This is so absurd it hurts my head. The virus isn’t dangerous and can be easily mitigated with early treatment with the banned drugs ivermectin and HCQ. The vaccine is deadly and destroys your immune system and they are talking about a fourth dose?

None of this crap is real. All the world really is a stage, and we’re living in an episode of the twilight zone

If you guys haven’t seen the following which summarizes the entire fraud in list form please take a look. If you have visited and like what you see, please share it with others so we can awaken the sleeping masses and take back what is ours from the Davos crowd who is fighting tooth and nail to enslave us.


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Tragically absurd. One of close relatives died on a ventilator denied any of the treatment that would have actually worked. I wonder if there will ever be a reckoning for what was done to our country.

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It feels to me like there will never be a reckoning. It feels like it is just too horrific for most people to ever accept. You know if you rob a store for $100, they will track you down and make your crime public. It makes them look good while you look bad. If you rob a corporation for $100 million, they will cover it up and nothing will happen to you. Making such a huge crime public would make THEM look bad.

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Im guessing it wasn't a negative pressure ventilator? We're literally just pumping high pressure air into diseased & inflamed lungs & were wondering why its killing people. The hospitals probably get paid for every patient they intubate & hook up to a ventilator. Is there even any science on covid outcomes with positive pressure vs negative pressure? Where are the studies? Have all of the grad school losers been living under a rock for the past 2 years? Oh wait...

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They were getting paid 12000 for every covid patient, but 39000 for everyone that they put on a vent. Plus the hospitals were getting bonuses if they reached a certain number of covid patients.

“ Show me the incentive and i will show you the outcome“

Highly relevant: https://tritorch.com/legion

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Just shared on my FB page.

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Thank you Karen! If we all work together to raise awareness of what is occurring we can win this

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I hope so!

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I have grave concerns about Covid vaccines suppressing our immune system and making us more susceptible to severe injury from other viral infections. I have written a case report on the tragedy occurring in Arizona with West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease. Here is a link to the case report. https://jeffreylundeen.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-and-west-nile-virus

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And not just other viruses...I know someone who had surgery in September, and her blood work was fine then. After surgery sometime, she got her booster. In December, she went to the doctor because she was feeling bad and has been diagnosed with leukemia. I don't think it's a coincidence.

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Read your blog. tritorch.com... You were interesting until you went after Monsanto.. Simply not proof.. I worked the industry for 20 years... I know the chemistry and the lies.

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To which lies are you referring? I don't doubt your credentials or experience Ronald, but Roundup is a cancer causing carcinogen according to the OEHHA:


According to the Daily Mail they will have to label it as such after losing their famous court battle:


Here's a Monsanto advocate saying round up is so safe that you could "drink a whole quart of it" and not get sick. When they offer him some to drink, he refuses:


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Jan 24, 2022
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I made a change to the comment regarding this. With early treatment it really does work for a lot of people. Doctors all over the place agree.

Take a look at this:


HCQ was over the counter in France until January 13, 2020 at which point it was rebranded as a poison. That says it all: this entire pandemic is an engineered scam.

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I remember when a plant in Taiwan that made hcq caught on fire . Weird . And the lancet study that said hcq was dangerous and killed covid patients got retracted .

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It doesn’t work for everyone. None of the studies have reported that. You can still get COVID and have symptoms with use of that drug and other repurposed meds. The goal is reducing the risk for severe morbidity and mortality. Judging on your ability to post a comment you’re not dead. Recovery without medical intervention might have been the natural outcome for you, but every treatment for every medical condition known to man comes down to a risk/benefit assessment and acting on that assessment. If you took Ivermectin to reduce your risk of severe illness and death with COVID congratulations! One of your goals has been reached.

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You know what does work? Good diet and exercise and keep yourself as healthy as you can be. What does work is what works for everything else: personal responsibility. The Immunocompromised should receive early treatments. The rest of us need to be responsible.

