Yesterday. Outside a restaurant for Easter brunch. Car pulled up at valet parking. Lone occupant (driver) was masked...and kept it on until seated even though the restaurant did not require masks.
I got stares at an Asian market as the only unmasked person inside . I try to just smile and keep it positive even though gut reflex is to mock people.
It is legitimizing irrational fear. You are correct in pointing out where were these people pre-Covid. Under no circumstances should these people be allowed to project their fears onto us and require us to change our behavior.
I agree. I have to point out, though, the masks don't protect them. It may be doing harm forcing them to rebreathe the waste and junk and viral loads the lungs and nose are trying to expel.
We do need to be kind.
If you do know someone like that, warn them not to wear them for long periods. The masks are bad for health.
Love what you said! Many of us unvaxed have Herd Immunity but these Masked Covidians in 'planes, trains and automobiles' have Herd Mentality. Some we know run to keep up with boosters and vaxing all their kids THEN run for their next cruise on a floating petri dish.
Nope, only when you are sitting like in a restaurant or in a dentist chair. Walking to and from your seat is dangerous. I’m going for a MRI tomorrow and I am so looking forward to be bullied by the technician for not wanting to wear a mask when I am in the machine.
They’re selected, not elected. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have so many WEF Young Global Leaders graduates holding prominent positions around he world. There is no two party system. Very few of them are for us, the people they extort money from. Please stop being fooled into believing voting matters.
Maybe someone high up in the Democrats realized... "Oh shit... dems are vaxinating at twice the rate as conservatives! And each round of boosters the number of independants and conservatives is crashing while we are staying at 70%"
They must know that there is a point where this will cost them an election.
"We can afford to do 2 doses and 3 boosters. 4 boosters is just too risky we loose too many people"
And that is just deaths. There are more people who have been destroyed physically. I doubt they will be going to vote.
It's complicated to sort through cause and effect with the web of intrigue they've manufactured. I figure that consistently trying to do the right thing is the best way out. I'm not supposed to solve or second guess this, but not succumbing to the corruption always matters.
I am also wondering if it has a little to do with the fact that public school enrollment in CA is dropping at an alarming rate. 9% the last time I read about it. Maybe this is too stop her hemorrhaging of public education enrollment.
correct me if i'm wrong, but wearing a mask means these days is either:
"I'm smart & I believed the TV doctor about masks, so logically, it's still a serious problem until he reappears & tells me otherwise"
- or -
"I just found a great new way to be signal my oppression as a white person. (Not easy) I am - drumroll - immunocompromised, I think, so I NEED to wear my mask."
I sincerely hope they're dead everywhere. Just yesterday in speaking with a friend, I realized she still has ZERO clue regarding what the vaccine passport was all about. For some people, NOTHING ever makes it through their Democrat defense system.
The minute they hand you that vaccine passport, every right that you have is transformed into a privilege contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates,”
The Cleveland Orchestra still requires vax passport or negative covid test result to attend a concert at Severance Hall. I don't know about the summer series outdoors but they are desperate to get ppl to attend. No thanks and we were season ticket holders for years.
No, this is much worse. That only affected a few people. Covid has affected the entire world. The planned, intentional destruction of society as we knew it.
Yes, somehow I have managed to live without live concerts. And when you see an ocean of gray & blue & white hair in the audience, you wonder how long can they alienate others before they have no audience !! 🎵🎷🎻
In a way, I'd be far more concerned about the global ID. It will be linked to a CBDC, so we will end up the same as China. Ukraine is a distraction. Behind the scenes, the predator class is still beavering away to get the global ID up and running.
David - yep. I'm actually thinking even further than that. The last few verses of Revelation 13 will, eventually, come in to play and this will either become the mechanism for that or will, at the very least, inure the public to eagerly demand it.
JRoTS - I'm still unsure about that interpretation. Many of the earlier commentators in the post-Reformation period (i.e before the likes of "Left Behind") came along, took the "mark" to be a facsimile of the "seal" that God applies to His people (i.e believers). So those who had the MotB were all the unbelievers. I'm not disagreeing with you, just trying to understand that whole scenario. I think the book of Daniel has some bearing on this. The 3 friends and Daniel who refused to eat the king's food or bow down to his statue - this has overtones of refusing to put the state system (the beast) before God.
I "came along" long before the "Left Behind" series, but I don't think anyone really knows (yet) what the MotB will actually be.
The Bible says it will be on the right hand or on the forehead, so it leads me in the direction of a tattoo or indelible mark, maybe in the form of a UPC code or whatever those squiggly square things are called or even a microchip. I also believe that it might simply be a specific prefix or suffix appended to a credit card (like) number, maybe tied to our ubiquitous cell phones or SSN's?? The "hand" or the "forehead" might be figurative - maybe?
