Torn on this one. It's a great idea for people who want to find a doctor like this because they likely care more about patients than profits. On the other hand, it's a horrible idea because it puts all of those names in one place to be found by bad actors to try to shut them down. :/

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that was my concern - professional risk

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Agree. I probably know a dozen practices now in NC where the physicians actually practice medicine, not big pharma sales. I wouldn’t put a single one on a public list. They are great, but have thriving practices largely because they spread by word of mouth and aren’t targets. A good place for people looking for a sane doctor to start is a Christian practice. In my experience their faith is true, but it helps to have religious cut-outs too. Hint hint.

I have a pediatrician, integrative health practice, and family health practice my family uses. None of us are on any daily prescriptions. My husband is on some kind of kyolic garlic I can buy anywhere for slightly elevated cholesterol (he’s healthy and active). Most of these physicians will use supplements before meds. We get a lot of blood tests to prevent issues. I can’t overstate how wonderful evening magnesium (not citrate) makes the whole family sleep well.

We only have that many physicians now because I sought out an integrative practice to make sure we were covered for any and every medical exemption needed for Covid mandates.

These people are sanity in a storm of an industry trying to turn humans into revenue streams for big food and big pharma. No way I’d put their careers at risk by putting a target on their back.

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Hi! I take magnesium citrate every day as part of my D3, K2 and magnesium trio. Is there something you don't like about the citrate, or doesn't it work for you as a sleep aid?

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Mee too on the K2 and D3. On the magnesium it doesn’t absorb as well as malate or glycinate to increase blood magnesium levels. Citrate will help keep you regular though (I discovered it’s a little too good at that for some in my family 😂). The sleeping better is just a happy side effect of better absorption. It’s weird though, it won’t make you drowsy, but will help you sleep.

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Thank you. I practically had to twist my GP's arm to order a D3 blood level at my last physical. when I got in again and asked, she told me it was "33".

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I’m glad you pushed your GP to test for your D levels. It’s so important- if you run into problems, many labs will run tests without a doctors orders. Check on that and keep those D levels up, they protect you.

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33 is low. My husband’s was like 37 in the winter. He went to integrative for medical exemptions from clot shots but got all the blood tests. He does get fewer colds. Our kids are also a couple years older now but we’ve lived normally and been very healthy. Sad we went there so we could keep living without clot shots, but the upside was improving our health with stuff we didn’t realize was even going on.

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Although I too take the citrate version (for now), I've read ConsumerLab's write-up on magnesium and they have similar thoughts about citrate, versus malate or glycinate.

I've become a bit questioning about their (CL) veracity after realizing their (CL) stance on covid, and treatment for (paxlovid) and the mRNA products.

What studies or recommendations have you come across along these lines?

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I’ll be honest. I usually study this stuff myself, but on the magnesium the integrative docs are the ones who told us. I tested on the citrate and will use it to get things moving. I also noticed calmer sleep and faster post-exercise recovery when I switched to the others. I never looked further since I had first hand evidence I could see pretty quickly (my husband and kids had similar results).

I feel like CL and EWG have both been captured. I look to CL for contamination info, but I mostly dig around random places for studies elsewhere now on observed benefits. Never using Google though. All that comes up is 💩 studies. I’m always looking for suggestions

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Dr. Mercola recommends Magnesium L- Threonate, which can be ordered from his website. I can’t remember the specifics as to why. You know if you’re taking too much if you have too soft stools.

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How did you find a Christian practice? I’m also in NC and am mindful about what you said about setting up a list for nefarious actors to use, so maybe if you could share how you found the practice was Christian, I’d go from there. And NC is a huge state and the odds are very good that we don’t live anywhere close to each other.

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I know all of mine through friends so I just did a few searches. It’s not easy. That said, most integrative practices are Christian, and even if they aren’t they don’t tend to like big pharma. You can look around on their websites and get a sense pretty easily.

For the awesome pediatrician, he works for Novant, so that’s pure word of mouth. For the others that believe in parent choice as a practice, that’s actually most independent pediatric offices- at least in central NC.

