All I know life is very short. I lived the last 20 months as normal as the government allowed.

I have a great doctor who prescribed supplements and ivermectin back in the beginning. I read articles and studies from around the world and determined this virus would not kill me and if I caught it I would to do quite well.

Therefore I lived a very healthy happy life during this pandemic and keeping my routine very normal.

I constantly found ways to exercise and be social as Newsom did everything in his power to keep me in my house and isolated. I have friends and family that have been terrified for the last 20 months. I feel so sorry for them.

How can this be healthy to live in constant fear of dying?

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Simply put, it's not healthy at all. Stress can kill a person, or at the very least make them very unhealthy. IMO, there are going to be severe psychological and health impacts for years to come particularly in the younger generation. You have to learn how to evaluate risk to be a healthy adult.

The only benefit to these increasingly failing vaccines is that I hope people learn that there is no panacea to this 'pandemic.' You're gonna have to take the precautions you can based on your risk factor, and move on with life. Living in fear, not going outside, stopping normal activities won't make covid go away. Positive action will.

Oh and I'm the only one in my friend group going to the movies to see Spiderman today, despite all the rest of them being fully vaccinated.

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To summarize, one mus assume personal responsibility for one's health as well as actions which means GROW UP you weenies out there! Enjoy the movie 😎

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I'm going to see It's A Wonderful Life in a real theater this week - two times!

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And viewing #1 was today. Whenever I'm down on my hope, this movie energizes me toward more! :)

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Peter Parker wouldn't be afraid!

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I went to see Dune. Cool movie.

New South Wales, Australia has just dropped mask mandates and vaccine passport flashing.

I enjoy being unmasked and seeing faces again. Not a full house but a good crowd. I'm taking my vitamins and looking forward to omicron. If you are getting covid inevitably, this seems like the one to get.

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So consumed with the fear of dying, One forgets to live ! Party On !!

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Yes I bought into the fear. I got covid and it wasn't the covid it was rough it was the anxiety and panic attacks that came following because of two years of being told I was going to die when I got it. I remedied my anxiety with microdosing psybicilin

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Yikes! Add that to the list of prophylactic meds. lol…

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Congrats for making it through. I think you should write a book on how you coped quite nicely, positively as surely someone in CA would buy it. And to have a dr who was a "real doctor", wow...kudos..give him/her a nice Christmas gift.

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Dr Floaty , wants you to Put on an extra life Jacket and an inner tube around Your waist for extra Protection this Holiday season.

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Well stated. As a fellow Californian, I too have travelled the same road the past 20 months and have been able to maintain a happy, healthy life.

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They don’t want this party to end

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keep on milking the cow till it drops dead ! I am totally stupified at the number of people who STILL try to bend their tale to the general story. Is it not obvious that this never was about a virus and health ? As Dr McMullough states in his interview, if it were about health, you would see slews of doctors and scientists in the White House. There is not one, except of course, if you want to count the non-doctors that perform lip service. They don't count.

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This goes too far. There is such a thing as COVID and people die of it. Maybe what was done was worse than doing nothing, but something else should have done. The Swedes almost had it right, but they failed to protect their elderly population. Phil; Devine

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I am not saying there was no virus. There was, but it was never as deadly as we were told. The people on that ship would all have died if it were. But instead of these unproven jabs the government could have given out the meds that help, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and at least a dozen other ones, which would have cost way less BUT would not have brought wealth to the brand new and the old billionaires. Never mind if they path goes over dead bodies everywhere !

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Yes. But why, with its vaunted healthcare system, did the US have 14% of the world's deaths with only 4% of the world's population?

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Listen to the Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. It is long but McCullough goes into the mechanics of how we focused on treatment once-in-hospital, not on preventing hospitalizations. On how all attempts to promote and research early-treatment protocols were met with a "chill" as he describes it, from the policy-makers. It is a fantastic interview. On spotify.

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Not to mention the fraudulent counting through manipulated death certificate guidelines, etc.

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Sedentary lifestyle.

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That answer is a little too glib. How about the masses of diagnosed patients who were given no therapeutics of any kind?