Btw: I really, really like the response made by Daniel's three buddies to King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:16-18. Talk about courage and faith combined!
I'm not very good at today's Internet slang or acronyms and my search for JRoTS only came up with JROTC. Granted, I was in the Jr. ROTC toward the end of the Vietnam "war" but I can't figure out JRoTS. I reckon I'll slap my forehead and say "duh" if/when you clue me in though! :)
My idiot son in CA jabbed my grandkids despite knowing the risks. “It’s just easier”he said. Now I see that only 28% of my grandson’s age/race range and only 56% of my granddaughter’s are jabbed. So he can’t blame social pressure.
I’m so sorry. Depends on the area. Bay Area is insane. 90%+ of my 14 year olds class is even boostered!!! My kiddos aren’t and wont. I was so relieved seeing that the horrific Pan pulled the bill for now
Right! 90% plus among the above 12 is how it feels in SF. Have not seen any SF numbers, but will look now. And some places for children (like the Cal Academy of Science and Exploratorium) requires boosters for children 12 and older (or at least did when I and Dr. Prasad last checked). I know friends here who vaccinated with the 5-11 dose before their child was 12, so that at least the dose is smaller and the kid can go places.
I cancelled my membership to the academy and will never be back even if they drop it. There never were mandates on the peninsula. I avoided the cities that had mandates and will. We could still go places.
We also went and are going places outside of the city, but we do live here, so the children have had to refuse going places with friends because of the mandates, but they have been very good about it, even though being in such small minority is hard for them. And I just looked at the numbers in SF. It is indeed over 90% for 12 - 17 year olds and 72% for 5 - 11 year olds. Crazy! Source:
Ugh. I’m just south of you. I didn’t let one of my kids attend a concert at chase as said child’ unvaccinated status would have been apparent to the friends.
Otherwise come see us down here in SM county 😂. My older kiddo is super resilient and doesn’t care what others think. The middle one has a harder time. But luckily no venues here require this bs (movies, VR places, bowling etc).
Anywhere has been better than the city. I am glad your children are resilient. There has been so much peer pressure here! Would like to connect to a likeminded parent with a German nickname in the area, but not sure how to do that on substack, as there is no PM option, right?
Sorry to read this. You must be disappointed that he buckled so easily. Maybe you can subtlely give them articles on therapeutics tho sounds pointless. 🙏🙏
Alex, could I recommend looking into employer mandates?
This perplexes me because as the legislative efforts melt away companies are in various stages of ignoring it or enforcing their own mandate. If pressure can be applied to corporations I think this thing really goes away. Board rooms are much more insulated from public opinion than the lovely lunch rooms at the Capitol (Congressmen and Women have some great lunch digs, check it out).
Most corps are driven more by liability than politics. Somebody gets infected and claims it was a careless employer and you've got lawsuits. They're shielded by the government from vax liability. Abolish the vax indemnification and you fix everything.
Bootsorourke - I agree with wising for a list of such companies and I reluctantly agree with boycotts. I'm not a fan of boycotts largely because they become weaponized and used in a back and forth tit-for-tat war that no one wins. But they can be effective if popularized sufficiently.
Steve McQueen - I'd like to see Alex address and even push that as well. Unless I'm mistaken, none (or nearly none) of the "mandates" were actual "laws" but, rather, they were powerful (explosive, angry, whining) recommendations from the government implemented as corporate mandates.
I am not your Other - hmmm. I certainly didn't intend the double entente and hadn't noticed it until you mentioned it. Sometimes the unintended jokes are the best. Generally, the unintended ones are the ONLY ones I can tell successfully.
I don't know. "Entente" has an entirely different meaning, akin to a truce, or an agreement between warring nations to stop fighting, etc. Perhaps "double entente" is an English corruption of the original French phrase, "double entendre" (in English, "double meaning.")
Simon, I am in the financial services industry and assumed that I would not be able to get a job. I don't have one yet, but people have been supportive and I appear to have good prospects. I have taken a path of transparency and authenticity. Best of luck to her.
Totally agree. For those of us who don’t make our money on substack and are still looking for a job (especially in tech!) it is super difficult. Not to mention the new college grads who maybe just made it out with no jab. Now what about a job?!
The following site is a good start but needs a lot more attention. Hopefully this will grow over time.
Sadly vaccine mandates still exist in some private schools in DC. Heard at Easter Dinner about an Episcopal school is refusing to reenroll any student ages 5-12 who has not has the COVID vaccination, regardless of whether said student has had COVID and thus gained natural immunity. The sad thing is that the headmaster of said school thinks this policy follows the science and is contemptuous of any parent who questions it.
