Rig the data, pay the doctors, control the media, hide the truth, welcome to 21st century medical police state pharmacide.

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Yes. I am a little bit tired of people defending the doctors and blaming only the Big Pharma. The Doctors in USA are used to replace their Mercedez and BMW every year. Tons of $$$. It is easy for them to align to Fraudci’s demands.

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Not all of them do. I'm married to one who doesn't go along with the narrative, but it's true. He has very few allies in his medical community.

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I can't wait for the Republicans to wipe out the Democrats in the primaries and 2024 and put Fauci under a microscope. He needs to go to prison for what he's done to the world.

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You’re still living under the illusion that there is a two party system and that the other team is on our side. Please wake up.

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I'm not delusional Lol. I definitely understand what you're talking about. But for now it's the only option available. What you're suggesting is a complete "change" to the existing illusion. Which is the current narrative/accusation the Democrats are pushing via DOJ, threatening anyone who doesn't agree with them, like parents who refuse to accept critical race theory being taught to their children. I get what your saying. Only the future will tell.

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I did not use the word delusional. 😉

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No you didn't. I did.

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George Orwell did not go far enough in his book. 1984 is tame compared to reality it seems.

Also, Pravda should be ashamed too. If only the USSR would have internet and social media. It would have been a day dream for them. Also, significantly less effort by the government. A few well placed “influencers” would have done the trick.

Control real cheap 😎👍

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And remember Stalin and the STASI would have loved to have such resources. A tyrant's dream come true.

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Trudeau and Macron to name but two,abusing those"resources"to their full effect.

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Trudeau is a broken record - daily calls on social media to get jabbed! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏼

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Because he has a broken brain and a charred soul.

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Oh he's way worse than that. He uses the poles to figure out new ways to divide Canadians and turn everyone against the unvaccinated so he can put us on train cars.

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Brave New World by Huxley in 1931

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"Pharmacide". Good one.

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"Vaccination is the leading cause of coincidence." -Anthony Pfau Xi

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Would also accept "Faux Xi"

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There are no coincidences now, only correlations with Truth !

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Alex, I believe the booster savages the immune system for many. My husband got his booster before visiting his elderly parents and a week later came down with the flu. He rarely even gets a cold, but whatever he got, he is still sick 3 and a half weeks later. He had a PCR test for Covid and was negative and took 3 Binax home tests. Normally, he shakes anything off in a day or two. This vaccine did something to his immune system. He finally agrees with me- that these vaccines are dangerous for many. He had to get initial shots for works, but he says no more.

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Same thing happened to my brother about a month after his booster. Super sick for two weeks but negative covid test.

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Oops! Alberta is getting sloppy allowing real data to get out into the world. Gonna have to memory hole this.

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Bourla will send in the Pfizer cleanup crew, PR specialists to spin the damaging data that slipped out, and lawyers to threaten them into hiding transparent data going forward.

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Yes, Alex's interpretation of the data is all wrong. Turns out the people giving the injections were all infected with and spreading covid to the vax recipients. It's the only reasonable explanation. :-p

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This pernicious lie about the unvaccinated being the majority of hospitalizations and deaths is driving me nuts. We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, but sadly stupid brainwashed fearful people believe it. CT dashboard yesterday STILL had 68% of hospitalizations for COVID as unvaccinated. Bald faced lies and data distortion.

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Biden just said again get vaccinated , and told the news media to stop lying! 🤯🤯🤯 i have friends on facebook shaming all the unvaxxed like we r selfish and stupid and one friend put a meme up saying santa is bringing all of you science books for christmas. of course she works for doctors

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They are poking the bear to see what will happen. They best stop before they find out how the bear will react. 🐻🐻🐻

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They are rushing us toward electronic vax certificates and then social credit scores

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Might be what they want, an uprising. Then rush to take away guns and our rights. It's frightening what is going on.

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The rise of 21st century fascism.

