Dr. Kerryn Phelps wanted everyone vaccinated - until she and her wife suffered side effects from Pfizer jabs. Now she says regulators are censoring the truth about Covid vaccine injuries.
What blows my mind is that all of these doctors had zero idea that rushed trials and a brand new technology might not go as planned. These are supposed to be the best and brightest people alive and they had no clue. The best decision I ever made was not getting this shot, but it was never a decision for me. I have common sense and was happy to let the other guinea pigs go first.
You see- they're not as bright or as well informed as we'd like to believe.
More than anything- they're overwhelmed.
I recently decided that I no longer trust my physician's opinion based on a non- Covid matter, because he offered nothing but pharmaceutical "band-aids," when other, less-invasive, less risky optins hadn't been explored, much less even mentioned.
It was clear that his Oracle is pharma propaganda handouts.
All doctors, providers who pushed this vaccine should resign....I was forced to resign for saying NO...and being honest. To be a health professional and not know what a total scam this was... once the government denounced natural immunity....they are simply too dishonest....too weak or simply too stupid to be practice medicine!!!!
He's not atypical unfortunately. Doctors spend eight years learning, only to park their brains at the pharmaceutical company office as soon as they start actual practice.
I’m going through the same thing Robert. I had cancer removed in August, now I have an incisional hernia where I was operated on. I TRUST NO DOCTORS ANY LONGER. With that being said, I’ll have to take my chances getting this taken care of. I never thought I’d see this in the USA. I educate myself as much as possible about natural remedies.
That’s exactly what I do! I’m sure they “love” it. I’m in Commifornia near Sillycon Valley, and some of these doctors have the biggest egos! You can only imagine.
Yes, I agree. I am now only going to see homeopathic doctors who will use a combination of therapies with an ability to be open to all forms of treatments.
I believe you are correct for a small percentage of physicians that truly felt overwhelmed. One very close physician friend of mine is one of the leading COVID ICU physicians in the country and has had to take care of 60 of the sickest COVID patients every day for going on 3 years. Same for an ER doctor friend at a very busy ER. For the rest, the reasons are varied. One of the leading causes is ignorance. Another significant one is lack of understanding or awareness that physicians are tasked with treating the whole patient, all of whom have intellectual, spiritual, and social needs, besides their physical, in this case anti-viral, health needs. Some it is arrogance that any new pharmaceutical intervention is superior to watchful waiting. The old proverb should always be kept in mind: “The physician is there to entertain the patient, while God takes care of them.”
I'd say the other issue is that the physicians have placed themselves in the central role.
Patients, staff, AND doctors would be much better served with a team-based approach, where you don't have physicians as "GODS," and everyone else playing the role of peasant.
Yes. I agree 100%. I have been a nurse for 15 years and I see healthcare being treated as a god. Physicians are gods and healthcare professionals are “heroes.” The pandemic disgusted me and arrogance of many that I worked with was eye opening. I have fallen into the arrogance trap at times before myself. The longer I work in healthcare, the more see it’s flaws. I do think we do some good. The problem is that very few will question or even be willing to question treatments. I think it has to do with corruption, but also people don’t like to admit when they have wrong. And it is truly horrible to have to face a mistake that has really hurt someone, so many choose to double down instead. I do think change is coming, but it is slow and we should keep fighting back against the current healthcare model and Rene it as much as possible.
Meanwhile, in most of the industrialized countries, we live under governments who continually push now-excessive regulations of things like building codes, automotive safety, workplace safety, etc. which have clear costs, but negligible benefits in terms of saved lives, reduced injury rates, etc.
Yet these very same governments have literally thrown all caution to the wind when it came to promoting a hastily-developed, poorly-tested, and completely novel vaccine technology to fight a virus that even at its worst wasn't all that bad, at least for the already-healthy.
Elon is getting divine guidance & he is laden w talent; imho, on both part of my statement above. If I still gambled, Tesla Call options are the roller coaster 🎢 ryde to riches. Yeah, and pick the longest horizon offered// jus’ sayin’ as a 73yo winner at just everything i’ve struggled at.
I don't think the E will ever catch up to the P on Tesla.
If you peel back a few layers and ask a pointed question or two, it sure looks like most of his ventures are backed by nothing but air and government funding.
