Given that these shots were never tested in people over age 65 and given that immunity wanes with aging and given that you need a robust immune system to mount an antibody response to real vaccination, it is beyond me why anyone ever got the idea of not only giving it to the elderly but in prioritizing them. That was my first clue that this was being done to kill people - starting with the elderly. And I still have a hard time figuring out why anyone would recommend we stop giving it to those under age 50 as opposed to STOP GIVING IT TO EVERYONE. I have been a doctor for 45 years an know of no instance in which a drug was prioritized to the very population of people on whom it was NOT tested??!!???

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Because kidney function declines with age along with muscle mass, older people, particularly the frail elderly ALWAYS have lower tolerance to drugs in the same doses given to younger more robust people. Either they were deliberately trying to kill them OR they were just experimenting a little more to see just how many old people would die at the same drug doses tolerated by the young. Either way it shows that our "public health" experts are not doctors and know little about human physiology. I suspect that these people have never spent any time caring for the elderly in nursing homes. Not only do they know nothing about the body, they know nothing about the psychology of being in a nursing home and don't realize that when these people are not allowed visitors they are neglected by the nursing staff - and die. Or again, maybe they do know!

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I've always thought they did it to weed out the weaker part of our society. No more government having to pay out Medicare.

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In all honesty that was the first thing that went through my mind. I kept telling myself that I had to have been wrong but as time went on I came to the conclusion that Governor Cuomo and Governor Whitmer could not possibly have not realized what they were doing by sending sick young people into the nursing homes with the elderly AND also giving them shots of God knows what that were never tested in their cohort.

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Please recall it was not just Cuomo (disgraced) and Whitmer (reelected), It was also Gov. Wolf of PA (term limited) and Gov. Murphy of NJ ( I believe reelected last year). These unholy four didn't give a dam about the aged in nursing homes. They died alone, infected residents of the homes they were sent to. My only question: was this voluntary or involuntary manslaughter? And no consequences for their terrible decisions.

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Yes and we are all suppose to believe that all of those governors were re-elected and there is no election interference. It's why they all continue to push through their crazy Marxist agendas--they no longer have to pander to the voters because they know they are untouchable. Believe me, we are living through the insanity right now in Minnesota as Gov Walz (whom you can include on your list of elderly murderers) pushes through his far-left agenda.

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Missed Wala somehow. Thanks for the info. And ditto on your election comments.

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I would not call it manslaughter. At least for Michigan I would call it murder - but I cannot yet figure out if I would call it first or second degree murder. I say this because Whitmer is married to a dentist and I am sure that he discussed this with her - so she knew exactly what she was doing. I also say murder because a 75 year old nursing home resident was beaten to death by a 21 year old "room mate" sent to share his room to recover from Covid. The guy took a video of himself punching the elderly man who died about a month later. Another aspect of the story is that the older man was taken out of his nursing home and moved to the one with the room mate who killed him. But the caretakers at his NH failed to inform his family that THEY had transferred him to another facility without discussing it with his family. His family had been looking for him but could not find him. I presume that somehow the facility lost records. That is murder! And Whitmer was responsible - and all it takes is one murder to convict for life.

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Oh my God. I had not heard about this 21 year old. What was a 21 year old doing in a nursing home? Was he mentally ill ( i.e., schizophrenic)? I have never heard of the young and old mixed in a nursing home. And not telling a family their ill and aged relative is moved to another facility. This is indeed moral murder.

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It was as if the Deep State told them to speed things up. They needed the crisis and the Democrat Governors were given their orders. What better way than to have all of your victims (the elderly in nursing homes) all in one place. It's like using a single bullet to kill a mass crowd.

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I agree. I am still in awe over the diabolical genius behind all of this because we have yet to see the full mortality. Wait until all the cancers start to appear and the restrictive lung disease from people breathing in all the microplastics from those masks.

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I feel like the cancer cases are already starting. Recurring cancers in people who were cancer free, now it's stage 4. People with no cancer history and suddenly they are stage 4. And how about all the heart attacks? I know so many people in their 50s & 60s with "sudden heart issues" or pacemakers within the past 2 years. Not to mention all of the "died unexpectedly" obituaries of young people I see in the paper and in the news. Now, no one questions it. Before 2020 it used to be shocking to hear of someone in their 50s dying suddenly or having a heart attack. Now, the media reports it and wants us to think this is all normal.