Vax lawsuits are unlikely because the malicious government has indemnified everybody involved, and you can't sue the government for damages. Only solution is fix the government. Next opportunity in November. Focus!
I just posted about this! The private school principals are the worst. They are so used to following best practices and being on the cutting edge of "what's best for kids" that they've been blindsided - all the academic institutions that they trusted for their research on things like child development, literacy, math... are now totally and completely wrong and they can't wrap their heads around it.
Not before 110,000 kids left the CA public school system though! And only after everyone that could moved out. We were heading out of state if it passed and so were 100% of the other unvaccinated students at this point. Or home school. No one was waiting for the gun to show up to stick their kids. Once Berkeley Unified started universal testing in January they realized 80% of Covid + kids were fully vaccinated. This dumbass carpenter was the one that had to FOIA the info and the local online paper still refuses to publish it. So, in light of info they did not want, they stopped universal testing.
Berkeley Unified still has an employee mandate that hits 4/29. Jab or get fired. It will impact ~ 100 teachers and staff primarily people of color. It’s completely insane. EDI here in the capital of woke madness stands for Exclusion, Discrimination and Insanity. And not a single leftist dipshit can see the hypocrisy presently rampant in this community. It’s like living in an insane asylum.
I would like to see all of California's Covid related pending bills removed from consideration before we should feel a real sense of victory, but sparing the children is excellent news.
"Forcing four out of five black kids to stop going to elementary school would be a particularly perverse woke policy move" I have had this exact conversation so many times. In fact black kids in woke havens like Oakland have already had their futures disproportionately destroyed. As always, the ability of urban progressive whites to ignore inconvenient facts like this impressive.
I think you need to dig deeper to see what a gem Pan is. He effectively removed all medical exemption for vaccines for children by threatening doctors’ loss of license couple years ago. Truly a despicable human being.
True enough but discerning the true conservatives from the RINOs will be very difficult prior to the election and THEY will continue to be a problem.
I expect you're right, but the NEXT election (2024 and maybe even 2026) will force the pendulum to swing back toward the hysterical liberals if we're not very, very careful.
However, looking up and down the 2024 GOP lineup, the sad truth is that freedom-loving ‘public servants’ are few and far between. Rand Paul took Tony Fauci out to the woodshed a couple times, but Fauci keeps spewing lies on TV and getting paid for it. Ron DeSantis ‘followed the science’ better than nearly all governors, but (to my certainly imperfect knowledge) Kristi Noem was the only governor who (correctly) proclaimed to not have the power to close your business. Ron Johnson has been holding covid hearings and allowing ignored voices to be heard. And…….that’s everybody?
And realistically, even the people I mentioned — the ‘best’ of the GOP — don’t really have a freedom-first mindset. Over time this creates a huge problem, as generally “both sides” agree that government should be DOING MORE. And while this works out great for government officials and their families, regular people are stuck paying the bill for the trillions of dollars rained down on the politically connected — who proclaim the only way to fix this problem is with government DOING MORE…..
Simulation - I wholeheartedly agree. Even the most innocent, "proper minded" person that goes to Washington DC is so overwhelmed by the mindset that permeates all the staff members, secretaries, aides, interns, receptionists, restaurant owners and waiters, cabbies, and you name its -- all of that overwhelms and warps every single newcomer.
Voting out ALL the Senators and Representatives and replacing them with new ones won't work for that same reason.
I wish I knew an answer that would actually work to REDUCE our government and repair the damage done. No "Man" or even group of men and women will ever fix this. I'm Christian and, personally, I believe that only God Almighty can accomplish that. Meanwhile, we must do what little we can as we can.
I fear Bay Area folks will still vote for peeps like Oakland Buffy. I’ll try my best to vote the forced vaccinator politicians out. But I only have one vote.
Alex, soon to be former CA resident here. I do not share your optimism that child “vaccination” mandates are as dead as the GOP in the tarnished once Golden State. They’ll be back just as soon as the next covid strain reign of terror (or hemorrhagic fever) begins.
Yes. It seems like we get pushed until those in power see that they've reached an edge and then they back off before the next strategy/push. I wish I had paid more attention when a lot of people were worried about the Patriot Act, because they were right: once you give up certain freedoms, you're unlikely to get them back.
Yes, the Patriot Act was such an overreach of power! And I couldn't see that at the time. I bought into the terrorism narrative and trusted Bush. In hindsight, we really should have done everything to stop that. That whole series of events taught me to question everything spewed by big media and to examine my own beliefs about policies very closely.
Yes! And I think some of the more disturbing things in the last few years have come directly from Homeland Security.
