I was a hardcore liberal Democrat up until all the Covid nonsense. I am voting Republican on everything this election. I can’t believe they can cry about abortions and not see the hypocrisy over forcing vaccines/masks on people against their will. I’m disappointed and disgusted.

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I was never a hard-core Democrat, but I was a pretty dependable Democrat voter. That party has gone so off the deep end it's frightening. I'm even having trouble bringing myself to vote for them locally because they have gone so crazy as a party. You can't preach bodily autonomy on the one hand and then force something like this on people on the other. And the lying, the endless lying, about what's going on and trying to censor those who point out the truth. What they're doing makes me sick.

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Why would you vote for them locally either?

Do you think the local ones aren’t lying? They are just as corrupt.

They’re the ones in control of school boards and local governments and appointing health department officials who are mandating shots for kids, teachers, police and fire departments etc. Vote them ALL out!

I was a registered Dem but always voted for who I liked Dem or Rep. I changed to Independent in 2021 and am now registered as Rep. I will NEVER vote Dem again.

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The Democrats are thoroughly corrupt on ALL levels. There is no way ANYONE running for office as a Democrat can be trusted. They are either wolves in sheep's clothing or if they aren't already corrupt, the party (on every level) will make sure they are within weeks after they are elected, and if they can't, they'll find a way to destroy them. That's just a fact. I was a Green until 2020, but they've been infiltrated and are completely useless now. I changed my registration to Republican, not because I think they're much better, but at least here in NYC they are opposing some of the worst things the Dems are doing (how much that means in reality is an open question) and because they are small and weak in NYC, individuals can have some influence on the local level.

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I'm in NYC too. I'm not voting Dem.

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I’m in a very blue part of NJ. I agree the Republicans aren’t much better, at least not the entrenched ones. But a vote any other way is a wasted vote against the Dems.

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I think Repubs are exactly as bad, but it feels like they're better because we've known they were bad longer.

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Vote for a MAGA Candidate. I know what you mean about the RINOs. I lived in a county controlled by them they are no different in what they do than the Dems. But finally there is an option other than a 3rd party which the other two will never let happen. Look how they closed ranks against Perrot.

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In our local house district it is a choice between a Democrat who really seems to have his heart in the right place and a literal college student running under the Republican banner, someone who is depending on her novelty to carry her across the finish line. The Democrat is supported by a landowners' coalition fighting for public access and stopping the sale of public lands to out of state interests. That's something I can support and normally I would easily vote for the Democrat. So, no, the choice is not as easy as you make it sound, nor should it be.

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Yeah, well maybe, MAYBE he’ll come through on that issue, if it even is allowed to come up and the Dems let him, but you can be absolutely 100% sure he’ll toe the line on every totalitarian fascist WEF, WHO, Big Pharma agenda item designed to take away whatever shreds of freedom you have left, kill you if they can, impoverish and enslave you if they can’t. And you can be sure after he’s in office for a hot minute, you’ll be lucky if he even answers the phone. What good are any nice policy positions, assuming they will or even can abide by them, if everything that makes life bearable is stripped away from you? I’m a one issue voter for the time being, the only one that matters now—medical freedom. And NO Democrat will be allowed to do that even in the unlikely event s/he even wants to. Until we put the brakes on the totalitarian fascist runaway train, any other issue is smoke and mirrors.

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I understand what you’re saying. My town has a Dem mayor who seemed like a good guy. I even voted for him. Then covid came and he wanted to fire every unvaccinated police officer and municipal worker. And he’s a dr. Very “sciencey”of him. He received a lot of backlash and changed his mind, saying now both unvaxxed and vaxxed were catching and spreading. Even the good ones can’t help but follow the hive mentality that has become the Democratic Party. And that’s why I’ll never vote for one again. Who knows, maybe the college student should get some credit for getting involved!

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" Heart in the right place" democrat 😂🤣

Did you hear that on CNN?

Killing babies, even after they are born (prev Va Gov ), murderous riots, forced deadly injections, etc etc. This is what Dems do. Wow, you are still dangerous. You are not based in reality. Do not come to our side.

