Fetterman wins... along with some others that baffle the mind, our country has turned a scary corner 😢

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The UniParty wins (again, and as per the usual).

I don't see this as some kind of statement on abortion or Trump as much as a statement on where the majority of people are fed their information from. Look at COVID. There are so many people who bought the narrative and will never revisit it. It is locked in. Safe and effective. Democracy at risk. Abortion will be banned. Medicare will be taken away. All the narratives flow from the same sources and most of the population swallows it whole. This seems to be fact from my observations. The Truth is elusive and most do not recognize it if it is plainly shown to them with irrefutable support. I tend towards thinking that the voting is not rigged, the flow of information is. The voting is just a reflection of that. It takes so much effort now to dig through headlines and get to facts and truth that most do not bother. They just decide what sources they trust and simply trust them. Take abortion, for example. The prevailing message is that the Republicans are intent on "banning abortion" and the Democrats will "protect a woman's right to choose". The truth is more along the lines that many Republicans are intent on putting restrictions on abortion to limit it to somewhere between 12-16 weeks and Democrats are intent on making abortion available up to the moment of birth without condition or exception. The headlines are almost never the truth. The first is not a ban and the second is far, far more than simply protecting the right to choose.

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Great post CG. Also a fantastic tweet by Ron Coleman last night:

"At no point in US history has every single cultural institution - press, entertainment, academia, unions, public employees, the massive public employee sector, the professions, law enforcement, federal agencies major corporations, Wall Street, non-profits, mainline Protestant denominations, the military - I could go on - been so profoundly and explicitly aligned the way they have been behind the Left in the last five years. "

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This was of course planned in the 1850’s at the Frankfurt School in Germany. It was the academic beginnings of the progressive movement, and the objective was to dominate society, to take over, essentially moving the needle on the Overton Window to reestablish norms to the left. Thus began what was known as “the long march through the institutions” to gain control of them for the political ends they had determined to be the best ones. Thus we have a media, entertainment industry, politicians, academia, government, etc. The long march. has left us with totalitarianism ruling the day. Forewarned is forearmed: another day is coming.

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From my observation it's been the past 3 years, but I may have been hornswoggled myself for those first 2 of the five.

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There is no better proof of media brainwashing than covid. People are STILL wearing masks.

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The response to COVID hasn't been fully felt yet. These guys printed 40% extra money during the pandemic. It takes two years for a 0.25% interest rate rise to work its way through the economy. Per your comment you are absolutely right that the flow of information is rigged. That is why the spending was so obscene in these election. nearly $400 million spent in Pennsylvania alone. Lets see how Fetterman does in the Senate.

People are waking up and seeing the consequences of what has been done. The question is what will need to be done to bring reality back?

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That was the great takeaway for me. Considering what was done to humanity in the scamdemic era alone should have made the red wave a TSUNAMI even without the border debacle and inflation-economy. That is the crazy aspect to me. Then again NO ONE was running on it either and humans have such short memory. Politicians know this. The totality of what was allowed to happen during the wuh-flu era was astonishing...yet no one has paid a price for it politically in any meaningful way. Just sayin

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I agree, "no one has paid a price"...and sadly, they probably never will.

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such a disgrace all things considered in totality especially what was allowed to be done to the children

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Also agree.

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Agreed, no one is held accountable.

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I'm not so sure that no one has paid the price. All cause mortality is well above average in vaccinated countries. China is still in lockdown and Russia is no longer providing gas to Europe. Russia is also no longer accepting Euros or Dollars for oil & gas settlement.

A lot has changed in 3-years. And COVID isn't gone yet. Where I live people are still getting sick from it, despite even our pet hampsters being quadruple vaccinated. I can also see a big difference between the schools and sports that stayed open vs the ones that locked down.

Anyway, I think it will take a few more years for us to appreciate the price and people like Alex Berrenson are out there fighting over what has happened. They have uncovered swaths of collusion between government and big tech companies to censor and also steer narratives the way they want.

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All social media manipulates users. They send out the Democrat message every day. It is pounded into the heads of the uninformed. They see it on Google News, it must be true. They see it on FB, Twitter and Youtube.

My thought on Fetterman is does he serve his term or do they replace him?

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Fetterman serves his term. He's perfect for the Uniparty. A brain-damaged nitwit who never needs to appear in public and will vote the way he's told.

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Or put Mrs. Fetterman in office because suddenly he's not up to the job. She fits right in. Loves socialism.

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That's what I anticipate. But apparently the majority of US voters love it too. Biden was correct that democracy was on the ballot. And it was mostly defeated.

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It's worse than that. Using titles like "The New York Times etc." or "50 former intelligence officials say the Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian disinformation" is all a form of low-level hypnosis. Supposed professionals & officials are prostituting their credentials in order to trick voters into voting for the professional and official's candidates.

This kind of stupidity can very easily lead to a nuclear war. WWI was started because a bunch of backroom alliances by elites. Then the press joined in with "the war would only last for 6 months". 4 years later 80 million people were dead because of the arrogance of the elites and the press. The following years would bring speculative booms, hyperinflations, great depressions, and finally World War II. It is hard for me to see how there isn't something similar going on now.

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Ukraine. They're doing it again.

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Thanks for posting that Seemsastho! The results aren't stunning as Epstein suggests. They are quite as expected. If you read Robert Cialdini's (godfather of influence studies and behavioural psychology, crafted messaging for the Obama campaign), book Pre-suasion, one of the Pre-suasive messaging systems he identifies is "What is Focal is Causal". In other words whatever a person sees most recently is what they think about:

What's Focal is Causal, states that whatever is put squarely in the center for an audience to view is going to be believed to be more important and casual to whatever is being discussed.


The trick with all this stuff is turn off the TV, turn off the internet, don't touch anything "free". I only get my news from WSJ/FT/Substack/Economist most of my reading news is to help me make money or because I find it interesting.

I try to avoid google for duckduckgo as much as possible and don't have google on my starting screen. My kids are banned from any kind of phones/iPads/computers until they are well into their teens.

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Fetterman's lefty lunatic wife is the one who will have the power in the senate.

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She is absolutely scary.

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I don’t disagree with you but The flow of information is dictated by the appetite of the reader or listener. The press gives them what they want (fulfill their need). To then remark that the public is shallow and uninformed is redundant. Of course they are. And in this context, all they care about are abortion and trump. It’s up to the republicans to create issues that they can understand and get behind. IMHO, the Republican Party has lost its way.