I didn't trust Bush and STILL it made sense to me that a temporary ("temporary") loss in what seemed like a minor freedom was a small price to pay for increased safety. I shouldn't actually get that mad at the mask-lovers because I've done the same stupid reasoning myself.
The difference is that you and I both learned from it. I fear that some people go through life blindly following authority and never questioning or even noticing the changing narratives and obvious lies.
Ouch, that makes me feel terrible. I honestly don't think I said those things, but nevertheless, I'm sure people I respected and agreed with, at least at the time, did.
Americans tend to have an inherent distrust of institutions that drives the elite classes mad, but has saved us in our times of crisis. Soon enough more recent emigrants will join us there. The anti-Asian discrimination by magnet schools and Ivy Leagues will shake some of them out of their misplaced trust.
I observe this daily in the Bay Area. The Asian families tend to be masked with n95/ (kids too), and are the first to get shots and boosters. I wonder if it is the government obedience many bring back from their home countries and a certain fear of pathogens (remember seeing some Asians at airports masked even ten years ago?).
Equally fascinating is the numbers broken down by ethnic group. Based on my local observations in recent days, there are Far East Asians who are traumatized to the present and wear masks outdoors on a lovely spring day. They top the charts bringing their children in to get jabbed. Sad.
The only people still pretending this wasn’t about power and politics are the same people you saw driving alone with a mask on.
and I'm still seeing that.
Yesterday. Outside a restaurant for Easter brunch. Car pulled up at valet parking. Lone occupant (driver) was masked...and kept it on until seated even though the restaurant did not require masks.
It's a cult.
I actually saw someone wearing an N95 at a shop yesterday. Everyone else was maskless or wearing a cloth mask.
I want to help these people but I sometimes think we are going to have to start mocking them as hypochondriacs or they will never give it up!
I don't know if that would make things worse but we def need to make those people atleast feel like nerds.
You think it is so dangerous in here that you need an N95? And what are you buying a pint of milk and some bread? You risked your life for THAT?
excellent point but we can't ridicule them or we are just as bad as the Branch Covidians.
I got stares at an Asian market as the only unmasked person inside . I try to just smile and keep it positive even though gut reflex is to mock people.
I love that juxtaposition of the bread and N95! It proves that their thinking has been parceled out to third parties for the corona.
They are wearing their ignorance of basic viral biology for all to see. 🙄
Yes, I understand your point and I agree that mocking & ridicule is cruel.
BUT, where were they before covid? I saw absolutely NO ONE wearing a mask in public before Fauci et al told us we must.
It is legitimizing irrational fear. You are correct in pointing out where were these people pre-Covid. Under no circumstances should these people be allowed to project their fears onto us and require us to change our behavior.
I agree. I have to point out, though, the masks don't protect them. It may be doing harm forcing them to rebreathe the waste and junk and viral loads the lungs and nose are trying to expel.
We do need to be kind.
If you do know someone like that, warn them not to wear them for long periods. The masks are bad for health.
Boobus Americanus. I have several in my extended family. My question is always: were you born this dumb or did you have to work at it?
Love what you said! Many of us unvaxed have Herd Immunity but these Masked Covidians in 'planes, trains and automobiles' have Herd Mentality. Some we know run to keep up with boosters and vaxing all their kids THEN run for their next cruise on a floating petri dish.
They outsourced.
and then thought the presence of food would cause covid to not circulate
Nope, only when you are sitting like in a restaurant or in a dentist chair. Walking to and from your seat is dangerous. I’m going for a MRI tomorrow and I am so looking forward to be bullied by the technician for not wanting to wear a mask when I am in the machine.
My response would be "as a medical professional, aren't you embarrassed pretending masks work?"
It's just social signaling, like putting a Ukrainian flag in your window, next to your BLM notice!
Hope the MRI is good and the resistance is badass
it's frightening, so much ignorance
Omg! Double the Xanax!
That is so ridiculous. I see people walking dogs with masks on. Stupid
Do the dogs have masks on?
Joggers. Yes, joggers.
Its D. C. What else would you expect? Something happens to people's minds when they are inside the D. C. Beltway!
Me too. I still see it. Always a white woman, oddly enough. I dont know why that is, but they have lost their ever loving minds.
White women over 60 from what I'm seeing.
Not THIS 60+ white woman!
Same! Never.
And pray that they don't vote in any election not just this year but FOREVER!
They’re selected, not elected. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have so many WEF Young Global Leaders graduates holding prominent positions around he world. There is no two party system. Very few of them are for us, the people they extort money from. Please stop being fooled into believing voting matters.
I used to think like this. But why then are Dems pulling back from the mandates? If it doesn't matter then why don't they go for it?
