Don’t take it from me. Take it from the MD with a mask in his profile picture:
And from the government of British Columbia, which says that in the last month 85 percent of Covid hospitalizations and 91 percent of deaths occurred in vaccinated people - nearly all of whom were boosted.
It’s over, friends. The mRNA shots don’t work against Omicron for more than a few weeks, and boosting doesn’t work either. Not against infection, not against transmission, and increasingly obviously not against severe disease or death.
What happens next?
The sane answer is: nothing, except a deep and rigorous scientific dive on a cellular level into why the jabs have failed, so we NEVER allow a mess like this again. Though the hard-core nutters on Team Apocalypse may well point to the failure of the vaccines as reason to go back to all the non-pharmaceutical interventions that failed before the vaccines did:
Or, maybe you’re going to get Covid sooner or later (in the unlikely event you haven’t already, or maybe even if you have), and that being in decent shape is your best defense against dying from it - or almost anything else.
Because it looks more and more like the wave is going to last forever - at least for the vaccinated.
EDIT: A friend of mine, Dr. Leet, has been hard at work suing Dr. Fauci and the NIH, in addition to working with lawmakers on legislation to fix this COVID mess. Today he sent out this call to arms. Please stand with him:
The following link will take you to the global Covid summit statement. The bill recently passed by the state Legislature, H3126, addresses some of the issues listed in the summit statement. I look forward to working with our legislatures next year to make the permanent and to address language in the bill that constrains its effectiveness. I also look forward to rewriting Title 44 relating to DHEC to hold DHEC accountable for standards and processes that protect the citizens of our state from the corruption that has been on full display these past two years. This includes holding DHEC employees responsible for the damage they have inflicted on this state for their (continuing) blatant disregard for the evidence regarding both adverse effects and lack of effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 mandated treatments, which they have called vaccines.
My vet is the exact opposite. Masks, lobby is closed, pull into the parking lot & call to tell them you're there, vet comes out & sees your dog in the parking lot. The guy before me stayed in the lot while the vet took his dog inside. I guess I should feel grateful that the vet carried my dog into a treatment room & let me in to see her over the rainbow bridge.
Don't mean to gloat... in TX we barely know covid exists... with the exception of a couple of Dem politicians who are trying without much success to keep the panic alive.
In Madison Wisconsin kids in public schools are still masked. Just imagine the damage it's done emotional and socially and from a learning perspective. How are these not looked upon as intentional crimes against humanity? How does a parent consider this?
Only time I masked up is when after saying no thank you at my local Walmart security threatened to make me leave so I put it on and waited till they quit following and removed it again. I have breathing issues any way and cough and clear throat more than the avg person so it was humorous watching the look of terror on the faces of the hyperchondriacs who saw 2021 as the golden age.
I live just north of Atlanta, and I haven't worn a mask in longer than two years. I've been to football parties, New Years parties, pool parties. Up here, nobody is the least bit concerned. I don't support Kemp, but at least he got this right.
There's this prick ex judge in Dallas who's done his best to promote the covid narrative and was successful at least within Dallas of getting mandates in place and lockdowns.
Vets are over-vaccinating our cats and dogs just like doctors are over-vaccinating our children. The result is the same: Chronic illness and premature death. Example: The distemper shot for cats was made by Merck with a line of kidney cells. Consequently, the shot causes autoimmune kidney disease in cats, a very aggressive and painful condition, which is now an epidemic in cats. The worst part is that most cats don't need a distemper shot. Distemper is only a threat to a subset of kittens, and only very early in their young lives.
Before I knew better, I got every vaccine for my cat that the vet ordered. He died at 13. My next cat got absolutely no vaccines and he is doing well at 15 still. Feral cats may need some shots but house cats...NO!