They were paid shills for the jabs. Threatened with there livelihoods if they veered from the narrative. Doctors are nothing more than legal drug pushers for pharma companies. Your high regard for these doctors was and is misplaced. 90% plus are quacks and are complicit in this entire Covid sham. They deserve ridicule and scorn. This lady is no different. She sat by pushing the poison on people, acting all high and mighty, now that it effects her personally, she decides to speak out. She’s a total fraud. People have been screaming this same thing from the roof tops since day one. She looked down on those people. I have no love for what this woman is doing, and don’t care about her problems. Get in line lady, your complicit in all of it you ghoul.
I was thinking the same thing: she took her orders and dutifully spread the misery, apparently without further examination of the many rumblings surrounding these (basically) unvetted vaccines. Then her partner gets directly affected by the kinks in this crap (with symptoms that sound milder than the horrific ones flying around out there, all of which she apparently ignored to remain dutiful) and now she's all defcon. If not for her partner, sounds like she'd still be all rah rah. I guess better late than never, but it's hard to outright dismiss her previous time of aiding and abetting the killers of innocents.
I agree - but lots of people were threatened with loss of job if they didn't get the jab - and many DID lose their job because they had higher principles. The doctors and nurses felt trapped, just like the rest of us, but many of us were able to keep our heads and say "hey, I'm not taking the jab and will quit before I am made to do it." If everyone in every hospital or company did this, they would not have been able to push this on us. They'd be left with no one to care for the patients and no one to show up at work. Kind of like a strike.
I have much, much sympathy for the mandated just trying to feed their families while being carpet bombed by the corrupt. But I have nothing but fury for those who did the mandating. I don't care who they are, I don't care how ignorant they might one day try to claim, I will always think evil is involved.
it ws easy to just fall in line. My job STILL has the mandate. I refused it, and was willing to lose my 25 year career. They granted wy exemption. Everyone that asked for an exemption that i know of, it was granted. This was 6 of us out of 24 in my work center. So 75% went along with it willingly. My union did nothing, they just accepted it and never even canvassed the members about it. I am currently seeking out how to quit the union over this. The point being is that the vast majority of people just did it. Put up no fight, and didnt think about or care of the ramifications. I suspect many used fake papers as well, which to me was the same as going along with it. I was offered this by a friend when I first found out about my company mandate. My response was no thanks, I wont be a party to any of it, and am not looking to become a criminal to keep my job.
A golf acquaintance who also happens to be a union boss based in Philadelphia, paid their membership $250.00 per person to get the shot. Basically a bribe.
the corporatization of healthcare, especially since the "Affordable Care Act", had left physicians overworked, often underpaid, and certainly under-informed. the agenda seems to have reached the med-school level, where they are programmed to trust Big Pharma. truly disturbing.
When I saw that nurse - Tiffany Dover was her name if I remember correctly - get the shot on live TV and pass out, I thought, well, let me wait a bit on this jab. I happen to faint very easily. Btw, has anybody heard from Tiffany Dover?
I still remember going to Baltimore MD for an Emergency Medicine residency interview// the reptilian stench at John Hopkins was palpable 🐍 // Fauci et. al. $lime trails - my guess
Exactly. This is a major problem in convincing people. If one in three thousand die, that doesn't sound like a lot, but that's very close to the 2019 mortality rate for 50 year olds in the US (https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html). To put it in perspective, the introduction of a new cause of death with that level of mortality would increase the death rate for 50 year olds by 100%! (Assuming everyone in that age group were vaccinated.) When very slim goes to slim, it's more than significant, it's extreme.
Two years for the truth to start hitting the media. Sounds like a worldwide conspiracy (which it is). I believe the toll on our healthcare systems due to shot injuries will be higher than it would have been had they never been rolled out.
I do not believe that there was some conspiracy to injure/murder. I do believe there is a conspiracy to connect vaccine compliance (thus sustaining a vaccine economy) with a digital ID and CBDC for complete surveillance of the population. It’s already happening in China. The G20 pandemic plans for international travel show us they are planning the digital ID/vax passports. Can’t be about health if the shots don’t stop spread. There is now a vaccine for fentanyl. It is not stopping. This is guaranteed windfalls for Pharma and the end of personalized medicine. No need for doctor’s visits: just take all of these shots. If you don’t, you can’t drive more than 5 miles from your home. Can’t buy plane tickets to visit your family.
My partner of four years died of an aneurysm within days of her first shot. My father ended up in the ICU with pericarditis from his booster, apparently mere hours from heart failure. I know two women who are paralyzed, and two women who have seizures every day. A friend has had Bells Palsy and other neurological issues for 18 months now. And a student of mine has myocarditis. I told someone this recently and they said that they haven’t seen any issues so they must not be happening. I asked them if they had seen anyone OD on fentanyl. They said no. So I asked them if they believe there is an epidemic of fentanyl overdoses. Crickets.