For family medicine, and these places take insurance, but it’s a bit harder to do a search and find them. You probably need to call a few. The good ones will tell their philosophy up front on the phone. Start by looking for offices not affiliated with the major players (no Duke, Cone, Wake, Novant, Atrium, or UNC). My husband’s family medicine practice has a section heading faith.family.freedom in their main page, but it’s not part of their actual practice name. I’m also noticing the smaller towns outside cities are where several I know of are. While our integrative practice is in a city, the rest are like Kernersville, Stokesdale, High Point. Friends outside Charlotte have found a lot of docs around Lake Norman. All the people we know in Raleigh are multivaxxed wokies so I’m not sure of a direction there. Asheville independent practices seem to be an eclectic mix ranging from pro-vax ANTIFA sympathizers and generally very good alt med docs who weekend on a tarp in the the woods.

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I'm copying this and sending it to my sis in Asheville. She'll get a hoot out of it (she doesn't have pink hair!)

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I would limit access to subscribed. I doubt that most of the people who want to shut things down subscribe to blogs like this. They prefer to stay in their WaPo/NYT world.

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I'm guessing someone from the DOD would gladly subscribe to get their hands on that list. What a shame!

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No, respectfully, not the DOD, per se, but the investigatory and enforcement teams of every state medical licensing board and the national AMA one will gleefully subscribe, yes. We will have done the hard part of their job for them.

View James Corbett's "Rockefeller Medicine" for just a taste of what we're up against: To wit, a powerful, predatory, self-interested cartel; one that is thorough, long-lived and intent upon profit only in the short and medium term and control of every human body in the long term. (Yes, yes, that is insane: When was the last time you saw sanity out of our public-private leadership?) One cannot look at what the WHO is doing to consolidate its transnational authority nor at the freshly blooded CV19 battlefield we're only just now departing, littered with the professional careers of de-licensed doctors who put patient interests first as well as actual human casualties globally numbering in the millions, without seeing that Medicine is the technical field through which a technocratic control grid is being enforced upon us. CS Lewis was right.

Respectfully: There's a point at which we have to understand that we are an underground and begin to think and then act like one; that our reflexive first-world preference for ease & convenience in all things, followed by our childlike alacrity for free shit, is precisely the impulse that our soon-to-be gaolers game in order to tighten their control and deepen their database.

Lists and registries, rosters and membership rolls, address books and rolodexes have always been the Rosetta Stone for any investigator charged with understanding the composition of any group deemed criminal or subversive. That we would compile a list of good doctors, ones skeptical of the diktats of the very agencies that license them, and then put it on the internet, well, umm, what can I say...somewhere in hell Erich Mielke and Markus Wolf are ROFL.

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I wish I could make this post into a T-shirt and walk around wearing it! Have you had thoughts on solutions?

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Without your putting a fine point on that question, I am unable to address it in detail. But, generally, be of good courage and know that easily implementable solutions exist; almost every point of leverage The System has developed to ensnare and entrap, to surveil and control us can be neutralized. The initial cost to be borne is implied when I say we’ve been seduced into free-range inmate status by our reflexive desire for ease, convenience and new free stuff.

Think back a couple of decades to when we all signed up for “free” email. It occurred to almost none of us that we were giving up the legal privacy protections postal mail afforded. Likewise those early cellphones. Now our new cars are listening to every word we say and communicating all sorts of data to servers on their own beyond our awareness and control. [Meanwhile, large auto insurance carriers in Europe are currently redrafting industry regulations so that only vehicles thus equipped will be able to be insured.] But this is only intended as one example: All Smart devices and other common appliances do the same through our household Wi-Fi.

To work The System needs us to be digitally legible to it. Do a slow, thoughtful, skeptical Stop-Start-Continue (or similar) analysis on your digital involvements. Pluck the low-hanging fruit, be encouraged, build momentum; then reach higher. Dig out the covert and mediated digital entanglements. Understand that virtually every new product (and currency!) from here on out will have surveillance, recording and reporting capability; that is their raison d'etre, not your betterment; eschew them. Learn to love your FOMO and come to see that it’s a measure of your waxing strength, determination, and self-respect; of your intention to become more free.

There’s more, so much more, of course, but becoming illegible is a process not an event.

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Perhaps but I think the DOD is not very concerned about doctors. The more likely problem is some journalist with an axe to grind. But the MSM might be reluctant to publicize the existence of such a list because their publicity might actually drive people to the list.

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Exactly why I voted No.