I think some vaccines are useful for children but I question the universality, the dosing and the additives found within. In the early days, the amount of thimerosal was limited but then it was used in several more vaccines. They paused its use for a while and then started again but I have lost interest as my kids are grown. I had a measles vaccine growing up and got measles. I had two pneumoccal vaccines and got pneumonia twice. Then I saw a naturopath and have gotten ill less often as I get older. Supplements as required, sleep adequately, eat properly and get some fresh air and exercise. We were given this amazing thing called an immune system that should be nourished and cherished...
My cat had seizures after vaccination, I would never vaccinate a cat again. The vet said it wasn’t the vaccine but she had a fit in her pet carrier after the shot, never had them before.
We’ve had four+ dogs over the years who suffered from seizures. All were different breeds, obtained from different places/in different ways. It was heartbreaking. We fed them all high-quality/few-ingredient food and they drank either filtered or (where the water was good) tap water. All were primarily indoor dogs (with access to small suburban backyard). All were (needlessly) fully vaccinated. What are the odds they each had “epilepsy”? (Slim to none.)
Anyone else think that the mass-chipping of our pets was used as a mass mammalian experiment? I do.
I never vax my cats, however my state has laws that dogs must have the rabies vax every 3 years. I have 2 beautiful great pyrs and I do not want to continue to vax them.
The rabies vaxx is tied to the licensing of your dog, usually by the County you live in. If you don’t license your dogs, no need to rabies vaxx after the initial vaxx…just put a tag on their collar with your phone number…it looks official! I also don’t believe in micro chipping them either!!
Be aware of any medications you get from Torrent labs: I was recently warned by Caremark that my blood pressure medication (Losartan) was recalled 5 times in ONE year for containing cancer-causing agents. Why they didn’t let me know until after five recalls, I can’t imagine🤪, But I now don’t accept any scripts from Torrent.
we gave our 5 year old healthy dog the 3 yr rabies vaccine and a few months later she came down with fatal spleen cancer. I'll never look at vaccination the same again. Doesn't help that I came down with Bells Palsy a day after taking a tetanus shot. The dr said that the medical industry had no idea what ever could cause bells. Never would have pieced those together if it wasn't outed with the c jab.
Amen to all you said…I’ve been all over the veterinary medicine vaxx schedule since my dog was young. I quit vaccinating her after her second round of ‘shots’. These vets are as bad as pediatricians with the vaxx schedule!!!
Thank you, the vet was adamant it wasn’t the vaccine but as soon as I got her outside she had a very violent seizure, she had never had them before. It’s all they do is flood our bodies and pets bodies with chemicals
My vet doesn’t believe animals get covid, but I question it. Recently, at 76, unvaccinated & un-boostered, I had Covid for 3 1/2 weeks and my three pups (also unvaxxed) were my only companionship. We were all pretty lethargic but got through it with no lasting effects👍
Now, at 77, I feel very comfortable that my elderly immune system will prevent any further variant issues🎉🎈🎊
Hopefully you and the pups will stay safe! According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pets — including cats and dogs — have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. This happened mostly after the animals were in close contact with people infected with the COVID-19 virus.
Most dogs do not need vaccines after age 4-5, because they will have antibodies. NEVER give your dog Gabapentin (it's not even FDA approved for animals or Convenia). Gabapentin killed my dog who was 18.2 year old. It gave her depression, muscle tremors, made her blind, light sensitivity and it blew out her kidneys. Her kidneys were fine before she took Gabapentin. Vets push vaccines and meds like candy.
I also highly recommend Karen Becker, DVM, at Mercola Pets online. She's a holistic veterinarian with numerous videos on canine and feline health and wellbeing. You can also subscribe to her daily newsletter.
Yes. Sign up for my free newsletter (Kids, Covid and Covid Vaccines on Substack). I will put together a list of references and send them out to my subscribers. It may take a week or so. I have several other articles in the hopper right now.
We has to put our cat down a month after he was diagnosed with a melanoma in his mouth. He was 16 and he was losing weight, so I knew something was up. For the initial exam, I had to wait in the car and pass him out the window in his carrier. After that one visit, I told my husband barring the house being on fire, he's never going into that carrier again. I paid the money to have a mobile vet come out when it was time for his trip over the bridge. Wasn't cheap, but I sure as hell was not going to pass my cat out the window to be put down like he was leftovers at a drive-in...
