With Healthcare CEO's pushing these jabs like crack - what are doctors to do? They have to tout the safe and effective narrative - or get whacked. Its like working for the mafia. Except the mafia doesn't kill as many people.
With Healthcare CEO's pushing these jabs like crack - what are doctors to do? They have to tout the safe and effective narrative - or get whacked. Its like working for the mafia. Except the mafia doesn't kill as many people.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if HCW’s noses grew like Pinocchio every time they uttered the phrase “safe & effective”?! They would all be dragging their proboscis around in a wheelbarrow! That would certainly scare folks away.
Today doctors are taught to comply, accept the narrative, dont rock the boat. If you do - you are a "disruptive physician". That's termination for cause.
If you’re a young doc there’s a good chance you’re $300K in the hole for your MD. What are the odds you’ll buck the narrative, a/k/a the “standard of care?”
Know a lot of Pharma reps. They stopped being allowed to take docs out for lunch, dinner , etc. You know why ? It looked bad - like direct lobbying at the office. They just got smarter and bribed the Health Care Industries and are indirectly paying the doctors to prescribe their SH!T now. Easy-peasy.
With Healthcare CEO's pushing these jabs like crack - what are doctors to do? They have to tout the safe and effective narrative - or get whacked. Its like working for the mafia. Except the mafia doesn't kill as many people.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if HCW’s noses grew like Pinocchio every time they uttered the phrase “safe & effective”?! They would all be dragging their proboscis around in a wheelbarrow! That would certainly scare folks away.
I'd prefer if their pants caught fire, but the nose works too ;)
Today doctors are taught to comply, accept the narrative, dont rock the boat. If you do - you are a "disruptive physician". That's termination for cause.
If you’re a young doc there’s a good chance you’re $300K in the hole for your MD. What are the odds you’ll buck the narrative, a/k/a the “standard of care?”
Know a lot of Pharma reps. They stopped being allowed to take docs out for lunch, dinner , etc. You know why ? It looked bad - like direct lobbying at the office. They just got smarter and bribed the Health Care Industries and are indirectly paying the doctors to prescribe their SH!T now. Easy-peasy.
slim and none...