Most of the Human Genome in First World Countries has been hacked into at this point. Dems are Gullible and Delusional. Dangerous for society.

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And you're why Republicans won't win. You can't have that attitude and attract people. There are plenty good Democrats. They just aren't in power.

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You don't even realize what the Dems are preaching now do you? Pay attention! Watch O'Biden and Nancy every day. Watch Kamala and Walensky lying every word out of there mouth. Their preaching s are what Democrats are preaching. Watch what your party is doing every day. Can you not comprehend "good democrat " means that one is loyal to the party's preachings?

So if you all are voting for their preachings and actions.....for years it has been going on. Just because you are partially waking up now when it is too late. The Fix is in already.

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"If I agree to kill babies I'll win ... yay!"

I'll pass on your brand of 'winning'.

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You still don't get it. We don't want to attract loose cannons. 97 % of you have taken the kill shot so that will be taken care of. Darwinism will cull the Dem masses..

The Demographics state - white women, college educated - biggest number of active Dems.

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Alex, stop censoring me. The truth should be published.

The Human Genome has been hacked into mostly in First World Countries.

Dems are gullible and delusional and most people know it.

The truth should be allowed to be stated no? Or are you censoring truth now?

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Thanks, it was probably one of your young helpers.

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Your Demonrat will vote whatever theirvparty leadership says. They will lie to your face and vote the other way. So no its not a hard choice. Republicans have plenty of cheats too but they are as centrally controlled so we can browbeat them into doing the right thing at least part of the time. We will shove out the McConnells and Grahams but it takes patience.

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Republicans will do the same thing. They would rather fundraise than fix.

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I don't see the connection between the abortion issue and vaccines. The crux of the abortion issue -- when life begins and when it's okay to terminate it, is completely disconnected from the issue of bodily autonomy. One can hold the view that someone can do whatever they want with their own body and still think abortion should be illegal because it's killing another human-being.

I think both sides are going to continue talking in circles on abortion until that fact is realized. It's too simplistic to say it's an issue of bodily autonomy. Saying so basically says there's a large portion of people out there that just have an irrational urge to control what women do to their bodies, which is patently false (but which isn't to say there isn't an extreme minority of people interested in doing so).

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Except that Democrats entirely base the abortion issue on bodily autonomy. To them a woman has bodily autonomy up to the moment the fetus enters the world, long past the point where most of us see the baby as having a right to life. So she has the right to arbitrarily end that life at any point. *That* is how strongly they feel about bodily autonomy.

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No different than what they've done in the past, but now YOU feel it.

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Exactly! The hypocrisy over bodily autonomy is stunning. The disrespect for the poor, the elderly, and children is also really stunning. I've been a lifelong Democrat, though I've voted third-party many times, generally to the left of Dems. But in 2020 I voted straight R and I'll do so again this year out of sheer rage. Expecting widespread fraud though. Everyone has always known that fraud comes with absentee / mail-in voting, until we suddenly "forgot" this like we "forgot" things like natural immunity.

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And what have the Washington Republicans done about the rampant fraud going on for decades?



Speech on unfairness and cheating

<more crickets>

<even more crickets>

Yes… they are tackling the problem!

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A number of states made election integrity upgrades. Georgia made some moderate ones and the nation saw that freak out.

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You're 100% correct.


And while not being in the president’s party may be enough to win midterm elections, it’s certainly not enough to reverse the perilous situation in which small-government libertarians find ourselves. Free speech is under attack from multiple angles, but most dangerously from the unholy alliance between government and media companies — including the social variety. We’re still coming out from year three of unprecedented covid restrictions, despite the complete failure of said restrictions to control the virus. Overwhelmingly these restrictions (and emergency powers) weren’t even properly passed via state legislatures — an attack on our democracy Republic if ever there was one. Government spending is overheating the presses and leading to massive inflation — if not the end to the dollar as the reserve currency of the world — and the only idea the ‘leaders’ have is to print and spend more. Dire straights, indeed.