Whether politics is fake or not politicians do respond to the public mood. I don't see why they would do that unless they thought it mattered?
Maybe someone high up in the Democrats realized... "Oh shit... dems are vaxinating at twice the rate as conservatives! And each round of boosters the number of independants and conservatives is crashing while we are staying at 70%"
They must know that there is a point where this will cost them an election.
"We can afford to do 2 doses and 3 boosters. 4 boosters is just too risky we loose too many people"
And that is just deaths. There are more people who have been destroyed physically. I doubt they will be going to vote.
It's complicated to sort through cause and effect with the web of intrigue they've manufactured. I figure that consistently trying to do the right thing is the best way out. I'm not supposed to solve or second guess this, but not succumbing to the corruption always matters.
I still see this. N95, of course. 🤣
I am also wondering if it has a little to do with the fact that public school enrollment in CA is dropping at an alarming rate. 9% the last time I read about it. Maybe this is too stop her hemorrhaging of public education enrollment.
So many broken people thanks to the Dems.
And double masks as well
correct me if i'm wrong, but wearing a mask means these days is either:
"I'm smart & I believed the TV doctor about masks, so logically, it's still a serious problem until he reappears & tells me otherwise"
- or -
"I just found a great new way to be signal my oppression as a white person. (Not easy) I am - drumroll - immunocompromised, I think, so I NEED to wear my mask."
Thank God.
I sincerely hope they're dead everywhere. Just yesterday in speaking with a friend, I realized she still has ZERO clue regarding what the vaccine passport was all about. For some people, NOTHING ever makes it through their Democrat defense system.
The minute they hand you that vaccine passport, every right that you have is transformed into a privilege contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates,”
Never forget that the vaccine passport (or an equivalent) is one of "their" topmost goals. They'll not forget or miss the next opportunity.
The Cleveland Orchestra still requires vax passport or negative covid test result to attend a concert at Severance Hall. I don't know about the summer series outdoors but they are desperate to get ppl to attend. No thanks and we were season ticket holders for years.
LIB, we'll never be able to even create a close estimate of the damage this hysteria has cost the world.
Yes. How will future historians view this period of history?
The same we view the Salem Witch Trials.
No, this is much worse. That only affected a few people. Covid has affected the entire world. The planned, intentional destruction of society as we knew it.
I refused to go to the local concert hall with a friend because of the same requirements.
Yes, somehow I have managed to live without live concerts. And when you see an ocean of gray & blue & white hair in the audience, you wonder how long can they alienate others before they have no audience !! 🎵🎷🎻
they probably hope for season ticket buying so they get a full season even if they die
Yup, it always about the 💲💲💲💲
Maybe Geraldo is on the board. Even though I believe he is thrice jabbed he came down with Covid.
He's still a covid hysteric. all the time
Geraldo makes me scream! Sometimes I think he thinks he’s really the smartest person in the room when in reality he’s just taking up oxygen.
Hahahaha! No one’s perfect! I met him once at Studio 54. Quick temper.
He’s a twerp!
serves them right
In a way, I'd be far more concerned about the global ID. It will be linked to a CBDC, so we will end up the same as China. Ukraine is a distraction. Behind the scenes, the predator class is still beavering away to get the global ID up and running.
David - yep. I'm actually thinking even further than that. The last few verses of Revelation 13 will, eventually, come in to play and this will either become the mechanism for that or will, at the very least, inure the public to eagerly demand it.
JRoTS - I'm still unsure about that interpretation. Many of the earlier commentators in the post-Reformation period (i.e before the likes of "Left Behind") came along, took the "mark" to be a facsimile of the "seal" that God applies to His people (i.e believers). So those who had the MotB were all the unbelievers. I'm not disagreeing with you, just trying to understand that whole scenario. I think the book of Daniel has some bearing on this. The 3 friends and Daniel who refused to eat the king's food or bow down to his statue - this has overtones of refusing to put the state system (the beast) before God.
I "came along" long before the "Left Behind" series, but I don't think anyone really knows (yet) what the MotB will actually be.
The Bible says it will be on the right hand or on the forehead, so it leads me in the direction of a tattoo or indelible mark, maybe in the form of a UPC code or whatever those squiggly square things are called or even a microchip. I also believe that it might simply be a specific prefix or suffix appended to a credit card (like) number, maybe tied to our ubiquitous cell phones or SSN's?? The "hand" or the "forehead" might be figurative - maybe?
Btw: I really, really like the response made by Daniel's three buddies to King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:16-18. Talk about courage and faith combined!
