Please stop pretending the vaccines ever worked against COVID Alex.

The trials were fraudulent so all conclusions based on them are as well:

https://tritorch.com/designedToSucceed [image]

https://tritorch.com/trialWhistleBlower [image]

They NEVER worked to stop COVID. They only ever worked to line the pockets of Fauci and Pfizer. Period!

Here is the deadly truth about the vaccine’s “efficacy“:


EDIT: A friend of mine, Dr. Leet, has been hard at work suing Dr. Fauci and the NIH, in addition to working with lawmakers on legislation to fix this COVID mess. Today he sent out this call to arms. Please stand with him:


The following link will take you to the global Covid summit statement. The bill recently passed by the state Legislature, H3126, addresses some of the issues listed in the summit statement. I look forward to working with our legislatures next year to make the permanent and to address language in the bill that constrains its effectiveness. I also look forward to rewriting Title 44 relating to DHEC to hold DHEC accountable for standards and processes that protect the citizens of our state from the corruption that has been on full display these past two years. This includes holding DHEC employees responsible for the damage they have inflicted on this state for their (continuing) blatant disregard for the evidence regarding both adverse effects and lack of effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 mandated treatments, which they have called vaccines.

Will you stand with me?


-Duane G. Leet, PhD

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Indeed! AND health is NOT through vaccines or jabs, etc. anyway...but don’t tell the medical and pharma cartels that..

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my vet knows better. never wore a mask. does not insist on vaxxing. more worth going to than human doctor

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My vet is the exact opposite. Masks, lobby is closed, pull into the parking lot & call to tell them you're there, vet comes out & sees your dog in the parking lot. The guy before me stayed in the lot while the vet took his dog inside. I guess I should feel grateful that the vet carried my dog into a treatment room & let me in to see her over the rainbow bridge.

But I live in a blue state so...

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Don't mean to gloat... in TX we barely know covid exists... with the exception of a couple of Dem politicians who are trying without much success to keep the panic alive.

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Never wore a mask, never missed school, kept having BBQs. God bless Texas!!

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

My High School aged youngest offspring has no idea “how normal” she has had it in our TX city compared to other places!

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In Madison Wisconsin kids in public schools are still masked. Just imagine the damage it's done emotional and socially and from a learning perspective. How are these not looked upon as intentional crimes against humanity? How does a parent consider this?

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Only time I masked up is when after saying no thank you at my local Walmart security threatened to make me leave so I put it on and waited till they quit following and removed it again. I have breathing issues any way and cough and clear throat more than the avg person so it was humorous watching the look of terror on the faces of the hyperchondriacs who saw 2021 as the golden age.

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Not in Austen, TX, though. But that is to be expected, one supposes.

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It is a very distinct and separate part our the state.

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You don't know how to spell Austin, or is there also an "Austen, TX?"

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I live just north of Atlanta, and I haven't worn a mask in longer than two years. I've been to football parties, New Years parties, pool parties. Up here, nobody is the least bit concerned. I don't support Kemp, but at least he got this right.

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I bet the people of Floyd County didn’t wear masks. When in Rome😁

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Ditto in Indiana

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There's this prick ex judge in Dallas who's done his best to promote the covid narrative and was successful at least within Dallas of getting mandates in place and lockdowns.

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Vets are over-vaccinating our cats and dogs just like doctors are over-vaccinating our children. The result is the same: Chronic illness and premature death. Example: The distemper shot for cats was made by Merck with a line of kidney cells. Consequently, the shot causes autoimmune kidney disease in cats, a very aggressive and painful condition, which is now an epidemic in cats. The worst part is that most cats don't need a distemper shot. Distemper is only a threat to a subset of kittens, and only very early in their young lives.

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Before I knew better, I got every vaccine for my cat that the vet ordered. He died at 13. My next cat got absolutely no vaccines and he is doing well at 15 still. Feral cats may need some shots but house cats...NO!

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Vaccines cause kidney disease.

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I think some vaccines are useful for children but I question the universality, the dosing and the additives found within. In the early days, the amount of thimerosal was limited but then it was used in several more vaccines. They paused its use for a while and then started again but I have lost interest as my kids are grown. I had a measles vaccine growing up and got measles. I had two pneumoccal vaccines and got pneumonia twice. Then I saw a naturopath and have gotten ill less often as I get older. Supplements as required, sleep adequately, eat properly and get some fresh air and exercise. We were given this amazing thing called an immune system that should be nourished and cherished...

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My cat had seizures after vaccination, I would never vaccinate a cat again. The vet said it wasn’t the vaccine but she had a fit in her pet carrier after the shot, never had them before.

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We’ve had four+ dogs over the years who suffered from seizures. All were different breeds, obtained from different places/in different ways. It was heartbreaking. We fed them all high-quality/few-ingredient food and they drank either filtered or (where the water was good) tap water. All were primarily indoor dogs (with access to small suburban backyard). All were (needlessly) fully vaccinated. What are the odds they each had “epilepsy”? (Slim to none.)

Anyone else think that the mass-chipping of our pets was used as a mass mammalian experiment? I do.

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Tell your vet 🐂💩

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I never vax my cats, however my state has laws that dogs must have the rabies vax every 3 years. I have 2 beautiful great pyrs and I do not want to continue to vax them.

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Rabies vaccine should ONLY be given to healthy dogs. I stopped giving my dog her rabies shot at age 15 and she lived to me 18.2 years old.

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Shawn, you may want to ask your vet to do a titer test, a simple blood test to determine if there are still antibodies.

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The rabies vaxx is tied to the licensing of your dog, usually by the County you live in. If you don’t license your dogs, no need to rabies vaxx after the initial vaxx…just put a tag on their collar with your phone number…it looks official! I also don’t believe in micro chipping them either!!

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of the 13 rabies shots, only 2 TWO DO NOT HAVE MERCURY, the other 11 rabies have mercury. STOP vaxxing pets, another scam.

TF = Thimerosal (mercury) Free


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Captain Jessica, thank you for that link.

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Thanks for that info, will pay attention in the future🧐

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Super helpful. Any idea on vaccines for horses....?

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Pharma has it's fingers everywhere! Look at the main company responsible for 40% of the infant food production...a Pharma company Abbott Labs

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shocked to learn that. Its like Bayer owns Monsanto glyphosate chemicals and aspirin

at the same time. ALL CHEMICALS must be removed from food and health products.

pHARMA is an octopus with thousands of tentacles.

Govt in bed with YUGE chemical and drug companies,

what a shit show!

People need to wake the F up!!

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Be aware of any medications you get from Torrent labs: I was recently warned by Caremark that my blood pressure medication (Losartan) was recalled 5 times in ONE year for containing cancer-causing agents. Why they didn’t let me know until after five recalls, I can’t imagine🤪, But I now don’t accept any scripts from Torrent.

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It’s shocking and Joe Rogan had a great guest on about reproductive health and the reduction of mens sperm count, dr Shanna Swann

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we gave our 5 year old healthy dog the 3 yr rabies vaccine and a few months later she came down with fatal spleen cancer. I'll never look at vaccination the same again. Doesn't help that I came down with Bells Palsy a day after taking a tetanus shot. The dr said that the medical industry had no idea what ever could cause bells. Never would have pieced those together if it wasn't outed with the c jab.

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A friend's wife had Bells P 2 days after 2nd injection of gene therapy meds

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Amen to all you said…I’ve been all over the veterinary medicine vaxx schedule since my dog was young. I quit vaccinating her after her second round of ‘shots’. These vets are as bad as pediatricians with the vaxx schedule!!!

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Thank you, the vet was adamant it wasn’t the vaccine but as soon as I got her outside she had a very violent seizure, she had never had them before. It’s all they do is flood our bodies and pets bodies with chemicals

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yes, its way out of control, money money money for vets and pediaatricians,

all a BIG SCAM FOR MONEY for pHARMA!!!!!

and keep the people stupid.

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Darby Shaw, horses too, I'm thinking. As the years have gone by the veterinarians recommend additional annual vaccinations for the equines too.

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Darby Shaw: I did not know that about the cat vaccines. That ticks me off more than a little bit.

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If you research you’ll see other people reporting it too.

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My vet doesn’t believe animals get covid, but I question it. Recently, at 76, unvaccinated & un-boostered, I had Covid for 3 1/2 weeks and my three pups (also unvaxxed) were my only companionship. We were all pretty lethargic but got through it with no lasting effects👍

Now, at 77, I feel very comfortable that my elderly immune system will prevent any further variant issues🎉🎈🎊

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Hopefully you and the pups will stay safe! According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pets — including cats and dogs — have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. This happened mostly after the animals were in close contact with people infected with the COVID-19 virus.

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absolutely they are Darby! A friend of mines cockapoo went deaf after a vaccine

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Most dogs do not need vaccines after age 4-5, because they will have antibodies. NEVER give your dog Gabapentin (it's not even FDA approved for animals or Convenia). Gabapentin killed my dog who was 18.2 year old. It gave her depression, muscle tremors, made her blind, light sensitivity and it blew out her kidneys. Her kidneys were fine before she took Gabapentin. Vets push vaccines and meds like candy.

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Do you have any resources so I can find out more about this?

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I also highly recommend Karen Becker, DVM, at Mercola Pets online. She's a holistic veterinarian with numerous videos on canine and feline health and wellbeing. You can also subscribe to her daily newsletter.

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Yes. Sign up for my free newsletter (Kids, Covid and Covid Vaccines on Substack). I will put together a list of references and send them out to my subscribers. It may take a week or so. I have several other articles in the hopper right now.

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I'm interested in vaccines for dogs.

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i never get my cats vaccinated

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WOW!!!! Thank you for that information! I think I lost my last cat like this. I had to put him down. Now I see…

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We has to put our cat down a month after he was diagnosed with a melanoma in his mouth. He was 16 and he was losing weight, so I knew something was up. For the initial exam, I had to wait in the car and pass him out the window in his carrier. After that one visit, I told my husband barring the house being on fire, he's never going into that carrier again. I paid the money to have a mobile vet come out when it was time for his trip over the bridge. Wasn't cheap, but I sure as hell was not going to pass my cat out the window to be put down like he was leftovers at a drive-in...

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I'm sorry to hear of this experience. I have been avoiding all doctors myself, but my cats may need to go to the vet eventually. I think that's a great idea to find a mobile vet. That would make me so sad to hand my cats to the technician through the window. Ugh. This whole thing is so dystopian.

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God bless you. I know how these critters - in my case, especially a cat - can get under our skins.

They're not with us for long. All we can do is love 'em as hard as we can while they're with us.

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us too

we had to euthanize our old gal Lucy at age 19 in Jan 2021

Happily paid mobile vet, no curbside pickup for our baby

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You made such a kind and loving choice.

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Tearing up reading how the vet treated your poor darling. Sorry for your loss. We have a mobile bet here too, who mostly puts down old animals because of the same. We love her dearly. She is a very thoughtful and caring person and even takes time to say a little prayer if you want so. Glad to read there are good vets around there too

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It’s VERY heartbreaking when putting down a pet (aka family). I held my baby when he died. I still cry over that precious angel and it’s been about 3 years.

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Good time to rewatch Ty Bollinger’s doc-u-series called the truth about pet cancer. https://thetruthaboutpetcancer.com/

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What HAS to be NEVER EVER forgotten when people vote in 2022 and beyond is WHO did this to you. BLUE cities and BLUE run states. They called you essential or non essential and masked your kids in extreme ways, have let crime run wild and want to control what you think and say etc. NEVER EVER forget!

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Oh, I won't. I'd be out of here already if it wasn't for my elderly mother who I am caring for. But once she passes I'm going house hunting in a different state.

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Don’t go to TN! All of Conservative CA has moved there and the housing market is off the chart back there!

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the vet where I had her nails cut was like that too. Call beforehand, masks on, etc. Crazy.

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The vets in NM were threatened into vaccination with the loss of their license. And our dumbass Governor tried to out do CA with masks and shit down.

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Even in Florida they did this and I felt mad as my dogs don’t talk yet … I made sure I could be on phone with dr as the exam was being done !! Over vaxed YES !

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Yes, all the vets are doing this in MA as well as all of the "rescue" organizations. Couldn't attend a charity "fur ball" unless vaccinated!! Scary how the rescue groups & vets want pets & their owners vaccinated!!!! Vaccine injuries & related deaths aren't any of their concern. Stay outside, they'll gladly give you the bill. No oversight by the customers allowed!!!

