“Plaintiffs are likely to succeed in establishing that the CMS vaccine mandate is arbitrary and capricious.”
Those are the words of federal Judge Matthew T. Schelp of the Eastern District of Missouri in a 32-page opinion devastating the Biden Adminstration’s effort to force health-care workers to be vaccinated.
Today’s ruling, in a lawsuit brought by Missouri and other states, issues a preliminary injunction against the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services mandate.
The CMS mandate now joins Biden’s broader OSHA mandate on the chopping block. For now, it applies only in the 10 states that brought the lawsuit, including Iowa, Missouri, and New Hampshire.
(You can read it here: https://themissouritimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/cms-injunction.pdf)
I am a nurse. Been back to work since last May. I am CV19 recovered. I STILL have the antibodies nearly a year later. I was told today since I am not vaxxed, I must eat in a separate room from the vaxxed employees. I was told that I cannot use the locker room bathrooms unless I keep my mask on. Total discrimination. Why should anyone I work with know my medical information? What a total embarrassment health care has become. The actual "experts" know NOTHING. Pathetic. There is no longer any critical thinking in medicine.
My humble opinion is that the hill to die on is "None of your GD business"! Anything else acknowledges their authority to give permission and control your health care. I'm grateful I'm retired due to military disability but I can assure you the assholes in DMH would have had to fire my ass. I would never comply with ignorant, ineffective and potentially harmful even deadly treatments. Period.
Nurse - I am a RN too. My husband is in health care. We were both granted exemptions and I must admit my facility has not done anything like what you are describing. Yes many comments were made. Yes we got to listen to how stupid the anti vaxxers were, how anti scientific they were. For months on end people like us were openly mocked. Then came the threats to our jobs, our livelihood, everything.
We will never be apologized to. These people will never acknowledge what they have done. To their co-workers, their patients, and the public in general.
I became a nurse late in life and have loved what I do. I hope to continue to work bedside because I like taking care of patients and their families. But the health care field, the industry, and my faith in it, is dead to me. In 1000 years I never would have imagined feeling like this but the past two years killed it all for me.
I feel like Dorothy in the Wizzard of Oz when she realizes what is behind the green curtain. I can’t “unsee” what has been seen.
Yes Lena - well put. I also came to nursing late in life, very motivated to help cancer patients and their families. The unethical behaviors behind the “green curtain” have been a setback, I hope to either help change the system or work for one of the “real” professionals - the ones like doctors Corey, Malone, Zelenko, McCullough. They are out there! Don’t give up! We need good nurses who care!
I am hoping for a new form of medicine. I cancelled my health insurance because the Governor of Colorado where I live signed an executive order allowing hospitals to deny me treatment because I am not vaccinated. I am currently interested in how to eliminate spike proteins. I understand that even in the unvaccinated they can accumulate from transmission from the vaccinated. I have heard of sound and light therapies. Nearly everyone my husband and I love have been vaccinated. We watched a movie last night called "Heal" it was inspiring.
you're right, they have no idea, they believe in it just like a flu vaxx....I am telling them DO NOT take the booster and giving a few anecdotal cases like Franklin Graham myocarditis 5 weeks after his Moderna Booster. A friend who worked years at Baylor Dallas Hosp in mgmt was infuriated when I forwarded the article about hospitals putting a $100k bounty on your head if you died in their care with covid...essentially your healthcare getting highjacked with govt bribes to influence your care (and not in your best interest). I am amazed at the lack of critical thinking in the Vaxx Zombies.
KB, it's truly crazy. They admit that the vax does NOT stop spread or transmission and then in the same breath can say, now go get your boosters to protect against "omicron". And people do it!
ADE - In this scenario, the antibodies that the vaccine generated actually help the virus infect greater numbers of cells than it would have on its own. In this situation, the antibodies bind to the virus and help it more easily get into cells than it would on its own. The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been ...
