The corrupt US Government has done everything it can, to get Putin to invade Ukraine for years…hence the fighting in Donbas since the US-backed coup in 2014.

I don't buy ANY of this story.

Russia's lying. Ukraine is lying. And, the United States is lying.

Where the truth lies depends on who writes the history.

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Like I learned in high school--throughout American history since the Civil War, whenever the economy/Wall Street gets messed up & inflation running rampant, our leaders go start a war to get the economic engines ramping up to help investors. It usually helps if there's an event that outrages Americans enough to back the push for war.

They are playing this out yet again and tempting fate in the process. All the usual propaganda outlets are chanting the same war cry with many of the exact same terms...don't buy into it. Congress declares war, not the President--and the left laughably rallying around the very war mongers they demonized just a few years back need to understand the American PEOPLE do not want this to devolve into WW3.

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Does any of this happen on Trumps watch?

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No way.

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Do you think Ukraine’s attacks on Donbas stopped when Trump was President?

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We was energy Independent under Trump! Biden is Funding this war with him buying Vodka Oil and Steel.

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"Ukraine’s attacks on Donbas"? The Donbas has always been an area of difficulty starting with the Russian re-population of the Donbas and forced language into Russian from long ago. But it's the Russians who are interfering in the Donbas trying to divide the Ukraine.

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Donbas didn’t want any part of the US-backed coup in 2014…there’s 14k+ people dead (mostly from US weapons), but yeah, Ukraine is a model of democracy that I should want to pay for.

It’s another garbage proxy war that our deep state fights all over the world and then we wonder why people hate us.

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while I agree what can this particular war do for our economy?

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perhaps the point is to wreck the economy and build back better? As in intentional. After all once that collapse happens the FREE monies of the great printing press in the sky churns and gets more and more Americans dependent on the Government and tell you...you will own nothing and be happy!

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The economy has been a wreck since 2008 as FDR's Social Security time bomb happened along with some financial engineering that was collapsing over actual real estate value declining when no more bigger fools could be found to sustain value increases. Mr Obama happened along at the same time to take advantage of the crisis. Trump was pulling us out when in a fit of pique the some of the public assisted by clever legal moves and a corrupt press along with some Chinese decided a fool was just the ticket to avoid success.

As a result the presses really opened up to drop money into the economy and for the few weeks we thought all would be OK. But the insane new policies in a very short period of time created an economic mess. We are in a pickle of stagflation of our own making and it is going to hurt. The politicians are all too aware of the future pain and many have bailed early not to be holding the bag. Public anger will be intense as we discover what they have done.

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Using the same playbook to collapse it, to usher in a NWO--which IMHO the socialist Democrats are actively trying to do. We're buying oil from Russia--handing Russia the massive profits to carry out this attack--yet Biden shut down our domestic production by cancelling the pipeline and all federal land leases by executive order. It's obvious to any sensible adult that HE and his criminal family enterprise are corrupted by both Russia and China (hell, even Ukraine). Hunter's laptop told it all--but the media denied it even happened. There's little doubt from his actions over the past year, Brandon's actively working for Russian & Chinese interests, not America's. (Whether or not he's actually aware of it, the puppeteers are.) The media that should've been all over the story originally & big tech is hard at work censoring anything they can that speaks truth to this. Brandon's party currently holds majority power in Congress, so between them and the spineless RINOs playing along, it doesn't have enough votes to "check and balance" his corruption or overreach. Not to mention a highly compromised CIA, FBI and DOJ that will sit by, refuse to do anything and watch it happen.

The Americans paying attention are wise to this and are anticipating a red wave come November. Big whoop if Brandon, his puppeteers' WEF pals and the RINOs succeed in getting us into a war before then. Even if Congress becomes a lame duck in November, they still have enough votes to burn the place down in retaliation, before leaving office in January. Neither Russia nor China fear America with that treasonous, dementia-ridden puppet in the White House. They would fear us even less with either of the clueless cackling idiots, Kamala or Pelosi, replacing him until 2024.