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I love the idea but I also fear for physicians on a list. Here in CA physicians are losing there medical license if they go against the agenda..

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My main concern as well, but I still up voted.

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Me too.

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This made me change my mind about posting name of a doc. Thanks.

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It would be great for patients to know which doctors do not demand that their patients get vaccines - many pediatricians have booted families from their practices for not vaccinating - but the problem is that medical boards might go after them. Certainly, in California and elsewhere, they went after those who would write medical exemptions.

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Check out Dr Green Mom, she maintains a list just for this

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I hear you. But then are we to assume we will never have physicians as a part of our "cause"?

Because if we don't we'll forever be grounded in getting our objectives to come from the "ground". It is "fertile" now.

I would submit that change could not be effectuated in the Medical Industrial Complex without the involvement of physicians.

It also assumes there are no like minded physicians.

A side benefit is physicians of this ilk are a good source for "intel".

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There are tons of like minded physicians. Some know about this Substack (and others). The ones I know are working to change things, but they can’t change anything if they are destroyed. I would say Alex should ask for those physicians ready to have their name on some list submit to it, and even to get readers to ask their doctors to submit their names. I don’t think readers should start submitting names without permission from the person they are listing.

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Makes good sense and really, a basic courtesy, although in the politicized medical climate of the past three years, it would seem essential. As others have mentioned, the risk of "putting a target on the backs" of those physicians who could be listed is real.

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Does the Med-Ind complex have a "weakest point"? btw: I'm in the NJ-NY metro area, and my GP and another M.D. that I have are both heavily pharma-influenced. I routinely leave my GP's office with a handful of orders for tests for everything I can imagine! Come to it, the same is true for my other doctor. However, the GP is pretty tolerant towards my not getting any vaccines (no covid jabs; never have gotten a flu shot.) The last one I had was in 2008; the DPT that left me walking around like a zombie for almost six months. Long story short,, you can have the most hidebound, dyed in the wool pharma physicians, but if you're told something by them that absolutely is at odds with your own experience, common sense or information you've received from a trusted source, you're free to act according to your own best judgement, and if they have too big a problem with this, get another one.

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Yes. The patients who have blindly turned over their active participation with their health to The Complex.

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No, really....If for no other purpose than as a thought excercise, I wonder what aspect of our "health care system", as brought to us by Big Medicine and Big Insurance and Big Pharma, would create for us the opportunity to create positive changes in how physicians and other providers are able to deliver care to patients.

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I would say physicians themselves. If you leave a physicians tell them why. And when you find the "right" physicians tell them why.

And do it in writing to the physician in both circumstances.

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I agree with this comment. We have to protect our doctors like they protected us.

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finally. someone who understood......

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Really good sarcasm is often difficult to detect in the written word.

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you can take it how you want it. Some doctors were awake and excellent to help people through their illnesses and know how to "doctor" humanity in a kind and loving way.

Some doctors and nurses on the other hand, were money grubbing murderers who ignored their Hippocratic Oath and murdered people for the brainwashed sake of murdering people and of course the money for the hospitals which were pushing all of the hateful rhetoric besides the media and government.

I fired my doctor of 6 years when he insisted that I get the covid clot shot knowing that 1) it was experimental with no studies and 2) that I have some other health issues and how would it effect my other health issues. He didn't care. He just wanted that money for his clinic. Also, he was a good family friend. My husband used to run with him and we would socialize on occasion. He was the first to get the shot and he pressured so many of his patients to get the shots that the hospital gave him his very own clinic to run over seeing many doctors and nurses. He is now ill with heart problems. Karma will always bite people in the ass when money grubbing and clout is more important than humanity. May he die a painful death just like I am sure many of his patients did.

I did happen to find a doctor who is worth his weight in gold in my area. He is awake. He cares about his patients and he left a large local hospital because he saw the medical tyranny that was happening. His entire crew in his clinic - nurses, all the doctors and even his office staff are not vaxxed and he makes sure everyone who see him knows it. But, after the covid scam, unless I break a body part or am completely so sick that I cant heal myself with herbs and home remedies, I wont be going at all.

So, how ever you look at it, if it was a doctor who wanted to force this medical tyranny on humanity, he will get what he deserves either by the people or his God and visa versa for the good doctor.

