Climate Change is really hitting these young athletes in an unexpected way.

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This one looks like Post pandemic stress disorder.

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Too much bacon and eggs. No seriously, that's one of the stories being floated to see if people latch on to it.

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They've been eating crispy Pfizer bacon and cheesey MODERNA omelettes. Yummy 😋!

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Wash it down with a Spike Protein Shake* (tm) (*no liability)

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The magic phrase , “ no liability “ , those guys are laughing all the way to the bank .

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Oh my god, you guys are cracking me up! 😂🤣😂 despite all the craziness, I know I’ll get some laughter in this group. The wit factor is amazing lol

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Yep, where did they get bacon and eggs with the shortages? Where did they get them? It isn't fair! Where's the equity? White privilege for sure!

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It could also be drugs,alcohol and a stressful lifestyle . That will do it .

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People who fall for that one (or post-pandemic stress disorder) are too stupid to think one sentence ahead. Really? Why did players all-of-a-sudden start eating too many eggs and bacon?

If post-pandemic stress disorder is a thing, then why don't we see similar cardiac events in folks returning from wars? Policemen who have had to battle an entire summer of riots? Others in long, stressful situations?

Because it's a load of hooey.


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Blaming bacon is a bridge too far

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Indeed. It just got personal.

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Although it is at least possible from a causality perspective unlike the others LOL.

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No, not if you understand the causes.

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That’s the hill somebody will get fried on.

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Free Bacon!

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Bacon, bacon, BACON!!

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Two others being floated are 1) getting angry and 2) being in a stressful situation. People NEVER got angry or were never in stressful situations in 2019 or earlier.

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No such thing as too much bacon and eggs.

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Not surprised. They haven't kept up on the science behind nutrition anymore than Covid.

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Couldn't have been bacon. Inflation has made bacon out of reach for most.

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Not seen that one! My dad, who's watched more sport than any sports journalist alive, much of it live, thinks they're and I quote:

"Pushing themselves to the limit xx"

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Too much exercise!

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And excessive pot smoking.

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Anything you can do to attract more prey.

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You have to be kidding me

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That is definitely the new "line".

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Only 23 years old, no mention of vax status, but seeing more and more of these kinds of stories...


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Where's Greta when you need her?

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How DARE you!

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Maybe she had a heart condition and is taking the rest of the year off...

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Blah blah blah

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😂😂😂The great Greta and her wealth climate change scientific knowledge😂😂😂

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Isn’t she giving dance lessons now?

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Maybe he's just too racist? That kind of anger is known to cause cardiac problems.

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They're too fit!

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How DARE you?

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Too good.

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It is absolutely criminal that the press is not reporting the supposedly over 300 sports cardiac deaths or heart related incidents just this year which obviously is related to the vaccine despite them saying it is 'post pandemic stress disorder', and that they still incredulously allow the vaccine with all the deaths and adverse affects reported, let alone FORCE the vaccines, I hope these players sue their teams who force the vaccines on their players.

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We can't "prove" that these are vax-related injuries. I mean, what kind of journalist would be so bold as to ask a question like: Was the player vaccinated? Journalists just aren't trained to ask that kind of question.

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More specifically, they are trained and incentivized NOT to ask that kind of question.

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It wasn't in the press release. What more is there to know?

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Nor to punctuate a sentence or even swipe clean their backsides, I suppose. Too much to ask.

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IF it's not on CNN or MSNBC, THEN it doesn't happen. I didn't see any reporting on cardiac deaths due to the vax on CNN and MSNBC. It must not have happened. I also didn't see anything about it on The View.

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Honestly, this is the logic I actually hear all the time, almost in so many words. It's amazing people don't listen to themselves.

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But Fox is talking about it all day, right? SMH.

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Fox is fairly even keeled on vaccines. CNN and MSNBC are just political activists for the Democrat party prancing around as TV journalists. Most intelligent people have figured that out. The rest, who haven't figured it out, can be seen wearing masks and asking for your vaccination card.

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Even keel, to me, would be telling the truth; which is that the vaccines are maiming and killing thousands of people around the world on a daily basis.

All truly intelligent people have figured out that this is a global conspiracy. Since the Democratic party of the United States only exists in the United States, it is probably impossible that they are the ones pulling the strings in say, Austria or Australia or Germany or the UK. But you keep living in that dream world the Democrats are behind it all.

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I agree with you. vaccines are killing thousands and the story is going largely untold from both CNN and Fox. It is a global conspiracy but my point is that the shenanigans seem to be coming more from the left than from the right. Just an observation. When I go to Sioux Falls, SD, Cumby, TX, or Panama City, FL, no one there gives a rat's rear end about vaccines or masks. The minute I go into NYC, Miami, Dallas, or any other liberal cesspool, the conspiracy is in full swing. I haven't taken a vaccine and I refuse to do so. And I don't wear a mask either. That's for weak-minded people.

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That isn`t what he is saying, he is just telling the truth, which is that the left-leaning are far more pro-vaccine and mask mandates than the right leaning because of their ideology. Socialists absolutely lurve govenment telling us how to live and mandating things " for our own good" really gives them a chubby. Can`t you see that in your friends? Not saying there are no conservatives out there that aren`t terrified of the rona and trusting and obeying the rising tyrannical twist our global governments are displaying but the left`s mottos aren`t " Don`t tread on me " and "Live free or die", etc, now, are they?