I am so sorry for all you nurses who have to undergo this discrimination. Instead of firing you, they should HIRE nurses like you. Because that are the ones using science and skill. All those that blindly got the shots are chickensht. They should not be in healthcare if they are that afraid.
More disappointments beyond just healthcare/sickcare. Every industrial complex is a giant scam right along with democracy and justice for all. Our grandparents who emigrated must be turning over in their graves witnessing what this country has become. Only good news (if there is any) is there remain other countries much worse to this day which explains why many still seek asylum here. We have a lot of work to ensure that door stays open and our historical tenants are restored.
I'm a nurse as well and also put in for my exemption today. It's a sad state of affairs when we are forced to do something we don't want and get chastised for it. We recently had a bout of Covid run through my facility, and all the resident's that got Covid, WERE ALL VACCINATED! It's getting down to the wire and I'm hoping Utah and other states follow suit. Stay strong nurses!
Funny how they let all health care workers work throughout this. Then want to discriminate and spit us out if we have antibodies from working thru all this!
Was it really necessary? Think about it. Hospital systems stay afloat only because of sick people; too much health and business goes down. Infuse the system with years of sick people ready made by a vaxx and you have hospitals in the black and prospering
Honestly, that is so wrong. Nurses were heralded as heroes in 2020. In 2021, you are criminals deserving of termination of employment. Talk about being used and abused!
Think Queen Nancy and King Biden. Both super cringeworthy. Karma is coming for them. It’s truly remarkable that the Democrats still blindly support them.
I saw that. They've had it in the hopper for about two weeks and my time is running short because I have to get my shot by December 4th or I'm out of a job. This is f!@#ing bull$&%#. This administration needs to go now
You've heard the saying, "You money or your life." Now it is, "Your job or your life." Remember, your job is NOT your life. The vaxx may not kill you immediately, but it will get you in the end.
Same thing where my daughter works. She had Covid a year ago, yet she had to go through all the nuisance of getting an RO to avoid the vaccine. Fortunately, thus far the RO has been accepted. And an interesting observation at this point: The nurses/workers who actually got Covid at some point (mostly a year or so ago) have been fine and have not gotten Covid again, so only those who are vaccinated have gotten Covid in this last 6 to 8 months.
Also....to add to the absurdity of the situation....when residents get Covid, they want my daughter and others who have also had it to work in the Covid ward. So for this purpose prior immunity is apparently RECOGNIZED and accepted. Yet the state really wanted her to get a vaccine anyway. This stuff drives everyone crazy.
Once a person who has recovered from covid gets vaxxed....they are in serious trouble. Their immunity will be destroyed by the vax. I wish that was all that would happen, but great doctors have said otherwise and I believe their science.
That should alone be a good defense in court as its such Cognitive Dissonance like much has been for almost 2 years now. Natural Immunity has been proven to be long lasting.
The vaxx is a lie and has already killed more than all the other vaccines in world history. It is the real bio weapon and those wanting total control of your life are the ones pushing it. Totalitarianism is behind the mandates and health care and saving lives has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Hospital owners like all the sickness, as it keeps them in business for a long time to come, but without nurses, they will be in a pitiful state in the next year or two.
Your correct hopeful one, the CEO and CFO’s love all of this. The reimbursement is incredible. They have this rule that only employed physicians could care for these patients, no more doctors in private practice. Craziest thing I’ve seen .
What I am referring to is God's justice. I'm not sure if the nation will hold them accountable or their patients. Whatever happened to malpractice lawsuits? Is it not malpractice to recommend a dangerous non-vaccine to patients and then have them get horribly sick or die?
I'm ready to see the WOKE corporations find new competition and go out of business because of their blatant destructive anti-employee actions. I hope it follows them like a brand on their company that they cannot overcome.
If people's life and health were really their concern, they would never dream of firing nurses and doctors, but hospitals and drug companies/vaccine makers become rich the more people are sick.
