Something to ponder. China to the rescue. China gets Putin to stop China is the hero. China is the leader of the “free world” now. America then looks even weaker. Unfortunately this is what the people running America want. Our leaders want to be the CCP of America. In order to do that America as we’ve known it must fall.

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The people who run America are punching above their weight...They have no clue what they are doing. Their globalist/CCP masters however....

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America’s “leaders” are being paid to fail.

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J I absolutely agree.

Let me add … paid by the devil lifting them up to a layer closer to him on the pyramid. More money, more power, more suffering to people they consider peons.

“They” are rotten to their core embittered and amoral psychopaths

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Babylon before our eyes. Consider citizenship in Kingdom of God first, then a nation on earth obedient to Him. Let us see that what is evident. Faith, Hope, and Love.

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You are mixing the translations. In the sense I was speaking goes to lexicons. Nation as in individual people vs citizens in a physical country.

In this the followers of IESOUS I AM’s true home in Heaven to the Right of The Throne.

“In my house there are many mansions…”

There is no physical country on earth that is a nation of GOD.

Yes SM seek the Kingdom of GOD first.

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thank you Lean Mabel! not intending to promote anything less than accurate words! I am watching things unfold, and am seeing trouble in Jerusalem for Israel. He draws near.

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Pope Leo XIII said in 19th century, Ecuador was only rightly ordered nation. 150 years ago. Today, none.

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Social KINGSHIP of Jesus Christ. Triumph of Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Western nations had this coming, when we started murdering our babies. God's little babies.

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You know you're stuff. Satan's little bitches

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I am not at all sure they are failing at all. It may be a case of mistaking what their goals are. The results that you may consider failure may be exactly what they are shooting for.

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I agree. No one can fuck up this completely without doing it on purpose, regardless of the reason behind this dumpster fire. What we are witnessing is all part of the plan to destroy this once great country.

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Wall St has figured this out, bc they have to. Alex and blue checks and social media agitprop are one thing, but the numbers don't lie, and Wall St has to get the numbers straight. All of the top Wall St, I mean hardcore, in-the-plumbing guys, are saying this: Putin screwed up bigtime by invading Ukraine, but O'Biden screwed up orders of magnitude worse with the sanctions on banking and commodities. It's the exact same geniuses who brought you Iraq and Afghanistan: let's find a faraway sh*thole country and make their problems our problems. America and Americans will be much poorer and much less secure as a result, now and in the future. Not a single solitary actual person aside from Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow believes we are "the defenders of democracy!" or "the defenders of national sovereignty and borders!" for doing this. Please. This is 100% political and was 100% avoidable. Stoltenberg and crew have gallons and gallons of blood on their hands: his statement yesterday "We had no plans to put Ukraine in NATO!" could have been scribbled on a piece of paper and handed to Putin 6 months ago, and instead we'd all be talking about vax side effects and playing "Where's Fauci?" instead of watching women and children being slaughtered in this O'Biden popularity contest. I say it's long past due time to get our money's worth and send in Hunter to sort it all out: after all he's the smartest guy his Dad knows...obviously much smarter than the Cackling Pantsuit Melanoderm Birthing Person, that nonstop reminder of why it's a complete disaster to bypass the primaries in the election process

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They are exactly what they are looking for, and that includes the mystified, confused, insecure public.

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So, I saw a guy in a Jeep the other day adorned with all sorts of trophy antlers. The big guy driving, alone in the car, was wearing a mask. Could not help but shake my head and feel sorry for that poor "mystified, confused, insecure" fellow.

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Paid and/or blackmailed.

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Going with this one RBJ

Leaders are possessed with demons.


Look on DDG pick a

Politician or “Leader’s” name. Choose images.

Look at their crazy eyes. Try Pelosi I.e.

Crazy evil eh?

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Crazy is right. Bumbling Biden, Kalamity Ding Dong, and Nancyfly Pelosio. She reminded me of The Fly with her hand thing like Brundlefly with Goldblum. We want to know who Gepetto is.

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And/or threatened

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Concur with Jay. Paid or threatened. ‘Cause threatened is cheaper 😈

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all the governmenters in DC are just the old Money Lenders of the bible. Time to toss them out. Jefferson said America should have a revolution every 20 years. We are way overdue.

We cannot remake the process. The process is dead. It is as dead as poppy-joe's brain pan. We invited the wolves to sit around the campfire, and it not working out. Let's get physical America. Time to bring back America The Great... Obey The Pug!

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Jefferson was a freemason. Slaveholder

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Who give a rat's ass if Jefferson was a slave holder. I do not give a SHI! . Hey Ray it is 2022. All blacks in America are free... Except the ones who in their own race dominated twerked mind, believe they are still slaves. If you think Racism is holding you back? Then by God it is holding you back, IN YOUR OWN FEEBLE BRAIN.

What Horsecrap Ray..... Free masonry, slaveholder.. Any other words that should scare me under my bed in terror?

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They aren't failing. They are depopulating America on schedule. And destroying every damn thing else

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Well then, whoever picked those dolts sure got their money's worth.

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If so, by who...?

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Rich kid on the block — China.

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Mar 13, 2022Edited
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Same in Canada. Same in Europe, and lots of other places. The global mafia has stuffed hand puppets in places where politicians used to be.

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I was going to say something similar. I don’t think even the globalist masters know what they’re doing, for all we know. Who knows how these people decide things and move forward, but they may have agreed to the whole Russia-Ukraine war but not seen how it was going to mushroom with all the private actors playing a role (unlike during the corona when the only private actors were a few doctors and scientists and websites. Chine may be going off-script, and while the globalists may want the U.S. to fail, they still want to be setting the terms.

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They know what they are doing. China (and Russia and the US) is part of the globalist push... maybe the most advanced of the globalists. You may be assuming China is going "off script" without knowing what the script is. The script is essentially to diminish the US (and secondarily, wealthy EU countries) and to decimate or destroy the middle class (everywhere) as much as possible. The script is to push this thing as close to WWIII as possible and then pull back before the nukes (and/or bioweapons) fly, but make sure that the whole planet is terrified of the nukes (and/or bioweapons) first. There will be some slop around the edges and collateral damage in the process. That is acceptable to them, if not desired.

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The point of Agenda 2030 is to diminish the west. It's a main premise of the globalists BBB alliance. So far so good and remember Trump warned to many times to mention exactly what would happen if the puppet was placed into the WH.