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And a solution to the dwindling Social Security trust fund.

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Well they have to find some way to pay SS to all those illegal aliens/

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I think a big part of their "solution" is digital currency, which will eventually end up with the banning of all or most cash transactions. That will let the government have easier access to "our" money. Even the magic printing press is no longer printing enough money to fund all the government's obligated current and future outlays.

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When the banks crash and the "solution" is CBDC - people will beg for the solution, just like they begged for the poison shots.

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Exactly. Watch and we will see. They will also deposit some nice chunk of change in all our digital accounts to get us more on board.

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And that same dosage was given to my 9, 12, 14 & 15 yr old grandkids. Their parents closely follow the dosage for Tylenol…but not this poison. Breaks my heart.

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I’m a 70 yo female and refused it. Worked in a lab for 20 yrs as a microbiologist. My bone density is good , lipids fantastic, weight good. Vitamin D ~100. Got Omicron last September and no problems. Dr still thinks I should take vax. No thanks

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And even more disturbing they were recommended for pregnant women, even though for ethical reasons no pregnant women were included in the trials.

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Correct. And the immunosuppressed were not included! Prior to this we did not give certain vaccines to immunosuppressed patients. Why? Because they cannot make antibodies AND, more importantly their bodies can be attacked by the virus or viral particles injected in the vaccine. ALL of the groups that were prioritized to receive this shot (elderly, pregnant women, children and the immunosuppressed) were the very groups in which it was NEVER TESTED and the very groups in which problems could have been and should have been anticipated. You don't do this unless you intend to kill or you are simply so incompetent that your gross negligence is legally equivalent to an intent to kill).

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Intent? That’s a huge claim. Sadly, I’m in no position to dismiss or verify.

But, if true, and one follows the money beyond Big Pharma’s and their minions in the bureaucracy’s obvious payouts, it does reduce future entitlements, a huge and looming catastrophe.

That said, such theories imply a well coordinated conspiracy. I’ve always leaned more toward the metaphor of comparing life on planet earth to a boulder running downhill. All anyone can do is nudge it a bit while running alongside. Of course the nudging power of the ruling class is far more effective than the average Joe’s.

Signing off now. I need a drink. Or three.

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I can hardly like this article enough.

But please don't call the mask/lockdown/vax-'em-all fascists "liberal." Those who insisted on suffocating and injecting others against their will are about as far from liberalism as one can be. Because DeSantis respects individual choices in healthcare, he is the true liberal, in the archaic sense of the word, much as Republicans would cringe to have that word applied to one of their own.

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I could not agree more. We need a complete re-visioning of the political language we use. The mask fascists were authoritarians, pure and simple. In fact, based on the classical definition, there is no barrier to calling them fascists. They carried water for an unholy alliance of pharma and government.

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And we have to stop giving oxygen to the idiots who scream fascism (Sandy Cortez I'm looking at you) when it is clear they have no idea what it means. The social media followers of these people are completely ignorant about what fascism, communism, Nazism, etc. mean historically. To them it means one disagrees with them. To people who have lived it or have really studied it, it is horrifying hyperbole.

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I suppose the appropriate word is neo-liberal, who are no different from the neo-conservatives from earlier this century. I think what you've highlighted is that old school liberals and the emerging 'America First' conservatives probably have much more in common than either group does with the establishment uni-party. This is why you see the establishment working together to destroy anyone/thing that opposes it...with Trump being the symbolic figure head based on a Luciferian caricature they created and promulgated for the last 7 years. Unfortunately, it appears as though it's worked.

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He is the best governor of my lifetime and never have I been happier or more thankful to live in Florida than I have been the last 3 years.

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I have heard that Rick Scott did a pretty good job of getting Florida going in the right direction. Not that I want to take anything away from DeSantis, because he has done a phenomenal job, but how was his predecessor as governor?