True. And what’s alarming is that Tucker reported tonight that 82% of the US is jabbed. If this is true, we’re in trouble. 😞I pray constantly that God will STOP THIS!!✝️
82% cannot be correct, I don't know where Tucker got that figure. Besides, they can't seem to gather and cite accurate figures for anything due to pathetically poor organization and record keeping, etc., so why would they suddenly have a figure like 82%. I don't believe it.
I'm with you. I heard the same thing and don't believe it. It's called the bandwagon effect....if you think all those people got the shot, then you should, too.
Just think of the shot like Dr. Mercola: "the kill shot." That is the closet to the truth of what it is.
It's a marketing term called social proofing. People, mostly non independent thinkers (about 80% of the population) will be conned into following the crowd out of a childhood adolescent fear of not wanting to be outside of the "norm", "left out", etc. Stupid peer follow nonsense. Not too many years ago a study was conducted through several hotels. In some a sign read "please don't use too many towels, it helps the environment and saves water!" the other one read "The last person who stayed in this room only used 2 towels during their stay!" Which one do you think was more effective at controlling people's actions? I don't remember the exact statistics but I think the second one was twice as successful. People just don't want to be seen as an outlier. It's a definite weakness that is being exploited here and it's working. So that 80% number is probably not even close, and it highlighs that Tucker, Rand Paul, etc, all know not to bite the hand that feed them either by promoting vaccination. The rest is more divisive hyperbole that they play back and forth with CNN to keep us separated and not united. Old game, same tricks, same result.
He's an evil, psychotic killer. He and his buddies who worked on the "gain of function" are bioweapon criminals and should be in jail for that. With all those that have died from their work, the death penalty for mass murder is in order.
I think all the Supreme Court should face that for 63 millions dead babies, but I digress.
Actually, everyone, vaxxed or not, is being mistreated. But the brainwashed masses don't realize that. I doubt they ever will, no matter how draconian, totalitarian and fascist our society becomes.
Don't buy, don't watch large screen TVs. They are the prime brainwashers. They are much better brainwashers than all the small screen phones and computers. Because you sit on your couch and get relaxed. Perhaps with some wine or beer. Thus more receptive to what you see and hear. Everything looks too real and believable on them.
Notice how a professional hypnotist starts off by getting his subject to relax, before he starts the commands.
The smart ones watch you back :) and the frequencies they put out induce alpha, which is great for relaxation and creative visualization, just not awesome when they're telling you the story on the tell-a-vision.
Biden proved he was an idiot many decades ago. Harris proved it when she was campaigning for president. They just continually confirm it. What a pathetic pair they are.
I heard that three times today from Biden and could hardly believe it. You would think one of his minders would have corrected him after the first garbling.
There is a lack of critical thinking period. I have a theory for that and it goes back to my high school experience. I knew I was bright, but I struggled in the more advanced math and science classes. I remember sitting next to a straight A student in my calculus class and asked him if he could help explain a formula we were using to solve problems for a homework assignment. He said: "I don't know how it works, I just memorize how I am told to do."
In church yesterday the priest said he'd had letters from some parishioners saying everyone ought to wear masks in church. The priest said he wasn't going to levy a heavier burden than the archdiocese had, namely masks optional for the vaxxed. But he said there WILL be a section of pews designated only for masked people. That way they get masking AND suicidal, I mean, "social" distancing. I nearly laughed out loud. Because this time it's the masked nannies being isolated and identified. They seem to be the minority.
If you want to spread a virus quickly, then that would be a great plan, right? I mean, right?! :) Give people a false sense of security and then make them gather. That said, I've been gathering with whomever wanted from the beginning, with my kids as well. We got the virus early on, fought it off and now have better immunity than anyone else in our circle that has been vaxxed. Also, my circle of friends don't give a crap that we are not vaxxed, though they are aware that we had the virus and have anitbodies.
