"You are my patients, and I am your doctor." LMAO! It's more like: "You are my fast-tracked lab rats, and I am your mad scientist. So don't challenge me, or I'll get REALLY mad!"

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It’s starting to feel like that - excellent description!

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"Give me your wishbone!" (Sorry, those of you who don't get it will have to look it up.)

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You mis spoke. I believe it is, "I am your mad science."

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The vaccine commercials showing kids promoting the vaccines are sick!!!!! The commercials literally turn my stomach.

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My niece and nephew who live in Europe visited for Christmas and each time they used the word vaccine I immediately changed the subject. 8 and 11 year olds should NOT be talking about vaccines in normal conversation. It’s horrific to me.

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I think it is illegal to promote/market experimental drugs to children. Children's Health Defense launched a lawsuit against the FDA. It's sick and evil.

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And taxpayers are paying for them!!!

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Don't watch this one.


You've been warned.

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That is terrifying. Reminds me of those kids who turned into demons harassing Judas in The Passion of the Christ.

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That is reprehensible.

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Yeah and comments have been disabled

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I clicked "dislike" on it anyway...

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Gee whiz. Why am I not surprised?

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Pure criminal behavior here. https://m.youtube.com/c/MichiganHHS/videos

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I found this in your link:


Going after children...Nuremberg 2.0 can't come fast enough.


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I actually get angry when I see them and the word angry isn’t powerful enough.

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Same. They make my blood boil.

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And our tax dollars are paying for them ~ 🤦‍♀️.

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I am at the part in RFK Jr's book where Fauci is experimenting illegally on (and allowing pharma co's to kill, basically) orphans and foster kids. I cannot believe that he is STILL in a position of power. The book is stunning as EVERYTHING he did during AIDS crisis he did again for COVID. Suppressing treatments that worked. Censoring and blacklisting dissenting medical professionals. Focusing solely on treatments that would make himself and pharma money on patents. Evil man, evil American public health agencies, evil complicit media.

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It’s beyond shocking he’s gotten away with this for SO long! Hate is a strong word and I almost never use it, but I really DO hate that man! Pure Evil!

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Hey/ lets start this:

KLM…. Kids lives matter

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Those commercials should be illegal. How can they go for our children like that!

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I get physically sick to mine,too, when I see them and kids are so impressionable. They also give no side effect warnings like they do for other drugs.

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Tony is a sociopath. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci". Download the Amazon kindle app for free and get it for 2.99. It will haunt you for months. RFK has never been sued. Everything is backed up with docs. Bill Gates gets a good kick in the pants too; he is as crazy as he looks.

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"Tony" is a criminal. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J et al can be relatively quickly disposed of. But the infestation of evil in virtually all U.S. fed gov institutions is another matter. They all need to be leveled to the ground, so we can launch a fresh start in this country. Anything short of that means there'll be "Tonys" burrowed into every filthy corner of the swamp, waiting us out.

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Fauci is a prime example of the deep state. He unabashedly lies during the senate hearings because he knows his status is far above elected senators questioning him. He can’t even hide his contempt as they corner him on his lies.

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Might want to buy the paperback. Lots of pushback on the "misinformation " out there, don't be surprised if your kindle copy is deleted by Amazon.

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I doubt it's been published in paperback yet. Publishers usually wait a year after publication to republish a book in paperback. But it's worth every cent in hardback.

Some public libraries have the book, which is very heartening. Look for it, and if your local public library doesn't have it, ask them to acquire it. Or rather, demand that they acquire it! Ask your friends to do the same.

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100%. Consider kindle covid books at $3 a rental at best.

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already read it

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I wouldn’t be surprised!

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Reading it now. So disturbing.

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My reaction exactly.

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I love you, Alex Berenson. Not in a creepy, stalky way, but more in a "you make my life better" way. Never stop being the pain in the collective a** of the pharmaceutical companies, corrupt bureaucrats, feckless politicians, braindead journalists, and poltroon punditry that we know and love and have come to count on for unflinching candor and intrepid reporting—all wrapped up with a big bow of snarky hilarity, because who can even with these people, amirite?