"I do not believe that there was some conspiracy to injure/murder." For now, I would suggest.
If you think the pushers of mRNA jabs can use genetic science to manipulate your cells to produce spike proteins yet they wouldn't know what it would do to people when injected? I think not.
Given so many elites want the heard thinned to save the planet, one has to keep an open mind to anything.
Thanks. And sorry for you as well. I am actually meeting with my state’s senator today. I’ve been using Resist.bot to write letters to my reps. I don’t believe politicians will save us, but it’s a start. The most important thing we can do at this point is not comply. Say no to new experimental medicines. Say no to digital ID. Definitely say no to digital currency (that will be the end of all freedom if it is adopted). There are more people who can say no than there are those who want to force compliance. The everyday citizen like us has to speak truth confidently to their circles in order to make a difference.
I wish I could speak truth to ALL! It’s still a hot button that broke families up once & will again & again. My husband & I, when we told our adult children we were researching the shot implications, were told we were stupid & uninformed. Hmmmm…as much as I will never believe my children are stupid & uninformed, they fell for this propaganda with no questions asked.
Fear not. // All the Lefties (= Lemmings) will follow their leaders { 1. Veep CamelToe Hairless 2. Blinken (no alias required) & 3. Nod} over the cliff 🔜
The response to the "pandemic" has been global and coordinated. It isn't about health.
They (govt, health authorities) are not stopping. They're gaslighting the public with claims that the jabs are safe and effective. They keep pushing them. They aren't stopping. In previous screw up, they stopped.
Gates has talked for years about vaccines lowering the global population. IMO, safe and effective vaccines would probably increase the global population. When people tell us who they are, we should believe them.
Too bad that even after her serious adverse reaction in July 2021 she was still
Pushing the jab for children in January 2022!! Maybe Big Pharma cut off her $$$$ so now she’s speaking out. How many children were harmed by her words?? How many died?
When I asked my gp the question asking if she’d seen children with myocarditis from the vaxx (telling her I was worried about my grandkids), she admitted she’d treated A NUMBER of young patients with myocarditis. Then added only one, an 11 year old, was hospitalized & that not to worry, the pain is so great the child will know something is wrong & all the other patients have recovered. I walked out feeling numb. Shame on those who endangered their children with a pain so great they’ll know something is wrong!!! And we know their hearts may recover for now, but they’ll never be healed.
What the hell?? What about their oath to “Do No Harm”?? Myocarditis can be treated but it does permanent damage. She shouldn’t be practicing medicine with that attitude!
I have a fairly small circle of friends and acquaintances. Three are suffering long-term (possibly permanent) disability from the Pfizer shots. One young man has inflammation of the blood vessels in his brain. He spends 95% of his time in bed with blackout shades and earplugs. He can't tell the ceiling from the floor.....since April 2021.
Guess what they call what your friend is suffering through now? Long Covid. Get use to hearing that lie. You will hear that term more and more in the future.
What's amazing to me is how many of my peers paid ZERO attention in 8th grade biology. A basic understanding of what a REAL "vaccine" is--and what makes it work--would make one immediately suspect of "the science" in mRNA injections. On its face, it seeks to alter our God-given DNA response to a virus. That's some scary shit right there. What could possibly go wrong? I was already doubting the medical INDUSTRY (it's no longer a "field"). My resistance to the clot shot and what I've seen unfold over the past 2 years has exponentially strengthened my BS detector--particularly since learning of the bounties the government paid hospitals to kill folks using a detailed treatment of Remdesivir and intubation (usually while the patient was kept away from family or other guardian who could have objected). FAR too many "doctors" went along with CDC and parroted their talking points--for pay. Because they were threatened with their licenses if they did not succumb to coercion. This deliberate extermination is the biggest worldwide crime in the history of man--and it started with a virus our own government began developing in 2003. In the annals of medical history, Big Pharma makes Big Tobacco look like a hapless amateur. Had the journalists of the 30's-60's been like today's propaganda puppets, the politicians probably would have mandated smoking too.
It took Merck and the FDA five years to remove Vioxx from the market, meanwhile making oodles of money. Due to my personal experience with Vioxx, I was never submitting to the Covid vaccine until it was proven to be successful and the public given time to learn about its potential side effects. There are always side effects! Regulatory capture has made the FDA a threat to the very people it is supposed to protect. https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx
As my husband’s Primary Doc was working to get him an emergency appointment with a Cardiologist for his Moderna injury (he wound up having a stroke), he was also recommending my husband get the Pfizer booster. The entire medical industry has lost my trust forever.