I left my church because they wanted the unvaxxed to wear a mask. I couldn’t believe it! I found a church where they never mention masks. If anyone wants to mask they do. Only about 5% choose to do so
I'm not vaxxed, the diocese I'm in says unvaxxed are to mask and I won't do it and no one enforces it. God doesn't ask us to obey by acting like complete idiots.
I totally left church. When you need them most they were closed. Then they had obligatory masks for many months, first without singing, then with singing (can you imagine singing in a mask?) and now I hear they stopped masking, but all have got the shots and of course I did not. Now I am alone with God and my dog and cats. Nobody has complained so far.
I know how you feel: I stayed home for a number of years because I thought the modern form of the Mass was profane in many ways and didn't live within 3 hours of a Latin Mass. Then I decided I had to go each week, even here, because being Catholic I think He's there in the Blessed Sacrament .. And that, despite our horrible hypocrisies, bungling and stupidities. The failure of the US bishops to object to the fetal cell-based testing and production of these shots is horrific. Now they also cannot say they don't know the shots kill, maim, and fail to protect. I do see how the German bishops fell into line with Hitler. But I will be damned if I'll let them keep me away from the Lord during Mass. And pray that that the good eventually prevail, which it will. Bless you and your dog and cats.
curious, as a non-Catholic what Biblical support do you have for Jesus being present in the Blessed Sacrament? Not saying he isn't just wondering which part of God's word(Bible is God's word) do you have to support this?
No need for church. God is everywhere. You don't need a middle man to interpret his/her/it's messages. No different from the medical priesthood that has pope fraudci telling his priests(doctors) what is and isn't a real drug or disease. And these priests pass it on to the suckers who want to believe.
the virtue signaling is nauseating, and it's all caused by bringing out the worst in ppl through religion(rules and control), God is all about friendship and relationship and being honestly and authentically yourself... my last church was so competitive and phony and gossipy, very immature... the covid policies they presented did it for me. I was gone and now in a better place. Took me 6 months to want to find another fellowship.
If nothing else, God is everywhere. One of the best places - nature. No need for man made churches. Of course I do miss the people at times. But there are people everywhere.
I am a nurse. Been back to work since last May. I am CV19 recovered. I STILL have the antibodies nearly a year later. I was told today since I am not vaxxed, I must eat in a separate room from the vaxxed employees. I was told that I cannot use the locker room bathrooms unless I keep my mask on. Total discrimination. Why should anyone I work with know my medical information? What a total embarrassment health care has become. The actual "experts" know NOTHING. Pathetic. There is no longer any critical thinking in medicine.
I am a nurse too! Filed my exemption today but ready to walk away from this nightmare if they deny it!
My dad is a 93 year old retired physician. Sooo glad he didn’t have to deal with all of this BS
God loves you Paula! He’s all knowing & loves all things good. Get to know him!
Strongly suspect "Paula" is a computer generated persona. You decide who is controlling the useful idiot's. CCP much?
My humble opinion is that the hill to die on is "None of your GD business"! Anything else acknowledges their authority to give permission and control your health care. I'm grateful I'm retired due to military disability but I can assure you the assholes in DMH would have had to fire my ass. I would never comply with ignorant, ineffective and potentially harmful even deadly treatments. Period.
Good for you, Katie. Your life is far too valuable to throw away in obedience to fools.
100%. Her life AND her rights!
Brave. 💪
Breaking News.....
Why not IV taps, at some point ?....Boosters now every 3 months !
ON TOP OF PFIEZER'S RECALL: Gilead Recalls 55,000 Vials Of Covid Drug Due To Glass Contamination Remdesivir
Check out Peggy Hall she’s very inspirational and informational!
Nurse - I am a RN too. My husband is in health care. We were both granted exemptions and I must admit my facility has not done anything like what you are describing. Yes many comments were made. Yes we got to listen to how stupid the anti vaxxers were, how anti scientific they were. For months on end people like us were openly mocked. Then came the threats to our jobs, our livelihood, everything.
We will never be apologized to. These people will never acknowledge what they have done. To their co-workers, their patients, and the public in general.
