LOL!!! My lawyer husband just laughed when he read this. That is a slam dunk. SO sloppy and frankly technocratic BS. The twitter censors are playing super sonic "wack- a -mole" and can't keep up -- why should they be able to . Also their "wonderful" AI algorithms are clearly crap-- as many are. They are imploding -- go get up Alex!
seems absolutely genius...the basic understanding of vaccine has always been that it prevents infection.... not that it helps the body from becoming really sick once you have become infected
We can never trust the CDC again. They’re owned by big Pharma. That is so obnoxious that they change the definition of vaccine that has been accepted for over 20 years.
And now the rest of public health and medical research groups/regulators are just straight out owned by Billionaires.
Someone Alex MUST have the smoking gun on Gates his money and minions being behind the "virus release". The US may have funnelled the research in conjunction with that freak zoologist guy-- sorry name escapes me and with China but the actual money came from Gates. Get your sources looking for the smoking gun-- then maybe US govt officials will come clean about funnelling his money.
He is the ONLY one who benefits-- not China, not the US govt (not withstanding the slimy Fauci et al who got a taste of the funding as they passed it along-- like the Mob a good 15% "finders fee"
If you think the same American corporate culture that gleefully disables the entire populace with a fake vaccine to line its own pockets wasn't packaging "ground up factory worker who fell into a vat" in the early 1900s, well...
The Bureau of Animal Industry which "refuted" Sinclair's account was a Gilded Age regulatory agency itself, no less captured than the FDA and FAA are today.
The problem was baked into the cake: refrigeration enabled lower quality meatpackers to undercut local meatpackers whose survival was sensitive to their reputation; and American corporate culture, once again, has always considered quality control a downer. Chevy Nova, Boeing Max, the Covid vaccines, etc etc. The only thing that prompts American corporations to take quality seriously is foreign competition - but there were no heavily meat-eating foreign economies with large, federalized markets that make it possible to get away with cost-cutting practices, which is why foreign meat was and still is more expensive.
If you don't want Federalized food inspection, great - but either plan on only eating locally butchered meat or being a 1/10 cannibal by the end of your life.
I kind of figure the market can work these things in a decentralized fashion. Similar to what UL, ASE and NFPA, does now. None are perfect, but they are in my opinion just as good or than a USDA rubber stamp.
Furthermore, going back a 100 years in history like you state. Was the middle of the progressive era. When most of this stuff started. So we really don't know what a truly mature industrialized economy would look like, sans the Administrative state. Presently, our current state of affairs are much more closer to your model, than mine.
WHO did the same thing for the definition of "herd immunity" mid-last year. "Only via vaccination." And for the same reason - they have been captured by the vaccine stakeholders.
My opinion- a lot of people have died b/c the various government bureaucracies have done things like conceal data on treatments that could have kept them from dying.
Robert Malone's presentation (in two parts on The Epoch Times TV) is very persuasive. He is always cautious in what he says. But he says he talks to doctors in other countries that are using Ivermectin as treatment, and they see good results. He also talks about the studies that have been done in developing countries. He describes these studies as "underpowered", I think mainly b/c they have no more than a couple of thousand subject at most (some are a few hundred), and a robust study in this country might have 10x that.
He doesn't say these studies are a slam dunk. But he finds it perplexing that in this country, we don't bother to study it, we completely ignore it. To him, that's something that cannot be explained.
Repeating, IMHO, these policies are killing people.
Alex might be consider this same argument in his lawsuit.
IMO of course it can be explained very simply. They do not want an alternative simple and cheap cure. With that they could never get FDA approval not even EUA for their vax. And they also couldnt carry out their depopulation and social credit plan via their passports.
A Police report, really, was one taken, and then, are there actually officers who are going to investigate this, and even then, do you think a teacher is going to be arrested when they own the politicians???
Do you folks really think we have a justice system,umm…
By the way, maybe not totally related to the above comment I am replying to, but the real adage of this administration:
“Joe Biden is bleeding our behinds!“
This man never is never in the line of fire, nor his cronies, he and his ilk push victims in front to take all of the consequences.