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I was on ivermectin for five months and got what I think was omicron. I knew to up my dose because Dr. Kory also got covid and suggested two doses instead of one per week, but I didn't do it. But here's the But, I'm 65, a little fluffy, blood pressure tends to go high, thyroid too sluggish so Comordities. And I did absolutely fine. I have been sicker 50 times in my life and I'm not kidding It was a weird virus for sure, but it wasn't scary. I'll continue to use ivermectin during flu season .

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Oh, and let me add that the Frontline doctors say this should be a multi drug and nutraceutical fight again covid. Not just one thing.

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THIS! People mention ivermectin as though it's the one-and-only-miracle-cure, when in fact, it's part of a multi-drug protocol as outlined by the frontline docs, and perhaps the most important adjunct to the ivermectin (or HCQ) is, say it with me now, Z.I.N.C. It's the Z.I.N.C. that stops viral replication; it's the ivermectin or HCQ or quercetin that FACILITATES the zinc getting into the cells to do its thing.

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Exactly! I like your comments regarding recovery without medical intervention maybe the natural outcome and it comes down to risk/benefit assessment. My sister-in-law was fully vaxxed and boosted and came down with covid, she claims the Delta variant, and then further claims that her symptoms and illness were not severe at all because of her vaccination. I commented to her that it's tough to quantify that because she is a otherwise healthy mid-40s woman so she may not have had severe symptoms in the first place. She looked at me like I just spouted venom in her face! And this entire time people's risk/benefit assessment has been taken away from them with all the fear-mongering that if you get covid you will absolutely die so the risks are so huge you can't do anything but take the vaccine.

The thing with ivermectin and hydrochloroquine and any other potential medication used off label should be available during this time as a therapeutic... All cards on the table! And that discussion should be between the patient and doctor with a full explanation of the risks of the medication versus the risks of the illness. The vaccine is not a cure either but the so-called health experts and the covidians out there touted as a cure and really it's no more than a pre- therapeutic that wans quickly and data shows potential very severe side effects.

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And the risks of side-effects is pretty much unmatched. HCQ may have worked better for this individual, but slightly elevated side-effects

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Jan 24, 2022
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So you’re worried about wordplay? Technically most of our pharmaceuticals aren’t a cure, they are therapeutics.

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True. Nothing less, either!😃

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And most are something a lot more ...hence the drug commercials most of which are telling you about all the side effects!

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A cure doesn't have to have 100% efficacy to be a cure. Many people who have headaches aren't cured by taking aspirin...yet it is still fair to label aspirin as a cure for headaches. Same for chemo & cancer. We need to stop reducing medicine to artificial extremes. The truth humans are diverse and have diverse reactions to diseases and treatments. Just because one person has a bad experience with a disease or treatment doesn't mean everybody else will.

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Jan 24, 2022
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I didn’t know Alex had fact checkers too!🤷‍♀️

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There are a lot of people who understand the word cure who would not understand what we mean by therapeutic.

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Has anyone contended it was a cure? for a lot of people, it mitigates replication, mitigating symptoms and lessening duration. It's a treatment that was demonized.

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I did by mistake initially, but i updated my comment with the word mitigate instead of cure

Sorry about that

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The FLCCC just changed their preference to HCQ if the variant is Omicron and had to increase the dose of IVM prior to that for Delta, so it’s definitely a fluid situation. Unlike Delta, Omicron doesn’t seem to require the amount of anti-inflammatory treatment that prior strains did. The use of 1% iodine nasal irrigation & gargling is particularly effective for Omi

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Super interesting bc prior to omicron, flccc did not recognize hcq as a form of treatment .

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Many recommend multi drug therapy and have the best results with that. However, ivermectin can often be very effective alone. It was for my husband

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It is not a magic bullet cure - that is true. But it does seem to shorten the duration and mitigate severity. Unfortunately, you can never know how bad a person would have been without it. Same argument for the vaccines in some ways.