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There are political parties in other nations that are similar in ideology. Finally, there is an ill-defined international network that is highly influential, pulling strings in politics and controlling wealth on a global level. Their names change, their firms not so often, and they can be identified with some effort. I'm not claiming that there is a secret cabal of aged [ethnicity deleted] billionaires in a luxurious bunker somewhere in the Swiss Alps that directs world affairs. I AM claiming that too much happens too often in several parts of the globe, to NOT be some form of coordinated propaganda, policy changes, or actions.

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The world is incredibly shrunk with global communication instantly and very little language barriers.

We have massive international corporations and global political institutions with deep ties to multilateral multinational institutions like the EU. tge IMF, WHO, etc…

It is simply logical that corruption, a universal dark aspect of human nature, has also infiltrated these organizations. And “rule the world “ is an irresistible target for such personalities.

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That is sarcasm i hope

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is there a concise, centralized source that lists the names of all professional athletes, football players and sports people that are young and healthy, that have suddenly had cardiac problems, post vaccine?

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This site seems to be staying up to date on athletes and the vaccines


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Thanks for the link! This is the best site I've seen covering cardiac incidents in athletes so far, with links to news articles confirming their info. 😊👍🏼

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Thank you. Very thorough site.

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Thanks for posting!

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Once again: I come for the data; I stay for the snark.

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Thx for starting my day with a hearty laugh. Your comment is too true.

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As do I

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Even if the vax is perfectly safe, I won't comply

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Incidences of athletes and healthy children getting heart attacks and strokes are completely unrelated to the shots. No need to do research because public health authorities declared the shots were safe. The science is settled on that fact. That's how science works.

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Until the science changes again, but after it does it is once again SETTLED and questioning the leaders is blasphemy.

Until the science changes again, but after it does it is once again SETTLED and questioning the leaders is blasphemy.

Until the science changes again............

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People don't "get it" that when public health authorities say a vaccine is "safe", what they are really saying is "The expected injuries and deaths, and the reported injuries and deaths, are acceptable to us."

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I wish I could "like" your comment, but I can't. The gain-of-function-enhanced SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the covid "vaccines" are bioweapons, intentionally created to kill people. Read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recently published book: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, and you will understand why I say this.

I realize it sounds crazy, impossible, like a bizarre conspiracy theory, but after you've read Kennedy's book, you will agree with what I've said. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming. This monumental tome is meticulously researched and end-noted.

Your mind and heart might balk at the idea that people who are in charge of public health would intentionally create bioweapons and then force them on the population they are entrusted to serve. Most people can't even begin to comprehend that such boundless evil is possible, and that it's happening right now, in our lifetimes. Facing reality is imperative, though, if we're to stand a chance of having a society that's even remotely worth living in.

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I absolutely agree with everything you've said.

I didn't mean, with my comment, to excuse anybody from responsibility for the devastating effects of these vaccines.

I do think that it's the higher-up public health authorities that are intentionally killing people. The local public health employees look to me like ignorant, sleep-walking pawns dutifully and diligently, and even earnestly, doing the dirty work for the mass-murdering high priests like Fauci. I have been working to "wake up" some local public health employees (and the members of the public who read their Facebook website) for a year and a half, with little success.

And then there are the doctors refusing people early treatment, and hospital doctors implementing the frequently-lethal treatment protocol recommended by the NIH.

Some of the hospital nurses are brainwashed and assisting whole-heartedly. But to their credit, some nurses are waking up, rebelling, whistleblowing, refusing the vaccines themselves and losing their jobs as a result -- and many are relieved to be leaving the "hospital killing fields" because their consciences have been crying out against the things they were ordered to do.

Yes, boundless evil is possible, and happening right now, in our lifetimes. Again, I agree with everything you've said.

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100%. Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book is eye opening and terrifying. I wish everyone would read it.

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I have not read the book yet, but I believe everything you just said thanks to all the great threads being put out here.

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I agree with you but dont have to read the book to be aware enough to realize what is happening. It is difficult for me to understand how people didnt realize the fauci scam at the onset and even more with the intense nonstop push via bribes advertisements fear tactics and false reporting and finally force to get these poisons into the people

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I'm pretty sure there's a lot of information in Kennedy's book that you haven't yet come across, despite the fact that you are more aware than many people of what is really happening. I think you owe it to yourself to read it. I guarantee you will be staggered, outraged, perhaps even overwhelmed, by much of the information presented in this book.

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I did order it and expect to receive it shortly and read it over the holidays

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That’s exactly right. And sick.

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And of course - as we all know …. Healthy children get heart attacks and strokes all the time , right ????

Don’t jab your kids !!!

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Damn…so everything I learned was wrong. Good to know.

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Even breathing is not “perfectly safe”… 😃

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Yeah, I don't care if the vax is nothing but water. I'm not taking it.

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Good thing it isn’t!

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Dec 14, 2021
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Yeah, if it's deadly enough to warrant mandates, you wouldn't need mandates.

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2/3rds of the NBA and NFL have fake passes. They never got the clot shots or they'd be dropping like flies.

