My money is on the fact that not a single person was 'saved' by the miracle shots, rather millions were harmed that would have otherwise gotten through the infection just fine. This was a con job to use the world population as unknowing participants in the largest phase 3 (phases 1 and 2 for boosters and children) clinical trial ever conducted. Pharma has been itching to produce mRNA based products but those pesky animal models kept suggesting it wasn't a good idea to put it into humans. Worse is the fact that they got to run their trials LIABILITY FREE and sponsored by world governments who did all of the marketing for them.

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Con job and a scam. It makes the Italian Job look like a kid's game. Governments bankrupted, massive inflation due to QE to pay people to stay at home; millions skimmed off from payroll support; Bezos and Gates sittin' pretty along with all their buddies. And if we only had the proof, most of the politicians also. Don't hear much about any of them getting AERS from the inoculations.

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Feels to me as the greatest CON in human history with ALL things considered and there was a TON to consider wasn't there the past 2.6 years

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Very well said. I agree 100%.

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As Alex has posted before, in pfizer’s own randomized controlled trials (RCT), more people died in the vaccine arm. Both in 3 and 6 month follow up.

The highest and best level of epidemiological and clinical evidence is an RCT. These modeling studies are Literally BS.

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It will be brushed under the carpet. It is in Spin Control.. Too many in Govt reap from the Spin.

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More absolute nonsense. The troubling part is how many college educated people out there never read past the headline. Blame it on our national declining attention span. Critical thinking has gone the way of the cassette player and the flip phone.

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I liked my flip phone

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I still use one! And, it embarrasses the hell out of my kids.

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Flip phones rule. No Google. No apple. Battery lasts days, days I tell you.

Also $25 new.

And they flip.

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“And they flip.”….👍🎯💥

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What's wrong with the the cassette player and the flip phone?

No flip phone but I have functional cassette players in three cars ('72 MK IV, '89 Bentley and '99 Taurus SHO) and a B&O 9000 deck in a B&O 8000 system.

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I've found a lot of the older technology and older devices were of much higher quality. Sounds like you must agree. Those cars sound sweet, even the '99 Taurus is probably a dream to work on if you're an auto mechanic. Did you find B&O worth it? Always seemed extraordinarily expensive.

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They are all fairly easy to work on. The Taurus SHO intake manifold has to be removed to get to the rear bank of spark plugs. It will easily run with a Mustang GT from the same year up to about 120 mph. The B&O system I bought for the design and the linear tracking turntable and it will put out 150w per channel into 4 ohms. The receiver alone weighs 45 lbs and the 9000 cassette deck is the three head design. So, to your question, I could have gotten the same sound quality for less money but I like it and have maintained it all these years. Although I have a digital camera (Fuji X-Pro2) I still like to use film and a Leica M3 from the 1950's is my go to.

We have thousands of years of old and relative few years of new so the odds are better that there will be more, better older things than new. (Doesn't apply to golf equipment though)

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One of the things I like about older items is that they were more likely to be built to last and also they are more likely to be repaired or modified. New items such as cars or electronics or just about anything are made to be used and then thrown away. We live in a disposable society now where we don't even change the battery in our cell phone, we just get a new cell phone. To your point, the older cameras and audio equipment are from a different era with a different mentality around the items in our life. I have a Nikon D750, which isn't old but it also isn't the latest and greatest but maybe I'll give the Leica M3 a whirl too one day; although, I heard the film cameras have had a little renaissance and have become very expensive. Dave, you are a dying breed of person and it sounds like you have an awesome life. As such, it doesn't surprise me that you're on Berenson's substack either.

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Leica M3 from the 1950’s? Impressive!

it is indeed the way to go!


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Hey dude. You are liven large.

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Science has been hijacked

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Not hijacked, but dead and gone. Science? What science? I don't see any science.

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I'm thinking simply wrong types in wrong positions spewing subjective-political science. Scott Atlas and Harvey Risch etc, are the types I tend to lean on for humble perspective not bought off as far as I can tell like most

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Aside from helping you get a better job, college has become worse than useless: overpriced day care centers that churn out good little hoop-jumpers. Maybe I exaggerate, but the vast majority who bucked the mandates were those who looked at college and said, "Nah."

BTW, I'm still using my flip phone. Smart phones don't seem to make people any smarter.

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"Good little hoop jumpers." Love it.

I would have passed on college, but I wanted to be a wildlife biologist and one could not enter that profession without a degree in wildlife management. If they offered an alternative route of on-the-job training I would have jumped at it.

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Three in my family alone, all in their 50’s. Absolutely baffling.

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Hey - I still have a cassette player

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I had one until I replaced the radio in my 2003 Camry.

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Amen sister.

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Alex...you should write an article on the hypocrisy of covid fascists NOW advocating for bodily autonomy after the Roe v Wade was struck down. For example in Wisconsin's capitol seat: "The Dane County Sheriff’s Office does not have the resources nor expertise to investigate medical professionals conducting medical procedures in medical facilities." https://www.channel3000.com/mayor-we-will-not-be-arresting-abortion-providers-in-madison/ Yet Dane County had the strongest and worst C19 restrictions in the entire state. Also Dane County is where Pierre Korry lives and they are trying to take away his medical license. He is THE ivermectin guy and a huge critic of the current vaccines. he's even developed a medical protocol to treat those injured by vaccines. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/they-are-trying-to-revoke-dr-pierre So will abortion doctors in Wisconsin get their licenses pulled? Unlikely...this is all political theater.

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Obama (a huge mask/vax pusher himself) has chimed in with full hypocrisy:


Former President Barack Obama criticized the decision, saying the high court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent but it "relegated the most intensely personal decision someone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues -- attacking the essential freedoms of millions of Americans."