I'm not very good at today's Internet slang or acronyms and my search for JRoTS only came up with JROTC. Granted, I was in the Jr. ROTC toward the end of the Vietnam "war" but I can't figure out JRoTS. I reckon I'll slap my forehead and say "duh" if/when you clue me in though! :)
Have a look at the initials of the name you use. just my shorthand!
I know. And that's why they did such a great job with the grooming. They made their adherents invincibly impervious to the truth of it.
My idiot son in CA jabbed my grandkids despite knowing the risks. “It’s just easier”he said. Now I see that only 28% of my grandson’s age/race range and only 56% of my granddaughter’s are jabbed. So he can’t blame social pressure.
Praying for you grandkids and everyone's kids who took this 🖤🖤🖤
Hopefully the parents care enough to learn
I’m so sorry. Depends on the area. Bay Area is insane. 90%+ of my 14 year olds class is even boostered!!! My kiddos aren’t and wont. I was so relieved seeing that the horrific Pan pulled the bill for now
Right! 90% plus among the above 12 is how it feels in SF. Have not seen any SF numbers, but will look now. And some places for children (like the Cal Academy of Science and Exploratorium) requires boosters for children 12 and older (or at least did when I and Dr. Prasad last checked). I know friends here who vaccinated with the 5-11 dose before their child was 12, so that at least the dose is smaller and the kid can go places.
That’s what my son did to his <12 year old. Let’s see if she’s going to be infertile or immune compromised or worse…
Let's hope not. I really hope so for all the children here.
I cancelled my membership to the academy and will never be back even if they drop it. There never were mandates on the peninsula. I avoided the cities that had mandates and will. We could still go places.
We also went and are going places outside of the city, but we do live here, so the children have had to refuse going places with friends because of the mandates, but they have been very good about it, even though being in such small minority is hard for them. And I just looked at the numbers in SF. It is indeed over 90% for 12 - 17 year olds and 72% for 5 - 11 year olds. Crazy! Source:
Ugh. I’m just south of you. I didn’t let one of my kids attend a concert at chase as said child’ unvaccinated status would have been apparent to the friends.
Otherwise come see us down here in SM county 😂. My older kiddo is super resilient and doesn’t care what others think. The middle one has a harder time. But luckily no venues here require this bs (movies, VR places, bowling etc).
Anywhere has been better than the city. I am glad your children are resilient. There has been so much peer pressure here! Would like to connect to a likeminded parent with a German nickname in the area, but not sure how to do that on substack, as there is no PM option, right?
bless you!
Sorry to read this. You must be disappointed that he buckled so easily. Maybe you can subtlely give them articles on therapeutics tho sounds pointless. 🙏🙏
Our relationship is forever damaged since he did this to my grandchildren. After he promised he wouldn’t!
Alex, could I recommend looking into employer mandates?
This perplexes me because as the legislative efforts melt away companies are in various stages of ignoring it or enforcing their own mandate. If pressure can be applied to corporations I think this thing really goes away. Board rooms are much more insulated from public opinion than the lovely lunch rooms at the Capitol (Congressmen and Women have some great lunch digs, check it out).
Most corps are driven more by liability than politics. Somebody gets infected and claims it was a careless employer and you've got lawsuits. They're shielded by the government from vax liability. Abolish the vax indemnification and you fix everything.
a list of companies forcing experimental medical procedures on their employees would be good. Boycotts would be good.
There is a list out there somewhere but I don’t think it’s up to date.
Bootsorourke - I agree with wising for a list of such companies and I reluctantly agree with boycotts. I'm not a fan of boycotts largely because they become weaponized and used in a back and forth tit-for-tat war that no one wins. But they can be effective if popularized sufficiently.
Steve McQueen - I'd like to see Alex address and even push that as well. Unless I'm mistaken, none (or nearly none) of the "mandates" were actual "laws" but, rather, they were powerful (explosive, angry, whining) recommendations from the government implemented as corporate mandates.
Your name is hilarious.
I am not your Other - hmmm. I certainly didn't intend the double entente and hadn't noticed it until you mentioned it. Sometimes the unintended jokes are the best. Generally, the unintended ones are the ONLY ones I can tell successfully.
double entendre
Thanks for the correction. I spelled it something close to that and was prompted to correct it as shown in my original comment above. says: "double entente ... noun, plural dou·bles en·tentes [doo-bluh zahn-tahnt]. French. a double meaning; ambiguity."
So I guess it could be spelled either way? I prefer your spelling by far though -- it's what I was originally aiming for.
I don't know. "Entente" has an entirely different meaning, akin to a truce, or an agreement between warring nations to stop fighting, etc. Perhaps "double entente" is an English corruption of the original French phrase, "double entendre" (in English, "double meaning.")