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And I do not disagree with you either except that there is very little left of the Republican Party. What we have is the UniParty. Two sides of the same coin. And even if Republicans present issues or arguments, it does little good if it is presented by the media with an editorial bias against it. People have an appetite for what they are presented with. If you go into a restaurant and they present a menu with no meat on it and you choose from the menu, does that mean that you do not prefer meat or that you are simply choosing from the offerings on the presented menu?

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Agree 100%. Ron Paul made your point about the restaurant with no meat:

“If two parties with two sets of bad ideas cooperate, the result is not good policy, but policy that is extremely bad. What we really need are correct economic and politcal ideas, regardless of the party that pushes them.”

Another of his quote is the two parties fight for power, but share the same philosophy of more war, welfare & inflation.

Your meat example is 100% accurate. Just remember, if you don't eat meat you wither away, the restaurant might make money for a bit in the beginning but as time passes their customers disappear. There is nothing smart or healthy by disappearing meat and then claiming that people really are vegan. It's just shipping the issues under the rug, and one day they do reappear as a giant mess.

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Eliminating all RINO's would certainly assist in forming a new direction led by the likes of DeSantis. The dude won 62 of the 67 counties in FL and the 3rd most populated state always has votes tabulated before midnight

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Perhaps we can thank Chad for the efficient FL voting. Only about 20 years.

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I should have mentioned that. Do you think it's truly why FL seems to have such an efficient process now?

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I agree with you too btw. One of the pillars of propaganda is "the medium is the message", so television itself is the message, people need to look good on it. The Internet is only 25-years-old, so people are still figuring out the "medium". Exactly your comment that this election was turned into abortion and trump. It's worth reading Thomas Jefferson, his era was pretty similar with all kinds of crazy pamphlets and newspapers saying stupid things to pander to voter's emotions.

"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day"

That might as well have been written this month. But, here is the important part IMHO, there are consequences to misleading the population on substantive issues. Saying "oh this is about abortion and Trump" when in reality it is about the Federal Reserve printing 40% extra money, the supply of energy dropping each month, crime, inflation, etc. eventually the chicken's come home to roost and when I say eventually I mean in the next year or two.

To your point I totally agree that the Republican Party has lost its way. It needs to get its messaging AND message right.

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The full correspondence. I can’t believe he said so clearly what I’ve personally believed for so long. Wow. Thanks again.


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Before I reply Timo, what do you think the Republican Party needs to do to find its way? I'm just curious because I have some views to. I actually think it applies to Democrats as well.

Jefferson's letter needs to be adapted to today's age. TV editors routinely made Trump more orange. Like they literally edited the videos to make him look hideous:


That is only one they caught. Another example is during the Biden Galactic Empire speech CNN edited out the red colour behind him to pink:


I didn't know about those above examples until only a few months ago. That is live editing btw. So someone from the White House communications team called a CNN executive and said "edit out the red, it looks too ominous".

Glenn Greenwald has a good piece up about internet censorship, talking exactly about what the original poster put up, that we don't even see the other side of an argument or a story. But we are starting to see it. The truth is there is an alignment between big government, big business and big billionaires. Facebook/Google/Twitter need users, they are winner take all aggregators (monopolies), they push sensationalist news to people to keep us on the product "debate about trans dances at school, lockdowns, vaccines, democrats, republicans", keep users stuck on product, advertisers from big business target users in between to buy their products, consumers buy their products off other monopolies like Amazon and Walmart, monopolies like Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Google, Twitter donate to politicians who don't go after them for anti-trust, Facebook/google/twitter push fake news stories about racism/abortion/trans/climate change/cute kitties so that consumers can't focus on the fact that there is a class war. Outside dark money political groups donate billions to political campaigns making them needlessly long and acrimonies but creating economic incentives for political operators to prolong campaigns. Pennsylvania Senate Election alone cost $700 million. Georgia a state of 10 million people cost nearly $500 million. A lot of that money is recycled into Facebook/Twitter/Google.

Add that products are made in places like China where every single law from the USA about workers rights, worker comp, environmental regulations, minimum wage, equality, discrimination, is thrown out the window. Add military-industrial complex/energy/big law firms/foreign governments all lobbying government, there is no room for your average person's issues: crime, economic opportunity, civil liberties, basic human rights.

I'm a capitalist but not like this. The whole system has been turned into a machine and the people using it are just mocking your average middle class family.

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Wow! TJ is timeless and his words are so appropriate. Thank you for sharing.

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Great post. Thank you

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No, the media is forming public perception. They aren't hearing half the facts or truth. SO how can they decide differently? That's how Stalin did it.

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I think you're partially right about the appetites of the readers, but for one: which came first, the daily bombardment of news, or requests for a daily bombardment of news, and two, I have mostly low-information friends who are usually too busy or complacent to research news stories further, and I'll hear them just regurgitating the LA Times or a Facebook post. If I don't get a chance to point out an inconsistency or two I might catch in a Times' story, its conclusion becomes set in lazy stone, and then groupthink takes over.

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I think you highly overestimate the percentage of Republicans who focus on the former President (with the exception of the Biden admin blatantly used his DOJ/FBI to raid his estate). It appears that the one most obsessed with President Trump is the current Pres who shouts his campaign slogans with regularity in sentences that Republicans can only shake their heads at, and feel pity for the man who is living in another universe where ultra mega maga fascist extremist are around every corner denying his election. We know that we have plenty of candidates to back in 2024, and maybe even Trump if he is the nominee. Lack of candidates is not a problem for Republicans.

Regarding abortion, an apolitical branch ruled on Dobbs. Most conservatives agree that it was essentially right to send it back to the States and People, but even if we didn’t it would still be the law of the land, and not something Republicans thought would give them an edge in elections. Think clearly instead of repeating lies the media wants you to believe.

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At no point did I express my personal feelings. I’m just observing the results and it’s clear that Trump has damaged the Republican Party for a generation and women will not accept the state in charge of their personal choices. . People are simple, news is shallow at best, and these are the over riding issues of the day. As such, the republicans lost handedly. The republicans either don’t have a stance or are incapable of expressing it clearly enough to drive people to vote.