That 3-week continuing resolution to fund the government at current levels until October comes back up for a vote next Friday 3/11. IF Kinzinger and Cheney haven't whipped the Democratic/RINO majority into a frenzy thinking the U.S. needs to protect Ukrainian air space to get us into a war with Russia by then, my prayer is they find enough votes to make passage conditional only on immediately re-opening federal land oil leases and XL Pipeline, along with ensuring not raiding strategic oil reserves again. Better yet, just shut the damned worthless government down for a few months until Congress can work out a real budget that's due October 1. (Which regardless, we know they'll once again threaten a shut-down just before early voting begins...)

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You over simplified...

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As the puppet condemns Putin in this good cop bad cop ploy he continues to purchase over 670,000 barrels of oil and gas a day from the lil Napoleonic man in Russia. None of this happens on a Trump watch and we all know it...

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Actually, the pause button was just pushed during the Trump years. Trump was preoccupied with fighting off the deep state assisted by McConnell and his rhino cabal to see what was lurking in eastern Europe.

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He was trying to find out what was going on in Ukraine and got impeached for his curiosity.

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So doesn't happen on his watch or someone like him were in office

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Maybe? Whomever is president will be corralled by the deep state misinformed by the Intelligence apparatus misdirected militarily by the woke pentagon. As you can see I'm not very optimistic.

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Exactly WHY T was so attacked for sure. He was not about any of IT. I would gladly have a T or a T like person sitting in the WH again! The odds are "far FAR LESS" likely we would be is such a devastating mess which has transpired since the puppet was place into the WH

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I prefer DeSantis...

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The Ukraine Conflict is DAVOS vs Putin. The US/NATO are Puppets on the NWO stage. This is a NWO operation to bring about the dissolution of the current World Order. The Financial War being raged will hurt Everyone, outside of the Global Oligarchs.

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THIS. 100%. People need to start looking at the world in a completely different way and realize that the NWO is a very real thing.

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Actually, if you think no one is going to be negatively economically impacted by this war but Putin you are very mistaken. China will be fine though.

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Putin is now totally dependent on China and will be screwed by them. Russia can kiss goodbye to Siberia. It's China now.

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I hate agreeing with this.

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In your mind that is enough reason to give Putin green light to murder babies, right?

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"Russia's lying. Ukraine is lying. And, the United States is lying." The only thing we can be absolutely sure of in this mess.

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More fallacies oft repeated. The US did not lead any coup against the installed Russia-puppet who took the office by way of election fraud. The Putin puppet raped the country of billions, hundreds of thousands of people protested and he left his compound with his own zoo in the dead of night as the daily protests took place in the middle of Kyiv.

He fled with billions of Ukraine's money in the dead of night - to Russia.

Putin has made it clear since his many tears at the downfall of the Soviet empire he wanted to get the band back together. Poland and the Baltic States all recognize and took his words recent and back decades seriously while Germany and the US sat back not caring.

You're welcome.

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You feel free to write your own fan fiction.

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What's your fiction?

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Yes, the geopolitical aspirations of the USSR are also Putin's. The decoupling from Eastern Europe and the 'freeing' of the former republics may well have also been part of grand strategy--a solid punch the head of Western (esp. US) intelligence that the old enemy was no longer so. It was an action that mirrored what Giorgi Arbatov of the Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society (I think that's the name) stated: "We shall destroy your image of us as the enemy."

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True, but unfortunately people are dying and the corrupt people in charge couldn’t care less. Just one spoke in the wheel of the great reset.

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Just as all those who died who did not have too with the whu flu IF they had had full access to cheap, safe and effective early interventions options. The censoring and mafia like tactics to suppress medical people from discussing these options is a crime against humanity. Risch and McCullough both have said repeatedly 80-85% of those who have died and probably still passing away did not and do not have too. These people who died like these innocents in the Ukraine are meaningless to the monger at the door. They do not matter. There is zero accountability. No one EVER held to account for any of these crimes

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The deep state cabal of domestic terrorists who have taken over our government are as dumb as rocks. Evil makes one stupid.