However, looking up and down the 2024 GOP lineup, the sad truth is that freedom-loving ‘public servants’ are few and far between. Rand Paul took Tony Fauci out to the woodshed a couple times, but Fauci keeps spewing lies on TV and getting paid for it. Ron DeSantis ‘followed the science’ better than nearly all governors, but (to my certainly imperfect knowledge) Kristi Noem was the only governor who (correctly) proclaimed to not have the power to close your business. Ron Johnson has been holding covid hearings and allowing ignored voices to be heard. And…….that’s everybody?

And realistically, even the people I mentioned — the ‘best’ of the GOP — don’t really have a freedom-first mindset. Over time this creates a huge problem, as generally “both sides” agree that government should be DOING MORE. And while this works out great for government officials and their families, regular people are stuck paying the bill for the trillions of dollars rained down on the politically connected — who proclaim the only way to fix this problem is with government DOING MORE…..

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In my opinion the Republicans have stolen two presidential elections, in 2000 and 2004. But that is unrelated to my voting preference. I'm just stating that voter fraud is something we live with here in the States, and now in a more widespread way I would say.

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The unfortunate thing is that both choices are usually shit.

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Amen! I will do the same after a lifetime of voting Dem.

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Elizabeth, so glad to hear that you are rethinking your vote. Please consider that the problem is not that the party has changed. The philosophy is a problem to begin with. When the plan is to give power to a benevolent government so they can fix things, that power will be hijacked by bad actors every single time. Government is not the answer to our problems.

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Exactly so.

Bad actors are always drawn to power precisely so that they can hijack it.

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Like pedophiles to children's sports

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As I have aged, I am more than ever pro life. Anybody that knows me, knows I am not a warm fuzzy type. I am a very serious person. So I never babysat when all my girlfriend’s did. Many today are very pro abortion. Odd. I admit my heart strings tug when I see any baby because I hope that child is loved and adored as I adored my son. I just cannot imagine ending the life of my unborn baby no matter the circumstances. God gave me that child and I would do anything to protect my child even at my expense. The pope spelled it out. It is a moral issue. Do we take the life of the unborn to solve a problem? The elite believe we are over populated. So abortion does kill off millions every year globally. Who did we kill?

I must conclude that pharma knew these vaccines would do great harm. Those in charge would like to see the population stop increasing, and if people are physically damaged that is good for business as more drugs, operations to keep expanding pharma profits. As a cancer patient, I know without a doubt nobody is looking for cure. They just want to develop more drugs to experiment with. There are over 100 chemo drugs. Why? A cure is bad for business. If only the masses would wake up and realize we have been conned. Instead they accept having a smaller footprint as the elite expand their footprint.

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I received a FB message today filled with mother and daughter photographs.

I smiled.

The sender, the mother, sent the pictures to all her friends with the note that she was photographed "with the love of my life", her strikingly beautiful daughter.

I recalled working hard to persuade the sender not to abort her unborn child. I even offered to adopt the baby, promising to return the little boy or girl if she changed her mind.

19 years later that unborn child is described as "the love of my life" by my FB friend.

Of course I smiled as I looked at the pictures.

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What a lovely story.

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Didn’t the pope say that getting the clot shot was your Christian duty? Is that in the Bible somewhere?

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The present Pope. He is a bad actor. I have pics of him with Epstein and Maxwell and of him with Nancy and pedo husband and kissing the rings of the both husband and wife Rothchilds .

It is likely they exist of him kissing the rings of the Rockefellers also.

Interesting how the bad guys always take pictures of the deeds you would think they would want to hide. Evidence. Blackmail, Extortion. This is how this Globalist and National Mafia is run.

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I get it. I’m moderate, despise 2 party system. The “lesser of 2 evils” on repeat, media makes a *killing* on political ads. Beast feeding beasts. Enough.

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more like the "evil of 2 lessers" I just vote the 1 w/ the least amt. of time in govt

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Thank you for your critical thinking. Yes, this has been an eye-opening nightmare.

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🤗 Welcome to our tent 🎪 ! If you believe in the protecting and defending American freedom, the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and your own state Constitution, your party is less important than your character. I’m just glad your character is leading you to vote for the best of the Republicans (not all Republicans are standing strong, that’s for darn sure, but the best of the best are).