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I agree and would have said the same thing yesterday, but it occurred to me yesterday late that these are all people vying for control and to destroy us. With that kind of an evil agenda it is not improbable that infighting begin when we react differently to what they had counted on. So much is happening so fast that some may not be keeping up psychologically with others. It’s like when amateurs play chess; it’s hard to plan ahead, you just don’t know what an opponent will do. This world situation is new for us and for them, and they may not trust each other. (They shouldn’t trust each other!) And this will play to our advantage… eventually, depending on how united and “clean” our agenda is. Just speculating…

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A "united agenda"??? Where have we heard that before? United??? Yeah. Right. It's the old "be reasonable, do it my way" group. A certain political party has seen to it that we are totally separated. Someone once said, "We must hang together or we will hang separately".

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By united agenda I meant that each person would be trying their best to do the right thing in their circumstances, i.e., avoiding selfishness, laziness, taking the easy out.

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Can’t argue with that D

Our advantage is “they” hate one another

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“They” may not know what they are doing separately as in they are compartmentalized.

However their father does who directs each group against another. Chaos is the goal. Complete lack of any rational order.

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But if they carry that too far it will take them down, too.

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If you are talking China and/or Russia as “they” you are not getting the overriding concept. This is spiritual warfare. Devil and demoniacs versus our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit I AM.

Read Revelation 21.

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Tower of Babel perhaps? 🤔

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Here’s one thing people have not considered neutron bombs. They kill off life but not destroy structures. Like Killing us mice with Decon

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Sucks the life right out of them, chaos to control. Control to conquer

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Developed to kill humanity in a self contained area keeping structures intact.

Tactical nuclear weapon


Neutron Bomb


Both do not have to cause WW3 in the sense of the Cold War of intercontinental missiles. You know the cover your head and duck under your school desk kind. ☠️

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NSSM 200 gives them their justification as it contemplates population control. That was done in coordination with UN white papers.

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I wish those in favor of population control would become martyrs for their cause.

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I just did a quick search, thank you.

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Thank you TDF

MSSM 200 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=NSSM+200&t=brave&ia=web

I just looked this up. Wasn’t aware of this group policy during Nixon.

It does not surprise me a bit Kissinger did the going to China bit that entangled us with them.

Kissinger is every bit as evil as Soros. Perhaps more so. In the highest levels of the associations on the Pyramid of luciferians.

CFR, WEF, UN, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg etc.

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nailed IT!

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At the brink, it is mainly staged to entertain by queueing the illusion of war...

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The faint smell of sulfur in the air.

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a part of the Script ...!

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Those unintended consequences always get ya. That's the problem with those elitist social planners who think they're the smartest people in every room.

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I hope it continues.

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Well said. The US is no longer relevant.

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They know exactly what they are doing, continuing O'Bummer's work of systematically weakening the USA for NWO takeover

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The Atlanticists. The foreign policy of England for the last 500 years has been to keep The Continent divided, so of course BoJo was there, leading this all on. Agenda: a.) Wreck Europe by screwing up energy and food for them; and b.) Wreck the euro by slicing SWIFT in half. So now Draghi is desperately trying to keep Unicredito and Intesa banks doors open, with their huge Russian exposures, and Macron doing the same with SocGen. The euro has an accounting fiction at its heart called Target 2: where Italy currently owes Germany an unpayable 1.4 *trillion* euros. But yeah, "the euro is a currency!", LOL. BoJo and the Atlanticists: insert knife and twist. The globalist collectivists in Brussels plus the Greens in Germany thought they saw a chance for their ideologies to triumph, find a way to get $300 oil so The Green New Scam looks like something other than economic suicide. But oopsie: they surveyed all of the largest German businesses, and 85% said the TOP risk to their business is: *electricity prices*. So instead of Green Nirvana they will get food riots and the absolute evisceration of the middle class. Best they can hope for out of this is two euros, Northern one with the bill payers and savers (Germany, Netherlands, Finland) and Southern euro (France and The Garlic Belt: Spain Italy Greece). Currency wars are what are at the heart of all this, witness what they're doing to the ruble. Vlad may yet trump them, however, showing them that with the petro-dollar it's not the dollar part that matters it's the petro part LOL

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It's about killing the dollar and implementing Programmable Digital Currency so they can have us all by the balls.

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I love your comment, and you are 100% correct. BUT, your language makes it hard for the less-well educated to LEARN from your comment. Could you consider more neutral, more educational, less colorful language? Respectfully, & KEEP UP the GOOD WORK!

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Yeah, John, Censor yourself so you can be like us! We'uns not always get it.

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Excellent feedback thank you Bill. I don't ever plan on being *neutral* in the face of these totalitarian criminals. For the rest tho I will try to reduce the shorthand and and the rhetorical flourishes, thx

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Well, that's something to chew on; however, I suspect it's more like the dumb "luck" of BO's JV team, from Joke Biden on down.

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It is all propaganda, i.e. the "war" in Ukraine is a staged event to win our "hearts and minds", driven by MSM propagandizing by the actors and activist propagandists playing journalists on TV, radio, Online, et al--it's important to note, most--and perhaps all including many of their contributors--are elitists. They try and may want to have it both ways, but it's their great wealth, celebrity and influential power they'll hide behind to keep out of harm's way. WE, on the other hand, are "breakage"--an acceptable number, if you like--and historically referred to as, "sacrificial lambs" being led to the 'slaughtering house.' To sin by silence, wallowing in ignorance when we should protest, makes cowards out of men...

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It's about learning to love our NWO saviors when the world economy dies.

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The CCP model of 24/7/365 surveillance and social credit system is this administrations dream model.

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It certainly is Justin Trudeau’s dream model that he is implementing

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Me thinks that you are correct but prays you are wrong. Takes a bit of the sting out of turning 70 tomorrow. "And he went down swingin, like Sonny Liston"

Tom Petty

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I am turning 70 tomorrow too! Happy birthday!

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A fellow Piscean! Happy Birthday to you! I was born in Nashua, New Hampshire at about 8 in the morning. You?

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Me too. Was that you crying in the crib next to mine?

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Quite possibly. I cry in harmony, a fifthe below thr melody line.

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I was born at 7:58am! A CT yankee though I live in GA on a small farm now. Enjoy your day!

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Wow. A Ct yankee. Were you in King Arthurs Court? I did enjoy my day. Hope you enjoyed yours.

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For me it's 68 tomorrow! Fondly remembering simpler times but also thankful to know God and His power! Never underestimate how much prayer accomplishes!!