I'm sorry to hear of this experience. I have been avoiding all doctors myself, but my cats may need to go to the vet eventually. I think that's a great idea to find a mobile vet. That would make me so sad to hand my cats to the technician through the window. Ugh. This whole thing is so dystopian.
Tearing up reading how the vet treated your poor darling. Sorry for your loss. We have a mobile bet here too, who mostly puts down old animals because of the same. We love her dearly. She is a very thoughtful and caring person and even takes time to say a little prayer if you want so. Glad to read there are good vets around there too
It’s VERY heartbreaking when putting down a pet (aka family). I held my baby when he died. I still cry over that precious angel and it’s been about 3 years.
What HAS to be NEVER EVER forgotten when people vote in 2022 and beyond is WHO did this to you. BLUE cities and BLUE run states. They called you essential or non essential and masked your kids in extreme ways, have let crime run wild and want to control what you think and say etc. NEVER EVER forget!
Oh, I won't. I'd be out of here already if it wasn't for my elderly mother who I am caring for. But once she passes I'm going house hunting in a different state.
Even in Florida they did this and I felt mad as my dogs don’t talk yet … I made sure I could be on phone with dr as the exam was being done !! Over vaxed YES !
Yes, all the vets are doing this in MA as well as all of the "rescue" organizations. Couldn't attend a charity "fur ball" unless vaccinated!! Scary how the rescue groups & vets want pets & their owners vaccinated!!!! Vaccine injuries & related deaths aren't any of their concern. Stay outside, they'll gladly give you the bill. No oversight by the customers allowed!!!
Yes, we've had a vet come out to the house to put our last two Standard poodles to sleep. One had bone cancer, and the other was just old and sick. It is a much more humane way to euthanize pets--for the pets and for the humans.
The vet I go to has some podgy activist ladies, but for the most part they're young and at least healthy looking. But all masked and all nervous. It's pathological. Neurotic ninnies.
I live in a blue state Commifornia…fortunately I have a vet who doesn’t force the mask crap etc. You can bring your pet into the office and stay with them. I also had to transition my dog over and had a vet come to my house. She left this earthly plane in the house she lived her whole life in, surrounded by the people she loved.
Wow. My vet was like that early in 2020. By summer 2020 could come into lobby. Masks for patrons remained until summer 2021. Employees still wore masks but most below nose or on chin so ridiculous to wear at all.
They banned unvaxxed from the Metro Toronto ZOO! So we didn't give the animals Covid. Funny, my dog was all over me when I was sick with it and she was the only living being in the house who didn't get it.
And now they are vaxxing the poor zoo animals. Wtf is wrong with these people?! I truly don’t understand why they would do that. Is it because they have so many shots left over?
A mother gorilla at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas who had recently given birth died from mass organ failure after receiving the COVID vaccine:
It's very suprising that most people go along with their Vets. Shots have not been properly tested in an Independent Dual Blinded Study. They definately have never did it on animals. I agree with you and have been out of that system.
My vet is reluctant to vax our animals, dogs. Vaxxing killed our previous dog. One shot too many. Doesn’t require humans to be vaxxed either. There are still a lot more questions than answers on most vaccines, animal and human.
I live in a horse community. People now are questioning vaccinations and some vets while not taking a stand, are saying it is your horse do what you want. Also where I live shits are required twice a year. Many are now refusing and wondering if this was just a money grab when the threat was so tiny. I have posted this before, but some years ago, our barn of 14 horses was hit with rhino flu. It was really bad. No fatalities, but very high temps, unbelievable snot was present. My horse was very sick. She was 4 at that time. The only horse that never got sick was a 17 yr old unvaccinated gelding. That is when I began to question how that could be. BTW, my bill was 1100.00. My young horse was really sick as were others.