While I am grateful she is speaking out, I can’t help but wonder if her politics or status as a member of the LBGTA community has anything to do with the way she is being treated. I am glad that she is now understanding how risky these shots were and how the injured were being canceled and ignored. No one can claim that anxiety due to disinformation was the cause when she was such an avid believer. I only wish all those who died could have someone speak for them.
You know what I noticed? Ever since these gays came out of the closet we have had nothing but disaster in our lives. It was nice when they kept to themselves and dressed in women's cloths in private like that cross dresser J.E. HOOVER.
No need to wonder, Dr Phelps has been a longtime media favourite. First female president of the medical association, gay marriage, academic, member of the Labor Party plus good on television. All boxes ticked. Her defection to skepticism is very significant in Australia.
What is really going to be interesting, and fun to watch, is how the "vaccine" blame game is played in the 2024 presidential election. Democrats will blame Trump for "Operation Warp Speed" and Republicans will blame Biden for all the "vaccine" mandates.
Yeah no matter who wants to run they will have to get the OK from the FBI/DOJ/CIA. Otherwise they will assassinate them like they did JFK and the coup with Trump.
Now go vote and make a difference. Remember if you dont vote you cant complain.
I still cannot have a rational discussion about any of this with my wife or my adult children. Unless something is on mainstream media, it doesn't exist. Of course they're all vaccinated (I'm not) and they, thankfully, are not suffering any obvious long-term effects. A key here is that the doctor in question suffered and had intimate experience with serious adverse events. That seems to be what it takes to wake the herd.
Anyone applying their critical thinking skills could have figured out that these shots were not safe. Never should have been rolled out. Never should have been encouraged. Never should have been mandated. This horror show demonstrates that our governments would prefer us fearful rather than healthy.
It’s ok to say rubbish earlier this year but now that she’s wizened up she’s treated respectfully by freedom’s side. Rubbish again. It’s like Republicans who salivate over a sane liberal with a sane talking point for once! The root cause for me is tyranny over the masses. This was not the 10 percent death rate many feared and children were the safest. Yay yay hurray for her. You think California health officials will admit their wrongful approach to Covid. Dream on.
What other shoes will drop? I feel bad for people who unwittingly trusted their respective govts the vaccine “is safe and effective…” I don’t feel bad for the nitwits who became the vaccine stasi… I’m grateful I passed on the opportunity to take the vax and glad I live in a part of the US one could get by if they didn’t.
Now with the FBI Hunter Biden laptop manipulation stories coming out, those in charge better move fast or complete distrust in all govt institutions will be gone for good - not a pretty sight.
What blows my mind is that all of these doctors had zero idea that rushed trials and a brand new technology might not go as planned. These are supposed to be the best and brightest people alive and they had no clue. The best decision I ever made was not getting this shot, but it was never a decision for me. I have common sense and was happy to let the other guinea pigs go first.
You see- they're not as bright or as well informed as we'd like to believe.
More than anything- they're overwhelmed.
I recently decided that I no longer trust my physician's opinion based on a non- Covid matter, because he offered nothing but pharmaceutical "band-aids," when other, less-invasive, less risky optins hadn't been explored, much less even mentioned.
It was clear that his Oracle is pharma propaganda handouts.
And he's got a reputation as being a GREAT doc.
Yup. Eff that. My doctor takes a conservative, supplement-based approach to nearly everything. She's no Big Pharma shill.
It's easier to do my own research than wage through all the docs around here.
And really, it's for the best.
Your one of the lucky ones!
Boy, how do you find someone like that? I've tried and the only person I know that's like that is my chiropractor & owner of a wellness center.
She is an osteopath, if that helps!
All doctors, providers who pushed this vaccine should resign....I was forced to resign for saying NO...and being honest. To be a health professional and not know what a total scam this was... once the government denounced natural immunity....they are simply too dishonest....too weak or simply too stupid to be practice medicine!!!!
How could I ever trust these people again?
I can’t!
I agree…and they should have liability for each patient that died suddenly & unexpectedly!
I was forced to retire after 23 years. I understand. God bless you.
He's not atypical unfortunately. Doctors spend eight years learning, only to park their brains at the pharmaceutical company office as soon as they start actual practice.
