You have far too much faith in the blue-state 'leaders', Alex. They will ride this thing all the way out because they can't admit that everything they did in the last two years was for nothing.
The ‘leaders’ will never admit that everything they did in the last two years had no effect, so it’s up to us to grab them by the neck and shove their faces into the mess they made. The truth will come out sooner or later, but every person who stands up speeds up the day of reckoning. It can’t come soon enough.
Larimer County did the same, but if you read the announcement it was infuriating. Basically, "because the measures we implemented have worked so well, now we can drop the mask mandate". And cases are much higher now than when the mandate was implemented. I will never trust the so-called "health officials" ever again, even a little bit.
There is some kind of pathology going on with blue state health officials. They are immune to evidence. Or, they understand it and continue to lie. I'm not sure which. Either way it's scary.
Just heard on news U of South Carolina is kicking people of transplant list for not being vaxed. Ya. We have a long way to go here. That is a crime. Like should be an attempted murder charge and if the person dies waiting a murder charge. For all administration who signed off.
THE absolute worst example of this corrupt behavior is Mayor Garcetti in Los Angeles. What the hell is wrong with Southern Californians electing and tolerating this asshat? Does he make them feel safe?
Yes doubling down in LA - Lots of people are afraid of the virus. I have been told I am killing grandmas for walking alone down the sidewalk not masked. Sadly most people I know think this is all BS BUT they won't stand up, they just complain in whispers behind closed doors with their cell phones turned off (incase they are listening). They will not sacrifice their social standings, livelihoods or have retaliation against their children by teachers or school admin for being vocal. Some people have the ability to move - many who disagree in LA have. I know a school teacher in LA county who sold her home and moved 2.5 miles south into Orange county to send her own kids to school down there. There are some of us who have pulled our kids or who only want friends who have the same moral compass to stand up for what's right- so we speak freely and support one another when faced with a challenge. We are labeled racist and right extremists when many of us are middle ground independents who don't care who is right or wrong - We only believe and stand for CHOICE. For each person / family to make the decisions about masking & vaxing that is right for them. In LA county that belief has become dangerous.... Which is the scary & saddest part.
Doubtless they do. Taking it one step further, what is the reward for them? Can't just be the orgasm of power. There has to be a defensive mechanism in play do you think? Because it defies reason.
In Australia the drs were threatened with deregistration if they prescribed Ivermectin or HCQ. I even gave my dr research papers on virus issues but he would not budge. An orgasm of fear.
Don't let anybody forget what these lying weasels did to us and our children. Slithering away before midterms because they know this was unpopulated and destructive, they don't get to save face after two years.
not in Charlotte, NC - our new County Health dude is doubling down...saying masking is a part of the solution..even though cloth masks don't work as effectively - but doubling down on indoor masking and schools requiring children to be masked...
Leanna Wen just tweeted that masks are the coersion tool to get parents to vax their kids. "Your kids have to mask until they're vaxxed." Uh huh. Like it went down with the adults? Parents must stop complying with the lowest common denominator mouth-breathers.
Ahhh. Good point. And how stupid are parents. The data out of every where is 0 deaths among kids. Except in US where we didn’t keep straight who died with or of. Liars.
The same Leanna Wen who headed Planned Parenthood? Now wants to hold your kids hostage (mask or else) to force parents to "jab" their children. If heading an outfit that killed 30, 40, 50, 60 ... million babies is not enough, what is enough? Like a heroin addict chasing the dragon, "enough" never happens.
Five years ago, people thought I was nuts for escaping Denver for Indianapolis. I never foresaw the pandemic, of course, but life here has been so much better. Based on news from a relative who still lives there, it sounds like Denver is well on its way to becoming the next liberal s***hole.
I'm here. Overrun with homeless, 16th St Mall has open injectable drug use on display. Urine and feces everywhere you turn. Wealthy progressives shopping, strolling and mingling with all of it as if it's just fine. Very bizarre. Dems/Progs are totally disconnected from the causal relationship between policy, culture and values that enables this. They actually feel good about filthy bums everywhere as it is a sign (to them) of their compassion and tolerance.
Escaped CA for Nevada. So much better. At least in Northern NV. Met a nice CA refugee on a walk yesterday who was involved in getting the homeless in the Central Valley (CA) into shelters. He interviewed them and recommended shelter for those who would go along with bare minimum requirements. He started with hopeful, noble intentions. He told us emphatically, "it does not work". They only wanted free stuff. And once they advertised shelter, they would flock in from all areas. It was a complete waste of labor and money. So sad.
This tells the story. Most are 'bums'. It's a matter of incentive and tolerance. If you provide incentives, they'll show up. If you tolerate them, AND their law breaking, they'll stay. And the cycle continues. To me it's simple. To progressives running big cities, it's a complicated and nuanced problem requiring billions of dollars, many studies, and most importantly, the eradication of conservatives and their values. The 'homeless' are pets to the elites. They need them for two big reasons. First, they demonstrate the evils of capitalism, and second, they remind them of just how caring, compassionate and tolerant they are. In other words props for their narcissism.
If all the wasted money was truly used to help those that suffer from mental illness and not simply enabling drug users what a difference it might make.
I left Denver in 2002. Had plans to return upon retirement, but five years ago I saw how it was trending libtoon, and my husband and I decided then and there we would instead take our not-tiny retirement investments to Florida. Never looked back, and zero regrets!
CNN resident “vaxx” scold Lemon and the Colorado Gov were doing their best last night to demonize anyone who won’t take the plunges. Small wonder Don’s ratings are the opposite of his ego - miniscule.
It's not California here. It is democrat but it's not party line like the leftcoast and the woketard northeast. The governor here told the bureaucrats to pound sand for the last 6 months about statewide mask mandates.
