academics were largely funded by NIH/NSF, heads-down in their research, living in a pre-9/11 and pre-Iraq NPR-world where "trust us we are from the government and here to help" still seemed OK (Vietnam not withstanding). They do have computing / stat backgrounds to make some really good, clear-headed conclusions. Whether they would have the data is one thing. Making a public statement is quite another. It is very hard to stand up and talk against your income stream. It is probably a good bet that few have read von Mises "Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis" which was written in 1922 but could largely be speaking about today. Had they read it, they would not be surprised at the widespread extent of intended destruction coming at normal people from totalitarians and corporations. And so it goes.
Interesting. I sort of despair but I suspect we all are.