The war is anything but organic. Instead, it’s the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions.

The war will destroy supply chains even further than they already are, wreaking absolute havoc. Currencies - already on their last legs - will be deliberately hyper-inflated away all over the globe in order to pay for it. Etc.

Everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score and carbon output in order to determine your eligibility - in real time - to participate or not participate in the economy.

Red vs blue, east vs west, these dichotomies exploit people's innate tribal nature - dividing and conquering them - making them easy to control with simple thoughts about “the enemy” who isn’t really their enemy - while blinding them to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.

The globalists now have the technology to do away with the left versus right control system, and so they’re angling in for full control at an individual level - from the inside out. We have to be aware of this in order to prevent it from happening.

Here is how far they’ve brought us, and where they want to take us:


As a solution we need to get working on a parallel economy and means of exchange yesterday. But since yesterday is behind us—let’s get to work on it today instead. Right now, actually. It is time we stopped using our enemy’s control system and built our own version instead - free from anyone's control.

Put your ideas for how this can best be accomplished underneath this comment. (Cutting out reliance on a retailer might be a good place to start thinking about this.)

Let's get to work building a future worth living in, because if we do not we will not have one.

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Starve the Beast - Stop using all Big Tech. I did it last year: no Google, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Amazon, etc. Use Brave and Brave search, pay for encrypted email $5/month. Buy food from local producers (not hard within an hour of any city to find great beef and farm eggs). Learn about Bitcoin and the value of truly decentralized protocols. Really learn though, don't just read headlines.

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' been there, done that. Too bad Alex is incapable of detoxifying himself... pitifully hooked on lil'bird fix. WE choose our masters and WE choose to have none.

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That won’t work unless everyone does it and that’s not gonna happen.

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Not so. Nations/countries aren’t free - people are. Unless and until you and I declare ourselves free, it continues.

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What happens when encrypted email servers and crypto currency use are banned?

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Right Tri...this whole scheme has been telegraphed for how long now. The vast majority seem look at the tree in front of them in such a short sighted way.

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Sadly, they're looking at the ground beneath their feet as they walk directly into the tree.

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The Davos nub jobs want a new world order, one that is created in their image. The first fallen angel, Lucifer, wanted the same thing. He thought God did it wrong. Any new world order devoid of God will fail because it is devoid of love, forgiveness and compassion. Hatred, malevolence, spite are things that eat you up inside and bring disease and death. Love rules over all and gives life.

From a practical perspective, Ki says it right: shop local, support your neighbour, don't fall for cheap, sparkly toys. For currency, decentralized, free of gov is the way to go, whatever that might be. And value your family, friends and community.

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Right on. Local is the future, back to the past. The globalization experiment is a massive failure. I always recommend the "World Made by Hand" books by James Howard Kunstler as a guide to the future. Good reading fiction but very insightful as to what we might expect to face very soon. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Thanks for all the great comments and ideas everyone!

I've posted this comment elsewhere one of the responses I received I thought would be worth sharing here for your consideration:


By Dutchman:

LOCAL, both for governance and commerce.

And Ammunition as currency; it has intrinsic value, is available in many denominations, is easily divisible, and can’t counterfeit.

Look at the Amish, or the picture Sundance now posts so frequently, of the

two communities.

As small communities, we may not be able to provide all our WANTS, but we can provide all our NEEDS.

And, the hard times WILL develop the hard men and women, to replace the soyboys and schrews we have far too many of, now.

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Shut down the Canadian Truckers crypto wallets. Keep Russians oligarchs wallets running! Russians own at least 12% of all cryptos. About $215 bil. Min. 1/3 value of the Russian stock market. Priceless. Bullish digital global currencies!

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Spot on. Couldn't summarize any better than this. But I will comment separately on some local, resilient self reliant thoughts. Thanks.

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Tritorch - to your question- if lasting peace is the goal (as it should be), the US has to stop proactively attempting to spread liberal democracy through force and conflict . It’s been a failure and it will continue to be so. China and Russia are not going to simply allow the US to be a single world power.