Tri County Health Department dropped Adams and Jefferson Counties. They stated repeatedly during the meeting that the mask mandates could be reinstated. And actually said that “They were not wrong” in Implementing them. These are the bossy nobodies that have been telling us what to do for the last two years. They ARE not elected officials. I have emails should anyone care to send them a note. They did mention that they had received hundreds of responses regarding the mandates.
Homeless are offered $10 an hour in Indy to pick up trash.
Vax passports are illegal in Indiana. Even if they weren't, any bar, store or restaurant that tried to enforce a mask/jab mandate would go out of business.
Quebec brought up the issue of taxing the unvaxxed and they, wisely, have backed down. I am sure the ongoing outrage up here in Canada has helped them to change their minds. This whole Country has become united against the current tyrant and his buddies. It’s really quite amazing to watch. We are turning out to be not nearly as docile as we have appeared in the past. Go Canada!!!
Of course - they have to lash out at any target in reach. Pretty pathetic and the media will accommodate and partner with them. Same as they do in the US.
It's NOT OVER,yet!! Tell this to Hershey, T-Mobile, Big Bankers....Still firing employees who refused to be injured by these CLOT SHOTS. RESISTANCE MUST INCREASE !!
It's NOT OVER,yet!! Tell this to Hershey, T-Mobile, Big Bankers....Still firing employees who refused to be injured by these CLOT SHOTS. RESISTANCE MUST INCREASE !!
We just left Wa state for a 2 week respite vacation in freedomland Florida and the discrepancy couldn’t not be more radical. Before we left we actually had people “warn” us about how scary Florida was.
We Floridians appreciate FREEDOM seeking people to come and enjoy our beaches and warm weather. Feel free to tell all your friends to vacation in Florida. I just read that tourism is pre 2019 levels down here. Gotta keep those tourist dollars rolling in….
I live in Vancouver, WA and have no problem, whatsoever, simply because I never discuss these issues with anyone other than my wife. About half the people no longer mask up at the 24 hour fitness.
The insidious thing here is that because the state has a mask rule, just about all employees are still muzzled. It's disgusting but I think there's a section of people who get off on the dehumanization of it. Don't have to talk to the help if they're masked!
Completely broken state budgets to be blamed on 'an act of god' which were actually broken from decades of failed social programs including ridiculous pension promises, with their finances made even worse by their purposely horrible response to a gain of function lab creation.
The bigger their failure at the state level which they will completely blame on covid, the bigger their federal rewards. Similar to Fauci paying federal bounties for remdesevir, vents, and covid toe tags. The twisted incentive structures are causing the worst of our problems.
Bailing out the irresponsible states with covid money was one of the worst things we could have done, because (once again) they have no reason to be responsible. Spend it all and let daddy DC take care of the bill!
Agreed. The pro vaccine bunch will never admit the medicine was worse than the disease as Trump warned. If they found out the vaccines were poison they would still insist they saved us all. Watch this. Explains a lot.
I might argue the same about your overly generous regard for The Don. Seems to me he was either in on it or an incredibly uninformed buffoon. Either way, America’s favorite magazine cover gramps took him (and the nation) to the woodshed.
They need to know. Apple made me mask to enter. (screen repair) they emailed me a review thing-y and I gave ‘em what for. We have to speak up, email etc, call managers and supervisors etc.
I’ve never listened to Spotify or Joe Rogan, but I signed up for the paid option this week just so I could cancel it if they start banning people for controversial takes.
So far, Substack has stood strong. I think this is likely because there are no advertisers to go after, only writers and readers who pay for their subscriptions. But this is also the reason that it’s time to stand up for our convictions and prove that free speech not only has a place in modern society, it’s the lynchpin holding it all together.
That’s why today I decided to offer a paid option to readers who won’t miss the money and want to encourage Substack to stand tall. I realize many of us are already paying for a lot of subscriptions already, and I don’t want anybody to feel any pressure at all to pay for Screaming Into the Void. If you can afford it and you want to, awesome. If we get enough paying subscribers I can put more time and effort into the Sub instead of doing it in my free time, but more importantly we can stand together and give Substack a real incentive not to give us the boot.
Seriously, I don't know why some law firm doesn't sue the History Channel and all of the other stations that broadcast anything having to do with UFO's, Ghosts, Bigfoot, lake monsters (take your pick), scripted "reality TV" shows (again take your pick) for "misinformation".
Why should they be protected if free speech isn't allowed any more? People need to realize just what they are asking for.
Actually, it would probably reach a bigger audience and make the point just as well if it was done as a parody. Maybe they can get the guy from Ancient Aliens to host SNL and put him on trial for misinformation.
Not trying to offend religious people but why aren’t religious discussions censored? Where is the science? Last I checked a lot of people have been harmed by religious disinformation over the years. Where’s snopes?
Rogan’s brilliant formula is dependent on incredibly verbose guests who go off on unscripted tangents. Not everybody can talk for two hours in an entertaining way. They won’t be able to cancel him. There’s nothing else like it anywhere.
We canceled $500 worth of tickets to Jason Isbell in December because they required proof of vaccination. The venue did not appear to have that requirement. I’m wondering if the band insisted on it. So, we voted with our wallets and said, “Hell no!”
I went to one concert like that and I just don't want to again. It is not entertaining ESPECIALLY when the audience MUST and the band doesn't AFTER it has been announced by the CDC that masks do nothing.
We are deliberately going to concerts in cities, even states, which don’t have requirements. Good idea from Abhijit to let the other venues know why we aren’t attending. We are driving 2.5 hours to see For King and Country when they’re coming to our own city, because the local venue/county has mandates. I’m going to let them know.
My youngest son is a very talented musician who plays several instruments and just "gets" music. I would love for him to be a member of one of our area youth orchestras, but I refuse to submit him to any more mandatory masking than is necessary. Also, our local music schools have made it quite clear how they feel about people with my views. I can't give money to people who hate me.