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The idea that Obama knows anything meaningful about the Constitution is laughable.

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LOL That! The Great Irony of 2022. Folks will look back and wonder how We The People became so compromised. It;s up to the individual States now, and the People will decide. Not an unelected Bureaucrat.

Thanks for the link. The SCOTUS appointees were a correction. Even RGB said RvW could be argued against. It should always be up to the People to decide.

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Barry is a politician and ideologue...

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Dane county is WACKO. Madison use to be so much FUN to visit too, but now its crime ridden and dominated by extreme commiecRATS

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I attended pharmacy school there. Thank God I got away and grew a brain.

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Ground ZERO mass psychosis my sis tells me

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A person once said about accountants, "On a good day they are incompetent. On a bad day they are just corrupt". As an engineer who has had a few brushes with models (the mathematical kind). I find a lot of similarity between modelers and accountants. Models are many times loaded with fudge factors to make them appear credible. Look at deaths attributable to Covid by the CDC. Did they die of Covid or with Covid. Or was that gun shot or major auto accident really a factor in the persons death who had a positive Covid test that had been cycled 40 times well into the false positive territory? So I conclude the CDC model of Covid deaths has more fudge than Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

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I can’t believe Kaiser (my health insurer) is still sending its members emails about how important it is to get the jab. Now they’re pushing it for kids under 5. I hope to hell I don’t need to see a doctor because I don’t trust anyone there.

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I have suggested this explanation before: the unrelenting push is aimed at reducing the embarrassing stockpile that’s already been paid for. The regretful purchasers are desperate.

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And the physicians care more about keeping their jobs than they do their patients, so they play along with this phony evil game. It’s become so painstakingly clear.

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Actually I thought the push for kids was that once the shots were on the formulary, the companies couldn't be sued for damages, pursuant to the 1986 law.

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I think both things are being pushed: get rid of as much of the current stockpile before it expires AND get it on the formulary. The bonus to the latter for pharma is that, in addition to being liability free, they change "the baseline" for kids' health by changing their immune systems and getting rid of/reducing the possible "control group." If that leaves a whole generation or so sicker, then that's more long term dependency on the pharmaceutical industry. It's quite a(n evil) business model.

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I believe it and it is quite scary. Fortunately, my kids and grandkids are not vaxxed. Unfortunately, they will have to live in that world.

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I’ve read that too. They needed all ages to avoid liability, and they can add it to the list of vaccines required for school and it becomes a forever money stream for them.

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That’s what I read too

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The embarrassing stockpile that’s already been paid for…and that’s already obsolete against current strains

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Good point!

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Left Kaiser just so I don't have to get those emails (even though I opted out).

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An alternate medical system is forming - look for docs listed on the FLCCC website, or American College of Physicians & Surgeons - if they are listed on either of those websites they are (as am I) almost certainly willing to use their brains and prescribe correctly. The goal is twofold, to get folks well, and to keep them far, far away from the medical Establishment.

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I got an email about that. $1000 for the first year if you are one of the first to sign up, otherwise $1800. Then you pay providers in their group a cash fee negotiated by the group. Basically, you are self-insured.

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Interesting! Do you mind forwarding that email to me at ALlifestylemed@protonmail.com? I would love to connect us all, as I get emails/calls regarding out-of-state patients that I cannot legally see. Would love to be able to point them somewhere.

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I can’t believe UCLA Health continues to push the vaccine! They are a university (lib) in Commiefornia, so that has a lot to do with it. Every time I call for a regular appointment, I’m forced to listen to their ridiculous hold message that tells how proud they are of the vaccine’s efficacy and to be sure to get boosted! When will it stop?!

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When the funding of "medical research" is not more or less directly from Big Pharma via the NIH. Would be a start. It is a completely corrupt and broken system which has to be navigated with great care to squeeze out of it the few helpful things that remain, imho.

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Ridiculous! I’d like to walk into these places and ask who is in charge there and what the hell are they talking about. Quit with the BS, the gig is up!

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Alex, A good chuckle to start the weekend. Thanks.

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I can make a mathematical model to say that the sky is plaid.

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It would be a boon to navigation with that grid pattern...

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Hilarious—-however the unread masses will certainly choose to believe any lie that makes them feel superior.

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Maybe in a few years the NYT will write about it.

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By reducing sperm count the Miracle Shots (TM) also help to erase inequality between men and women. (If you are a biologist you might know what those words mean).

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It’s NOT - “Attention Citizens”..!!

It’s “Attention Sheepeople”

Please get it right…. Baaaahhhh

Now, pass the gruel…

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Ewe said it!

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The craziest part of the "study" that purported to show that mRNA shots saved 20 million people is that they decried how few people got the shots in "poor" countries. If only 40% of the population of poor countries had gotten the shots, SOOOO many more people would have been saved. Never mind that those poor countries had better outcomes without the shots than the rich countries had with the shots. That little piece of evidence doesn't fit the desired outcome so we'll pretend that up is down and the war in Ukraine is peace.

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More CNN Propaganda 🤔

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More likely, the phony experimental gene therapies allowed big pharma, big government, big media and public health to earn tens of billions of dollars, while maiming and killing half a million and counting.

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Found it: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(22)00320-6/fulltext

The only thing our Dept. of Pandemia failed to provide is the reassurance that OF COURSE those who GENEROUSLY and BENEVOLENTLY funded this study, including Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Imperial College Research Fellowship, had ZERO impact on the report.

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This really captures the essence of government and lamestream media "reporting" on these topics. Well done!

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