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I don’t know if I was responding to you, but I meant no offense. With regard to abortion, the inescapable fact is that the State will always have control in some way over the other body, the little one. It should remain out of the federal government’s reach. Every state has its own statutes for taking a life, and this is no exception, with the proviso that the mother’s life is primary, and there is choice when a heinous crime was committed, resulting conception. Simply not a political football.

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Yep. They control the media and have for a long time. Just like Stalin. And abortion past 15 weeks is barbarism. I guess we're China now.

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It is disgusting. We saw during covid that many Dems were convinced that China had the correct policy, lock people in their homes to stop the spread. It doesn't matter if they starve to death.

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Now we have similar abortion policies as well. Barbarism. So sad.

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geez in France no abortions after 15 weeks, a fetus sucks its thumb at 11 weeks and npr radio did a live audio abortion at 11 weeks and it was not for rape or incest, they turned on the suction machine and then they all clapped The republicans did not articulate a cap on abortion and allowance for rape and incest

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The abortion issue is a drag. Remind people fetuses can feel by at least 12 weeks - at which point they are ripped apart alive or burned alive in saline. Allow 12 weeks but ensure women who want their babies realize that is a choice (a rewarding and amazing choice). Focus on changing hearts and minds early. The country isn’t purely pro life, nor is it pro baby murder, and the first party to recognize and respect this will do well in 2024. Putting ideology over outcomes only ensures more dead, tortured babies and more far left insanity. Losing an election in ideological purity isn’t being a martyr. It’s being an idiot.

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I think the elections are rigged and stolen, but I also agree with everything you say here. Conservatives are victims of the constant lying and gaslighting coming from the left, and lazy people are too caught up in daily life to do their own research. The most rudimentary reading of various scientists willing to speak up in 2020 made me aware of just about everything that those just now "waking" up are surprised to learn about the pandemic and the vax (children unaffected, masking doesn't work, the virus is man-made and originated in a lab, the vax is untested, it's miRNA gene therapy, it attacks your immune system, it doesn't stop you from getting or transmitting, hydroxychloroquine works, and the list goes on.)

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On the thought that it's not the voting, but the info dissemination that is the problem, check out this former Biden supporter's research on the google effect: https://mygoogleresearch.com/

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Yep. If anything, the Ds realized they just need to keep lying about anything and everything.

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And nobody is going to stop them. It's terrifying.

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People KNOW the options of what they can follow for info...it's not rocket science. People are creatures of habit and some are just far more unaware for sure of what is truly happening. Critical thought and the ability to stand your ground has been lost on many now and especially with the younger generation rising with a herd like mentality or group think

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We're seeing the results of how we've been scaring the $#!+ out of the young ones for their whole lives, threatening them with the death of the planet and making them feel guilty for the air they breathe. They've been broken. Group think is a result of fear and the destruction of the ability to perceive themselves as valuable for the individuals they are.

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Excellent take on the realities. Very true those who control the levers of power use FEAR as a primary driver of indoctrination. We the people have little say in that anymore or perhaps we never did. We elect servants whom we pay to go into public service allow it. CRAZY!

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You are right, in my opinon

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I live in Pa and I can’t comprehend why my neighbors would vote for him over Oz. Truly mind blowing where we are at as a nation

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I think people have lost their minds.

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Fetterman is a case in point!

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I'm not from PA, but I have to agree. And Oz was a centrist, not a fire-breathing MAGA type. Meanwhile, at his best, Fetterman was just creepy and uninspiring. If he were the guy showing up to take away your trash, you wouldn't be surprised. But US Senator? Whoa! I'm hoping he doesn't show up to work in that pathetic hoodie.

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just the fact a person like F is elected says it ALL

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An insult to anyones intelligence. So dementia and aphasia are now de riguer for higher office?

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So true. I'm not sure PA will enjoy the winner???

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Nov 9, 2022
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ha ha. you may be correct

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A stroke victim vs a brilliant heart surgeon, it seems like an easy choice to me but I'm an old person so what do I know? If they only looked at Fetterman's track record from before the stroke. He let murders out of jail when he was on the parole board, he bankrupted a town he was Mayor of with his ridiculous policies. Half of the town moved after he destroyed it.

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I did a Google Street View walk though of Fetterman's town, Braddock PA. Pretty dreary and depressed place. I'm surprised this didn't receive more attention. Fetterman has little in the way of real accomplishments in this life. Now he's a senator???

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He had no job for most of his life. His wealthy parents supported him. Mayor of Braddock was his first job. He didn't even live there, he moved to run for office so it's ironic that he criticized Oz for not living in PA.

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A stroke victim with extreme radical positions. How is that even REMOTELY possible. Is PA that stupid or that corrupt or both?

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I'm originally from PA and have some relatives who still live there. Yes, corrupt for a long, long time. Graft in the highway system is known. I haven't lived there since 1966, but stupid and corrupt seem to be pretty good descriptors. My relatives are in thrall to the lock downs, mandates, masks way of life.

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I would say stupid. Probably corrupt too. Maybe it was the hoodie? I'm at a loss.

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Seems like brain damage will be a box to check when vetting candidates from now on.

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And the "right" answer will be "yes." Sad!

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Sad but true.

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Your neighbors didn't vote for Fetterman. Ballots 'voted' for him.

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I'm thankful I don't live in PA.

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I live in NM and we didn't do much better here. We have the same tyrannical, corrupt governor again. Obama campaigned for her - in a state that has 5 electoral votes! Now we can wait for the mandates, masks, lock downs to be reimposed. In liberal Santa Fe lots of the people are still wearing masks. It must give meaning to their lives.

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I'm pretty sure my relatives voted for him. Dems to the end.

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Nov 10, 2022
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Here my check from govmt. you win. you do good job. you talk to president man. you both get help get off stage.

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PERHAPS enough PAIN has not yet been felt by those who voted for the likes of Fetterman. I mean what will it take...no HEAT over the winter months to freeze a certain amount or threshold of people to death. More murders of those in their families simply going to a movie or riding a subway. Maybe that PAIN threshold has not yet been reached for them to have a WTF epiphany?

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I'm starting to develop a theory that most Dem voters don't believe these problems are soluble by government, or really anyone. Right? They're just "the way things are." As such, if you don't like Republicans, you don't see ANY reason to vote for them as you don't think they could fix these problems anyway.

Otherwise I struggle to explain the election results.

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Wonder where Mitch was during Dr. Oz’s rallies, and has been all day? I picture him praying for continued losses so he can ride out his service as the minority with no expectations for anything. God help this country.