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If that's true, i hope they're all exposed for the lying cowards they are. If they're too scared to stand up to the mob, they are as bad as the mob.

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No, it takes courage to scam the scammer. Many pros have millions at stake. The only thing giving up that would prove is their stupidity. I call it effective guerilla tactics. I hope we do find out a lot of them lied, but not til the war is won.

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Nonsense. If they all stood together, they wouldn't have to lie alone. Selfish cowards

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not Kyrie Irving

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No, kyrie is a king

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Just said that upthread! He is a stellar human being.

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If they all stood together they wouldn't compete. Everybody never stands together. And if they did, it would probably be opposite from you. It's our nature.

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Look up Kyrie Irving. He is risking it all. Not stupid. Very smart. As this thing progresses he'll be hailed as a hero.

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So all the pro athletes here were given saline shots

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Tom Brandy for sure. I mean, he is a known cheater!

LOL. JK. But 'cmon. It's not that hard to believe, is it? Some of those guys are beyond wealthy, they can do what they want.

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This makes sense. Along the lines of don't ask and don't tell, non-compliance is tolerated because having players collapse during games is bad for the advertisers.

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No political hack dropping over as well

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Well, Newsome got real quiet. Given how much he loved cameras...

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And he suddenly reversed the all children must get vaccinated mandate…

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Wow, I had not seen that, where's it from? That's a major shift.

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Dec 13, 2021
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I think it shows he's at least amenable to pressure. "I'm not wrong but in My infinite grace I'll magnanimously..."

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I’ve been saying that for along time

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Thats good news. Is this figure documented anywhere?

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Dec 13, 2021
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Hard proof hard to come by. Except for the possible illegality of a forged vaccine record, I suspect there are no (zero) civil or criminal penalty to lie about vax status. Consider it from a simple game theory perspective. Assuming one does not trust the vax, then a wise thing to do is to not take it. However, to appear as part of the in-crowd and/or to conform to employee or league requirements, why not lie? The best that can happen is you are part of the big happy family and keep your job. The worst that can happen is that you will be found out. You can then make up a sob story that may well get you off the hook. Worst case, you are fired and forced to live off your millions.

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So nobody is dropping over

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I hadn’t taken the Vegas factor in to this. That is a huge point. Too much money from the vig to lose a game off the board due to vax injuries...

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So these 80 year political hacks have no issues as well. Find that hard to believe

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There was another just some 12 hours later… https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1470201343247798274?s=20

However I disagree about soccer vs footballers… try running for 90 minutes… it pushes a heart to its limits particularly for ♥️ ridden with clot shots

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Nobody runs for a full 90 minutes in soccer. Please...

With that said, if what the German doctor said about graphene hydroxide is correct, effectively creating microscopic razor blades in the bloodstream, then add in high testosterone....bad results.

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Average ground covered per match:

Football: 12km

Rugby Union: 7km

NBA: 4km

NFL: 800m

Baseball: 50m

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To further this discussion, so as not to piss off the football fans…the cardiovascular strength of top level soccer players is amazing. What they do at full speed with a ball is amazingly difficult and under appreciated by many non fans. They also are pretty much performing a HIIT workout every match. High intensity interval training. A burst of energy/speed, sometimes for 50-60 yards…that puts a high intensity strain on the heart. So when young men in ridiculously great condition are dropping pretty frequently, something is very wrong. In normal times, you’d wonder if they got a bad batch of PED’s. Of course they’re tested for that I imagine….

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Also it will be interesting to see what happens when the tennis starts up again with Australian Open (sans Novak the Great, I hope). Tennis is a lot of work on the heart I would say. And a strong % of players are not interested in getting jabbed, #1player in the world included.

Jeremy Chardy has already stated that the vx has sidelined him indefinitely.

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Yeah, I thought to check Biathlon and cyclists. Cyclists drop like flies every year though, still you'd expect a signal amongst the noise. Nothing I can see so far. Maybe like you said it's the HIIT element that's more telling (this year). Also without some aggregation of bigger datasets (like the FIFA 500% increase analysis) I'm likely to just run straight into confirmation bias.

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I played community soccer when I was young. I was no good at it. I'm not a sports doctor, but I read enough to know that there are dramatic differences in the optimal body for, say, American Football (NFL, not your local high school's) and any professional football (soccer) league in Europe. The optimal football player is probably well over 200 LB, a hulking brute full of steroids and perhaps other performance enhancing drugs (Drug testing? please, give me a fucking break!). Sure these guys work out in the field, but their running is at best sprints. There is no need to run much further than 100 yards in football. Most of their bulk comes from working out with weights.

In stark contrast, the optimal soccer player probably weighs less than 150 lbs. Speed and agility rule in this game, not bone-crushing might. Again, the practices are very different. Lots of running. I've done that first hand! Weights wouldn't seem to offer any benefit here, and extra mass on the body is actually a liability. I'd say drug enhancement would be an equal risk. Part of the business.

If you took the best football player and placed him on a European soccer team, he'd be a complete dud. Same with vice versa. You could do similar comparison with other pro sports. Save for select positions (quarterback), NFL football demands a Neanderthal. Most other pro sports, not so much.