This virus has served to identify exactly who stands where. It’s important to remember that at most, only 30% of people in this country are left wing lunatics. They are just very very loud and obnoxious.
However, you have a fare number still quaking in their boots. My husband’s family, three siblings and numerous children all still fearful and vaxed, one took it while pregnant. Of course, they believe in the power of the mask, too.
The biggest surprise of the pandemic was the takeover of my friends brains - people who 24 months ago would have agreed that Pfizer was a criminal enterprise willing to sacrifice life for profit. Now these same previously sane people are demanding genetic therapy for their infants and trusting that Pfizer would never kill their babies. And just like that I’ve turned into a single issue voter who has never not voted for a democrat but who will never vote for a democrat again. EVER.
Same. In my 20s I even managed and consulted on Dem campaigns. Have a masters in public admin from CU Denver, where I started a young dems group.
I’m out, never again. They’ve abandoned every reason I used to support them and with cv19 shown just how authoritarian the leaders are and how sheepish are the followers.
Never let mismanagement of a good crisis go to waste. Time to throw the elitist bums out and restore sanity to this country. If 70% of the country will do that, we'll be just fine.
Alex, history will record that these mRNA shots were rushed to market without proper testing and endorsed by politicians all over the world. The governing class almost everywhere (but not Sweden) was fooled into believing the sky was falling. They failed us because of the political pandering. They were able to accomplish this feat with the full throated support of the media and academia. And for the first time in my memory, they got doctors to buy into a scheme. Maybe that’s because so many physician practices are OWNED by corporate entities whose bottom line is t health, unless you count their financial health.
I think they had many doctors by the throat. Their practices are owned, they were told to follow Covid protocols, and intimidated with threats to their license for going against the corporation, AMA, etc.
Possibly; and I know it would be hard to stand, so praying for their courage and protection is important. But if anyone should have the well-being of Americans in mind, it should be those with whom we entrust our lives. Not to mention paying them to be on top of the research so that we CAN trust them, which I no longer do. And I’m a retired medical professional, myself.
Same here, retired RN. After listening to Senator Ron Johnson’s recent hearing, I became aware how dangerous it is to have Covid and go to the hospital. They said the steroids used in Covid protocols is low dose. Prior to Covid, a patient would be treated/dosed based on their symptoms and response, the physician would use his expertise to make decisions. I can’t imagine how much medicine will be hurt by the lack of trust created in medicine and our public officials.
I fear the masks on planes will never end (despite CEO, and frankly CDC, testimony that they are useless)...we still need to take off our shoes 20+ yrs post 9/11.
We're wearing masks on planes because government controls planes. Kids wear masks at school because government controls school. Government employees wear masks because government controls its employees. See a pattern?
Just spoke to a State employee an hour ago. Mask on because he had to... He also said that vaccinated employees who test positive can still work, but unvaccinated ones have to quarantine. Beyond idiotic!!
All of a sudden you realize the government is an octopus with its tentacles in everything. Roll back the size of the government and you roll back its use of force against the people.
And for those working in the medical community they will be the last ones to unmask. Healthcare CEO’s are some of the most woke and unscientific people out there.
We were sitting in a waiting room just on the other side of the hallway from the "executive suite" where our local hospital CEO has her office. Her office door opened and a series of 10 or 12 people ambled out while they re-installed their face diapers.
They were cooped up in her office for a meeting of at least 20 minutes (that's how long we were sitting there) without masks. They leave for open hallways and install their masks. It's all just theater.
Perhaps. But they really believe this mask theatre. The *have* to know masks are useless.
I was told by my Chief medical officer that we primarily wear them as a sign to “show our patients that we care”. That’s the definition of virtue signaling if I ever heard one.
Eh…dunno. I think like the blue state Governors and mayors they’ll be the last ones to unmask. Just going to take time. But I’m running out of patience to be perfectly honest. Grrr.
Agreed - we don’t wear them anywhere, deliberately avoiding the places which would force us to cover our faces. Flying has become a nightmare because the attendants have internalized all of the regulations and have just gotten nasty about it. It will be hard for them to let go of all that presumed power.
And it's hilarious to hear the media ask "Why is everybody so testy on flights lately?" Well, probably because everybody on the plane knows that masks do jack shit, especially when you take them off to 'snack', yet we're forced to play along with the pandemic theater.
I know someone who will, in close spaces with others, occasionally wear the type of mask you'd use for black mold those work!
What if the 70% took the opposite tack and started insisting that the 30% wear those? It's like the conservative MA lawmaker who said ok, then, let's put 50 gender options on every govt form...
The only way for many to get over their fear is to get the virus and live through it. That's why the numbers of people worried about it has dropped as it has. Omicrons high transmissibility has been a gift for many.
I think I agree. I have just "gone through it" myself and tbh it was almost a relief, finally having had this bloody virus. As others have said it was basically a cold for a few days, with some lingering fatigue for me.
I am afraid too many media types won't know what to do without it. Every once in awhile I turn the tv on while making dinner, no cable just the basic channels, and literally all it is is covid. How many vaccines have been administered in the county, the death numbers, blah blah. I don't think they will remember how to go out and find actual stories on their own if they have to give up covid fear peddling.
Yes it's crazy! I give the local news a shot every couple of weeks and it is all the same! And every freaking commercial is some kind of medicine for something. I am sick of yelling at the TV lol it never listens!
And local doctors doing ads saying "the only way out of this pandemic is with vaccines." Which says to me; "we doctors have no clue how to treat you." Why would we listen to this BS?
If this phase isn’t a part of this whole debacle on a world wide scale, then we can never be done with this crime against humanity AND faith in the governments as a whole, to include the healthcare system, will never be restored. 🤷♀️
I honestly can't believe the polls are still that high (for number of Americans who still want vax cards and mask mandates); are you kidding me? Who are they polling - the last dozen or so people still watching CNN at the dentist's office?
