Faucci’s lies are coming out but nothing will be done to him.

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We know that because his lies started coming out four years ago ... and nothing has been done to him. In fact, his memoirs are getting ready to be published and I'm sure he got a $10 million advance. Georgetown hired him as a professor emeritus. I don't know how many boards he's being paid to serve on.

I guess his wife is still the "ethics" director for the NIH.

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maybe in this life.

although, it will certainly be a fascinating final judgement, because he's a Catholic whose superpowered hubris conquered Catholic Guilt.

he is now in his own estimation so ethical, that he has transcended religion entirely.



“You don’t practice [Catholicism] anymore?” she asked.

“No,” he answered.

She then asked for the reason.

“A number of complicated reasons,” he said.

“First of all, I think my own personal ethics on life are I think enough to keep me going on the right path,” Fauci said.

“I identify myself as a Catholic. I was raised, I was baptized, I was confirmed, I was married in the Church.”

“My children were baptized in the Church… But as far as practicing it, it seems almost like a pro forma thing that I don’t really need to do.”

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I was relieved when he described himself as a "humanist" ( a code word for a misanthrope).

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Am I the only one who knows where this ENDS as is typical in the swamp of bought and paid for "servants" of the people? Just how many times have we seen the rant and rave GOP verbally scolding the overt criminality and fraud only to see nothing come of it? The greatest CON and CRIME against humanity in the history of time was just allowed to be planned-executed and will continue in shifting narrative. None of these criminals will serve time or pay the price as they should, and it's a damn shame considering what was allowed to be done to humanity...especially the children. ZERO accountability remains the single greatest existential crisis we face on every level of society now, but especially in the SWAMP. Nothing changes until IT does...why would it!

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It’s honestly satanic at this point. Anything that attacks children is satanic at its core. We’ve just been taught not to see it that way: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack

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now just hang on...they MIGHT draft a strongly worded letter. AND...if they do it will go on his PERMANENT record.

You are correct. it's all theater.

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Yes a strongly worded letter and a generous "we the people" funded pension until the elf fraud dies. American Justice at it's finest...

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i think a lot of people would like to see some kind of closure, but in a weird way, having this "thing" that we don't really talk about anymore doesn't mean it's forgotten.

a lot of people used to trust "the Science" more than any religion, and that's starting to turn 180 degrees. the fact that "the $cience" failed so publicly and spectacularly is going to stay with a lot of people even if they don't admit it.

some effects are out in the open like now all the ugly people wear masks - which I personally approve of. however, there are other, lesser-known effects like how the efforts before the plandemic to eliminate religious exemptions for childhood vaccines have been set back for an entire generation.

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Tragically true.

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No one is paying attention to any of this--other than the diehard readers here. Everyone I know is focused on the senile president, Israel and the campus lunatics, and the ECONOMY.

And immigration. Don't forget immigration.

I hate these people.

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The fact every official and "watchdog" journalists ignores the fact we've had a senile president for 3 1/2 years .... also explains why or how the same people and organizations have been able to ignore all the Covid scandals. Just don't talk about it. It works every time.

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4 years ago when Biden was campaigning, I watched him walk--on the rare occasion when he came out of the basement--I said, "He has dementia." No one believed me. Several people said that I was "projecting" b/c ,my mother died with dementia in Dec. 2019.

Not projection. It was an accurate observation.

So along with my 2020 declarations that the vaccines were untested and possibly dangerous, and that FAUCI is a liar and a fraud, I now proclaim I TOLD YOU SO.

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You did. I was right there with you.

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Unfortunately true! I was watching a roundtable discussion last night about the looming WHO treaty vote in next few weeks on EPOCH TV. In that discussion Ron Johnson the Wisconsin senator who has probably been the most outspoken servant in the swamp on the realities of the EUA gene therapy medications and plandemic mentioned there are 3 types of people now. #1 Those who have no clue or don't care about the plandemic realities and are aloof, #2 Those like us who are engaged and knowing, and #3 The criminals themselves who orchestrated it all and still are "allowed" too.