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Sounds an awful lot like the C19 wards....

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Thanks for these recs; just sent the the dog lovers in my life!

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I think vets decided they preferred not having the owner in the room. Using covid as an excuse.

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Yes, it's definitely a convenient excuse!

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Agreed. My vet had same protocol.

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I will say this. The mobile vet was incredible. She was very patient and respectful as I was saying my goodbyes to my little man.

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Yes, we've had a vet come out to the house to put our last two Standard poodles to sleep. One had bone cancer, and the other was just old and sick. It is a much more humane way to euthanize pets--for the pets and for the humans.

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Same here. And everyone who works there is a young, healthy female.

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The vet I go to has some podgy activist ladies, but for the most part they're young and at least healthy looking. But all masked and all nervous. It's pathological. Neurotic ninnies.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

you're vet is a narcissist gaming the system to control for his own benefit and agenda

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Same with our vet, ridiculous

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I live in a blue state Commifornia…fortunately I have a vet who doesn’t force the mask crap etc. You can bring your pet into the office and stay with them. I also had to transition my dog over and had a vet come to my house. She left this earthly plane in the house she lived her whole life in, surrounded by the people she loved.

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Does it make a difference to our pets? I think it does, but I don't really know the answer to that, and I don't care.

It makes a difference to us.

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Sometimes I think we are more humane towards our pets than towards our human entourage. Probably because pets are true to themselves and tell no lies

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Same here, but KS. Madness!

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You live in a red state. Why are you putting up with that? "Vote with your dollars" by choosing a vet who isn't into this new-age-communism BS.

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Wow. My vet was like that early in 2020. By summer 2020 could come into lobby. Masks for patrons remained until summer 2021. Employees still wore masks but most below nose or on chin so ridiculous to wear at all.

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Yep. Had to put our dog down in June of 2020. In CA. A horrible event was even more horrible because of covid nonsense.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

I feel for you…fortunately a vet came to the house, did not wear a mask and it was a calm and dignified transition for my girl.

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I'm sorry about your loss. When I put my dog to sleep my Vet came to my house (wearing a mask) and I had to wear one. I live in a blue state too.

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I'm sorry about your loss. The beginning is so difficult.

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Thank you and that's why I'm not ready for another dog.

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They banned unvaxxed from the Metro Toronto ZOO! So we didn't give the animals Covid. Funny, my dog was all over me when I was sick with it and she was the only living being in the house who didn't get it.

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And now they are vaxxing the poor zoo animals. Wtf is wrong with these people?! I truly don’t understand why they would do that. Is it because they have so many shots left over?

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We reached herd mentality a long time ago.

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A mother gorilla at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas who had recently given birth died from mass organ failure after receiving the COVID vaccine:


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It's very suprising that most people go along with their Vets. Shots have not been properly tested in an Independent Dual Blinded Study. They definately have never did it on animals. I agree with you and have been out of that system.

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My vet is reluctant to vax our animals, dogs. Vaxxing killed our previous dog. One shot too many. Doesn’t require humans to be vaxxed either. There are still a lot more questions than answers on most vaccines, animal and human.

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I live in a horse community. People now are questioning vaccinations and some vets while not taking a stand, are saying it is your horse do what you want. Also where I live shits are required twice a year. Many are now refusing and wondering if this was just a money grab when the threat was so tiny. I have posted this before, but some years ago, our barn of 14 horses was hit with rhino flu. It was really bad. No fatalities, but very high temps, unbelievable snot was present. My horse was very sick. She was 4 at that time. The only horse that never got sick was a 17 yr old unvaccinated gelding. That is when I began to question how that could be. BTW, my bill was 1100.00. My young horse was really sick as were others.

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You are smart to ask questions. I, for far too long, just trusted the experts. Most mean well I am sure, but covid has revealed a hideous underside of the medical community.

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If that 14th horse had been vaccinated, you never would have known. By mandating vaccinations without proof that they work and with no long term control groups, they've made it so people can't tell the difference because there aren't many unvaccinated animals to compare to. It's really shocking to think about what a system we've got now that normalizes vaccination-caused problems and how blind we've been.

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we go once a year for the heartworm test. I have her checked for rabies antibodies and only will have the jab if she is not sufficient. I am out in the boonies with lots of wild animals, so that is the only jab I think is worth it.

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Told my vet just last week that my 12 year old labradoodle is done with vaccines for the rest of her life. The look I got from her and the Vet Tech. Yep we’re done with shots all around at my house. Rabies is the only one, for the dog. Lol

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mine only had a few others because the vet tech gave them to her without me knowing what she was doing. Only had the few when she was little. Once I realized vets here just keep on jabbing, I stopped letting them and since, my dog only had the rabies jab, and this time will first be tested before I let them.

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I remember reading somewhere that the rabies shots actually last for a few years, yet are required every year🥴The same $ madness in vet pharma perhaps?

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It is required but you can get an exemption when there are enough antibodies, I heard. So I will check in on that. Gotto go next week, so then I will know for sure.

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In today’s MAD WORLD they probably shuffle your pets off to the treatment room and give them Remdesivir. NOTHING surprises me anymore. NOTHING.

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Absolutely nothing.

And there is no waking up the sleepwalkers. Don't even bother trying. It just leads to acrimony and disappointment.

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Indeed. This is the final nail in the coffin of masks. Of course, we knew that all along...


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Yes we did! And yet they will ignore this study, just like the rest 😡

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This incredibly comprehensive study shows how incredibly dangerous and ineffective masks really are:


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I’ve been saying this for years. Now even the vets have been co opted by big pharma and science diet stole big pharm tactics! Glad you posted this, I just wanted to add a little!

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And he would likely give you ivermectin if required, and advise on proper dosing...

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I wa t your vet. Mine went full mask nazi and outside pick up and return. I had to pass.

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No, do tell them that.


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You've linked to a private page

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Mark Oshinskie has a bunch of very good posts on Substack. Just read one today.

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They already know...

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They all make fun of non pharma interventions but never ir rarely do studies on them to see if they have merit. Just push their "efficacy" from "RCT", the "gold standard". Of course, any study is only worth the salt of the people conducting it...

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Holy crap!! That "designed to succeed" Forbes article in your first link blows the lid all the way off of this fraud, and it was dated, September 23, 2020?!?!

The evidence was in the open even then, and yet the fraud was allowed to propagate across the globe unhindered by the horrible truth...

We've got to take our media and country back, immediately...

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ZERO accountability. Not ONE of these mongers has been remotely held to account and we know who they are. They are implementing the next phase of agenda as we read-write in this forum. What rational mind thinks ANY of this ends with the very same people responsible at the helm? Definition of insanity is WHAT again...some one remind me please. I mean WTF!

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Only one way to hold them accountable and we the people must serve it. Period

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

as a fundamental tenant I agree as we in a constitutional republic elect servants to serve us, to represent us I get that, but will that give us the kind of accountability we need...is that possible through the process of simply continuing to vote people in with the hope REAL accountability will be had?

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The problem is that our voting system has been completely corrupted. That is now perfectly obvious.

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I have a friend that told me there was a documentary made about ballot box stuffing that proved the election wouldn't have gone to Biden without even just the most extreme ballot box stuffing let alone if you included the small fry only doing a little stuffing a day.

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Yes, but how?

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rbj, I updated the top post with something we are working on. Take a look near the bottom.

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Thank you. I have opened a window to check out your stuff at length.

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The million dollar ? Obviously voting for people doesn't seem to have an effect in the swamp. Swamp just continues to swamp regardless of who is there and the fleecing of we the people goes on unabated with no one being held accountable

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How? With half the people still drinking the Kool aid. In blue states you still can't mention masks done work. Still. Not even say cloth masks don't work. They'll but your head off and you'll be fired.

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Agreed. Alex’s reporting has always been superb as far as it goes, but it has never gone much farther than a statistical analysis using government and pharmaceutical data. In short, his reporting misses the forest for the trees, and what a corrupt, dark forest it is! The evil doers behind all of this aren’t hapless fools, they’re knaves from the authoritarian school of Malthusian eugenics with advanced degrees in Feudalism.

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well said JP! Nice use of knave :)

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Knaves vs the Naive, it is almost poetic injustice...

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I just want to mention I am having a hard time getting the hearts to light up. I have pounded and pounded, including many of your posts and they just won't light up.

Also, I have scrolled up and down looking for the post from Tritorch with the links and the order of the posts I see doesn't seem the same as when I didn't have time for the links before.

And as long as I am complaining, my text keeps hanging, like with a virus or a Key Logger.

Anyway , good posts!

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FWIW, happens to me on all Substack comments... at least the 4 I subscribe to.

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Yes! And what happened to the edit option?

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Love this! But im still sticking up for him. His book was published last Fall.

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….and indeed you should. Alex has played and continues to play an important role in researching and reporting an important aspect of the Covid affair, but I think most people now know that there are dark agendas at play that can’t be gleaned from vital statistics alone.

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His work on Ivermectin was just stellar.


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Well taken. Notice how I said that his analyses rely on government and pharmaceutical data? Not a bad place to start since he was able to turn their own statistics against them. On the other hand, one cannot expose a contradiction by turning a statistic that has been intentionally overlooked.

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I'll be honest, ima be lernin from yas. I remember Feudalism, but Malthusian i gotta look up!

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You really do. It's hard to make sense of things without that background.

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Tritorch, your site is a treasure trove of vital information about the pandemic fraud. Thank you sir!

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it's ALL in the open and has been for how long now, but evidence and proof mean nothing without accountability! There MUST be a reckoning!

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How? Seriously how? When zero majored media touch info like that Forbes article.

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THAT is the question HOW? All is KNOWN yet no ONE is EVER held accountable. The true definition of insanity

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Covid has always been trust the scientists, not the science. I believe Faucistein is on record saying Covid was created for the vaccine...kinda like his AIDS debacle? History does not learn.

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History reveals , people do not learn…

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exactly rbj!

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Oh, I’m sure Fraudci learned quite a bit from his AIDS debacle...

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

And this time around had far more assistance with the WEF, American Government and CCP. The perfect table setting was the whu-flu plandemic to set table for the ultimate plans with agenda 2030

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This WHO treaty is going to be a major problem.

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right...it passes and its the ultimate dagger

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You ready for your daily dose? How bout biometrics to let you know when you need it? We'll bring this up again as we get closer. If we can...😁😬

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

IF we are actually at that point we are far past any sort of freedom and full steam ahead totalitarianism and over-lord rule

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Prophecy, brother. Foretells the one world government which i think you just agreed can happen. It's truly on!

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tritorch, I thought I would make you and everybody else’s day: Moderna is developing an additional vaccine that includes the Wuhan strain and 32 mutations present in the omicron Covid variant. If you believe these newfangled vaccines are killing the immune system, it looks like billions of people will die!

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I have better news than that! Biden administration is sending truckloads of baby formula to the border for the illegals so their first experience will be nice and no scary baby formula shortage for new Dem voters! Feel better now, don'tcha?

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Could you get a source for that? I'd like to share that out.

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Well, John, I suppose you’d rather have the Biden administration ignore the law, like president Donnie Trump? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/12/faux-outrage-that-biden-is-stockpiling-baby-formula-undocumented-immigrants/

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Minor "children" who are illegally crossing our borders with or without their parents don't belong here regardless of what Bill Clinton promoted back in the 90's. So, yes, a law to manage people who are already breaking our laws is b.s. Send lawbreakers back over the border. Stop providing them with more benefits than citizens receive. TRUMP 2024!

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Edugal, I can see you are very benevolent. I think you have this wrong: TRUMP 2024, it should be: HATE 2024!

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FJB and FDT. DeSantis 2024!

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Yes, I’m thinking about the people who actually live here and pay their taxes. And those who end up on the street addicted to fentanyl-laced narcotics brought over by the criminals from south of the border. Benevolence begins at home.

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WaPo 😂

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Allowing illegals crossing border illegally to stay here forever is actually not legal. I suspect. LOL. You can only apply for asylum if you attempt to cross legally. And then, we don't have to keep you long.

Seems to me that aiding and abetting people committing a crime should be looked at here.

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Thanks, that's a source no matter how skewed.

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I would rather he keep his oath of office and control our border.

Biden obeying the law, what a sick joke.

