If you’re a young doc there’s a good chance you’re $300K in the hole for your MD. What are the odds you’ll buck the narrative, a/k/a the “standard of care?”
If you’re a young doc there’s a good chance you’re $300K in the hole for your MD. What are the odds you’ll buck the narrative, a/k/a the “standard of care?”
Know a lot of Pharma reps. They stopped being allowed to take docs out for lunch, dinner , etc. You know why ? It looked bad - like direct lobbying at the office. They just got smarter and bribed the Health Care Industries and are indirectly paying the doctors to prescribe their SH!T now. Easy-peasy.
If you’re a young doc there’s a good chance you’re $300K in the hole for your MD. What are the odds you’ll buck the narrative, a/k/a the “standard of care?”
Know a lot of Pharma reps. They stopped being allowed to take docs out for lunch, dinner , etc. You know why ? It looked bad - like direct lobbying at the office. They just got smarter and bribed the Health Care Industries and are indirectly paying the doctors to prescribe their SH!T now. Easy-peasy.
slim and none...