I had a friend who had lung cancer. He had been getting treatment and been in clinical trials for several years. In April, his doctor said his cancer was stable enough that they could suspend chemo. The people running one clinical trial wanted to use him as a public example of success. His cancer was never gone but it was stable. Th…
I had a friend who had lung cancer. He had been getting treatment and been in clinical trials for several years. In April, his doctor said his cancer was stable enough that they could suspend chemo. The people running one clinical trial wanted to use him as a public example of success. His cancer was never gone but it was stable. Then he got the shots. By June, he was dead. It isn't proof of anything. He had very serious lung cancer (even though he never smoked.) Maybe it would have come back without the jabs - there is no way to ever prove it one way or another. But the timing is undeniable.
I had a friend who had lung cancer. He had been getting treatment and been in clinical trials for several years. In April, his doctor said his cancer was stable enough that they could suspend chemo. The people running one clinical trial wanted to use him as a public example of success. His cancer was never gone but it was stable. Then he got the shots. By June, he was dead. It isn't proof of anything. He had very serious lung cancer (even though he never smoked.) Maybe it would have come back without the jabs - there is no way to ever prove it one way or another. But the timing is undeniable.
How sad! I’m short for the loss of your friend.
Friend of a friend story similar to that—cancer was in remission in late 2020. Got the jabs, cancer came roaring back and she was dead in 4 months.