On some 'Stack or another the other day, I wrote that foreign governments would be the ones to pull us back to sanity. This is what I meant. It makes zero sense (even in covid land) to demand US kids get vaccinated to go to school when the rest of the world is seriously discouraging shots for children.

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I would have thought the same, but many European kids were back in school in May 2020 (after closing for less than 2 months) & we still fought to get even 2 days per week in April 2021.

It's like the progressive obsession with Nordic countries just got forgotten. Anything that deviates from the narrative is ignored.

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The difference is that after the jabs we'll see kids with health problems -- and Denmark won't.

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Yes, you're correct. But they could attribute it to the fact that US kids are less healthy for other reasons (which is actually true since we have a higher obesity rate which was only exacerbated by the lockdowns.)

Or... again... they'll just ignore it.

Another example is the WHO never recommended masks for kids under 6, and yet them being mandated from 2 years up, even when they weren't mandated for adults!! NYC kept that up thru June '22.

I've lost hope that any evidence will compel Covidians. I've seen them ignore too much evidence for too long.

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Denmark also saw one of its top soccer players drop on the pitch during a live game. Heart problems was the cause and the media went to great lengths to avoid discussing his vax status.

I think they were lying to cover up the danger. As we all know the SADS are a feature of the jab now all over the world.

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Pro mountain-biker Kyle Warner also had heart issues. Poor guy had a resting HR of like 130+, IIRC... and at the hospital they told him it must be stress. Go see a shrink.

Literally adding insult to injury. Telling him it wasn't really a jab-induced heart issue. Just criminal & awful.

Kyle's incident happened MORE THAN A YEAR AGO. Yet still, colleges continue to mandate not only the 1st 2 jabs, but boosters.

Again, Covidians don't care about evidence. They worship the cult leaders & actively reject all else.

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Will we "see" the kids' health problems accurately, for what they likely are? Will we ever have the political will to unravel the true history of the toxic world - inside and outside- that we've subjected them to...??? That would require a collective public willingness to abandon not only a lucrative business model, but a complete world view. As a parent of a kid harmed in 2019 - at age 10 - by an " emergency" mandated MMR, I've had to cram decades of learning on this subject in the effort to find actual healing, and to keep my kid out of an institution. Rather than summarize it all, I'd invite everyone to read Dr. Toby Rogers for the most tidy summary I've ever read concerning what's catastrophically wrong about "safe & effective ":


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Such a post to be read and heard! The silver-lining of the great whu-flu scamdemic of 2020 EXPOSED Pharma and those who do it's dirty work (CDC, FDA WHO ETC) to so many more minds across the world. This is really nothing new with many medications and vaccines previously developed for decades causing vast damage and doing so under the guise of "safe and effective"

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Silver lining…to a very very very dark cloud.

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That will be an interesting study comparison IF the data does not magically get lost or altered. Remember all the same players are in all the same positions. No ONE has lost their jobs or remotely been held to account, and many have received raises since the great lab released whu-flu in CHINA 2. 8 years ago. Not ONE! Just not sure why so many think it can get better when the evil doers are still doing. Is it me? :)

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But...but...but...Isn't Canukistan requiring MORE vaxes? Did I read that? It's a "foreign country" with a tyrannical lunatic PM.

And Washington DC is requiring vaxes for kids.


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Ha! Great name.

Yes, DC public schools are requiring vax for kids 12+. Currently, that'll mean 40% of black kids will be locked out of school. (Some say that's a feature, not a bug.)

& progressives used to say, "anything that disproportionally harms blacks is systemic racism & a problem." While continuing to advocate vax mandates... which disproportionally harms blacks.

Utterly mind-blowing. I've heard it called "JAB-CROW."

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I cannot take credit for Canucksistan. Someone here wrote that months ago. It's so damned funny that I had to adopt it.

A hat-tip to the original smart ass.

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Utterly horrifying.

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The WEF claws run deep, so not every foreign government will help, but the places like Canada will have even worse blowback about stupid rules than we do. I'm not sure Trudeau understands the powder keg that he's sitting on.

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I'd love to watch that powder keg LITERALLY explode...and blow him back to his "fatherland"--CUBA.

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I would prefer if he ended up in the ocean. Never to be seen again. Shark food only.

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I don't think sharks would eat that sorry bastard

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Prime Minister Shark Chum?

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Sometimes referred to as Canadistan as well. A complete buffoon as our leader. I could have defecated a better PM.

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It never was about making "sense" - something else going on but definitely not about health.

It took me too long to realize this

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As Sam said on West Wing, "Let's ignore the fact you're late to the party and celebrate the fact that you showed up at all." We need more people like who you will wake up and 'show up' on Team Reality.

