I see who the greatest threat to democracy actually was: the democrat party when it looks like they’ll lose. So much for all those votes.

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Sit back and watch an actual insurrection play out in real time! We’ll likely see a Democrat candidate that didn’t receive a single primary vote. Meh, democracy……

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Exactly. This is a coup de etat by Dem insiders. Now they get to hand-pick their candidate, and it will assuredly be another kabuki show of excluding anyone not associated with (in the beautiful prose of journalist Matt Taibbi) ". . . the same clutch of decomposing aristocrats who put Biden in office in the first place [so they] can roll out the same slate of interchangeably unelectable neoliberal fuckwits Democratic voters rejected in 2020 in favor of a clear dementia sufferer . . . "

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

“This is a coup de etat by Dem insiders. Now they get to hand-pick their candidate…”

They hand picked Biden in the first placeby rigging the primary rules,which people seem to forget or not understand.

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Smoke-filled rooms was how the candidates were picked in the old days. Democracy was reserved for the actual election.

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I've always told our real rulers: "Be careful what you wish for ..."

Do they want the country to break up into parts? That would seem strange as it would leave them fewer citizens to control. They must know the "public" doesn't have the guts to file for an amicable divorce and emulate the Nation's Founders.

That is, they know the country is scared to death of living life without their protectors in D.C. So much for the "home fo the brave."

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"Scared to death of living life without [our] protectors in DC"? Quite honestly I'd be thrilled. I'd gladly move to any state outside the "protection" of the idiot Congress and bureaucrats currently in power.

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I suspect that 20 percent of the population thinks like you (and me). At some point, people are going to start asking how much tyranny is acceptable? 100-percent, total tyranny?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

…but truckloads of money from Alex Soros. As Elon noted, thanks for letting us know that Harris will be your puppet.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

“…all those votes….”

…in a farce of a “primary progress” are just theatre. The elites in the Democratic Party machine appointed Biden with their rigged rules. [see also Bernie campaign]

With all due respect, I keep hearing this wrong reason — over and over frustratingly — for why dems are anti-democratic, which they are, of course.

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Yes, just like Bernie. lol. It was somewhat ironic that the democrat party complains about “threat to democracy” and yet is very anti democratic and this was much of the point. 😀

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

The more I reflect upon what Democrats have done to install -- and then uninstall -- Joe Biden, the more concerned I become. I had originally commented in response to another of Alex's articles that since I am not a Democrat, it was none of my business who the Democrats selected as their presidential candidate -- that I was more interested in the 25th Amendment being invoked NOW. I have reconsidered the first part of that statement. Technically, it was accurate, since I live in a traditional closed primary state. But what about those who live in open primary states (the list of which, I was surprised to see, is quite long). If the Democrats had admitted Biden’s infirmities in a timely fashion, and allowed true debate and competition within their primary, perhaps voters in those open primary states would have been motivated to come off the sidelines, or would have legally crossed parties, to vote for a presidential primary candidate other than Biden. So it is not just actual and potential DEMOCRAT presidential primary voters who have been disenfranchised, though this is bad enough. The group of folks directly aggrieved is far broader than that (which of course is of no concern to the Democrat power brokers). And since the Democrats' machinations cause further distrust of the electoral system as a whole, we are all victims, one way or the other.

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I just hope and pray we're ready for a "Red Wave" because things might get shaken up a bit: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-metaphysical-ritual-of-voting

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I am not convinced of a red wave. There are a lot of brainwashed Democrats.

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Any Red Wave will be drowned out in a tsunami of cheating.

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100%. There’s too many people who would vote for dead Biden or anyone as long as it’s not Trump.

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and DROP boxes and DEAD voters and and and

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Apparently rather a lot of them vote like robots.

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There are a lot of empty ballots, thanks to the many states registering illegals who won't actually vote.

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It’s scary that he is going to focus on the remainder of his term - how? How can someone in his condition do anything for a nation? That scares me. Sure there are staff behind him who have been doing everything anyway at least for the past year, but they weren’t elected. I don’t think he is fit to continue his term.

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Whoever was running the country before now is still running it.

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and running it poorly

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Which is why they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.

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Biden (allegedly) gave up his candidacy, not the Presidency. In any case the powers behind the throne no longer require a facade of legitimacy.

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I think it is Obama and the Deep State.

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He clearly is nit fit to finish out his term . Mike Johnson House Speaker has just called for Biden to step down now or be removed from office.

Biden has been ill since well before the 2020 election. The country was lied to from the onset of this disgraced Administration.

The Dems had no right to redefine POTUS as an unelected cabal of ministers. https://joebidenissick.com/. This video was made before 2020 election and tracks his illness to 2017.

Our enemies are circling .

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Same way he's done it for at least 2 years. Puppet president.