I became a nurse late in life and have loved what I do. I hope to continue to work bedside because I like taking care of patients and their families. But the health care field, the industry, and my faith in it, is dead to me. In 1000 years I never would have imagined feeling like this but the past two years killed it all for me.
I feel like Dorothy in the Wizzard of Oz when she realizes what is behind the green curtain. I can’t “unsee” what has been seen.
Yes Lena - well put. I also came to nursing late in life, very motivated to help cancer patients and their families. The unethical behaviors behind the “green curtain” have been a setback, I hope to either help change the system or work for one of the “real” professionals - the ones like doctors Corey, Malone, Zelenko, McCullough. They are out there! Don’t give up! We need good nurses who care!
I am hoping for a new form of medicine. I cancelled my health insurance because the Governor of Colorado where I live signed an executive order allowing hospitals to deny me treatment because I am not vaccinated. I am currently interested in how to eliminate spike proteins. I understand that even in the unvaccinated they can accumulate from transmission from the vaccinated. I have heard of sound and light therapies. Nearly everyone my husband and I love have been vaccinated. We watched a movie last night called "Heal" it was inspiring.
Excuse my typo Dr. Corey should have been Dr Kory and Dr Marik with FLCCC
When the antibody dependent enhancement kicks in on all the phase 3 beta testing vaxx followers, no apology will be needed.
Stay strong and let the morons moron, because morons always gotta moron no matter the facts.
I can tell you none of the vaccinated have any idea what ADE is and have no idea going forward taking the vaccines may prove to be fatal.
you're right, they have no idea, they believe in it just like a flu vaxx....I am telling them DO NOT take the booster and giving a few anecdotal cases like Franklin Graham myocarditis 5 weeks after his Moderna Booster. A friend who worked years at Baylor Dallas Hosp in mgmt was infuriated when I forwarded the article about hospitals putting a $100k bounty on your head if you died in their care with covid...essentially your healthcare getting highjacked with govt bribes to influence your care (and not in your best interest). I am amazed at the lack of critical thinking in the Vaxx Zombies.
KB, it's truly crazy. They admit that the vax does NOT stop spread or transmission and then in the same breath can say, now go get your boosters to protect against "omicron". And people do it!
And another $9000 in hush money from FEMA for families of 'covid' fatalities.
Could it be that the vaxx makes zombies?
ADE - In this scenario, the antibodies that the vaccine generated actually help the virus infect greater numbers of cells than it would have on its own. In this situation, the antibodies bind to the virus and help it more easily get into cells than it would on its own. The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been ...
Oh, I do like that last bit: Let the morons moron, because morons always gotta moron no matter the facts.
Omicron = Moronic 🤣😂(mix the letters around)
I am so sorry for all you nurses who have to undergo this discrimination. Instead of firing you, they should HIRE nurses like you. Because that are the ones using science and skill. All those that blindly got the shots are chickensht. They should not be in healthcare if they are that afraid.
Lena there will be alternatives for you. You will be in demand.
More disappointments beyond just healthcare/sickcare. Every industrial complex is a giant scam right along with democracy and justice for all. Our grandparents who emigrated must be turning over in their graves witnessing what this country has become. Only good news (if there is any) is there remain other countries much worse to this day which explains why many still seek asylum here. We have a lot of work to ensure that door stays open and our historical tenants are restored.
Historical roots of America: Christian Republic
I'm a nurse as well and also put in for my exemption today. It's a sad state of affairs when we are forced to do something we don't want and get chastised for it. We recently had a bout of Covid run through my facility, and all the resident's that got Covid, WERE ALL VACCINATED! It's getting down to the wire and I'm hoping Utah and other states follow suit. Stay strong nurses!
Funny how they let all health care workers work throughout this. Then want to discriminate and spit us out if we have antibodies from working thru all this!
Pfizer must pay them REALLY, REALLY well. I personally think communist money has bought out all the hospital systems.