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Cool! The hypocrisy definitely put things in perspective when they kept singing the same tune last 2.5 years

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Preach, sis. Glad to have critical thinkers coming over. Beware that republicans in congress aren't all that they campaign on.

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We have to keep their feet to the fire!!!

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So you don’t watch The View anymore?

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No need to be an a-hole. I’ve never watched The View. I was a big fan of NPR until 2019.

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No offense intended. I just assumed that all hardcore liberal Democrats either watch or largely agree with the opinions expressed on The View.

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I saw a clip of the View when they had Hillary and Chelsea on. As they entered, the camera panned the audience, who were giving them a standing ovation. The one thing that stood out was that every member of the audience was MASKED. Those on stage were not. So a requirement of audience members is that they must wear a mask. The "elites" on stage do not have to abide by their own rules.

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Usually matching masks, it's a uniform.

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A lot of people are debating about party affiliation. Corruption exists everywhere in every party.

I think the debate should be about principles and character, not Party. Principles and character can be difficult to discern if you’re simply reading a website, paying attention to often-biased media reports, and listening to / reading campaign literature. Some of the best — but admittedly time-consuming — ways to learn are: Follow the money/funding sources, follow the record, listen to in-depth long-form interviews, ignore mainstream media, and get to know the candidates (as well as those who surround them) PERSONALLY.

More General Voting Tips:

• Learn how to identify media bias: https://researchguides.njit.edu/evaluate/basics

• Follow the money/funding.

-- https://www.opensecrets.org/ (Federal)

-- https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page (States / Federal)

• Use your critical thinking skills! Be appropriately skeptical.

• Do not fully trust traditional news, social media, commercials, campaign signs, etc.

• Do your own research using primary sources.

-- Review the official platforms of each Idaho political party (Constitution, Democrat, Libertarian, Republican): https://ballotpedia.org/Political_parties_in_Idaho

-- Read candidate websites carefully (but verify all claims, lies, exaggerations).

-- Attend in-person events and town-halls with candidates.

-- Listen to podcast interviews with candidates.

-- Watch candidate town-hall videos.

-- Ask direct questions of the candidates and listen carefully to the answers.

-- Read proposed ballot measures yourself. (And insist that they be clear and concise!)

-- Actions speak louder than words: Study voting records of incumbents and past actions of newcomers; never simply take on faith what they say they believe in or promise to do.

• Vote AGAINST long-time incumbents unless you truly like them and they are highly ranked by trusted sources.

• Do not vote for candidates whom you have not researched. (You don’t have to fill in every box, but be aware that empty boxes can potentially enable cheating.)

• Vote AGAINST any ballot measure that you don’t understand.

Election Integrity:

• Sign up to be a poll worker (including Chief Judge or District Judge) or a poll watcher.


• DO NOT vote early.

• DO NOT vote by mail / absentee.

• AVOID all ballot drop boxes, but especially unsecured, unmonitored, outside, or mobile.

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Congratulations on your awakening from the spell but unfortunately it looks like it is too late.

If you knew what was really going on, in all areas, you would know to what I am referring.

Please try to enlighten with evidence, printed evidence seems to work better then vocal, some of your past brethren. We don't have much time, the big steal is again in place for Nov of course. This one will be worse. They have plan A, B and C. Now the Evils have infiltrated the Conservative Party. Mafia tactics.

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Agreed, please become a poll watcher.

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My area is lilly white. Seriously, that is why I live there. I could not stand to live with liars and cheaters. Who can, except Dems? So where do I go to babysit? A Dem stronghold? If I am not from there, hours away, how do I sign up or will they kick me out? Different state, a big city is the closest.

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Say you're sorry for voting for these people in the past and I MAY forgive you. Probably not, though.

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Who are you to judge others? The Republicans are no saints. In the past, the Democrats have championed free speech, freedom of religion, free press, right to privacy, bodily autonomy, workers' rights, and, yes, equal rights for everyone. The Republicans have often been on the wrong side of those issues, selling us out to business interests and zealots. The saddest thing about the Democrats today is that they have drifted so far from what they once were. Republicans have made it more likely that I will vote for them, but if they drift back to their old myopic ways, they will hand everything back to the Democrats. That's the problem with at two party system. There really is no choice, not a real one.