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Yes. When is enough, enough for these people? I saw a poll that a majority of people think it's better to move to green energy than up production of fossil fuels. They don't realize that there are no renewable energy sources that would meet our demands much less support EVs that everyone is supposed to buy. Like you said, if people freeze because they can't afford heat will that wake them up?

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Yes, renewable energy would be nice if it were practicable. But that's the hitch: practicable. So far, it's expensive and unreliable. And even if the entire USA went to renewables, would we have fixed climate change? No! The Indians and Chinese still have to get on board. While I'm inclined to think that carbon reduction is the way, I don't think we need to commit economic suicide when our own efforts by themselves literally aren't enough. Meanwhile, we should be building hundreds of nuclear power plants across the country. There's literally no downside to that, and we'd get plenty of cheap, reliable electricity for our efforts, with zero emissions. But it seems like the greenies want us to sit in the cold and dark instead of providing any real solutions.

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Honestly I'm a pretty strong MAGA guy Ryan Murray but I like Fetterman. He is as much an ef you to the system as Trump was. Fetterman is just likeable. Dr. Oz comes off as really fake and sleazy. A vote for Fetterman is kind of like a vote for Shrek.

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I didn't much like Dr. Oz either, but Fetterman is obviously brain damaged. I question the mental health and judgement of anyone who could vote for such an unfit candidate.

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Yeah but someone brain damaged who isn't all there can do a lot less damage than someone who is smart and sleazy. Dr. Oz couldn't even say he was pro-abortion, didn't think 2020 was stolen, or that drag shows shouldn't be in schools.

And again, they were trying to paint Fetterman as some kind of radical who lived off his parents, 50% of people under 30 live with their parents. Something like 50% of Americans have gotten financial support from their family in the last couple of years. You have to be brain damaged to be attacking the guy over what 50% of the country is going through.

Pennsylvania should have been an easy win for the Republican Party. The questioning of the mental health and judgment should be on Dr. Oz's strategy and the Republican Party. It's pretty bad when you lose to a vegetable.

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I agree with you with the exception to Fetterman’s “likability” he wasn’t fully there, you could feel sorry for him...but liking him (if you’re on the outside) just was’t there either. And his policies was as unlikeable as a virus.

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As a Western PA resident, I get the likable. He was (pre-stroke) A great retail politician.

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WTF! He is hideous inside and out. What is wrong with you?

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I just report what I see. I neither like or respect him.

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Likable? I don't get it.

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It was the Southpark cartoon's conundrum of voting for a turd sandwich or a giant douche. I think the turd sandwich won. Besides, brain dead will be able to converse with Biden and they can both try to figure out how to get off the stage. Also brain dead is much easier to control and will vote however the Dems want. We have one in NM who isn't brain dead but still votes however he's told. Yay lock downs, masks, and mandates.

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Well, there certainly was the issue of whether Oz was really from PA or not. And I'll grant you he wasn't the most inspiring candidate. But I'm still astonished that folks would vote for Fetterman. Cheers.

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I live in PA too and my husband and I don't get it either. Did the carpet bagger thing combined with the incessant lies about Oz killing puppies, Oz would outlaw abortions, and Oz is a rich guy with 10 mansions actually work? If so, our state (and maybe the nation) is doomed.

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But Fetterman himself is a trust fund baby from what I understand. Hardly a man "of the people."

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Yeah, but he did the hoodie/shorts stitck (?sp) for 15 years prior, refused the Lt.Governors "mansion" and said all the right stuff about the working man.

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Free shit won.

Never underestimate its power.

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Why is it so few people are able to connect the $7 trillion in "free shit" (funded by money printing over the past 3 years) with soaring inflation? Because the dem leadership, the state and federal bureaucracies, academia and the press like things EXACTLY as they are. They control the information flow, and they like staying in power by keeping the populace fat, stupid and beholden. The result is a stagnation nation, where little is ever accomplished and the values of freedom, independence of thought and self-reliance get flushed down the toilet.

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Well Democrats fixed inflation with the "Inflation Reduction Act". (sarc) I guess stupid people believe stupid things.

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This is exactly why they called it that.


This is (still) the major problem with Biden (or more correctly his handlers): all these ideas are terrible for Americans. No matter how many times you chant ‘We passed the Inflation Reduction Act’, Americans will only see the result: higher prices and government to blame. Biden is hoping the only thing Americans love more than paying more for gas is paying more for government that hates and wants to rob them. He and the democrats better hope for some super election fortification.

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100%. Biden performed the biggest vote buy scheme since FDR. Republicans had little to offer and little messaging on how this was impacting inflation.

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Republicans really suck.

What I hate is we have two choices for who we vote for.

Flushed toilets vs. Unflushed toilets

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Totally agree. Completely stunned this morning.

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Seat holder- nothing works better for democrats than someone who can’t think or speak.

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Check this tweet: https://twitter.com/PaulJosephMada1/status/1590356349296476160?s=20&t=sCh6j9QFBds5ffwadlrMTw

“It makes one wonder if the Republican COVID death-gap played a part in this.”

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Srsly please ratio ^^

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Yo me it looks like a stolen election, again. But you will never see it.

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I am not that keen on thinking our voting system is corrupt, but I'll admit that some doubts are beginning to creep in.

"Remember, folks, results may take days or even weeks to be fully counted. Especially in places like Pennsylvania."

[election night in PA]

"We win."

Seriously, what the hell is that about?

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Stolen. Admit it. Wake up. The machines are fixed

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I respond to evidence, so I will not just "admit it."

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Ok, then ask for a code review of the voting machines? Should those in charge not prove the system are valid and fair? Why do we, who don't have access to the code, have to prove its corrupted?

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Sure, all sorts of things could be done. Personally I don't think it's the machines; the mail-in ballots seem to be the more likely avenue for potential malfeasance.

All I am saying is that if cheating is happening, it must be made public in a clear and undeniable way.

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It would be nice to eliminate the voting machines, would you agree? I have no proof they are a problem, but why don't they prove to use, they are accurate and fair? I keep wondering.

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You have this backwards. The burden of proof applies to citizens in a court of law, not to election systems. With election systems, the burden of proof falls on THEM to prove they are not fraudulent.

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I could be wrong, but I think that was my point. They, being the election system providers, must prove they are accurate and fair. (Maybe my wording was strange and mislead.)