So yes, even to a layman with only a passing knowledge of the sports, the only thing in common for player of pro football, soccer, basketball or baseball have is that they are grossly overpaid athletes, many of whom appear to be dropping dead for no apparent reasons whatsoever.

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Over 90 minutes, 12km would average out to roughly 5mph running speed. That’s barely a leisurely jog. A 12 minute mile. I’m not arguing that soccer players aren’t in great shape. But they flop around like they’ve been shot when barely touched, and that’s before the waxxine…the NFL has 250lbs. animals that run a 4.7 40….and then they smash into another 250 animal, both looking to inflict pain. Then they get up and do it again. Soccer players get carried off on the stretcher when a defender grazes them with a slide tackle….do something about the histrionics and the game would get more respect. Signed, Ugly American

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Wow. That's interesting. 12 km is approximately 7.5 miles.

(Football in this context - UK refugee's post - refers to what Americans usually call soccer.)

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Why would high testosterone make graphene hydroxide in the blood more dangerous?

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I believe it has to do with with testosterone accelerating blood flow. I think one of Alex’s followers is a doc that made that connection in another thread. I’ll try to find it and post. (Technically all thumbs however).

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Thanks--I'd like to see that. The only thing that comes to my layperson's mind is that, all other things being equal, higher testosterone levels will generally result in higher hematocrit numbers (a higher percentage of red blood cells per unit of blood). That being said, women suffer the majority of adverse events from these "vaccines".

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I "liked" your comment, Daniel, not because I doubt it does so, but because I also wonder why.

I'm a woman, but my body produces too much testosterone, due to some specific inherited genetic glitches. I experienced numerous, serious, sustained cardiac and neurological adverse reactions to the Pfizer covid poison injections. Nine months later, I have noticeably worse cardiac health, and I also have significant memory loss from strokes or microstrokes due to sustained, massive inflammation for weeks following getting the clot shots.

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Sorry to hear that. Given where you are, get every treatment you can from anti-inflammatory, to meditation, to woowoo that works for you.

Different issue, but indisputably working for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOuivloijUI

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Prayers for you Truthbird…🙏

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Thank you, James.

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Wasn’t he arrested and found dead?

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Yes. There is video of the arrest. Believe his girlfriend confirmed his death. Andreas is first name. Damn I hate my incomplete memory…😖

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I’m not sure this will link..


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These are professional athletes. They can normally handle the workout.

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The commentators even mention “vaccine”

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Don't worry I read this wasn't happening and is in fact not true. Do not believe your eyes they are wrong. "There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are related to reported incidents...fact-checkers say..."

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Because rubella can be so disastrous for the fetus of a pregnant woman, I'd go along with giving 1 year olds JUST a rubella vaccination. I might even do along with providing JUST a diphtheria shot to children as routine. But that's it. There is no other illness that poses such a risk that everyone has to be vaccinated.

Look: If you work on a farm and step on a rusty nail, get the tetanus shot. If you're bit by a wild animal, go for the rabies series. If you haven't been taking your Vitamin D and get Covid, demand ivermectin and intravenous Vitamin C, etc. Otherwise, avoid toxins in your diet, exercise, and watch your weight.

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I’ll give my testimony. I’m was an football player since I was a child. Broke many bones, realized doctors doctors can make absurd mistakes even about fixing a broken bone. Wife got pregnant, stated going deep into the vaccines studies and history. After hundreds of hours and 6 months, announced to my wife our baby would not get ANY vaccine. She freaked out, i stood my ground. My daughter is now 7, traveled long distances around the world multiple times, including at 10 months old. To this day, never got sick, never had to go to the doctor, zero antibiotics or anything for that matter, ever. Looks like a a tall little bull, strong as hammer.

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One additional thing. After years of observing children from family, relatives, friends and others (From different continents and cultures), it seems that lack of appetite in children is very common, but not in the unvaxed one I know. I believe this is related to the vaccines, there are known mechanisms which can interfere with the gut.

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Yep! We are working on restoring the gut health of my teenager right now. Tests revealed all kinds of issues. Started right around his first birthday. Pediatricians couldn't figure it out, just gave him more antibiotics 😒

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WV, that piece of information interests me greatly. Would you please elaborate?

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Sure. I noticed the appetite part of the story later. In the begging, the main thing I understood was what perhaps a lot of people are now aware of:

RRR- Relative Risk Reduction

ARR- Absolute Risk reduction.

The statistical trick they pull on must drugs, to make it look like they work. Once I Understood that, I knew what to do. Vaccines are mostly a scam, like most other pharma drugs.

The gut story. After a lot of real word observations over the years it became clear. The general poor health of a lot of children has to do with lack of appetite, you don’t eat well your health pays. After that, I started digging in again, and sure enough there it was, the gut problems associated with vaccines. So I believe it’s a combination, a very profitable one for big pharma. If you wish really to understand the gut/vaccines story, you need to research, it takes time. A good starting point is R. Kennedy Jr. website, i found it recently. It would have saved me a lot of time. The effort is worthwhile.

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Ok. Thank you so much. My younger son fits this description. Both my boys made the term “picky eater” seem like a joy. My older one seems to have overcome it. Your statement was a jolt. Appreciate the quick response.