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Today at the Ron Johnson's Senate hearing on COVID, a number of experts said that many of the different protocols work wonderfully. The key is to starting it within 72 hours of symptoms. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. can still work later, but they're the most effective within the first couple of days. EARLY treatment is the key to saving lives. https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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Jan 24, 2022
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And Dr Z says if you can’t obtain Hydroxychloroquine that quercetin is a good substitute. It allows for absorption of zinc, so important to take the zinc as well👍

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Quercetin with EGCG is best to get the best natural ionophore effect

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I didn’t know that. Thank you!

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"In the spring and summer, the vaccines worked. Cases fell almost to zero. A miracle of biotechnology." I know Alex is having fun w/this, but I would even posit that they never worked, and the rollout took advantage of seasonality, when cases, hospitalizations, and deaths would have naturally gone down.

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I don't know that Alex knows any such thing. He does not reject the vaccines outright from what I have read from him and heard. I agree heartily with you. Not taking into account the seasonality of outbreaks according to temperature, sunshine, and so on is not science at all.

I have seen charts of the covid outbreak before the vaccines. They followed a seasonal path, a time to spike, and a decline. The distancing, lockdowns, masks had zero effect, yet some kept saying they did. The outbreaks just kept happening in a cyclical way.

With the addition of the vaccines, now things are greatly skewed, but then we have the totally unreliable testing that says, "you have covid." A friend had such a test when he got sick with what seemed to be a bad cold. He did not have the severe sore throat reported as the major sign of omicron. His was slight. He did not have an fever. He did have headaches. His test came back positive for covid, but there was little symptomatic evidence it was anything more than a cold. Many millions have been told by the test they had covid, but did not have any severe symptoms and some had none....quite a few doctors have said the tests are completely unreliable, yet testing goes on. To what end? To keep the pandemic going, the hysteria, the fear, the control, the psychosis among a populace that buys into the govt. narrative.

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My entire family got it over the holidays. Two PCR tests came back positive, one inconclusive and one negative. The inconclusive and negative test were in vaxxed individuals. The two positive in non-vaxxed. The non-vaxxed (myself and youngest daughter) had very mild symptoms first. I had minor muscle aches and Intermittent chills for 48 hours. Never had a fever or sore throat. Daughter had a slight fever that resolved without medication after 8 hours and some congestion. Then, the vaxxed individuals became symptomatic and both had worse symptoms than the unvaxxed. Mostly chest congestion and fever in oldest daughter that lasted over 24 hours. My wife had 3 weeks of symptoms and only just started feeling better the end of last week.

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So do you think you really had covid? Lots of people believe that somehow, the common cold or flu have disappeared. If you never had a test, would you think you had some strange new virus?

I got sick in January of 2020. The talk of covid was already strong, but few in my state were thought to have it. I don't believe my sickness had anything to so with it. I had been working in a very cold, unheated basement of an old cabin that had had much mold damage. We were replacing the main beam and building new steps. I got very sick at the end of the job. So did my partner, but it had much more to do with the mold and cold. I had a low fever and some congestion and weakness.

My point is, that many people still get sick with colds and flu, etc. The tests are unreliable because the science behind the test is unreliable.

I heard a lady tell her experience with her husband who had pneumonia and went into the hospital for help. They immediately did a covid test that came up positive. They took xrays of his lungs. They diagnosed him with covid pneumonia. She was well educated about covid and all the studies being done about it and protocols that worked. She compared his xrays to some she found online of regular pneumonia cases. They looked identical.

But the hospital went into covid treatment protocol according to the NIH. All their therapies were wrong and she knew it. They put him into ICU and wanted to put him on a vent. She absolutely refused. She insisted on IV vitamin C and other high dose of vitamins like D and so on. They pushed back and would only give 500 units instead of 10,000 as she insisted. She won the argument. Patients still have the right to decide their own treatment! (You wouldn't know it).

The doctors insisted on a steroid. She knew that particular steroid was bad and had bad reviews from AFLD's, so she insisted on another steroid that those AFLD's doctors approved of. There may have been more, but her husband immediately began to improve and was better within 30 hrs, ready to go home. No other person in the ICU being treated for same thing improved as well. None had ever responded that well. The NIH (govt) protocols are actually killing people.