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That unmade my day, Just Me. Got any good news to make it again? =)

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I was reading the 1st few chapters of Judy Mikovits book out in 2020 called a "plague of corruption" and its so very eerie how what we were put thru these past 29 months is nothing new at all. Since the 30's massive cover-ups and false science was hijacked for corporate interests thru the decades not unlike what we have witnessed-experienced. Dr. Judy was always right and it's just shown more and more so as time as passed

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Next on your reading list should be the book Dissolving Illusions.

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Heard it's a great read!

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i have been following alex since march 2020. i don't believe he ever pretended that they worked. he was hopeful when he read pfizer's fraudulent report released BEFORE the shots were. but as soon as data from israel started coming out in early 2021, he was one of the very first to call out the shots.

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From the article above:

"It’s over, friends. The mRNA shots don’t work against Omicron for more than a few weeks."

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Can you please repost the links? I had to leave earlier, and I have searched and searched the thread and can't find them, having other problems with this page too.

Great site but I especially want to share these links .

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Farid Jalali MD Still thinks you should vaccinate kids 5 and under.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

the ultimate crimes against humanity is what is being done with the children...how do parents comply!

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Can he explain why kids getting snd dying of hepatitis which never happened before

The vax

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They are saying the kids are unvaccinated.

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While countries are pulling it from adults, China and India. Isnt the UK pulling it for kids 5-17?

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He’s a TOOL

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And wear a face diaper 24/7

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Sister in Madison Wisconsin says kids still wearing masks there and it's mid May 2022. What kind of damage are they doing to the children with such long term "no face" humanity to learn from and be social in. Has to be deeply stunting. It's such deep abuse isn't it. Hard to believe it's even possibly allowed. What type parent continues to comply?

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Only applies to the Madison schools. All surrounding suburban schools don't require masks. UW-Madison doesn't require masks. Only see masks in Madison. In the suburbs they don't exist. Of course, Madison is more left that its suburbs (which are still left). Some of the suburbs have large rural areas which makes them slightly saner.

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always enjoy visiting Madison and such an educated city, but seems like education is not equating with common sense and logic or how to interpret science that is so obvious...

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right! She says there is a saying there around the Capital of Madison. Something like "55 square miles surrounded by reality" lol.

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55 square miles of election fraud as well.

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Not just "no face" but thick masks worn for hours during play even are actually detrimental to health. In the past, asthmatics we're warned about dangers of wearing masks for long periods like during wildfires causing thick smoke.

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exactly...it's just allowed. How any parent complies with this is surreal to me

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I don’t know, I think the recent effort to sabotage J&J/Jansen is because that one might have worked a little bit.

But, in the end, the left is relentlessly trying to find creative and relentless ways of killing as many Americans as they can.

It’s a good thing we’re not all living in the womb right now…

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Face it: We are all being aborted. God have mercy.

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Yeah, the left believes in abortion before after and beyond birth, retroactive abortion is their mantra, “if we don’t like it, kill it!”

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Cuomo was aborting people right up to the 300th trimester.

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What are you even talking about? He may have a higher rate of death because of all the elderly retirees in FL but "Deathsantis"? Really?

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I was wondering if this would surface. Once societies were evil for killing of innocent children. Now we go from in to outside of the womb. Next anyone considered and please excuse the pun, "dead weight", will be deemed expendable. Yes, GOD have mercy.

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Rabbit, that hits home like a hammer.

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It's the only vaxx that tested anyone for evidence it worked on severe disease. LOL. Wow.

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Call me crazy but….Why are we considering funding for more Covid dollars to fund big pharma and the liars who made them rich? Move on America and our medical community who conveniently forgot how viruses work. Not ONE more mandate!

Let’s Go Brandon!!

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I caught the Delta variant less than 4 months after the second jab. I just wish people would stop with the assumption it would have been far worse had they not been vaccinated. Totally unproven assertion

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You're exactly right. A really good friend told me exactly that yesterday. It was in the context of, he and his family, including his 10-12 yo grandchildren were scheduled to go on a cruise. The cruise line kicked them off b/c they weren't all vaccinated. He and his daughter had a conversation about getting the grands vaccinated so they could go on the cruise. They opted to get the kids vaxed.

I cringed when he told me that.

A few months ago, his wife had a stroke. He and she had the vax a few months earlier. I told him, there may be cause and effect. He shrugged it off b/c of the time delay. Another really good friend of our family had EXACTLY the same thing happen.

Just a coincidence? Just bad luck? Maybe. But I don't think so. I'm not getting vaxed. And my 13 yo daughter will get it over my dead body.

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I remember back in 2007, after overwhelming evidence that there were no WMD in Iraq and that the claims were most probably a pretext to go to war; that President W, now a lame duck, would all but admit it in public (albeit cryptically); of sons and daughters coming back home with limbs or their lives missing; of the chaos that was occurring in Iraq; that we were not greeted as liberators: they took a poll of all Americans asking if they thought there were WMD in Iraq. After four years of evidence to the contrary, including the examples I cited, a majority answered: Yes!

Pride is a powerful human emotion and is said by many theologians to be the greatest and most original of all sins. Among other evil consequences, it keeps people from seeing the truth in front of their faces if it means that they must confess their error in judgement and/or admit that they were bamboozled.

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It would have been far worse for Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J stock holders, you see.

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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Just amazing to me just how deep those unproven rationalizations were and are set into people's minds. I think it's because it's a psychological thing with these people that makes them feel more justified in taking injections because the fear of being duped-misled is too much for them

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I believe psychologists refer to the behavior as affirmation—the idea that people who are privately unsure of any given choice in life tend to seek out and/or promote others who have made the same choice in order to bolster their weak confidence. (E.g. I’m not so sure it was smart for me to drop 95k on a Tesla, but I’ll feel a lot better with my choice if I see other people driving Teslas and in fact I will now politically advocate that everyone drives Teslas). It’s a variation of the “show of hands” fallacy in Aristotelian logic that falsely asserts that the more people agree on something, the more that something must be true.

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the susceptible mind is a weakness humanity needs to evolve past for sure...

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I have heard that statement from so many people...leaves me absolutely dumbfounded.

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J P shed more light above on just why that is. It's a deep seeded psychosis and fear of believing they could have been WRONG

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Alex only reads abstracts and doesn't dig any deeper than that. This is evident with his research on Ivermectin or basically any form of early treatment.

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All that $$$ hanging in the balance? Expect them to "invent" a new mRNA vaccine targeted at Omicron.

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you can bet on it and it will be said to be 95% or more effective again and sheeple will buy it. The propaganda of new and improved will be driven home 24-7 using taxpayer monies again to create the next mass psychosis of FEAR

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And, of course, there will be lotteries....

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My partner and I just had that conversation!

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If you read his book, Pandemia, he never actually thought they would. He was skeptical from the start. It's an excellent read.

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Right! For those of us who shouted to the world that the jabs were a complete failure back in September of 2021, it's disappointing to see someone with Alex's clout just now realizing that. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/death-by-covid-jabs-update-12?s=w

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Doctors may not be having mid-term elections, but one thing we have all learned is that, sadly, there are few professions more political than being a doctor in 2022.

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I agree except that many doctors livelihoods were threatened…..what should have happened is the AMA or NEJM should have called bullshit from day one. Our govt health agencies are obviously corrupt on several fronts….

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doctors should have been doctors first and not follow the politics. If all doctors, or the most, had followed their oath they would not have injected one person and they would have treated their patients with good meds. But most looked at their wages first.

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ID docs in the metro NYC area were threatened with losing their licenses....I agree though, oral therapeutics would have saved hundreds of thousands lives. That’s where I became seriously suspect.

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What would the government have done if 90 % had said no? Take away all their licenses? Would have been impossible.

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Doctors earn very well in the US at least partly because we trust them to exercise their highly educated judgment. If they are not using their judgment to avoid controversy they will soon find their judgment is not nearly as valued as it once was.

It's also because supply is restricted by a shameless cartel but that's a conversation for another day.

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Lost my trust in doctors a very long time ago. The doc we had as a child used nothing but antibiotics, and made me allergic to it. At 14 I got pneumonia. Then the antibiotics did no longer work. Then we found out there are much better meds that build up your immune system. Hardly been sick since. Now 65.

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Had that happened they would have noted which doctors resisted and slowly over time starting with those who caused the most problems they would have investigations and license pulled because the licensing boards are controlled by the same people who control the politicians. Licensing boards were weaponized long ago as a means to keep the professional class quite when necessary.

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That's what they did to a Minnesota State Senator/MD for telling the world about people dying in motorcycle accidents and being reported as Covid deaths.

I forget his name, it was at the beginning.

But they tried to yank his license and everything they could to shut him up.

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You got it. Obviously America is the land of the marshmallows (dont tell anybody)

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No way for doctors to organize to do this, plus it takes guts. . . Also many doctors probably believed the B S. . . Just cause one us a doctor doesn't mean they are logical.

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No excuse. Doctors and nurses who don’t speak out are complicit in crimes against humanity.

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Doctors and nurses who jab away, should be held accountable for every damage. I know first hand, that they do not ever mention any side effects or worse when giving you a shot. Neither do vets. It would make them think twice jabbing as they do, kids 72 before age 18 that is just awful. In Europe where I am from, there are maybe 6, and no boosters. Well, not before covid.

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Corruption is metastatic…

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Unfortunately, most doctors work for a health (don’t)care system now. They are employees. Can’t go against the system.

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The ethical standards of the medical profession are abysmal. They and the journals they read are controlled by Big Pharma.

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My livelihood was not only threatened but axed. Someone has to stand up for the truth whether one's job is at stake or not. Especially Drs who have life and death in their hands.

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Exactly. Instead, AMA propaganda spread like wildfire across the internet. https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19#:~:text=Press%20Releases-,AMA%20survey%20shows%20over%2096%25%20of,fully%20vaccinated%20against%20COVID%2D19 No one one even questioned the absurdity of the "survey", likely because they never bothered to click on it. Details? What are those?🙄

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My Dr told me pre Covid. The Government not the Dr are in charge of the medical treatment for the populace .

During Covid, she said the CDC tells them what to do.

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I’d change doctors. It’s also a violation of the Hippocratic oath ... that word doesn’t look right! 🦛??

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She told the truth. At least I get that. Some Drs wouldn’t admit it.

All Drs are owned now, private practice is becoming scarce

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True, sorry, I misinterpreted your comment... My doctor after reading my list of post vax “weird things” suggestive of blood clots, said “ well, you don’t want to get Covid”... I responded “ no, but I don’t want a brain aneurysm.”

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The CDC script. My Dr said she had to follow the CDC script or lose her job….

My thought was, what happened to integrity?

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I'm in Canada with Universal (controlled) healthcare. I would GLADLY pay out of my pocket for a doctor who can treat me with honesty and integrity.

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Why not? Don't you want to be like Uncle Joe?

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Hypocritical Oath. Better?

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But they comply. GUILTY.

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Did she comply??

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Comply w the CDC? Yes.

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but doctors DO GET GRANT $$$ from the govt.................. kinda works the same, no?

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If you are paid by the government, you are political, by definition.

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My hemotologist, Dr Tang whose from China said to me last year after letting him know my other Dr advised me to just get the first dose since I had some antibodies. Dr T. "Don't you dare" said with a look I'll never forget. So I heeded his warnings and love the dude.

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Wait till polling includes health care professionals in levels of trust…

I genuinely doubt doctors/health care agencies will poll higher in trustworthiness than politicians, the media, and government bureaucracies, oh, and the FBI and DOJ too…

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Just thought about this on my walk... Drs appt. next week, I’m curious how she responds to my questions... not only am I not getting boosters , I’m taking a pass on flu shots for awhile... My trust and CONFIDENCE in doctors and our govt health agencies is severely shaken.

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Hey, I work in healthcare, and I find it hideous and despicable how my colleagues make statements that are not at all based on standards of care.

At this point, I want to see them or their family end up being hideously ruined because of their horrific attitude and care decisions based solely on politics.

Sorry, I truly believe scumbags need to feel death and destruction affecting these humanoids who are trying to push it on others, some will realize the fuck up of their attitude!

We are doomed, people in positions of power influence and control are diseased shitbags until proven otherwise.

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My husband works in medical field and feels the same way!

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Me too, I agree with you. No flu shots for me. Ever again.

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I’m not ever getting another shot of any kind again. Trust is completely gone forever.

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Agreed. This particular MD is also pushing the kids’ liver issue in another tweet. He believes it is Covid and not adenovirus. I have no idea what it is, but if it’s Covid, sh!ts gonna get real. The maskers-and-vaxers will be knocking on your doors.