Wait for it folks, again, if he doesn’t do the Invasion of the Body Snatchers horrific squeal, he will utter in his loathsome breath, “it’s your fault, Americans, that you let this virus get you!“.
Are you able to provide specifics, eg name of law firm? I’ve been following the with Rainer Fuellmich. I do not think he and his associates are involved in a class action against CDC but would love to be corrected. Tnx.
And then the corrupt scotus would say it has ‘no standing’. There is no end to the corruption it seems. It must be the trillions ‘disappeared’ from the 911 Rumsfeld Pentagon that is paying off so many people.
I think they and the mainstream news channels for censoring very relevant medical info that could save people's lives; by censoring and ignoring it they are causing many deaths and severe health effects and this should not be allowed; it is the news channels especially who are supposed to give independent reports to inform the public, which they are not doing. To me this clearly represents a class action to be filed by millions and millions. But then will scotus say 'it has no standing'? How can so many be so corrupted?
Remarkable. So If I have the record correct the powers that be (CDC, FDA, NIH, et. al.) have changed the definitions of "case", "death by CoV2", "immunity", "pandemic" and now "Vaccine" to completely distort the public's understanding of the basic factors of the corona event. Thanks for your work Alex!
"Did the CDC’s decision to abandon a known and proven effective system also breach several federal laws that ensure data accuracy and integrity? Did the CDC knowingly alter rules for reporting cause of death in the presence of comorbidity exclusively for COVID-19? If so, why?"
Source: COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective
Henry Ealy, Michael McEvo, Daniel Chong , John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta k, David White , James Jordan , Daniel Simon, Paul Anderson
It would seem almost inconceivable so many hospitals and drs would go along with the altering of death certificates and covid diagnosis, however when the govt offers to pay $33,000 for each covid listed death, there certainly does seem an incentive is there.
I would love to see that audit. Audit the books for all hospitals that received\applied for subsidies willingly or not or use FOIA or some other mechanism to find where the billions of tax payer money went. What utter frauds.
We need to start a list because outside the "medical" regulatory definitions there have been changes to the definition of unemployment, employment and various other generally understood concepts.
Look how they changed all the election laws days prior to the election and no one did anything. If anything stands in their way they just change it or eliminate it, including physical beings.
Hey Twitter you keep Rachel Maddow , Taliban and the CCP who is flooding my country with Fentanyl and destroying tens of thousands of lives day after day . I see where your priorities are not with the ones who speak the truth and love their country like Alex Berenson .
I just looked up and in oxford dictionary the definition of vaccine still holds:
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
CDC cannot just 'legally' change the definition in order to suit their agenda; reminds me of how the govenors changed all the election laws right before the election.
I believe this definitely the case, in Belarus they were offered 950 million to force restrictions and the vax. He refused and then came the US backed ‘color revolution’ to take him out.
Here in Canada Trudeau is handing money out like water-- he too signed the same Pfizer and Astra Zeneca deals (Leaked copies of Pfizer contract on line). To categorize the contracts as strict is like saying Opus Dei is a peace and love organization. The penalties for NOT using other vaccines or NOT buying a certain amount make Mob "collections" look normal. Monopoly PHARMA power does not even come close to describing their stranglehold on medical regulators, colleges and govts. Sorry also Universities (U0fT) here in Canada-- they are ALL lining up at the trough.
Discovery during the lawsuit would be so great. Emails between Twitter staff to pharmaceutical companies, CDC, Fauci, complaining about you and what to do about you. Please sue and again, if you need to raise cash for it, please set up a fund.
Discovery is definitely awesome. And after discovery? Depositions!! And you get to record them! Twitter & CDC may have won the battle, but I think they'll lose the war. Excellent framing by the way. That's the reason you terrify them. BULLETIN FROM DOCTOR ANTHONY FAUCI!
They have also revised their definition of immunity and herd immunity by removing natural immunity from the definition. This is why businesses, universities, hospitals are not allowing people to claim natural immunity against vaccine mandates. This is criminal, forced to lose you job or get a faulty vaccine you don't need. This is dire for many of us, our government needs to validate natural immunity.
It is criminal, and these scumbag fake "scientist" bureaucrats should be tried and severely punished. Let's hope they will be held to account as their lies become more obvious every day. This is straight communism - i.e. bureaucrats deciding what the people have to do.