I’m going through the same thing Robert. I had cancer removed in August, now I have an incisional hernia where I was operated on. I TRUST NO DOCTORS ANY LONGER. With that being said, I’ll have to take my chances getting this taken care of. I never thought I’d see this in the USA. I educate myself as much as possible about natural remedies.
I think veering off to far into exclusively allo- or homeopathic is risky. There are cases where one, the other, or both are optimal.
Best thing you can do is educate YOURSELF first, then ask questions of the specialists.
That’s exactly what I do! I’m sure they “love” it. I’m in Commifornia near Sillycon Valley, and some of these doctors have the biggest egos! You can only imagine.
Yes, I agree. I am now only going to see homeopathic doctors who will use a combination of therapies with an ability to be open to all forms of treatments.
I believe you are correct for a small percentage of physicians that truly felt overwhelmed. One very close physician friend of mine is one of the leading COVID ICU physicians in the country and has had to take care of 60 of the sickest COVID patients every day for going on 3 years. Same for an ER doctor friend at a very busy ER. For the rest, the reasons are varied. One of the leading causes is ignorance. Another significant one is lack of understanding or awareness that physicians are tasked with treating the whole patient, all of whom have intellectual, spiritual, and social needs, besides their physical, in this case anti-viral, health needs. Some it is arrogance that any new pharmaceutical intervention is superior to watchful waiting. The old proverb should always be kept in mind: “The physician is there to entertain the patient, while God takes care of them.”
I'd say the other issue is that the physicians have placed themselves in the central role.
Patients, staff, AND doctors would be much better served with a team-based approach, where you don't have physicians as "GODS," and everyone else playing the role of peasant.
Yes. I agree 100%. I have been a nurse for 15 years and I see healthcare being treated as a god. Physicians are gods and healthcare professionals are “heroes.” The pandemic disgusted me and arrogance of many that I worked with was eye opening. I have fallen into the arrogance trap at times before myself. The longer I work in healthcare, the more see it’s flaws. I do think we do some good. The problem is that very few will question or even be willing to question treatments. I think it has to do with corruption, but also people don’t like to admit when they have wrong. And it is truly horrible to have to face a mistake that has really hurt someone, so many choose to double down instead. I do think change is coming, but it is slow and we should keep fighting back against the current healthcare model and Rene it as much as possible.
Just in time for medical schools to use equity in admittance & dummy down their requirements for receiving their DOC degree!!!
Every solution involves another expensive new drug
Totally agree. And parents can’t trust their pediatrician either. I wrote and article about it. https://open.substack.com/pub/normsthoughts/p/when-parents-feel-like-they-have
Meanwhile, in most of the industrialized countries, we live under governments who continually push now-excessive regulations of things like building codes, automotive safety, workplace safety, etc. which have clear costs, but negligible benefits in terms of saved lives, reduced injury rates, etc.
Yet these very same governments have literally thrown all caution to the wind when it came to promoting a hastily-developed, poorly-tested, and completely novel vaccine technology to fight a virus that even at its worst wasn't all that bad, at least for the already-healthy.
Makes you go "hmmmmmmm."
You are correct and then some! Riches are tied to power. When the powerful lack virtue as nearly all of them do today then catastrophes happen.
Elon is getting divine guidance & he is laden w talent; imho, on both part of my statement above. If I still gambled, Tesla Call options are the roller coaster 🎢 ryde to riches. Yeah, and pick the longest horizon offered// jus’ sayin’ as a 73yo winner at just everything i’ve struggled at.
I don't think the E will ever catch up to the P on Tesla.
If you peel back a few layers and ask a pointed question or two, it sure looks like most of his ventures are backed by nothing but air and government funding.
They were paid shills for the jabs. Threatened with there livelihoods if they veered from the narrative. Doctors are nothing more than legal drug pushers for pharma companies. Your high regard for these doctors was and is misplaced. 90% plus are quacks and are complicit in this entire Covid sham. They deserve ridicule and scorn. This lady is no different. She sat by pushing the poison on people, acting all high and mighty, now that it effects her personally, she decides to speak out. She’s a total fraud. People have been screaming this same thing from the roof tops since day one. She looked down on those people. I have no love for what this woman is doing, and don’t care about her problems. Get in line lady, your complicit in all of it you ghoul.
I was thinking the same thing: she took her orders and dutifully spread the misery, apparently without further examination of the many rumblings surrounding these (basically) unvetted vaccines. Then her partner gets directly affected by the kinks in this crap (with symptoms that sound milder than the horrific ones flying around out there, all of which she apparently ignored to remain dutiful) and now she's all defcon. If not for her partner, sounds like she'd still be all rah rah. I guess better late than never, but it's hard to outright dismiss her previous time of aiding and abetting the killers of innocents.
