My hubs and I will be the experiment Both infected over a year ago now but he's vaxxed (reluctantly, would have lost his job) and I'm not. He sees infected people all the time (ENT doctor so he's up close and personal, never worn an N95) and so far, so good.
My hubs and I will be the experiment Both infected over a year ago now but he's vaxxed (reluctantly, would have lost his job) and I'm not. He sees infected people all the time (ENT doctor so he's up close and personal, never worn an N95) and so far, so good.
Same here, both had Virus last Dec, he got vaxxed (86 yrs old, heart and BP issues, 30 pds over weight) I have not been vaxxed. I had an antibody test in May and was positive I had another today, will get results in 3 days. Also going to get him an antibody test, his last vaccine was in March.
My hubs and I will be the experiment Both infected over a year ago now but he's vaxxed (reluctantly, would have lost his job) and I'm not. He sees infected people all the time (ENT doctor so he's up close and personal, never worn an N95) and so far, so good.
Same here, both had Virus last Dec, he got vaxxed (86 yrs old, heart and BP issues, 30 pds over weight) I have not been vaxxed. I had an antibody test in May and was positive I had another today, will get results in 3 days. Also going to get him an antibody test, his last vaccine was in March.
I got an antibody test the beginning of October, was infected last November, still has them, reading of 528.