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I liked Rick Scott - think many Floridians did though not everyone will admit it. But there were definitely Floridians who would never support RS whereas DeSantis picked up support across multiple demographics. DeSantis was/is unusually thoughtful and bold when it came to Covid. I don’t think Scott would have been terrible but I also don’t think he’d go out on a limb as far as DeSantis did. Could be wrong though. Have a kid who was living in Los Angeles when Covid started and it was crazy to compare the two states in real time.

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From what little I do know about Mr. Scott, I agree with you in that he would not have bucked the system with the power that DeSantis did.

Thanks for your perspective.

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Great article and best governor in the US for Covid and many other reasons. He also picked a good surgeon general who was the one there following the science and giving the governor the right input.

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AND he brought in Dr. Scott Atlas & Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to advise the state public health department.

YouTube took down the video.

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Hey, Rosie. I was just in the middle of posting the exact same thing with the same docs as example. Just deleted the post. Makes me smile. Thanks for covering.

DeSantis has made the proper decisions on how to handle this.

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There is SO MUCH that Gov. DeSantis did for Florida during the pandemic.. It's gratifying to see others remember his policies.

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Good point. Great leaders pick the right advisors!

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I watched a video of that presentation. It was pretty early in the lockdown days. What struck me is how well DeSantis knew his stuff. He could summarize the same arguments as his panelists and asked all the right questions. In other words, you could tell he had studied and thought about all these issues. That separates him from his political peers right there.

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I sent it around at the time, hoping his grasp of the facts and common sense approach would make a dent. Receptivity fell along political lines. I found this very distressing.

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I was dumbfounded a governor of a major state would even hold such a panel. He tried to promote it - just like Sen. Ron Johnson tried to promote those panels he hosted with whistleblowers. But if the media doesn't want to cover something, they aren't going to cover it.

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More videos need to be uploaded to Rumble. It doesn't censor anything--unlike tyrannical YouTube.

I'm able to watch Steven Crowder now--without missing anything.

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Atlas made a point of noting how prepared DeSantis was.

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The surgeon general is Joseph Ladapo.

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I saw Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr. Ladapo. WOW! A very impressive man!

It's sad, though, that we should be surprised when we find such a person working in the public sector.

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He now has a bright political future as well. It just takes one issue. If I went on some big TV show and talked sense about some subject, I'd become an over-night political sensation.

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Likewise, Trump looks like a little dog yapping at a doberman when he goes after DeSantis. He was a good president for the most part, but the best thing he could do now is hand the baton to Ron.

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DeSantis needs to distance himself from the Bush dynasty, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan. No way he can be fully trusted. Trojan horse who will only be another establishment globalist.

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And how, exactly, do you know that he would be just another "establishment globalist?" Nobody can be sure that he won't be, but you seem to have some special knowledge here. Please elaborate.

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Maybe you need to reread my comment. Better yet, do your homework. Check out his voting recording, who is supporting him, who is funding him, who is pushing him out there, who he surrounds himself with, how he answers questions. Then ask yourself---if he is so Trump like, why do the Republicans support him and yet, they did (and are doing) everything to destroy Trump. Why doesn't the media trash him like they did Trump if he is so Trump-like. It's called controlled opposition.

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The media doesn't trash him? I'm not sure which media you're listening to, but the media seems to hate DeSantis as much as they do almost any Republican. But you're mistaken, I don't think DeSantis is "so Trump like" - in fact, I would hope he would differ from Trump. Trump's legacy includes lots of spending, Covid lockdowns and vaccines, etc. You bring up some valid points about the people DeSantis surrounds himself with (although it's hard to tell just how close he is with these people, they aren't on his campaign team), but Trump himself chose people to serve in his administration that are hardly anti-globalist: John Bolton? Nicki Haley?

In short, look at the outcomes from 2020. Trump brought us lockdowns and warp speed. DeSantis opened schools and maintained a healthy business environment for his state. I'm not sure why anyone would want to go back to a Trump Presidency. Can we please just be done with these old men?

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It is nowhere near what the media did to Trump. Again, it is all controlled to make you think he is the better option and the globalists still maintain their control. They aren't going to come out and be on his campaign to make it obvious. Look at what Jeb Bush did--endorsed DeSantis and then had to distance himself as it ended up hurting DeSantis. DeSantis is on record as saying (on video) that he was most excited to meet George Bush. He has had meetings and the backing of Paul Ryan (globalist, who is the reason that we still have Obamacare). DeSantis also locked down, even though he is trying to distance himself from that now.