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The only way Russia and China is dealt with is as Teddy coined. Speak softly, BUT carry a big stick. A bully only respects one he knows he cannot push around. Would you be intimidated seeing puppet Joe in a room or alley? :)

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Alex will not understand any of this and will, therefore, call you a poopy-head.

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How come Putin is a willful player in this NWO plan?

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There are no good guys. Putin is just another oligarch worth 100’s of billions of dollars. Ukraine is a very poor country, avg wages $600. per month. The Oligarchs, including Ukrainian oligarchs, rob these countries and move money offshore tax havens just like the Ukrainian President. Now they want everyone to pay to help the poor people of Ukraine. It’s such a scam. I think one Ukrainian Oligarch just sold his home in Malibu for a $40 mil. Vadim Shulman.

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Finally someone asked a logical question within this Globalist under every rock discussion. Now before you go off I do think the WEF, Bill Gates , DEVOS, et al cabal is very real. I do NOT think they control (play as in chess) Russia or China as pawns. If anything China plays them. If you think China will go along with the Eurocentric new world order you are short sighted. Xi Jinping has much bigger ideas and they don't include Klaus (although he doesn't know it). The new rendition of the China-Russia alliance gave us the Ukraine horror. It provides Xi a weakened West (US, Europe). If you think all the options (responses) available to the US won't boomerang you are mistaken. Get ready folks things are going south and I don't mean for "spring break". Thankfully, I believe XI is keeping the nut with the nukes in check.

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I don't give a shit about Russia or Ukraine. What I do care about is the erosion of liberty and freedom over the past two years. I will never forget this covid BS and I hope others won't either. These clowns who forced an experimental poison on the population need to be held accountable.

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bingo, i have never seen D s and R s so up in arms about the Ukraine / Russia border, what about our border you fools, talk about an invasion, we have had close to 3 million people walk across our southern border and disappear just this year !!! we have no idea who they are where they are going !its out of control. Whose paying for this shit, you and me and my kids..finish the wall, and that $ for UKraine, transfer it to give the hard working Men/Women of the border control a wage increase and finish the wall..You idiots in Washington ! you all suck

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Agree but none of the political elites from either party care about the border. They've both had multiple chances to do something but it's all talk and optics. Start relocating the uneducated peasants to the gated communities and private schools of the elites and you'll have bipartisan action in record time.

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Amen to that!

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It sure seems that Ukrainians know better then us how to protect their country and how to elect good leaders.

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Unfortunately they wont be held accountable….they’ll rewrite history to say what they want. They’ve already being doing this and will keep it going until you only know what they decide they want you to know and how they want you to know it. And these youngins coming up are all in so there’s that….they love lickin the boots of these elites. Little do they know whats ahead for them.

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Clowns aka Democrats. They will not be held accountable except through the ballot box, and only if Republicans volunteer like crazy to be poll watchers.

Jane Fonda quipped that this Covid virus is God's gift to Democrats. Yes, it enabled them to steal the election, for starters, then to shut down the cities, control the population, and continue that iron fist behavior for years. The most highly educated of the populace were the easiest to control, because it was all about "science." Science is their god.

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Actually, the largest group that resisted vaccination mandates were people with PhDs!

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I hate the politics of it but I care about the Ukrainians who are trapped or having to flee their homes. We have friends there in multiple locations and it's heart wrenching to see what is happening to them.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Who would want to be a friend of America after Afghanistan retreat and this war?

Only those who we can buy with dollars? "Iranian deal" comes to mind first.

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I completely agree. We have disgraced ourselves on the world stage, or rather, our leaders have disgraced us. We’ve proven ourselves to be false.

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That’s kinda my thoughts. But….the fu***** will make us care about Russian and the Ukraine.

So many things for concern.

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Psst. They're directly related.

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Just more Plebes to fight in their foreign wars.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

It's amazing how the Covid scaredemic flipped to Ukraine and Russia, literally overnight.

Puff the Magic Dragon.