You are smart to ask questions. I, for far too long, just trusted the experts. Most mean well I am sure, but covid has revealed a hideous underside of the medical community.
If that 14th horse had been vaccinated, you never would have known. By mandating vaccinations without proof that they work and with no long term control groups, they've made it so people can't tell the difference because there aren't many unvaccinated animals to compare to. It's really shocking to think about what a system we've got now that normalizes vaccination-caused problems and how blind we've been.
we go once a year for the heartworm test. I have her checked for rabies antibodies and only will have the jab if she is not sufficient. I am out in the boonies with lots of wild animals, so that is the only jab I think is worth it.
Told my vet just last week that my 12 year old labradoodle is done with vaccines for the rest of her life. The look I got from her and the Vet Tech. Yep we’re done with shots all around at my house. Rabies is the only one, for the dog. Lol
mine only had a few others because the vet tech gave them to her without me knowing what she was doing. Only had the few when she was little. Once I realized vets here just keep on jabbing, I stopped letting them and since, my dog only had the rabies jab, and this time will first be tested before I let them.
I remember reading somewhere that the rabies shots actually last for a few years, yet are required every year🥴The same $ madness in vet pharma perhaps?
It is required but you can get an exemption when there are enough antibodies, I heard. So I will check in on that. Gotto go next week, so then I will know for sure.
I’ve been saying this for years. Now even the vets have been co opted by big pharma and science diet stole big pharm tactics! Glad you posted this, I just wanted to add a little!
Please stop pretending the vaccines ever worked against COVID Alex.
The trials were fraudulent so all conclusions based on them are as well: [image] [image]
They NEVER worked to stop COVID. They only ever worked to line the pockets of Fauci and Pfizer. Period!
Here is the deadly truth about the vaccine’s “efficacy“:
EDIT: A friend of mine, Dr. Leet, has been hard at work suing Dr. Fauci and the NIH, in addition to working with lawmakers on legislation to fix this COVID mess. Today he sent out this call to arms. Please stand with him:
The following link will take you to the global Covid summit statement. The bill recently passed by the state Legislature, H3126, addresses some of the issues listed in the summit statement. I look forward to working with our legislatures next year to make the permanent and to address language in the bill that constrains its effectiveness. I also look forward to rewriting Title 44 relating to DHEC to hold DHEC accountable for standards and processes that protect the citizens of our state from the corruption that has been on full display these past two years. This includes holding DHEC employees responsible for the damage they have inflicted on this state for their (continuing) blatant disregard for the evidence regarding both adverse effects and lack of effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 mandated treatments, which they have called vaccines.
Will you stand with me?
-Duane G. Leet, PhD
Indeed! AND health is NOT through vaccines or jabs, etc. anyway...but don’t tell the medical and pharma cartels that..
my vet knows better. never wore a mask. does not insist on vaxxing. more worth going to than human doctor
My vet is the exact opposite. Masks, lobby is closed, pull into the parking lot & call to tell them you're there, vet comes out & sees your dog in the parking lot. The guy before me stayed in the lot while the vet took his dog inside. I guess I should feel grateful that the vet carried my dog into a treatment room & let me in to see her over the rainbow bridge.
But I live in a blue state so...
Don't mean to gloat... in TX we barely know covid exists... with the exception of a couple of Dem politicians who are trying without much success to keep the panic alive.
Never wore a mask, never missed school, kept having BBQs. God bless Texas!!
My High School aged youngest offspring has no idea “how normal” she has had it in our TX city compared to other places!
In Madison Wisconsin kids in public schools are still masked. Just imagine the damage it's done emotional and socially and from a learning perspective. How are these not looked upon as intentional crimes against humanity? How does a parent consider this?
Only time I masked up is when after saying no thank you at my local Walmart security threatened to make me leave so I put it on and waited till they quit following and removed it again. I have breathing issues any way and cough and clear throat more than the avg person so it was humorous watching the look of terror on the faces of the hyperchondriacs who saw 2021 as the golden age.
