(You want to see the rest of my wit and wisdom - including not one but two BULLETINS FROM DR. ANTHONY FAUCI? You gotta wait three days. Or pay. Them’s the breaks.)
Congrats Alex. Long overdue. What might be the remedy for those of us like myself, gato, Dan Horowitz et al, who were suspended for linking to evidence-based info on covid, and remain suspended? Sincerely, Andrew Bostom, MD, MS
That's why I was and am suspended as well, and my lawsuit against Twitter and Joe Biden for collusion to violate 1A is still pending. It sounds like the issue is the same for you.
I just heard Berenson's interview on the Clay and Buck Show. He's rightfully ecstatic about his settlement.
What I heard was, he and Twitter are settling the lawsuit, but he retains the ability to pursue discovery regarding any communication from the government to Twitter asking Twitter to kick him off their platform.
As background, he explained (my summarized version - maybe not correct), the judge originally dismissed Berenson's claims regarding government interference via Twitter with his free speech rights, but allowed him to pursue related discovery. Seems odd to me, but what do I know. Anyway...
I'm left wondering about the mechanics of having agreed to a settlement, while Twitter has not yet produced all the discovery he's entitled to. Will the judge dismiss the case in light of the settlement? Is the dismissal on hold pending delivery of all discovery? And what if a smoking gun is found showing the government did in fact interfere? Is Twitter off the hook, but the government now becomes his target in a lawsuit? Or what?
Alex made an extremely valid point in that the First Amendment does not and should never be dependent on the whims of a billionaire. The 1A is our God-given right as citizens of the United States, and it's not simply given to us from Elon Musk. Not to mention the fact that I have some reservations about whether or not Elon would even be the free-speech hero that people seem to think he would be.
I got Delta in July after getting only the first Pfizer jab in the first week or two of April. I'm refusing to get more jabs. So far haven't gotten omicron or other covid again, but I'm in Mexico City where we are having another pretty steep outbreak. (Interestingly same time as last year.) My BF, double-vaxxed and boosted, is currently recovering from a mild case of omicron. His employer required the shots, and he wasn't interested in hearing about how they might be making things worse. Oh well, here everyone just does what they're told. Except the criminals who run riot.
Congratulations Alex. Don’t accuse me of being a fan girl. It is much deeper than fandom. I can credit your reporting to saving some of my family from death. It took a lot of arguments to save them from propaganda from the Govt., Fauci and CDC. It took some Double Dawg Dares too. In Atlanta, the CDC is considered a holy place. Emory University too. I had an encounter with both pre-pandemic and my eyes were opened to the impotent, stupid and uncaring folks who were there then. Now the dream is dead. Fauci should go to prison. I am forever in your debt for fighting the good fight. I always took Journalist Integrity for granted. No more.
“The settlement does not end my investigation into the pressures that the government may have placed on Twitter to suspend my account.” Jordan Schachtel will be so disappointed. And scooped. 🥳
Really making a difference with your "settlement" there Alex. Your tweets are marked with warning signs for misinformation, you can't retweet them, you can't search for you, and you're shadowbanned on top of that. Great work dude!
There once was a famous late night talk show host named Jack Parr who walked off from his own program for a period of time due to a censorship dispute with the tv network.
The night he suddenly returned he simply remarked, “…as I was saying before I was interrupted…” which caused the audience to erupt in applause.
“…as I was saying…” would be my tweet recommendation — people will admire your dignity (and cultural literacy!) and the ”take the low road types” will look even worse.
Isn't it about 5 times as long as vaccine immunity????
Bulletin from our public health b.s.er: The alien ship with infected monkeys is about to land. Everyone must stay inside, wear 3 masks & hold their breath for at least 10 months because timing is always arbitrary when it comes to the truth and public health.........
Wow!!!! I only made a small pittance contribution, but it makes me feel good that I was technically part of the project!! Feels great to have a win. The tide is turning! Congratulations Alex! A victory for all of us!
