Did I miss a discussion of profits due to "with COVID" and "of COVID?"

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Bingo! That's why you can't trust the COVID numbers. I know two people who were never even tested yet were reported as COVID positive by a medical clinic. How many others? It's peculiar. You can't trust any of the numbers because our medical professionals were lying about people HAVING COVID to make money and countries like China, Russia and North Korea were lying about COVID numbers to keep them lower. I remember early reports of satellite images of heat signatures at crematoriums in China running around the clock to handle all the dead bodies. Numbers here were lower and numbers there may have been much higher. What are historians (honest historians) going to make of this in the future. Tell your children and grandchildren the truth so they are armed and they can tell their children what you told them.

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Yes, even people like Berenson and RFK still far too often concede the validity of the stats, but they are NOT accurate. Not even close. We go through the details here and conclude that they're exaggerated about 10x. https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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I think the hospitals got a bonus if the patient died of/with covid... So even more incentive to make sure every patient had a covid+ test, and possibly less incentive to get the patient out alive.

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Every vent equaled a bonus. Remember when the Mercy Ship sat empty in NY harbor? Samaritans Purse was called racists as they prepared to help in New York? A hellacious time, that 2020 was.

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I forgot about that. What was going on?

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Trump sent the hospital ship when NY Gov said hospitals overflowing. He was sending the patients with COViD to Nursing Homes. From all (trusted) news accounts, the ship sat un-used. Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian org that responds to disasters. They were setting up hospital tents and the NY Admin were bickering because the SP is supposedly racist for not believing in Man/man or woman/woman marriage. SP does not discriminate against anyone. Ever. No charge, just help.

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There were 2 hospital ships that sat unused. One in NY and one in CA.

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Franklin Graham's (Billy's son) charity. Another religious leader co-opted by Francis Collins. Pre covid, I had great respect for the charity and Dr. Graham.

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Collins will have a lot to answer for on judgment day, but I wish he’d confess before then.

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Plus the field hospitals at the Javits center and Brooklyn piers. Never used. But the goal was accomplished- they got rid of Trump with an exaggerated “ crisis” and changes in the election process.

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They were paid much more because respiratory failure on a ventilator does pay more. But don’t accept the fairy tale that ventilators were used capriciously so easily. Individual decisions are made and they are based on data at the moment of the decision. The vital signs are easily obtained and recorded.

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For everyone except George Floyd. He had Covid, enough fentanyl to kill a horse, no injury to the trachea but the idea was he died from a knee to his back and neck- but could not be from Covid. !

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But police are bad. /sarcasm

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Alex linked to the regulation paying a 20% bounty on medical procedures for Covid patients, which obviously and predictably led to an overcount of Covid cases. But I have not seen the regulation where anyone (presumably the county coroner) profited from Covid deaths.

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Look at the CARES act. I believe there was compensation for covid deaths, above and beyond the compensation for hospitalization. Disclaimer: I am not an expert in any of this!

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I have. I see the bounty for patients but not the deaths. Would like to see some documentation of this.

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Debunked conspiracy theory! Only the approved fact checkers know the truth!

On a more serious note, this was certain to happen the instance that government changed the incentives, because incentives drive behavior.


The covid years were a glimpse into the future of government-run healthcare. Millions of actual people with actual medical problems had those problems ignored (or exacerbated!) because of government’s fixation on covid. Government will have no problems making the same “tough call” to sacrifice you or a loved one next time as well.

That’s why when pondering legislation, it’s vital that we’re mindful of how changing rules changes incentives, and that we attempt to align incentives to maximize human flourishing.

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When the government subsidizes anything they create false demand.

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Next you’re gonna tell me the medical establishment makes money on trans surgeries, or on the apps they’re now giving kids to see if they’re depressed and need more pills…


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Ohhh how I wish you would use your considerable talents to focus on the Covid testing racket. 2800usd for tests at Lenox Hill 'Emergency Room' (lobby) in Dec 2020, $700 tests at a kids summer camp in PA in July 21..and still tents popping up occasionally around Manhattan to this day. Would love for the money to be followed and to see who is cashing in.

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I would like to know how many swabs gave false-positive results.

Also wondered if the swabs were used to “spread” it. Nothing would surprise me.

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False positives were a high percentage but I don’t have a number. How else could they come up with “asymptomatic infection”?

