on christian radio I heard the father/daughter commercial where she is convincing dad to be her hero and get the vax! I could NOT BELIEVE christian radio was taking govt bribery advertizing money to promote propaganda! I'm beginning to see how germany fell from the cursed "Mob Rule" Group-think BS.
on christian radio I heard the father/daughter commercial where she is convincing dad to be her hero and get the vax! I could NOT BELIEVE christian radio was taking govt bribery advertizing money to promote propaganda! I'm beginning to see how germany fell from the cursed "Mob Rule" Group-think BS.
on christian radio I heard the father/daughter commercial where she is convincing dad to be her hero and get the vax! I could NOT BELIEVE christian radio was taking govt bribery advertizing money to promote propaganda! I'm beginning to see how germany fell from the cursed "Mob Rule" Group-think BS.