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68 is a fun age! Enjoy!

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My super fit and sharp as a tack mom is turning 87 tomorrow. Happy birthday to all you lovely Pisceans!!

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That's terrific! Wish her a Happy Birthday for me! I hope to be that good at her age! I had my dad til 93yo and he too was very sharp. You are blessed!

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Thank you! It truly is a blessing, and it's wonderful that you had your dad for so long as well! :)

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Biden's Wet Dream Model

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He can’t tell at this point as all his dreams are wet....

..# Depends.....🤷‍♀️

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Ok. Now I have to wash my eyeballs and my brain.

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Biden has the ability to up a wet dream

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He is practicing to get it perfect while an entire country is devastated and he pushes the world into an untenable position. This feeble minded moron is the best the Dems had to offer and Trump was too cavalier for the Republicans. We need term limits, recall buttons and cash flow tax audits for senior executives and elected officials. Public execution for corrupt politicians.

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Maybe he was def not the best, but the most likely to carry out their plan(s). I mean, who could be worse than him? The next up radical Kalamity Harris of course who couldn't carry but a few votes on her own. So Madame VP, please grammar school us on Ukraine again.

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I EXPLAIN THAT IN MY "COVIDsteria: An Oral History of America's Great Reset":

- Clark Fickerberg, Former Social Media Company Founder & Camp David Conference Attendee


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You are correct, it is coming here soon ....


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Definitely a better possibility than China actually pulling the rug out from under Putin. This allows them to step in, broker a deal that serves both Russia and China. They then look like the good guys for getting everyone's energy prices back out of the stratosphere.

Compare that with the possibility that China is actually concerned that their support of Putin will hurt them. These are the same people that built man-made islands and basically militarized the South China Sea. These are the people that keep saying that Taiwan is part of China and are threatening to make that a reality. That would mean their own "illegal" invasion. Do you really think Xi Jinping is worried that the U.S. will stop buying, well essentially everything, from China over this?

Much more likely that the Chinese and Russians are once again several steps ahead of the boobs in the west.

Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

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Good guys don't practice genocide and organ harvesting. Just sayin. A large portion of our population still needs to wake up and realize that they are not going to like the dog on the end of the leash that they are pulling on. I pray this happens sooner than later.

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The genocide and organ harvesting can directly be set on our doorsteps. We are the international scum of the earth sponsoring child slavery torture. The satanic “good club” high on the Luciferian pyramid.

Most of us do not realize Satan has a very tight hold on our country. We very much fit the bill of mystery Babylon.

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What's going on at the what used to be a border is abominable, evil, and inexcusable. The media is complicit in this, as is the silent Republican party and Congress in General. Not sure that the genocide and organ harvesting in China can be attributed to us despite our own evil ways, though it should certainly not be used to minimize what we do. Come, Jesus, come.

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me too Steve. I despise China and all it stand for. If it did not exist, I would be elated.

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God-loving people do NOT confuse the evil CCP with the many MORE good Chinese people!....

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exactly, the people do not want to live under that tyranny-when i say i hate china, i mean the ccp

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TAKE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT: The Jerusalem Post as apparently reported that the Israeli PM has apparently told Zelensky to take Putin's deal - this is after RT reported Zelensky is open to negotiations etc...

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The Israeli PM flew to Moscow and met with Putin shortly after this "war" started...

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found it-it was the epoch times so also take with a grain of salt-but does not change the fact that russia is slowly and obviously winning and zelensky needs to find an offramp:

"BREAKING: Zelenskyy says he’s ready to negotiate with Putin. Ready to make concessions.

Epoch Times and Russia Today reporting. Israel is hosting the talks.


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Love Epoch Times. Well worth the money. It’s interesting that nearly everyone on both sides is pushing for peace, and reasonable offers have been made, yet our US “leadership” that openly pushed for this invasion to begin with, and cheers more death and poverty, just approved billions of our money to spend on more people dying...............

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Greetings NC. Full agreement. Our country refuses to see the unrepentant wicked country we have become.

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just saw this comment at https://t.me/asbmil/619?comment=156876

"190,000 Russian troops are fighting 180,000 Ukrainian regular troops trained and organized to NATO standards and another 310,000 reservists and security forces. Normal attack-defense ratios call for a 3 to 1 advantage. Russia is attacking at 1 to 2.5+ disadvantage and is winning."

Something is not GIBBING here... Yea, the Russians are not well organized/coordinated per https://www.understandingwar.org/ daily assessments and are having problems BUT shouldn't NATO trained Ukraine be kicking their buts???

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Epoch Times has a good track record. Often ahead and breaks stories. Much quoted primary source.

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well its another billionaire + falun gung - take everything with a grain of salt... but what choice does zelensky have? they are slowly loosing...

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Interesting article on Thierry Meissen site Voltaire.net regarding Israel and Ukraine and Azov Regiment

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Oooo spooky site that Voltaire

Thierry Meissen Israel Ukraine Azov Regiment


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i saw one in Tablet by a jewish guy who grew up in the ukraine during the 1980-90s - had to sing anti-Semitic songs in school... maybe alex should read this article for his benefit:

"The Ukrainian flag as such reminds me of Ukrainian nationalism, which in turn reminds me why I left, and why so many other Jews left. The Ukrainian brand of nationalism had always come with a side dish of antisemitism...."

"Then again: What do I know of Ukrainian literature and culture? I was 11 when the Soviet Union collapsed, and Ukraine became its own country. Our school curriculum was hastily assembled and included a play with explicitly antisemitic content. Having to read it out loud with the rest of my class finally and irreversibly cemented my understanding of the “real” ethnic Ukraine. I never gave it another chance after that. If I were to read an antisemitically tinged book for pleasure, it better be a very good one: I’ll take Gogol and Dostoyevsky, but nobody lesser than that...."


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Israel as a country is not the historic tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Let’s be clear about this people. There is a complete difference of physical

Countries and the Nations (meaning people).

Any one speaking out against the Israeli Government is immediately branded as an anti-Semite. Christians have been fooled far too long believing this. Some Hebrews have awakened from the deception with their eyes and ears God has opened. Just as Jesus has knocked on many a nation doors.

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Love it M ;=}

Quoting Monk, “I could be wrong, but I don't think so.”


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China sucks period. They will never look good nor their motives as they are as impure as the day is long.