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The healthy people generally shrugged off their mild symptoms. True enough, those who became quite ill in spite of no apparent comorbidities were not much helped by doctors. But that seems true worldwide. We are comparing the US to the world.

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They still have elections need stealing.

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Exactly to keep the party going

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Oooohhhhhh 💥

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Nope - here at least not until the 2022 elections to ensure elections are over.

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Fool me once - the same stunts won't be quite so easy for '22.

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🙏 enough see the light in time

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Nope.in 2067 mask mandates will still be in effect in blue states. Some will be getting booster # 291

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If they haven’t died from boosters

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They’ll be long dead by then…… and blaming the suffering on my kids for being “privileged” and avoiding school closures and masks by going to a “private religious school.” While true, I voted for everyone’s kids to have the same option while they voted to screw their own kids, and mine are well aware of that. They will not be so easy to guilt as the current generation.

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Unlimited bullying power, continued subservience to Pharma funding and the promise (hope?) that they and only they will get the "rewards' in the end. LOL!

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🦠 🎈 🦠 🎉 🦠 🎊

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Proof the sad, elite haters of life, do not want this pandemic to end. I said this from day 1. I know this type. Misery around every corner. They thrive on it. Happiness is poison to them. Every day another crisis. I can tell you who nourished these miserable people. It started with Phil Donahue. He passed the baton to Oprah and she made a fortune pushing how life is unfair. She gave rise to Dr Phil who also made a fortune exploiting family misery. Who was their target? White, middle to upper class white women that are miserable and easily made to feel guilt.

Here is perfect example. Husband worked for big pharma. I was attending college and being a mom. We went to Xmas party. These folks were Ivy League educated. Many women. You, know…the pretty people living big in Chicago. So I got stuck chatting with all of them, fortunately I have many interests so easy to find things to talk about. I also was a stock trader while staying home. Anyway….with enough drinks in them the women admitted they hated their lot in life. They had children, no time for themselves. They still had all the chores, rearing children, and had to travel 75 percent of the time. Yes they were VPs. Very successful. Made fun of me that I stayed home because they could not stand to do that. They would feel like failures. Yup, said that. However very envious I had so many hobbies. I came away realizing successful women are extremely conflicted. They are looking for a perfect situation that does not exist. Education has not made them intelligent nor able to use critical thinking. They feel stuck. A family member of mine, extremely successful, good looking, well educated, kids, fancy life is miserable. It is all a pretend life. Lots of Facebook pictures. Real life very different.

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I can relate to your story. My friend and I used to joke around that the women’s lib movement ruined it for our generation lol. Although I’ve had a successful nursing career, I hated being away from my children and loved being home! Luckily my schedule was flexible so I had more home time than most working moms. I love being a nurse and I loved the mental break of being with my nurse friends or caring for a critically ill patient, but in the end the career I loved so much fired me anyway…family should always be a priority!!

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My good friends…salt of the earth types…and I would have the same conversation !

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As many people are realizing,going forward we will have parallel societies,but in reality what was always there is just more realized.The anti-borders Woke crowd is manifesting borders everywhere ,the mask is literally the closest border one can create.

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We have always had not just parallel but many societies within. This us and them stuff has to stop.

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😷 = 🚧

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Well said

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This is so very true. One of the biggest lies we're telling women (including me back when I was planning my future) is that career is what matters most and where we get all our satisfaction and meaning in life. If this is true, then why do sooooo many people I know keep stepping back more and more from their careers to spend time with their beautiful families instead? Lots of misery from the ones who haven't. Not saying every career-focused woman is unhappy, but this idea that you can have a full-blown career and be completely involved as a mother is simply untrue just due to reality - can't be in two places at once. Period. But no one acts like you truly have to make a choice - on a daily basis - job or kids? Jordan Peterson has pointed this out, which gives me hope that as a society maybe we can be more honest with our young women about the reality of career and family. Maybe if we all just start telling the truth about our own experience, it'll spread far and wide.

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“You can have it all !” Big lie…if you think you can ‘have it all’ at the same time.

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Exactly. A thousand times exactly.

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So true!