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The obsession with testing (that apparently still exists) was puzzling until it became apparent that healthcare received benefits from “positive” cases. The government and its media enablers wanted high infection counts, too, to frighten people into following masking/isolation/jab orders

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There is still an obsession with tests. My wife's PCP wouldn't see her for a respiratory illness until she tested negative for COVID. She went to the drugstore, bought and took a test (negative), and then her doctor would see her. Of course this same office required masks until a couple months ago.

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So if she’d tested positive they wouldn’t see or treat her? They aren’t very scientific at that practice.

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Correct. She would have had to go to urgent care.

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People set up rules and maintain them despite ample evidence that they make no sense.

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Dr Paul Marik has talked extensively about all the financial incentives given to hospitals. There were financial bonuses for Prescribing Remdesivir as well as putting patients on ventilators. There were even payments when a patient died of Covid! It’s unbelievable!

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Dr. Scott Jensen has some YouTube videos in MN back in like May or even late April of 2020 calling the corruption out on medical classifications and coding for enhanced payments. This was all KNOWN early on. Jensen is a part of Dr. Simone Gold's group of medical FREEDOM fighters!

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It was also known at that time that only the extremely old / those with comorbidities were dying.

It was also established that the vent survival rate was appx 10%.

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It is PURE EVIL like I’ve never seen before. And I’m a (forced) retired deputy of 23 years. I’ve seen evil, but not on this scale in such a blatant manner.

It’s sickening to me.

Stay close to God. I mean this.

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Amen! God is our ONLY hope.

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God is ALWAYS hope. God is pure LOVE. It’s unfortunate that many human beings cannot fathom that.

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I am....I think the same.

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Yes I believe it was in the arena of about 40,000 dollars to the hospital if a patient died of Covid, with Covid, or maybe even thinking about Covid...whatever they wanted ........what could possibly go wrong? It's beyond sickening.

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There was also (maybe still is) an incentive for families. If Covid is on the death certificate the government helps with paying for funeral. So the families will demand putting Covid there.

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Stop with the ventilator nonsense. No one was put on a ventilator who wasn’t already circling the drain. O2 level too low, CO2 level too high, and/or respiratory rate not sustainable. Would you wait until the heart stops and they need to be shocked before intubating? Critical situation. All the other measures were tried BEFORE intubation and ventilation. Abuse of ventilators is one of the big myths that remain.

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This sub has lots of stats on Hospital incentives and payouts - scroll down. Ventilators we’re absolutely used and we’re responsible for killing people (this is on top of denying life saving early treatment care that would have prevented people from getting so sick in the first place.

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Wrong, 100% wrong.

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What’s 100% wrong?

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Only one example here but I have a neighbor who is about 60 years old and fit (kite surfer, dirt bike rider). He had the China Virus in early 2021. Had a rough go of it and was put on a ventilator. He was not “already circling the drain.” He survived and is alive and well though he and his wife are jabbed and boosted and they are often sick, both having had several bouts with the China Virus.

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BS. A buddy of mine who was one of the first suspected cases in LA was put on a ventilator twice and he was no where near death.....he survived whatever it was, some called it COVID-19.

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Great. Now he should go back and look at the criteria used to make those decisions. Guaranteed that he was circling the drain. Otherwise he can collect a pretty penny from whomever made the decision.

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Do you work in a hospital setting? Can you provide some documented evidence of this? I honestly don't know. I recall hearing some doctors at the time criticizing the overzealous ventilation of patients, but I'm not in healthcare.

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Don’t believe everything you hear or are told ! I can’t give documents or stats. But the criteria for intubation and ventilation are well established Have you ever been in an ICU or ER caring for someone gasping for breath with documented hypoxia and or hypecarbia and dying.? CPAP ( continuous positive airway pressure) is not changing the numbers and the next stop is calling the “ code!”

Do you want to call someone from the peanut gallery or a “ respiratory doula” to not intubate. The decision to intubate is never automatic but the alternative is death and the inevitable malpractice claim for NOT intubating that individual patient. Joe Rogan and the peanut gallery love to say “ ventilators “ killed a lot of patients . Let’s go to the videotape and review the immediate alternatives!

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Also known as death factories. Here’s to some Remdesivir and no family allowed back here type stuff.

What are the hospitals now doing with those profits?