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China is cruel to their own people and terrifying. They are past “manage the family,” “rule the state,” and could soon be moving onto the “conquer the world” part of the Chinese saying. At the same time, they haven’t gone around blowing up other countries in the name of “national security” which has been a decades long habit of both Russia and the US. God help us all if they start...........

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What's happening in China will come to the US....digital currency, social credit system, censorship, etc. China doesn't need to traipse around the world blowing stuff up. America has ruined itself by doing that. Only a matter of time until the US collapses.

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I’m not so cynical that I think we are doomed - I think there is still a path out and it starts with the primaries for at least the next decade.

I agree with everything else. We have allowed DC to turn this country into everything it was founded to oppose, and embrace outright cruel values we claim to hate. Mindless propoganda to convince the gullible masses in America to destroy ourselves.

Still, the core political base for this insane push to destroy America is government dependents and woke urbanites. Those households actually making over $100K/ year broke hard for Trump. Same with actual 1%. Same with business owners. If you exclude academia, and government employees, the college “educated” didn’t actually embrace Biden over Trump - it leaned slightly towards Trump. C-suite megacorp CEOs and a few billionaires are not representative of reality.

Buying degrees is no longer a good indicator of either success or intelligence - I never got a genius pull in undergrad or grad school and don’t know anyone who did. Some of us got dumber - temporarily or permanently. The data grouping on how people vote is misleading, biased, and condescending. It instills fear too. To believe it’s hopeless.

Looking at the true numbers demographic data guves me hope. The doers and strivers and risk takers simply don’t support this insanity. The left has redefined “working class” in the data without many people noticing to make it feel hopeless. They conflate education level with earnings to promote the misconception that only the powerless support Republicans. That’s simply not true. The Democrats pull 3/4th of the poverty vote and close to that from median income urbanites who work for academia or the government. Republicans pull the vote of people who actually work and make society run.

The doers, strivers, and risk takers also plan. We are all planning to win back our country. It won’t be instant, but it must be done.

As a first step we need to realize we have the power to do it and stop letting media redefining everything convince us it’s hopeless. It’s not hopeless. Even pre-pandemic the whole education= intelligence and education = success was getting blown up. Yet the media has doubled down on the fallacy that conflates “college educated = high earners” and they have used that to play games with reality of who actually supports what.


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indeed. Destroyed from the inside out.

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Yes, china is cruel to both humans and animals. Make no mistake, they want to conquer the world, that is why I do not trust them for a moment and have boycotted any products made there which is a lot and saving a lot of money so win win. If it comes from China, I do not need it. Give them time, if they have to blow up countries, they will do so with no shame. They made the virus in Wuhan compliments of Bat Lady and brought on suffering, death and demise of economy. In my mind, bomb or bioweapon, same thing. I hate them with a passion and always will.

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Don’t mistake the Chinese government for people who happen to be Chinese.

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that goes without saying.....i am not daft, nor blind. good grief.

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Your hatred separates you from the LOVE OF GOD.

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with all due respect bill, dont worry about me or tell me about God, you dont know me. i hate china-full stop so there it is. and as far as preaching, spare me, that is full of hypocrisy too.

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Much better analysis. There is much more going on. I suspect Taiwan is next and China is ready to move when Ukraine is out of the spotlight.

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That wasn’t my understanding of the paragraph. I thought it meant, as allies, China didn’t want to have to support Russia economically (ie buy all of the exports no one else is buying off them now).

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I can’t get passed the reality that Biden outright encouraged this war. When the Biden admin supported Ukraine joining NATO, despite opposition from Germany, France, and UK, he assured an invasion everyone saw coming for months. Israel, Poland, Belarus, China, Germany, UK, and French leaders are all pushing for peace. Even Zelensky called this week for peace talks in Israel. Yet our feckless policy people are pushing more war, more death, more spending, more global poverty (which is far worse for the environment than oil and natural gas), more people to hate the US, more poverty inflicted on the innocent here and abroad simply because of where they were born. Washington is cheering the destruction of the US. Primaries matter and we must start the long process of returning to a more federalized system and getting these people out. It’s not “pro-Putin” to point out our own government is pro-war, pro-death, pro-poverty................

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From top to bottom, I have no doubt that more of the hacks in the swamp than not are greedy and evil. This whole mess in Ukraine looks like Joke Biden's wag the dog in order to shift the attention of the easily distracted American people from his failed domestic policies. The worst part is he, along with many of those like him who made millions in deals in Ukraine, has no compunction when it comes to the death and suffering that his stupidity, or purposeful actions, has caused. There's no question in my mind that we are ruled by evil, evil people.

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Absolutely. And US hypocrisy is astounding, as the govt has been (directly and indirectly) responsible for the deaths of millions of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine and Yemen (just in its recent history!), while at the same time condemning Putin for the (relatively) minimal deaths in Ukraine. Um, nope, sorry, the US absolutely cannot claim moral superiority over Russia right now!

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"Yet our feckless policy people are pushing more war, more death, more spending,..." - Because it's all about profits for the defense industry/weapons manufacturers (aka MIC). Which has been a primary motive for war throughout US history (another being taking control of other countries' resources). In the words of General Smedley Butler, "war is a racket."

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Our Ukraine pastor friend lost his daughter yesterday. She was shot inside her apartment by a Russian tank in the street. The evil ones play their power games ans innocents pay the price.

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I’m sorry for your loss.

Absolutely. Regular people are not in favor of these overtly political power struggles. Humans mostly want to be left to live our lives, love our families, contribute to our communities, and appreciate the humanity in each other. Certainly we have tribalistic instincts at times, but how often are everyday people more interested in killing each other first, and seeking a peaceful resolution through negotiations second? It’s the politicians and the power hungry that shoot first, and the innocent who often die.

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Jimmy Dore, as usual, knocks it out of the park:


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Dr. Wang works for Soros, an antagonist of the Xi Xinping regime.

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I wonder who else does....

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Agree with x Source?

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The sycophants surrounding this administration are like a boxing manager telling his fighter he “has them on the ropes” when in reality he’s lost every round.

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Amen to that

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^^^^^this- right here. Nothing comes out of CCP that is not strategically placed. AB- like most- will view this like US Pols- a popularity party- it’s SunTzu on steroids. This makes CCP the peace broker & Biden a failed court jester that takes the US$ with him. Idiot

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Mar 13, 2022
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This is what happens in a Godless society. All these liberal, wokey Christian denominations are going to find out exactly where they stand with the soon to be totalitarian globalist leaders of this country.