Congratulations Alex, so happy for you! You stood your ground, so now can you get back to the heart of the matter, these shots. As someone who is being made to make the choice between being inoculated with this toxin and my job you give me hope. People like you and many others on this glorious platform keep us grass roots agitators going. Although it’s been difficult with rumblings in the Victorian state health department(yes, Australia) to bring in the 4th compulsory jab. When will this insanity end! I’m trying to help people to think critically, work it through themselves, but I’ve still got staff wearing N95’s even when they’ve had COVID and are inoculated x 3. I’ve personally been told by a doctor that I’m acting entitled because I refuse to wear a N95. So that’s it I’m the problem. People are still talking about masks in the health industry but no one is talking about the obvious injuries. No one! My previously healthy active neighbour was diagnosed with Scleroderma and acute kidney failure after 2 shots. She now has an implanted defibrillator associated with her newly diagnosed heart failure after 3 shots. I had a patient with Lupus who unfortunately ended up in ICU 5 days after her 3rd shot. She is now on dialysis. My sisters 57 yr old BIL who is in remission (many years)for non-Hodgkin’s, recently had clean bill of health was on a cycling holiday (cycling was his sport)with his wife and dropped dead from a heart attack. He was Canadian and “at risk” I didn’t ask but could imagine he had had a 4th. There are many more anecdotal examples in my world. But no one, I mean no one here is talking about it!
Whatever you do don’t ask this question “how can a 10 year old get pregnant?”. Ooooh it was bad. It was a real question. No one actually sees my Tweets after I re-joined. Well let me tell you now they do. I spent a week blocking those insulting twits. Mean hateful. I think I will try tweeting that the election was stolen next!
I am "following" you and your tweets from this morning don't show up on my feed. When I search "alexberenson" you also don't come up in the search. I have to force the @alexberenson, to find you and your tweets. Seems they're still shadowing you.
Haha that was worth whatever I am paying to read your stuff. I gave up twitter after you got banned, I don't think I'm going to go back, but I hope you keep your substack going strong. Thank you!!
Congrats Alex. Long overdue. What might be the remedy for those of us like myself, gato, Dan Horowitz et al, who were suspended for linking to evidence-based info on covid, and remain suspended? Sincerely, Andrew Bostom, MD, MS
That's why I was and am suspended as well, and my lawsuit against Twitter and Joe Biden for collusion to violate 1A is still pending. It sounds like the issue is the same for you.
Make sure the attorneys talk!!!
Thanks... Subscribed and got on email list for AFLC!
Glad you're free Mr. Berenson.
How many others still aren't?
I just heard Berenson's interview on the Clay and Buck Show. He's rightfully ecstatic about his settlement.
What I heard was, he and Twitter are settling the lawsuit, but he retains the ability to pursue discovery regarding any communication from the government to Twitter asking Twitter to kick him off their platform.
As background, he explained (my summarized version - maybe not correct), the judge originally dismissed Berenson's claims regarding government interference via Twitter with his free speech rights, but allowed him to pursue related discovery. Seems odd to me, but what do I know. Anyway...
I'm left wondering about the mechanics of having agreed to a settlement, while Twitter has not yet produced all the discovery he's entitled to. Will the judge dismiss the case in light of the settlement? Is the dismissal on hold pending delivery of all discovery? And what if a smoking gun is found showing the government did in fact interfere? Is Twitter off the hook, but the government now becomes his target in a lawsuit? Or what?
This is why the issue is far larger than Alex. Personally I couldn't be paid to go back, but......
Miss you Dr. Bostom.
Alex made an extremely valid point in that the First Amendment does not and should never be dependent on the whims of a billionaire. The 1A is our God-given right as citizens of the United States, and it's not simply given to us from Elon Musk. Not to mention the fact that I have some reservations about whether or not Elon would even be the free-speech hero that people seem to think he would be.
Yes, it's a very dangerous time to live in America, isn't it?
Worse in Canada!
Yes, you're certainly right about that.
Sure is!
It’s all relative.
Compared to where?
Elon actually replied to Alex’s new tweet asking for more info about government involvement.
My first tweet would be a continuation of the tweet that got me suspended. “As I was saying….”
Before I was so rudely interrupted by 1/2 wit snowflake
I’d have gone with that too! Lol
easy - 10 months nearly 2x vaccine immunity...
I caught Delta in August 2021. Had my second jab, regrettably, in April 2021. Approx 4 months.