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I'm on the same page. I wrote off doctors long before covid. I was injured by prescription drugs. I just didn't know better and trusted doctors. But they nearly killed me. I began studying everything I could about vitamins, minerals, diet, herbs, exercise, etc. I'm my own doctor now and healthier for it.

I was complementing your comment by calling it good sarcasm.

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At my most cynical, I suspect this list could be as exhaustive as a book of "Kamala Harris' Deep Thoughts."

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OMG thx...I actually LOL on that comment

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I might argue that those docs are *already* on any radar screens that would shut them down if they could. Hell, some of them have been picked off one by one.

This list, and our advocating for the docs on it, might actually create a critical mass of support for them. Y'know, safety in numbers.

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2 thoughts on your concern. 1) what makes you think the powers that want to find them don’t already know who they are - just consider the expansion of surveillance on US citizens since Obama or since 9/11. 2) I am sure they know the risks they are taking but now you are helping the censors win by not allowing your view to grow in numbers.

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Agree. Also…ain’t it a sad state of affairs that this is true? My functional medicine MD was just recently told (FINALLY! After being harassed and threatened for over two years by our state government) that it’s OK, after all, for s/he to prescribe IVM. So, I wouldn’t feel it was safe to add him/her to such a list.

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I had the exact same thought.

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My thoughts exactly…

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very true, those who Dx fully before pulling out the pad, are rare, it requires something not seen in many, listening to pts. Of course it also requires pts, who listen also.

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It won't help they'll be targeted even more. We did something similar locally with our libertarian friends then when insurance got involved they stopped paying for things like ivermectin. Then the pharmacists also stopped. You can't win.

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i only go to doctors who don't take insurance- they are out there. it means i pay for my medical care out of pocket but the cost reflects the service and not the layers of criminality grafted on top. since these doctors aren't reporting to insurance, they don't have to tag you with the new "undervaccinated" ICU code. they are generally real MDs who have gotten disillusioned with their role in the system as a pharma rep pill pusher for patients who never get better. they've had a crisis of conscience, left the profession, gotten trained in functional medicine and then come back in a new form. they see far fewer patients in a day, spend more time with each of them and act as a collaborator rather than as a boss. the patient has to do the work. this isn't passive, sit back and take a pill medicine.

my cousin is a doctor and she has no problem working within the system as it is. obviously that disqualifies her immediately. you want a doctor who found continuing as is unbearable.

i would think that good places to start looking are:

the institute for functional medicine and james maskell's functional forum.

another thing people can do is get themselves off the insurance system. there are cost sharing plans that used to be mostly Mennonite run, although you didn't have to be religious to be a member. in recent years, secular cost sharing plans have cropped up. the monthly fees were low and the across the board deductible was $500. the plans were easy to understand, unlike conventional mafia insurance.

i had one for a few years and was very happy with it. sadly i aged out; these plans are not compatible with medicare. obviously if i get hit by a bus and require conventional medicine, i have medicare. anything else, i pay for.

the less doctoring you have, the less doctoring you need. for example i use Advair for asthma. it's not on the medicare formulary and costs $340 something for a one month supply at the CVS near me (it can have a different price at the pharmacy down the street or on a different day. there's no rhyme or reason to it. even the pharmacist will not be able to explain the pricing to you).

with a goodRX coupon, the generic was $80 something in 2022 and down to $60 something in 2023. but here's the thing- i only take it when i need it. instead of two puffs a day, i took one puff every other day. when we had covid last year (2 days of mild fever, not worth shredding the Constitution over. my BF had stockpiled IVM) i discovered that i could buy reduced L-glutathione capsules and dissolve the contents in a bit of filtered water in the chamber of my nebulizer. since doing that every day now, i've been able to go 3, 4, 5 and most recently 6 days before feeling the need for a puff of Advair. of course, i pay for the glutathione but at least it's helping my lungs instead of merely masking symptoms. i also ride a HIIT bike and do a combo weight training/ cardio workout every morning.

i've never had a mammogram or any other cancer screening, beyond 3 pap smears. i don't go through life fearing that my body is going to turn on me. i've only had the vaccines that kids born in 1953 got and have had only one flu shot many moons ago. i go to my doctor when i want something like a high dose vitamin IV that i can't do for myself. i was fired from my job of 40 years because i wouldn't take the covid shot, which was painful but survivable. we buy our food directly from local farmers who we know and not from the grocery store. i grow vegetables in the backyard. i cook everything at home.

my BF is 76 and spent a good deal of last year up on a 40 ft ladder patching our old metal roof. one day, he started to slide and saved himself by taking a leap for the nearby tree. the 40 year old roof contractor who was up there with him said he had never seen anything like it.

you have to be strong and you have to win; losing is not an option.