As far as Haley and Bolton, Trump has been clear that he came to Washington as an outsider and that they had to learn the hard way. They trusted too many swamp creatures and it took time to weed them out. It only helped to show the American people who these people really were--globalists. When they did show their disloyalty he fired them and then took criticism for that.

We had the real deal--Trump. I don't want an imposter who will remove his mask once in office. I miss the safety and security we had under Trump--safer borders, lower crime, lower gas and groceries, respect from other nations, peace/no wars, higher 401ks, more money in our pockets and putting America first. It would be great if DeSantis could be all that. I like what he did with Florida, but unfortunately I don't think it will stay like that--not with who he is surrounding himself with and who is funding him. Again, a trojan horse. I don't base my vote on someone's age either. I'll go with results.

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Trump campaigned in 2016 that he would only hire the "best" people. All his people, he promised, would be the best, and we'd be so tired of winning. I won't argue that there were things he did I agreed with, but at least some of this inflation is his responsibility (and Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, and of course Biden's). He didn't build the wall he promised to build. And I'm sorry but his narcissistic, undisciplined personality just isn't suited to the job.

It bothers me, too, that we are and will continue to argue over a handful of men and women running for office when none of these people, if elected, will "save" us. It's time we all must learn that we can only save ourselves. It starts on the local level with more self-reliance and establishing communities of people we can trust.

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The media trashed DeSantis incessantly over Covid, the "don't say gay" nonsense they created in a reasonable bill, and any other chance they got.

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How many times did he get sued? His family get sued? Any of his family businesses get audited? Any family get kicked out of restaurants? Harrassed in public? How many times did they attack his wife? How many times have his kids been attacked? Peanuts compared to what the establishment has done to Trump. Just pointing out that they are only putting out the elusion that the media is "attacking" DeSantis, while throwing him softballs.

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You forget, DeSantis is not now nor has he been President yet. He's not truly on the national stage yet at this point.

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The better question is: Who would the dems want to run against in 2024? I suspect DeSantis. He's more "controlled opposition" than Trump is. BTW, I'm a DeSantis fan but will vote Trump if need be.

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I don't know, Trump has already lost to Biden once. That doesn't bode well for a second run, not to mention the fact that Trump's running takes Biden's age and senility off the table.

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He lost in the same way he'll lose in 2024: election rigging. I suspect Mike Obama will throw his / her hat in the ring and win by a landslide. God is not done correcting us.

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Ehhhh, maybe, maybe not. The "stolen election" was another thing Trump screamed a lot about (and continues to do so) but never managed to prove. Yes, I believe there was undoubtedly some shady business in 2020, but I just don't know that it met the threshold to overturn the results. I do agree that Michelle could very well jump in and would undoubtedly win. We should all be on our knees this Holy Week praying for the country.

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I think the Democrats want Trump. An absolute corpse in Joe Biden beat Trump. The Democrats and their corporate media mouthpieces realized DeSantis can win the independents and those in the middle in addition to conservatives.

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The better question is how do you know he won't be? You cannot go by what he did in Florida. Most of that was consistent with what the GOP establishment likes. Now, foreign policy. THAT is the big test. When he came out and sounded like Trump on Ukraine, he got push back and had to backtrack. He is a neocon on foreign policy -- endless wars.

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I would argue that the GOP establishment liked what DeSantis did in Florida. If that's the case then why did literally every other Republican governor in the country (with the possible exception of Kristi Noem) go along with lockdowns, mask mandates, and school closures? Furthermore, I'm not sure how we can really know all that much about DeSantis' foreign policy stance. Yes, he walked back his comments on the Russia-Ukraine conflict as being a regional territorial dispute, which was disappointing, but I'm not at all sure that we know enough yet to make a judgement. I do know that Lindsay Graham has endorsed Trump for 2024, and Lindsay is a neocon if I've ever seen one.

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Yes, Graham is a neocon. But he also plays the game. We know about DeSantis from his time in Congress. And, the fact that he jumped right to calling Putin a war criminal, and repeated the old McCain trope about Russia being a gas station, I think he has shown who he really is.