Not in Austen, TX, though. But that is to be expected, one supposes.
It is a very distinct and separate part our the state.
You don't know how to spell Austin, or is there also an "Austen, TX?"
I live just north of Atlanta, and I haven't worn a mask in longer than two years. I've been to football parties, New Years parties, pool parties. Up here, nobody is the least bit concerned. I don't support Kemp, but at least he got this right.
I bet the people of Floyd County didn’t wear masks. When in Rome😁
Ditto in Indiana
There's this prick ex judge in Dallas who's done his best to promote the covid narrative and was successful at least within Dallas of getting mandates in place and lockdowns.
Vets are over-vaccinating our cats and dogs just like doctors are over-vaccinating our children. The result is the same: Chronic illness and premature death. Example: The distemper shot for cats was made by Merck with a line of kidney cells. Consequently, the shot causes autoimmune kidney disease in cats, a very aggressive and painful condition, which is now an epidemic in cats. The worst part is that most cats don't need a distemper shot. Distemper is only a threat to a subset of kittens, and only very early in their young lives.
Before I knew better, I got every vaccine for my cat that the vet ordered. He died at 13. My next cat got absolutely no vaccines and he is doing well at 15 still. Feral cats may need some shots but house cats...NO!
Vaccines cause kidney disease.
I think some vaccines are useful for children but I question the universality, the dosing and the additives found within. In the early days, the amount of thimerosal was limited but then it was used in several more vaccines. They paused its use for a while and then started again but I have lost interest as my kids are grown. I had a measles vaccine growing up and got measles. I had two pneumoccal vaccines and got pneumonia twice. Then I saw a naturopath and have gotten ill less often as I get older. Supplements as required, sleep adequately, eat properly and get some fresh air and exercise. We were given this amazing thing called an immune system that should be nourished and cherished...
My cat had seizures after vaccination, I would never vaccinate a cat again. The vet said it wasn’t the vaccine but she had a fit in her pet carrier after the shot, never had them before.
We’ve had four+ dogs over the years who suffered from seizures. All were different breeds, obtained from different places/in different ways. It was heartbreaking. We fed them all high-quality/few-ingredient food and they drank either filtered or (where the water was good) tap water. All were primarily indoor dogs (with access to small suburban backyard). All were (needlessly) fully vaccinated. What are the odds they each had “epilepsy”? (Slim to none.)
Anyone else think that the mass-chipping of our pets was used as a mass mammalian experiment? I do.
Tell your vet 🐂💩
I never vax my cats, however my state has laws that dogs must have the rabies vax every 3 years. I have 2 beautiful great pyrs and I do not want to continue to vax them.
Rabies vaccine should ONLY be given to healthy dogs. I stopped giving my dog her rabies shot at age 15 and she lived to me 18.2 years old.
Shawn, you may want to ask your vet to do a titer test, a simple blood test to determine if there are still antibodies.
The rabies vaxx is tied to the licensing of your dog, usually by the County you live in. If you don’t license your dogs, no need to rabies vaxx after the initial vaxx…just put a tag on their collar with your phone number…it looks official! I also don’t believe in micro chipping them either!!
of the 13 rabies shots, only 2 TWO DO NOT HAVE MERCURY, the other 11 rabies have mercury. STOP vaxxing pets, another scam.
TF = Thimerosal (mercury) Free
Captain Jessica, thank you for that link.
Thanks for that info, will pay attention in the future🧐
Super helpful. Any idea on vaccines for horses....?
Pharma has it's fingers everywhere! Look at the main company responsible for 40% of the infant food production...a Pharma company Abbott Labs
shocked to learn that. Its like Bayer owns Monsanto glyphosate chemicals and aspirin
at the same time. ALL CHEMICALS must be removed from food and health products.
pHARMA is an octopus with thousands of tentacles.
Govt in bed with YUGE chemical and drug companies,
what a shit show!