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Eh, I think it initially was motivated by CONFORMING. Each governor didn't want to be that one idiot who didn't lockdown & had deaths of his constituents blamed on him.

I think everyone blindly followed China, believing it was the right thing to do. I don't think our governor wanted control.

I had a pretty in-depth discussion with the CEO of a big nonprofit I work for about their vax mandate that kicked in back in October- WELL past when it was proven they don't stop transmission.

The man legit thought it was the right thing to do for everyone. It's kinda sad (if it weren't also so horrifying & infuriating.)

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I've since followed up & pestered them to remove the requirement.

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Fear. No one had ever faced a "pandemic." And it came from China, which isn't a big ally of the US.


That's what I remember from March 2020. Everyone was terrified.

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& people act irrationally when scared. Governments thought they were obliged to inform the public, and their "informing" only escalated fear. (See the UK Behavioral task force.)

... & snowball affect, exacerbated by Trump Derangement Syndrome. ('Trump says open schools, so we must keep them closed!')

& here we are. No grand plan for a "new world order. Just fear, conformity, arrogance (Fauci & his narcissim.)

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Guess who else is at nearly zero risk of dying of covid? Nearly everyone. Covid-19 is a minor risk to the vast majority of society. Therefore, the jab, the PCR test, and the mask are not necessary (and they're not effective and potentially harmful).

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That was maybe my favorite thing about the pandemic. All the 'experts' saying that bad covid outcomes are very very rare if you're vaccinated.

Well, before vaccination my age group had a hospitalization rate of roughly 1%. Tough to get much more 'very very rare' than that.

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That's right, bad covid outcomes are very very rare for everyone except those over 80 years of age with 3 comorbidities. These people have a propensity for bad outcomes for every disease: pneumonia, common cold, influenza, etc. The covid death stat is tainted by blurring the line between dying from a virus and dying with a virus.

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And those sadly who were given the standard hospital protocol of remdesivir and ventilator....most had bad outcomes. Very unnecessary since, as you point out, for most people bad outcomes are very very rare for COVID-19.

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Just about zero if you were semi healthy

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Yep. Even that 1% was heavily concentrated in the sickest portion of the age group. The way that I put it is that bad outcomes aren't 'random' as stats would have us believe -- what's more realistic is getting 100 Americans into a room and then picking out the sickest one.

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What does that mean?

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It means that if you keep yourself out of that unhealthy section of the age group, you're fine. And in that unhealthy group we're talking about serious comorbidities here -- cancer, obesity, etc.

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If you strip the obese people out of your age group, the hospitalization rate is probably 1/10th of that

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Most of the covid deaths are among the very unhealthy, weak or elderly. When this cohort of frail people dies with a positive covid test, they're put in the covid death stat. I'd like to know the average number of people that died of "natural causes" (old age) in the decade prior to covid vs today. I bet you a significant portion of people who died of "natural causes" gets hooked into and subsequently classified as a "death involving covid-19 "

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That's possibly why the Danes have also removed AsrtraZeneca and Johnson from their immunisation programmes - leaving only Pfizer and Moderna for some inexplicable reason!

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And the US is no longer a leader in medicine and public health policy, rather it is a dangerous outlier and an example of what not to do.

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Costa Rica recently ended the covid vaccination requirements for anyone, not just for 18 year olds......it makes no sense at all and is a scandal to require this when everyone vaccinated is getting the virus multiple times, can spread it, and are dying even with the vaccines (from either the covid or the side effects)....it is obvious these governments requiring it are just completely compromised.

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I'm sincerely happy to hear Costa Rica can think and act independently of the U.S. After visiting there and seeing Costco-type stores, and billboards decrying racism, I worried they were under our spell.

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Guess they'll be cancelling the Fauci Lego mini-figure.

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no need for mini. He is mini.

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What about Fauci bobble head night at the Nationals game ... ?

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We're not Denmark.

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Did they really have a Fauci bobble head night?

It's DC so I have to consider that it could really happen

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"American vaccine fanatics, take note. You are hurting your kids for no reason except your own narcissism and anxiety."



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It’s also because of mass formation hypnosis.

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We need to cancel the shots for anyone under 81 ... RESIST.

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We should cancel them for all ages. We have effective safe therapeutics.

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This is good as I added it to the pounding I gave the local mayor's office announcing more jabs for kids.

There was one Big Pharma guy who tried to tangle but he doesn't bother showing up now. I kicked his ass royally asking for him to show the data to supporting giving the experimental "vax" to children.

Now, no one tangles. Not.A.One.

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'American vaccine fanatics, take note. You are hurting your kids for no reason except your own narcissism and anxiety

Truer words have never been spoken.