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She’s a moron

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None of these facts coming more to light are changing the narrative. I work for an "unnamed" grocery store chain in the Northeast. Everyone got an email video message from the CEO today which is still peddling the same B.S. "the best way to keep yourself and others safe is to get vaccinated". Someone please wake me from this nightmare. I can't escape the propaganda no matter where I go. I feel like a year from now, us unjabbed people are still gonna be forced to mask even though when I had Covid and didn't know it yet (my only symptoms were a headache and sinus drainage) I never spread it to any of my coworkers. Somehow I'm still looked at as a narcissist that doesn't want to "do what's right" to protect my workplace. My husband who works for the same company but in distribution, also had Covid back in October, got it from a vaccinated person. He also never spread it to anyone and he's been working 60 hours a week with only 1 day off because all these vaccinated people are out with Covid. SO TIRED OF THIS!

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I have never had wuflu, so I could never spread it to anyone even if I wanted to. I had no virus inside of me that could mutate and kill bunch of elderly people, but they still look at me as an enemy, probably because they know they have been duped and I have not. Macron once admitted that he just want to piss off unvaccinated. That is it. They just want to piss us off. I see no other explanation of their hateful words and actions.

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I don’t know you- but just wanted to tell you to hang in there- you are not alone. I totally understand the feeling of being demonized though due to being unjabbed. I work in a hospital and the vast majority of my department has “done their part”. Now they are pushing the booster hot & heavy. Despite a high number of vaxxed ppl coming down with Covid recently. I read these comment sections to remind myself that I’m not alone and there are some critical thinkers still left. It gives me hope. But yes, it’s all nonstop and exhausting..

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All the data is there, people just refuse to see.

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Yes and no. Only a small fraction of vax deaths are reported... I wonder how many covid deaths are really vax deaths, in the same sense as vaccine-pericarditis, vaccine-stroke-car crashes, vaccine-heart attack-plane crashes and so forth?

"Vaccine death with covid"?

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Just like the covid death by way of motorcycle crash, or covid death due to gun shot wound to the chest, naturally the bullets being the deceased's comorbidity.

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And "natural causes" like those that killed Hank Aaron.

Being lied to & tricked into serving as the poster hero for a black-community vax campaign is now a natural cause.

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Yeah there's a lot of "natural causes" death going on. Oh of course... Yahoo news confirms it wasn't because of the vaccine but natural causes, died in his sleep....(of what???) 🤦🤦🤦...yep and the Earth is really flat.

It's unfortunate anyone is dying from it but people need to be honest about the causes of death.

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My friend's healthy mom "died in her sleep" of "natural causes" within 24 hours. He had to pay for an autopsy: Clots.

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I'm sorry for his loss. Clots are caused by something...

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I had dr appmt & was asked the usual any updates on family/relatives. Nope, they are all still dead I say then added that a cousin died recently. Immediately, the dr asks from what. I wanted to say I didn't see the death certificate so can't be 100% sure. I replied congestive heart failure which is what her daughter told me. Geezzz...she seemed disappointed.

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Want to see disappointment, next time try "covid vaccine".

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Love your handle and the avatar. Hilarious.

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Vaccinating during an outbreak is BAD MEDICINE. The last chicken virus proved this. Fire Fauci and hire a vet.

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Careful! Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, is a vet

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I wouldn't even let him near my Pet Rock !

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Hilarious. Rats and people are interchangeable.

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You should add that all adverse events are counted to be unvaxxed until 2 weeks after vaccination. Can’t believe how many people are not aware that important data info.

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What an incredible sleight of hand for big pharma to convince the world people are 'unvaxxed' for weeks after taking their shots. A global abdication of common sense.

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‘The curve of vaccinations is followed by the curve of deaths.’ - Luke Montagnier

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I really don't know how they can continue to sweep this data under the rug.