She never thought, by the way, that her husband actually had covid, but basic pneumonia (very dangerous). Her point was that we must advocate for our own health and decide our own treatment path, not some hospital going by a govt. edict. Many have died listening to doctors going by the govt or hospital chosen path that is approved by insurance companies.

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I would have no idea whether we had Covid or not other than a positive test. The only reason I think it may be Covid is because I haven’t been ill from a respiratory virus in probably 15 years. I had the flu about 20 years ago and couldn’t get out of bed for 3 days. I’ve never had a flu shot and both my kids brought the flu home several times in the last few years even though they’ve had their flu shots (not a fan of the flu shot for them but I’ll pick my battles) and I have not come down with it. I’ve been taking a fish oil infused with Vit D for some time now and about 8 months ago added quercetin, zinc and Vit C. Not sure if that was the reason I had a very mild case of whatever I had but can’t hurt. I agree with you on advocating for your own health. My sister had a friend that ended up in the hospital and they were about to put him on a vent. His wife asked that he be out on intravenous vitamin C and some other stuff instead. He recovered nicely after that.

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Unfortunately, some hospitals are not allowing deviations from their protocols. Some have gone to court to fight against the patient's family's wishes and the right to kill the patient...and won.

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That is wicked and illegal, or at least should be. It would have been unheard of years back. Such corruption and greed, as that is what it is about.

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Exactly. How do we know that this isn't just seasonality and/or the the wave effect of Covid surges?

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We don't. Looking back at the beginning of 2021, it's clear that the rate of infections fell way before a big portion of the population was vaccinated. And the infections will do the same thing this year. By March 1st, when Biden does his SOTU speech, infections will be way down, and it will be no thanks to him, but he and Fauci will take full credit.

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100% agreed and I think Israeli immunologist Ehud Qimron outlined it all perfectly in his open letter recently. I'm not sure if I can post links in comments here but I'd suggest searching "ehud qimron open letter" (probably on duckduckgo) if you haven't read it already.

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Yeah. I don't believe they work. Even some of the naysayers insist they are preventing severe disease. They play all these tricks with the data but the overall numbers don't change. Looking at the long term trends deaths and hospitalizations continue up. I pointed this out in his other post. If you go to worldometers scroll to total deaths charts. Click on the linear scale.. it looks like the rate of total deaths actually increases during the big vaccine push... and now that we are over the big vaccine push it decreased back to the same rate as before the vaccine push. If they actually administered billions of vaccines and these vaccines are so great at preventing death... how do you explain this chart?


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I believe the clinical trials did the same.

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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If there was a true control group it would be clear that these phony baloney shots don't actually work.

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Jan 24, 2022
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Yes. Calling people "unvaxxed" for the whole first month after their first dose, when there is a massive spike in infections, is lying with statistics.

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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Israeli data proved and after both their first and second injection, there is a 14 day window of enhanced susceptibility to infection as a result of the immune system temporarily bottoming out (crude way to put it), therefore after both the first and second injection anyone who contracts an infection is classified as "unvaccinated".

So that totally skews the unvaccinated data in two ways.. by INCREASING infection after both vaccines which wouldn't otherwise happen, and artificially pumping up the unvaccinated data, when there should be four catagories, not two.


Post first dose before second dose

Post second dose before 1 month


and even that is artificial given that the vaccine doesn't work....

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The proof is in the pudding. The main factor in death from this virus is age. Most vaccinated people that are now dying are older people. I keep hearing from people that are halfway sceptical, “I’m younger, and pretty healthy,so I don’t feel I need the vaccine, but older people should still get it.” Well guess what, those old people are still dying many triple jabbed. So the vaccine has proven to be completely useless.