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Chuck Fina, period, ad infinitum

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yes steve, i love my swear words and use them with unbridled enthusiasm as you can tell! Absolutely salubrious!

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Hey Alex, There's an article circulating by Anna Von Reitz that claims Ukraine's Independence Agreement with Russia in 1991 had language in it to "allow" Russia to go into Ukraine and cleanup the corruption and re-establish security for Russia. Can you find the original documents and offer clarification on this? You have resources most of us don't have.

Is Russia's Ukraine incursion actually legal??

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If it's legal to bomb a maternity hospital then legal don't mean squat.

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Oh really? Search “kunduz hospital bombing”.

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It's only a War Crime if the Russians do it....


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Only today's indoctrinated fools would think China the leader of the "free" world. Certainly the USA must fall for a NWO to take place. Knowing prophecy i shuddered years ago at the thought of anyone promoting globalism. Someone has to run it all and we've seen it play out time and again over history. What happens when that fails as it always has? That too is something to ponder. Are we ready?

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Dollar hegemony is over. India will buy the NG one way or another. Looks like win for Putin. Our leaders are stupid and evil.

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China sucks, their motives are totally impure. Do not trust them one iota for one minute.

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“Our leaders want to be the CCP of America.” Well said.

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it's not China to the rescue - Chine is afraid that Russia will explode the World Economic Forum's "The great reset". Because there Central bank has been cancelled. Russia, China, Iran etc could create a money based on gold (of which Russia has much). The reserve bank move also destroyed trust in the US dollar. (I got all of this from the duran on locals)

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Love The Duran daily podcasts!

Now that I only get serious news about what is happening in Ukraine from them and their guests, plus Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald and Tucker and Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal (plus maybe some Unz writers like Pepe Escobar) I have lots more time to ignore the MSM bullshit propaganda.

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https://www.understandingwar.org/ (getting less neutral more recently though...)

HINT: Just because western media suppresses reporting the fact that the Russians are slowly winning, does not mean they are not SLOWLY WINNING...

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"China to the rescue".

This makes some sense, but I wonder why China would choose the New York Times as its vehicle of warning. I suspect China has already told the Russians via diplomatic channels, and now they're telling the rest of the world.

China, at a minimum, does not want to be seen as complicit with the Russian effort in Ukraine.

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Wow, Alex, hang on. This is typical fig leaf propaganda. “See, we told Russians to f off!” You really believe this? There are scores of examples of this, especially coming from China. Sorry—naive (I 95% love your pandemic coverage).

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Interesting. Get back to ya after Peppermint Patty's analysis, you know, Jen Pissedinmysaki?

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I don't trust or believe any of them. Not China. Not Russia. Not the New York Times.

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ESPECIALLY the New York Times... (and WaPo, and CNN, and MSNBC, and all the other Times and Heralds and Tribunes... i.e. all mainstream/legacy media).

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Adding to the list...Including, but not limited to, Brandon and his Admin

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Brandon is clueless. The man has dementia. It's his staff--and off-site "consultants"--who are running the executive branch.

The MSM makes a big deal that Brandon goes off to Delaware every weekend--like he's a slacker.

I submit he's taken to Delaware every weekend to get him away from the MSM & out of the public eye, so his wife & doctors can monitor his meds, give him a quiet, calm environment.

Brandon is sick--and he's the president of the United States. That's as frightening as whatever China & Russia are doing.

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Agree 100%. I’m paraphrasing Obama but he did say he would be willing to play a role - in the background. I’d venture to guess he is one of their biggest “outside consultants” given the fact that many of his people are in the White House now. That guy hates this country with a passion. The really frightening part is that no amount of seclusion or treatments can fix Kamala’s problems. Someone please wake me up from this god awful nightmare!

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And it is a nightmare because the recourse to a cognitively-impaired president is a stupid, incompetent vice president.

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Obama also said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

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https://www.understandingwar.org/ (getting less neutral though...)

HINT: The Russians are slowly winning...

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sorry alex to blow your bubble ... wrong again, as in ivermectin you seem stuck on your position.

China is a big country. by the very definition, the head of a NGO does not present the government or the party. i would pay attention to ministry of foreign relations - their department of state, if there is a signal will come from there, not some nongovernmental body on human rights. read more on china.

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China doesn’t have NGO’s. Especially with offices in Beijing. This is an official statement. The question is whether or not it’s a political ploy.

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here is a quick list of NGOs in china. sorry no cigars ... lol


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You must be missing cigar's point. Any "NGO" publishing an op-ed in the NYT is only doing so with the permission of the CCP. If the CCP did not want this message broadcast, it would not be. They may be an "NGO", but that is like saying that the Council on Foreign Relations is an "NGO" and does not "represent the government". They do not. They represent themselves and in doing so, they control much of the government policy and decision making... as an "NGO". Just because an organization is not an official part of a government does not mean they are unrelated or separate from the government. The difference between the US and China is that certain NGOs run our government and in China the government runs the NGOs. This is one key difference between communism and "democracy".

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Right. If an NGO pissed of the CCP they would be sent to the Chinese version of Siberia. Or worse.

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sure oldman ...

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>if putin made a point of meeting with president Xi prior to this "war" dont you think this NGO or whoever is handling them are a bit lower?

What happened is that China stupidly backed a complete turkey of a war (why - I have no idea) and now they're trying to walk it back.

McGeorge Bundy once called the NYT "the best interoffice memo system we have" (paraphrasing slightly). This piece from Dr. Huiyao is an "interoffice memo".

And again: there are no NGOs in China.

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Dear Pandelis, However old you are, and whatever gender you have selected from the multiple selections available today, you too will someday be old, and maybe even die. As my German grandfather used to say, too soon old and too late schmart.

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Technicalities, party line is the only line in China

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Imagine being this naive.

(I was going to say something, but Control Group said it better.)

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“US New York Times journalist Brent Renaud was shot in the neck amid driving into the battle zone in Irpin, Kiev region. He has passed away. Ukrainians claim he was shot by “Russian soldiers”

https://t.me/asbmil/619 - WARNING: One photo is graphic and another is of his ID...


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He was sporting NYT credentials from several years ago. The NYT has issued a press release stating he was not in Ukraine on any assignment from them.

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Plus, as history has shown, the real purpose of NGOs is not the innocent "humanitarianism" they purport, but rather is actually to be a 'foot in the door' for military and/or economic intervention/destabilization.