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Just mention to a vaccine enthusiast that "the science" is a criminal full of B.S., and immediately one is labeled a "conspiracy nut"..........

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This just is jaw dropping and shocking to me even though we have known all of this for so long it feels like reality is just starting to catch up! Thanks Alex

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Thanks Alex for sharing this from Bad Cat. This truth needs to be kept front and center in the mind of honest people. I'm not confident that there will be any accountability for this criminal behavior. But markers like this help to provide clarity to those of us who continually warn that DC has slipped into a deep and broad corruption that makes it unworthy of the power it presently wields. The States, Courts and honest people must work to greatly diminish these powers.

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Hotez, Fauci, et. al. should be lined up against the wall to meet their maker. It should be streamed live, they are complicit in the deaths of millions, the ruin of economies, and altering the political landscape around the world.

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Good job on highlighting Bad Cat Alex

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While I am glad to see this attempt to hold the guilty accountable, friends and family members sickened and dying as a result of this genocidal scheme, are still clueless and don't want to face the fact that they were targeted by our own institutions as expendable guinea pigs. When I tell them "gain of function" is just a flowery cover term for "bio-weapon" development, I get glassy-eyed stares or angry retorts that I'm just believing in conspiracy theories and any chance of real dialogue never happens. Why oh why do so many just fall in line and accept the dictates of this nihilistic ruling class? Why don't they feel angry enough about their situation to investigate further? I thought of Roald Dahl's short story, "Lamb to the Slaughter", and read it this morning. Ironic that it should come to mind after reading this piece.

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I've got a suggestion for the next member of Congress who asks some taboo questions at a Committee Hearing. When (or if) you ask questions about the "safe and effective" vaccines, simply ask your questions with these vials sitting on your Committee member podium.

This is the picture that best captures or symbolizes "safe and effective."


P.S. Then ask them if they have ever seen these "substances."

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None of this is news to some of us who were capable of observing and making sense of reality in 2020. Speaking only for myself - I don't watch television "news." It should be obvious to the vast majority that the drivel on your tv screen is not "news." It's ratings driven entertainment.

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Money quote: "if there is no accountability for this, it’s just plain over." -el gato malo

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Narrator’s voice over on the downfall of America: “it’s just plain over.”

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Another prime example of the two sets of rules in this country. A DC swamp dweller lies violates the rules governing his behavior and he is still drawing his salary and suffers nothing. Vs the deplorable people who are harassed and jailed by a government with endless resources and jailed for mis stating some irrelevant fact to the FBI or for walking through a government building through a door held open by the police convicted over a perversion of a statute designed to punish people who destroyed financial documents in an accounting fraud.

On the witch trials of DJT look up a substack called “tell me how this ends” by Chris bray. His post on May 9 2024 is about a prosecutor who work on inventing the charges against DJT in the NYC case. They had 12 attorneys looking for and using novel legal theories to come up with what they have charged DJT with. They had to get a new district attorney because the one prior to Bragg had some morales.

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Another irony: a "health" official named Tabak (tobacco in some European languages).

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Love the cynical ending about "conspiracy theorists being 37-0" not that any of us have been keeping track, and, "let's go for 38."

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Alex - you have in the past asked your readers to propose topics.

I'd like to propose talking about anti-vax movements elsewhere. Of special interest to me are Latin America and Eastern Europe. Every search I make comes up with no more than government propaganda. If there are vaccine realists, either Covid or childhood jabs, I'd like to know how to find them.

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I'd like to see one story (from a more prominent Substacker than myself) who asks Fauci or any public health official if they have/had any reason to believe this virus might have been spreading in America weeks or months BEFORE the "Wuhan Outbreak."

This possibility never occurred to them? Why didn't any CDC or NIH official interview any of the hundreds of known Americans who tested posItive for Covid antibodies and had definite Covid symptoms in November or December 2019?

For some strange reason, this is THE taboo/off-limits area of Covid inquiry.

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