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I meant to reply to CW who said:


2 hr ago

I respond to evidence, so I will not just "admit it."

I fully agree with your point.

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why? If they had it fixed, one thing to say would be "We've corrected all PA voting issues from 2020. We expect to have results on election night" and then announce Fetterman.

Announcing "it will take days" and then doing the opposite does not look like fraud to me.

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I am not necessarily saying that "it looks like fraud." It looks like conditions in which fraud could occur.

As in: Fetterman behind, a new tranche of mail in ballots "are found" which require days to count every last vote.

Fetterman ahead, declare victory ASAP.

It just seems suspicious how easily "don't say it's over until every last vote is counted" was dropped and forgotten.

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I am not American nor live there, but I remember 2000 in Florida. “Hey, we found an USB stick with votes in a drawer!” It is beyond ridiculous

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They said the same things before the 2020 election. FB - "Don't believe information from a non trusted source. These are the approved sources, FB, Google, CNN, MSNBC, WP, and NYT."

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So here's my question. If they had to run fraud here's what they would say "We've fixed PA vote issues now. We will see results election night" And announce.

You're simultaneously saying opposite things

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Who? The Democrats? What I posted is exactly what Democrats said before the 2020 election. In the weeks leading up to it they were preparing people to not think that anything was wrong if they didn't see results on election night. How many times have we not had a result on election night? Once in 2000, Bush vs Gore. They said only believe our approved sources. That was to keep people thinking there was nothing unusual about the election.

This time the media used the phrase, "red mirage". Republican candidates might be winning early in the night but when you wake up the next day and the Democrats have won all the predicted red seats, it was a mirage. I even heard it from Brett Baier on the much hated FOX news.

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There’s no question and your assumption doesn’t make sense to me.

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ok. Deny when you lose. Good strategy. You sound like Stacy Abrams to me.

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I think this stolen election talk is a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point - and the reason those who should be getting punished for self-inflicted financial harm and Covid “mitigation” catastrophes aren’t. We should be down on our knees thanking God for Lee Zeldin’s strong performance in NY that pulled half a dozen close races over the line and are the only reason R’s *might* take the House.

While places like Philly and Chicago have long been hotbeds of 3rd world banana republic levels of fraud, and CA , NV, as well as Maricopa county AZ have come along for the ride, that doesn’t come close to justifying R’s loss in so many moderate House races where R and I turnout well underperformed expectations.

In NC the places where there is a potential fraud are in their own far left Dem House districts. The moderate winnable districts were all lost with abysmal turnout. People sat on their butts and we’re too lazy or too gullible vote. I’ve poll watched 2 elections in NC (2020 and 2022). The process is clean, the potential for fraud limited, and the opportunity to win comes down to effort. Fortunately enough showed up across the state to elect Tedd Budd and a conservative judiciary, but it was apathy, not fraud that cost at least 3 seats in NC. From several other districts it’s the same thing Myra Flores was right.

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Spot on. But also, what was the GOP plan? Sure, the Democrats made a mess of things. But the GOP basically ran on the Democrats making a mess of things. Other than closing the border, which is good, they need their own vision. This could include, for example, medical freedom and the ending of unnecessary foreign wars.

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This is one thing (among many) that Ron DeSantis does here in Florida. He gets stuff done. Good stuff. He has ideas on how to make things better for Florida and he implements them.

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Competence is the most important and underrated piece of good politicians. Hoping it’s DeSantis 2024. We owe Trump to not let him get railroaded into prison by Biden’s corrupt DOJ. We don’t owe him another term as president.

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Like (button not working). Agree 100% about Trump. And no one has answered Alex's question about continued support of Trump.

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Agree 100%. To me that’s what stood out about Kemp and DeSantis.

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Agree. Republicans with policy proposals tend to do well. Every Republican should have said “We will demand a return to energy independence we will not vote to fund the government until the Virgin Islands refinery is back online with approved capacity and environmental upgrades.” There are so many things they could be for - from restructuring NIH and making research grants block grants the states hand out to demanding expansion for energy production. Most of our issues are self inflicted and solvable but to many ran on just pointing out the problems.

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Also, just go with the message of "lets teach kids math instead of have drag shows at elementary school" is a real winner of a message.

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That’s the biggest one!!!

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If this is true about turnout than it mirrors what happened in GA in the 2021 Senate runoffs, albeit for probably different reasons. Trump came to a rally in the northwest quadrant of GA, stumping for Perdue and Loeffler but all he did was talk about himself and the election being stolen. Well, over 400,000 Republicans who voted in the 2020 general didn’t even bother to show up for the runoffs and many of those were in that part of the state. And Loeffler lost by a little over 100k votes, Perdue with a slightly lower loss margin. They did show in the 2022 elections so hopefully those in these other races that could have been won will see the error of their ways in ‘24.

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Can't believe Mayra lost.

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As usual, you are absolutely right. Thank you for always sharing such clarity and truth.

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Obvious to me but hopium is hard for people to give up.

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You forget the baked in fraud machine the Dems have perfected. That’s why some major Dem candidates refused to debate-they knew they’d win.

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The places that could bake in fraud doesn’t explain the House losses - apathy does. Republicans won in many battlegrounds in NY because Lee Zeldin ran such a great race and dragged half a dozen close races over the line. I have poll watched 2 elections in NC and follow the numbers closely. We have a clean process with paper ballots. We lost every toss up here we should have won - and the districts aren’t Democrat strongholds open to fraud. The winnable House seats lost in NC were lost due to apathy, not fraud. Conservatives and moderates didn’t bother to vote and they have only themselves to blame for the pain headed our way.

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NC here. Very disappointed in the results. At least we aren’t sending Beasley to DC.

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Same here. But we got Budd and finally have a sane Supreme Court.

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NC is home to me and will say we were successful in the Supreme Court, Yes! Mark Robinson for Governor in 2024.

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Depends which County you vote in that has paper ballots vs machine voting. Smaller counties - usually rural ones - use paper ballots, and also tend to be Republican Counties. Large counties - Mecklenburg (Charlotte metro area) & Wake (Raleigh, Research Triangle area) - are machine ballots. No paper, and lean mostly Democrat.

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100% do of counties in NC use paper ballots (which began with the 2020 election). I poll watch, live, and vote in an urban county that goes 70%+- for Democrats. NC is 100% paper ballots.

