It is incredible the speed at which the - once revered - medical profession was effortlessly dismantled. Charlie Munger - Buffet's right hand man - once said:

"Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome."

The incentives were legion and the outcome was all but preordained and the collective-elite-dark-triad that inflicted this upon us knew from the start that that would be the case. Because the love of money is the root of all evil. Hospitals became killing fields because they were being paid to be that. All of the following are the reasons hospitals are preventing families from visiting their loved ones:

Shut down all of the hospitals except for their COVID wing disallowing most surgeries and other general care.

Result: hospitals are starved for the revenue needed just to keep their doors open.


Hospitals were getting paid $12,000 for every COVID patient that died, but $39,000 if they put them on a ventilator first.

Result: hospitals were deliberately killing patients by venting them which caused a cytokine storm in their lungs, drowning them in mucus.


Hospitals also got bonuses of $160,000 if they reached a certain number of COVID deaths.

Result: everyone was labeled as a COVID patient whether they tested positive or not. This caused COVID case numbers to skyrocket, purposefully helping to drive the fake pandemic.


Hospitals are paid 20% extra when they prescribe Remdesivir to COVID patients which shuts down their internal organs. This was known from the study phase where it killed 50% of patients who took it.

Result: hospitals are knowingly killing patients with Remdesivir.


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A comment from Rebecca Belch at CoffeeAndCovid Substack:

I worked as a covid ICU nurse and instead of patients getting turned and having their mouths cleaned every 2hrs like we usually do with intubated patients to help prevent infections. Nurses were told to leave them alone to help prevent the nurses from getting covid. A lot of nurses didn’t want to grown up and getting help to move patients was so hard. The patient would be just be left in the same spot for hours. No family was around to see the conditions these people were in. I was taking ivermectin and not afraid of covid and I would work so hard to get people better. I often times would care for a patient for 4-6 days in a row and the patient would be improving. I’d come back to work and they would be dead. It felt like I was working in the nazi gas chambers.

Direct: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/vices-monday-may-15-2023-c-and-c/comment/16016485

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i've never worked as a nurse, but i'd imagine it's difficult to balance the risk of infection from touching a yucky patient vs having some free time to perfect my tiktok routine

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Wow....that was nasty

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Unfortunately you, Rebecca, were working in the Nazi Gas Chambers. If truth was known, I suspect poor medical practices killed more people than Covid. during the pandemic You were the exception. We also took IVM and never had Covid although we were out and about maskless often.

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Why is no one being held accountable?

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Because no one is watching the watchers.

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The ventilators were approved for use as a pandemic "countermeasure" under the PREP Act that insulated the hospitals from liability for murdering their patients while pocketing $39,000 they were paid to kill them. The ventilators had to be "FDA approved" to qualify for immunity from liability, as did any other treatment. The PREP Act explains why "non-approved" treatments were not used to treat patients. Why would hospitals explore alternative treatments when they had immunity to liability for using the deadly modalities approved by FDA? They demonized dissident doctors to keep the game going. The medical establishment, like the Nazis, was careful to stay within the law. This insane statute must be repealed.

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It is just so difficult to get someone to understand something (or to even see something) when their salary (and pension and reputation) depends on their not understanding it. -paraphrasing Upton Sinclair

When will mankind learn? We just keep making the same mistakes, over and over and over again.

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This is a great comment .

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Many incidents have come to light recently but they are ignored by the media. The average person doesn't know half of what went on during covid. There is no demand from the public to hold those responsible for this atrocity accountable. It also helps to be on the "correct" side of the issue and have "friends" in high places.

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No journalists were inside these hospitals. Journalists will lobby to be in a platoon in Vietnam, but not to go inside the local hospital and see what's really going on in an alleged pandemic.

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You KNOW why

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Too many "stakeholders" in the crime not being solved.

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Big business and Big Government collusion... quasi-fascism.

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Exactly the case! Once the incentives were in place, everything else was bound to follow. I've written about this a few times, but I think the best is the two-part series that explains incentives and then shows how they went sideways during covid.



And a bonus just for you, tritorch :)


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Thanks SimulationCommander :) Nice alliteration on the bonus article, I look forward to reading all three of these. I also did listen to that interview you sent me quite awhile ago about simulations - it was very thought provoking.

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The alliteration is what I figured you would enjoy most :)

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"I also did listen to that interview you sent me quite awhile ago about simulations - it was very thought provoking."

Just remember, there's another version of you who didn't listen to it and is worse off for it. Way to command the simulation!

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Genius reply!

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and so it goes Tri and so it goes. No one has been remotely held accountable for any of it. In fact they laugh at us all. No once should be surprised at what is coming if you are you are delusional with all the same players in all the same positions. Just sayin

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"Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome."

Res ipsa loquitur.

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The physicians who make the decisions about intubating patients and putting them on ventilators are completely separated from the bean counters who oversee hospital activities. This conspiracy theory has no basis in the reality in which I worked.

