Also still being mandated for healthcare workers. It is so maddening.

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Healthcare workers can and should refuse. No hospital in the country can afford to loose staff of any kind. Make it difficult for them, it's what they've done to you.

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They fired over 500 people last year… in Illinois

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An ER nurse friend of mine was fired in 2021 for refusing the shots, then hired back maybe 9 months later. Hospital on the Eastern Shore of MD.

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SCOTUS "split the baby" and issued an absolutely stupid decision to allow the Extremist in the Biden Administration to require the vax for healthcare workers.

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But remember the justification. They were still believing it stopped infection and transmission. The case needs to go back just because someone says it stops transmission and infection and will lead to herd immunity does not mean it will and the entire rulling makes no sense in that light

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In addition, companies like CVS, etc. are still requiring vaccines for employment.

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Well that's because they make money by administering them. Kinda like if you work for Apple you have to use Apple products (when you're working anyway). Now that I'm watching TV again because it's football season, it's absolutely absurd how many vaccination commercials I've seen from CVS, Pfizer, etc.

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and maddening!

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Very proud of my daughter a former emergency room nurse at Northwell who was fired because she refused the mandated vax during her pregnancy. Waiting for a class action suit lawyer to accept her case.

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Smart move. Dear friends pregnant daughter who is a nurse and was forced vaxxed, lost her baby. Heartbreaking and infuriating

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that's forced abortion. probably too heartbroken to sue

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That’s awful. So sorry to hear that.

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sue their pants off

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These uneducated, phony fact checkers piss me off. They would not know a fact it if fell from the sky and landed right in front of them. Hey fact checkers I think you need to rethink your career choice, you are an embarrassment to yourselves.

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They are actually doing their jobs exactly as ordered; they are propagandists.

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Exactly this. They are used to confuse and create compliance.

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It's always struck me as kind of absurd how the mainstream "mis-leadia" has embraced these so-called "fact checkers." Aside from the fact that the "mis-leadia" already has internal fact-checkers (who obviously never look for context), it seems to be a tacit admission that the "mis-leadia" itself isn't to be trusted.

And if that's the case, then how does basically duplicating a process that they've already tacitly admitted doesn't work, how is that supposed to then somehow be credible? Like what makes some fact-checking organization any iota more credible than the New York Times, Washington Post, TV networks, etc? And these "independent" "fact checkers" are supposed to address the folks who already don't believe the mainstream mis-leadia. What makes them think the skeptics are going to believe them at all? And they're obviously not necessary for the folks who believe the regime propaganda.

In short, the entire "fact checking" industry seems to be a completely ridiculous scam that's ludicrous on its face.

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Fact checked ... True (unfortunately)

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Some of the phony fact-checkers can be classified as uneducated or lazy. But its evolved into a much more sophisticated operation than that for over a decade now. It's a vast operative enterprise that's been in the making for over a decade. I provided a link below to an excellent article naming names and providing the funding sources to these propagandists peddling disinformation on behalf of their corporate and billionaire benefactors. I suspect legacy media has assigned liaison intel officers advising how to conduct these misinformation operations to misdirect & coverup for their corporate or Govt agency clients.


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Not really fact checkers. Paid propagandists.

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No one actually takes "fact checkers" seriously. They point out the 1% incorrect information on right leaning people and point out the 1% correct information on left-leaning and ignore the 99% incorrect. It's hilarious. I forgot who it is, but some Big Pharma exec is also on the board or owns a fact-checking company used by many big tech companies lol.

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The university answer is simple… the NIH helped developed the vaccines and receives a HUGE amount of royalty revenue related to the sales of these vaccines. Those revenues are then granted to these universities in the form of research grants. It’s a perfect virtuous circle that helps all the “adults” only at the cost of healthy children. In their mind screwing up the immune system through synthetic mRNA of a few children in order to keep the money flowing is a very small price for someone else to pay

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A commenter on another substack confirmed this idea. He was an alum and knew the university president personally. He asked why they were mandating and the president said it was a requirement for government funding that the university needed to survive.

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As our boy Daniel Kahneman says, ask not whether something is true but instead what it might be true of. Universities don’t need the money to “survive,” but to compete - and by compete I mean pay the presidents tens of millions of dollars a year and ensure the get invited to WEF conferences - the money, and more importantly the prestige that comes along with the money, certainly helps.

Almost all institutions in this country are captured by their dependence on federal debt, but none more so, and none more detrimentally so, than medicine.