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Maybe it changed with this election, but I voted in Mecklenburg Co for 16 years, including 2020, and it was always machine ballots. Last year we moved to WNC and voted in municipal elections and yesterday in federal elections - both paper ballots (rural area).

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I voted in Wake county NC - paper ballot - now fed it into a counting machine, but there is a paper ballot with my serial number (from my "voting application") on it.

I stood there and watched the machine until I saw it register my ballot... now - it might not have counted the R votes - but I have no way of knowing that. I feel pretty good about voting in NC - despite living in a deep blue county where there are ZERO elected officials who represent my views.

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You can go to Board of Elections website and check which party you voted for, may take a few days.

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Interesting. thank you.

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Oh give me a break. You mean to tell me mail in balloting and no-id states (like NY) didn't help the democrats? And what about the 20-40 year old factor? They went HEAVILY for dems. They apparently liked being locked down, smoking pot and collecting their stimulus checks, being told what to do with their bodies (vaccine mandates) at the same time they wanted the freedom to abort their babies. And about Trump, he may have rallied and endorsed some candidates but otherwise was not a factor. He didn't even monetarily support many of his endorsed candidates. I do have a beef with that. But I wasn't about to screw myself and go out and vote blue because of him.

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Trump was a factor. Kemp won easily in GA, but people who voted for Kemp just did not vote for Walker. Same in PA, only a pathetic candidate like Oz could have lost to Fetterman. Meanwhile, DeSantis killed in FL. He is the future of the Republican Party, he should run against Trump.

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Kemp repudiated Trump and was rewarded for it. The sands of shifted. The GOP needs to be a post-Trump party starting tomorrow.

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Should the Republican party go back to the McConnell GOP? The one where Mitch makes speeches and talks tough but when push comes to shove, he votes with Democrats. That GOP did nothing for the Republicans who put them in office. If DeSantis is going to run for President in 2024 and be successful, he needs to stay away from the RINOs.

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Agreed, but I don't think anyone is for the McConnell GOP. Business-as-usual wont cut it, but Trump isn't the answer. DeSantis is.

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I like DeSantis a lot. Unfortunately the establishment GOP is surrounding him now that he is such a hot commodity. Will they convince him to change or will he stay independent and fight for the citizens of this country?

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What makes Dr Oz such a pathetic candidate IYO? Can’t quite grasp that? Thanks.

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I’m sorry I did not see your question until now. People voted for more moderate candidates this time around, Oz was not popular as a celebrity (as opposed to Trump for instance), controversial, no charisma. Plus many independents voted against Trump’s candidates.

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Actually I think we need to thank our lucky stars Lee Zeldin won such a great race in NY and pulled half a dozen more congressional districts over to our side which is the ONLY reason we retained the house. It was states like NC where we carried the Senate that we lost winnable seats in the House. And not in places like Raleigh/ Cary, Durham, Charlotte where any cheating doesn’t matter with our districts. In far more moderate places conservatives and moderates sat on their butts and just didn’t vote.

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It’s the Dems and MSM who now can’t quit Trump. Trump will now be their perpetual election bogeyman.

They’ll tie anyone they can to Trump...

Just watch...

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And they will absolutely demonize DeSantis.

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Yes they will. And they will cheat.

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Exactly, he'll get treated the way they treated Trump, the way they treat ALL Republicans who are a threat to their absolute power.

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Much harder to make it stick with DeSantis. They threw everything at him and he expanded his lead from 30,000 to 1.5million in 4 years. He’s an option the people who hate DRM policies but also the DNC - mostly former Democrats. My mom is one. She hates Trump but loves DeSantis. They can fling whatever they want at DeSantis, she won’t buy it. DeSantis won every demographic group. DeSantis also actually stood up to the regime which will win him the Alex’s of the world (who will write in poop before voting for Trump).

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In in with DeSantis.

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It's already started. The headlines are everywhere, "Trump lost".

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Maybe this is why the DNC threw tons of money in SUPPORT of so called MAGA republicans running against their own candidates. The use the Trump label as toxic and prop up any candidates they can label with it to help them win. They did the same thing with the amount of air time and publicity that Trump got in the run up to the 2016 election. He was seen as the most toxic, easiest candidate to beat, but this backfired on them as their own candidate was uniquely un-likable.

This is actually really smart, but pokes holes in their argument that those candidates are an existential threat to democracy. If they really believed that, they wouldn’t want any of these candidates anywhere near winning a house or senate seat.

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The strategy seems to have worked. Count on the primaries being infected going forward for both parties.. two can play this game

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*Ran* such a great race. Zeldin lost but he’s the reason a bunch of Republicans won House races in NY.

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Can you explain to me how that works? I voted for the first time yesterday (for Zeldin). NYC ruins it for the whole state.

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Zeldin convinced a lot of moderates to vote R so very close House districts in NY appear to be wins for Republicans. Without Zeldin motivating them to vote no way R’s perform that well in southeast NY.

Conversely no one was excited to vote in NC. I poll watch here and follow voting closely here. The deep blue counties went less deep blue so Budd won the senate and we have a conservative judiciary now. The R’s lost every toss-up in NC and dryad had nothing to do with it. Based on voter turnout, conservatives and moderates and sane people opted not to bother voting in the first place.

Populated deep blue counties provide cover for fraud, if there is any. That’s not where Republicans screwed up. They missed in middle America where people didn’t bother with voting while deep blue NY might hand us the House.

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Thanks. I’m still trying to figure it all out. My husband is a veteran yet he’s not registered to vote. That will be my next hurdle. Getting him registered and bringing him with me. It seemed a lot of people my age (early 40’s) were out voting and spreading the word. Everyone I know voted red.

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Nov 9, 2022
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Zeldin lost but he drove turnout in a ton of battleground districts in NY that are going Republican by a hair. Zeldin lost but he is the reason Republicans are going to pick up 6 seats in NY. The R’s road Zeldin’s coattails in deep blue NY to victory even though he lost state wide (based on current vote totals).

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Got it. Very true. Thanks!

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I believe he meant to write ‘ran’ such a great race.

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You are correct - I’ll edit when I get to a computer

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Agree totally.

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I normally vote red. I will not vote for a Democrat, because of the party's death-culture and reflexive push for big (stupid) government and vote buying.