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Please stop posting about Ukraine. If I wanted the neocon perspective I could tune into the MSM. Stick to corona journalism. Stay away from Ukraine punditry.

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Somehow the west will find a way to save Putin and get more cash to China while importing millions more illegals.

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Saw the meme today: “Odd how we were warned that Trump would destroy our economy and start WW III while Biden has destroyed our economy and is trying to start WW III.”

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It’s all about The Great Reset. Obama took out the duly elected president and put in Zelensky. He is a puppet for the World Economic Forum. In fact, a Junior leader. Check out his boy band video in four inch stilettos and black leather. DISGUSTING!!! Russia took out the Bio Labs. Video of 2016, then VP Biden refused to leave Ukraine without the prosecutor getting fired. Only then would UK receive US money. He was investigating Hunter and the Biden family. Ukraine has largely been infiltrated by the Nazi’s. Look at the connection between the Rothchilds and UK. Project Mockingbird says to focus on the UK boarder and forget about Covid and ours boarder. The sex trafficking and human smuggling is off the charts. And do not look at the cocaine that is laced with fentanyl which is flooding into our boarders straight from China. China good Russia bad!! All a BIG distraction!! The military complex is hard at work making more money. What does the Biden, Romney, Kerry and Pelosi families all have in common? Their kids work for the UK Oil Company. Wake up people!!!

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Are sayin, like, it's time to tune out and go fishing while that particular enjoyable activity is still legal? Just kidding, sort of. Seems the more I try to wake people up, the more isolated and demonized I become. If history does indeed repeat itself, we are becoming soft and lazy like the Romans. Bread and circuses.

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Along with all of the three letter agencies!!!!

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Indeed Lucy, indeed.

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Of the political elite listed, I saw several "fact checks" that only Hunter with his cush Burisma deal had worked in the Ukraine. Would like to know what is true on that one. (And I know, fact check usually means the "lie" is the "truth.")

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Thank you !

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I would never take the word of CCP-aligned writer at face value.

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No such thing as an NGO in China.

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Alex, you are an attentive reader! Clearly, when Putin screws up, that news is fit to print, but when Washington screws up, that is misinformation and definitely not fit to print, except maybe several years later, when it is no longer sensitive...

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Not sure how you can possibly think writing an op-ed in the NYTimes is how China would tell Russia to stop, and not how China would tell the west, "hey, look we're trying."

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Why are we reading anything from the NYT?

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ExActly my thought.!. I must have missed the announcement that the NYT, MSM, is now a trustworthy source and is no longer spouting lies and fabricated information. WoW.

I've been feeling something shady is going on with AB. For me, this sadly confirms it.

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To understand what the zombie great reset clowns are up to?

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“US New York Times journalist Brent Renaud was shot in the neck amid driving into the battle zone in Irpin, Kiev region. He has passed away. Ukrainians claim he was shot by “Russian soldiers”

https://t.me/asbmil/619 - WARNING: One photo is graphic and another is of his ID...

VIDEO IN THE NEXT POST SAYS: "Ukrainian man in the video says the US journalist was killed during the shelling in the area of Romanovka, which is located behind Irpen, which is controlled by Ukraine."


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Is the truth even possible?

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The war will continue to escalate and start to involve more parties outside of Russia and Ukraine. Be on the lookout for a false flag attack soon.

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Maybe yes, maybe no. I swear I don’t know what is going on except I have never seen such one sided “war” coverage. Fox is 24/7 “we have to help Ukraine” and “Putin is satan” messaging. All the refugees look like they are calm and just going to work or something. If I were running for my life, I think I would look a little more stressed. Just like with covid, something is off. It’s tiresome having news outlets with a main goal of manipulating opinion. Especially when you suspect something sinister going on.

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I saw an ad on tv that only showed the Ukraine flag with some sappy background music. It was on right after mass murderer Cuomo's comeback commercial. Boy Soros is spending mucho dinero on propoganda.

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Bingo. We got bingo here☝🏻

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China doesn't need to use a NYT op-ed to communicate its displeasure (or anything else for that matter) to Russia. They have direct channels.

Why would China choose to publish this in the NYT? Consider the NYT audience: the American elite. That is who this message is intended for, not Russia. It's likely a hedge, or delaying tactic.

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Yes, the CCP is giving warnings to Russia via the NYT. 😒

Meanwhile, their official state declarations refuse to call this an invasion, they already knew about it and asked Putin to make his move after the Olympics and they're offering Russia new trade deals and card processing.

Yep, this is a warning alright lmao

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Agree 100%. China and Russia are strategic allies (thanks US policy!) on many levels. The West is in big trouble, this “editorial” was produced for US domestic consumption, to hide the reality of the situation - which is Russia and China ending US petrodollar hegemony - and good riddance to it. Now, how do I unsubscribe? - I can get this sort of shallow propaganda from my tv.

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Alex you simply don't know much at all about geopolitics. Even less about the situation in Ukraine.

Stick to the excellent work you have done elsewhere- here you are about as far off the mark as possible.

Long but worth it some informative comments as well:


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How reliable is NYT for reporting information disparaging Russia?

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or alex for that matter ...

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What an a**hole. What's unreliable in his report here? Put up or shut up.

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Alex is a reporter. He is not an "expert". He can report on any matter he chooses publishing on substack. What matters is; "the truth". This is a significant, even important, NYT opinion piece, because authorship matters. No expertise needed.

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Only reliable for pre-1917 + 1989 and onward - before those years, not so much ;)

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On a scale of 1-10, probably negative zero.

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No such thing as an NGO in China.

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But I'm sure Dementia Joe will take the credit if this thing ends.

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More like Finish the job! What’s taking so long? Look for Russia to put the choke hold on to force Ukraine to tap out. No pretend victories for the West in this one.

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No "Peace with Honor"?

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Biden professes to wanting to avoid WW3, yet everything he has done from Day One is putting us on the path to global war. The Dem Party corruption is so deep it is destroying the US. It is apparent that the ongoing payments to the Biden family while Joe was in office with Obama, and with Hillary running around the world accepting bribes for her foundation, that these people are simply minions for their foreign paymasters. BTW Clintons want to restart their Foundation. The corruption is complete.

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WWW3 could be just another part of a world de-population effort. The Bidens and Obamas and the other elites in this country have their well stocked and secret bunkers ready for long term occupation I guarantee you.

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Sorry but stop watching CNN or reading MSNBC and check alternatives like ASB Military News on GAB/Telegram: Slowly but surely, the Russians are winning - give it a few more weeks...