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You know, before 2020 of course I was aware of corruption. But the depth and breadth of it in this country (and the Western world in particular) is beyond anything I could have imagined. Makes me question everything I thought I "knew" ...

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I agree. My “red pill” moment was watching teslas cruise by me in the “carpool” lane on highway 1 in San Francisco while day laborers sat in work trucks inching along in stop and go traffic in 2012. That day I realized all these “liberal” polities were just wealth transfer masquerading as care.

My breaking point was Russiagate (and I voted against Trump).

My black pill moment was the election fraud in the New York Democratic primary to give the party vote to Biden over Bernie Sanders (a 20+% mail in ballot rejection rate - which somehow dropped below 1% during the general election). Once I saw that I realized there really are no rules and absolutely nothing I believed to be true should be accepted at face value…

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My red pill moment was when my child was damaged by mandated vaccination

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Yes, I still catch myself taking something at face value, then reading someone else question it, then realizing I should have questioned it.

It has been a real awakening!

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How did you do it? Some can not face it and wake up. Why do you think you could?

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The major universities sit on billions. How much more money do they need.

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Exactly, they should give loans to students from their endowments.

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Follow the money.

"Always the dollars. Always the f**king dollars". Nicky Santoro

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Money and/or power are the reason behind everything in this country and globally also.

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My daycare director just sent an email encouraging the new boosters for “all who are age eligible.” These kids are 5 and under. Insane.

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Fk. That is more than just insane. It is criminal. I know of a 10 year old boy who died of a heart attack this morning.

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Oh, Good Lord, help us. So very sorry for your loss.

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My otherwise healthy friend had a stroke at 30 years old. Guy is very healthy and goes to the gym regularly, etc. and just has a stroke following vaccination. Luckily he works in the hospital and that's where it happened or it could have been worse if he was alone or something.

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That’s horrifying. So sorry to hear.

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Given that 90+% of parents aren't crazy enough to give this to kids in that age group, I think you should inform the director that you'd strongly prefer they never mention the vaccine again. Surely you wouldn't be the only one. They need to know that this kind of shilling isn't normal or OK and that it's infuriating their customers (for good reason). Where is the risk-benefit analysis? Oh...right. There isn't one because we ignore the risks completely!

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What's driving this is "unclear". Perhaps coordination from the White House Alex? I mean they colluded with Twitter - why not Universities?

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Agreed. Anybody the government gives money to, is owned.

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Denmark must believe in science not Anthony Fauci.

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What is truly astonishing is the continued use of the misnomer...vaccine. It's never been yet it's still referred to as such. Probably the greatest CON of the whole Event 201. Surreal 3 years out now almost and not ONE person has remotely been held accountable for any of it. Just sayin...

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Well Big Pharma can't be held accountable because of EUA, and Fauci won't be held accountable because he's retiring before congress shifts towards a Republican majority that would be asking him some rather uncomfortable questions. I want to believe in our system(s) but I think everything is just fucked beyond repair at this point. America, and possibly the the world, is just spiraling out of control.

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Alex I have been listening to lawyers speaking about their court cases against mandates. Their take is that businesses, universities and institutions are paid by the government if they get a certain percentage of their employees, staff or students vaccinated. So they are pushing mandates because they won't reject the dollar signs. Money for taking away people's freedoms to make their own health care decisions or forego a job to feed their families or an educational opportunity. It is really despicable behavior. Does not a single executive in any of these institutions or businesses have any stones to say no?

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I am beginning to think that these people need to be sued individually. Don't let them hide behind the behemoth of the institution, allowing them to drag their feet.

I am spitballing here, but I am thinking small claims. You don't bring a lawyer and the purpose here isn't compensation (because these people belong in jail IMO). The point is they have to show up. The judge makes the decision after both parties present their case and the decision can be appealed and at that point you can have a lawyer. One on one, it doesn't mean anything. Coordinate 10, 100, 1000 people to file individually...well, now that would keep the executive busy, would it not? And it should not be limited to top executives either. If rank and file at the NYT can whine and demand a three day WFH well, let's see if they would really like to join the fun.

Yes, it could be construed as frivolous. And mandates could be construed as murder too. Pick a side. The point is, we can't wait for the lawyers. (Judging from the number of ads I have seen, they are too busy looking for Camp Lejeune cases.) To paraphrase, you go to war with the tools you have, not the ones you wish you had.

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I like your thinking out of the box! I say throw everything at them until something sticks.