I got Delta in July after getting only the first Pfizer jab in the first week or two of April. I'm refusing to get more jabs. So far haven't gotten omicron or other covid again, but I'm in Mexico City where we are having another pretty steep outbreak. (Interestingly same time as last year.) My BF, double-vaxxed and boosted, is currently recovering from a mild case of omicron. His employer required the shots, and he wasn't interested in hearing about how they might be making things worse. Oh well, here everyone just does what they're told. Except the criminals who run riot.
Kim G
Roma Sur, CDMX
Delta is an airline.
And you're brilliant! Congratulations!!!!
But, do not leave substack. I like it here.
Congratulations Alex. Don’t accuse me of being a fan girl. It is much deeper than fandom. I can credit your reporting to saving some of my family from death. It took a lot of arguments to save them from propaganda from the Govt., Fauci and CDC. It took some Double Dawg Dares too. In Atlanta, the CDC is considered a holy place. Emory University too. I had an encounter with both pre-pandemic and my eyes were opened to the impotent, stupid and uncaring folks who were there then. Now the dream is dead. Fauci should go to prison. I am forever in your debt for fighting the good fight. I always took Journalist Integrity for granted. No more.
They are all great!!!!
Thanks for the laugh!!
see you on Twitter, but dont forget us at Substack,
there are more comments here that are way MORE meaningful thank useless Twitter.
"10 months nearly 2x vaccine immunity" is my first choice, but "smell of free speech in the morning" is a close second
Yeah loved the free speech one. I think it makes for a saying on a Coffee Mug!
I like the one about vaccine "immunity"
10 months one.
Hits the right points and its truth will drive the Bots into a frenzy.
Twitter will be inundated with reports.
Yes. This. LOVE IT.
Yeah, I'm still not going back on twitter. Free speech issues aside, it's still an intellectual cesspool and brain function reducer.
I may actually use Twitter now, I hardly ever did before
I vote for anything with fuckity fuckity in it
nah, no sense coming in hot if you don't need to. Stroll through those doors with a big Trump smile on your face.
I could see that working too. So many choices!
I tweet your substack. so you're kind of still on twitter😅👍
The best one is @jack "if you'd spent less time bangin models...."....I couldn't stop laughing, because of course it's true! He's such a douche.
i know, my thoughts exactly! 🤣🤣🤣
I hope your settlement includes stipulations that Robert Malone, Jikkyleaks, and a number of other folks are reinstated.
Now pummel them with AE data and @Pfizer on every single one.
“The settlement does not end my investigation into the pressures that the government may have placed on Twitter to suspend my account.” Jordan Schachtel will be so disappointed. And scooped. 🥳
You are the king of belly laugh inducing sarcasm. Twitter-length posts are just right for this.
Congratulations on this important victory.
I hope your case gets somewhere and goes well for you too! 🙏
Awesome you are back. But they can still go f themselves.
I am so happy and Proud of you Alex Berenson.
Really making a difference with your "settlement" there Alex. Your tweets are marked with warning signs for misinformation, you can't retweet them, you can't search for you, and you're shadowbanned on top of that. Great work dude!
the 10 month one for sure ......
I don't use Twitter. What's the point? LOL!
Right...walked away from it long ago and NEVER looked back
Me neither! Always seemed like a waste of time and energy!
I think 50% of the "users" or more are bots. There is no point to posting unless you have something to promote to make money.
OMG! Hilarious! Let em rip...
There once was a famous late night talk show host named Jack Parr who walked off from his own program for a period of time due to a censorship dispute with the tv network.
The night he suddenly returned he simply remarked, “…as I was saying before I was interrupted…” which caused the audience to erupt in applause.
“…as I was saying…” would be my tweet recommendation — people will admire your dignity (and cultural literacy!) and the ”take the low road types” will look even worse.
hoping you'll share your twitter feed to this substack -- there are many of us that used to follow you on twitter that won't go back on that platform.
Agree with this!☝️
Yes ! I was never , ever, on Twitter!! But I've followed Alex on Substack for 2 years..
Don't leave us now, Alex!
"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
- Khan, Star Trek II
"Go fuck yourselves @Twitter."