In the mean time - how about taking about those biolabs in the Ukraine and what is going on in them???


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I believe the most important conclusion we can make concerning recent events is that the Biden/Obama regime is already a puppet of the CCP.

Whether or not they are too stupid to realize it or too evil and self centered to care is the only question.

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I'm hoping it's stupid but not betting the farm

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I’m sure we all hope this writer’s advice is heeded…. By all parties involved. Perhaps in the future, the Ukrainians will realize when the going gets tough, the puppet masters cut and run. I edit this to make clear (as if anyone is actually reading this) that I fully support US and NATO ‘s refusal to poke the bear too much. I just hope those suffering the most, the Ukrainian citizens themselves, understand this tragedy that the ruling elites of all countries, including their own, and the controlled media, got them into.

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Right, right. So, let me get this straight: In order to get a message to Putin, China needs to have one of its thought leaders pen an Op/Ed in the NYT. They couldn't just pick up the phone or send a text message. China's preferred medium is the NYT.

Or, is it that they want naive Americans to think they're telling Putin to back down?

All this double-reverse psychology really is confusing.

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Alex continues to discredit himself by regurgitating NYT propaganda on Ukraine. That is going to hurt your credibility in general Alex. You should stop. I mean that in the kindest way. You have no clue what you're talking about here and it makes you appear sloppy, unprofessional and incompetent. Its going to undermine your good reporting on Covid. You are doing more damage to yourself than any blues ever could by acting as a megaphone for their BS.

Due diligence? Nah. He is a Harvard University Kennedy School Fellow. No conflict there. He does not speak for the chinese gov and he is one guy from a country of over 1 billion. I'm sure NYT can find someone to hold any view from China, especially a Harvard fellow.

China will not support Russia's "economic burden." China needs Russia's raw materials. Russia (unlike china) is close to autarky. China is completely dependent on foreign markets and foreign energy and raw supplies. The economic slowdown and increase in pricing of raw materials will hurt China, likely more than russia, because as food and gas prices increase, available discretionary income for all the stuff china makes falls and everything china makes becomes more expensive.


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I doubt China communicates with Putin via NYT. More likely this is a bit of virtue signaling for American consumption. Uighur genocide? Hong Kong repression? Don't worry, we'll help with those weally weally bad rabbits, eh, Russians.

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LMAO, you are quoting the NYT. You'd have more credibility quoting the National Enquirer.

Not a single quote from a high ranking Chinese official.

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If China wanted to send a message to Russia, they would have picked up the phone.

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Alex is correct. It's a message, not mere "opinion." Those commenting here that there are no true NGOs in China - so that this couldn't have been published other than at CCP's directive - are also correct. The only questions are the exact nature of the message(s) and the intended audience(s). I haven't read the whole piece because I certainly don't pay to subscribe to and support the Times. But it's of course not impossible for a message to have multiple intended audiences and also to be crafted in such a way that certain audiences hear what they "need" to hear and others hear what they want to hear. It seems logical to me that Putin is being told to "wrap it up or else" and everyone else is being told "see, we are trying to help (and don't forget we're the only ones who can)".

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I love how they say his think tank is "nongovernmental," as if that is actually possible under the CCP

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Russia’s economic isolation does give China leverage.

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More nonsense from the useful idiot who actually believes the Bidet’s regime lies about the chemical and biological weapons in has been working on the the neo Nazi country Ukraine.

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The NYT's....really?

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Don't believe anything they say. Believe what they do.

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First thoughts after learning tweeter was a “globalist NGO”: #Soros #CFR #WEF #GreatNarrative #NWO AND #StopTechnocracy

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So I’m not a geopolitical analyst like everyone else on the internet but I don’t think people understand how bad kicking Russia out of the system is for the US. China and Russia have positioned for this for years.



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China needs Russian energy.

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The entire world, but especially us, needs the energy that is under our feet at present. Too bad AOC (Sandy Cortex) keeps saying no. She absolutely has to be the reincarnation of Evita. Can't wait for the movie.

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Europe needs it more than China

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They do, Russia holds the ace card

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“Opinion piece”. Opinion……

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It isn't time to "declare victory and go home" until the following three things happen, after an UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER by the Zelenskyy government - the (US sponsored) coup regime made Ukraine's bed, and now the regime must sleep in it - and their Ukrainian citizen victims will, unfortunately have to accept the results of the regime's folly: 1) Ukraine changes its constitution to establish itself as a neutral country and to remain FOREVER out of NATO, 2) the majority of the (self declared neo-nazi) Azov Battalion are dead, or completely neutralized (meaning dead) - they pose a threat not only to Ukraine but to the whole world, and 3) Crimean self determination to join Russia and the sovereignty of the Donbas regions of Donesk and Luhank both receive FULL recognition from Kiev. Anything less makes this horrible war, where the Ukrainian people have been tossed as valueless pawns in Western imperialism, of no permanent value.

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This is off topic but I'm hoping someone in this group can help me. My 18 year old nephew was having heart arrhythmia. He had Covid in February 2021. He got the jab for college by my sister in laws insistence even after I urged her to try for a religious exemption. His doctor wants to do a full workup because she's rightly worried about myocarditis etc. The problem is, she is attributing his issue to his Covid infection from 13 months ago. His vaccination was in October and November. I have been searching all over and the studies that big tech will let me find try to say heart issues are more prevalent in post Covid infections vs. post vaccination. Even the study in Nature leaves out the bit how people in the post Covid group with higher rates of myocarditis than the post vaccine group were ALSO vaccinated. Instead of blaming the vaccine, they blame the infection. Does anyone have any real data I can show this doctor??? It seems like common sense to me that he had no issue for many months then gets jabbed and NOW has issues. Everyone in this group is well versed on how the vaccine overloads your body with the spike. That doesn't occur in the same way with natural infection. How do these doctors not see the issue?

I don't want these people to get away with their bullshit by blaming the virus when it's pretty freaking clear it was the vaccine that caused this.

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The truce is near anyways and China stepping in to take credit.

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If its true that a truce is near, then there is going to be a lot of turmoil among the Ukranian people once the Russians pull back. Because the propaganda coming out of the present Ukraine government continues to say they will not accede to any Russian demands. Hard then to compormise on anything with the Russians without the Ukranian people feeling they were lied to by their government. And as I wrote below, the Russians will not stop their attack until they get the security guarantees they want. They have paid too heavy aprice to walk away with nothing of substance to them.