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"Who are you to judge others? The Republicans are no saints" .... the irony of that sentence just passed right over your head, didn't it? Hilarious.

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Sep 7, 2022Edited
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It’s a strange insipid brew the Dems are simmering, equal parts corporatism, anarchism, elitism, and authoritarianism. The literal worst of everything.

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Great metaphor.

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A great metaphor indeed.

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Underlain by the nihilism befitting the Godless.

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They are following a well-travelled path that ends in disaster every time. But, but this time will be different, their experts assure us.

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There's no reason libertarians can't be for the environment. We just think the proper way to do this is the enforcement of property rights. Company A has no right to pollute onto my property -- unless the EPA says X amount of pollution is legal.

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Or Republicans, for that matter. I've called myself a Green Republican my whole voting life, and have tried to live that way on a personal level. And I agree with you about the property rights, by the way.

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I’m now “unaffiliated” for my party but plan on no voting. Ever. The past election certainly made a lie of “every vote counts”. It’s really “every vote counter counts, as often as needed, until they get it right”

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They love self-defeating doomers. Makes it easier to “fortify” elections.

Other Americans know the way to defeat election fraud is to overwhelm it with voters.

Been there, done that.

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Appreciate the opinion, but 2020 proved to me that not only will those wonderful ethical politicians cheat, they’ll manufacture as many votes as they need.

I’m a “doomer”? 🤣 I prefer realist but worry not. The process will go on just fine without my vote 👍

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And watch the counter and call them out. Make a fuss and report, video everything. Heck, we should be counting. Why not? If we want a fair election and to win we have to participate/ babysit for one night. We know the Republicans will get the majority of votes. Every pole agrees, so now it is as you say watch the Dominion changing machines , changing, and record it, watch the Dem cheaters pulling boxes ballots out from under the tables all filled out electronically etc, when then want to go home "to bed" at

10 pm , we say No, we will take over counting until it is done. When they call " flood " we say where ? , look and declare there is no water. They are lying. Again.

2000 Mules shows what really went on in the elections. Ballot dumpers.

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Serious question: does that mean it's entirely okay to pollute all you want so long as it's confined to the land you have rights to?

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It's entirely stupid - like crappin in your own bed.

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I’m not a Libertarian, (although there is much about their political philosophy I find appealing), but I would assume that the percentage of people who want to pollute their own property is vanishingly small.

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The GeoEngineering Kill switch.

GeoEngineering on rumble.com

Journal of GeoEngineering

Catch up please.


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In the real world, this is extremely unlikely because at a certain point you're unable to contain the pollution. But hypothetically, sure.

I'm thinking of places like new landfills, which contain quite a lot of 'pollution', but are (supposedly) quite well-sealed to ensure the crap doesn't leak out into the neighboring environment. Of course, if the crap DOES leak out, they are liable for damages.

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Nobody likes pollution.

You may think I'm nuts but I believe the libertarian/Republican policies are better for the environment as they don't treat it like a religion. They don't demand purity but seek a compromises that make things a little better while recognizing realities.

How the heck is it better for a forest to burn rather than let fallen trees be harvested? Why would someone who believes in AGW accept the demolishing of hydro-electric dams? Why is it better for oil to be refined in Venezuela and factories built in China which does not have our environmental protections?

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Dick Pan is such a d***.

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Sep 7, 2022
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I watched that whole California debacle from Florida (when they removed the philosophical exemptions and made it extremely difficult to get medical). If the pharma industry could do that everywhere they would

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"I still bat for both teams ..." Good grief, what a clown.

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In urgent care with my teenage daughter for a cold from hell (bronchitis and sinus infection not Covid) first thing the doctor does is tell us we should run out and get the new Covid shot, in fact you can now get the new booster with bonus flu shot! Two for 1! These people are relentless🥴

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Relentless. And brainwashed. Hope your daughter feels better soon.

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God help all the young people who took this crappie shot.

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Pharma incentivizes urgent care doctors to promote the shots. $$$. Follow the money.

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Hope you asked the doctor to show you the long term safety data.

The look on his face old be priceless.

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They are basically drug pushers.