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Good for you. I see this with my homeschool friends. Often they have several kids, vaccinated the first couple, they are sick all the time, but the rest never saw the inside of a doctors office when the parents figured it out for the others.

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Beautiful testimony you've given here about your daughter! Thank you! As the parent of a vaccine-injured child, I'm always glad to hear about children who aren't vaccinated!

My daughter is a good example of vaccine gut damage. I didn't want to vaccinate at all, but my baby was adopted and the adoption system forced my hand. I was able to negotiate a reduced-and-delayed vax schedule but her second DTaP at 5 months was disastrous. The adverse effects included 3 days of projectile vomiting, 14 days of foamy yellow diarrhea, and 23 days of sloppy green stools. And gut problems ever since in spite of many efforts to treat (probiotics, GAPS Diet, Diflucan, anti-parasitics, etc.). She's an older teen now and lack of appetite is a serious problem.

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This is my 16 year old exactly! This past year we found a functional medicine doctor that we first did an extensive food sensitivity test with blood work and found that he had a very leaky gut and sensitivities to everything he eats regularly (avocados, strawberries, cheese, pineapple, chicken, beef, eggs, etc) we then followed up with a fecal test. It was eye opening! I strongly recommend this, he is vastly improving. His asthma no longer acts up,we're still a ways off from repairing his gut but if you don't figure it out they will then develop autoimmune disease because their immune system is overtaxed.

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I'm glad your son is getting good improvements from his new treatment program! I know many children/teens can reach full recovery with skillful treatment, and I hope your son is one of them!

My daughter had her first fecal test at 7 months. All sorts of testing, diet changes, etc. since. We have gotten improvements from various approaches but no permanent, adequate changes toward normal gut function. I think in her case, there must have been major epigenetic changes. She has other medical issues that frequently co-occur with gut problems and that are suspected of reflecting epigenetic changes. So far, treatment to compensate for the suspected-epigenetic issues has been helpful but again not adequate to bring her to normality and keep her there. I suspect at least 3% of kids are in the "serious epigenetic trouble" category now.

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If you've stepped on a rusty nail, don't get the tetanus shot. You won't develop antibodies from the vaccine quickly enough to do you any good. Meticulous wound care, prophylactic antibiotics, effective detox for tetanus toxin, and high doses of IV magnesium are better options. (There are probably better options for dealing with rabies as well.)

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It's so important to collaborate and talk to people. Learn something new every day :)

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That's all I was given as an adult when I didn't have shot records from when I was a kid. That's it. Meanwhile while kids born in the 2000's are recommended 50 something before they're a teenager.

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You were likely given more. The DPT was routine and had vaccines for diphtheria, pertusis, and tetanus in it. I do have my baby book, and I had multiple boosters for DPT and 7 polio inoculations. It didn't go well for me. It was too much.

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I have 6 kids spanning 20 years. First was in 1990- more shots than in my shot record, but then by 6th kid in 2009!!!! Crazy amount! It’s even worse now!!!!

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No, because the nurse screwed up and left marks on my thighs as a baby and my mom didn't take me back. We moved around a lot so o didn't go to regular checkups like most kids at the time.

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Maggie, with no disrespect, may I ask your generation?

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Why even get it at 1 year old, though? If they catch rubella as a kid then they’ve developed lifelong, superior immunity. If they don’t, get the shot before the time of potential procreation.

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Yes, but before getting the shot, young women should be tested for antibodies, T-cell immunity, and B-cell immunity. Rubella is such a "nothing" illness that a kid could have it and nobody would make note of it. My baby had it -- a touch of fever and a light speckly rash for 2 or 3 days. I took her to the doc only because we were scheduled to fly on a commercial plane in a few days; otherwise I wouldn't have known she'd had it.

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Rubella is a tough one. It's the pregnant women who are the problem - their children can be born blind, deaf, and with intellectual and heart problems if mom contracts rubella early in her pregnancy. Maybe women could take that vaccine in late teens?

I agree all vaccines seem to be contaminated and therefore a problem based on that fact, even if they were 'safe &effective' in the narrow sense of their purpose. I'm just saying that especially in a modern countries like the US and Canada, IMO there are only two illnesses for which a valid argument could be made for widespread use of a vaccine. In other words, mandates for everyone and blanket endorsements of 'all' vaccines as an innate good are fallacies.

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Nobody should get the vaccine unless tested negative for antibodies, T-cell immunity, and B-cell immunity. "Every vaccine does damage." - Dr. Andrew Moulden

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Also there are like 2 annual cases of diphtheria in the US anymore, so I question even that.

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Diphtheria is bacterial. It's good to question any vaccine based on the facts. Whooping cough (pertussis) is certainly rare and usually not a big deal with very low death rates. And tetanus isn't a big risk either, unless you are a clumsy farm worker. Got to look at the risk, the individual, and the product in every case.

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No need for Rubela shot at age 1- I give it to my girls at 18!! , much less risk of side effect then.

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Children can't be farmed out for rubella recuperation parties? Vaccines (technically, the adjuvants) cause allergies. I have far too many, and don't wish them on children.