Exactly, never forget!
I agree - but lots of people were threatened with loss of job if they didn't get the jab - and many DID lose their job because they had higher principles. The doctors and nurses felt trapped, just like the rest of us, but many of us were able to keep our heads and say "hey, I'm not taking the jab and will quit before I am made to do it." If everyone in every hospital or company did this, they would not have been able to push this on us. They'd be left with no one to care for the patients and no one to show up at work. Kind of like a strike.
I have much, much sympathy for the mandated just trying to feed their families while being carpet bombed by the corrupt. But I have nothing but fury for those who did the mandating. I don't care who they are, I don't care how ignorant they might one day try to claim, I will always think evil is involved.
it ws easy to just fall in line. My job STILL has the mandate. I refused it, and was willing to lose my 25 year career. They granted wy exemption. Everyone that asked for an exemption that i know of, it was granted. This was 6 of us out of 24 in my work center. So 75% went along with it willingly. My union did nothing, they just accepted it and never even canvassed the members about it. I am currently seeking out how to quit the union over this. The point being is that the vast majority of people just did it. Put up no fight, and didnt think about or care of the ramifications. I suspect many used fake papers as well, which to me was the same as going along with it. I was offered this by a friend when I first found out about my company mandate. My response was no thanks, I wont be a party to any of it, and am not looking to become a criminal to keep my job.
A golf acquaintance who also happens to be a union boss based in Philadelphia, paid their membership $250.00 per person to get the shot. Basically a bribe.
10,000 points for you sir!
the corporatization of healthcare, especially since the "Affordable Care Act", had left physicians overworked, often underpaid, and certainly under-informed. the agenda seems to have reached the med-school level, where they are programmed to trust Big Pharma. truly disturbing.
It was an easy decision for me too - as soon as I heard "legal immunity for big pharma".
When I saw that nurse - Tiffany Dover was her name if I remember correctly - get the shot on live TV and pass out, I thought, well, let me wait a bit on this jab. I happen to faint very easily. Btw, has anybody heard from Tiffany Dover?
no. Pretty sure she's expired.
I still remember going to Baltimore MD for an Emergency Medicine residency interview// the reptilian stench at John Hopkins was palpable 🐍 // Fauci et. al. $lime trails - my guess
Plus your chances from dying are slim.
Exactly. This is a major problem in convincing people. If one in three thousand die, that doesn't sound like a lot, but that's very close to the 2019 mortality rate for 50 year olds in the US (https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html). To put it in perspective, the introduction of a new cause of death with that level of mortality would increase the death rate for 50 year olds by 100%! (Assuming everyone in that age group were vaccinated.) When very slim goes to slim, it's more than significant, it's extreme.
It’s amazing that all it took was a little common sense, and we learned how few people have it!
Yes, AND...
What do we learn in school?
Most people don't do their homework.
Couple that with the bright minds at Yale who developed the propaganda messaging, and that's a tough combo to overcome.
And if we're honest with ourselves, we're equally irrational and devoid of common sense.
Just so happens, it's in other areas.
Don’t rely on the Experts to have common sense .
Parents aren’t given a practical choice unfortunately. https://open.substack.com/pub/normsthoughts/p/when-parents-feel-like-they-have?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Two years for the truth to start hitting the media. Sounds like a worldwide conspiracy (which it is). I believe the toll on our healthcare systems due to shot injuries will be higher than it would have been had they never been rolled out.
I do not believe that there was some conspiracy to injure/murder. I do believe there is a conspiracy to connect vaccine compliance (thus sustaining a vaccine economy) with a digital ID and CBDC for complete surveillance of the population. It’s already happening in China. The G20 pandemic plans for international travel show us they are planning the digital ID/vax passports. Can’t be about health if the shots don’t stop spread. There is now a vaccine for fentanyl. It is not stopping. This is guaranteed windfalls for Pharma and the end of personalized medicine. No need for doctor’s visits: just take all of these shots. If you don’t, you can’t drive more than 5 miles from your home. Can’t buy plane tickets to visit your family.
My partner of four years died of an aneurysm within days of her first shot. My father ended up in the ICU with pericarditis from his booster, apparently mere hours from heart failure. I know two women who are paralyzed, and two women who have seizures every day. A friend has had Bells Palsy and other neurological issues for 18 months now. And a student of mine has myocarditis. I told someone this recently and they said that they haven’t seen any issues so they must not be happening. I asked them if they had seen anyone OD on fentanyl. They said no. So I asked them if they believe there is an epidemic of fentanyl overdoses. Crickets.