It’s remarkable how outlooks differ depending on the region you’re in. In AZ we’ve been back to normal for over a year. I often go days w/o seeing a single mask, yet a friend in Seattle tells me of statewide mandates not only remaining in place but of new policies making mandates & passport requirements more ridged. If anyone reading this is an app developer here’s an idea for you; create a travel app the outlines which areas have restrictions and which don’t. Give it crowdsourcing functionality like traffic apps so users can help identify where not to go.
And the people in Washington will not simply open their eyes and realize that the states without crazy covid rules are doing no worse than all the crazy states. Like...before I listen to Jay Inslee and mask my kids, surely I'd want to make sure that it's actually necessary, right? Why can kids go without masks in something like 30 states but not the blue states? Is Washington so much worse at health care than South Dakota that we need all these rules still?
Of course, it's not about covid and hasn't been for a long time. When Inslee decreed that the field hospital at Century Link be dismantled, I knew FOR A FACT our hospitals weren't in danger.
You have far too much faith in the blue-state 'leaders', Alex. They will ride this thing all the way out because they can't admit that everything they did in the last two years was for nothing.
The ‘leaders’ will never admit that everything they did in the last two years had no effect, so it’s up to us to grab them by the neck and shove their faces into the mess they made. The truth will come out sooner or later, but every person who stands up speeds up the day of reckoning. It can’t come soon enough.
Actually Denver just dropped indoor masking & the vaxpass. 80% Dems there, biggest city in Cold California.
Larimer County did the same, but if you read the announcement it was infuriating. Basically, "because the measures we implemented have worked so well, now we can drop the mask mandate". And cases are much higher now than when the mandate was implemented. I will never trust the so-called "health officials" ever again, even a little bit.
There is some kind of pathology going on with blue state health officials. They are immune to evidence. Or, they understand it and continue to lie. I'm not sure which. Either way it's scary.
sadly - it's in our healthcare systems and leadership too...hospitals and doctors are no better and it's a problem...a big one...
Yea, doctors are amazing sheep. Most in lock step with AMA and the Government.
Just heard on news U of South Carolina is kicking people of transplant list for not being vaxed. Ya. We have a long way to go here. That is a crime. Like should be an attempted murder charge and if the person dies waiting a murder charge. For all administration who signed off.
THE absolute worst example of this corrupt behavior is Mayor Garcetti in Los Angeles. What the hell is wrong with Southern Californians electing and tolerating this asshat? Does he make them feel safe?
Yes doubling down in LA - Lots of people are afraid of the virus. I have been told I am killing grandmas for walking alone down the sidewalk not masked. Sadly most people I know think this is all BS BUT they won't stand up, they just complain in whispers behind closed doors with their cell phones turned off (incase they are listening). They will not sacrifice their social standings, livelihoods or have retaliation against their children by teachers or school admin for being vocal. Some people have the ability to move - many who disagree in LA have. I know a school teacher in LA county who sold her home and moved 2.5 miles south into Orange county to send her own kids to school down there. There are some of us who have pulled our kids or who only want friends who have the same moral compass to stand up for what's right- so we speak freely and support one another when faced with a challenge. We are labeled racist and right extremists when many of us are middle ground independents who don't care who is right or wrong - We only believe and stand for CHOICE. For each person / family to make the decisions about masking & vaxing that is right for them. In LA county that belief has become dangerous.... Which is the scary & saddest part.
It’s the latter. They KNOW.
Doubtless they do. Taking it one step further, what is the reward for them? Can't just be the orgasm of power. There has to be a defensive mechanism in play do you think? Because it defies reason.
In Australia the drs were threatened with deregistration if they prescribed Ivermectin or HCQ. I even gave my dr research papers on virus issues but he would not budge. An orgasm of fear.
Don't let anybody forget what these lying weasels did to us and our children. Slithering away before midterms because they know this was unpopulated and destructive, they don't get to save face after two years.
I know! I'm so happy about the end to the stupidity but it's galling to read their erroneous statements.
Make that, “intentionally erroneous statements.”
"the measures we implemented have worked so well" will be replacing "safe and effective" because we've always been at war with Eurasia
not in Charlotte, NC - our new County Health dude is doubling down...saying masking is a part of the solution..even though cloth masks don't work as effectively - but doubling down on indoor masking and schools requiring children to be masked...
Leanna Wen just tweeted that masks are the coersion tool to get parents to vax their kids. "Your kids have to mask until they're vaxxed." Uh huh. Like it went down with the adults? Parents must stop complying with the lowest common denominator mouth-breathers.
Ahhh. Good point. And how stupid are parents. The data out of every where is 0 deaths among kids. Except in US where we didn’t keep straight who died with or of. Liars.
The same Leanna Wen who headed Planned Parenthood? Now wants to hold your kids hostage (mask or else) to force parents to "jab" their children. If heading an outfit that killed 30, 40, 50, 60 ... million babies is not enough, what is enough? Like a heroin addict chasing the dragon, "enough" never happens.
The worst news is the kids must continue to wear the face diaper regardless of being vaccinated! The abuse will never end until we demand they stop.
check out "unmask" online... looks like a cloth mask, but breathable... for when u need to look like you're wearing a mask. kids sizes, too.
A tale of 2 Carolinas.
Ain't that the truth!
I am also in Clt and it is astounding to me that it's still a "thing" here.... unbelievable.
blue city...bleh!!!
Sure is weird that once Trump was gone, lockdowns were off the table. The cynical among us think it's because now the Ds will own them 100%.
Everything is political. This country has lost its mind.
That's nauseating..."because the measures we implemented have worked so well..." 🤢🤮🤢🤮
I wonder what the oxygen level is like on their planet.