HAHAHAHA. At least you know you've gotten where you wanted to go. Alex, with all of your work, the proof of having an effect where we Americans so desperately need actual logic, science, and care to take place is an great win. THANK YOU. Keep up the great work. You are appreciated by MANY!
Meanwhile, there are millions of people who have real immunity because they have recovered from Covid.
And the "authorities" want to force those people with real immunity to get vaccinated because they have shown that the "vaccine" causes them to produce even more antibodies. But the best I can tell, nobody has actually tracked these naturally immune then vaccinated people to see if the extra antibodies mean anything real.
Is it possible that they are just attempting to force this immune population into the vaxxed population to make the vaccine look better? Is it possible that the vaccine somehow undoes the natural immunity? No "experts" even seem to want to know the answers to these questions.
I told my son today that I was hearing that people who don’t want the jabs are deliberately going to visit people who just came down with Covid so they can get it then take the Joe Rogan treatment (MASK plus I), recover and have the gold standard of “natural immunity”. I said, “Do you know anyone who just came down with Covid?” He said, “No.”
Watch out, a lot of doctors, pharmacists, and other clinical organizations are rejecting treating Covid patients, because they have gone to the Darkside, they hope to pad the numbers of morbidity and mortality just to make Joe Biden look like the better Demon he already is…
Joe Biden is a sociopath, and if you truly doubt that, especially if you’re not an avowed leftist, you are lost…
Maybe. There is a chance that it doesn't even do that. Nobody is even tracking this population to compare groups of naturally immune vs. naturally immune then vaccinated to see what the real numbers are. Additional antibodies doesn't necessarily mean additional immunity.
This is from an actual study. The vaxxed + previously infected DID have a smaller chance of serious infection, but that additional protection was INCREDIBLY weak.
It's sort of like "Cookie Crisp is part of a balanced breakfast" -- as long as you eat 1 bite of cereal and then have a muffin and some OJ. Or my favorite "Along with diet and exercise, X has been shown to lead to weight loss!" You can literally put ANYTHING in there for X and it will be true -- because diet and exercise are doing the heavy lifting.
You saw this a bit ago during the pandemic, as well. "Masks, along with hand-washing and distancing, have proven to be effective........"
That's a really good analogy - even as a little kid I saw through that Sugar Pops-are-part-of-a-balanced-breakfast BS that showed bacon and eggs and milk and oj along with the sugary cereal.
I’m curious about this. Is there actually a study that shows that vaccine after natural immunity gives you more protection ? I’ve read somewhere that the vaccine may be destroying natural immunity and depleting T cells but I can’t find a study
I've been looking for a study too. I wouldn't trust anything the CDC comes out with. I listened to an interview with Dr Ryan Cole who says he's seen some worrying things, such as lower levels of CD8 after vaccination.
There aren't 70 million on the left that see things the same way. You're talking about the "far-left" ... nowhere near half the country. Just a loud minority.
Are you a covert leftist operative, or a clueless conservative, neither really is something you want to admit to in the end…
Do you see all these polls ever showing less than 30% supporting Biden and leftist agendas, no, it’s always at least 35 to 40%, you do the math, buddy!…
Tomorrow Joe Biden could be exposed for outwardly killing millions of Americans by some horrific agenda, and 35% of the public will support it, because they’re hoping most of the dead are conservatives /Republicans/ Trump supporters…
LOL!!! My lawyer husband just laughed when he read this. That is a slam dunk. SO sloppy and frankly technocratic BS. The twitter censors are playing super sonic "wack- a -mole" and can't keep up -- why should they be able to . Also their "wonderful" AI algorithms are clearly crap-- as many are. They are imploding -- go get up Alex!
*go get em! Alex
Tear their ass up!
iPhone dictation screw up?!
If so, welcome to my annoyed world with a phone destined to be dumped soon!
no just sloppy fingers 😊
Indeed. Changing the definition of "vaccine" to accomodate these new concoctions is an act of extreme desperation.
Discovery is pretty much going to be a carnival show.