I "quit Trump" because of his "warp-speed" clownshow. His ineptitude and hubris let the public health arm of the deep state defeat him.

He will spoil the GOP chances in 2024 if he runs.

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I quit Trump because his antics in the last week show he really is THAT narcissistic. The Covidians won’t learn until they are held accountable and apparently neither will Trump. I gave him the benefit of the doubt getting played by Fauci and crowd, but he still won’t take responsibility for HIS bad choices. If he had reopened the country when DeSantis reopened FL we wouldn’t be in this mess. For him to attack DeSantis when he is one of the most proven leaders we have as a country? Nope, I’m done.

In NC fraud had nothing to do with why winnable House races were lost, but Trump convincing people their vote doesn’t count so they shouldn’t show up to vote played a role. I’ve poll watched over 25 hours, closed 3 early voting sites and 2 Election Day precincts between 2020 and 2022 in NC in a far left city. Apathy, not fraud, cost NC house seats.

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You are on fire this morning NC Mom! Great analysis. I’m in Florida but born in NC so this is fascinating to me.

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North Carolina is turning blue. Northerners have moved in and brought their politics with them. Many live and work in the Research Triangle.

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NC is actually going a tad more red. It went Obama 2008, Romney 2012, Trump in both 2016 and 2020. Ted Budd won the senate race this cycle by more than Trump won the state in 2020. Republican judicial nominees won every state wide election this election as well. The biggest shift was the suburban/ urban areas. The lost seats that were winnable were actually more rural that Republicans just didn’t vote and Dems did. The very rural areas offset the state wide vote going further red (75%+ in some counties). Here is some data for urban areas moving in the right direction (it’s a slow process).

Mecklenburg (Charlotte)

2022 - 65% Beasley, 33% Budd

2020 - 67% Biden, 32% Trump

Guilford (Greensboro and High Point)

2022 - 58% Beasley, 40% Budd

2023 - 61% Biden, 38% Trump

Forsyth (Winston-Salem)

2022 - 54% Beasley, 44% Budd

2020 - 56% Biden, 42% Trump

Wake County (Raleigh/ Cary - Cary has long been known as the Contaminated Area of Relocated Yankees - the most infected with by far - just look at vax rates for kids. Mecklenburg, Greensboro, Winston is southern Democrats and Wake is northern woke 💩). Unsurprisingly no change, but it didn’t get worse (there was less than 1% shift towards R’s that doesn’t show up when rounded).

2022 - 62% Beasley, 36% Budd

2020 - 62% Biden, 36% Trump

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Wow very interesting. I’ve been gone a long time and my impression is that it has been shifting toward blue. But this is heartening to see, and also frustrating in regard to lackluster turnout in rural areas.

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We've got to figure out how to get rid of Trump. You are absolutely right that he will screw up chances in 2024 if he runs.

His policies were great for the country but his personality was totally toxic. If he would quitely work behind the scenes to make stuff happen in 2024 it would be great... but his narcissism won't allow that. So we might be saying "President Newsome" - and that will truly be the DEATH of the USA.

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Very Well Said, Trump would be well served as King maker, but too narcissistic, so he will run and ruin it for country IMO.

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There are some small victories…..Stacy Abrams can’t say she lost due to voter suppression and we can also stick a fork in Beto.

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Do you think either will go away finally after 2 losses each?

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The answer to the question, "Why can't some people quit Trump?" is John McCain and Mitt Romney. The GOP hasn't given its voters what they wanted since maybe the Contract with America.

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I thought another Contract with America would have been the move to make. Why didn't they? Tell them what you will do and then do it. If Biden vetoes fine, you tried.

This isn't good for the Dems either. It is an endorsement of Biden and the direction of the country. It gives him backing to run in 2024. His staff and wife are egotistical enough to do it too.

I don't want Trump and I don't want Romney. I'd like to think Trump will see this as the repudiation it is but I won't hold my breath.

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I quit Trump. I voted for him because I thought he had the guts to give us what we wanted, a wall for one thing, but he let McConnell and Paul Ryan snow him. So the only reason for him was gone. Anyone can get the economy going if they want. Trump causes too many problems and chaos, so that even centrist Democrats that might have voted to get the far left out will not due to Trump. He needs to retire and go play golf. And I don’t get this abortion focus, whatever happened to birth control? Just have free birth control and be done with this nonsense.

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The problem is Biden* doesn't want the economy going or energy independence. Neither do establishment Republicans like McConnell. Dems and RIINOs are two sides of the same coin. We need someone who is going to shake things up. All establishment types have to go. This was evident when Trump tried to get things done. Republicans like Romney sided with Democrats. So did Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, who managed to win despite the fact that she didn't stand up to Biden* when he closed Alaska's oil leases that were some of the best in the country.

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Yes, we voted for Trump to shake things up. He did in a lot of areas. He tanked CNN, which is great. But, we voted for a wall. He should have known he had to fight for it. He tanked. We had Congress, Senate and Executive branch, and that is the only window when you can get anything done. The establishment screwed him because they didn’t want him there but he should have known that and fought. Now they made things worse and let in another 3 million or so. It’s not looking good.

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Step aside Donald. Read the room we want change and it’s not Biden or Trump. Pennsylvania still seems questionable on the results. Florida has the recipe.

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He had his moment. All these eighty year olds need to leave. I'm older than Trump and I don't care how far he can still hit a golf ball he's too old to be running our country.

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DeSantis is the way.

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Yes. 100%. Love DeSantis!

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Too much focus on Trump and abortion in this post Alex. Most red states won’t restrict abortion rights further than they do in European countries. The reality is that Democrats voted to live in filth and crime and so be it. I wasn’t sure that’s what they really wanted but now we know they do. I certainly won’t be choosing to live in a blue state ever at this point.

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Basically. For my voting cohort, I'm saddened that Black americans still believe in the DNC. The messaging towards us was especially gross, saying if we don't vote for them, the Republicans will bring back slavery. Ugh

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These GOP candidates had extreme abortion positions in their platforms that they never thought they would be accountable for because abortion was protected by Roe. Only like 13% of the country wants an abortion ban. Once abortion was on the table, they got killed. Well they deserve it for pandering in the first place. I thought punishing lockdown governors was more important, but not enough people did.