It looks something like this:
That’s just the tip of the propaganda and spin iceberg. So very predictable.
Lying or stupid?
They hire people to create the wording for their spin. Wonder if a AI tool is available?
Of course—developed by CHY-na!
The cya egoists … they are despicable
Five years ago, people thought I was nuts for escaping Denver for Indianapolis. I never foresaw the pandemic, of course, but life here has been so much better. Based on news from a relative who still lives there, it sounds like Denver is well on its way to becoming the next liberal s***hole.
I'm here. Overrun with homeless, 16th St Mall has open injectable drug use on display. Urine and feces everywhere you turn. Wealthy progressives shopping, strolling and mingling with all of it as if it's just fine. Very bizarre. Dems/Progs are totally disconnected from the causal relationship between policy, culture and values that enables this. They actually feel good about filthy bums everywhere as it is a sign (to them) of their compassion and tolerance.
Escaped CA for Nevada. So much better. At least in Northern NV. Met a nice CA refugee on a walk yesterday who was involved in getting the homeless in the Central Valley (CA) into shelters. He interviewed them and recommended shelter for those who would go along with bare minimum requirements. He started with hopeful, noble intentions. He told us emphatically, "it does not work". They only wanted free stuff. And once they advertised shelter, they would flock in from all areas. It was a complete waste of labor and money. So sad.
This tells the story. Most are 'bums'. It's a matter of incentive and tolerance. If you provide incentives, they'll show up. If you tolerate them, AND their law breaking, they'll stay. And the cycle continues. To me it's simple. To progressives running big cities, it's a complicated and nuanced problem requiring billions of dollars, many studies, and most importantly, the eradication of conservatives and their values. The 'homeless' are pets to the elites. They need them for two big reasons. First, they demonstrate the evils of capitalism, and second, they remind them of just how caring, compassionate and tolerant they are. In other words props for their narcissism.
If all the wasted money was truly used to help those that suffer from mental illness and not simply enabling drug users what a difference it might make.
compassion without responsibility
Terrible. I used to work downtown, dance at the Mercury Cafe, which was my home away from home.
Downtown is nauseating and dangerous. I only visit when I have to for business.
Herman’s Hideaway and Brendan’s were my go-to’s. A shame what’s happened to yet another once-great American city.
Yes, I am a native of CO and the libs have ruined it.
They ruin everything they touch.
Yes, very evident with the condition of democratic run cities. Sad really.
I lived in CO mid 90's and was glad to leave in '97 as too much liberal policy was already a problem.
I left Denver in 2002. Had plans to return upon retirement, but five years ago I saw how it was trending libtoon, and my husband and I decided then and there we would instead take our not-tiny retirement investments to Florida. Never looked back, and zero regrets!
CNN resident “vaxx” scold Lemon and the Colorado Gov were doing their best last night to demonize anyone who won’t take the plunges. Small wonder Don’s ratings are the opposite of his ego - miniscule.
One down, 20 or so to go!
Cold California? Never heard that!
I'm inspired: Canada = colder Montana.
Well Hot Dry California is stamping its feet and clinging to all of it with bony claws (whose, I won't imply).
the claws belong to someone with clown eyebrows maybe?
It's not California here. It is democrat but it's not party line like the leftcoast and the woketard northeast. The governor here told the bureaucrats to pound sand for the last 6 months about statewide mask mandates.
Yea, but he's pushing jabs and boosters for kids.
He’s still a libtoon.
The stack of lies has just gotten too tall.
Cold California? lol I haven't that one before, and I live here.
Tri County Health Department dropped Adams and Jefferson Counties. They stated repeatedly during the meeting that the mask mandates could be reinstated. And actually said that “They were not wrong” in Implementing them. These are the bossy nobodies that have been telling us what to do for the last two years. They ARE not elected officials. I have emails should anyone care to send them a note. They did mention that they had received hundreds of responses regarding the mandates.
Homeless are offered $10 an hour in Indy to pick up trash.
Vax passports are illegal in Indiana. Even if they weren't, any bar, store or restaurant that tried to enforce a mask/jab mandate would go out of business.
that's wonderful
I can't seem to trace which state this is?
thanks. lost the thread. 🤨
Cold California, that’s good!
Waiting to see if the morons ruling nyc do the same.
You are correct. There’s a bill in Illinois that will target those refusing the experiments. Full Australia.
We're hiring concentration camp.....err....quarantine camp guards.
All paid for with newly printed money that is destroying my IRA as I write this.
Holy crap. Hiring quarantine camp counselors. . .
It is HB4640. You can use this like to fill out a witness slip to oppose it.
You can sign up for alerts and pre-drafted emails to your representatives with this great organization
Quebec brought up the issue of taxing the unvaxxed and they, wisely, have backed down. I am sure the ongoing outrage up here in Canada has helped them to change their minds. This whole Country has become united against the current tyrant and his buddies. It’s really quite amazing to watch. We are turning out to be not nearly as docile as we have appeared in the past. Go Canada!!!
Thank you Canadians!
WSJ reports that the first head to roll from the protests looks to be Conservative Opposition Leader O'Toole.
O'Toole is GONE!!!!!!! Heady days indeed and I'm heading to Ottawa with supplies this weekend to help and party on!
THANK YOU from a fellow Canadian!! 💐🥳
Godspeed…beyond grateful for dedicated freedom loving Canadians lighting the candle for the world to see through the darkness of totalitarianism.
You go MikeyB! God bless the freedom loving Canadians for resisting the dumbass political leadership!
someone on here predicted that.
Of course - they have to lash out at any target in reach. Pretty pathetic and the media will accommodate and partner with them. Same as they do in the US.
Cool. Now, let's do diabetics.
right? and smokers
And clumsy people . . .
So how do they determine who is there FROM covid versus WITH covid?