Lets sell tickets to raise money for Alex and others like him
seems absolutely genius...the basic understanding of vaccine has always been that it prevents infection.... not that it helps the body from becoming really sick once you have become infected
We can never trust the CDC again. They’re owned by big Pharma. That is so obnoxious that they change the definition of vaccine that has been accepted for over 20 years.
FDA as well is owned by Big Pharma, and have been for a long time
And now the rest of public health and medical research groups/regulators are just straight out owned by Billionaires.
Someone Alex MUST have the smoking gun on Gates his money and minions being behind the "virus release". The US may have funnelled the research in conjunction with that freak zoologist guy-- sorry name escapes me and with China but the actual money came from Gates. Get your sources looking for the smoking gun-- then maybe US govt officials will come clean about funnelling his money.
He is the ONLY one who benefits-- not China, not the US govt (not withstanding the slimy Fauci et al who got a taste of the funding as they passed it along-- like the Mob a good 15% "finders fee"
Fauci seemed pretty, pretty, pretty cocksure that Trump would have himself a “surprise” pandemic on his hands:
Dude, we can't even do anything about "Zuckerboxes".
Since it's founding actually.
Upton Sinclairs "The Jungle" was written on a mountain of falsehoods.
In the end it got us what the true intent of nearly every piece of regulation is:
create a government protected cartel aka economic fascism.
If you think the same American corporate culture that gleefully disables the entire populace with a fake vaccine to line its own pockets wasn't packaging "ground up factory worker who fell into a vat" in the early 1900s, well...
The Bureau of Animal Industry which "refuted" Sinclair's account was a Gilded Age regulatory agency itself, no less captured than the FDA and FAA are today.
The problem was baked into the cake: refrigeration enabled lower quality meatpackers to undercut local meatpackers whose survival was sensitive to their reputation; and American corporate culture, once again, has always considered quality control a downer. Chevy Nova, Boeing Max, the Covid vaccines, etc etc. The only thing that prompts American corporations to take quality seriously is foreign competition - but there were no heavily meat-eating foreign economies with large, federalized markets that make it possible to get away with cost-cutting practices, which is why foreign meat was and still is more expensive.
If you don't want Federalized food inspection, great - but either plan on only eating locally butchered meat or being a 1/10 cannibal by the end of your life.
I think you mean the Chevy Corvair, a perfectly fine car, that made Ralph Nader famous. As far as being a cannibal, sans Federal oversight?
That's the emotional argument only a leftist could make.
If Boeing can kill hundreds to skimp on redesigning stairs, Chicago meatpackers circa 1900 could ship out human flesh to save on a guardrail or two.
That's not an "emotional argument," it's a simple recognition of over a century of openly-displayed predatory American corporate culture.
And it is libertarian utilitarianism, in fact, that is just "repackaged 'leftism.'"
We'll just have to disagree, dude.
I kind of figure the market can work these things in a decentralized fashion. Similar to what UL, ASE and NFPA, does now. None are perfect, but they are in my opinion just as good or than a USDA rubber stamp.
Furthermore, going back a 100 years in history like you state. Was the middle of the progressive era. When most of this stuff started. So we really don't know what a truly mature industrialized economy would look like, sans the Administrative state. Presently, our current state of affairs are much more closer to your model, than mine.
How's that working for you?
I love your photo!
Thank you!
And fbi/cia…. What a mess the federal govt has become.
Fast tracking very common now.
WHO did the same thing for the definition of "herd immunity" mid-last year. "Only via vaccination." And for the same reason - they have been captured by the vaccine stakeholders.
Dr. Marick from FLCCCdotnet says “herd immunity” is “a fantasy”.
Guess WHO didn’t get that memo.
And so is zero covid
My opinion- a lot of people have died b/c the various government bureaucracies have done things like conceal data on treatments that could have kept them from dying.
Robert Malone's presentation (in two parts on The Epoch Times TV) is very persuasive. He is always cautious in what he says. But he says he talks to doctors in other countries that are using Ivermectin as treatment, and they see good results. He also talks about the studies that have been done in developing countries. He describes these studies as "underpowered", I think mainly b/c they have no more than a couple of thousand subject at most (some are a few hundred), and a robust study in this country might have 10x that.