I kinda miss the old days of "horse paste", 95% efficacy Pfizer, 1 shot and done J&J, 2 shots and a booster, 3 boosters, 4 boosters, natural immunity is worthless, 6' spacing, daily death toll chyrons, Joe Rogan vs Neil Young, winter of death predictions. If one mask is good, two are better etc.

Just stop and think about all the freaking ridiculous and unscientific horse shit that the majority of Americans swallowed these past two years!

But just like bell bottoms. it's all so passe now though. Now they've moved on to the next crisis!

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Now the Surgeon General wants all the social media platforms Misinformation. I say start with Fauci and Collins and the Elite media like David Frum another one who did the same thing as Putin is today.

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Fauci doesn't have a scratch in over 40 years. So its starts now? The highest paid "we the people" paid servant and nary a scratch in over 40 fricken years. Sorry...just need a little more Bizzy cold brew this morning...

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Distraction such a useful tactic on the majority of minds

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Look at Alex!!!! Made a career off Covid and now buys the crap from those he spent 2 years calling liars. 🤦‍♀️ Talk about gullible.

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Because it works. Even people who possess acute critical thinking skills like the author of this article are all in.

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on the many yes

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Who told Putin to start the war?

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your guess?

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Hey, that's why Putin thanks Traitor Joe Dementia every single day. We can all benefit from their vision of totalitarian control. Works for everyone! (Oh and the millions the Biden Hunter Crime Family got from a Putin-connected Moscow Oligarch, bonus!)

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Yeah. I’d rather swallow horse paste any day instead of the horseshit they are peddling.

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"Imagine a world where politicians start wars and soldiers refuse to fight".

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This is a stupid message. Have you become a Ukrainian propagandist now too? Your Ivermectin stance is enough to make readers puke. Now you are a parrot for Pro-Ukranian smoke screens?

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Berenson should stick to the Corona theme. He is way off on this matter. I suggest he do some real research.

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You're so right Dan. Its obvious to people who have their thinking caps on.

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Absolutely spot-on. Can you imagine a non-scientific non-medical person refuting antiparasitic drugs that is improving for something like what 50 years? 🤣😆🤣 it's amazing how smart you can be at times and yet how absolutely ignorant at other times

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Respectfully, I think your message is pretty stupid. Your comment on Ivermectin is off-topic. (Give it up already. Alex has come to a different conclusion than you.). And your comment on the topic of this article offers no facts, just accusing him of being a parrot of the other side.

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Please go unrespectfully unf*k yourself!

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Why don't you give up being stupid

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Are you three?

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Alex - the fog of war. All media lies. We were winning the Vietnam war, except we weren’t. The Iraqis were going to see us a liberators, except they didn’t and didn’t appreciate getting blown up. Afghanistan was going well, except it never actually was.

The same media, and government, attacking you over Covid “misinformation” is setting the narrative today.

We don’t know what’s going on. No propaganda is more effective or emotional or heartbreaking than war propaganda. For everyone insisting we “do something,” feel free to go volunteer on the front lines in Ukraine. I’m sure they’d appreciate the help.

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Idiotic post. We already know the radiation scare was an outright lie. I woke up this morning to see 74% of the gullible US public wants a NATO no-fly zone over Ukraine. Guarantee most of these morons have no idea the implications of that. We have reached unprecedented levels of stupid in this country.

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We arrived at that crossroads two decades ago. It's just that they no longer care that it has become patently obvious to twenty five percent of the population.

I'm waiting for Joe's victory lap. It will be reminiscent of Dubya's victory lap aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.

I recall the Dubya personality cult with people seeking photo ops and Hollywood personalities like Bruce Willis fawning over him. All we need is the modern version of heretics like the Dixie Chicks so we can burn their CDs and wave American and Ukrainian flags.

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I don't support Putin and I don't support false patriotism in the guise of military adventurism. Our political class is the source of this global disaster. They want to shield their culpability by pivoting to an external source of enmity. I reject it.