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Insightful post ! Priorities 😇

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I can relate to this with my own life. Noticing this with my daughters generation - but worse (in my opinion). Now it’s lots of Instagram pictures. How do they have the time? I never did being fully engaged with life. Very sad.

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So right. “It is all a pretend life”. Great post.

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Beautiful analysis. Thank-you😊

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The joy of children has been lost in many. Certainly women are capable of competing in the typical workplace, but limited by hormones to be as evil as the climbers. Restructuring that workplace is unlikely. Women brokers are fabulous, they compete against the market not the man next to them. Lamenting women in conventional business arrangements is pointless, they thrive in different constructions of business.

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Using the Twitter Nazi's argument....WHY ARE WE VACCINATING OUR YOUTH? The youth are healthier,right?!?! Pfizer is testing a 3 shot routine for infants and children. This insanity has to stop !! RESIST !!! SAVE OUR CHILDREN !!!!

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🚫 💉

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If I don't get Omicron for Christmas, I'll feel so left out. All the kids are getting it. Either that or an Xbox.

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I hope Santa is vaxxed and triple masked

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Bwahahahaha !

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Be careful, Santa might leave some coal for you. 😫⚡

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I've noticed that many people who insist on prefacing their names with the abbreviation, "Dr." on Twitter, Facebook, and Christmas party invitations, etc... are the same caliber doctors as, let's say, Dr. Jill Biden.

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Yes -- the credentialism is breathtaking. The insecurity and covering is breathtaking.

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One can be a medical doctor or a doctor of philosophy which encompasses all other disciplines. Since "Dr" has been so abused, shall I say, we probably need a new designation for the non-medical Phds. PHd was once know as "piled higher and deeper s**t" .

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If you had a highly sensitive test for even the mildest virus out there, you could create a pandemic out of it. Anyone in the population, without symptoms would be called a "case", anyone in the hospital for any reason but testing positive, would be called a hospitalization. And anyone dying of any reason that happened to test positive would be called a death. It's really amazing how easy it would be - to create a pandemic and virtually continue it forever. They can continue this charade forever.

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Reiner Fuellmich was on that from the start. Faulty PCR Test = Plandemic! Turned up to 45 cycles so almost everyone tests positive. Turned down to 25 cycles still many false positives. Also PCR Test can not determine infection! That has never changed!!!!!!!!!

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Yep, not gonna happen but if you want to end the pandemic just stop testing unless someone is actually sick enough with covid symptoms to go to the doctor. Cases would drop dramatically, C19 hospitalizations would drop dramatically and C19 deaths would drop dramatically.

Of course the opposite is true.... if you want to ramp up the fear just test more.

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And they will try to -- until we make them stop.

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Exactly. If 10% of your population has a virus, you'd expect roughly 10% of your deaths to have the virus in them -- even if it has nothing at all to do with why they died.

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this is something that needs a statistical treatise. With the advent of PCR and testing, this needs to be looked at otherwise we will have more fake pandemics

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A few thoughts on fragments I've gathered along the way:

-- Behavioral Immune System (a real thing). Rooted deeply in our evolutionary past. Responsible for a sub-rational response to people, creatures or spaces perceived by the lower brain as tainted or infectious. Extremely important to survival in a paleolithic environment. Not so clear-cut in 21st century. Many people experience the BIS as an irrational fear of such things as snakes or spiders. Such a fear was not irrational in the deep past (nor is it *always* irrational today, depending on where you live). Covid certainly seems to have tripped this mechanism in millions of people. No matter how brilliant, these people would quickly develop a severe -- almost physical -- reaction to the maskless or the unvaccinated. It completely bypasses the rational faculties, so you can't "talk them out of it" any more than you can talk someone out of a fear of spiders (though intensive therapy can diminish the worst phobias).

-- Wildly incorrect risk assessment. Many of you might remember the studies that were done in mid-2020. Throughout the UK and Europe thousands people were asked at random what percentage of the population of their country had already perished of covid. The typical answer was (IIRC) 15%. At the time this gut-level assessment of the risk was off by a factor of about 40,000%. Virtually everyone believed this. I expect most people still believe this. To the extent their actions are rational at all, they are absolutely appropriate if the risk was in fact that high. There has been absolutely no effort by any authority anywhere to correct this truly astonishing misapprehension by the public. Perhaps most authorities themselves believe this. (Fauci et al have no excuse).