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And until enough people rise up to make it stop. Note that some companies changed their vax plans when confronted with no workers. Numbers sway public policy makers

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Great point!

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Until we make it stop.

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Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

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ahhh..now that song is stuck in my head..thanks a lot.

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You're welcome! :)

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Each day I become a bit more infuriated.

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My question Alex is are these actually Covid cases at all? People don’t die of Covid immediately after contracting it. But they are saying these people got vaccinated all of a sudden contracted Covid and then died?? That’s wild and the basic math does not add up for me at all.

I recently saw an article about a girl hospitalized in Phoenix (where I live). She has epilepsy. Was vaccinated. Tested positive for COVID “the next day” and then had non stop seizures that led her to be on a vent in a coma.

There is nothing that screams vaccine injury to me like this. Obviously it’s not Covid. How on earth are these people just vaccinated testing positive for Covid?

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This data (I believe) is just reporting when they were diagnosed with covid, not when they died or became hospitalized. The hospitalization and death charts are subsets of the infections charts.

So the data is showing, of those who got vaccinated and then came down with the 'vid, how long it took. The vast majority happened within a few weeks. No data there regarding how long after getting stuck they ended up dead or hospitalized.

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Jan 13, 2022
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Or they lied ?

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Alex, this is SO IMPORTANT you need to get on with Laura Ingraham or Tucker Carlson immediately!

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This whole you are not vaccinated until 14? days after the shot sure muddies up the data set (probably intentional). Example, if you took the shot, dropped dead in 2 days with a heart attack, tested positive for covid (does anybody know whether the spike protean caused by the mRNA itself will show COVID positive on a PCR test?) you are counted as an unvaccinated COVID death? In other words, re-casting would should have been probably classed a vaccine injury into an unvaccinated COVID death?

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Yep. Now the problem they are running into is that recently boostered people don't count as unvaxxed, they count as 'two-dose vaxxed'. Gato ran a really good piece on this yesterday, explaining how you could make saline look like it had VE.


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I would REALLY like to see info on how the vaccines are (or are not) affecting cancer progression. My sister (age 52) has been getting eye scans every 6 months for 2 years for a lesion in her right eye (making sure it did not grow). This year, after receiving 2 doses of the Pfizer vax, it suddenly grew. She was diagnosed with ocular melanoma (OM). She has joined an OM Facebook group and has befriended other OM sufferers. Curiously, 1 woman has been monitoring a lesion in her eye for 30 (yes, THIRTY!) years. Only after 2 doses of the vax (I don't know which mRNA one) she also developed OM. I've heard other anecdotal stories from friends who know people whose cancers that were in remission had a sudden return post-COVID vax. Certainly, I can't say if those folks cancelled follow up appointments or scans, etc that may also explain the recurrence of the cancers. I can only say w/100% certainty that my my sister did everything she was supposed to do. According to my sis, the friend she made also did the same. The other tidbit here is that our 2 households had COVID Aril 2021. She had symptoms for about 3-4 days, but she did 2 rapid and 2 PCR tests that came back negative. She also had an antibodies test done later, and none were present, hence the decision to vax. I thought she was crazy, considering EVERYONE in our 2 households had it. IMHO the tests are not always accurate, or maybe she had some other natural immunity to it. Regardless, she didn't need the vax. Any other stories like this?

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I had a friend who had lung cancer. He had been getting treatment and been in clinical trials for several years. In April, his doctor said his cancer was stable enough that they could suspend chemo. The people running one clinical trial wanted to use him as a public example of success. His cancer was never gone but it was stable. Then he got the shots. By June, he was dead. It isn't proof of anything. He had very serious lung cancer (even though he never smoked.) Maybe it would have come back without the jabs - there is no way to ever prove it one way or another. But the timing is undeniable.

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How sad! I’m short for the loss of your friend.

Friend of a friend story similar to that—cancer was in remission in late 2020. Got the jabs, cancer came roaring back and she was dead in 4 months.

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