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Over 65 version is rigged. Seniors will think just a flu shot. Gotcha says the pharmacy

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Look at the fine print in ads - I saw a flu shot ad at CVS and in small print was 'and get your CV booster at the same time!'

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So so Creepy and terrifying.

Media, some media needs to get that out there.

Sadly you cannot trust Big Pharma at all now. One has to be extremely discerning.

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I don't understand that doctor. I have never even allowed my dog to be vaccinated when she was sick, I felt her immune system was under enough stress already.

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Exactly, you r right.

Big Pharma and Big Conglomerates have hijacked Med Schools and Residency Programs also. I know first hand. This needs to be stopped. How ?

They are, if you can believe this, waiving some Board exams for some Med students ie U of Md Med School and of course lowering the bar and prerequisites requirements big time for some specific individuals depending on the color of their skin.

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My 26 yo soldier son came down with what your teenage daughter has, about ten days ago. Tested negative at home, at the point that he had a wicked sore throat. Then it went to chest and sinus. He went to an urgent care near his post and they didn't even bother to test him. Diagnosed bronchitis and sinusitis, gave him amoxicillin and sent him out the door.

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Should have given him Augmentin.

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His doctor was an old lady. Maybe she never heard of augmentin.

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Same as amoxicillin but since amoxicillin is so common it has many resistant bacteria to it, so they add something to make it non resistant amoxicillin and then call it Augmentin. Educate the doctors or at least ask politely and they are usually happy to oblige. Only exception is if they have a big ego problem. Then stay far away. They will kill you rather then give up on the ego. Family experience. And the the big egos often come very recommended.

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Same exact symptoms! but didn’t get antibiotics until second urgent care visit…nasty virus

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It is really a bad one and he never gets sick. I was astonished they didn't care to test. Near his army post. Just treated the symptoms and said good luck. I gave him povidone iodine nasal spray and that seems to have helped.

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We did the nose spray too! Virus making its rounds, miserable symptoms!

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Sep 7, 2022
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I second this. Hey doc, how does it feel to have spent several hundred thousand dollars to become a corporate drone?

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Can't get sick from Covid when you die of a stroke. Checkmate, Berenson.

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It's not for want of trying:

Today's supermarket visit included multiple breathlessly enthusiastic announcements, informing shoppers, "We now have covid booster shots available at our in-store pharmacy! These vaccinations are offered at no cost...." [wait for it]..."brought to you by Pfizer."

Would like a clot-shot with those organic artichokes?

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Yes!! Shopped at Kroger last week and I must have heard that same damn message 20 times. Sickening

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Why not inject the artichokes? They will have the same amount of data on outcomes...

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Excellent point. And remember "Brandon" is practically a vegetable himself.

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Attention personal shoppers, time for your Justin beebs clot shot

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Sounds like Ralph's (Kroger)...

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OMG. Every time I hear about Ralph's, I think of The Dude in "The Big Lebowski."


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I don't want to ruin my upcoming article, but take a look at the hospital utilization with covid here and tell me the vaccines are the key to ending the pandemic:


Edit: Direct link to screenshot: https://imgur.com/p2QLsYb

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The sad thing is it took them 2 years now to figure this out. I remember Berenson talking about this 3 months after the first mNRA shot. If you can't figure out that Fauci and Collins never wanted you to know the truth still to this day the elite media destroyed its own citizens.

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Pretty incredible how the United States is always LAST to the party with the actual data every time and even months later it's still silenced-censored

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It's on purpose.

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“Leading from Behind” 🤣🤣🤣

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They are a trusting group compared to a lot of countries. They are fat and happy and wealthy. But not as trusting as the poor Canadians. They are really complacent.

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Everybody knows that Omicron is weak, like a mild cold. Upper respiratory. Unless of course you are vaccinated. Then ... you're on your own.

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Bizarrely, I had COVID a few weeks ago and it wasn't cold symptoms. I had nausea, a headache and low grade fever for a couple of days.My granddaughter gave it to me and was sick 8-12 hours and that was it.

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It was not Covid.

Just the usual crap that goes around. Or mild food poisoning of a pathogen.