“Farid Jalali MD


· Apr 29

It is profoundly embarrassing that major scientific bodies in US and UK are using such weak circumstantial evidence to distract the public perception from the likely possibility that recent SARS-CoV-2 infection may be driving the increase in cases of acute liver failure.”

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Transmission from the jabbed.

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Why would that suddenly be happening after two years?

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Good question. I only hope that actual scientific method and actual autopsies are applied to find the answer. Not The Science. Anything but that.

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They essentially didn't treat this child. What? Because she had Covid cold a bit before? Seriously? They could have tried NAC - it reverses liver failure due to acetaminophen. Why not at least try. No studies have been done to test NAC for any other liver disease. None. Why not? I feel sick.

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Right. Why only after kids started being vaccinated did this start is a better question. I want proof this is unvaxxed kiddos. Because an early article I read had a mom who initially thought the vaccine had something to do with it. They convinced her no. Wish I saved that darned article.

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Try teaching / business / media…

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I can’t imagine teachers are going to ever recover, and I feel badly for the ones who genuinely take their job seriously and are accountable. I truly believe that 80% plus of teachers in public school systems are pieces of shit…

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I’m old enough to remember when every teacher I had would work a summer job. Had to. Now, outside of half ass “summer school”, I know hardly any do.

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Only a few teach summer school.

Look, I agree teachers mostly have it made now though some states still pay very low wages. Very.

However, unless you have taught all day every day in public schools, please don't judge. If it went year round without breaks, I'd quit. It is exhausting unless you are twenty. Remember, back in the day, teachers could discipline kids. Now we run. Literally to prevent them from going in street running. Can't even touch. Have to body block. Seriously. Don't judge. I earn my keep.

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I have family members that teach. I coached high school sports for ten years, which isn’t teaching, but I know the kids. It’s not a profession I would choose based on things you’ve mentioned.

With that said, and speaking generally, your contract likely calls for 185 working days a year. Thanksgiving break; Christmas break (Winter break if you’re offended); February vacation; April vacation; Multiple federal Monday holidays; Multiple early release days for “staff meetings”(I know about those); Eight week summer vacation. That’s on day one of a teacher’s contract.

I’m almost 30 years at my job. Six holidays a year, whether we need them or not. Sometimes, like last year, we don’t get the six, say when Christmas falls on a weekend. Took me 20 years to accrue five weeks of vacation, plus two personals and two floating holidays. I don’t get another week ever. I’ve worked six days a week for a long time. So when I hear teachers talk about earning their keep, I ask: “who doesn’t?”

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And early release days are worse than having kids. I like the kids. We never get prep time where I am. My early learning campus has no PE teachers or music teachers. I do it. No recess aids. I do it. No lunch aids. I do it. I get twenty minutes when all kids are gone to plan and prep each day. So I work Sundays. And many evenings. I work well over 50 hours each week. I rarely find more than 15 minutes for lunch and zero other breaks.

You have too.

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I never said anyone didn't earn theirs.

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The only people I know getting sick right now are boosted!

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I've seen a lot of people say this, which is why I'm responding. I'm unvaxxed and got it a month ago. It was similar to a mild flu - fever, chills, two days of a sore throat. Five days and done. My wife, who is jabbed (against my wishes) got it and had the same symptoms. We're both 60ish.

Our two children, both around 20, also got it. Their symptoms were similar but much shorter duration: two days instead of five. One was jabbed, one wasn't. (And believe me I was against the jabbed one getting it.)

One other point I'll make that will no doubt bring criticism: I used the Ivermectin protocol, beginning on the first day I had symptoms. It did not seem to have had any effect. My symptoms were very similar in severity and duration as my jabbed wife - who refused Ivermectin.

This was not a scientific study - just my personal observations.

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There was one oddity: it took me quite a while to catch it from my wife. She became sick on a Sunday. Had no idea it was Covid - thought it was just a cold or virus. On Monday she took a Covid test - negative. On Tuesday, she was still sick so she went to Urgent Care. Was tested for flu, strep and Covid. All negative. When she still felt bad on Wednesday, she took another Covid test. This time it was positive. She went to Urgent Care and they confirmed it with a PCR test.

She did not isolate. I didn't want her to. Slept in bed with her even after it was confirmed to be Covid. Figured if it was "mild" I might as well get it and get the antibodies. But I didn't get sick. By that weekend, she was feeling better and I was thinking that I must be naturally immune.

Then, I woke up early Monday morning (8 days after she first had symptoms) with chills, fever, aches. My first Covid test on Monday was also negative. Took one on Tuesday and it was positive. Every member of the family had delayed positive test results.

What this means, I don't know.

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PCR can't confirm anything.

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Agreed. But the antibody tests confirmed we had it.

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Except it has never been isolated, so you have antibodies to something, but what remains unclear.

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Too late for the Ivermectin to be effective. Did you also use HCQ, Zinc, VitC, Vit D….Z PAC…. Tyson Fareed Protocol?

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In our case the delay/gap was about four days.

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Tried to give your comment a like, but for some reason Substack won't let me.

This definitely strikes me as a sequence that deserves some sort of explanation. Who can explain it I can't imagine, but there's some "deep wisdom" about immunity or infection we should probably know. Thanks for sharing.

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I had similar experience, got completely sick with covid after 7 days of constant exposure. Thought omicron should infect quickly and did too think that maybe I’m immune but day 7 proven otherwise . Home test was negative, PCR next day positive. By the symptoms and type of exposure I had - I knew it was covid. Luckily it was 1 day and it’s over. My friend who’s the same age but high blood pressure and triple jabed, got sick the same weekend as I did from independent exposure and had worse time than me but still managed without hospital… People I know get covid second time in 7 months … weird indeed

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The whole damn thing is an oddity.

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You may not have “caught it” from your wife. No one knows how viral disease starts. A Nobel prize awaits someone who can prove the mechanism. Translation: it’s not proven that you can “catch” Covid by any means.

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I think we have a pretty good idea of how it spreads.

And considering that she's the only person I had any close contact with (I work from home) it's far more likely I caught it from the woman I slept next to every night, and shared meals with, who had Covid, than it is to think I caught it from someone I passed in the canned food aisle in the grocery store.

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Broadly speaking, if I catch Covid and test postive, and four days later my wife and son both test positive as well, then it is a reasonable hypothesis that I gave it to them. Not that it matters much.

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Yeah, the mechanism of viral pathogenesis is well known, see https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/B9780128009642000033

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It means that the viruses hadn't built up enough to be detected. You probably had a rapid antigen test instead of PCR, if so, your hospital is doing things right, at least to start with. They should have given your wife enough tests for 7 or 8 days, and she could test herself, and isolate until she came back negative - it takes about six days from onset - see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orRQzZIoq5U

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Why test at all? How does it help if you don't treat for Covid? We never tested for the flu or a cold in my 60 years of life. Why, because it doesn't matter.

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Its helpful, because it is the perfect reason NOT to vaccinate. Or worry. Thats all.

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I tell People who go nuts over ivermectin being a horse medicine ... “ if you ever get an intestinal parasite, be sure to refuse the RX your Dr writes you for Ivermectin...in pill form.” Then I point out that 85% of antibiotics are given to our livestock. And when I remind them that we too, are animals, I pull out the smelling salts....

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It's really a sad commentary that: 1) people believe so much if it's coming from an authoritative source 2) people often will not believe their own eyes 3) they will contort themselves to believe in a paradigm that is a lie.

And I guess another, that it's evil to lie to people in order to get more money and be willing to make others sick

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I give my dog Gravol for car sickness. Does that mean I can't take it too? I also give her Pepto when her tummy is upset. Silly people.

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I know two people who pay $$$ for their dogs prescription for canine anti histamines… it’s frigging low dose Benedryl!…. I gave my dog pediatric Benedryl per my DVM.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Ivermectin has shown to be not so effective against Omicron but it doesn't hurt and may prevent secondary infections or long Covid. I too had what I think was Covid in mid-January. My vaxxed son came home with it, developed a fever and slept it off for a day then stayed home from work for 5 days per county recommendations. He played video games for most of that time. I am more than twice his age and unvaxxed so started the FLCCC protocol for close exposure. Eventually, after 8 days I developed a mild fever (99.5 F) that came down to normal after 3 days. I felt a bit unwell for a day then had an annoying sinus headache. The week before I had a mild sore throat. My son took a bunch of at-home tests and showed positive. I took one, negative, then later, positive. We had the same symptoms but perhaps his a bit worse, a higher fever. Anyway, normally the "illness" that experience would not have been worth commenting on. But in these days, a slight sore throat and mild fever is cause for discussion. Did the protocol that included IVM, zinc, Quercetin, nasal flushes, peroxide gargles help? Will never know but I'm supposedly at the age of risk, yet my symptoms and etiology were milder than my 30-year-old son's. I kept up the protocol bc I didn't want a secondary infection to take place. Anti-virals need to be taken for at least 14 days, I believe. The script they are giving now is proving expensive and useless and comes with a terrible "rebound" effect. But they are taking a course of only 5 days. Note that the Paxlovid, I believe, is a protease inhibitor just as is IVM. It may be that IVM prevented me from getting Alpha or Beta during the peak here in CA. Regardless, I simply could not risk the jab for my own personal medical history which I don't think is anyone's business, especially not some high school waiter or airline employee. They won't be there should I develop serious side effects or go blind, will they? Even my doctor whom I told to her face that she's now a CDC employee and I cannot put as much trust in her as I once did. What kind of doctor will insist a patient take another jab after they've had a bad reaction to the first one? Not medically sound advice.

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I'm not criticizing anyone, but I am wondering why we all keep testing "to see if it's covid". Should we care if it's covid or a different cold or flu? I mean, really. There is no cure for covid, colds, or flu. Just time and trying to be healthy in the first place. We're all going to get sick in life. We've never had at-home tests for colds or flu before. I think it's just the new thing to get this kit and try it out at home and then tell people about it. I dunno--I think the testing is maybe over kill and what does it gain anyone? At some point we are all going to be exposed to this and thank goodness it is a much milder version than whatever it was before. To my knowledge I haven't gotten it, but then again, maybe I have. I personally don't care. I don't want to get anyone sick intentionally or unintentionally. I think that's just a basic being a good human thing. I show my full face to people so they can see all the primal visual cues and assess for themselves if they feel good being around me.

I am so peeved to think that our Dr. Sara Cody is going to shut everything down based on our covid levels in the poop surveillance they are doing out here. Also randomly wondering whatever happened to the covid anal swab tests that China did over a year ago.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I look forward some day to telling Sara Cody how she cruelly tortured my husband's last six months in this world and how I'll never forgive her for that. I have cursed her and will not lift it. I'll bring my husband's death certificate that she signed to "remind" her and put a face to the people she has caused irreparable harm with her so-called policies that were unnecessary, cruel, and not medically sound.

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Oh hey I guess I’m in the same exact boat as you. Maybe we should plan an event like this!

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

I'm so sorry. She needs to know how she unnecessarily tortured people in the name of "doing something." Many here in Santa Clara County think she's some sort of hero but the actual numbers don't lie. Plus the mask zombies make me worry for humanity until I remind myself that where I live is not representative of the rest of the country. My dog loves to play with kids and seeks them out in the park. I've met many families as a result. The masked kids are truly behind in speech and social skills. I used to be a sub teacher so I know when a 5-year=old has poor verbal skills. But some kid have now lived around masked people and himself been masked since he was 3 years old. The schools when and if ever fully operational will need a huge budget in special ed.

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I had the exact same symptoms as covid last week. No idea if it was covid or not. What I do know is I get these same symptoms every year. I've come to think of it as my body's spring cleaning. Really bad hay fever. Usually lasts a total of 2 weeks. A very mild lead in phase of 4-5 days where I know something is brewing, then 3 to 5 days of sinus and chest congestion, cough, fever and chills, with breaks in the afternoon and worse all night. Feels like you've fallen down the stairs in your ribs. Gets progressively worse every day and then breaks. Then about a week of clearing out the goo and "smokers cough" noises coming from the lungs.

My vaxed brother had covid and said I should have gotten tested because my symptoms sounded just like his. I was like what's the point? I get this every year. If this year was covid then I'm not impressed. This year did seem a little more potent than most but I chalked that up to timing. I usually get this in March or April, this year it was May.