I wonder how history will look upon this, in let's say 20 years!

Good grief; what has happened to America?!

Thx Alex for all you have done! You have led the way for so many of us that knew this stuff through good old fashion horse sense!

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History will look at this period the way we look at lobotomies -- an example of the primitive human mind falling to superstition and fake science.

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Or bleeding people to get out the bad blood.

A common practice for many years in history.

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God. So good!

Lobotomy! LOL!

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Looks like The Big Guy who occupies the White House has been lobotomized

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It's like a horror film, and we all know how it's going to end.

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But now we have the “new” virus coming. Just in time to lock us all down and demand only “mail-in voting” for the midterms:


They should have just called it “The Langley Virus”.

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Finally, some sanity and science in the land of pixie-dust, unicorns, cotton candy and clowns.

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The Entire Media should of listen to you Months ago Berenson!

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Years ago!...:]

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I always take family and friends and hearken back to the Diamond Princess Cruise ship.The beginning of the Covid19 pandemonium.

3700 people on board, average age 58.

The opposite of social distancing (to say the least).

No clinic on board.

This was the most virulent Wuhan strain to date. (BA1.1.1)

During and after the outbreak, 100% of the people were tested by PCR.

Result: 732 were positive (19.8%) This is low infectivity- R°<1.2. Fauci said it was R°=5-7—a lie.

13 died. 1.8%. That means (98.2% survive with ZERO treatment. The two "patient zeros" died very soon after boarding; they were husband and wife from mainland China who boarded the ship, already very sick, in Japan. Ages? 87 and 84 years old. If you subtract these patient zeros, and just focus on the newly infected by these two, then 11 died. 1.5%. 98.5% survived without any treatment.

Covid 19 was a fairly bad cough-cold. Fatal to a small percentage of the old and compromised, as is from any virus.

During Wuhan strain, CDC said on their website that only 6% of all fatalities in the US were Covid only at autopsy. 94% (Called Covid on board!) have an average of 2.9 co-morbidities (causes of death). Therefore, when people say a million have died in the US of Covid, that really means only 60,000 have died of Covid—that is actually less than the last H1N1 Flu outbreak in the US in 2017-18.

This "experiment" was corroborated on the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier. a few weeks later. 5000 sailors, no distancing or masks. 20% infection rate (by PCR)—one death. Average age estimated to be 23 or so.

CONCLUSION: The worst variant is a cough cold. No reason to GMO yourselves (yes, the inoculation is GMO, genetic engineering oneself!). The same people who are diligent to avoid eating GMO food, are eager to instead inject GMO into themselves. Does that make sense?

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Anybody still jabbing their kids, is so gone that there is no hope of them ever coming back. Imagine, your "narcissism" being so great that you needless are jeopardizing the health and long term viability of your own children. Still, have to give the corrupt media credit for the brainwashing job they have done. We can only hope that someday, those same media assholes pay a very steep price.

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Meanwhile, in Germany, a country famous for encouraging independent thought outside of government narratives, you will soon not be considered fully vaxxed for the purposes of normal life and transportation etc. unless you have had a shot within the last 3 months.


At this point, Germans should really leave Germany and then reenter as refugees as I believe, like Canada and the US, they don't need to have the shots.

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Germany with independent thought.?????.thanks for the laugh...when did you live there? I spent 12 years there, and my ex husband more than 45 years; he said it was the most perfect place to stand out, as the Germans follow each other like no other....they are some of the most compliant people I have ever met..and not only do they follow orders and rules, the average citizen will go out of their way to point them out to you, even at their inconvenience. Honestly, Switzerland has lots of rules too, but the individual matters here, much more than in Germany..it is all about the collective there, and it still is. Some things never change. The diabolical nature of the restrictions in both Austria and Germany did not surprise me one bit. They blindly trust their governments. So glad I left.

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Was there a link?

Saw this which is closely related and seems to exclude anyone under 50 not at high risk

1. Who will be offered vaccination this fall?

We expect to offer covid-19 vaccination to anyone 50 years of age or older.

People younger than 50 years with a higher risk of serious courses of illness due to covid-19, for example people with weakened immune systems, may be offered booster vaccination against covid-19 after a specific assessment by a general practitioner or hospital doctor. The Danish Health Authority will later assess whether all pregnant women, or only selected pregnant women, should be offered vaccination after a specific medical assessment.


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Source? I can't find anything online...granted, I imagine all the algorithms are sweeping this under the rug.

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Note that this is not included on the English version of the page.

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I see it when google does an automatic translation. Thanks for the link!