He doesn't say these studies are a slam dunk. But he finds it perplexing that in this country, we don't bother to study it, we completely ignore it. To him, that's something that cannot be explained.
Repeating, IMHO, these policies are killing people.
Alex might be consider this same argument in his lawsuit.
IMO of course it can be explained very simply. They do not want an alternative simple and cheap cure. With that they could never get FDA approval not even EUA for their vax. And they also couldnt carry out their depopulation and social credit plan via their passports.
Never trust physicians who’s deeds shriek partisan agendas, not public welfare.
And not just the bureaucratic ones, but the ones in your communities who now shriek punitive plans with those who want choice in their care options.
Doctors, and teachers, are the new ZEROS not heroes in society..,
So well said! It’s been a shocker to realize that our doctors can ignore ‘do no harm’ and abide by a partisan agenda.
Hey, doctors like these were one time humans, now the Invasion of the Body Snatcher humanoids…
Waiting to hear Biden let out that hideous Donald Sutherland screech at an upcoming speech where protesters shout at him…
He’s too busy telling the press how he “sleeps with a teacher every night.”
What do you think his wife is teaching him, get to bed early so no one has to listen to him F up?!
Everyone does what they are incentivized to do. Everyone.
Here is your partisan agenda: $$$$$
Just saw where a teacher in Vegas sent a nine year old kid out of school with his mask TAPED to his face. Mother filed a police report.
This teacher should be fired just like the teacher was fired who hid the American flag and made the kids pledge allegiance to the LGBTQ flag.
A Police report, really, was one taken, and then, are there actually officers who are going to investigate this, and even then, do you think a teacher is going to be arrested when they own the politicians???
Do you folks really think we have a justice system,umm…
Amen to that.
By the way, maybe not totally related to the above comment I am replying to, but the real adage of this administration:
“Joe Biden is bleeding our behinds!“
This man never is never in the line of fire, nor his cronies, he and his ilk push victims in front to take all of the consequences.
Wait for it folks, again, if he doesn’t do the Invasion of the Body Snatchers horrific squeal, he will utter in his loathsome breath, “it’s your fault, Americans, that you let this virus get you!“.
Sociopaths, they are absolutely hideous…
Depends on what the definition of "is" is !
CDC should be sued as well, that should be a class action.......
Agreed, several are working on that.
Are you able to provide specifics, eg name of law firm? I’ve been following the with Rainer Fuellmich. I do not think he and his associates are involved in a class action against CDC but would love to be corrected. Tnx.
Try googling Frontline Doctors, Dr David Martin etc. There is so much on the Internet
Dept of (IN)Justice is going to be fair and unbiased…
Cue Rocket’s laugh in Guardians of the Galaxy 1 after Quill notes his 12% plan to defeat Ronin:
And then the corrupt scotus would say it has ‘no standing’. There is no end to the corruption it seems. It must be the trillions ‘disappeared’ from the 911 Rumsfeld Pentagon that is paying off so many people.
I think they and the mainstream news channels for censoring very relevant medical info that could save people's lives; by censoring and ignoring it they are causing many deaths and severe health effects and this should not be allowed; it is the news channels especially who are supposed to give independent reports to inform the public, which they are not doing. To me this clearly represents a class action to be filed by millions and millions. But then will scotus say 'it has no standing'? How can so many be so corrupted?
Remarkable. So If I have the record correct the powers that be (CDC, FDA, NIH, et. al.) have changed the definitions of "case", "death by CoV2", "immunity", "pandemic" and now "Vaccine" to completely distort the public's understanding of the basic factors of the corona event. Thanks for your work Alex!
"1984" was not supposed to be a "how to" manual.
"Did the CDC’s decision to abandon a known and proven effective system also breach several federal laws that ensure data accuracy and integrity? Did the CDC knowingly alter rules for reporting cause of death in the presence of comorbidity exclusively for COVID-19? If so, why?"
Source: COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective
Henry Ealy, Michael McEvo, Daniel Chong , John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta k, David White , James Jordan , Daniel Simon, Paul Anderson
Science, Public Health Policy,
and The Law
Volume 2:4-22
October 12, 2020
An Institute for Pure
and Applied Knowledge (IPAK)
It would seem almost inconceivable so many hospitals and drs would go along with the altering of death certificates and covid diagnosis, however when the govt offers to pay $33,000 for each covid listed death, there certainly does seem an incentive is there.
