All you need to know about Covid vaccine failure in one chart
Courtesy of the good people at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark
I know the screen is dirty. Ignore that.
I know it’s in Danish. Ignore that too.
This chart tracks the number of patients hospitalized for Covid in Denmark since vaccines became available in December 2020. Denmark is one of the world’s most highly vaccinated countries. Roughly 95 percent of Danes over 12 are vaccinated, and almost two-thirds are boosted. Denmark is also going through an unprecedented Omicron outbreak (more to come on that very soon).
The chart breaks down the hospitalizations by vaccine status. Dark blue is fully vaccinated, light blue is unvaccinated. Yes, the unvaccinated make up more than their share of the population. We know this.
But remember: IN LIBERAL, SUPER-HIGHLY VACCINATED COUNTRIES LIKE DENMARK, VACCINE HESITANCY IS NOT A THING. NOT IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY. The unvaccinated elderly are unvaccinated largely because they cannot be. Being unvaccinated is a MARKER for sickness. Of course the unvaccinated are disproportionately likely to be hospitalized for Covid.
So ignore the three-card monte game public health authorities and the media have played since the summer, when it became clear the vaccines did not stop infection or transmission. Forget relative rate ratios.
Look instead at the WHOLE chart, how the trend of hospitalizations has changed over the last 13 months. Human biology is the same everywhere. In the spring and summer, the vaccines worked. Cases fell almost to zero. A miracle of biotechnology.
But the miracle - the dubious miracle of vaccine-generated spike protein antibodies - did not last.
By September, vaccine protection was waning. The dark blue line (vaccinated) grew thicker relative to the light blue line, though that failure was masked by a general decline in cases after the summer wave.
Then, in mid-October (2021-week 41), a new wave began. The vaccines did nothing to stop it. Once Omicron hit hospitalizations accelerated exponentially.
Now Denmark - 95 percent adult vaccinated, 65 percent boosted Denmark - HAS MORE COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS NOW THAN IT DID BEFORE A SINGLE DANE RECEIVED A SINGLE MRNA VACCINE. AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE VACCINATED. Even boosters have done nothing to reverse the trend. The dark blue line now is about to pass the peak of the light blue line from last year.
If that’s vaccine success, I’d hate to see failure.
This is so absurd it hurts my head. The virus isn’t dangerous and can be easily mitigated with early treatment with the banned drugs ivermectin and HCQ. The vaccine is deadly and destroys your immune system and they are talking about a fourth dose?
None of this crap is real. All the world really is a stage, and we’re living in an episode of the twilight zone
If you guys haven’t seen the following which summarizes the entire fraud in list form please take a look. If you have visited and like what you see, please share it with others so we can awaken the sleeping masses and take back what is ours from the Davos crowd who is fighting tooth and nail to enslave us.
"In the spring and summer, the vaccines worked. Cases fell almost to zero. A miracle of biotechnology." I know Alex is having fun w/this, but I would even posit that they never worked, and the rollout took advantage of seasonality, when cases, hospitalizations, and deaths would have naturally gone down.