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Poop surveillance? Anal swab tests?

Your post took a really unexpected and disturbing turn at the end! 😂😂😂

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They've been doing wastewater analysis here too. Another scare tactic.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

I never discussed poop surveillance but there are reports of universities and other areas testing the sewage for Covid as well as anal swabs in China on foreigners. I don't trust any reporting from China until it is triple, quadruple verified. You can search for sewage testing, though.

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I test because I wanted to see if or when I will get this shit the world has talked about for over 2 years. And I finally did, so cool.

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Agree with most of what you wrote but when I came down with a really bad cold a few weeks ago, the only reason I tested myself for CVD was because I was going to start taking ivermectin if I had it.

Although the test was negative, I am not sure I believe that either. From what I've read, the symptoms I had felt like cvd.

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Better start the Preventative Protocol. It can't hurt. The at-home tests are not reliable but I don't want a Chinese swab inserted up my sinuses close to my brain. Saline flushes or saline with a teaspoon of H2O2 (peroxide) might be the ticket, although to date nobody knows how to stop the common cold.

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I have had great luck with the supplements I take including D3 Quercetin, cheleated zinc, vitamin C, etc. etc.

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I agree. The reason my wife was so determined to learn if it was Covid was because daughter was getting ready to fly out of the country, and she wanted to make sure it wasn't Covid, cause we didn't want her to get stranded outside the US. (You have to have a negative test to enter the US.)

My wife didn't get the positive test until after our daughter flew out. She came back five days later (negative test) but then came down with it three days later.

I will say it was good knowing that I had it, and now have the antibodies. That's the only reason why I tested.

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I look forward to the day when we treat this like what it really is - a respiratory virus - and no longer care who has had it and who hasn't.

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And recognize the well-known concepts of herd immunity and natural immunity that suddenly went out the window when there was a multi billion dollar scheme in place between Big Government + Big Pharma + Big Media. I sure wish I could find a product that the government mandates every person must buy. It doesn't even have to be a good product, delivered effectively or efficiently. Just mandated. And I become very wealthy. Of course, I'd have to spend a good deal lobbying the right people in government and have THEM become my sales force.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

One reason to keep testing is that an employee gets time off. Each positive test gets my son 14 days paid time off regardless of how he feels. Some places require isolation if even coming into proximity of someone who tests positive. That's what they are doing in Oz.

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They will tell you to 'vaccinate' even when the first almost kills you. You are basically being 'vaccinated' to death.

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Dr. John Campbell has featured a few (in Australia) who had terrible first reactions but were not even then able to get medical waivers. I can just speak for my personal experience many decades ago when I had a kidney stone and had to have contrast scans. They always ask how you are doing and once I said, you know, I have a weird taste in my mouth and my throat feels a bit "furry." They stopped the scan immediately and told me from now on I must insist an alternative contrast (non-iodine?). They told me that a subsequent injection of the same contrast material could deliver a much more serious reaction. I've had acquaintances who have spent two weeks in bed after the 1st jab. I met a new mother in the park who could barely push her newborn's buggy because of severe back pain following the pediatrician talking her into taking a jab "for the safety of her baby." I often think about her and haven't seen her since. We talked about how she was hesitant to take the 2nd jab and wonder if they strong-armed her into it. I hope her baby has a fully functioning mom. She was so young and could have weathered a Covid-19 illness if docs were allowed to treat it as a respiratory disease of inflammation. My doc had NO treatment when I kept pressing her what she's do for me if I got sick with Covid-19. Basically, it was "stay home and go to the emergence room if you can't breath." Gee, thanks. How about anti inflammatories, blood thinners, prophylactic antibiotics, IVM, the works? They all probably help to diminish symptoms and prevent the initial infection from becoming a completely different problem: ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome).

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I had a similar thing years ago in Venice. A really bad reaction to a contrast exam with iodine. The doctors told my boyfriend (now hubby) that I was lucky to have got through it. When all this Jab stuff started, I wrote to this hospital 3 times asking for my records so I could request an exemption from my Dr - they never bothered to reply. Needless to say, i remain unjabbed and I am convinced that it would be harmful for me. However I lost my job here in Italy, because over 50's either HAD to comply or stay home. 😔

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Just disgraceful what they did to you. Can you imagine that you cannot get an exemption even if you are allergic to a compound in the jab? It was immoral, unethical and not scientific. I'm sorry you lost your job but better that you are alive to get another one. I don't support lawlessness but can understand how some pay to get saline jabs or false IDs. They won't be there if you get sick from the jab - in fact, they won't ever admit that your condition was a result of the jab. Remember, they define "vaccinated" as 14 days after the jab, so before that time is up any illness or death is not counted as a result of the vax. Fiddling the numbers, as usual, hoping that the populace doesn't notice or will be too scared to fight back.

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No such thing as 'long' covid. Just be aware that's another myth of epic proportions

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Well, according to some there are long-term secondary symptoms that people can't shake. The docs at FLCCC have developed a protocol that depends on the symptoms and isn't one-size-fits-all. They admit they aren't sure if it is long Covid or the damages resulting from the jabs. But one thing for sure, there are those who have experienced serious illness after the jabs that just can't be "coincidental." No deep-pockets Pharma company is interested in exploring it, of course, and regardless, they are off the hook with any liability. I think that companies that mandate an experimental jab should be held liable, such as airlines or military who have ruined the careers of some young pilots. What they did - and keep doing - was against the Nuremburg Laws.

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I have had long term issues. Smell is still strange, but 'Long' covid is a term that they're trying to use to refer to a whole host of things that have nothing to do with Covid and seems to me that the folks using it want to try to ascribe bad health choices to Covid. That's all I meant. Certainly, there are many folks with true covid issues that last a while, but it's not making hair fall out and the like. Stay well...

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

You too be well. I hope you get over the symptoms. We all know that a bad viral infection can have long-term effects to bring down the general health and damage the immune system. I had chemo in the late 1990s that bruised my immune system so I'm very protective and do not want to add any unnatural stress on it. I prefer natural exposure as humans are made to do to keep it strong. This is why some tests have shown that dentists have the most robust immune systems. Living in a bubble can weaken your immune system. When going through my post-chemo period with VERY low counts, my doc never told me to wear a mask. The only thing he was worried about was me traveling because my platelets were too low and he worried about internal bleeding. He said, "I can protect you from everything except TB." Latent TB is more prevalent that we realize, especially carried by immigrants from certain 3rd World countries. Latent TB can become active. But we don't require ID cards for that. I've often wanted to arrive to a restaurant requiring Covid ID cards and asking if I could see the papers of all their employees, not only for Covid but for hepatitis - you know, the people handling my food and utensils. Whaaat? Ask to see the heath records of restaurant employees? Why, that would be outrageous.

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Try Low dose naltrexone

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You got that right!!

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Several large-scale studies (pre-Omicron) show it works as a prophylactic, haven't seen any about Omicron.

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Thanks for the anecdotal evidence. I want to know the good as well as the not so good results of ivermectin.

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I recently had covid - passed on to me by my vaxxed husband, I’m not. I’m 66. I took Ivermectin as soon as I got a positive test - I swear that I’d started to feel a bit odd (only a runny nose otherwise) but within 2 hours felt much better). I took one more dose of Ivermectin 48 hours later. My only issue with covid was the bad back from the 7 days enforced quarantine in the country where I live so none of my daily walking. My husband was worse and my daughter. My husband refused Ivermectin. - he reads the MSM and had been made suspicious of it yet he took an experimental jab!! Did the Ivermectin help me well we’ll never know - maybe I never would have been sick but it certainly didn’t harm and I’d take it many times again rather than one of these vaccines!

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My son and I both had Omicron at the same time. I took IVM, he did not. It felt like a case of strep throat for 3 days for me, 5 for him.

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And I was a believer. I got it from the Ravkoo Pharmacy back in April 2021, which shows how long I've been aware of it. Bought enough doses for the entire family. Thought it was wasted money and I'd never use it. So when I came down with Covid, even though I suspected it was going to be mild, I took it. And didn't see any difference between me and my wife.

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look up bird-group.org and also search the NIH site for ivermectin. many studies on both these sites.

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i know 4 people who took it when they were severely ill and were 50% better after one dose and fully better after two. one man, a government subcontractor, was on his way to the ER as his doctor refused to prescribe him any IVM. another friend gave him some and kept him out of the hospital. in two cases, the women (both over weight, one elderly) took the horse paste and got better overnight.

my boyfriend has been taking it once a week for 1 1/2 years now. i've taken it once a week for almost a year

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As they say, "Your mileage may vary." I'm glad that it has worked for some people. And I didn't hesitate to take it, especially since Ivermectin is very safe and there was no downside. If I had it to do over, I'd take it again. But I wouldn't guarantee to anyone that it will work.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I’m unvaxxed. I had covid last year and I started taking Ivermectin 3 months after because of long haul and it Worked. Welp, I have it again. Yes horrible sore throat - I am doing the Ivermectin protocol and I think it’s helping. Yesterday I felt like death (like last year) today I feel somewhat human again and I am on day 3.

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What is your health like, if you don't mind me asking? Age? Did you take a test?

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Yes, two positive in home tests and had all the symptoms like last year. I am 33 and healthy. A little overweight and a former smoker. Ivermectin is fairly easy to get if you want resources. I follow the protocol on flccc.net. Look up their I-mask protocol on what supplements to take. Let me know if you have any questions.

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I just had it. No fever. No chills. No sore throat. What a strange thing it is where people can have such different symptoms to it.

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When you say "Ivermectin protocol", what do you mean? Also, were you taking adequate Vit D and/or C prior to getting sick? Just curious.

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The FLCCC protocol but no hydroxy.

Yes, I've been taking Vitamin D (5000 iu), C, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC since Spring 2021. My wife took only the Vitamin D.

And like I said, our outcomes were essentially the same. Just looking at the two of us, I'd say the Vitamin D was the most important.

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Same. I took everything on the list that was OTC (no IVM or HCQ), was fine by Day 5. Husband took Vit D only, had higher fever and was just a bit slower to recover. 8 yo son had all the same symptoms for 3 days but never tested positive. 12 yo daughter never got it, as confirmed by mandatory PCR tests at school. All unvaxxed.

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I take Zinc and D and have for a long time. (After Covid started.)

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I concur. My wife is 70, I'm 68: we also both recently had a weeks worth of testing positive, langour, and sore throat, and are now fine: no co-morbidities, no vaxxes, and no meds except paracetamol.

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Well, that's not good news for me. Maybe I need to supplant IVM with HCQ per some other protocols.

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If I remember correctly from the online weekly podcast with FLCCC, they think that HCQ + IVM may be more effective. Of course, prep must take place to make sure your Vit D levels are high. Have you done that? Most docs will just tell you to take Vit D and for most, that will be enough. But surprisingly, many will not absorb it as easily, especially as you age or spend less time outdoors. Best to get a blood test and if your doc won't prescribe in a way that you can get insurance to cover it then just agree to pay the $65. I found out that I had been taking too much, the 4000 IU recommended was too much for me, I'm absorbing it well so needed to cut down. I'm due for a re-check. Too much Vit D isn't good, either. Also, nasal flushes and gargling. I gargle after I've been in a crowd of strangers. You can get prescription gargle but I use diluted H2O2, a truly miracle solution. Almost daily, I walk my dog and when in the park I engage in some exercises that put pressure on my lungs, deep breathing exercises and so on. I use the jungle gyms. I do have a gym membership but believe that many exercises you can accomplish at the kids jungle gym with the advantage of breathing fresh air and getting some sunlight. You sound very worried.

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I haven't been sick yet, I take Zelenko's vitamins and prophylactic IVM. Zelenko has zinc, Quericin, C, and many other things that he has found works well.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

The only thing that bothers me about Zelenko is the absolutely outrageous price of his z-stack supplement. It’s beyond ridiculous. You can buy those things separately for a fraction of that cost. I believe in the protocol, but it’s just a bad look IMO.

Seriously, just go on a site like iherb and look d3, C, quercetin, and zinc up separately. I feel bad for people who are spending $55 on a 1 month supply of this stuff. So unnecessary

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Just did some rough math, I spend on average about $9.50 per month on these supplements.

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Check on line.... they sell it OTC in Mexico. That’s where I acquired my stash.