My daughter cannot get a job. They all require vaccinations. Google, Meta, Microsoft etc
Simon, I am in the financial services industry and assumed that I would not be able to get a job. I don't have one yet, but people have been supportive and I appear to have good prospects. I have taken a path of transparency and authenticity. Best of luck to her.
Totally agree. For those of us who don’t make our money on substack and are still looking for a job (especially in tech!) it is super difficult. Not to mention the new college grads who maybe just made it out with no jab. Now what about a job?!
The following site is a good start but needs a lot more attention. Hopefully this will grow over time.
Sadly vaccine mandates still exist in some private schools in DC. Heard at Easter Dinner about an Episcopal school is refusing to reenroll any student ages 5-12 who has not has the COVID vaccination, regardless of whether said student has had COVID and thus gained natural immunity. The sad thing is that the headmaster of said school thinks this policy follows the science and is contemptuous of any parent who questions it.
Hopefully parents file a lawsuit. EUA still out there for kids shots so they can’t be forced.
It really is time to sue.
The highwire is a great source of info and their lawyers take on a lot of lawsuits regarding this
Vax lawsuits are unlikely because the malicious government has indemnified everybody involved, and you can't sue the government for damages. Only solution is fix the government. Next opportunity in November. Focus!
Selections, not elections. Vote don’t matter when you’ve rigged the system.
EUA for adults also. The "approved" shots are not orderable at this time.
I suspect parents will vote with their feet and move to a freer state. However, if anyone knows of a lawsuit they can join.....
I just posted about this! The private school principals are the worst. They are so used to following best practices and being on the cutting edge of "what's best for kids" that they've been blindsided - all the academic institutions that they trusted for their research on things like child development, literacy, math... are now totally and completely wrong and they can't wrap their heads around it.
That sounds about right.
Find another school
Funds will drop. That’s usually a good motivator.
tells you a lot about the intelligence of the headmaster. Probably an indoctrination fan too
Not before 110,000 kids left the CA public school system though! And only after everyone that could moved out. We were heading out of state if it passed and so were 100% of the other unvaccinated students at this point. Or home school. No one was waiting for the gun to show up to stick their kids. Once Berkeley Unified started universal testing in January they realized 80% of Covid + kids were fully vaccinated. This dumbass carpenter was the one that had to FOIA the info and the local online paper still refuses to publish it. So, in light of info they did not want, they stopped universal testing.
Berkeley Unified still has an employee mandate that hits 4/29. Jab or get fired. It will impact ~ 100 teachers and staff primarily people of color. It’s completely insane. EDI here in the capital of woke madness stands for Exclusion, Discrimination and Insanity. And not a single leftist dipshit can see the hypocrisy presently rampant in this community. It’s like living in an insane asylum.
Crap would love to read up on it.
Oakland won’t let unvaccinated eat in restaurants. I will boycott Oakland forever.
and the Oakland A's just announced a vax mandate for their indoor areas. I will not return to a game until that is gone.
Yet chase center dropped all restrictions. All.
I’m boycotting California forever. They’ll never get another dime of my tourist dollars.
Lived in Berkeley, its always been crazy!!
I would like to see all of California's Covid related pending bills removed from consideration before we should feel a real sense of victory, but sparing the children is excellent news.
"Forcing four out of five black kids to stop going to elementary school would be a particularly perverse woke policy move" I have had this exact conversation so many times. In fact black kids in woke havens like Oakland have already had their futures disproportionately destroyed. As always, the ability of urban progressive whites to ignore inconvenient facts like this impressive.
I think you need to dig deeper to see what a gem Pan is. He effectively removed all medical exemption for vaccines for children by threatening doctors’ loss of license couple years ago. Truly a despicable human being.
There will be a special circle in hell for him .
I hope so. The damage he's done already to vax injured kids plus pushing for COVID shots he certainly will need a special circle for himself.
“Dick” Pan is aptly named.
He's really a monster, before the covid vaccines came around, too
Yes I saw that and love the highwire
Totally believe it.
To late. There are in for a blood bath this coming election.
True enough but discerning the true conservatives from the RINOs will be very difficult prior to the election and THEY will continue to be a problem.
I expect you're right, but the NEXT election (2024 and maybe even 2026) will force the pendulum to swing back toward the hysterical liberals if we're not very, very careful.
Exactly the case.
However, looking up and down the 2024 GOP lineup, the sad truth is that freedom-loving ‘public servants’ are few and far between. Rand Paul took Tony Fauci out to the woodshed a couple times, but Fauci keeps spewing lies on TV and getting paid for it. Ron DeSantis ‘followed the science’ better than nearly all governors, but (to my certainly imperfect knowledge) Kristi Noem was the only governor who (correctly) proclaimed to not have the power to close your business. Ron Johnson has been holding covid hearings and allowing ignored voices to be heard. And…….that’s everybody?