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Jan 24, 2022
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thanks for info Janti..very helpful. I've forwarded it to a few politicians and lawyers in Canada that are actually trying to address the insanity

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in Ontario, Canada. The gov stopped saying what percentage of the Covid dead are vaxxed. But you can arrive at the data indirectly. The gov says on its website, exactly 100% of the 70+ age group is vaccinated. Gov also says over 85% of the deaths are in the 70+ age group. Now, do the basic arithmetic. It is likely that close to 100% of the deaths are in the vaxxed, which is why the gov stopped reporting the ratio.

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In the US, our schools teach CRT, not arithmetic, because math is racist. 🙄

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I would love to see that data. Love, love, love. Where does one get it?

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100% of 70+ have had at least one dose.

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Funny coincidence, I can't find Ontario death percentages by age group suddenly:

"Due to technical difficulties, cases by age data is currently not available"


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I was able to track down recent death rates by age in a recent PDF from Ontario gov't, though the cohorts don't line up exactly (60-79, and 80+) the numbers match what @curiousJack laid out:

https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-daily-epi-summary-report.pdf?la=en (see page 7)

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Thank you!

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And I am getting fired for exercising my God-given and federal government acknowledged right to refuse vaccination. A right set forth in the FDA's own documentation that I am supposed to be given before I am jabbed.

Please, everyone, for companies that you work at that have mandates, flood your HR people and boards with questions about efficacy. Please stand up and help those of us like me that are about to get fired. I am not in healthcare, I have savings, but there are many people who live paycheck to paycheck and who are losing their right to informed consent because they are told take the shot or lose your job. That is WRONG.

Great suggestions on questioning at the following two links. We can ALL do something.



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I am sorry to hear this. My wife lost her job at the beginning of the month when her company denied her request for a religious accommodation. The worst part is that she was 100% remote.

None of it makes sense if health is truly the concern. I am fortunate to work for an enlightened company but in the end they are all subject to the whims of politicians and bureaucrats.

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They are subject to our whims too.

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So sorry to hear this for you ... so unfair and criminal.

Thank you for sharing the links and information.

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And yet whenever any family member comes down with COVID you find yourself subjected to a sneering interrogation on whether or not they were vaxxed. Like it makes any difference.

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Exactly and how many of us KNEW this would happen yet it was allowed to be implemented

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Yep. Not a vaccine, but a therapeutic. Experimental still. The FDA approved variant is not available in the U.S. that I am aware of. Some might call this a bait and switch tactic. I call it an outright lie by our government. But the FDA approved variant is not protected from legal fallout whereas the EUA versions remain so. Why? Guess the drug makers want all the profit with none of the risk. Has Pelosi and company taken a huge stake in any of these companies? Probably never know the truth. I'm sure Hunter is brokering a deal somewhere. FJB. Lies and more lies. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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My understanding is that all companies and all "vaccines" legally used in this country can not trigger lawsuits for damages in regular court. All such damage claims must be brought in vaccine court which leans heavily toward Pharma.

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I doubt the no-liability free pass will hold up under conditions of fraud, withholding of evidence critical to informed consent etc. The veil will be pierced.

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I believe that is true for all FDA approved however the manufacturer is still liable for legal judgements. The EUA provides an additional loophole from the legal aspect. Maybe someone with more legal expertise could chime in. I'm in a STEM field ... Thanks.

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Yes, but as Big Grey is saying, you can’t even get to “vaccine court” right now because the vaccine people are being given right now is the EUA one not the FDA provisionally approved one. They’re apparently the same but named differently to avoid liability. What a scam.

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Then regular court it is. They lose their free pass under conditions of fraud etc.

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that would be great

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I would say it's a vaccine. A dangerous vaccine that doesn't work very well.

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"building on vaccine passports technology, every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital identity wallet": said President of the EU, Ursula Von Der Leyen said this last week.

Now they are starting to say what it has really been about.

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Good citizen point system coming I imagine

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Someone said to me this weekend “I know the new variant is supposed to be lighter but now it seems like more people are dying.” That’s what I’m seeing, but it’s being blamed on covid. I wish I could know what is really killing people. Someone in our community recently had Covid, was recovering and then died of a heart attack.