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He goes by end of week

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Once the pardons are ironed out.

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The last thing Democrat leadership wants is voter input.

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Unless it’s a campaign contribution, that is

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Has never been in charge from beginning so nothing new there. The question is now that IT will be out officially... what will IT's puppeteers tell IT to tr, and do before IT is gone?

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Someone should ask for 'proof of life'. Biden (not Harris0

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Imagine their convention…kill babies yaaaay!!! Fill the voter rolls with illegals yaaaay!! Let trannies kick women’s asses in sports yaaaay!! Pump money in Ukraine yaaaay!!! Jews are bad and need to be wiped out from the river to the sea yaaaay!!! End American energy dominance and rise prices on everything yaaay!!! And Trump is Hitler yaaaay!!! WTF are they gonna run on with Kamaltoe?

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They'll back off from that and go with a more Clinton-esque 1992 approach - ignore the radical left screeches and go with the center platform.

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Then after the election resort to the same bait-and-switch they did following 2020.

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Precisely! Just like Clinton in 1996.

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I can’t imagine any of them trying to figure out what the center platform even is.

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James Carville to lead the way...

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“My” party but “the” country. Not only is the order of the words telling but they also the feelings of the writers towards our country. Like the rest of the Dem party the country always comes second if it is considered at all.

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This letter doesn't even sound like Joe Biden, more like Jill Biden.

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What side-deals were made to keep Hunter and the rest of Biden's family out of prison?

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I want to know how much $$$$ the Bidens will get.

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Well, if the Bidens were smart & crafty, they'd have a stash of gold bullion and bitcoin as fiat currency could be worthless pretty soon. And of course, there is always an investment they might have in certain plants.

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They could go the "Bob Menendez" way, gold bars.

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Yet another example of the long litany of official lies we have lived through for years. Russiagate, Covid origin, Covid vax side effects, Hunter's laptop, and now Biden's cognitive decline. They keep lying because there are no consequences for it. We need Congressional hearings to expose the liars behind this latest hoax, and especially the liars in the legacy media who helped perpetrate it. This is an international scandal that they plan to ignore unless they are forced to acknowledge it and face consequences.

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Hearings and investigations alone will not bring changes. Consequences could and should be leveled.

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Consequences would require action by the Department of Justice which is currently controlled by cronies of the corrupt media, DNC and White House Staff that perpetrated this fraud. Shaming the media does not work because they are incapable of shame, but they are scared. Van Jones was weeping on CNN and Rachel Maddow has expressed concern that she may have to pay for her crimes if Trump is elected. Expect the corrupt media to double down in the coming months to cover-up the scandal and try to carry a cackling ass to the winner's circle.

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We need action not words.

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Congress isn't going to lead any real investigations or tribunals. The Court System is captured. The mainstream press is captured. The executive branch departments are all captured.

All the large companies are captured. All the colleges, schools, even religious denominations.

There's some sane-thinking and principled citizens who hang out on Substack and a few alternative media sites, but we don't matter.

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You are probably right right about Congress, but the House Oversight Committee might like to have Harris under oath in the witness seat and ask her what she knew about Biden's dementia and when she knew it.

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She won't come.

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Of course the mainstream media all knew how bad he was. They are all liars, but not all of them are as stupid as Joy Reid. Never believe anything reported by the DNC mouthpieces at MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, etc. They all lie to push the demoRat party line.

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Alex - Your reporting may have helped, but it was the Democrats' panic that Biden was headed for a landslide loss that did the trick. I see Hunter was out of town, and I wouldn't be surprised if both Joe and Dr. Jill were held at gunpoint while the letter was signed. Joe made it clear he wanted to continue his run, but the horse's head in his bed may have finally convinced him otherwise. Even with Joe's endorsement, I'm not convinced Kamala is a shoe-in. There's more than enough ambition to go around in the other possible picks.

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Why would Joe have needed to sign the letter at all? He clearly didn't write it, and the White House staff routinely uses signature stamps.

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How do we know he has really decided to “stand down?” His letter, allegedly written by him, was posted to X. I’m pretty certain Biden has no clue how to access his X account. Why hasn’t he addressed the nation about this momentous decision?

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I'm imagining him waking up from a nap and reading the letter . . . and having no one to help him refute it, and no means of communicating with the outside world.

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Stop it! You’re almost making me feel sorry for the Big Guy.

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Thanks for the belly laugh! The Best comment yet.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Kamala dropped out before Iowa. No D primary voter has ever voted for Kamala. Think about that.

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The Clintons have endorsed Harris.

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Wait till Joe finds out what's been going on.

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That letter could be a forgery.

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why does anyone care what these criminals say?

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Definitely going to be a lot of forced enthusiasm for Kamala…Dems should be careful what they wish for.