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Ah yes, how the Medical Industrial Complex profits from the Scamdemic. Inside job all the way.

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Hey Alex, can you share more breakdowns about this? It would be interesting to see if hospitals in blue or red states or counties, rural vs city, Catholic vs secular etc fared any better or worse in their profits. Did hospitals in states with rising all cause mortality make more profits or less? Could we use hospital profits as some kind of proxy metric or leading indicator for all cause mortality, one way or the other? Or maybe it’s just a wash? I don’t have any particular hypotheses but I appreciate when you get all data nerdy on us and attempt to formulate a theory on the what and why is going on with these profits. Maybe if enough people like or upvote this comment you could tell us more about this study! Thanks for all you do, it is refreshing and delightful to read your work!

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Hospitals are where people go to die. The only thing they’re good for is trauma cases.

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Was all part of the scam. Scare people into hospitals thinking they would die otherwise. Then use lethal treatments once you got them inside(see New York). Get the death count rising. Keep the fear ramped up with forever masking and unneeded testing and contract tracing to really mind fuck the pleebs until the magic life saving vaccine comes out. Get half the world to inject the worthless poison to get rid of some more dead weight. The entire thing was a scam, every bit of it. Alex will never go that far, most that are making cash off it will. They all believe there was a real pandemic, it didn’t exist. I’ll also ask anyone to respond if they know someone that died in there house from this cold. I know nobody, I know 1 that died in the hospital tho. The hospitals killed people with there bogus treatment and made billions off it, that’s the American way now. A corrupt lost nation with nothing left to offer other than moral depravity, and narcissism. The end of this country is very close.

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There was NO PANDEMIC. I knew this three ago.

Frustrated and pissed doesn’t even cover it.

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It was an orchestrated PANICDEMIC@

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Let's form a Pissed Off partnership. What bothers me is that too many do not seem to care what happened.....and that.. "it's over, so stop your grumbling about it" seems to be their standard response. I want to hope that God sends another flood.

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I lost my job of 23 years…no biggee. I got kicked out of stores…no biggee. I got treated like a leper…no biggie. Carry on!

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I believe more people died at home for fear of going to the hospital than people who died in a hospital setting.

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Where did this happen??? Never saw or heard about it where I live.

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Well I can say for certain it happens in Massachusetts.

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This makes me angry on so many levels. To think that hospitals profited while for months I sat in my private practice dermpath lab doing nothing because elective procedures were prohibited. I’ll never get over what our asinine response to covid took from me. I will never trust public health again.

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They wouldn’t even allow non-emergency procedures on pets, like spay/neuter. It wasn’t as if the vets were going to go work at human hospitals if they weren’t sterilizing Fido. It was part of the PsyOp to scare people with perceived shortages and fake emergencies. I’m sorry you lost so much business due to it.

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Was just hearing about hospitals needing to build far bigger to accommodate the growing NEED. Just how many more people in todays world are sicker than ever I wonder after the past few years

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Yet here in Washington and in other states where the data is available, we have LESS capacity than we did in 2020 -- mostly thanks to idiotic vax mandates.


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Close border ship everyone who doesn't belong here and if we have any that are improving America and themselves give them a chance to be American citizens taxpayers.

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It's not a conspiracy... it's just good business.

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American spend 2x/capita on med services than does any other country We rank fifty-somethingth in life expectancy


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Prolong life. Stay away from Doctors as much as possible.

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And stay away from pharmaceuticals

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American people are being over medicated believing that you stop one drug to take another drug to create a addict too point you can't get off of the medication because the withdrawals are far worse than the drug. Narcan does that with Patients and the patient goes back to his or her dealer to get more drug of choice. Most people don't know that or understand how today drugs work.

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Big pharma, government health agencies and the propaganda media are the real virus. The Virus Industrial Complex.

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Pharmaceutical companies and the ones who are using there medication is got millions of people addicted so bad the withdrawals to most of these drugs are more deadly than Medication. Another words think before you take anything your government leaders as you to take. Listen to Alex Berenson as well.

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Because of the 13%, almost all of them have Medicaid so don’t blame it on the lack of a government run insurance plan.

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If You Are Vaccinated

You Don't Owe Me An Apology

You'll Be Sorry Enough.

But While I'm Thinking Of It

Can I Have Your Stuff ?


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Oh Thomas, you’re very creative today!😉

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