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Alex, that means nothing. Of course Dr Huiyao has a Global interest and he may be pushing for this. But there are multiple forces in China. They are not all in line with Dr Huiyao wishes.

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Watch what the Chinese do, not what they say. The Chinese stand to benefit greatly by the sanctions placed on Russia over their move into Ukraine, and the price Russia is paying vis a vis the West over this move makes any cessation of Russian military action fruitless without a Ukranian pledge not to join NATO and not have ballistic missiles positioned in Ukraine.

The Chinese are being coy and shrewd as is their nature in foreign policy, seeking to appease the West publicly while moving forward with the opportunity now presented to group half the world's people under a new alternative de-dollarized world finncial system. They recognize that they still need access to Western consumer markets to sell their exports in the short-run while the move to create the new financial system in the East satisfies their long-term objectives.

Which all means that while they will pay lip service to the Western objectives to box in Russia from the West, they will continue to support the trade and currency arrangements with Russia that lead to a new Eastern de-dollarized financial system. And they know the US and Western powers have no say in this matter, as they do not have the manufacturing capabilites to offset an embargo of Chinese imports into their countries, and any attempt to significantly curtail those imports would lead to the Western financial armadgeddon wrought by the resultant Chinese liquidation of the 5+ trillion in dollar-based securities investments that China presently holds.

This kind of liquidation would not have mattered to the West in the past as their Central banks would have printed the money to buy these securities. But the new structural dollar- and Euro-based inflationary paradigm that has taken hold around the world due to a tripling in US debt during the last 14 years has tied the hands of Central Bank money creation for the foreseeable future. 5 trillion in dollar-based securities liquidation would collapse Western financial markets now, leading to a debasement of Western currencies, and untenable monetary inflation well above what is currently being experienced.

In the aggregate, it is in both Russian and Chinese interests to see the war in Ukraine continue, which is why it will until either the present government or the one that the Russia installs in Ukraine cedes to the Russian demands.

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My suggestion is to start learning Mandarin...and quickly!

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Or Russian. I think the Rouble is a great investment right now, because the countries that have large reserves of natural resources, low debt toGDP, and can defend their holdings, will become very wealthy in an inflationary world. Their currency will reflect that increased wealth. Their currency will reflect that increased wealth, and with the knee jerk reaction to sanctions that has crushed the Rouble's value relative to Western currencies, its really cheap now.

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Not the yuan the coming world reserve currency?

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China will continue to be burdened by the size of their population and the costs associated with feeding them and providing essential services for them. Think about how much of every export sale goes to providing these services. Its a drain on their national wealth and one that will hinder their national value. Additionally they are not blessed with the per capita degree of natural resources as Russia,which is why the Chinese need to import. China first recognized with the Tiananmin Square uprising that providing services for their people was essential to maintaining government control that they sought, and ever since it has been their burden and motivation for their domestic and foreign policies.

Which makes them different from India, who has the same population problem but whose government is more willing to tolerate lower standards of living as opposed to government nanny-ism. India's government does not have anywhere near the degree of political control as they are a democracy, and as such does not have the same pressures upon it to provide services so as to maintain control over the country.

Suffice it to say that for different reasons, neither China nor India will see a large increase in country value with an Eastern-focused financial system, although both will benefit. Russia on the other hand islike a young lean and strong prize fighter who will move quickly up the ranks by virtue of a de-dollarized Eastern financial system. And their currency value will reflect that increased national economic wealth.

The Western countries, already suffering from devastating financial conditions that will be their ruination, will realize in the coming years how their short-sighted knee-jerk reactions to an issue over a country that holds no security or vital interests to them has now created the conditions to propel Russia into a place of virtually unchalleged economic strength in the years to come.

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Mar 13, 2022Edited
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While I tend to agree with a lot of what you say, I'm not convinced China is all that altruistic as you depict. I also believe they are ahead of the game with regards to converting to a digital currency economy. This is the main game changer going forward as we encounter the great financial reset brought on by the reckless US monetary policies and governmental corruption.

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It is amazing that americans don't read and apply Sun Tzu. All war is based on what?

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“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

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As in all the MSM reporting on Russia's war efforts...they are clueless pawns

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Thanks Alex for a morsel of hope on this Sunday of Lent. I don't care who stops Putin just so it happen soon. China will take the credit either way.

BTW I just read a new Covid variant is on the way...Deltacron. Now the viruses are combining in victim's bodies and forming something worse?

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DeltaCron vs Godzilla

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DeltaCron... translation CYA for gene editing injections?

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DeltaCron...another engineered and rather harmless to most people flu that enriches pharmaceutical companies and allows government to extend their control over their populations by further scaring the crap out of them..

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If engineered similar to original engineered whu flu bioweapon one would think it could be proven as was the original tampering at the furin cleavage site or its simply a injection induced variant?

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Its apparently a hybrid between the Delta and Omicron variants, which could have occurred naturally as both variants overlapped in infectiousness. I think the good news about it is if a person had either variant, the resultant natural immune cells they developed upon recovery should destory the Deltacron variant.

I would be far more suspicious of a totally new variant that has few of the characteristics of the prior ones. That would lead me to think there was some human engineering involved.

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Let's get Dr. McCullough's opinion on this :)

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I would focus on Vanden Bossche, as he has been spot on for the last year with respect to predicting how the virus would mutate. And he is a vaccinologist. McCullough is probably the brightest physician I ever have heard, but his expertise is more involved with how to treat Covid than the virology of it.

I have never heard any physician who can recite research findings as McCullough, he is awalking encyclopedia of knowledge about who has discovered what. Really brilliant, a true doctor.

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Does this cancel out Biden telling them a small invasion was okay?

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or "we will not mandate injections" or "inflation is transitory" or "the non injected are lepers and killing the injected" or or or

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Alex, You're a CCP propaganda pawn now. It's a very bad look. You're putting the most evil regime on a pedestal. The CCP is waging unrestricted warfare against the USA, including murdering millions of our young people with fentanyl. Shame on you.

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I am officially skeptical of everything. Whatever the motivation for this it's not peace and prosperity for Ukraine or any where else.

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especially ANYthing the CCP say's. The CCP ceases to exist if its main premise of deception and lies is not adhered too. It's entirely grounded in this premise. Never ever trust what comes out of the CCP

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I suspect it's purely political. It makes China look like THE world leader. We all get to be grateful to China for bringing Putin to kneel.

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