Bill Gates money.
Also taxpayers money: the government is fighting pharma now over the patent. There is a lot of money coming in to FDA from this.
But who gets the FDA money? Us taxpayers? Or individual Federal employees??
Very true!!!
Was it really necessary? Think about it. Hospital systems stay afloat only because of sick people; too much health and business goes down. Infuse the system with years of sick people ready made by a vaxx and you have hospitals in the black and prospering
Honestly, that is so wrong. Nurses were heralded as heroes in 2020. In 2021, you are criminals deserving of termination of employment. Talk about being used and abused!
Exactly. Especially in the tyrannical states led by Queens and Kings of Evil.
Think Queen Nancy and King Biden. Both super cringeworthy. Karma is coming for them. It’s truly remarkable that the Democrats still blindly support them.
King Tony. Biden is the jester.
Utah has an anti-mandate bill in the hopper.
I saw that. They've had it in the hopper for about two weeks and my time is running short because I have to get my shot by December 4th or I'm out of a job. This is f!@#ing bull$&%#. This administration needs to go now
You've heard the saying, "You money or your life." Now it is, "Your job or your life." Remember, your job is NOT your life. The vaxx may not kill you immediately, but it will get you in the end.
Check out Peggy Hall if you’re trying to get a religious exemption.
Same thing where my daughter works. She had Covid a year ago, yet she had to go through all the nuisance of getting an RO to avoid the vaccine. Fortunately, thus far the RO has been accepted. And an interesting observation at this point: The nurses/workers who actually got Covid at some point (mostly a year or so ago) have been fine and have not gotten Covid again, so only those who are vaccinated have gotten Covid in this last 6 to 8 months.
Also....to add to the absurdity of the situation....when residents get Covid, they want my daughter and others who have also had it to work in the Covid ward. So for this purpose prior immunity is apparently RECOGNIZED and accepted. Yet the state really wanted her to get a vaccine anyway. This stuff drives everyone crazy.
Once a person who has recovered from covid gets vaxxed....they are in serious trouble. Their immunity will be destroyed by the vax. I wish that was all that would happen, but great doctors have said otherwise and I believe their science.
that is crazy. and moronic.
That should alone be a good defense in court as its such Cognitive Dissonance like much has been for almost 2 years now. Natural Immunity has been proven to be long lasting.
The vaxx is a lie and has already killed more than all the other vaccines in world history. It is the real bio weapon and those wanting total control of your life are the ones pushing it. Totalitarianism is behind the mandates and health care and saving lives has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Hospital owners like all the sickness, as it keeps them in business for a long time to come, but without nurses, they will be in a pitiful state in the next year or two.
Your correct hopeful one, the CEO and CFO’s love all of this. The reimbursement is incredible. They have this rule that only employed physicians could care for these patients, no more doctors in private practice. Craziest thing I’ve seen .
Private practice MDs are almost all gone and even most them are Big Pharma shills pushing the dangerous Jabs that don't work.
Unfortunately most of the current MDs are owned by or afraid of Big Pharma. Same with the Vax scientist.
Even MD's will be held accountable for selling out the truth and their souls for money. "You cannot serve God and mammon."
I sure hope so. There too many for sure.
What I am referring to is God's justice. I'm not sure if the nation will hold them accountable or their patients. Whatever happened to malpractice lawsuits? Is it not malpractice to recommend a dangerous non-vaccine to patients and then have them get horribly sick or die?
I'm ready to see the WOKE corporations find new competition and go out of business because of their blatant destructive anti-employee actions. I hope it follows them like a brand on their company that they cannot overcome.
So sad for all the nurses and teachers….two fields where we need good people.
If people's life and health were really their concern, they would never dream of firing nurses and doctors, but hospitals and drug companies/vaccine makers become rich the more people are sick.
My guess is the facility didn't document that (Jabbed getting the Virus).
Heck, both Biden and Feces called the new variant 'Omni-cron' instead of Omicron today. Proof they are idiots!