-- Milgram experiment. This one is the most troubling to me. Again, many of you know about this experiment performed by Stanley Milgram at Yale in the early 1960s. In a nutshell, most people believe they'd have refused to e.g., go along with Nazism. In fact only about 1 in 5 people will refuse orders from a perceived authority figure, even if those orders involve inflicting extreme gratuitous pain on another human being. The experiment didn't (couldn't) say anything about why this is true, only that it is true. Millions of people right now are jabbing their own children with a potentially dangerous substance because people on TV ordered them to. It seems to me that somewhere around one if five of the people I know are even aware of what is happening.

-- Mimesis / Scapegoating. The French anthropologist Rene Girard did groundbreaking work in the late 20th century about these phenomena. Across all known societies at all known times humans have exhibited this behavior. Pent up frustration, fear and anger grows to a point where the mass of people collectively fixes suddenly upon a scapegoat (group or individual). The mimetic response produces a robotic, sub-rational collective surge in blood lust. The targeted group or person is vilified and harassed. The fever pitch surges up until the group/person is ritually killed. This dissipates the collective energy for a time, then the cycle repeats. This is seen everywhere -- Aztecs a frequent example. Nazi Germany another obvious one. The implications here are dark when we consider the treatment of "The Unvaccinated". The Christian religion served to break this pattern to a large extent -- certainly it has never been evident in a major way in the US before (well, witch burnings). As America moves away from Christianity, we move atavistically towards our more savage ancestors.

To the extent that we're dealing with deep sociobiological and psychological factors, I believe we can start to understand why so many of our normally sane friends and relatives seem to have been transformed into "zombies". I believe that the only real solution to this sort of thing -- now and in the past -- must transcend biology and even rationality entirely. This metaphysical plane we know as the divine. God. The solution must come from God (even among the atheists and the religiously indifferent).

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And since God is truth, perhaps we shall just begin there.

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Yup the limbic brain system (your first point) is a deep primal response.

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Yet, once again those in power cry out in woeful harmony. Woe is we. Grimly, we hitch up our thread-bare britches, and dutifully don the hideous mask of submission, and shuffle back into the dens of virus stenched walls known as our homes. Be sure to segregate yourself from Granny. She is one of the weak ones that will succumb first. Her pathetic existence is of no concern, given the values of the spoils of victory.

I am so tired of this shit.

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Dr Neil(kneel) Ferguson just authored a study about omicron saying it is over 5x more transmissible than delta and the study also says there is no evidence that omicron is less dangerous contrary to data out of South Africa and the rest of the world. Yes, this is coming from the same Dr Ferguson that authored the study that was debunked and off by an order of magnitude on deaths that lead to lockdowns in the UK(and then the world) before he resigned after getting caught breaking lockdown and visiting his concubine. MSM will run with this study with every ounce of energy they have left…

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erguson has been responsible for every hysterical overreaction in the UK for decades. He correctly predicted 15 of the last 2 epidemics and 1 million deaths for every actual death they caused.

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exactly-- His group is directly funded (partially owned) by Gates. Imperial College

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His imperial college model was developed by 7th graders with a d- in common core math. It’s universally wildly inaccurate.

We don’t just live in a communist country, but a communist world, run by idiots.

I hope these companies just refuse to comply with this idiotic OSHA order.

Read today that United fired a woman bullied into getting the “vaccine.” She ended up in a hospital with a severe reaction. Upon attempting to return to work they wanted her to sign an 8 page agreement not to sue United. When she asked for time to review it with an attorney they fired her. I hope she wins tens of millions.

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“…correctly predicted 15 of the last 2 epidemics and 1 million deaths for every actual death…”

oh my! such a quick wit you have !