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She will lose badly and the Democrats will of course blame it all on racism and sexism, which will spare them the necessity of reflection on their own failings.

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We can only hope that she loses badly. I wouldn't count on it. They're ate many vote blue, no matter who robots. They were going to vote for a potato.

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I agree. Plus the Democrats have a LOT more money than the Republicans, and they'll do anything to stay in power. Harmeet Dillon was just on the Michael Knowles special this afternoon talking about the vast sums of money the Democrats have and where they get it. We can not be complacent. The Republicans have to have people -- smart people -- at registrars in key states. People who will not be bullied into leaving.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Not so sure about that now…I think the proverbial “smart money” has migrated to Trump which was signaled by Jamie Dimon saying “nice things” about him awhile ago. My prediction: they are all lining up for Cabinet positions and The T Administration is going to feel like a “course correction” back to a lot of pre-Biden politics as usual.

Cue “The Rebuilding of Ukraine” on the backs of the US taxpayer

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Harmeet was pretty detailed about where they get their money -- she called it dark money. I agree that Trump has a LOT more and broader support than he did the last two elections.

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Who’s Harmeet?

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I’m wonder how much more of our money Joe and Kamala will try to give away prior to Election Day?

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Don't "like" it but I think you are correct.

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Forced enthusiasm—great description. Probably a bitter pill in some respects for Biden to endorse her, as I am not sure he is sincere about passing her the torch

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Ahh but we still can have Michelle to come to the rescue at the last minute. She is liked, a tabla rasa . Let her be Pres & Kam vice. Dream ticket. And don't think that Michelle can't be persuaded either.

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Doesn’t seem crazy at all!

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It will become a tale of two monied factions...Kam vs Michelle. Get your popcorn ready, the show is about to start. 🍿🍿🍿

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May the better man win! 🤣

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The Republicans need to keep on the gas and not make mistakes. November is not here yet and a lot can happen. Desperate people do desperate things.

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He is apparently well enough to preside over the Country for 7 more months and that is in our interests?

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Now is the time for the 25th amendment

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Ain't happening. First, the nebishes comprising Biden's cabinet will never do it. Second, Biden can undo it by writing a letter saying he's fine.

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What are the chances that this whole thing was orchestrated by the power brokers in the Dem party? I assume this chain of events has occurred without Biden's knowledge or approval, and with his dementia it wasn't difficult to pull off. So, they pretend that he is fine, ("sharp as a tack") and deceive the primary voters who select him as their candidate. Then an early debate is scheduled and Biden's untenable condition is revealed to the country. Little by little, his party begins to turn on him, as planned. The media pivots immediately, as predicted. The powers-that-be wait for his withdrawal from the race and their chance to insert their desired candidate into the race, completely subverting the will of the voters. And who, exactly, is a threat to democracy?

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This was the scenario that I was predicting from the day Trump agreed to the debate. I was saying back then it was a bad move because he was being played by the Den’s.

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Rod Blagojevich made a comment about that - and directly name Obama:


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"Classic Chicago Democrat Machine politics..." Of course!

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Trying to debate which is swampier: DC or Chicago?

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It's a very close race.

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Kamala Harris certainly knew Biden was sufferring from severe cognitive decline. So did Biden's Covid advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most trusted doctor in all the land.

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So , you still believe what Fauci is honest.

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Ah, no. That would be me being facetious. However, many opinion polls showed that Fauci was among the most trusted leaders in America. Think about that.

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I think Fauci is still calling the shots at the NIH/NIAID.

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Are you following the origins of covid scandal? Fauci and his minions must be held accountable

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He lost the public trust when the vaccines failed.

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I wonder how his memoirs are selling. Above or below expectations? Sales are probably far below expectations - but he got his huge advance.

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Fauci was asked about Trump's ear the other day and he said it wasn't that bad.

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He's some great doctor if he could spend hours around Biden and not know he had ever-worsening dementia ... and, almost certainly, Parkinson's Disease.

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He provided no reason for why he made the decision (because he could not). Who is running the Executive Branch...

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Rhymes with oh comma

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Much has been made of the Parkinson's Dz expert visiting the White House a number of times. As a retired general surgeon, I have interacted with many patients with Parkinson's disease who were candidates of an operation. Though his gait disturbances, flat face, and soft voice are hallmarks of Parkinson's DZ, cognitive decline is usually a very late feature of Parkinson's.

Dr Peter McCullough, based on broad experience with Vax injured patients has proposed that he has a mixed picture of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's dementia.

Thus, the prime mover in his rapid deterioration over the last several years is probably his "series" of vaxxes and boosters.

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And they've been feeding him Paxlovid for his current case of Covid, so he'll have a bounce back case of Covid within 2 weeks. Maybe he'll resign the presidency then.

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