That’s what they think of us 🤫
True. And what’s alarming is that Tucker reported tonight that 82% of the US is jabbed. If this is true, we’re in trouble. 😞I pray constantly that God will STOP THIS!!✝️
82% cannot be correct, I don't know where Tucker got that figure. Besides, they can't seem to gather and cite accurate figures for anything due to pathetically poor organization and record keeping, etc., so why would they suddenly have a figure like 82%. I don't believe it.
I'm with you. I heard the same thing and don't believe it. It's called the bandwagon effect....if you think all those people got the shot, then you should, too.
Just think of the shot like Dr. Mercola: "the kill shot." That is the closet to the truth of what it is.
It's a marketing term called social proofing. People, mostly non independent thinkers (about 80% of the population) will be conned into following the crowd out of a childhood adolescent fear of not wanting to be outside of the "norm", "left out", etc. Stupid peer follow nonsense. Not too many years ago a study was conducted through several hotels. In some a sign read "please don't use too many towels, it helps the environment and saves water!" the other one read "The last person who stayed in this room only used 2 towels during their stay!" Which one do you think was more effective at controlling people's actions? I don't remember the exact statistics but I think the second one was twice as successful. People just don't want to be seen as an outlier. It's a definite weakness that is being exploited here and it's working. So that 80% number is probably not even close, and it highlighs that Tucker, Rand Paul, etc, all know not to bite the hand that feed them either by promoting vaccination. The rest is more divisive hyperbole that they play back and forth with CNN to keep us separated and not united. Old game, same tricks, same result.
Liberty Counsel said they have reports from HR depts at some hospitals that show as many as 75% of staff are unvaxxed.
Maybe that includes only one shot.
That is brilliant!
From the Greek alphabet. They skipped over the previous letter: Xi. Wonder why. 🙄
Jingpingpong would be upset.
Feces!!🤣 you win!
Feces. Brilliant. (Bows in homage).
That's not original from me. I've seen it used before :)
Fauci translates from Italian as "jaws". Fitting. A big, killer mouth.
More like Jaws for sucking on the Pharmaceutical teat and Brandon's wein...err, sorry, I went overboard, my bad.
Nice job reeling yourself in...
Jaws in the ocean was not even this scary. I'd rather deal with the biological shark!
and actually, both sharks are mechanical here...i'd rather have the spielberg version :)
Heh. I've been calling him Dr. Weasel Feces for a month or 2 now :)
As far as I'm concerned, he's a Quack.
He's an evil, psychotic killer. He and his buddies who worked on the "gain of function" are bioweapon criminals and should be in jail for that. With all those that have died from their work, the death penalty for mass murder is in order.
I think all the Supreme Court should face that for 63 millions dead babies, but I digress.
I have been mistakenly typing his name as Fauchi for a while. Maybe it actually isn’t a mistake?
Its Frauci
Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha
“Dr. Feces”. F’ing hilarious!
I digressed. I agree that you and all unvaxxed are being mistreated.
Actually, everyone, vaxxed or not, is being mistreated. But the brainwashed masses don't realize that. I doubt they ever will, no matter how draconian, totalitarian and fascist our society becomes.
Don't buy, don't watch large screen TVs. They are the prime brainwashers. They are much better brainwashers than all the small screen phones and computers. Because you sit on your couch and get relaxed. Perhaps with some wine or beer. Thus more receptive to what you see and hear. Everything looks too real and believable on them.
Notice how a professional hypnotist starts off by getting his subject to relax, before he starts the commands.
The smart ones watch you back :) and the frequencies they put out induce alpha, which is great for relaxation and creative visualization, just not awesome when they're telling you the story on the tell-a-vision.
And here I thought it was only my laptop's camera spying on me. And when I least want it.
Exactly! By the time they become aware of a freedom or choice they care about being taken away, we will be way too far gone. Almost already there …
Did we need proof that they are idiots? Just sayin'....