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Evil and stupid do not go hand in hand. Lot's of sociopath CEO's out there for example and many are highly intelligent.

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Intelligence has nothing to do with common sense. The sociopath CEOs are only able to operate in our current era where bribery & graft allow them to gain special favor using the government. In a true free enterprise system, only mutually beneficial, voluntary, long-term relationships allow one to be successful. Pfizer is a good example. They would have been bankrupted 20 years ago if not for the special protection they enjoy, only made possible through coercion.

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I agree about the lack of correlation often between intelligence and common sense but in your original post you were linking evil with stupidity. We shouldn't underestimate the "cabal" and more importantly we shouldn't underestimate the capabilities of those pulling the strings behind the scene.

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Mar 3, 2022
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The high correlation is because only the low IQ criminals get caught.

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If you think evil makes one stupid, you underestimate evil. Matthew 10:16: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

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Stupidity by definition means doing what is against your own self-interest. Or, the absence of wisdom. We're talking about the same thing.

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The first casualty of war, is the truth. Be careful who you listen to, and always ask "why do they want me to believe this?"

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Or does stupid make one evil?

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No... there are plenty of nice stupid people.

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Try living in NYC.

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Evil just makes one “eviler”: for example, I THINK this is real… even ol Joe’s taped conversations w Poroschenko. And the press knows this. Go to YouTube and search: March 2 2022 Mike k. Please!

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Who knew?

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I remember when Julian Assange explained how a lack of transparency in government (top secret departments) encourages incompetence and corruption. We knew they were corrupt, and now we are beginning to see how utterly incompetent they are.

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Not incompetent. Evil. Maybe enough incompetents to facilitate the evil, but this is purposeful.

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Yes... and that lines up with the Veritas video on the FDA... about how they don't ever want to hire anyone that might rock the boat...so to speak. They want morally dead...go along with the crowd...non-critical thinkers in gov't. Those aren't the best and brightest.

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Hard to imagine what it must feel like to have voted for this 💩.

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Sadly, many still do not see anything wrong.

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same people trying to glue the sides of their masks on their faces to make sure its sealed

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And what's wrong with gluing my mask 'cause this pantyhose is stifling. 🤪

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Let's help them.

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Mar 3, 2022
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Same people still trying to figure out how to make sure the glue on face keeps their masks from leaking any air. These are minds lost deep into the mass psychosis abyss!

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Nah, many still have such a deep degree of cognitive dissonance, they're blaming all of this on Trump.

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The unfortunate truth!

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You fail to understand we are talking about the dumbed down masses...and more are being produced with each graduating class (Junior high, high school, college) .

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Now that is the plain ass truth! The coddling, entitling and "every one gets a trophy" mentality ,along with utter failure in public education of young minds is REAL!

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Soooo true!

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The very next day after the "Delusional " State of the Union. Biden visits a nursing home. He goes over to an elderly woman and asks, "Do you know who I am?" She replies, "No, but if you go to the front desk, they'll tell you."

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Why did Biden end his speech with "GO GET HIM" ???

Who is he talking about?

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Most plausible explanation is that he had an earpiece in and heard instructions for his handlers to 'go get him.' Which would make me wonder why he has an earpiece in - is he just repeating what he hears because he can't even read a teleprompter?

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Biden David Frum "Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people."

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I thought he said "Uranian", as in people from Uranus.

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"WE ARE GOVERNED AS IF WE ARE IDIOTS." And that folks, is the whole truth in a nutshell.

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No they will be dead if Zelenskyy is still in power...Iranian's, Ukraine's , et al.

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Omg…you’re right 😂

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So is it now Go Get Him Brandon or Let's Go Brandon?

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The same guys telling us Ukraine is the good guys is the same guys telling us the Canadian truckers are the bad guys.🤔

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First time I laughed today...Thank you...very funny!

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Kinda sorta like Brandon giving Putin a list of the 16 industries he prefer not be hacked. At this speed of cognitive decline, not sure 3 more years is possible; the only thing quite as scary would be his replacement.