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I was watching this game and actually saw this happen… my first thought was that it was the vaccine. These are top notch super healthy athletes… I’ve never seen cardiac issues occur on the pitch over the decade of watching futbol and now it is happening more frequently.

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Correct...I have been watching soccer since 1989, in the early days it was on Spanish TV since that was all that would show it...and then it became much more common to watch...I bet I have watched 60 to 80 matches per year since 1994...and only this year have I seen cardiac events such as these. It is beyond disgusting, and what makes it even worse is that the media puppets refuse to even venture down the path of looking into it.

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And what's really crazy is that the franchise owners sit back and say nothing while their star players, big investments all, are disabled.

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NFL and NHL players have long criticized owners for doing nothing about Traumatic Brain Injury. So really this is not so surprising

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Never thought of that. However, that is a primarily slow, a cumulative condition that has comparatively little affect on a player's productive years.

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Q). Why do so many kids in the USA play soccer?

A). So they don't have to watch it!

I'll be here all week...

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This will get me in more trouble, but, Bravo! 🤣

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It's an adult game of keep-away.

Q: What's the score in the soccer game?

A: 0-0

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Please….I’m in the shit already…😂

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Was watching and saw it live too. Noticed the announcers appeared utterly confused as to what the possible reason could be. I sat there going, oh, many of us already know.

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Young men think having a healthy heart is more important than protecting grandma from getting the flu by taking a vaccine that doesn't prevent them from spreading the flu. How selfish. Tsk Tsk.

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3 athletes in 24 hours

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Players should be told to take a knee when the palpitations start, people will think it's just a political statement.

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Is this the one and only Scooter from Ptown?

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OMG can't believe you said this

My brain can't look away from your comment, kinda like you can't look away from a horrifying accident happening in slow motion.

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Have we figured out why we aren’t seeing this among US pro athletes? Is it because they used more Astra Zeneca in Europe? Or are our athletes just being based and not getting vax’d or lying about it to the authoritarians?

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2/3rds of the NBA and NFL have fake passes. They never got the clot shots or they'd be dropping like flies.

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I doubt that anyone with a brain in U.S. sports is getting the true jab. We sneaky over here like that~~money talks, bullshit walks.

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May have something to do with being thinner. Dr McCullough talked about it seeking out fatty areas. I also think our nfl players are smart enough to pay people off for a vitamin b shot instead.

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Saline jabs

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Uk decided to ‘recommend an alternative’ to AZ for under 40’s because of the risk of blood clots, so footballers likely not to have had that.

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Or shots of vitamin

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This is why I Say it is a #GenocideByCovidVaxxines

There is no way on Earth that they are NOT AWARE OF THE DEATH and Morbidity caused the by Death "Vaccines"....NO WAY!!!

A person with Elementary science Education can see the Consequences of the DEATH "Vaccines" a MILE Away!

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Only if you're looking. I suspect a fairly high percentage of CDC employees are vaccine-free themselves and family, but never, ever look at any info. Hard for a halfway decent person to know and not say. Easier to just make sure you don't know.

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“Arrhythmias? We don’t need to show you our stinking arrhythmias!”

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The booster put me in AFib for 3 days

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I’m so sorry you went through that.

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My son has watched soccer almost every day of his life for seven years. Until this year, he has NEVER seen a professional soccer player (or any other type, for that matter) clutch his chest and/or collapse for no apparent reason during a game. He has now seen this happen several times in the last six months--the most recent being THIS WEEKEND when Man U's Lindelof was taken off the field as he was "struggling to breathe" and felt a "pain in his chest" (no apparent cause).

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I still wonder what is going through the heads of people in stadiums where they had to take the shot to get into the stands or onto the field. Are people waking up to the implications of what they're watching?

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They cannot connect the dots. The brainwash is so deep.

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Surely some of them will start to wonder, even if they're still afraid to utter such thoughts aloud, for fear of being called an antivaxxer?

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i wouldn't count on that based on what we've seen so far, from those we know personally, who are just blind.

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Hey Ivy, was it you who had info about higher testosterone levels in elite male athletes in relation to the vax heart issues?

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Sorry not me. Please ask Daniel Kirsner and/or Truthbird in this thread.

Daniel Kirsner3 hr ago

Thanks--I'd like to see that. The only thing that comes to my layperson's mind is that, all other things being equal, higher testosterone levels will generally result in higher hematocrit numbers (a higher percentage of red blood cells per unit of blood). That being said, women suffer the majority of adverse events from these "vaccines".

TruthbirdWrites Truthbird’s Newsletter ·3 hr ago

I "liked" your comment, Daniel, not because I doubt it does so, but because I also wonder why.

I'm a woman, but my body produces too much testosterone, due to some specific inherited genetic glitches. I experienced numerous, serious, sustained cardiac and neurological adverse reactions to the Pfizer covid poison injections. Nine months later, I have noticeably worse cardiac health, and I also have significant memory loss from strokes or microstrokes due to sustained, massive inflammation for weeks following getting the clot shots.


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Here's my contribution of US secrecy regarding athletes and the covid vax: Division-I running back mysteriously leaves game early (after making a 6 yard run) due to "upper body injury" and then spent six nights in a hospital. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/32381284/minnesota-gophers-running-back-trey-potts-rest-season-undisclosed-injury

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But Alex: "There's no proof athletes collapsed with heart issues because of COVID-19 vaccination": Politifact | 3 days ago

What would we do without the fact checkers to keep us from questioning authority?