Biden proved he was an idiot many decades ago. Harris proved it when she was campaigning for president. They just continually confirm it. What a pathetic pair they are.
I heard that three times today from Biden and could hardly believe it. You would think one of his minders would have corrected him after the first garbling.
We need more proof? Nah...they are and have been idiots for most of their lives.
There is a lack of critical thinking period. I have a theory for that and it goes back to my high school experience. I knew I was bright, but I struggled in the more advanced math and science classes. I remember sitting next to a straight A student in my calculus class and asked him if he could help explain a formula we were using to solve problems for a homework assignment. He said: "I don't know how it works, I just memorize how I am told to do."
Critical Thinking devolved into Sheoplism !
Explains a lot!
In church yesterday the priest said he'd had letters from some parishioners saying everyone ought to wear masks in church. The priest said he wasn't going to levy a heavier burden than the archdiocese had, namely masks optional for the vaxxed. But he said there WILL be a section of pews designated only for masked people. That way they get masking AND suicidal, I mean, "social" distancing. I nearly laughed out loud. Because this time it's the masked nannies being isolated and identified. They seem to be the minority.
I love it! We need to start turning the tables on the mask obsessed vaxxed lunatics!
Yes! I am far more afraid of the vaxxed. Several scientists have said this as well.
If you want to spread a virus quickly, then that would be a great plan, right? I mean, right?! :) Give people a false sense of security and then make them gather. That said, I've been gathering with whomever wanted from the beginning, with my kids as well. We got the virus early on, fought it off and now have better immunity than anyone else in our circle that has been vaxxed. Also, my circle of friends don't give a crap that we are not vaxxed, though they are aware that we had the virus and have anitbodies.
I left my church because they wanted the unvaxxed to wear a mask. I couldn’t believe it! I found a church where they never mention masks. If anyone wants to mask they do. Only about 5% choose to do so
I'm not vaxxed, the diocese I'm in says unvaxxed are to mask and I won't do it and no one enforces it. God doesn't ask us to obey by acting like complete idiots.
I totally left church. When you need them most they were closed. Then they had obligatory masks for many months, first without singing, then with singing (can you imagine singing in a mask?) and now I hear they stopped masking, but all have got the shots and of course I did not. Now I am alone with God and my dog and cats. Nobody has complained so far.
I know how you feel: I stayed home for a number of years because I thought the modern form of the Mass was profane in many ways and didn't live within 3 hours of a Latin Mass. Then I decided I had to go each week, even here, because being Catholic I think He's there in the Blessed Sacrament .. And that, despite our horrible hypocrisies, bungling and stupidities. The failure of the US bishops to object to the fetal cell-based testing and production of these shots is horrific. Now they also cannot say they don't know the shots kill, maim, and fail to protect. I do see how the German bishops fell into line with Hitler. But I will be damned if I'll let them keep me away from the Lord during Mass. And pray that that the good eventually prevail, which it will. Bless you and your dog and cats.
curious, as a non-Catholic what Biblical support do you have for Jesus being present in the Blessed Sacrament? Not saying he isn't just wondering which part of God's word(Bible is God's word) do you have to support this?
you are not alone, because you are here
Yes, and I am very happy to be so. It was about time I could unload my heart LOL
No need for church. God is everywhere. You don't need a middle man to interpret his/her/it's messages. No different from the medical priesthood that has pope fraudci telling his priests(doctors) what is and isn't a real drug or disease. And these priests pass it on to the suckers who want to believe.
the virtue signaling is nauseating, and it's all caused by bringing out the worst in ppl through religion(rules and control), God is all about friendship and relationship and being honestly and authentically yourself... my last church was so competitive and phony and gossipy, very immature... the covid policies they presented did it for me. I was gone and now in a better place. Took me 6 months to want to find another fellowship.
If nothing else, God is everywhere. One of the best places - nature. No need for man made churches. Of course I do miss the people at times. But there are people everywhere.