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Ain't that the truth?

I keep saying: The Giggling Dipshit is Brandon's best insurance.

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LOL @ The Giggling Dipshit.

Hope it's ok if I use that. It is so befitting of her. :D

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Help yourself!

It really is appropriate, isn't it?

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Most definitely!

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Frankly, I don't see how we endure one more year of this front man demented corrupt idiot and the Obama cabal let alone 3 more years.

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100%, but his alternate scares me equally

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She reminds me of Captain Kangaroo with a wig (she always talks like she is speaking to 10 year old's)

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Because she's 10 years old.

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Saw one piece of video from the speech of sheer stupidity of her sitting in the background, looking like she was concentrating on taking a shit. A most difficult one, that is.

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Thanks for the "visual."

I think.

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Her face made me think of my 2 year old grandson's concentration - his face always tells the story.

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Alt: This was all planned... because how on Mother Earth was this perfectly timed to replace the failing Corona narrative with a bigger hobgoblin juuuuuuussst as the Olympics wrap up. 2+2 sometimes equals 4.

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Yep. As I heard someone say, Covid crisis ended the same moment the first Russian tank rolled into Ukraine. I see all the same signs of a well-organized project, similar to BLM, followed by COVID, followed by Ukraine, with the same people changing their avatars as instructed.

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Lie, gaslight, sloganize and introduce symbols (Ukraine flag) for sheep to express their virtue. Rinse, repeat.

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They’re still pushing the kiddo vaccines like crazy though.

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Math is racist.

Or maybe it causes climate change.

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This is what happens when those making the decisions a) have no knowledge of history, b) have been taught to focus on "microagressions" and cannot recognize/understand real aggression (e.g., stealing technology, building islands for military use, repression of ethnic groups like Uyghurs, etc.), and c) do not actually respect and love the United States and her Constitutional principles.

A generation or more has been taught using moral relativism that does not permit seeing the good in Judeo-Christian morality and Western ideals of freedom, especially of speech and thought, equal justice under law, and representative government. Obviously, implementation of these ideals is and always will be flawed because human beings are flawed. But the left who dominates our schools, universities, media, and overall culture, focuses only on flaws and not on the good.

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The corruption of our children has been possible by the passivity of parents. Many are surprised. Many are angered at being fooled.

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Passivity, willingness to stick one's head in the sand, and fear. See Naomi Wolf's substack for a great essay on bravery and fear.

The thing about fear is that sometime it only takes one person willing to stand in front of the tank (remember the lone man facing off against the tank at Tiennamen Square in 1989) and more will be emboldened to join him or her. Asra Normani (Coalition for TJ) and Ian Prior (Loudoun County, VA, Fight for Schools) stood in front of the tank that would mow them down for daring to challenge the teaching and application of critical race theory. Their courage inspired legions of other parents. Those parents, along with those unable/willing to have a voice anywhere but the ballot box, voted out some of those who kept our kids out of school and who support ideas that are destroying our civilization. A few weeks ago, parents in San Francisco voted out three school board members.

None of this is enough, but it's a start. In November, at the ballot box, we must remember what political party has acted to silence Alex and anyone else who questions their version of the truth.

Will it be enough to save 4000 years of Western civilization? That's up to us.

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It seems that in those school board meetings, it started with one parent getting upset. That allowed others to agree and they then started going to the meetings. From those brave souls, others have discovered alignment and are standing up to the nasty barbs thrown by the woke crowd. People in general had grown complacent believing all was OK until a few rebelled in disagreement. Great news.

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this incompetence is just over the top. I expect it has no relation to FJB--he is out to lunch, no more than a sock puppet...so who is the actually incompetent loser? Klayne? obama, can't recall name of strange looking nat sec advisor. I'm suprised putin hasn't started to invade seattle. on second thought, not a bad idea. take calilfonria while he's at it.

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Susan Rice is neck deep in the shit going on as Obama voice.

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TY for the name of rice. I try to suppress these things. :)

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The intentional incompetence of this administration to undermine the US is stunning and is a real and present danger to the well being of our country and the world.