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Thank you. Maybe I can order it from there. I have ordered stuff from India, years ago too. As an aside, I saw a article that seemed to show that they were at least concerned about HCQ and IVM as fentenyl. The way that this 'pandemic' has turned out, with WHO and others, it would not surprise me.

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I have a relatively small work/social circle but 3 people I know between ages of 50-65 who are not only vaxxed but also boosted suffering rather severe covid symptoms (at home) in last 2 weeks in a small Canadian city. Two years ago, I felt in my gut that the 'slow the spread' mantra was just delaying the inevitable and now that the inevitable has finally arrived, I truly wonder if the vaccinations haven't made the inevitable worse. Or, have 2 years of lockdowns diminished peoples health such that a moderately unhealthy 50-65 year olds 2 years ago are even more unhealthy today as a result of the loss of normal activities and routines? I guess I shall continue to wonder as I don't think there will ever truly be an open and honest analysis of everything that has transpired -- the people behind those decisions have too much to lose.

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That is my experience as well. Right now my boosted father and stepmother (who disinvited me from last year's family christmas party because they thought my refusal to take the vax would make me a superspreader) have covid. My father has a mild flu (he regularly takes supplements) and my stepmother has lost her sense of smell and has a bad flu. Meanwhile i abd my unvaxxed mother only take vitamin d and some other supplements and have not had a real cold for the last 2 years.

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My triple vaxxed SIL uninvited us from Christmas last year for the same reason - she and her entire family (everyone who didn't want us there) had in January. Wonder who they blamed it on? ;)

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I just read a group text and said their son has flu bc he forgot his flu shot. First time. I thought wonder if bc he’s been vaxed since he is only about 26 years old. Also, friend works at pediatric office and storm of flu & Covid now. Another said knows 3 ppl sick. One flu, 2 Covid! Wondering if this is the beginning of the rampant effects to those vaxed & proof of damage to those vaxed immune systems. Scary!!!

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Geert Vanden Bossche's worst fears are being realized. Thank God I took the wait and see approach on the clot shots. The more I waited and the more I saw, the more I was convinced it was better to be in the Control Group - especially for my kids aged 15 - 20. When Alex started to report the vax failures in Israel as soon as June of last year, that is what cemented it for me.

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Geert's latest discussion on the Highwire is very alarming. It looks to me like we are in the early stages of what he has been predicting. His interview starts at the 1 hour point: https://rumble.com/v13mwqv-episode-266-geert-vanden-bossche-my-final-call.html .

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I watched it a few days ago and have been very disturbed ever since. I always thought we wld lose 20% of the population to vaccine caused diseases but if what geert says comes to pass and happens quickly w many people dying I can only imagine the response our government will try to enforce and the chaos it will cause.

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I'm afraid to watch it.

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What's been causing so much high mortality in general too, tho. That graph indicates all age groups had high mortality rates. Despite fact Covid barely touched the babies. Before and after vaccine. So what?

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We did the exact same thing, better to be safe than sorry. Not to mention that the vaccines were being developed at warp speed and companies were using failed Mrna technology from years ago. If all the animals died in the experiment, shouldn't THAT be a warning signal? Or should we not consider the number of vaccine injuries and deaths directly linked to the taking of the shots? Or are we just conspiracy theorists who don't know anything? Should we take anything from a company or companies that can't be sued for vaccine injuries? Agree totally with you and your decision and fear that Geert Vanden Bossche's worst fears are coming true.

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Those failed mRNA trials on the NIH site all got memory-holed in early 2020, that's when I really dug my heels in regarding the "vaccines". I was totally: OMG! they are actually hiding all the old trials!! WTF are they up to??

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What a bunch of anti-vaxxers!

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No, that's PROUD anti-vaxxer, sir.

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I think I missed your sarcasm at first. your later posts clued me in.

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True Dat!😎

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I prefer Control Group Cretins.

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They're called Truthers

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I prefer Pureblood.

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Well I do as well. It's disturbing when you think about it. What if something happens and you need blood. BANG you get MRNA blood! Whoa! This sucks! Where is the pure blood supply?

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Yah! Dats misinformation. Lol or cry!

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When will we see the perp walks and show trials for Federal & State government officials from Presidents on down, every public health official who lied, college officers and boards, corporate officers & boards, pharma companies & boards, corporate officer & boards from big media and social media who lied and took money to spread the lie and every medical professional who failed to abide by their oaths? I know ... it's a big list. But our society would be much better off if the entire lot rotted in prison. It still wouldn't be an appropriate punishment for all of the damage they have caused.

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There's a reason they are so desperate to cover up the truth. Now even Gates is getting into the censorship (which makes sense since he's one of the ones who has been balls-deep in this the whole time. And a couple years ago he invested in fake baby formula...........)

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Mr. Gates has a special place in hell reserved for him.

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In my upcoming article I refer to Fauci & Gates as the worst public/private partnership since Sauron & Saruman.

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Have to look those two up....

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I certainly hope that hell has mosquitoes, don't you?

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The size of murder hornets.

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Haha! Love your thinking! And genetically modified, as he prefers!

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Are you sure the Devil wants this piece of garbage?

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“ Breast milk labs”.... speaking of the mad undegreed scientist, Gates looks like he needs Mansierre... maybe he’s looking to be a wet nurse ? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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Have you seen his man boobs!?

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That's the artificial meat. Sexy, eh?

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Commander you are taking a giant leap here by assuming that Bill Gates has balls.

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We will never see accountability for this. The corruption is too deep and too wide.

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I'm sure that many Jewish people in concentration camps felt the same way in 1944. Never is a long time.

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Yep. Once the politicians will GAIN from attacking the corruption, they will. That will probably take getting a few new people into congress.

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This is all going to be blamed on Trump once the narrative shifts from "safe and effective" to neither safe nor effective. The sooner that happens, the better.

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Trump is just as culpable as anyone else. Doesn't excuse the criminal cabal of hundreds of thousands who benefited professionally and financially by creating death & destruction far in excess of what Corona-flu has caused on it's own. The long-term side effects of the phony vaccines is still yet to be determined.

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Fair enough, Trump fell for the scam because it fed his ego of being able to get things done. In the end he will get way more blame than he deserves though, as if these companies were powerless to say no to him in 2020, or even admit the vaccines aren't useful long after he left office.

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Hey, if a POTUS’ ego gets fed by successful problem solving, I don’t care if they have to do some insecure bragging…. Trump is not a scientist or have a medical degree. Should he have taken a gamble that his advisors were all dishonest madmen cashing in on a nefarious global scheme?? I pray he doesn’t run, because it will be deja vu all over again… on steroids. And “ we the people” will continue to be the collateral damage.

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I get that, and I also hope he doesn't run. We need two terms of DeSantis with a cabinet 100% dedicated to cleaning up and/or neutering every one of these agencies. The fact that DJT still brags about these vaccines is inexplicable, but I guess that just like the virus is gonna virus, Trump is gonna Trump.

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I agree..but on the conspiratorial side, if this was all “ concocted”...a deathly pandemic is one sure proof event that Trump would have to rely 100% on the medical experts advising him. Something he knew nothing about... can you imagine if he out of the gate had called complete bullshit hoax....??? Theoretically , the POTUS should be able to trust the Doctors running our government health agencies...no??

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Tbh, I am STUNNED they haven't tried to pivot all if it to Trump. Maybe make up some collusion with Russia to taint the vax supply and weaken America, but rest assured they've found the problem.and now the new improved Trump-free jabs are totally safe and effective. Or admit the jabs were bad inherently, not just tainted, because of Trump but rest assured they've fixed those issues for the next pandemic and there will be no reason to doubt or not mandate at that point.

Because if the goals are power and depopulation, there's no way they allow a narrative on these vaxxes failing so explosively to hurt future efforts to experiment on/repopulate the excess human capital.

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I think they're hoping Trump runs again and wins the Republican nomination. At that point the whispers start going out that maybe these vaccines have a problem. Before long "whistle blowers" inside the drug companies start talking about how the bad orange man forced them to cut corners and now people are dying.

Of course it's preposterous - but the media will run with it, the socials will censor anyone who points out how ridiculous it is to blame Trump several years after the fact, and half the country will buy it. Even Fox will have to finally admit the vaccines are garbage while pointing out that Trump didn't actually cook them up by himself in the White House.

Don't worry though, like you said, the new Biden vaccines are 100% awesome.

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Alex, Of course, some of us have been noting this likely outcome since March of 2020. I cannot thank you enough for being one of the loudest voices with this message. Now it is time to ramp back to the fact that the NPIs are even dumber than the spikeshot. You can do that well.

I hope that somehow, someone, somewhere actually pays attention eventually. But your contribution has made a difference. Thank you.

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Is it not the very nature of corona viruses that they mutate? They failed with vaccines for SARS COV1 (remember this is number 2!). They failed for MERS. Was three times supposed to be the charm? C'mon. It's impossible to vaccinate against a corona virus. I'm not some crazy conspiracy nut. This is what doctors were saying all the way up to March of 2020. Then all that stopped so we could go through this charade... History. Repeat.

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Exactly... fauci was adamant that the only cure for AIDS a was a vaccine... 35 years later, no AIDS vaccine has received FDA a approval of any kind

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Honestly, remembering the last swine flu "pandemic" and the issues with the vax should have made any critical thinker pause

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that swine flu "epidemic" is what saved me. my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair as a result of that particular flu shot. there's nothing like an up close personal experience to put you off the medical system. i figured it was better to take my chances with the flu and have done so without regret for the past 46 years. no way i was going to make an exception for this one!

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Guillame Barre? I had it as a child (also a swine flu shot) and my doc STILL couldn't exempt me from this one (even after I'd had Covid). That's when I knew something was really, really wrong.

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yes! between the donuts and the lottery tickets and then, when that didn't work, the bludgeoning, firing from jobs (i was "let go" from an arts festival i had worked at since 1980!), strong arming, ridicule and othering- you know there is something WRONG with these "vaccines."

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Exactly. Trust your own instincts! Very powerful!

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Are you operating under the false premise that vaccines are supposed to last forever?

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They were initially sold as confering sterile immunity lasting YEARS if not forever. Also a lot of the childhood vaccines like measles are not refreshed for adults ever. Most other vaccines for adults are recommended every 10 years. With the covid shots there are already 2 unplanned injections in the space of half a year (4 injections in sum), making it a shot every 3 to 6 months with people still getting and dying of it. If you consider, that there are some injectable medical substances that hold for 3 months (depo provera birth control) or 6 months (botox), then it looks more like a medical treatment than a vaccine

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Carolin, I know this is bothersome and not often done, but where is your proof for this: “They were initially sold as confering sterile immunity lasting YEARS if not forever.”?

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This for instance was an article in the biggest German newspaper claiming the covid vax "protected" one from covid for years.

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Carolin, give me a break!

Bild (or Bild-Zeitung, literally Picture; [bɪlt]) is a German tabloid newspaper published by Axel Springer SE. The paper is published from Monday to Saturday; on Sundays, its sister paper Bild am Sonntag ("Bild on Sunday") is published instead, which has a different style and its own editors. Bild is tabloid in style but broadsheet in size. It is the best-selling European newspaper and has the sixteenth-largest circulation worldwide.[4] Bild has been described as "notorious for its mix of gossip, inflammatory language, and sensationalism" and as having a huge influence on German politicians.[5] Its nearest English-language stylistic and journalistic equivalent is often considered to be the British national newspaper The Sun, the second-highest-selling European tabloid newspaper.[6][7][8]


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I sure am glad I got COVID as an unvaccinated person, so I now have robust and broad-spectrum antibodies.

I'm grateful not to have been vaccinated and boosted. I can't imagine how much worse it might have been if I had caught COVID 2, 3, and 4 times as a person with a damaged immune system.

(Did I say it right? I feel like I messed up somewhere.)

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I haven't had any of these Covid jabs and I haven't gotten Covid at all. But imagine how much better it would have been if I had gotten the shots and then gotten Covid and been able to claim that I was so glad to have gotten the shots!

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Sounds exactly like my script!

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“Wear a well fitting n95 mask indoors”...yeah sure, that works as well as the worthless jabs doc. These people are completely mentally gone.

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Every time I see some article or some 'wise person' making a general recommendation for everyone to wear an N95 (which are NOT MASKS, they are RESPIRATORS), it both amuses me, and makes me angry.