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There is already a list of us out there (well there are multiple but this one is probably the most extensive) on FLCCC.net. American Association of Physicians & Surgeons (aapsonline.org) also does. If a physician prescribed ivermectin, they are almost certainly red-pilled. You are correct in that insurance does not cover things that work, but gladly covers things that don't (mammograms, anyone?)

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I read a lot about mammograms and I decided not to have it anymore. My mother had 2 times breast cancer so I have had mammograms for 25 years. What about all that radiation and on the other hand they always tell you that they are not accurate. On the other hand I have paid out of pocket for the last 10 years (after Obamacare) and the cost is $100

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I think the idea is that if there's enough of us, we move mountains and SHIFT market forces.

It's the American Way.

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He's not on board with IVM so they wouldn't make his list anyway

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I get that but he wouldn't stop you from buying it. Alex seems to be on the side of medical freedom

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You CAN win....it's not easy, but you just stand up and say NO. The doctors have to do the same.

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Yes!!! I was in the hospital recently with bile duct blockage. The docs were going to do a ERCP and wanted me to do a Heparin shot. I had asked for and received my blood work and knew my platelet count was extremely low...75. I also knew it is dangerous to give anyone a Heparin shot whose platelet count is below 125. The gastro docs kept hammering me to take the Heparin. I finally told them to quit asking as I was not going to take it. You have to be cognizant of the possible consequences of all these procedures. If you are to sick then you need an advocate ...someone who can think on their own and make decisions for you based on facts.. As it turned out....I did have some internal bleeding a week or so later. I told the docs why I was saying no....because of my platelet count...they just stared at me. Maybe they were shocked. Later on I told a doctor who is a patron in my husbands business about that situation and asked why they would insist on something that had danger written all over it. He told me the young docs are by the book....whatever that means. It is so much easier now to research medicine and procedures. They finally did get all the stones out of my bile duct but it took 3 procedures to get them all removed. I think a lot of their decision making for your treatment is based on liability.....not what is best for you. I am not afraid to tell my docs when I do not agree with their treatment plan or medicine they want to prescribe. Most doctors will listen and give you their opinion without getting bent out of shape. But some will not....some might actually tell you to find a new doc. So be it.

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May I ask what you are doing to raise your platelet count? Husband has same, and "intervention is important" seems to be the mantra we are resisting. Many thanks!

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At the time....I had a very high white count,,,serious infection and close to being septic. They removed my gall bladder and had me on antibiotics 24/7 for the next five or six days. By the end of the week...I checked in on a Sun night....my white count was way down and my platelet was at 125. So I am guessing it was the infection causing the low count. I don't know what you do to raise your platelet count. I would imagine a chronic low platelet count can be caused by something serious. I would research it a little. What does your doc say about it?

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Here is a fairly decent article from Mayo Clinic. Note the medications that can cause low platelet count. Heparin being mentioned. Your husband needs to have a doc figure out what is causing his low platelet count. asap

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We need better systems to migrate to. Network States.

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You are probably right, but when the time is right, just maybe.

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I fired my doctor after he downplayed natural immunity, slagged Dr. Marty Makary and was seen wearing a mask in the local supermarket a week after the Cochrane Review debunked masking. Next!

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There are plenty of fish in the sea.

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I wouldn't put my physician further in the cross hairs of California medical board. Listing their name would likely do so.

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It will be used as a database to attack the physicians for doing their jobs.

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I would love to have a database of rational physicians. That said, I agree with many other commenters that we are dealing with sinister people and I don’t use that word lightly. Rational doctors will be targeted. Many already have been during the early days of the pandemic.

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Everything is a potential weapon, we can no longer think people won’t use it for nefarious purposes

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This will put a target on their backs. In addition to the database, it's just a bad idea to invite names in the comments section. At least ask for the doctors' approval before posting their names!