"I do not believe that there was some conspiracy to injure/murder." For now, I would suggest.
If you think the pushers of mRNA jabs can use genetic science to manipulate your cells to produce spike proteins yet they wouldn't know what it would do to people when injected? I think not.
Given so many elites want the heard thinned to save the planet, one has to keep an open mind to anything.
Thanks. And sorry for you as well. I am actually meeting with my state’s senator today. I’ve been using Resist.bot to write letters to my reps. I don’t believe politicians will save us, but it’s a start. The most important thing we can do at this point is not comply. Say no to new experimental medicines. Say no to digital ID. Definitely say no to digital currency (that will be the end of all freedom if it is adopted). There are more people who can say no than there are those who want to force compliance. The everyday citizen like us has to speak truth confidently to their circles in order to make a difference.
I wish I could speak truth to ALL! It’s still a hot button that broke families up once & will again & again. My husband & I, when we told our adult children we were researching the shot implications, were told we were stupid & uninformed. Hmmmm…as much as I will never believe my children are stupid & uninformed, they fell for this propaganda with no questions asked.
Please, adjust your thinking.
It only becomes hopeless when good people give up.
ROCK ON for future generations.
It’s been dire for nearly 3 years! All part of a grand plan.
Yes, like these people in the Toronto Star. Karma will come for them.
Trust me...it is on a “grand scale”. Grander than you could ever imagine in your dreams.
Fear not. // All the Lefties (= Lemmings) will follow their leaders { 1. Veep CamelToe Hairless 2. Blinken (no alias required) & 3. Nod} over the cliff 🔜
The response to the "pandemic" has been global and coordinated. It isn't about health.
They (govt, health authorities) are not stopping. They're gaslighting the public with claims that the jabs are safe and effective. They keep pushing them. They aren't stopping. In previous screw up, they stopped.
Gates has talked for years about vaccines lowering the global population. IMO, safe and effective vaccines would probably increase the global population. When people tell us who they are, we should believe them.
Thank God you refrained from the poison even though it was deemed safe for pregnant women. Now make the daddy to your sweet child get a D-dimer test.
Too bad that even after her serious adverse reaction in July 2021 she was still
Pushing the jab for children in January 2022!! Maybe Big Pharma cut off her $$$$ so now she’s speaking out. How many children were harmed by her words?? How many died?
When I asked my gp the question asking if she’d seen children with myocarditis from the vaxx (telling her I was worried about my grandkids), she admitted she’d treated A NUMBER of young patients with myocarditis. Then added only one, an 11 year old, was hospitalized & that not to worry, the pain is so great the child will know something is wrong & all the other patients have recovered. I walked out feeling numb. Shame on those who endangered their children with a pain so great they’ll know something is wrong!!! And we know their hearts may recover for now, but they’ll never be healed.
What the hell?? What about their oath to “Do No Harm”?? Myocarditis can be treated but it does permanent damage. She shouldn’t be practicing medicine with that attitude!
She fell for the propaganda. It's that simple. And SHE was part of the problem. Shame on her. #Karma
She may have fallen for the propaganda, but let's also remember that some of the brightest minds in persuasion developed those campaigns.
Unfortunately, the "social scientists" were better at their job than the medical ones.
Whoa 😳// feels like major tectonic plates are groaning into lots of people’s beings - deep into bone 🍖 and bone marrow
"Fell for the propaganda" is a funny way of saying "ignored the science".
I have a fairly small circle of friends and acquaintances. Three are suffering long-term (possibly permanent) disability from the Pfizer shots. One young man has inflammation of the blood vessels in his brain. He spends 95% of his time in bed with blackout shades and earplugs. He can't tell the ceiling from the floor.....since April 2021.
Guess what they call what your friend is suffering through now? Long Covid. Get use to hearing that lie. You will hear that term more and more in the future.
Omg that is awful.
I have no sympathy for her or others like her. She should have known and was pushing shots on kids and supporting all the mandates.
Their vax injuries are the result of their own ignorance.
She is being received without contempt because her and her wife are a part of a protected class.