People have to stop being Crazy with that word. I know it is hard when u hear it from dumb doctors.

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I tested positive for COVID for 6 days. Never tested positive before or after. It was most likely COVID, just a weird case of it.

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Fake tests.

Do the homework.

Test your dog and your ham sandwich.

They are fake. G Soros and Bill Hates bought the company a year and a half ago. They made hundreds of millions, follow the money trail for the fraud. It is contrived.

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Sep 8, 2022
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It was my first case of COVID (no vax). I was very disappointed to lose my "dodger" status but now I'm happy I have my immune system beautifully primed 🙂

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Sep 7, 2022
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Let's not forget, many of those vaxxed wished for us unvaxxed to die. Of course all they were really showing was their cowardice and ignorance. The flu or a cold rarely kills anybody that is not on the way out. Now they sit and wait and the tables have been completely turned. Yes, get more shots and get them soon. Their immune systems will be so far gone, a sliver will become infected and kill them. Dumbasses!

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Sep 8, 2022
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Yes, follow the science. Who could ever forget Fauci/Hitler saying that vaccine immunity is much better than natural immunity. Because every time humans mess with nature, they make it much better.

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Sep 7, 2022
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Mimi, love "Purebloods"

So true, so true…

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I’m sorry, I did put Miki, but autocorrect keeps changing it

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Like you Alex, I have had all of the childhood vaccines. But now I wonder, what the efficacy and safety of those vaccines actually is. And I watched the "60 Minutes" segment on the 1976 Swine Flu debacle -- the US government actually tested one vaccine, but injected an entirely different and untested vaccine into the population. Complete insanity. I now have zero confidence in all vaccines, medicines and medical devices. The FDA isn't protecting us, the CDC isn't monitoring adverse events and we certainly can't trust the pharmaceutical companies. I'm thinking of "The Bad Law Project." Just the same, we need "The Bad Medicine Project." If we want a society based on good medicine, we need to know what bad medicine is.....

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Let me help you lose even more trust.

Look up Simpsonwood and the vaccine/autism studies. RFK Jr does a good job of summarizing the findings and what the CDC did with them.

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Frankly it is so depressing. My piano teacher's son had autism. She gave up her career as a concert pianist to care for him. He was very disabled by it.

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There is no imaginable excuse for why this and other obvious, easy-to-collect data has not been gathered (and published!) by the more than 10,000 employees of the CDC. What the hell do they do all day?

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She pays them to do nothing on purpose. All our hard earned money.

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That's right. You have to work at it to remain as ignorant of the vaccine's problems as the CDC is. It's willful. It has to be. They've taken a position based on politics and are now gonna defend it no matter what.

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Goooooood question 🙋‍♀️ 🙋‍♀️ 🙋‍♀️

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Deposit (or cash) their paychecks?

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Don’t you science, bro? I have full confidence in all the contradictory information I’ve been given the last three years. They are the single source of truth, even when they lie!

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Watched Hochuls covid press conference today and they said everyone 12 and up who hasn't been boosted within TWO months needs to get the new bivalent shot. I was so shocked and then I heard them repeat it again. I'm not sure all authorities are abandoning frequent jabs.

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Simple reason really. NO ONE in the 3 years post Fauci funded whu-flu lab release has remotely been held accountable. Why would they not continue full steam ahead? Allow a thief to simply steal without a care in the world and they simply continue to steal. ZERO accountability rules the day and nothing changes until IT does. Just sayin

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So scary. Everyone must vote in NY and ensure she does not continue as Gov. Not qualified, is only there due to Cuomo's leaving, and don't think he wanted a competitive second on his team.

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Unfortunately the only option in NY is to leave, there will never be anything other than a left wing governor in my lifetime I'm afraid

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I am unvaccinated, no flu shots for 20+ years, still figuring it out adult in Manhattan. We are a Military Family, and I consider it my duty to stay, service, protect, and inform our friends and neighbors.

It's actually kind of fun, NOW :)


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Ummm no. Go Army. Beat Navy.

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Lee Zeldin is closing in on Hochul. VOTE for him and you may very well see someone in the Governor's mansion who is not a left winger.