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The database kind of already exists, Myfreedoctor.com was started by a Texas Dr who saw through the lies right from the beginning. I believe the site has Drs, nurses and clinics all across the country and maybe even outside the country of people willing to help the vax injured.

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Dr. Adrian Gaty - Pedatrician Central Texas. He's on substack too.

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Thank you!

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Already you sound like a great doctor. Don’t imagine you’d make visits to Florida for slightly older kids (like 76 year olds)?

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In a different life… geriatrics was my second fav field after pediatrics… I guess it’s just the middle aged I can’t stand : )

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Ha. I hear ya. They’re a tough, whiny group for sure. Just mark down in your address book that whenever you feel the temptation to dip your toes into your 2nd professional life’s experiment, you would already have a primed disciple on the ‘Suncoast’. PS. I just started reading your Substack thanks to this write up.

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I had one of them - before Covid. Even he fell prey to the hysteria. When he boasted about getting his son vaxxed after already getting Covid... I knew I couldn’t go back. Up until then, he was the best.

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My doctor was all in the vaccine. BUT, she only said to me "have you had it?" I said nope and she said fine. Noted it on my chart and moved on. She's concierge so it is a bit different.

She's not all in on vax anymore. She agreed my daughter was not a good candidate for Gardisil (wish I could find a pediatrician who would accept that) and she didn't recommend the RSV to her older patients.

I just want someone who will respect my wishes. My daughter has a nerve issue and goes through bouts of chronic pain. A side effect of Gardisil is a similar nerve issues and yet doctors still push it on my 12yo. It is a constant source of irritation. I guess they don't have to live with or care for chronic pain so who cares.

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They tried to push Gardisil on my then 12 year old son - absolutely nuts! The young female pediatrician all but glared at me when I said no. The next year interestingly,, a different pediatrician gave me a knowing nod when I turned it down. I bet there is a lot of infighting in doctor world that we don’t hear about. The old school must be at total odds with what they see coming up behind them.

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The doctor I have gone to(I stay away from doctors)for blood tests(I research my own bloodwork now) has Big Pharma all over his cramped, nasty office. Brochures everywhere! He should have this outside his office: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

I’m 60 and I have survived cancer. No one should be going to a doctor unless absolutely NECESSARY!

The human body isn’t made for Big Pharma, remember that! Take responsibility for your own health, your own body, and your immune system! Being lazy about YOUR health is not an option! I cannot stress THIS enough! ✝️🌞

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If he is gay, the Gardasil would help prevent squamous cell cancer of the anus and back of the throat. For normal male people - ok to skip it.

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are the studies on Gardasil any better than the studies on most of the other vaccines? How could they possibly claim this definitively?

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You'd want doctors' permission to be listed, of course. So, if they get targeted, at least they had a choice in the matter.

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The AAPS (https://aapsonline.org/covidpatientguide/) started something similar early in convid for finding docs who would prescribe IVM and HCQ. Dr. Pierre Kory (my co-author on The War on Ivermectin) has an all-telemedicine biz and sees patients in every state: https://drpierrekory.com/

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As a retired Dr who did so before this scam came on here in Australia, not a good idea as word of mouth better and more reliable. Data bases will be used but more often abused by the “great and good” who rule over us and their lackies. Trust people you know locally in matters of health provision.

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Sorry, but as a retired physician who is now dealing w/ medical care from the other side of the desk, this will end up being a popularity contest & no reflection of skills/discernment. In my 40 yr of practice, I saw criminally negligent MDs routinely receive 5 star reviews from patients (I was in a procedure-heavy subspecialty where it's easy to accurately gauge competence, though not necessarily discernment/wisdom).

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Even a list of naturopaths, osteopaths, functional medicine specialists, homeopaths and holistic dentists (who can safely remove silver/mercury fillings). Other than functional medicine docs, most M.D.'s (allopaths) are only good for critical care/emergency medicine...for which they are great.

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I agree totally . Also, some holistic dentists call themselves "biological dentists" these days. I use one for my child and it is a different world and SO much better! The ONLY way to go.

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Frontline Doctors have started a referral page here https://covid19criticalcare.com/providers/

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It's amazing Alex doesn't know about the FLCCC...

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