"We have auto accident in OR3" "Wait, see if he tests positive for covid, if he does, wake his ass up make sure he can afford the surgery!"
There will one day be a reckoning.
There’s another one…requiring Australia like quarantine for the unjabbed. Recent.
horrible that that existed
Mandated diets tied to EBt cards…
Don't give them any ideas!
It's NOT OVER,yet!! Tell this to Hershey, T-Mobile, Big Bankers....Still firing employees who refused to be injured by these CLOT SHOTS. RESISTANCE MUST INCREASE !!
Verizon as well. Include Boeing and Intel to this list.
see my posted link on writing an exemption letter
It's NOT OVER,yet!! Tell this to Hershey, T-Mobile, Big Bankers....Still firing employees who refused to be injured by these CLOT SHOTS. RESISTANCE MUST INCREASE !!
We should boycott
I live in the DEEP blue region of Oregon and I agree!!! Most folks here are dug in and I don’t see that changing much. It’s become
A religion unfortunately. And I do think they fear letting go until after 2014 !
We just left Wa state for a 2 week respite vacation in freedomland Florida and the discrepancy couldn’t not be more radical. Before we left we actually had people “warn” us about how scary Florida was.
We Floridians appreciate FREEDOM seeking people to come and enjoy our beaches and warm weather. Feel free to tell all your friends to vacation in Florida. I just read that tourism is pre 2019 levels down here. Gotta keep those tourist dollars rolling in….
We are here enjoying your beautiful freedom beaches and freedom sunshine while spending our tyrannical dollars!
I live in Vancouver, WA and have no problem, whatsoever, simply because I never discuss these issues with anyone other than my wife. About half the people no longer mask up at the 24 hour fitness.
The insidious thing here is that because the state has a mask rule, just about all employees are still muzzled. It's disgusting but I think there's a section of people who get off on the dehumanization of it. Don't have to talk to the help if they're masked!
For a while to play softball we had to wear a mask indoors (the bathroom) and then continue to wear it while playing. Talk about non-hygienic!
Completely broken state budgets to be blamed on 'an act of god' which were actually broken from decades of failed social programs including ridiculous pension promises, with their finances made even worse by their purposely horrible response to a gain of function lab creation.
The bigger their failure at the state level which they will completely blame on covid, the bigger their federal rewards. Similar to Fauci paying federal bounties for remdesevir, vents, and covid toe tags. The twisted incentive structures are causing the worst of our problems.
Bailing out the irresponsible states with covid money was one of the worst things we could have done, because (once again) they have no reason to be responsible. Spend it all and let daddy DC take care of the bill!
This is one of the bigger incentives for blue city and state politicians to embrace covid tyranny.
"irresponsible states"....such as Washington State?
We are in the mix, but California/Illinois are leading the way with budget-breaking pension plans.
California tried to pass single payer healthcare for illegal immigrants, after all!
I'm pretty sure I saw every single candidate in the Democratic primary say all illegals should get healthcare.
Then Biden is all "Why is everybody showing up on the border?"
Or worse....that their'policies' have been incredibly destructive and have resulted in deaths!
"can't admit that everything they did in the last two years was for nothing"
hmmm... reminds me of afghanistan.
Agreed. The pro vaccine bunch will never admit the medicine was worse than the disease as Trump warned. If they found out the vaccines were poison they would still insist they saved us all. Watch this. Explains a lot.
Newsome has already pivoted to the "endemic" model in order to continue the unlawful controls.
I might argue the same about your overly generous regard for The Don. Seems to me he was either in on it or an incredibly uninformed buffoon. Either way, America’s favorite magazine cover gramps took him (and the nation) to the woodshed.
Not sure what you mean by overly generous regard for Trump. I didn't even mention him and very rarely do.
I reread your remarks and apologize for my misinterpretation of your sentiments. I still get a little unglued about The Don. My bad…
No worries :)
I'm not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were something the schools 'taught' in response to covid.
what photo?
Thank you! That really DOES look forced. what are we doing to these children?
I am canceling a ticket for a masked concert on Feb 13. Just done with this shit. Great band. Stupid venue.
This is the way.
If you can tell them why you are cancelling, so much the better.
Good idea; I’m going to start doing this. Thank you.
They are dumb but they are at least nice about it.
They need to know. Apple made me mask to enter. (screen repair) they emailed me a review thing-y and I gave ‘em what for. We have to speak up, email etc, call managers and supervisors etc.
I’ve never listened to Spotify or Joe Rogan, but I signed up for the paid option this week just so I could cancel it if they start banning people for controversial takes.
LOL! I literally started offering a paid subscription for that exact reason!
So far, Substack has stood strong. I think this is likely because there are no advertisers to go after, only writers and readers who pay for their subscriptions. But this is also the reason that it’s time to stand up for our convictions and prove that free speech not only has a place in modern society, it’s the lynchpin holding it all together.
That’s why today I decided to offer a paid option to readers who won’t miss the money and want to encourage Substack to stand tall. I realize many of us are already paying for a lot of subscriptions already, and I don’t want anybody to feel any pressure at all to pay for Screaming Into the Void. If you can afford it and you want to, awesome. If we get enough paying subscribers I can put more time and effort into the Sub instead of doing it in my free time, but more importantly we can stand together and give Substack a real incentive not to give us the boot.
Seriously, I don't know why some law firm doesn't sue the History Channel and all of the other stations that broadcast anything having to do with UFO's, Ghosts, Bigfoot, lake monsters (take your pick), scripted "reality TV" shows (again take your pick) for "misinformation".
Why should they be protected if free speech isn't allowed any more? People need to realize just what they are asking for.
You’re laughing… these are the people mandating your vaccine.
Actually, it would probably reach a bigger audience and make the point just as well if it was done as a parody. Maybe they can get the guy from Ancient Aliens to host SNL and put him on trial for misinformation.