And realistically, even the people I mentioned — the ‘best’ of the GOP — don’t really have a freedom-first mindset. Over time this creates a huge problem, as generally “both sides” agree that government should be DOING MORE. And while this works out great for government officials and their families, regular people are stuck paying the bill for the trillions of dollars rained down on the politically connected — who proclaim the only way to fix this problem is with government DOING MORE…..
Simulation - I wholeheartedly agree. Even the most innocent, "proper minded" person that goes to Washington DC is so overwhelmed by the mindset that permeates all the staff members, secretaries, aides, interns, receptionists, restaurant owners and waiters, cabbies, and you name its -- all of that overwhelms and warps every single newcomer.
Voting out ALL the Senators and Representatives and replacing them with new ones won't work for that same reason.
I wish I knew an answer that would actually work to REDUCE our government and repair the damage done. No "Man" or even group of men and women will ever fix this. I'm Christian and, personally, I believe that only God Almighty can accomplish that. Meanwhile, we must do what little we can as we can.
I fear Bay Area folks will still vote for peeps like Oakland Buffy. I’ll try my best to vote the forced vaccinator politicians out. But I only have one vote.
Alex, soon to be former CA resident here. I do not share your optimism that child “vaccination” mandates are as dead as the GOP in the tarnished once Golden State. They’ll be back just as soon as the next covid strain reign of terror (or hemorrhagic fever) begins.
You just don’t seem to comprehend the big pic.
Yes. It seems like we get pushed until those in power see that they've reached an edge and then they back off before the next strategy/push. I wish I had paid more attention when a lot of people were worried about the Patriot Act, because they were right: once you give up certain freedoms, you're unlikely to get them back.
Yes, the Patriot Act was such an overreach of power! And I couldn't see that at the time. I bought into the terrorism narrative and trusted Bush. In hindsight, we really should have done everything to stop that. That whole series of events taught me to question everything spewed by big media and to examine my own beliefs about policies very closely.
Yes! And I think some of the more disturbing things in the last few years have come directly from Homeland Security.
I didn't trust Bush and STILL it made sense to me that a temporary ("temporary") loss in what seemed like a minor freedom was a small price to pay for increased safety. I shouldn't actually get that mad at the mask-lovers because I've done the same stupid reasoning myself.
The difference is that you and I both learned from it. I fear that some people go through life blindly following authority and never questioning or even noticing the changing narratives and obvious lies.
You didn't miss much by not standing in opposition. We were called terrorist lovers and unpatriotic and even got ourselves on some subversive lists!
Ouch, that makes me feel terrible. I honestly don't think I said those things, but nevertheless, I'm sure people I respected and agreed with, at least at the time, did.
Because even in a national emergency, we can come up with cute little acronyms for our bills.
What's going on with Asian families? They are 2 to 3 times more likely to vaccinate their kids.
Compliance is king. Look at Asia, especially Shanghai these past few weeks.
Respect for authority is built into many Asian cultures
Americans tend to have an inherent distrust of institutions that drives the elite classes mad, but has saved us in our times of crisis. Soon enough more recent emigrants will join us there. The anti-Asian discrimination by magnet schools and Ivy Leagues will shake some of them out of their misplaced trust.
Hive mentality
I observe this daily in the Bay Area. The Asian families tend to be masked with n95/ (kids too), and are the first to get shots and boosters. I wonder if it is the government obedience many bring back from their home countries and a certain fear of pathogens (remember seeing some Asians at airports masked even ten years ago?).
...and wear masks outside!
Yes they’re still masking here in the uk too inside and out
filthy habit. We should all see that and look at them the way we look at people who chew tobacco or spit on the sidewalk.
The number of people who have lost a tooth, had an abcess or had problems with their sinus in the last year is off the charts.
God knows the damage that has been done but people are literally rotting their entire face off.
I blame the masks. Disgusting things.
Hadn't realized. I was looking at the huge jump in rSV in kids this year
High IQ Asians and low IQ blacks... and yet, on this issue, blacks have shown the most intelligence.
Maybe the Asians are midwits. And they don't yet understand how corrupt the American govt is. They still trust?
As I remember, the Newsom children aren't vaccinated.
I was surprised Newsom got jabbed and supposedly had a bad reaction. You’d think he’d get a placebo.
He might not be important enough …
Equally fascinating is the numbers broken down by ethnic group. Based on my local observations in recent days, there are Far East Asians who are traumatized to the present and wear masks outdoors on a lovely spring day. They top the charts bringing their children in to get jabbed. Sad.