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I’m pretty sure I heard a similar phrase somewhere else. 😂. But it’s true. Ferguson thinks mankind is on the brink of extension every other year. He’s nuts!!!! He’s never once been even in the ballpark of accuracy

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Ferguson isn't nuts. This is working out very well for him. Just keep that grant money coming... No, we're the crazy ones. For listening to him.

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Neil just needs to get laid.

Oh, wait a moment . . .

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Remember analogies from standardized testing ? Ferguson : UK :: Fauci : US

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LOL!!! Mr "modeller" and philanderer

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that's married concubine to you 🤣

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We need to implement a grass roots strategy to stop this whole mess. What can we do? Stop testing, en masse. Refuse to test. Feel bad? Stay home. If you test and come up positive, they’ll just send you home with nothing anyway. So stop feeding the monster, stop testing and feeding their case stats. If we do this as a huge block, case stats will drop, and we’ve basically ended the pandemic. (Isn’t this what Obama/Biden did with H1N1? They stopped the testing, and it just went away.)

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I am in Melbourne, Australia. I have never had a test for these exact reasons. However most Australians are now in a bind. The government has mandated negative PCR tests to travel interstate, given the borders have been shut almost all year, families desperate to be unite have been left with little choice. It is really sad. 'They' will always find a way to keep feeding the beast.

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Sending hugs and feels for our Australian friends. Stay safe and strong. ❤️

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I tested once way back when a friend with leukemia was visiting. At the time thought that was the right thing to do. Have not done it since and never will.

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South Africa has a high rate of obesity. 68% in women and 31% in men. Poor nutrition as well, due to the high levels of unemployment and resultant poverty. No doubt this has come into play. Many people living in terrible conditions, cheek-by-jowl in one-roomed shacks. Covid hit hard and circulated swiftly. Lockdown was all but unimplementable for the majority. Ironically, this is now serving the country well, what with huge swathes of people having been exposed and now contributing to true herd immunity. The only ones who are petrified are the upper and upper middle classes (especially academia) who had the wherewithal to shelter in place. They are the ones who are also clamouring for the mandates and not giving a damn that others carried the can and should be thanked for the immunity contribution, not jabbed into submission. It's also not out of philanthropy for the most part, but out of fear. And vested business interests, like wanting to re-open tourism. And, of course, it is a glorious time for those of a tyrannical and self-righteous disposition.

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I used to look at worldometer but then I read Dr. Atlas' book, A Plague upon our House and found out allot of these charts are wrong because they use data dumps to update. That means daily death counts are way off and include data from weeks ago, all reported on a single day. I highly recommend his book.

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I'm planning to read that as soon as I finish reading Pandemia.

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Stats have always lied. Experience, reality the hear and now is the only true measuring.

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Both stars and experience have their places in our overall understanding

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Not sure now that I have been both an economic forecaster and a doctor. They get manipulated so easily. Heh just look at the last US elections.

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They are to the point of conflicting narratives. They can’t mandate a vaccine in young people and at the same time say that young people are unaffected. Only true idiots would believe both.

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Facts and data do not matter. The narrative marches on unabated. We are tilting at windmills. It is right that we do so and necessary. However, I think in the end we will lose. Sadly, I write this. There is a power ready to roll over us. All this is staged and set. Watch. However I intend to crawl out of the rubble and survive. Maybe. At least I will try. No shot and I am as prepared as I know how. Self sufficient with some resiliency. The world will be a dramatically different place very soon. I just hope the idiots at the helm don't start nuking each other. That is the wild card. But the play is written and the end is foretold. Be the ones blinking at the light and dusting yourselves off ready to start anew when this is over. Pray. Plan. Prepare. RESIST.

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Please get into nature and breathe. Praying for you.

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The Omicron hysteria machine is working overtime. Just visit Drudge to see it in action. The powers that be are back to using models to project hyssteria, they are claiming that hospitals are overrun because they fired healthcare workers, people "vaxed" and boosted are getting Omicron or just regular Delta, and that is causing fear to run deep. And ofcouse, it is all fault of the un-vaxxed. People are nuts.

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"Winters coming" proclaims Lord Eddar Biden in the presence of his court jester - the imp Fauci.

And it will be a winter of death because of the unvaxxed...

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