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What she said ...

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Good thing I wasn’t sipping coffee when I read that! Bravo!

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Lord Farquaad in Shrek : "Some of you may die...But it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." https://youtu.be/hiKuxfcSrEU

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He's evil and does it for occult purposes to kill, steal and destroy.

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It isn't occult but it is a cult: the cult of the Branch Covidians. I see people out in below freezing temperatures walking outside again with face diapers on. They must think the ChiCom virus carries its own built-in nuclear generator to keep warm. In the shadow of the Empire State Building right across the Hudson River, the cult of stupid but highly educated Democrats have been reduced to utter zombie morons. It's frightening.

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Well, at least we have a way to identify the non-deplorables.

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To be fair , when it’s cold , the face diapers work to warm the face

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And the runny nose lubricates the whole set up.

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I used to know a Patti Kenney. pretty cool person.

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Still harmful; refuse.

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and keep nasty microbes in your lungs

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Yes, frightening.

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Occult means hidden.

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Jan 30, 2022
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Can we hurry up?

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Alex if this whole truth-telling thing doesn’t work out there’s always comedy.

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If they marketed that as a voodoo doll accompanied with an ice pick, it would sell more than the number of clotshots administered worldwide.

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I'd buy one.

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I’d buy one for sure. Maybe several!

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Fauci would use a lot more weasel words/phrases like: probably, likely, what we expect, it may very well be the case, etc, etc, etc. Once it was pointed out to me how this guy never commits to anything, I couldn't unsee it.

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First up on my Guillotine list.

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Our local library has a children's book about Tony Fauci--how a man from modest beginnings became "America's doctor" featured prominently. And a cut out of said doctor at the front door next to the mask mandate sign. He's a serial murderer, and much of America is celebrating him. But then, I'm in liberal Northern California, so perhaps this isn't the norm? I pray that the rest of the country, and world are waking up.

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I'm next door (sort of) in Las Vegas. Based just on the number of masks I see every time I leave the house, I'd say no one's waking up too quick here in Sin City.

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Once you realize how insane this is, and what it can lead to (very bad things--just following orders), it's impossible to not notice. I find I hardly even want to go out anymore.

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Same here. In fact, I'm sitting here talking to you when I should be heading to the gym.

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And while I live in the South, our small town couldn’t try any harder to be as liberal as anywhere else, including our little libraries.

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It just sickens me that the left has taken over nearly everything, including our beloved libraries.

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I know. There are many people trying to restore goodness and balance; I hope we can succeed but it is sickening how such an immoral foundation has taken hold in our beloved places.

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I’m watching a conference from Chino Hills, California. The local speakers are working toward turning California around so that “something good comes out of California”, rather than it leading in the wrong ways. They are hopefully determined and I’m encouraged by it.

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I'm a native Californian, and believe we are at worst a purple state. The Dems started cheating decades ago and now control everything so it will be very difficult to take our state back. Most of us believe that Newsom was recalled, but the fraud overruled the people.

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I’m not near there but this is what we figured had happened. It will be difficult but not impossible. You have many fellow countrymen rooting for you.

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BTW we in NC believe there was fraud in our governor’s election, too, but there hasn’t been much attention paid to it.. Votes were “found” in a liberal county in 2016, and in 2020, we elected Trump plus all the Republicans on the statewide ballot, including a very conservative LtGov, but somehow the leftist governor was re-elected. It makes no sense.

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1st Red Flag was when Fake Fauci said do NOT wear a mask. The 1,004th Red Flag was during his interview with Jennifer Garner when he said he took Vitamin D and would not mind if others did too—-he said this after Vaxes were in mass production BUT he never recommended it for boosting immune systems. If he is indeed a “Humanist” with no belief in a god, good for him, but I believe in a God that will one day judge good and evil…so watch out Fake EVIL Fauci!

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He mentioned vitamin D in mid 2020. I figured what's good for the coward is good for me.

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You can't handle the truth.

I'll tell you what think and believe.

It's for your safety.

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My day is now complete having heard from our guiding light through these times of darkness. May you reap what you have sown my dear doctor!

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Doc in a prison cell box…

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