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It's not a conspiracy, pressure was applied up and down the ranks to boost COVID related numbers. Here is one example:


A whistle-blower nurse at the beginning of this fraud was showing how people without COVID were being deliberately marked as COVID in the hospital's computer system. I might be able to locate the video.

"Positive" case counts were the primary driver of the narrative and the narrative was the driver of the restrictions, so there were incentives in place to mark as many people as infected as possible. At the same time the testing system itself was 100% counterfeit:


Speaking of conspiracies:

Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.

The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.

Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.

It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

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Here is the original video I just sent, this time from youtube. This time stamp will take you directly to where the hospitals were marking patients that tested negative for COVID - more than once - as 'COVID confirmed' and then put on a ventilator: https://youtu.be/UIDsKdeFOmQ?t=269

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Hospital administrators do not play any role in putting patients on ventilators. Usually salaried physicians make that decision. Yes, a dying patient will live a few days longer on a ventilator but the decision may legitimately be based on a desire to give him a chance to live.

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You obviously did not watch the full documentary. If you had, you would know that those doctors were pressured to do just that by the top of the hierarchy, and many did just that. Including forcing nurses to perform DNRs on patients who had no such directive in their file. It was barbaric to say the least.

Hospital policy comes from the execs paying the salaries of the employees. This includes doctors. This is why many hospitals have managed to switch over to "gender affirming" mutilation of youth patients - even through this clearly violates their Hippocratic oath. If someone came to you and told you he or she identified as a one-legged pirate, you would never cut their leg off. It is the same with their sex organs.


The doctors do not want to do these surgeries in many cases, but are forced to do so or resign or in some cases are threatened with losing their medical licenses. The patients in these cases are told to report any doctor who is not fully committed to cutting their private parts off.

There is a full video about this as well, including a lecture from the admin to the doctors that if they do not follow these gender affirming guidelines they will be punished. I am sure I can find that one as well.

Bottom line: There is no question that the execs have enormous power over the policies of the hospital, and use the threat of firing or worse to keep their subjects in line. If you refuse to examine the evidence and prefer to live in ignorant bliss, that's on you.

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Give this a watch GBM, Erin Marie Olszewski, a whistle-blower nurse from New York near the beginning of the "pandemic": https://bitchute.com/video/aKyZusU2xRJZ

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Alex - don't forget about the other kill shot - Remdesivir - if the ventilators didn't do the job.

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So true. The administration of Remdesivir was a crime. It has long had a catastrophic safety profile and the FDA held no advisory meeting on the drug. Per Science: “The World Health Organization's (WHO's) Solidarity trial showed that remdesivir does not reduce mortality or the time COVID-19 patients take to recover.” It was no different than giving poison to people with severe covid.

But it was Bill Gates’ and Fauci's $48 billion vanity drug, in which Gates has a large stake and which the NIAID spent $79 million on.


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profit trumps any sort of human concern

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I tend to think these days that even Fauci was reporting to someone higher up the food chain — globalist Jeremy Farrar, formerly of Wellcome Trust & now WHO “science director.” The latest proposed power grab out of the WHO is both frightening and infuriating in equal measure.

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As I have posted somewhat recently, a good friend of mine is a devastated 70-something widow because the VA hospital in town killed her husband with this treatment.

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It killed my 54 year old nephew as well. The hospital protocols for covid were a disaster--Dr. Fauci is a criminal.

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I don't know what's the bigger scandal:

- the lockdowns, which ultimately killed or harmed tens of millions of people (for no need).

- The unsafe and ineffective vaccines

- The iatrogenic deaths, needless panic and lethal health protocols.

I still think much of this could have been avoided if the fourth unreported scandal had been reported - this virus had already spread widely around the world by March 2020. There was no need for lockdowns to "slow" or "stop" virus spread. This knowledge might have also proven that the IFR was the same or lower than the flu .... so there was no need for special hospital protocols.

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My father in law was about to be put on a vent in October 2020. He decided that was not the way he wanted to go out since most people knew (except apparently, the doctors themselves) that if you get on a vent you had a pretty good chance of not coming off. He was 82 at the time. Luckily, we have an MD in the family and he was able to convince the doctors at the hospital tor try convalescent plasma as a hail Mary. He was already on remdesivir in the ICU which wasn’t doing anything.

After the administration of the plasma, he was already improving within 12 hours, out of the ICU within 48 hours and went home 3 days later. I know I’ve posted this before but to this day it amazes me that there were a number of treatments available that worked of administered early on but never even considered. If we had not had someone in the medical field on our side we would have probably lost my father in law.

This was the first patient this particular hospital had ever treated with the plasma. I have to wonder if they ever considered it for anyone else.

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Family wasnt allowed to be with their sick relative, so no advocate for their health was allowed. Simply disgusting. Thankfully no one in my family had this happen. But it is terrible reading about so many other deaths, for no reason except money.