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And- as Facebook (ah - meta) announced, “ all their “ fact- checkers “ are offering their ““opinions”.

Move along mam- nothing to see here!!!!

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Well, they spanked the American Heart Association….or was that Twatter?

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1) 33-year-old professional dancer Santo Giuliano suffers a heart attack 33

2) Soccer player Jalen Leavey dies 19

3) Soccer player Tirrell Williams dies 19

4) Soccer player Okafor Kelechi dies 21

5) Soccer player Lee Mosés dies 29

6) Footballer Stephen Sylvester dies 15

7) Footballer Emmanual Antwi dies 18

8) Soccer player Cayetano Nsofor dies 13

9) Footballer Moira Claire Arney dies 15

10) Baseball pitcher Andrew Roseman dies 17

11) Footballer Nickolas Lawrynas dies 17

12) Soccer player Miquel Lugo dies 17

13) Soccer player Devon DuHart dies 16

14) Footballer Ivan Hicks dies 16

15) Footballer Joe Bradshaw dies 19

16) Footballer Drake Geiger dies 16

17) Soccer player Joshua Ivory dies 15

18) Footballer Quandarius Wilburn dies 18

19) Footballer Dimitri McKee dies 18

20) Rugby player Dave Hyde dies 29

21) Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita dies 27

22) Olympic cyclist Olivia Podmore dies 24

23) Gilbert Kwemoi's Chinese Olympic champion dies 23

24) Former footballer Franck Berrier dies 37

25) Belgian footballer Jente Van Genechten suffers from cardiac arrest 25

26) The Venezuelan marathon champion Alexaida Guedez dies 24

27) José dos Reis collapses in the field and has to be resurrected 29

28) Diego Ferchaud suffers a cardiac arrest 16

29) ASV Baden's Austrian player collapses on the field and has to be revived 16

30) 16-year-old soccer player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest

31) Belgian footballer Jens De Smet dies 27

32) Soccer player Dylan Rich dies 17

33) Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest 22

34) Ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dies 19

35) Former NFL pro Parys Haralson dies 37

36) Soccer player Francis Perron dies 25

37) FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest 19

38) Germany volleyball coach Traktor Divitz dies 29

39) Shrewsbury forward Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during the game 30

40) Goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dies 16

41) Professional footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira suffers a double heart attack 18

42) English Helen Byrne with heart problems has to be removed from the field at the World Cup.

43) Germany's team leader Dietmar Gladow dies 53

44) German goalkeeper Bruno Stein dies at the age of 15.

45) USA soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapses cardiac arrest 14

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The New World Order is here

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But Biden said the vaccine was safe. Can the European soccer players sue him. Illegal immigrants have standing in U. S. Courts,. Why not European Soccer players?

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I'm glad Pfizer just bought a company that makes cardiovascular drugs. Their stock is surging again.

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very suspicious

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I have a 36 year old friend that’s in good shape who suddenly has hip problems. Right after his second Covid vaccination shot. He has to undergo one hip replacement in January and his doctor told him the other will eventually need to be replaced.

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2 Hip replacements were needed for a friend’s 18 yr old daughter from the HPV vaccine

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awful! Did the doctor admit that it was due to the vaccine?

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No, only discovered it through all this. Watched vaxxed2 and the kids stories were so similar. Original story never made sense…shin splint playing rec soccer, that morphed into excruciating pain all over, 4 years of school missed, surgeries and more. Meanwhile the boosters kept coming. Mother is a hypochondriac. When I told her hey this happened to my colleague’s kid and it sounds a lot like what happened to yours she said “she wasn’t awake then.”

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similar here. My friend says it's just an age thing, but I am thinking hmmm...

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Military friend had 2 experimental military shots. Then military said those don’t count, so he took the JnJ. Followed that with a flu shot. Then he had to get a shoulder replacement. Doc said he would have needed it eventually but all the shots just brought the time frame earlier

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Anyone have any thoughts as to why it seems to be more prevalent in overseas soccer players (footballers)? I know there has been some fallout for athletes in the US but it does not seem to be anywhere near the amounts that it is happening overseas.

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Whats disgusting is the "it's mild, you'll recover" bs. Hello, maybe study up on the heart, Twitter world.

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Or how about covid would have been worse? Meanwhile nothing like this was happening in 2020.

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Dec 13, 2021
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The hospitals got (maybe still do) $11k per “Covid” patient and $33k per patient on a respirator. They do not have a financial interest in saving lives. I worked for. While in the finance department of a hospital and it was all about the daily “census.”

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Maybe a different vax?

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Even if it is, I believe Moderna is the worst one for these types of Adverse Events...

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It is odd, yes. Football is about 90% of sports coverage, in the uk at least so may be happening but not noticed as much.

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Happening in the US, I think it's more likely to be covered by more small town local news


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I think it’s much harder to fake the vax over there. Guess is a lot of pro US players are pure bloods.

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Dec 13, 2021
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Thanks for introducing me to the Western Journal!