-Alex Berensen, 2nd Tweet
The word fuck was coined for just this moment....ya censorious fucks.
"Click, click, click..." Know what that is? Berensen typing out another fuck you tweet.
Your tears are salty and delicious.
Oh, and fuck you @twitter.
Isn't it about 5 times as long as vaccine immunity????
Bulletin from our public health b.s.er: The alien ship with infected monkeys is about to land. Everyone must stay inside, wear 3 masks & hold their breath for at least 10 months because timing is always arbitrary when it comes to the truth and public health.........
LMAO on "love the smell of free speech in the morning"
Wow!!!! I only made a small pittance contribution, but it makes me feel good that I was technically part of the project!! Feels great to have a win. The tide is turning! Congratulations Alex! A victory for all of us!
Why not just send them all? Make up for lost time.
Congratulations Alex, so happy for you! You stood your ground, so now can you get back to the heart of the matter, these shots. As someone who is being made to make the choice between being inoculated with this toxin and my job you give me hope. People like you and many others on this glorious platform keep us grass roots agitators going. Although it’s been difficult with rumblings in the Victorian state health department(yes, Australia) to bring in the 4th compulsory jab. When will this insanity end! I’m trying to help people to think critically, work it through themselves, but I’ve still got staff wearing N95’s even when they’ve had COVID and are inoculated x 3. I’ve personally been told by a doctor that I’m acting entitled because I refuse to wear a N95. So that’s it I’m the problem. People are still talking about masks in the health industry but no one is talking about the obvious injuries. No one! My previously healthy active neighbour was diagnosed with Scleroderma and acute kidney failure after 2 shots. She now has an implanted defibrillator associated with her newly diagnosed heart failure after 3 shots. I had a patient with Lupus who unfortunately ended up in ICU 5 days after her 3rd shot. She is now on dialysis. My sisters 57 yr old BIL who is in remission (many years)for non-Hodgkin’s, recently had clean bill of health was on a cycling holiday (cycling was his sport)with his wife and dropped dead from a heart attack. He was Canadian and “at risk” I didn’t ask but could imagine he had had a 4th. There are many more anecdotal examples in my world. But no one, I mean no one here is talking about it!
Whatever you do don’t ask this question “how can a 10 year old get pregnant?”. Ooooh it was bad. It was a real question. No one actually sees my Tweets after I re-joined. Well let me tell you now they do. I spent a week blocking those insulting twits. Mean hateful. I think I will try tweeting that the election was stolen next!
Fuck TWITTER, fuck that platform into stinking foul pate...
Hilarious!! Love the one comparing it to Vaccine immunity!
God help me, I love Berenson Unchained so.
Repost the truths that got you banned to educate people that are still believing the government Covid propaganda
Is that Eric Feigl-Ding in the corner pissing with rage?
I like the one “my suspension lasted 10 months…” 🤣
Wake me up when your investigation comes up with something.
We need breathalyzers on Twitter keyboards. Posting under the influence seldom works out well.
I am "following" you and your tweets from this morning don't show up on my feed. When I search "alexberenson" you also don't come up in the search. I have to force the @alexberenson, to find you and your tweets. Seems they're still shadowing you.
What did he win if no one, not even those who follow him, can see his tweets? At least he’s happy and can Tweet?
Why am I not surprised.
People can’t find you. Already getting shadow banned
It made me type out the entire name to be found. Definitely shadow banned
I was kicked off twitter about the time you were. I do not have the resources to fight Twitter. As you did.
So looks like no free speech for me. Not on twitter anyways.
But hey……..congrats on that win Alex.
And your first tweet back got the attention of Elon. Nice!!
Congratulations (sort of?) for being back on twitter. Could we get a better picture of you, though, with no mask anywhere in the frame?
YES! I am so over the chin diaper even if it is in jest.
Totally the perma sus = shot immunity. Lol. TOTALLY.
10 Months one, hands down.
Is "FUCKITY" a real word? Should be.
Rebanned yet? Lawyers need a new Tesla.
Haha that was worth whatever I am paying to read your stuff. I gave up twitter after you got banned, I don't think I'm going to go back, but I hope you keep your substack going strong. Thank you!!