People need to wake the F up!!
Be aware of any medications you get from Torrent labs: I was recently warned by Caremark that my blood pressure medication (Losartan) was recalled 5 times in ONE year for containing cancer-causing agents. Why they didn’t let me know until after five recalls, I can’t imagine🤪, But I now don’t accept any scripts from Torrent.
It’s shocking and Joe Rogan had a great guest on about reproductive health and the reduction of mens sperm count, dr Shanna Swann
we gave our 5 year old healthy dog the 3 yr rabies vaccine and a few months later she came down with fatal spleen cancer. I'll never look at vaccination the same again. Doesn't help that I came down with Bells Palsy a day after taking a tetanus shot. The dr said that the medical industry had no idea what ever could cause bells. Never would have pieced those together if it wasn't outed with the c jab.
A friend's wife had Bells P 2 days after 2nd injection of gene therapy meds
Amen to all you said…I’ve been all over the veterinary medicine vaxx schedule since my dog was young. I quit vaccinating her after her second round of ‘shots’. These vets are as bad as pediatricians with the vaxx schedule!!!
Thank you, the vet was adamant it wasn’t the vaccine but as soon as I got her outside she had a very violent seizure, she had never had them before. It’s all they do is flood our bodies and pets bodies with chemicals
yes, its way out of control, money money money for vets and pediaatricians,
all a BIG SCAM FOR MONEY for pHARMA!!!!!
and keep the people stupid.
Darby Shaw, horses too, I'm thinking. As the years have gone by the veterinarians recommend additional annual vaccinations for the equines too.
Darby Shaw: I did not know that about the cat vaccines. That ticks me off more than a little bit.
If you research you’ll see other people reporting it too.
My vet doesn’t believe animals get covid, but I question it. Recently, at 76, unvaccinated & un-boostered, I had Covid for 3 1/2 weeks and my three pups (also unvaxxed) were my only companionship. We were all pretty lethargic but got through it with no lasting effects👍
Now, at 77, I feel very comfortable that my elderly immune system will prevent any further variant issues🎉🎈🎊
Hopefully you and the pups will stay safe! According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pets — including cats and dogs — have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. This happened mostly after the animals were in close contact with people infected with the COVID-19 virus.
absolutely they are Darby! A friend of mines cockapoo went deaf after a vaccine
Most dogs do not need vaccines after age 4-5, because they will have antibodies. NEVER give your dog Gabapentin (it's not even FDA approved for animals or Convenia). Gabapentin killed my dog who was 18.2 year old. It gave her depression, muscle tremors, made her blind, light sensitivity and it blew out her kidneys. Her kidneys were fine before she took Gabapentin. Vets push vaccines and meds like candy.
Do you have any resources so I can find out more about this?
I also highly recommend Karen Becker, DVM, at Mercola Pets online. She's a holistic veterinarian with numerous videos on canine and feline health and wellbeing. You can also subscribe to her daily newsletter.
Yes. Sign up for my free newsletter (Kids, Covid and Covid Vaccines on Substack). I will put together a list of references and send them out to my subscribers. It may take a week or so. I have several other articles in the hopper right now.
I'm interested in vaccines for dogs.
i never get my cats vaccinated
WOW!!!! Thank you for that information! I think I lost my last cat like this. I had to put him down. Now I see…
We has to put our cat down a month after he was diagnosed with a melanoma in his mouth. He was 16 and he was losing weight, so I knew something was up. For the initial exam, I had to wait in the car and pass him out the window in his carrier. After that one visit, I told my husband barring the house being on fire, he's never going into that carrier again. I paid the money to have a mobile vet come out when it was time for his trip over the bridge. Wasn't cheap, but I sure as hell was not going to pass my cat out the window to be put down like he was leftovers at a drive-in...
I'm sorry to hear of this experience. I have been avoiding all doctors myself, but my cats may need to go to the vet eventually. I think that's a great idea to find a mobile vet. That would make me so sad to hand my cats to the technician through the window. Ugh. This whole thing is so dystopian.