It amuses me, because I've had to deal with, manage employees, and ensure compliance with multiple OSHA regulations for decades. Regulations under 29 CFR 1910.134, and related OSHA interpretation letters, set the requirements for Respiratory Protection. Prior to requiring an employee to wear a respirator "A medical evaluation must be performed on every employee required to use a respirator, regardless of the duration and frequency of respirator use." Why you ask? Because OSHA goes on to explain in the one interpretation letter... "The purpose of a medical evaluation program is to ensure that any employee required to use a respirator can tolerate the physiological burden associated with such use, including the burden imposed by the respirator itself; musculoskeletal stress; limitations on auditory, visual, and odor sensations; and isolation from the workplace environment.

Various medical conditions can compromise an employee's ability to tolerate the physiological burdens imposed by respirator use, thereby placing the employee at increased risk of illness, injury, and EVEN DEATH." (emphasis added).

So we have OSHA whose "mission and vision are clear and are focused on workplace safety through best practices and proper training, etc. " and they say that wearing respirators (including N95's), can cause death if the wearer is essentially not healthy enough to wear it. Then we have all these other scientists, doctors. and smart people (TM) telling masses of people to ignore THAT 'science' and go get and wear N95s all the time with no consideration of their underlying health.

It makes me angry because too many of these @#$%^ moron scumbags have pushed having children wear N95 respirators without any consideration of the potential harm....

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Do the people that write these statements know that a N95 mask that hasn't been properly fit tested has the same effectiveness as surgical mask? To add to that, masking works only to the degree of the amount of time masked. It's an N95 mask only if you are properly masked 100% of the time while exposed to particles. Just because a room is empty doesn't mean there aren't still aerosols present in the air from previous occupants or from general air flow in the building. If these weirdos really took masking seriously they would do it 24/7.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

It’s odd how they talk about the effectiveness of N95 but fail to tell you there is a whole infection control protocol that goes along with its use that makes it effective…

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Exactly! You have people that wear the same N95 mask for days on end. These are single use masks that should be replaced daily at the very least. Even wearing the same one all day is far too long in my opinion especially if you can't keep your hands off of it. All these people I work with have been getting sick even though they are N95 fanatics and triple jabbed. Lunacy.

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I worked in a hospital that required me to be fitted for the n95, then I had to follow hygiene protocols like no facial hair, keeping it clean, proper hand washing, and so on. Sadly, people treat masking like wearing a condom. Just pop it on and you are think you are protected…until you’re not.

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Be informed!

“Coronavirus loses 90% of its ability to infect us within 20 minutes of becoming airborne – with most of the loss occurring within the first five minutes, the world’s first simulations of how the virus survives in exhaled air suggest.”


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20 minutes or 3 hours like in previous studies from the NEJM?


In the maskers mind that should make no difference as the mere "chance" of getting infected is what drives them to N95. The fact remains that this is aerosol transmission. For the frightened and fearful 20 minutes or 3 hours is no difference according to their heightened sense of risk.

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Skippy here’s your comment with a twist: In the anti-vaxxer's mind, that should make no difference as the mere "chance" of the immune system being compromised is what drives them to avoid vaccinations!

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the fact the the jabs are useless is what drives people to avoid them. They open you up to risk with zero benefit. The fact people like you keep coming on here saying otherwise, under the guise of being informed is part of the mental illness. You still call people that wouldnt take these shots "anti-vaxx". meanwhile I've gotten every childhood vaccination, gave my kids all of them as well. You are a dillusional, ill informed robot. Trying to redefine language to somehow make you seem morally superior, or smarter. You are as ive said before another useful idiot.

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Hey is this America or communist china?

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Great post. I live in British Columbia so as an unvaccinated person was very interested in the chart. I can tell you that our Provincial government doesn't appear to be sharing these stastics. Thank you for reaffirming my choice to stay unvaccinated.

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Here in the USA we are experiencing censorship like never before. There are mire than 75 million of us totally unvaxed! Likely the number is way higher. Trust your intuition! Trust God. Your body is perfect without the clot shot!

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That's more, not mire! Lol

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It’s that last sentence that makes the pivot point. In my experience, vaxxed people still think it’s the unvaxxed that cause the problem. They fail to see that the jab has weakened them and they still say that they’d be worse off without it. The blindness and brainwashing is staggering. And it looks, in my sphere, like the more educated, the more deluded.

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Agreed. I work at a university and the professors just can't wrap their heads around the concept that a fellow expert can be so egregiously wrong. It's like if they doubt the credibility and decision making of a fellow colleague in the "expert" class then their credibility and expertise is also in doubt. In my opinion the lack of doubt shown decreases their credibility even more.

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They used to tell me they got sick from flu despite having been flu jabbed because "its a different strain", and I should get "my" yearly flu shot because its the best and only way to avoid flu. I stated that it was likely that getting the real flu,if healthy enough to withstand it, gave stronger and more complete immunity than a jab, and was called stupid.

When I asked why they took flu strain A jab, then caught flu strain B and cough edit right in.my face, I didn't catch it, and why I was almost never sick while they got every cold,flu or other respiratory virus in existence all the time...the answer was that I was benefiting from "herd immunity" caused by their selfless willingness to take flu shots! You know,the flu shots that confer no immunity on them is somehow giving my unvaxxed ass immunity against strains they werent even immunized against!

Then they'd call me an antivaxxer and plug their ears because to be against one vax is to be against all of them.

This was years before covid.

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I thought I've read in more than one place that the highest educated - PhDs, I think it was - are among the *most* skeptical of the vaxxes. Maybe it's, the more educated up to that point.

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I can tell you from the data given, that at my university the faculty is 99% vaxxed and 94% boosted. This university is extremely left wing though so that may play into it. If Trump were prez I'm sure that the faculty vax rate would be far under 50%

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But how much of the faculty are PhDs? That's what I mean by, "the more educated up to that [e.g. PhD] point."

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At this university 95% are PhDs.

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Well there goes THAT theory!

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Well, I would hope so—maybe it really depends more on your general philosophy. There are 2 physicians in my church group and they are so pro-vax that it flummoxes me. As in, “we got Covid twice and had such mild cases thanks to the vaccine”. This is crazy talk, to me. I want to say—How do you know? How do you know whether you would even have gotten it at all without the jab? You can’t logically make a statement like that. Yet they believe everything the AMA and the CDC say. Crazy.

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That kind of pure illogic never fails to astound me. I'm just waiting to hear that so I can say, "Well, I didn't get jabbed, because the vaxx would've killed me and I wouldn't be standing here today." No doubt they'll say, "How can you know that??"

Answer: "Same way you "know" your (multiple) Covids would've been worse without the jabs. IOW, pure illogic."

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

If there's one cohort whose reputations have suffered the most from the scamdemic, it's members of the medical profession. I'll never look at a physician with the same mindset as pre-covid. With rare exceptions, they've shown themselves to be cowards and bullshit artists. Never again will I give them the benefit of the doubt. Never again will I believe for a second that they take the hippocratic oath seriously. For the most part, charlatans all.

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Absolutely. My kids and I are routinely healthy so have only needed to go to the doctor for annual check up. I won’t take the kids now because I refuse to have them wear a mask, and how can I believe anything from any doctor who tells me a mask stops a respiratory virus?

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And it turns out annual check ups have no evidence behind them and are largely unnecessary except as a security blanket for the patient and loss leader for docs looking to find something to prescribe for.

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I have found some really great alternative practitioners. They're my go-tos now.

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What province are you in?

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find yourself an alternative doctor who doesn't participate in the insurance system. having already dropped out of a corrupt system, they already have proven their mettle

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Good advice,

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I've felt that way since the 90 s when they killed my father with cancer treatments.

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Yes, absolutely agree. So sad.

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Still 'Rona free. Never once considered getting jabbed. 58yrs. I do look left, right, left when crossing, and don't use a blowdryer in the tub. God is good.

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I'm with you. No jabs. No Covid. I haven't changed my lifestyle the entire time. I have traveled, stayed in hotels dozens of times, attended crowded concerts, gone out to eat more times than I can count, spent time in casinos, etc. And yet no Covid. I'm almost starting to feel left out.

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Ahh love your attitude. Keep up the good work! Your real!

You cannot be exploited like so many are!

Masks dont work against airborne virus like flu (aka c-19), but folksare still conforming to the illegal mandates, what is it? Do some people love to be dominated, hence the mask wearing. It screams here I am, take advantage!

If only more strong people like you and I existed! But wait... we do!

Rise up. Dont wear masks. They don't protect you, or anybody else. As a matter of fact, like the clot shots, they do more harm than good. Do your research. Truth is available. Seek and ye shall find. So fking true. Peace to you!

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The next step will be the release of a new Omicron-targeted vaccine which won't work, either. And the dance goes on...

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Oh boy. Omicron has only been around for about 6 months so how could they have developed this so quickly, and get it into “trials”?! And a trial of less than 1,000 people for something that will undoubtedly by jabbed into billions of people?

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“The manufacturing of new vaccines is typically a lengthy (6 to 36 months), challenging and expensive process, as no standard process is available”


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Doesn't make sense how they have this ready to go already, AND can say that antibodies remain high after 6 months.

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This is purely a guess; the first vaccine was effective against several variants that first occurred, so they may have taken a variant six months ago with anticipation that would be effective against the following variants.

Results Effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines to prevent covid-19 associated hospital admissions was 85% (95% confidence interval 82% to 88%) for two vaccine doses against the alpha variant, 85% (83% to 87%) for two doses against the delta variant, 94% (92% to 95%) for three doses against the delta variant, 65% (51% to 75%)


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yes. i wonder what special extra goodies they will put in that vax.

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The mRNA jabs don’t work as advertised but they DO work for what they were never going to tell you... to create additional toxicity in people which if folks are taking lots of other meds/vaccines/drugs/crap food/pollution, etc. is going to help keep them sick, diseased, or dying early... very sad... just a bunch of lab rats we are...$o depopulation is happening as planned...and some are making buttloads of $$$$

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Now that it seems to be safe to publicly assert that vaccines are garbage, can we start litigating the effectiveness of forced masking next?

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Just set an example, refuse to mask up. Smile at maskers. Stupid is as stupid does according to Forrest Gump! ( and me)!

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Alex, 2000 Mules isn’t going away.

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He has to pick up his tranquilizer prescription before he can deal with this

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Nada...5,000 Mules in 2022 and 10,000 Mules in 2024. No more mules will be needed after that.

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But Fauci just said less would have died if more had gotten vaccinated. They are still lying it’s like they’ve seen none of this new data.

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Fauci would have to back-track himself into Gitmo to ever get away from all the lies he told.

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Oh they have seen the data. And they still lie.

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I’m a 51 yr old female with 2 children (11 and 16). As a teacher in NY state, I remained unvaccinated while approximately 95% of my colleagues vaccinated against Covid. And yes, I did get it. And yes, it kicked my ass. No comorbidities, etc. Followed Dr. Zelenko’s preventative protocols which may have helped. We are having another round of it ( my TA, students, and others around me are getting Covid (again) ).

Bottom line, Covid, like all other viruses, will continue to mutate and be out there. We just don’t test for them. Our hyper awareness of it has made us all fugitives looking for solace that will never come. The government has primed us for fear against an invisible enemy. Sadly, the real enemy is in plain site.

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My understanding is they are testing for covid by checking the wastewater. Therefore I have been flushing masks down the toilet. To save lives.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

You may very well find yourself needing a plumber! My last visit to massage therapist in BC where their college still requires mask use (after mandate has been lifted): As I was leaving, she asked if she could recycle it for me, so I handed it to her. Really, shouldn’t used masks be considered biohazards? Just unbelievable…

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I'm an unvaxxed/unboosted 60-yr-old. Average comorbidities? No clue. AFAIK, I have none, but these days who knows what they've changed the definition of "comorbidity" to.

Anyway, I tested positive (for the first time ever) on April 24. No symptoms, save a brief low-grade fever (<100) that Tylenol defeated after 36 hours.


Fever or chills (save the qualifier above)

Shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing

Muscle or body aches


Extreme fatigue

Sore throat



Runny nose

Loss of taste

Loss of smell




Literally NONE. Zip, zero nada.

BECAUSE I'm unvaxxed/unboosted, I'm convinced.

(And yeah, I started Ivermectin the day I tested positive. They say to start within 5 days of the onset of symptoms, but I HAD no symptoms, so I started it prophylactically, anyway. And I had NONE of the spooky, "you will lose your license to practice medicine if you off-label prescribe IVM for Covid" alleged side-effects of IVM, either. None. So, GFY, doc who wouldn't prescribe it.)