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Agree with that strategy! We have to deal with this individually, and individuals, make the execs, University Presidents, Dean's, etc deal with it as individuals. Level the playing field.

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I had a customer(18 months ago) ask if my employees were vaccinated, my answer was "I don't ask my customers or employees about personal medical choices" she replied "bad decision, Guylaine". I printed it, suitable for framing.

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Haha. The longer this goes on and the more facts comes out, she is hopefully going to understand the truth and how wrong she was. I make every effort to find out which businesses had mandates or discriminated against the unvaccinated and my goal is to not patronize such businesses. I wish to patronize businesses such as yours.

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Alex, you routinely play the middle to avoid being labeled a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaxxer. But there is a huge fucking conspiracy going on with Fauci at the helm. For decades he has controlled the faucet of funding to universities for medical research. This research is paid for and conducted with a specific goal in mind. There is a large midwestern research university whose president announced to the the whole community in his first Covid address on March 23, 2020 that he was looking forward to vaccines in order for us to be safe and in-person on campus. That university received a $50 million budget from the NIH for the 20/21 school year. Weekly testing, track and trace, even required tracing apps for on-campus students were installed and all of the industries got a cut. In May of 2021, the university announced its vax mandate for all students, faculty, and staff. That year the NIH gave the university $200 million.

How did the president of this university have faith in the shots on Mar. 23, 2020? Why would he even bother to mention them? After all, they supposedly were nothing but plans on a drawing board that could fail at that point.

If you keep looking at this as a response to a supposed virus, you are missing the point. It’s not about our health. It’s about power and control. If you think about the virus being a smokescreen for other apparatuses being installed, it makes more sense.

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Alex refuses to focus on the big picture.

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Yes and when Fauxi retires, the propaganda/money machine is firmly in place. It will not stop until it is FULLY exposed.

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If you read Alex's most recent book, you'd know he saw that. You'd also know he didn't shy away from being labelled and banned.

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Though I appreciate your analysis. eye opening.

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How's this for "spin":

Denmark is ending covid vaccinations citing the high cost of refrigerating the vaccines as an energy-saving measure. Denmark, like many European countries anticipates winter energy crisis.

Maybe MSM can try that.

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Oooo, trading one virtue signal for another! Like it.

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Just came from the grocery store where “FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE” signs everywhere. At the pharmacy was a woman in tears, because her employer was mandating the flu shot. She asked the employee if the flu shot had the mRNA in it, and the employee didn’t know. After loud words and more tears, the customer walked away. Does anyone reading this know what in the hell is in these shots?? NFW I’m getting one!!!

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My pediatrician is furious that I have rejected flu shots for my kids the last two years. Even told me that “They won’t die. They’ll just be really sick and miserable.”

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I hope you're looking for a new pediatrician?

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Good for you!!!!! My 93 y/o mom got hers. So did my sister. My partner is hinting he wants to trot off to Walgreens. Me: NFW!

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And when they are adults they will remember how well their mother took care of them.

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I wonder at times if the modern MD pushing experimental injections one day will be perceived 30-50 years from now like we perceive the MD's doing TV commercials in the 40's and 50's saying how great smoking is and lighting up in ads in their white coats.

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and they will have healthy natural immune systems

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In that quote was the pediatrician describing what the effects of the flu shot would be or the effect of the flu?

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I don't mean to make light.

After my child became vaccine injured, I refused them. I was really bullied about it too.

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Of the flu. Trying to scare me into it.

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Or perhaps guilt me into it.

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you're a better mother than that

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That MD should have his license taken away for the fraudulent interpretation of science

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One they all seem to have is adjuvants, which are toxins that ramp up response to the "vaccine". This is so the "trials" bring good results.

and then lots of other non-beneficial things like a lot of antibiotics, sometimes 4 different one, trace amounts of mercury derivatives, etc.

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The jabs and masks are signs of submission. The government/establishment and those that serve them will never stop.

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From the get go, these shots should’ve been made available, ( not mandated) for those at higher risk of severe covid disease. Europeans -with a more socialistic healthcare - have flipped a finger at Pfizer making money off of them, and they’re NOT willing to foot the bill for all the

myocarditis and more. Good on them👍🏾

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Money quote.

“What’s driving the obsession in American academia with Covid vaccines is not clear”.

C’mon man. ROFLMAO

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My nephew is at UCD. Apparently a lot if the students just lie. No one checks.

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Hopefully the jab database gestapo do not come for them. In CA, nothing would surprise me.

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❤️❤️❤️. Those cards sure were easy to print.

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