God bless you. I know how these critters - in my case, especially a cat - can get under our skins.
They're not with us for long. All we can do is love 'em as hard as we can while they're with us.
us too
we had to euthanize our old gal Lucy at age 19 in Jan 2021
Happily paid mobile vet, no curbside pickup for our baby
You made such a kind and loving choice.
Tearing up reading how the vet treated your poor darling. Sorry for your loss. We have a mobile bet here too, who mostly puts down old animals because of the same. We love her dearly. She is a very thoughtful and caring person and even takes time to say a little prayer if you want so. Glad to read there are good vets around there too
It’s VERY heartbreaking when putting down a pet (aka family). I held my baby when he died. I still cry over that precious angel and it’s been about 3 years.
Good time to rewatch Ty Bollinger’s doc-u-series called the truth about pet cancer.
What HAS to be NEVER EVER forgotten when people vote in 2022 and beyond is WHO did this to you. BLUE cities and BLUE run states. They called you essential or non essential and masked your kids in extreme ways, have let crime run wild and want to control what you think and say etc. NEVER EVER forget!
Oh, I won't. I'd be out of here already if it wasn't for my elderly mother who I am caring for. But once she passes I'm going house hunting in a different state.
Don’t go to TN! All of Conservative CA has moved there and the housing market is off the chart back there!
the vet where I had her nails cut was like that too. Call beforehand, masks on, etc. Crazy.
The vets in NM were threatened into vaccination with the loss of their license. And our dumbass Governor tried to out do CA with masks and shit down.
Even in Florida they did this and I felt mad as my dogs don’t talk yet … I made sure I could be on phone with dr as the exam was being done !! Over vaxed YES !
Yes, all the vets are doing this in MA as well as all of the "rescue" organizations. Couldn't attend a charity "fur ball" unless vaccinated!! Scary how the rescue groups & vets want pets & their owners vaccinated!!!! Vaccine injuries & related deaths aren't any of their concern. Stay outside, they'll gladly give you the bill. No oversight by the customers allowed!!!
Sounds an awful lot like the C19 wards....
Go to and read
Thanks for these recs; just sent the the dog lovers in my life!
I think vets decided they preferred not having the owner in the room. Using covid as an excuse.
Yes, it's definitely a convenient excuse!
Agreed. My vet had same protocol.
I will say this. The mobile vet was incredible. She was very patient and respectful as I was saying my goodbyes to my little man.
Yes, we've had a vet come out to the house to put our last two Standard poodles to sleep. One had bone cancer, and the other was just old and sick. It is a much more humane way to euthanize pets--for the pets and for the humans.
Same here. And everyone who works there is a young, healthy female.
The vet I go to has some podgy activist ladies, but for the most part they're young and at least healthy looking. But all masked and all nervous. It's pathological. Neurotic ninnies.
you're vet is a narcissist gaming the system to control for his own benefit and agenda
Same with our vet, ridiculous
I live in a blue state Commifornia…fortunately I have a vet who doesn’t force the mask crap etc. You can bring your pet into the office and stay with them. I also had to transition my dog over and had a vet come to my house. She left this earthly plane in the house she lived her whole life in, surrounded by the people she loved.
Does it make a difference to our pets? I think it does, but I don't really know the answer to that, and I don't care.
It makes a difference to us.
Sometimes I think we are more humane towards our pets than towards our human entourage. Probably because pets are true to themselves and tell no lies
Same here, but KS. Madness!
You live in a red state. Why are you putting up with that? "Vote with your dollars" by choosing a vet who isn't into this new-age-communism BS.
Wow. My vet was like that early in 2020. By summer 2020 could come into lobby. Masks for patrons remained until summer 2021. Employees still wore masks but most below nose or on chin so ridiculous to wear at all.
Yep. Had to put our dog down in June of 2020. In CA. A horrible event was even more horrible because of covid nonsense.