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😂 it’s not just the players, it’s also the fans, on numerous occasion, 2 in one match at my club West Bromwich, but the fans will still cue up for the jabs now the “health passports” have been introduced, for outdoor events over 10000 people

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Did anyone catch the commercial yesterday during NFL game from the doctor talking about risk from DVT-PE ???

My son gasped from the commercial- mommy what's that mean? When the doctor mentioned death.


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Bristol Myers Squibb and PHIZER

What is going on here?

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They're going to rake in gazillions in profits from the meds needed to treat all of the "adverse" effects. Blood clots, auto-immune diseases, seizure disorders - the list is growing every day.

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Not the first time a pharmaceutical company has sold a drug to counteract the side effects of another drug.

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Create a disease, offer a therapeutic…

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Yeah, freaky.

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This is criminal what is happening to our healthy men and women !!!!

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Oh, I get it. The shots are perfectly safe, but we’re checking your hearts every fifteen minutes. What liars.

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Everywhere Pfizer goes, coincidences increase.

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The Pfizer Infinite Improbability Drive (https://youtu.be/nCf53ses22w)

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Alex - I can see now why your wife was pissed off at your humor. I, on the other hand, think you are funny (in my own sick sort of way). Sadly, you will have to stick it out with your wife: you are not my type.

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I still play in an over 50 soccer league and I hope this does not start happening with us too! My team mates where completely hysterical about everyone being vaccinated. But then again we are not exerting ourselves physically as hard as these pro athletes. Sad to see this happening to anyone ,specially healthy individuals, that were conned into being vaccinated.

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One variable may be whether an athlete had covid (very mild or no symptoms) and THEN was forced to be vaccinated. The interaction of infection/vaccine and infection/vaccine/reinfection, etc. does not seem to be studied (and if it were would we hear about it?)

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You can’t get reinfected. One and done. But you can easily get a false positive, or have flu and test + for c19. Even CDC admitted this from a FOIA requsr

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We’d being seeing even more of this if they issued yellow cards to the nearest opponent.

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Lmao! Or each team got 2 points on a by.

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I never do sock-ker, have fallen out of favor with the NFL and in general have cut back my sports enthusiasm by about 90%. A good curling match is always welcome, but they are hard to find.

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Trump still touts the vaccine. Doesn't believe in mandates.

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It's the main reason I have reservations about supporting him.

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Just wait until it happens to one of the big stars and then media will actually cover it. Or blame it on anything other than what we absolutely know what’s causing it. Why do you think so many NFL players haven’t gotten it?

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Cause there isn’t a jab it’s for show

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Sergio Aguero and Christian Eriksen were both very big stars

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True. I mean on the level that Americans would know. Like if NFL and NBA stars started dropping like flies than American MSM media wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

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Yeah gotcha. I'm curious if *any* soccer player would qualify for that criteria? Messi maybe?

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Messi, Ronaldo, anyone an American would know

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I’ve tweeted about this several times and those living in la la land refuse to see what is going on. Anyone have a good article to point out just what is truly happening?

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Utter evil, insanity and mass psychosis has infiltrated our entire society. A human experiment gone horribly, horrifically and tragically wrong. In the words of scarlet O'Hara "I can't think of anything bad enough to call it" My heart aches at the loss of my country's soul every damned day😢😢😢

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The survival rate is still too high everyone better top off your booster shot. Per Anthony Fauci.

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Most US Pros have fake vaccine cards. Harder to pull off in Europe due to govt healthcare.

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Alex can you please post the link to your source for the 15 min break plus a fib check news ?

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Has there been a similar increase in cardiac events in distance runners? Almost all the NCAA cross country runners are vaccinated and I didn’t hear of any incidents this season. I coach high school cross country in California Bay Area where almost all the high schoolers are vaccinated and am unaware of similar events. I’m concerned about this as all my athletes are dutifully getting their boosters as we head into track season.

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I was reading its because of exhaustion LMAO. been watching soccer my whole life never have i seen players passing out, pointing at their chest especially during winter matches.

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No need to worry, "they" created a new syndrome to explain the problem away!

Its PPSD. its not real per se but vaccine fanatics are poised with the explanation for all ze deaths 🧐

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Alex, an American Football player would last about 10 seconds on a football pitch. But you're comparing apples and oranges. Totally different games. In the attached report, there have been over 75 reported issues of athletes collapsing/dieing (26) from heart related issues and reportedly all vaxxed. Full disclosure, I am huge football fan, played professionally and have supported Man. United for over 48 years - since I was 10! A physically demanding sport. Just like most sports.


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Linemen, sure. Specialists, like kickers, probably. RBs and WRs and defensive backs, linebackers, they'd do just fine.

Of course, hockey players would own them all.

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The NFL had adds on for AFIB tests all day yesterday. I've never seen a blood clot add in my entire life until yesterday.

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I saw another footballer in Serie A at the weekend, substituted with chest pain. Wondering if there’s a video compilation of all players with similar problems (Aguero, Eriksen, Traore, Fleck, etc.).

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“Napoli midfielder Piotr Zielinski (27) was taken off after 19 minutes in Serie A match against Empoli today [Sunday 12th Dec] after struggling to breathe and chest pain.”

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Napoli player this weekend too

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