I would love to see that audit. Audit the books for all hospitals that received\applied for subsidies willingly or not or use FOIA or some other mechanism to find where the billions of tax payer money went. What utter frauds.
This is a good project for Tom Fitton
Right...they have an engine set up for that.
We need to start a list because outside the "medical" regulatory definitions there have been changes to the definition of unemployment, employment and various other generally understood concepts.
Start with the changes on how to report/what constitutes a Covid infection thanks to WHO and CDC.
Look how they changed all the election laws days prior to the election and no one did anything. If anything stands in their way they just change it or eliminate it, including physical beings.
Hey Twitter you keep Rachel Maddow , Taliban and the CCP who is flooding my country with Fentanyl and destroying tens of thousands of lives day after day . I see where your priorities are not with the ones who speak the truth and love their country like Alex Berenson .
And NOW Vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, NAC, etc. can all be considered vaccines!
Great point. Reduced to the absurd, chicken soup meets the revised definition.
Shhhh don't say that, then a prescription will be required.
I just looked up and in oxford dictionary the definition of vaccine still holds:
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
CDC cannot just 'legally' change the definition in order to suit their agenda; reminds me of how the govenors changed all the election laws right before the election.
Amazing they are permitted to get away with this
Oxford Dictionary needs to get with the program. Let's circle back with them in a few weeks. Merriam-Webster has revised their definition of "vaccine" to suit the narrative . Current:, and from January 2021 (thanks to the Wayback Machine):
Merriam Webster also defines "anti-vaxxer" to include those against mandates. Assume this is a recent change as well.
If we don't look and if they bribe/threaten govts with funding/de-funding then they can get away with it . It is called Extortion.
I believe this definitely the case, in Belarus they were offered 950 million to force restrictions and the vax. He refused and then came the US backed ‘color revolution’ to take him out.
Here in Canada Trudeau is handing money out like water-- he too signed the same Pfizer and Astra Zeneca deals (Leaked copies of Pfizer contract on line). To categorize the contracts as strict is like saying Opus Dei is a peace and love organization. The penalties for NOT using other vaccines or NOT buying a certain amount make Mob "collections" look normal. Monopoly PHARMA power does not even come close to describing their stranglehold on medical regulators, colleges and govts. Sorry also Universities (U0fT) here in Canada-- they are ALL lining up at the trough.
Discovery during the lawsuit would be so great. Emails between Twitter staff to pharmaceutical companies, CDC, Fauci, complaining about you and what to do about you. Please sue and again, if you need to raise cash for it, please set up a fund.
But do NOT use Go F Me.
Discovery is definitely awesome. And after discovery? Depositions!! And you get to record them! Twitter & CDC may have won the battle, but I think they'll lose the war. Excellent framing by the way. That's the reason you terrify them. BULLETIN FROM DOCTOR ANTHONY FAUCI!
They have also revised their definition of immunity and herd immunity by removing natural immunity from the definition. This is why businesses, universities, hospitals are not allowing people to claim natural immunity against vaccine mandates. This is criminal, forced to lose you job or get a faulty vaccine you don't need. This is dire for many of us, our government needs to validate natural immunity.
It is criminal, and these scumbag fake "scientist" bureaucrats should be tried and severely punished. Let's hope they will be held to account as their lies become more obvious every day. This is straight communism - i.e. bureaucrats deciding what the people have to do.
HAHAHAHA. At least you know you've gotten where you wanted to go. Alex, with all of your work, the proof of having an effect where we Americans so desperately need actual logic, science, and care to take place is an great win. THANK YOU. Keep up the great work. You are appreciated by MANY!
Meanwhile, there are millions of people who have real immunity because they have recovered from Covid.
And the "authorities" want to force those people with real immunity to get vaccinated because they have shown that the "vaccine" causes them to produce even more antibodies. But the best I can tell, nobody has actually tracked these naturally immune then vaccinated people to see if the extra antibodies mean anything real.