Or a veterinarian walks into a bar and offers a bunch of cash to a politician.
Not trying to offend religious people but why aren’t religious discussions censored? Where is the science? Last I checked a lot of people have been harmed by religious disinformation over the years. Where’s snopes?
Good point. No proof in any religious text. Just examples of real life events attributed to some deity we take on faith are true.
That's the crux of the matter. Prove our concerns are unfounded if you can. If you can't, I reserve the right to believe what I want to believe.
I agree. I remember some politician was telling people T-Rex came over on Noah’s Ark. Sounds like Congress is a psychiatric facility.
Rogan’s brilliant formula is dependent on incredibly verbose guests who go off on unscripted tangents. Not everybody can talk for two hours in an entertaining way. They won’t be able to cancel him. There’s nothing else like it anywhere.
Haha good for you!
We canceled $500 worth of tickets to Jason Isbell in December because they required proof of vaccination. The venue did not appear to have that requirement. I’m wondering if the band insisted on it. So, we voted with our wallets and said, “Hell no!”
I went to one concert like that and I just don't want to again. It is not entertaining ESPECIALLY when the audience MUST and the band doesn't AFTER it has been announced by the CDC that masks do nothing.
I have refused to go to venue's that require masks, tests, or vax cards from the start.
Although I am stuck in a mask at work 11 hrs a day bc I refuse the vax.
G-d bless you, Lorri. In a just world the insanity of this practice will eventually be revealed and condemned.
Hopefully you’re able to wear a very thin mask.
We are deliberately going to concerts in cities, even states, which don’t have requirements. Good idea from Abhijit to let the other venues know why we aren’t attending. We are driving 2.5 hours to see For King and Country when they’re coming to our own city, because the local venue/county has mandates. I’m going to let them know.
My youngest son is a very talented musician who plays several instruments and just "gets" music. I would love for him to be a member of one of our area youth orchestras, but I refuse to submit him to any more mandatory masking than is necessary. Also, our local music schools have made it quite clear how they feel about people with my views. I can't give money to people who hate me.
This virus has served to identify exactly who stands where. It’s important to remember that at most, only 30% of people in this country are left wing lunatics. They are just very very loud and obnoxious.
However, you have a fare number still quaking in their boots. My husband’s family, three siblings and numerous children all still fearful and vaxed, one took it while pregnant. Of course, they believe in the power of the mask, too.
You do know what that 70% figure means, right? We have reached herd immunity against the mandates.
The biggest surprise of the pandemic was the takeover of my friends brains - people who 24 months ago would have agreed that Pfizer was a criminal enterprise willing to sacrifice life for profit. Now these same previously sane people are demanding genetic therapy for their infants and trusting that Pfizer would never kill their babies. And just like that I’ve turned into a single issue voter who has never not voted for a democrat but who will never vote for a democrat again. EVER.
Libertarian here and I'm in the same boat...wil NEVER vote Dem again (for any elected official)
It was really really weird having my protest vote being for the Republicans in 2020 :/
Same. In my 20s I even managed and consulted on Dem campaigns. Have a masters in public admin from CU Denver, where I started a young dems group.
I’m out, never again. They’ve abandoned every reason I used to support them and with cv19 shown just how authoritarian the leaders are and how sheepish are the followers.
Never let mismanagement of a good crisis go to waste. Time to throw the elitist bums out and restore sanity to this country. If 70% of the country will do that, we'll be just fine.
I think they can be thrown out, if they haven’t perfected cheating.
Alex, history will record that these mRNA shots were rushed to market without proper testing and endorsed by politicians all over the world. The governing class almost everywhere (but not Sweden) was fooled into believing the sky was falling. They failed us because of the political pandering. They were able to accomplish this feat with the full throated support of the media and academia. And for the first time in my memory, they got doctors to buy into a scheme. Maybe that’s because so many physician practices are OWNED by corporate entities whose bottom line is t health, unless you count their financial health.
Rush & science don’t belong in the same sentence…Medical industry owned by Pharma.
I think they had many doctors by the throat. Their practices are owned, they were told to follow Covid protocols, and intimidated with threats to their license for going against the corporation, AMA, etc.
Possibly; and I know it would be hard to stand, so praying for their courage and protection is important. But if anyone should have the well-being of Americans in mind, it should be those with whom we entrust our lives. Not to mention paying them to be on top of the research so that we CAN trust them, which I no longer do. And I’m a retired medical professional, myself.
Same here, retired RN. After listening to Senator Ron Johnson’s recent hearing, I became aware how dangerous it is to have Covid and go to the hospital. They said the steroids used in Covid protocols is low dose. Prior to Covid, a patient would be treated/dosed based on their symptoms and response, the physician would use his expertise to make decisions. I can’t imagine how much medicine will be hurt by the lack of trust created in medicine and our public officials.
Exhibit A: Methodist Hospital, Houston TX
Exhibit B: Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX (even more tragically)
I hope— the revision of “history” is so prevalent….
I'd like to be the one to test the shots *on* the politicians. We'd see how much it takes for a debilitating dose.
This has become a religion to the 30%. You don't get people to give-up and walk away from their religion so easily.
70% is herd-awareness, right?😉
All hands on deck needed to stop the criminal Pfizer from getting the mRNA injections EUA approved for babies & kids.
How and where.
All I know is that my personal defiance of masks in stores and even in airports has been ignored. (Plane, alas, still enforce the face diapers.)
Lets see how long before governments catch up.
I fear the masks on planes will never end (despite CEO, and frankly CDC, testimony that they are useless)...we still need to take off our shoes 20+ yrs post 9/11.
We're wearing masks on planes because government controls planes. Kids wear masks at school because government controls school. Government employees wear masks because government controls its employees. See a pattern?
Just spoke to a State employee an hour ago. Mask on because he had to... He also said that vaccinated employees who test positive can still work, but unvaccinated ones have to quarantine. Beyond idiotic!!