As for lockdowns, everyone was afraid. Trump was excoriated by the media for wanting the country open by Easter. Too many people seem to have short memories, like DeSantis when he came out swinging against Trump on lockdowns in January, 2022.

And, anyone who stabs the person in the back who helped him get elected cannot be trusted.

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DeSantis needed Trump to get elected. Now, DeSantis is attacking Trump through his surrogates. And, he claimed he knew better about the lockdowns in 2020, and said he should have pushed back more against Trump. We all know more now than we knew then. Anyone who backstabs the person who helped them get elected cannot be trusted in my book. Trump changed his schedule in 2018 to pull Ron across the finish line. And now, Karl Rove is on his team. I will never vote for him for president.

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DeSantis committed the ultimate crime, he did not listen to Science, the CDC or the left biased media about covid. He did not join the panic. He thought rationally and worked with his own experts in FL, including Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. They studied risk/benefit and decided the risks associated with the vaccine outweighed the benefits for children. This was a perfectly valid procedure to assess risk BEFORE covid came along. Vanity Fair, Fauci, Wollensky, the WHO, and thousands of virologists decreed that only they had the answers to the problem of covid.

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The article in vanity fair is inconsequential anyway. It’s simply preaching to the choir. He was relentlessly smeared in every local Florida rag and by local tv when he ran for re-election. The result, a 20 point slaughter. These neo libs or leftists or whatever they are, are living in echo chambers and more and more the rational people are tuning them out. Only the most ardent fear ridden Covid believer still thinks the jabs are worth a shit. It’s such a small slice of the populous they are irrelevant.

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I think the intended message with our recent trend of authorized stories is that "DeSantis can't beat Trump." I've noted all the stories saying, "DeSantis trails Trump by 30 percent" or that the "Key donors are not giving to DeSantis." It seems to me the goal is for DeSantis to get out of the race. They actually want Trump to be the face of the Republican Party. They are afraid of DeSantis.

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Agree 100%. I think the "Trump First" contingent of conservatives are being duped by the Democrats. DeSantis can beat the Democrats, Trump can't (and didn't).

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is Vanity Fair relevant?

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Probably. If the story gets repeated by all the key "pack" news organizations. It was written for a reason, that's for sure.

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Their attempt at β€œforgiveness” was quite curious. Could not help but wonder if it was a test to see reaction. Same with this latest crap. Marxist writers using a script…

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Nothing more than a rag.

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Sadly that doesn’t keep it from being relevant (see also Atlantic Ragazine, obviously)

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DeSantis has the benefit and fortune of being advised by Dr. Ladapo, whereas Trump was saddled with advice from proud traitors Fauci, Birx, et al.

I do fault Trump for listening to those Mengele-wanna-be bureaucrats, but those two have been part of the DC swamp for decades, and Trump was a novice -- and political outsider -- president.

I can only imagine the howls of outrage if Trump had followed his instincts and fired at least Fauci and Birx.

The covid19 farce was a pure setup to steal the election and insert current president potatohead in office. It's as plain as day.

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Trump shat the bed with his Covid response. There is no way around that ... he was out maneuvered by Fauci et. al. and was advocating for the vaccine long after the efficacy waned and injuries were increasing.

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One thing is for sure: Trump signed off on his own defeat when he approved all the non-pharmaceutical interventions to slow or stop the spread. One of those mitigation measures was ... mail-in ballots. What political party excels in using mail-in ballots or absentee ballots to swing key elections ... especially in large urban cities?

They also won the lockdown battle when they delayed testing (and then publicizing the results) of archived Red Cross blood ... until AFTER the election. That was the study that would/might have proven that millions of Americans had already been infected by this virus by November 2019. Even to this day, I'm about the only person in America who has tried to make a big deal out of this sneaky little operation.

Maybe Trump wouldn't have ordered the lockdowns if he knew 2.03 percent of citizens in CA, OR and WA already had Covid antibodies by early December 2019? We'll never know.

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How could he know any truths about covid when the swamp made a point of lying to him repeatedly?

The bureaucrats in DC PLANNED this fake pandemic in order to steal the election.