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I am hoping every New Yorker votes Red in November!

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She is truly vile and breathtakingly stupid.

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The one tested on 8 mice? Yikes!

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I haven’t looked, but why 8? Doesn’t seem statistically significant. Can count without using your thumbs, or toes?

They only had 8 and didn’t want to order more?

An oddly specific number

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Rich, yes, agreed. They make fun of our stupidity at every turn. This is them spitting in our faces again. Laughing at us. The masks were to hide their smirks.


omicron = moronic

delta omicron = media controlled - this was the Bull Sh...t variant from South Africa that did not exist, but the Mafia made it up via Media because S. Africa said NO to any more Pfizer/Moderna vaccine shipments.

They also spread code word instructions this way. Just like in war time. I see Fraudci doing it when he speaks. Strangely I can decipher some of it. Instructions for the other Evils to get the word out to them.

One example was Fraudci on TV announcing " the children are getting too many false positive Covid tests " . Couldn't believe he said those words and it was so obvious. Other people miss it. That was to tell Bill and Soros who own the test producing factory and the processing lab that this was getting too unbelievable for the people. Ie They are getting positives from ham sandwiches. So stop the high number of positive reactants on the fake tests they are making and " processing "( not processing but resulting of course).

Further to this I hope they are not calling for 8 , with O'Biden's speech he keep repeating a phrase, I cannot think of the exact words, I would have to look it up on Red State or WLT or noah. website ,but it seemed to be calling for the elimination of...

These Evils are very, very clever. They are a Billionaire Club group of 300.

Some noble for the cause of saving the citizens are being silenced. There is a long list.

We need more numbers that understand what is being done to them - extermination and are willing to fight the Evils in some way shape or form. If the Evils don't have our compliance, they have nothing.

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Or the maybe they started with a nice round sample size - say 100 - and 92 of the mice died.

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I was reading someone, can't remember who, but they thought there were possibly many more mice but the other ones didn't give the answer they wanted so they removed them from the data and thus ended with 8 mice that had the "correct" response. I don't know if that's true, but I would certainly believe it after the past 2 years of gaslighting.

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She's an injection-nut, and most New Yorkers hate her. I hope she loses in the Nov. elections.

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As far as I'm concerned the gloves are off. I'm giving ANYONE who pushes masks or boosters absolute Hell. I am not playing nice or being diplomatic anymore. If someone is parroting talking points I will buzz saw them. Say no parents. Say no college students. Say no at every turn and demand BETTER.

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I’m thinking I’ll do the same. Thanks for the confidence!

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Somebody had better have 'The Talk' with Blackface up here in the Not So Great White North (isn't there a hint of racism I wonder?) as he's literally wetting himself to get the rubes back on the jabbawagon before, ye know, yet another winter of doom and death for the unjabbed, or something. Not only is he a damaged individual and simply must be 'on the take' (a considerable increase in his personal weath from $1.5M when he took the PM office to $10M today), but I hear the guffawing of primates in the Congolese jungle as they mock these humans.

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I think he's outlawing Ginsu knives, after that crackpot stabbed all those poor people last week.

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Sounds like " put the citizens in fear to rule them " 101 to me.

Every Evil Gov tactic through time right? And his Dad's right? Real Dad.

So Gov sponsored or enabled just like the FBI assisted mass shooting in the US.

Also, what a good distraction for the water cooler Canadians to chat about instead of the poison killer injections they have waiting for the arms around the corner in the temp controlled warehouses.

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I need to start watching Viva Frei again.

Honestly, you poor folks in Canuckistan are worse off than here in the US.

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Viva moved to FL if you haven’t been watching recently

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I think I heard something about Viva + Florida, but I thought it was a vacation.

Can't say I blame the guy. But it's sad to lose someone who's there in Canada to call out Trudeau's nonsense.

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wow, "running" Canada really pays well, who knew

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Who cares about the data. The long and short of it is why aren’t all of us unvaccinated people dead by now?

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I died!

I got better.


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We don't know yet what the mortality/debilitation rate for the triple-vaccinated is. For example, some people exposed to radiation and other toxins succom to linked illnesses in days and weeks while others take years to experience symptoms.

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