Anecdotal, yes. But enough anecdotes like mine turn into data. And there ARE enough anecdotes like mine.

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Also, I've been taking D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin, and a daily multi for at least the past year, and I'm convinced that was a major factor as well.

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what prompted you to take the test?

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Funny you should ask. I was in a rundown state at the end of tax season - hadn't eaten, drunk, or slept well for the preceding two weeks, and I passed out from exhaustion and dehydration. That earned me a complimentary trip to the local hospital, where they ran a battery of tests for 2 hours (well, for 20 minutes; then I waited 2 hours to be allowed to leave), all of which I passed with flying colors.

Well, other than their mandatory Covid test.

Then the doc prescribed Paxlovid. I said, "I have Ivermectin, so could you write me a prescription to replace the IVM I'm going to start taking?" He wouldn't, of course. Because there's no money to be made in prescribing an eminently safe, 50+-year-old drug with an expired patent, but boatloads to be made in prescribing a thoroughly UNtested drug whose safety is wholly UNknown and that is ONLY available under a...yep, EUA.

So I had him write the script, then when Walgreens texted me to tell me it was ready, I told them to cancel it, and when they asked why, I told them in no uncertain terms why (though I somehow managed to avoid using the F-word).

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"Protect yourself. Wear a well-fitting N95 indoors."


i carry an S&W .357 for protection

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I just went over to Twitter and checked out the comments on this post. Amazing that so many are still "thankful" they have their jabs and are preaching about getting vaxxed. 🤦‍♀️

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Mind control is very effective and they all sing that song. Like zombies.

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Notice how they never answer when you ask why they're so grateful?

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The only folks I know that are getting covid now are the double vaxxed! Most of my double vaxxed acquaintances have said heck no to the booster! Wish they had said no to the vax! Some, but not many, have now said they regret getting the jabs!

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The reality is it has to have something to do with being boosted or double boosted, and soon the evidence of this will have to come to light . I do not know a single unvaccinated person who suffered with omicron , mild cold at best. EVERY person I know who is boosted was down for the count. I’m in the northeast 99.5 in my state are vaxxed. I do wonder if they will ever admit the failure.

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i have friends who participated in the moderna trials. the wife has been double vaxxed and boosted. the husband was so nervous that he backed up his two moderna shots with two pfizer shots and was eagerly anticipating clearance for a booster (i talked him out of it).

they often like to stay with us and twice now, they have come down with covid, first delta and then omicron, a few weeks after leaving us. they always call, worried that they may have infected us, their unvaccinated friends but no, we've never had it.

and they never had it either UNTIL they were vaccinated.

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Wow. Prayers for them in the grip of fear. So sad.

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Awesome testimony! Thanks for sharing :-)

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Recent wedding/reception turned into a “super-speader for the jabbed” Vid event. 🙄

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It is very difficult for humans to realize they have been massively played for fools by the very people upon whom they lavished their unconditional trust. To see those you thought to be your saviors turn out to be your executioners is a leap only few can make.

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It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled. - Mark Twain

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Vitamin D, especially if you're obese, was always higher efficacy than the so called vaccines.

We are still pretending they work in BC though, I know quite a few that just got their boosters & they remain quite morally superior lolol 😂

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That is the one thing that the so-called "vaccines" do confer!

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.2% effective against covid, but it will increase your smuggetry by 95%

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Yes, that's typical Canadiana for we who are unjabbed inferiors. So sick and tired of the push for vaccines.

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Can we now call it a pandemic of the vaccinated?

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All along the most sensible thing to do is to get into good shape, put down the doughnuts, get off the couch and get outside to sunlight and walk, run, exercise in some way and eat right. If only one thing is learned from this two year scamdemic should be:


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Sunlight would be so lovely. Since end of September (in BC's sunny Okanagan) we haven't had more than 20 or so days with noticeable sunshine. Clouds and cold and rain. So tired. Weather modification is ruining our health and our gardens.

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I’m on the island and the weather is the worst in decades. All we can do is hope it improves and adapt. I wish you a beautiful summer in your garden!

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Thank you, I'm sorry it is over there as well! I guess it is everywhere, tho my Sis in Creston seems to have enjoyed more sunshine that we have these past several months. Last year's gardens here were terrible. Was hoping for return to normal this year.

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No doubt! Lol! A return to normal would be optimal for me!

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Just got done watching a great interview between Geert Vandenbosch and Del Bigtree. I think the science is starting to lead to what he is talking about


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Watched it a few days ago, and agree.

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"... we have nothing to gain by reporting the reality."

I am dumbfounded.

This doctor should lose his license.

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They should have all been reporting the reality this entire time! They had everything to gain with safe early treatment...and now they have everything to lose.

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They won't lose anything. The only thing our gov't does is spend our hard earned $ and hold hearings against each other for illegal acts that end up with no one held to account.

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I agree with your $ comments completely. The "everything to lose" comment for me revolves around the loss of respect, and the destruction of the western medical system. Many of us have been outside of western medicine for a long time for varied reasons. Many now are seeking alternative medical care as the mistrust in the standard system is sky high and gaining in altitude daily.

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Exactly! WTAF!!

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But then he goes on to say that what he is saying isn't evidence that you shouldn't get vaccinated, haha. I am so afraid that Geert still has it right (he has been right so far...two years ago he told us we should never vaccinate in the midst of a pandemic):


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I read also a while back that you should never vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic. Do you know the reason why?

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It has to do with mutations~~somehow vaccinations cause viruses to mutate faster rather than burn through a population and be over with way more quickly.

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Well, whatever that thing was that got leaked out of Wuhan. Something infected and killed the people in that Washington choir in 2020~~as well as my friend in NYC (said he felt like his lungs were on fire).

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What's next? Well, obviously to blame the ineffectiveness of the mRNA shots against Omicron on the unvaccinated. I'm not sure how they'll do it, but rest assured they will.

They could also encourage people to get fit and lose weight to avoid dying from Covid. Just kidding. That's about personal responsibility and the left doesn't like pushing that narrative.

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I was watching CBS this morning and Dr. Ashish Jha was on talking about how Covid cases are rising and we are likely to have 100 million infections this fall/winter. So he needs Congress to give him another $22 billion for more vaccines. Oh, and everybody needs to get another booster shot.

So Alex may declare that the vax shots have failed but that certainly isn't being recognized by the government. Not even close.

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That’s pretty much the definition of insanity!

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Statistics can show a lot, thank goodness. I have friends, who got all the shots and haven't been sick in two years and no reactions from the vax. It's so crazy. It's hard to judge what your outcome will be. My 97 year old mom got it (the virus without the vax) and is fine. My husband got it and is fine. Others get it and die, shot or no. It drives me nuts trying to understand it all.

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TAKE care of yourself for the love of God. I do and I'm sick and tired that I have to somehow "protect" you from the piss poor life decisions you have made.

Once covid infected the first wuhan lab worker (maybe) you were all going to get it. Period. End. Stop.

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You're just now figuring this out? Stats from Britain have been showing this for months. May want to stay on top of other sources.

Now do immune system shot by never ending boosters...

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Alex has been sharing UK data for a long time. And then they suddenly stopped publishing it. Hmmmmmm

Where ya been?


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My doctor never wore a mask, never jabbed and was shunned for telling the medical community that a lipid based spike protein would go straight to the liver, spleen, ovaries, heart and brain. He saw many patients and self-dosed with horse paste and only knows he had COVID because of regular antibody tests he took.

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It's insane they are still pushing vaccines especially in LA County California. I caught Omicron in January. Was out 10 days. And people are proud they got vaxxed and boosted.

I honestly hope those who chose to took this are alright. But I've got a feeling the blowback will happen down the line. And it's probably going to be bad (Hope I'm wrong on this too).

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Vaccines haven't failed until they have failed publicly. Until CDC recommendations have changed, mandates are removed, etc. Unfortunately I don't see that happening.

I don't know how they will continue to lie, but I expect they will.

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I sincerely wish that President Trump would admit that Op Warp Speed was not a success and stop bragging about it. I am still a supporter and will vote for him again but I believe that Trump was completely duped and taken in by the Traumatic Trio- Faux Chi, Scarf Lady and old man Collins. He didn't have a chance with that crew.

Now we have this nightmare on our hands- in my case I am the only one in my family who didn't get the injection. My big strong son in law who's a teacher and who has been shot up with MRNA jabs I don't know how many times, is now terribly sick with CVD.. I am terrified for my grand kids too.

In NY there is still much tyranny, especially with hospitals, doctors offices, dentists, etc. STILL only one person allowed in to the ER, etc. if you bring someone in. Some guards demand proof of vax and get away with it.

This is still completely out of hand.

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Trump will never admit he blew it. Voted for him 2X, cannot support now.

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Yeah, here’s an interesting point:

Everything seems to be failing in this country these days, our leaders, our communities, faith and hope, showing common sense…

This country is dying, and people are in such denial projection and deflection, yeah, we’re all acting like five year-olds…

Joe Biden, he is truly the example of the American system, he’s a despicable dishonest disdainful demented demonic shitbag who doesn’t give a damn about anybody else but himself.

And Covid brought those behaviors out of a lot of people in this country, and now, enjoy the flush mode…

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Oh, Mr. Berenson, thank you for letting me comment…

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Currently in my county all 12 patients hospitalized because of Covid are vaccinated.


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I lean politically to the right, and I don’t understand the way my fellow Republicans worship Trump, completely overlooking his shilling for vaccines.

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It was either vaccines or complete economic collapse. The vaccines held that off... now Sleepy Joe is finishing off the collapse part.

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I wonder if those who were foolish enough to get vaccinated after having had covid, ruined that natural immunity by getting the jab?

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The vaccinators will never admit defeat. They will create a new flavor of poison Jan and serve it up to a willing and fully propagandized public. This will continue until the VAIDS kills the customer base.

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Covid is definitely here to stay around for awhile.

My family (all unvaccinated, and healthy) caught Delta in November and now all have the mild Omnicron. The virus is ripping through our neighborhood (close to Chicago) and affecting vaxed and unvaxed alike.

Our community is very tight nit, kids always playing together, adults always meeting up so there is a lot of germ sharing. The second bout of Rona was way easier than the first round. But for those saying that the unvaxed can’t catch it twice, you are wrong,, even young healthy adults and children can catch it more than once.

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Does anyone have the link to the BC data. I can't show this to other people without a link to the BC Gov website

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Here's the link: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-professionals/data-reports/covid-19-surveillance-dashboard It took me a while, and I had to switch browsers to Chrome. Don't know if that makes a difference. You want to search for the "Weekly COVID-19 report" on the B.C. Centre for Disease Control site (bccdc.ca) For this particular donut graph posted in this article, I clicked on "COVID-19 Weekly report - May 12, 2022". This took me to a 3-page PDF. On page 2, click on "BCCDC Regional Surveillance Dashboard". Scroll down, click on "Vax Donut Charts" and there it is. I really think Alex needs to post this link in his article. People will still read for his commentary and analysis.

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I agree. Posting the link directly is really important. Thanks for sharing all these directions!

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Same. Tried to find it but it seems you really have to dig. I’m in BC. Did you find it?

Only found this article:


Ha! The insanity.

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I had Alpha, then got Omicron. Alpha knocked me out for 3 weeks. Omicron, I felt kinda lousy for 4 days.

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Omicron loves the jabbed. The more jabbed, the more love from Omicron. The data proves this and the third jab is the one showing the highest ChiCom infection rates. The untaxed have innate immunity. That's the bottom line.

By the fall, the seasonal swing with a mutation could be absolute hell on the vaxed. That's the major concern of Geert Vanden Bossche:


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I think Omnicron loves everyone but the unjabbed get a mild version of it and tend not to test for it, therefore it goes unreported.

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? if natural is better, how do boosters relate to that?

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But Omicron is apparently not dangerous...

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The reports did say that you can catch Omicron even if you had the Alpha. But where did Omicron come from? So different from the other. Very few catch Omicron twice apparently.

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My wife kids and myself all had Covid in January of 2021, just when the vaccines were rolled out, we haven’t taken them and don’t plan to. Glad we made that choice, now Fauci and friends need to go to jail.

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Too bad he mentioned the worthless masks.

As this industrial hygienist giving recent testimony explains, they don't work and they can't work:

The Ultimate PPE Expert with Incredible Insights into Mask Science!


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