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We've had >20% excess mortality in Germany in the last 3 months (vs. 5 year average previously). And it is not COVID deaths. And this was before Omicron really hit. (Germany is actually a bit late with Omicron, we are getting it now.)

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not covid deaths but perhaps clot/heart/stroke problems from jabs?

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was that person jabbed?

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I wish I knew but I don’t. I’m guessing yes? But that is speculation.

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So more hospitalizations now than before the vax. How long will it be before we know if the vax has damaged immune response? If it has, I hope it's not permanent.

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I'm sure the puppet will announce again today this is a problem of the un-injected and TO fear them as they are infectious humans. How is IT this is not an impeachable offense being so blatantly scientifically WRONG?

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It is impeachable and quite frankly criminal. It's got to get to a point where an "expert" (Fauci) who has gotten this so terribly wrong needs to be tried criminally for his deeds. Biden also holds accountability as he is continually pushing this horseshit playing everyone against each other.

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you have no idea how much you are preaching too the choir here :)

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I know right?!?!!!! It's really nice to be around like minded people with all the covidian crazies out there!!

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It’s already started. Fauchi-na (misspelling intended) already has gone on in the media stating that the unboosted areas of the country are in for more future hardships. They know the vaccine fails and their only solution is boosters without talking about the downstream effects of repeated boosters or the eventual predictable failure of boosters to protect anyone.

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My guess is that the public health "experts" and governments will NEVER show that. That will be censored and suppressed sadly. But we will know!

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my brothers and sister r divided on the vaccine. All conservatives, so they have managed to divide us on this. My sister just said yesterday that its because of the unvaxxed, that would be me, that we have no herd immunity. Her brother in law railed during a football game about the selfish unvaccinated! My sister left the room. So i know now what they think of my husband and me. Its exhausting. Wondering when the truth will present itself! Fauci is saying we r in phase one of the pandemic. Good grief!

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You could start by telling them that no herd immunity will occur when the so-called vax is leaky. You could also note that viruses mutate all the time and that a virus will mutate to works its way through a leaky vaccine. The finger pointing is just plain dumb. One thing the virus has succeeded in doing is outing the ignorant.

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Here's a nice explanation of the $$$ and power process which has been going on since at least 1983 and ramping up steadily to today's horror show:


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I watched the five-hour Senate hearing sponsored by Sen. Ron Johnson. It was awesome. They talked about early treatment, the vaccines, persecution of physicians who stray from the narrative, how patients are dying in the hospitals, Omicron, etc. McCullough, Kory, Malone, Cole, Marik, and many, many others. I really recommend taking the time to watch it, even though it's long. https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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How do you separate Omicron (which everyone is getting, vaxxed or unvaxxed) from hospitalizations due to vaccine-side effects?

What I trying to say: what if we have lots of people in hospital with vaccine-side effects, they almost all happen to be vaxxed (because it is Denmark) and they also have "COVID" because everyone also has Omicron right now?

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Nobody is being tested for strains. The routine tests aren't that specific. Clinical diagnosis is made based on symptoms and prevalence. Not really important which strain. Treatment is the same, based entirely on symptoms. Scary names are tools for politicians and amusement for bureaucrats.

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I'm a bit hesitant about the clinical diagnosis part. Here in Germany, the financial incentives are clearly designed to generate the largest number of people in hospital with COVID possible (excessive testing). Lots of patients are classified as having COVID who do not even remotely qualify.

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Yes, greed is always a factor. In the US, extra payments were given by government for treating patients diagnosed with covid. That's perverse incentive to diagnose covid even in trauma patients. Tests were initially scarce, still short supply, take days for results, and always unreliable. Flu apparently disappeared. Likely many flu cases were diagnosed covid. Diagnosis has always been, and will remain, vague.

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MRNA stock is going down submarine style. Dive! Dive! Bah-do-gah! Bah-do-gah!

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And, yet, Lord Fauci said…(insert gravelly voice) ”maybe another dose”

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