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Weren't there doctors and nurses losing their jobs for trying to say this? What a disaster.

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Yes. The few that spoke up were often dismissed.

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Just look at this graphic and tell me otherwise:


And we knew the vents were killing people basically immediately:


80% of NYC's coronavirus patients who are put on ventilators ultimately die, and some doctors are trying to stop using them

Sinéad Baker Apr 9, 2020, 3:56 AM MST

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Mechanical ventilation is a pretty aggressive procedure. Pneumonia is far from being the only side effect. There are also mechanical lesions and ulcerations caused by the air pressure on the lung tissue.

It is basically a last resort technique. It is complete insanity to intubate patients preventively. People that were basically well, and awake, and that could benefit from simple oxygen therapy, if that much.

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The number of malpractice lawsuits that should be filed would bankrupt the medical system. The number of mistreated, maltreated and those simply refused care by our medical establishment is staggering. The entire system basically broke down from fear. The misinformation and disinformation within the medical establishment and outside with the media in particular was the primary reason for all of it. When a few voices tried to raise the alarm that maybe they were overreacting they were shutdown with the fury of a thousand suns. The saddest part of all that is it was primarily political and primarily at one individual. If you were to pile up all the I told you so’s of the few that tried to fight it, the numbers would be shocking.

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The Medical Schools

Shit These Morons Out Every Year.

They Each Live In Constant Terror

Of Being Found Out To Be The Morons

And Shitheads

That They Know Themselves To Be.


Push Any Button.


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This is what socialized medicine looks like.

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Lots of unnecessary deaths and zero accountability- pretty much par for the course in America now. Being elite will set you free, but we can always hope for raging guilt, shame and judgement in the afterlife.

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You mean we can hope for hell?

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My favorite fantasy is that “Catholic” Francis Collins, who has been very vocal about his faith, would come under such conviction for his deadly misdeeds that the fear of Hell really would result in at least a death bed confession before he meets his Master.

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I hope the good Catholic comes clean before his death bed confession. He was running fast and loose with his morals and definitely the Golden Rule. That old bastard should come clean - go guilt go!!!

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Is it just me or did hospitals use ventilators to choke their patients. Well, they didn’t set out to choke them, just severely restrict breathing so as to protect staff from being exposed. Same with Remdesvir. We know it shuts down various body systems but let’s use it and see what happens. Ethics? First do no harm? What’s that?

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Worst pandemic response by government, the media, the people, and the scientists with a relatively few exceptions.

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If the goal was to protect public health and economic vitality, the pandemic response was the worst. But what if that wasn't the goal?

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It was only bad from OUR perspective. For the people involved, this was the "best" pandemic response ever! They got showered with cash and didn't have to do anything to help at all.

Case in point:


The essentially obsolete digital vaccine card that New York developed during the pandemic has cost the state government over $64 million since inception, and the number continues to grow as contracted companies are paid to maintain it.

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I remember, very early in the panic, happening across a video from a NY ER doctor (Cameron Kyle-Sidell) talking about how he felt the rush to the ventilator was wrong but he faced pushback from hospital administrators in trying to change course. It always struck me as genuine, important information that was lost in the rush to find something (ventilator shortage) to blame on Trump.

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I know you have wanted to think the best, but I have not trusted the "experts" (haha) thru the pandemic. Fauci has been caught in multiple lies and he still weasels his way out of accountability. I absolutely can't stand the fact that he's walked away from his job with a $400 annual pension. I knew something was up when the third week into the pandemic I read that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci knew each other well. That's all I needed to read. Bill Gates pushing of vaccines in Africa have had a devastating result to children and adults. Fauci owns part of the patent on one of them. They are all crooks? The vaccine was a total disaster and has caused many deaths. The shutdown was a disaster and was instigated for wealth redistribution and to get people used to living off the govt. thru their payments to individuals...in addition to closing down many middle class small businesses and schools. Our country is rapidly collapsing into a Marxist sink hole.

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I meant to type $400K annual pension.

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Sadly the truth no longer matters. Nothing will change the trajectory of where this country is heading. Count on another virus and lockdown before November 2024.

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We live in a small town on the eastern side of the High Sierra. A beautiful part of California. "Covid" decimated the thriving, robust small businesses that augmented the local economy. Our major employers are either government or quasi-government. But, the small businesses provided the spice, those special things that make a town special. Now, the empty buildings on Main Street stand silently, and like the soldiers guarding the unknowns, we may never hear their names again.

However, Judging by the thriving Fedex, UPS, DHL, Trax, and more delivery services, we have all moved on. But, will we ever trust our government again? Or, our Medical advisors? Or, our educational institutions? 2-day delivery is what we got in return!!

The damage to our Country from "Covid", as manipulated by our own Government is the most unforgivable scam EVER!

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