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Considering the The CIA/Globalists have basically created the Ukraine govt for the last 20 years and our politicians have made billions in laundering money through Ukraine by way of child trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking, bio labs, etc, wouldn't it be a good thing to bring it all down. Doesn't it seem odd that Hillary, Soros, Klaus Schwaub and that group are so supportive vocally right now. Didn't the Clinton Foundation receive more money per country from Ukraine than any other country on earth for years? No citizen should have to endure the nightmare that many innocent Ukrainians are going through right now, but isn't it just par for the course of how that group of Globalists treat people of the world. Despite what they say, they could care less about any soul on earth outside of their interests and don't for one second think this isn't about bringing down the USA as well. This was all planned for the Hillary presidency, look at the emails. It just so happened that Trump got in the way and put it on hold for 4 years. Now that they have cheated their way back in, the plan moves forward full speed. So when you see the TV saying support Ukraine, remember they are part of the Globalist machine, it might as well be coming from the mouths of the people who hate you most.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Newfound respect here Alex. This is the type of humorous snark that cuts to the bone but of course, so many don't want to listen. They are stuck in their domestic political lens often awash with the conspiracy bubble and refuse to get out.

Some folks can't get past the fact, and it's a simple fact that a dictator controlling the largest country in Europe attacked the second largest country in Europe. The dictator has spoken about getting the band back together for, oh, about thirty years.

Putin just waited until the optimum moment of oil power strength, (thank you Traitor Joe) and the US looking weak and insipid (Afghanistan debacle anyone).

Unfortunately, people are so deep in their bubble, they can't get over that others have exploited Ukraine whenever they can and corruption may actually be a daily struggle in a country trying to get over a painful communist hangover.

Applying that same logic here, we have a demented puppet installed with Election Theft 2020, (see the Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge's interim report for the latest evidence heaped there) who is surrounded by a bunch of Obama handlers taking the US down the toilet at record speed. Oh, and they are all very corrupt with lots of corrupt friends in the Dept. of Just Us and the Oval Office.

Does that mean we don't have a right to sovereignty and to fight for our freedom here? SMH


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Putin is a dictator, so then what have USA, Oh Canada, Oz, UK & Co experienced these past 2+ years?

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Step 2 of the Great Reset. Covid had it's run, but now it's time for the Russian scare. The problem is that war will escalate around the globe. The media will do their part to panic the masses. We will likely be told that there was a leak from the nuclear reactor and the science shows that our only hope of survival is to wear four masks, lockdown in your home's and only come out to get your monthly jab from an untested, experimental vaccine that of course is safe and effective at protecting you from radioactive contamination. All praise Big Pharma. Oh and as always resistance is futile. You must believe that Big Brother and Big Pharma care about you and just remember that we are all in this together, comrades!

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The mainstream media is in hyper spin mode trying to paint Putin as insane and paranoid. For example they stated he is so afraid of covid (which I doubt) he makes people sit opposite him on a ten foot table. If you watched the Oliver Stone Putin Interviews you know that table was there in 2015, 2017. The media claims that Russians are being lied to by their government and only the US mainstream media knows the truth. I do not know the truth but I certainly do not trust the US mainstream media. All is see are the same recycled images and clips over and over and over. Some old photos from years past. Nobody knows what is going on. This is what the media has created- zero confidence in anything they report.

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I continue to be disappointed with your knee-jerk reaction to the Ukrainian conflict that has been long time coming. Why not read up on the role of US/NATO in the region? It’s an open book.

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How quickly people forget about Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. How did those end?

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Well Russia is still in Syria, so I don't know, tell us the ending.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

US policy and military intervention failed. But, you already know that.

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Russia was invited into Syria and don't forget that we killed Russian and Syrian soldiers to protect the ISIS mercenaries that we were using to try to regime change Assad.

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Was Russia invited?

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Just comply, Ukraine. It'll end, if you'll just comply.

Why aren't the Covidiots among us advising Ukraine to comply with Russia?

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Why is our media all in on this war? Our government, left and right want it too. Horrifying that our military could be used to further whatever it is they want protected or promoted. Ratings? Better poll numbers for Biden? Defense contractor money? Protection from Biden and Democrats Ukraine money laundering crap? I just don’t know why but the American public is being played like a violin.

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alex, you are way off target here. do more research

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