It never ends with them. And 3 more years of this??

We’re in big, big trouble.

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And how's it all going to end. The same way the last few years have been pointing.


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The landing whatever it is will be far rougher than anyone has experienced in the USA

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Agreed. The FDR time bomb coincided with the failure of financial engineers to evaporate $17T of paper wealth. We still haven't fixed the tax code to prevent financial engineering that 'creates' wealth by moving paper assets. We need to encourage investment in creating tangibles for humans.

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Russia does not want to be part of the Great Reset and neither does China. Putin is smart enough to know that once Ukraine is part of Nato they will be under the influence of the EU and he will be subject to the endless "refugees" like the UK. Look at how that turned out. Frankly Everyone knows Russia and Ukraine are not good guys but based on what the WEF has planned for everyone with the "Build Back Better" agenda I don't blame him for taking a stand.

Our Government and the media is jumping up and down pointing in one direction...Biden's SOTU address was a joke! He's calling for us to get behind him while he is still buying oil and gas from Russia.. We were energy independent prior to him being installed. He could fix this problem by opening our own pipelines. His regime is in the process of turning our country into a major shit hole with his energy policies, foreign policies, Equity nonsense. All of a sudden the democrats want to fund the police, secure our borders, etc. etc. I'm not buying any of it. They would love nothing more to turn us further into a socialist globalist dystopia. Are you now paying attention?

Why do you think they are censoring all the information regarding Covid?

Has everyone forgotten the fact that Biden, Pelosi and Kerry all have kids that made millions for them from the Ukrainian Gas and Oil companies???

They have been censoring, banning and vilifying conservatives for years. This government hates America and it's citizens. I'm not buying none of it. Mark my words....this has nothing to do with what the media is telling us. I meant what I said yesterday, there are very few politicians in Washington that actually care about America and it's citizens. This is about power, control and money.

Wonder why so many corporations got rich during the pandemic? Wonder why all the corporations went "woke" after biden was installed? Wonder why all the countries in the west were repeating the "Build Back Better" agenda....China doesn't care who wins....they have the most power. I am not on Russia's side. He is a bad guy, he doesn't believe in God, individual rights or anything we stand for. I'm just saying I understand.

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Such a great post Dianna! People....do NOT FORGET what happened over the past two years and what the BLUE state and BLUE cities leaders were saying. Its all on tape fortunately, but DO NOT FORGET when you vote in November!

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This is exactly the short-sighted view you get with people looking at everything through a domestic or conspiracy lens. Putin doesn't give a crap about any of that. He's running his empire playbook.

We have a corrupt installed government here and they are working against the interests of America. We have a shot at fighting it. Under a totalitarian dictatorship, there is no shot. The people of Ukraine understand this, but here, not so much. SMH

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Maybe, but I was warned 5 years ago. I said the same thing. I called people conspiracy nuts, and low and behold they shut our countries down, took away our rights over a virus and on and on it went. We'll see.

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the intelligence agencies of the world are controlled by the very few people at the top with the money

they use the jeffrey epstein types to bring compromised leaders on board

then play out their scripted campaigns in concert with the media

then we all accept it.

"wow, food & gas are so expensive, maybe we should give up our rights to the nice man promising universal basic income, so i can feed my family."

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OK people like who is not aware the CCP has always had their fingers all over what's is happening since early 2020 whu-flu release and well before in planning. I mean really? They are playing the west like a Stradivarius and have some very KEY people in Washington well bought off! Wake the F up!

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Yes, incompetent, hot-headed children, whom don't understand why the square peg won't fit in the round hole, run the west.

You should also take a look at how much strategic stockpiles of food China has been buying over the last year. It's almost like...

Alex, you're almost there. Wait until you realize Russia game-planned all these sanctions and doesn't care, it has China. They've already been working on setting up their own parallel economic system to the wests. None of the other BRICs are sanctioning Russia, either. Energy, other natural resources, food...while we will all suffer greatly for the incompetence of leadership it is Europe who will suffer the most.

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