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Americans don’t realise it but actually in most countries in Europe abortions are only legal the first 3 months of a pregnancy (give or take a few weeks depending on the country), often with some exceptions for disabilities or mental health issues. That’s all many of the GOP candidates would have tried to do. Again, if democrats are willing to live with crime, filth, race riots, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, corruption, lies etc etc, all so they can end a pregnancy in months 5 - 9, then I am happy for them that they will get what they want.

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You get what you voted for. It's sad that the covid experience didn't wake everybody up. Poor people who live in Democrat cities are going to continue to suffer. I thought that riots, crime and lockdowns would be enough to open people's eyes. None of that is worth a stimulus check.

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"Once abortion was on the table, they got killed. Well they deserve it for pandering in the first place."

Maybe the stupidest thing I've read about the election "results" besides Alex's lead-in.

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Despite the bleating of the Ds, abortion bans were never on the table.

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OMG. The fraud was rampant. Just like I wrote about yesterday and told you it would be the case. Massive voter suppression of game day votes in AZ. Costing Republicans untold number of votes. After PA saying it could take a week to count votes the Cyborg declared the winner in a few hours. There are dozens more similar examples. Malfunctioning or non functioning machines all over the country. I love you Alex. But if you fail to wake up the reality that the Democratic Party engages in massive fraud you are going to lose one hell of a lot of subs. I’ll be first in line.

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Alex should look into the possibility of election fraud. He might be shocked by what he finds.

Start with the voting machine code. What does it do? How does it work? Funny nobody has seen or reviewed the code because the companies protect it in court. Wonder why?

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LOL. I think we know the answer to that.

The comment below is likely true. But that is not what happened this time in many areas. Voter suppression via malfunction and non function of machines, tabulators, printers etc cost Republican candidates many votes. I’m sure Garland will be all over that.

The Dem strategy was to cheat where it mattered. Whitmer. Shapiro. Fetterman. Hoechul. Any race they needed to win, they won. We will see about AZ. They don’t mind losing the House. That retires Pelosi without a fight. They did maximum damage in the past two years. With more damage to come in the lame duck. And for the next two years they can blame the GOP for gridlock as the full effect of JoeBama’s policies and FED rate hikes take effect. By 2024 more than half the country will be begging the government for help.

Their plan for destruction is working perfectly. You could not script it any better. By 2028, 2032 at the latest the USA will no longer exist. Either we rebuild it from the ground up (whatever and however that entails) or we live enslaved on the technocratic plantation.

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Voting machines aren’t the issue, ballot harvesting flipped 2020. Problem is that it’s the oldest tactic in the book.

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How can you be sure about the voting machines? I'm not. They may be fair and accurate. But how do we trust, what they will not show?

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Software is written by teams of people with version history's and planning that takes weeks and months. The evidence would be rife.

Ballot harvesting is far more expensive and time consuming but it looks just like a get out the vote initiative. Its also something that is non-partisan so neither party is going call it out.

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Yes. Why were people demonized after 2020 for questioning Dominion voting machines? Like you've said, if there's no problem they should be able to show the public how they worked.

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Because it was a bad strategy and an idiotic premise.

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What bad strategy? What idiotic premise?

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That the election was stolen via some technology hack that flipped votes. Its asinine.

The election was certainly cooked, but not through the use of hacking voting machines.

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Really? How do you know that? Because software can't be hacked right? Or software can't be programmed to produce desired results from any kind of input, right?

I don't know the answer and neither do you. To suggest otherwise, is ignorant.

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Lol 🤡🤡🤡

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MoodyP. And the Republican Party stands by and …whimpers? As a party something should be done about it but there is never action. Only thing I can conclude for myself and in my opinion is that the other major party doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. Not sure where that leaves their voters. Up a certain creek less some paddles???

Former Republican here… now a “non affiliated” since 2020. A good day to all!

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And the pollsters failed again. Which means they either don't know what they are doing, people lie, or there are issues with how votes are counted. It is going to get very ugly over the next few months.

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Or there is systematic election fraud. Why do you not think that is possible?

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Starting to look that way... you will never convince Alex though.

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Look at races like New Hampshire that should have been close with a good candidate. He got trounced. Ohio Vance wins by 6 and DeWine won by 22 why the huge difference? DeSantis won Florida going away. It looks to me that Trump is a drag on the party. His candidates all either lost or eked out wins. If Trump is the candidate again I will vote for him but reluctantly. DeSantis should be the face of the party. The Democrat party barely exists in that state now.

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As an Ohio resident for most of my life, I will say that we can be a bit bipolar and flip easily to back and forth, blue/red. I know that many people, including myself, held our noses and voted DeWine. No other option. But there are blue areas in the rust belt that still hold onto the old Democrat belief even though those Democrats no longer exist.

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The problem is that any non fat left democrats, suburbanite women and independent voters won’t. Trump’s base is shrinking, not growing. He’s a poor man’s DeSantis.

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Elections aren’t real. Especially now.

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"Why can't you quit Trump?"

I have - and I voted for him twice. But not again. And all the conservatives in my small circle feel the same way. If he runs, he will lose. Ron DeSantis is the future of the Republican Party.

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Same here.

My concern is that 30% of eligible voters will vote for Trump no matter what.

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The hard core Trumpers just don't see how he is destroying any chance for successful opposition to the Left. They are rabid, refuse to see logic or reason (or truth about him) and have a religious fervor in their zealotry. It's incredibly frustrating and why I suspect 2024 will go Dem due to infighting on the right over Trump. GO AWAY TRUMP!!!

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Agree. He served his purpose.

DeSantis 2024!

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And Trump's big announcement scheduled for Nov 15 could again cost us a Georgia Senate seat.

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The issue of election stealing. The gaslighting is "oh you silly people how can you believe that?" I am not talking about any specific race right now, but more generally, the idea that it can't is ludicrous. People steal money, phones, cars, booze, boyfriends, girlfriends, pets, food. Hell, now they walk right into stores and steal right in front of you. But elections - which are about power - everyone suddenly has a conscience? Please.

Alex, look at what you discovered in your ordeal with the little bird. When you have people that collude with a corporation to do an end run around your civil rights to keep power, you bet they will cheat. Don't fall back asleep.

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Absolutely agree! And this whole mail-in ballot early voting thing needs to end. Only under certain circumstances, like military deployed oversees who can't be there on election day, people should only be allowed to vote on Election Day. Too much room for "error" and cheating.

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That's how Fetterman got his votes, early voting before people actually heard him speak.

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You got that right!

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