How can you not see that? They paralyzed the world with fear to get Trump out of office and implement their new world order. Weren't you scared back then? We ALL were.

If the Left has spent so much time, money and effort to destroy Donald Trump at any and all costs, that is because they fear him.

The only man I want for president is the one man the Left absolutely fears.

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A true leader can stand up to the outrage. Atlas was on hand at the WH, but couldn’t break through. Jared Kushner, Pence and Trump all liked Birx. Trump standing behind Fauci at those pressers looked weak and feckless.

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You left out the part where McConnell told Trump he would impeach him if he fired Fauci. The inside swamp was working against Trump any time he tried to change course.

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This doesn’t surprise me, nor would finding out that MMcon owns a lot of pharmaceutical stock ( not that I’ve personally investigated it ).

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A true leader also listens to the smart advisors ... or surrounds himself with smart and trusted advisors. Trump was easy pickens'

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I used to enjoy magazines like Vanity Fair and The New Yorker. It's tragic that they have become propaganda outlets for Big Pharma.

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They always were propaganda outlets, you just didn’t see it.

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They were always left leaning outlets, like most of mainstream media, and that was clear to any reader. But the adoption of pro-Pharma propaganda is new and a direct result of the Left associating questioning the Covid narrative with Trump. This is a level of discourse that is beyond the norm for old-school liberals (who are essentially being eclipsed by Maoists).

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They were probably always bad or not to be completely trusted ... but they are far worse today. Something changed ... even in the liberal pressrooms. For example, "Sixty Minutes" used to do pieces that took on Big Pharma companies.

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...those were the days... More recently, this is what contributed to my turning against Quillette. I kept writing comments like --- Pharma is not the benefactor of mankind and never has been and the left used to know that --- maybe one other commentor would agree. Meanwhile The Narrative pile on against such comments was intense. Then, as far as I was concerned, Claire [the editor] went completely against her stated position on ideas and free speech by not supporting the Canadian truckers legitimate protest. Needless to say she calls what Alex writes "garbage."

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In my traveling days, nothing I liked better than to get on an airplane with a brand new Vanity Fair. Now I won’t touch one.

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I stopped reading the New Yorker when the cartoon editor quietly resigned to start an alternative outlet for that humor. He confirmed to me in an email my suspicions that his job had become untenable.

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95% efficacy was always a lie. That is a relative risk reduction figure. Absolute risk reduction was around 0.85%. That fact was known for some time, and was published in the Lancet a couple of years ago, but was completely ignored by the mass media.

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"95 percent effective" was never defined. Effective how so? It just sounded good.

The other thing they did was get all the doctors' groups on board and then said, "consult your physician."

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my understanding was that it came from here (where 8 is ~5% of 162):

"The first primary objective analysis is based on 170 cases of COVID-19, as specified in the study protocol, of which 162 cases of COVID-19 were observed in the placebo group versus 8 cases in the BNT162b2 group."


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It was a huge lie, because they only counted you as "vaccinated" if you made it through the worry window.

Any school has a 100% graduation rate when they only count students who graduate.

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Excellent piece (again)!!!

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What DeSantis should do is ship all the journalist parents in Florida back home where they belong in their blue states.

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he should have had a reverse-vax pass for vacations

when all the CA & NY politicians were vacationing there to leave their restrictions - he should have said, "until we know more about vaccine-shedding and the possibility of contaminating the purebloods, we will need to pause out of state visitations for the 'vaccinated' and 'boosted' until such time that proper studies can be completed"

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And said hearing impaired parents only watch FOX 24/7 very LOUD. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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With blue hair!

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And MAGA hats!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Gov. DeSantis exhibited a sense of principle, which is to the legacy media what garlic is to Dracula.

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This statistic "1 person in 1,000 - per month" are getting the shot in Germany is as baffling as the 34 percent of Americans who reportedly think Biden is doing a good job.

My quest continues to finally meet ONE of that 34 percent. Not to mention that delusional person who wants to get another covid shot.

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I can introduce you to quite a few who profess to admire President Biden. The Covid boosters not so much.

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Hey, I'm in Maskachusetts--and I haven't found ONE yet. They might be hiding from me.

Perhaps that Gadsden Flag outside my house has frightened them away.

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