I feel for you…fortunately a vet came to the house, did not wear a mask and it was a calm and dignified transition for my girl.
I'm sorry about your loss. When I put my dog to sleep my Vet came to my house (wearing a mask) and I had to wear one. I live in a blue state too.
I'm sorry about your loss. The beginning is so difficult.
Thank you and that's why I'm not ready for another dog.
They banned unvaxxed from the Metro Toronto ZOO! So we didn't give the animals Covid. Funny, my dog was all over me when I was sick with it and she was the only living being in the house who didn't get it.
And now they are vaxxing the poor zoo animals. Wtf is wrong with these people?! I truly don’t understand why they would do that. Is it because they have so many shots left over?
We reached herd mentality a long time ago.
A mother gorilla at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas who had recently given birth died from mass organ failure after receiving the COVID vaccine:
It's very suprising that most people go along with their Vets. Shots have not been properly tested in an Independent Dual Blinded Study. They definately have never did it on animals. I agree with you and have been out of that system.
My vet is reluctant to vax our animals, dogs. Vaxxing killed our previous dog. One shot too many. Doesn’t require humans to be vaxxed either. There are still a lot more questions than answers on most vaccines, animal and human.
I live in a horse community. People now are questioning vaccinations and some vets while not taking a stand, are saying it is your horse do what you want. Also where I live shits are required twice a year. Many are now refusing and wondering if this was just a money grab when the threat was so tiny. I have posted this before, but some years ago, our barn of 14 horses was hit with rhino flu. It was really bad. No fatalities, but very high temps, unbelievable snot was present. My horse was very sick. She was 4 at that time. The only horse that never got sick was a 17 yr old unvaccinated gelding. That is when I began to question how that could be. BTW, my bill was 1100.00. My young horse was really sick as were others.
You are smart to ask questions. I, for far too long, just trusted the experts. Most mean well I am sure, but covid has revealed a hideous underside of the medical community.
If that 14th horse had been vaccinated, you never would have known. By mandating vaccinations without proof that they work and with no long term control groups, they've made it so people can't tell the difference because there aren't many unvaccinated animals to compare to. It's really shocking to think about what a system we've got now that normalizes vaccination-caused problems and how blind we've been.
we go once a year for the heartworm test. I have her checked for rabies antibodies and only will have the jab if she is not sufficient. I am out in the boonies with lots of wild animals, so that is the only jab I think is worth it.
Told my vet just last week that my 12 year old labradoodle is done with vaccines for the rest of her life. The look I got from her and the Vet Tech. Yep we’re done with shots all around at my house. Rabies is the only one, for the dog. Lol
mine only had a few others because the vet tech gave them to her without me knowing what she was doing. Only had the few when she was little. Once I realized vets here just keep on jabbing, I stopped letting them and since, my dog only had the rabies jab, and this time will first be tested before I let them.
I remember reading somewhere that the rabies shots actually last for a few years, yet are required every year🥴The same $ madness in vet pharma perhaps?
It is required but you can get an exemption when there are enough antibodies, I heard. So I will check in on that. Gotto go next week, so then I will know for sure.
In today’s MAD WORLD they probably shuffle your pets off to the treatment room and give them Remdesivir. NOTHING surprises me anymore. NOTHING.
Absolutely nothing.
And there is no waking up the sleepwalkers. Don't even bother trying. It just leads to acrimony and disappointment.
Indeed. This is the final nail in the coffin of masks. Of course, we knew that all along...
Yes we did! And yet they will ignore this study, just like the rest 😡
This incredibly comprehensive study shows how incredibly dangerous and ineffective masks really are:
I’ve been saying this for years. Now even the vets have been co opted by big pharma and science diet stole big pharm tactics! Glad you posted this, I just wanted to add a little!
And he would likely give you ivermectin if required, and advise on proper dosing...
I wa t your vet. Mine went full mask nazi and outside pick up and return. I had to pass.