Like the workers on the riding lawnmowers, hundreds of feet from anybody at all, wearing a mask. It really is clown world.
I do openly laugh at them now, along with the ones in their car.
What state?
All of a sudden you realize the government is an octopus with its tentacles in everything. Roll back the size of the government and you roll back its use of force against the people.
I don't want to say that you're reading my mind, but you touched on the basis of the article I'm working on :) Hopefully out later today :)
"we still need to take off our shoes 20+ yrs post 9/11"
That is perhaps THE perfect example of "normalizing." Well done.
And for those working in the medical community they will be the last ones to unmask. Healthcare CEO’s are some of the most woke and unscientific people out there.
We were sitting in a waiting room just on the other side of the hallway from the "executive suite" where our local hospital CEO has her office. Her office door opened and a series of 10 or 12 people ambled out while they re-installed their face diapers.
They were cooped up in her office for a meeting of at least 20 minutes (that's how long we were sitting there) without masks. They leave for open hallways and install their masks. It's all just theater.
Color me shocked! 😁 It’s ALL theatre.
The CEOs are following the lawyers' instructions.
Perhaps. But they really believe this mask theatre. The *have* to know masks are useless.
I was told by my Chief medical officer that we primarily wear them as a sign to “show our patients that we care”. That’s the definition of virtue signaling if I ever heard one.
Not so sure about that. The airline CEOs told Congress a couple months ago that they were all set to get rid of the masks.
Not only are the HEPA filters very effective, I think the flight attendants are pretty fed up being the mask police.
Besides, neurotic passengers can continue to wear masks, disinfect arm-rests, etc.
OR they can NOT fly.
We can hope.
The airlines have been ready to get rid of the masks since the start, but they don't get to make that decision.
I predict the airlines and airports drop mask mandates in May. That's my spidey sense.
Oh wow! I sure hope you're correct!
I hope you're right too, but that testimony to Congress seemed to get us nowhere (thus far)
I hope you’re right.
Eh…dunno. I think like the blue state Governors and mayors they’ll be the last ones to unmask. Just going to take time. But I’m running out of patience to be perfectly honest. Grrr.
Agreed - we don’t wear them anywhere, deliberately avoiding the places which would force us to cover our faces. Flying has become a nightmare because the attendants have internalized all of the regulations and have just gotten nasty about it. It will be hard for them to let go of all that presumed power.
And it's hilarious to hear the media ask "Why is everybody so testy on flights lately?" Well, probably because everybody on the plane knows that masks do jack shit, especially when you take them off to 'snack', yet we're forced to play along with the pandemic theater.
Well we all know the science that says germs won’t be passed if masks are off only for eating and drinking😉.
Keep it going! 👍🏻
But masks WORK!!!
Right? Right?
I know someone who will, in close spaces with others, occasionally wear the type of mask you'd use for black mold those work!
What if the 70% took the opposite tack and started insisting that the 30% wear those? It's like the conservative MA lawmaker who said ok, then, let's put 50 gender options on every govt form...
The only way for many to get over their fear is to get the virus and live through it. That's why the numbers of people worried about it has dropped as it has. Omicrons high transmissibility has been a gift for many.
I think I agree. I have just "gone through it" myself and tbh it was almost a relief, finally having had this bloody virus. As others have said it was basically a cold for a few days, with some lingering fatigue for me.
I am afraid too many media types won't know what to do without it. Every once in awhile I turn the tv on while making dinner, no cable just the basic channels, and literally all it is is covid. How many vaccines have been administered in the county, the death numbers, blah blah. I don't think they will remember how to go out and find actual stories on their own if they have to give up covid fear peddling.
Same w Trump. The lefty media just can’t quit him. They need *something* to keep the panic going.
Yes it's crazy! I give the local news a shot every couple of weeks and it is all the same! And every freaking commercial is some kind of medicine for something. I am sick of yelling at the TV lol it never listens!
And local doctors doing ads saying "the only way out of this pandemic is with vaccines." Which says to me; "we doctors have no clue how to treat you." Why would we listen to this BS?
thank goodness I'm not the only one yelling at the tele
I am trying to do less TV time and more time with my horse:) She doesn't need any yelling lol
Oh. thats sounds lovely
Soon begins the crimes against humanity phase... Let the punishment to authorities begin!!
If this phase isn’t a part of this whole debacle on a world wide scale, then we can never be done with this crime against humanity AND faith in the governments as a whole, to include the healthcare system, will never be restored. 🤷♀️
I honestly can't believe the polls are still that high (for number of Americans who still want vax cards and mask mandates); are you kidding me? Who are they polling - the last dozen or so people still watching CNN at the dentist's office?
It’s remarkable how outlooks differ depending on the region you’re in. In AZ we’ve been back to normal for over a year. I often go days w/o seeing a single mask, yet a friend in Seattle tells me of statewide mandates not only remaining in place but of new policies making mandates & passport requirements more ridged. If anyone reading this is an app developer here’s an idea for you; create a travel app the outlines which areas have restrictions and which don’t. Give it crowdsourcing functionality like traffic apps so users can help identify where not to go.
And the people in Washington will not simply open their eyes and realize that the states without crazy covid rules are doing no worse than all the crazy states. Like...before I listen to Jay Inslee and mask my kids, surely I'd want to make sure that it's actually necessary, right? Why can kids go without masks in something like 30 states but not the blue states? Is Washington so much worse at health care than South Dakota that we need all these rules still?
Of course, it's not about covid and hasn't been for a long time. When Inslee decreed that the field hospital at Century Link be dismantled, I knew FOR A FACT our hospitals weren't in danger.
That was April 8, 2020.
Excellent idea! I would use that app! I’m in AZ too and my husband and I refuse to give our travel dollars to any state or city with mandates