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Vax fanatics love an enemy. Hero to zero for medias pre selected piñata when #s undeniable

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Trust the Vikings to get their shit together, meanwhile the numbskulls here in the Not So Great White North (especially the hair-brains at the University of Toronto) and the US of A are digging in for the long haul. It was, and remains to be no more than a pure money making gig.....

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Those Vikings are already shot up to the tune of at least 80% of the population.

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“Narcissism and anxiety”. Pure gold, Alex! Describes perfectly nearly all of my neighbors in lefty utopia Marin County…

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I would also add parents who believe the experts and blindly trust. Those parents who realized they were lied to on purpose so they would jab their kids and their kids paid a price… those parents are going to be a power keg and I wonder if enough of them have reached the point of explosion.

Here is a clip from a dad who realized too late what damage his son will face for rest of his life


I have co-workers so bought into the cult that they won’t ever tie any health problems in his household to the jabs (he already got covid twice in like 3-4 months but he is a firm believer).

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Our deplorable national leadership will NEVER do this. No moral courage, too much into the financials. This is now all about corporate and personal greed, selfish vainglory and not about health and safety. Very disappointing.

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More truth serum

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Hahaha. Classic!

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The vaccine for Omicron variant is coming this fall and it will pushed on us, full steam ahead, by the usual suspects. They won’t let up on children either unless parents take a stand and refuse to do it. It’s the only way.

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the omicron variant is a bad cold

if these "vaccines" were effective, they could potentially create something worse, but i'm guessing that they will do nothing to a person whose pumping out alpha spike proteins except maybe put additional stress on their immune system

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this marks the end of Scandinavia being the ideal dream of the leftists

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You forgot about control and power, that's what this has all been about since the beginning Alex, you just don't want to admit or accept it.

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now do thin people

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Thank God for Denmark

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Your spot on Alex about parents. Narcissism and fear promote the insanity of parents projection. Sad really. How many kids will be harmed?

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Interesting that the Danish Health Ministry is funding the Jynneos Monkeypox Vaccine at the same time they realize kids don't need the Covid jabs.



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Why is it that the Nordic countries are often ahead of the United States in banning bad pharmaceutical products? Are they less Big Pharma captured?

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Nice to see at least one country with some intelligence. Not here though. A disgrace. CDC on down a clown show.

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Good news but is it too little too late? Yes, it’s an admission of failure but how many children were bullied and experimented on before they came to their senses?

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Excellent contribution, keep telling the truth and the world will eventually wake up, even though it's too late for far too many innocents.

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Thanks for continuing to share this kind of information it's the only source of this kind of information for myself so I really appreciate it I don't watch television but I doubt this kind of information is even on television so thanks so very much

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Alex, did I miss your comments on Joe Biden's Gestapo raiding Trump's house? Or is that just water off the duck's back?

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I wish I could post on Facebook but I need my access. Save this for your next lawsuit.

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Alex your last paragraph says it succinctly!

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Nobody should be injected with mRNA bioweapon.

" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet " :


Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


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I searched every keyword I could think of for this, and the only recent news articles (8/9/22) are regarding an announcement about Denmark and the Monkeypox shot. Is it being obfuscated?

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Meanwhile, the fools in DC and New Orleans are MANDATING Covid shots for kids!!!! In order to go to public school in DC, kids 12 and over must be vaccinated! In New Orleans, 5 (yes 5) and over must be vaccinated. THIS IS A DISGRACE!!! Imagine if our news media covered it. Oh wait, the midterms are coming. We certainly don't want the Dems to receive any more bad publicity! We are truly living in an evil time. We know there is ZERO benefit for kids, but it may Hurt them, so we push it anyway!! There are no words to express how infuriating this is!

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I wish my daughters would listen. One is on her second bout of covid

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We need to be careful about relying on gross probabilities. If "most" people aren't seriously injured, that's little consolation to those who are injured. The important question is what conditions increase the odds of injury, and focus on those. The risk for healthy children, and adults, even seniors, is very good. The characteristics of who are at risk and who are not has been suppressed to enhance the panic. Most of the conditions that make some more vulnerable are preventable and correctable. Medical industry prefers you don't know. Your ignorance supports their business model.

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Alex you didn't cite the source of the Denmark statement. Unless I missed something, may we have it, please?

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thank God! Seeing the word "option" for everyone else is a beautiful sight. This is how it should have been from the very beginning. Optional!

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Incidentally, AstraZeneca 'vaccine' has been removed form the Danish immunisation programme due to 'vaccine' injuries... Interesting

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...And the Johnson and Johnson one.... Hey, ho.... Why are they continuing the Pfizer and Moderna ones?

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Mark my words- mRNA will be a banned technology for vaccines within 3 years.

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Well, at least we know that the species will continue. Unfortunately, a billion of us are still screwed.

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