What's amazing to me is how many of my peers paid ZERO attention in 8th grade biology. A basic understanding of what a REAL "vaccine" is--and what makes it work--would make one immediately suspect of "the science" in mRNA injections. On its face, it seeks to alter our God-given DNA response to a virus. That's some scary shit right there. What could possibly go wrong? I was already doubting the medical INDUSTRY (it's no longer a "field"). My resistance to the clot shot and what I've seen unfold over the past 2 years has exponentially strengthened my BS detector--particularly since learning of the bounties the government paid hospitals to kill folks using a detailed treatment of Remdesivir and intubation (usually while the patient was kept away from family or other guardian who could have objected). FAR too many "doctors" went along with CDC and parroted their talking points--for pay. Because they were threatened with their licenses if they did not succumb to coercion. This deliberate extermination is the biggest worldwide crime in the history of man--and it started with a virus our own government began developing in 2003. In the annals of medical history, Big Pharma makes Big Tobacco look like a hapless amateur. Had the journalists of the 30's-60's been like today's propaganda puppets, the politicians probably would have mandated smoking too.
It took Merck and the FDA five years to remove Vioxx from the market, meanwhile making oodles of money. Due to my personal experience with Vioxx, I was never submitting to the Covid vaccine until it was proven to be successful and the public given time to learn about its potential side effects. There are always side effects! Regulatory capture has made the FDA a threat to the very people it is supposed to protect. https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx
As my husband’s Primary Doc was working to get him an emergency appointment with a Cardiologist for his Moderna injury (he wound up having a stroke), he was also recommending my husband get the Pfizer booster. The entire medical industry has lost my trust forever.
While I am grateful she is speaking out, I can’t help but wonder if her politics or status as a member of the LBGTA community has anything to do with the way she is being treated. I am glad that she is now understanding how risky these shots were and how the injured were being canceled and ignored. No one can claim that anxiety due to disinformation was the cause when she was such an avid believer. I only wish all those who died could have someone speak for them.
You know what I noticed? Ever since these gays came out of the closet we have had nothing but disaster in our lives. It was nice when they kept to themselves and dressed in women's cloths in private like that cross dresser J.E. HOOVER.
No need to wonder, Dr Phelps has been a longtime media favourite. First female president of the medical association, gay marriage, academic, member of the Labor Party plus good on television. All boxes ticked. Her defection to skepticism is very significant in Australia.
What is really going to be interesting, and fun to watch, is how the "vaccine" blame game is played in the 2024 presidential election. Democrats will blame Trump for "Operation Warp Speed" and Republicans will blame Biden for all the "vaccine" mandates.
Trump needs to say "I fucked up, I trusted Fauci." Or DeSantis is going to make him wear that little albatross until it is his demise.
I trusted Fauci, the same as we other morons did .
Please. We need new options.
Yeah no matter who wants to run they will have to get the OK from the FBI/DOJ/CIA. Otherwise they will assassinate them like they did JFK and the coup with Trump.
Now go vote and make a difference. Remember if you dont vote you cant complain.
I still cannot have a rational discussion about any of this with my wife or my adult children. Unless something is on mainstream media, it doesn't exist. Of course they're all vaccinated (I'm not) and they, thankfully, are not suffering any obvious long-term effects. A key here is that the doctor in question suffered and had intimate experience with serious adverse events. That seems to be what it takes to wake the herd.
Maybe, at long last, the dam is breaking.
But will your family see/hear about this Dr? I doubt mine will & we can’t bring it up with our adult children so, in essence, they won’t be awakened.
Anyone applying their critical thinking skills could have figured out that these shots were not safe. Never should have been rolled out. Never should have been encouraged. Never should have been mandated. This horror show demonstrates that our governments would prefer us fearful rather than healthy.
It’s ok to say rubbish earlier this year but now that she’s wizened up she’s treated respectfully by freedom’s side. Rubbish again. It’s like Republicans who salivate over a sane liberal with a sane talking point for once! The root cause for me is tyranny over the masses. This was not the 10 percent death rate many feared and children were the safest. Yay yay hurray for her. You think California health officials will admit their wrongful approach to Covid. Dream on.
What other shoes will drop? I feel bad for people who unwittingly trusted their respective govts the vaccine “is safe and effective…” I don’t feel bad for the nitwits who became the vaccine stasi… I’m grateful I passed on the opportunity to take the vax and glad I live in a part of the US one could get by if they didn’t.
Now with the FBI Hunter Biden laptop manipulation stories coming out, those in charge better move fast or complete distrust in all govt institutions will be gone for good - not a pretty sight.
As I commented on Igor Chudov earlier:
When the rats start jumping off, then you know the ship is in trouble.