Is it possible that they are just attempting to force this immune population into the vaxxed population to make the vaccine look better? Is it possible that the vaccine somehow undoes the natural immunity? No "experts" even seem to want to know the answers to these questions.
This lawsuit could also prove to be very revealing:
If you look at the math, it goes like this:
Infection is 7x better than no protection at all.
Vaccination makes that 7.1x.
but with increased risk of nasty side effects
I told my son today that I was hearing that people who don’t want the jabs are deliberately going to visit people who just came down with Covid so they can get it then take the Joe Rogan treatment (MASK plus I), recover and have the gold standard of “natural immunity”. I said, “Do you know anyone who just came down with Covid?” He said, “No.”
I snapped my fingers and said, “Damn!”
Watch out, a lot of doctors, pharmacists, and other clinical organizations are rejecting treating Covid patients, because they have gone to the Darkside, they hope to pad the numbers of morbidity and mortality just to make Joe Biden look like the better Demon he already is…
Joe Biden is a sociopath, and if you truly doubt that, especially if you’re not an avowed leftist, you are lost…
Maybe. There is a chance that it doesn't even do that. Nobody is even tracking this population to compare groups of naturally immune vs. naturally immune then vaccinated to see what the real numbers are. Additional antibodies doesn't necessarily mean additional immunity.
This is from an actual study. The vaxxed + previously infected DID have a smaller chance of serious infection, but that additional protection was INCREDIBLY weak.
It's sort of like "Cookie Crisp is part of a balanced breakfast" -- as long as you eat 1 bite of cereal and then have a muffin and some OJ. Or my favorite "Along with diet and exercise, X has been shown to lead to weight loss!" You can literally put ANYTHING in there for X and it will be true -- because diet and exercise are doing the heavy lifting.
You saw this a bit ago during the pandemic, as well. "Masks, along with hand-washing and distancing, have proven to be effective........"
That's a really good analogy - even as a little kid I saw through that Sugar Pops-are-part-of-a-balanced-breakfast BS that showed bacon and eggs and milk and oj along with the sugary cereal.
Do you have a link to the study?
It is presumably a reference to the CDC's Kentucky study?
The study:
The "Midsummer Maladies" post at my sub discusses it.
I’m curious about this. Is there actually a study that shows that vaccine after natural immunity gives you more protection ? I’ve read somewhere that the vaccine may be destroying natural immunity and depleting T cells but I can’t find a study
I've been looking for a study too. I wouldn't trust anything the CDC comes out with. I listened to an interview with Dr Ryan Cole who says he's seen some worrying things, such as lower levels of CD8 after vaccination.
This shows a slight advantage to immunity + vax, but the immunity is doing the heavy lifting.
Maybe the Chinese figured out how to attenuate their original death to infidel non Chinese humans???
Are Russia's and China's military getting shots???
Vodka and Baijiu respectively…
Great question!
Needless to say, we’re all in your corner for this one!
Just like changing the meaning of "herd immunity" a few months ago to match the current narrative.
They don't even try to hide the politics now.
Or unemployment last year or what is science in general-- hint now orthodoxy--DARE you have a differing result or theory
"Science in general."
I don't understand. How can "science" be "in general" when it refers to just one person?
Maybe the Left confuses SCIENCE with SEANCE…
They want the dissenters dead so you can only hear them from beyond the grave…
All branches of Science
It was a Fauci joke.
To science, is to fauci.
If the CDC definition is correct I’ve been vaccinated against honey bees multiple times.
Good point. Allergy shots are now "vaccines"
CDC has no credibility left. What a joke of a country we live in if this group is guiding us through a pandemic.
70+ million leftist supporters will live and make sure you die by Government edicts.
There aren't 70 million on the left that see things the same way. You're talking about the "far-left" ... nowhere near half the country. Just a loud minority.
Are you a covert leftist operative, or a clueless conservative, neither really is something you want to admit to in the end…
Do you see all these polls ever showing less than 30% supporting Biden and leftist agendas, no, it’s always at least 35 to 40%, you do the math, buddy!…
Tomorrow Joe Biden could be exposed for outwardly killing millions of Americans by some horrific agenda, and 35% of the public will support it, because they’re hoping most of the dead are conservatives /Republicans/ Trump supporters…