After reading this piece by Shrier forwarded by Berenson, I realized how lazy Twitter made me. Seeking out writers who inspire me to be strong and to be myself are worthy of my time. Not limited character snipes and social media mantras.

Thank you.

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Twitter is toxic, but it did give me Berenson and El Gato Malo, which have led me to more writers I admire. Twitter is our world writ large. You can't have decent nuanced discussions in X number of characters, and that's what those in power want. They really, really don't want us talking.

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Never joined Twitter..to me it seemed like a joke.. I’m glad I never did

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Me either, just couldn’t see the attraction.

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I was one of the first 5,000 to sign up. I had no idea what I was signing up for except it was touted as the "future of communication". When I signed up I look around and it was utterly void of anything I desired. I was also irked because at the time my real name was already "unavailable" as well as little variations. Hated that and ended with a silly avatar that I know longer remember. Anyway, I pretty much forgot how to log onto my account and it was nearly a year before it became the main source of info. I haven't looked for my account since. Probably for the best, i'd be jailed otherwise.

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Kind of like how "telegraph" "gab" and "mewe" have turned out for me. Also, rumble and bitchute; I may watch linked videos but I have no ability figure out what I want out of them.

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I agree, reading her article was like a breath of fresh air. I hope the kids that heard her, really HEARD her. She's inspiring

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She is a fearless woman confronting an increasingly nasty and brutish mafia with institutions of power on its side. We must all speak the truth on this issue before the mass mental illness masquerading as virtuous tolerance is normalized.

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The Truth is and always will be the most hated Subject. It doesn't matter who is delivering the TRUTH, a bullseye is immediately place on one's work and persona. TRUTH cannot changed by book banning, delisting, social harassment. It is the TRUTH , rock steady throughout history of humankind. TRUTH ultimately wins!

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A case in point on how Women's sports is being ruined by the trans-agenda.


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Haven't read the article above, but it seems like a simple rule could weed out the most egregious cases: one may not compete as a [insert gender] if they competed as a different [insert gender] within the past 3 years.

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What? An it may not compete as a they???

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Amen Tim. Truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth.

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I lived in a college city. I worked in a family owned business. I hung with college students for about a decade. I spent significant time dealing with their issues and trying to be a mentor. I had much time to really observe. We employed hundreds of college students over that time.

There is no doubt our youth is very confused and unhappy. Suicides. Murder. Yes, we lost some. Some close to me. Our youth is fragile. Most come from broken homes. Few have hobbies they adore. They do not want kids. Few babysat. These college students did a lot of drugs. They cheated on each other. Broke up via text. One gal that took her life was dead for 5 days and nobody knew. As en employer, she was not scheduled during school week and thus we never knew she was dead. Her friends, of which she had many, never checked on her. None had ever been to her apartment. I had just spoken to her in length a few days before she took her life. Her death haunts me. Beautiful girl and very smart. She was fragile. Life was just too hard for her. Many turned up at her funeral. Where were they when it mattered?

By now we all know that our universities are a sick environment. Hang out there. Go sit in cafeteria and listen. Watch. I did lots of times. I saw nothing but sadness. Zombies. Vacant eyes. I saw fewer kids touching each other. So little hand holding. Hugging, kissing, dating….My family owned a very popular place for teens. It was was where people came with a date. It was where kids played board games. Cards. Just laughed. All gone. I cannot imagine how bad it is now as I left almost 2 years ago.

Our youth is easily manipulated because they are lonely and sad. They are easy targets.

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As a mom this scares me so much. I want to show my kids what life can be, but also recognize that as teenagers my influence is much less these days and their social circles and media mean so much to them.

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All by design.

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Social media and dating apps are soul crushing. Tech titans knew to keep their kids away from their products designed to enslave adult attentions. For the masses, we need to learn the hard way. Like with the shots.

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Well stated, and truth. I know this because as one who is a monk in the sense of being one who strives to read much quality information and having to read through many haystacks to find pins of gold, and as one who one who has been on-line since around mid to late 1980s, and in real life had to learn how to actually have confidence to approach woman, be real, charismatic etc to get a phone number etc, i know you are right that social media and dating apps are soul crushing if all one has ever known is life after the internet when it became cool to use after late 1990s or if they were born after the 2000s and all they have ever known is life after internet ("AI") and not before internet ("BI"), meaning specifically, if one grew up never developing social/people skills in real life, and only ever knew having "friends" on-line, it is no wonder why social media and dating apps are so soul crushing because they never learned the hard way how to make a friend, keep a friend honourably and nor ever learned how to develop real life people skills like how it was before this social media and dating apps appeared.

I won't lie, sometimes in some ways, i wish we could have stayed at the earlier parts of the internet history like before around 2001 or so in the sense of 'public mind net mentality'.. because it's flabbergasting how since around early 2000s there has been this profound acceleration into the moral degradation and degeneration of mankind (2Timothy2:9-15). I realised some time ago, that the internet if not properly honoured and responsibly used and maintained, it will degenerate into the most profound technological global amplifier of all of the utmost abominable parts of mankind instead of doing the opposite. We see this more than ever now, there is far far more use of the internet for evil than good. Just like when a good neighbourhood starts to become invaded by certain people who are morally deficient who eventually turn it into a cesspool criminal infested dung hole, that tends to happen because when the neighbourhood was a good place to live/prosperous and life was good in such places due to morally compassed residents, all it took was one new very carnal morally insolvent resident to infect and seduce others with their views (Devil in the details) and before you know it, decadence, immorality and vanity began to set in because of not being diligent to not let such happen, and thus due diligence to maintain the neighbourhood moral standards was neglected etc and because of going unchecked, eventually the neighbourhood turns in a crime-ridden rat infested dung-hole.

Truly, if you do not learn the easy way, you always learn hard way.

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The screens are addictive; young people don't think they can live without them, but they're not living with them. I see this even in our grandkids: 4 y-o boy and 2 y-o girl: they ask for their mom's or grandparents' phones... thankfully their parents won't let them spend time on them. But they keep asking; the temptation is so great! And the anti-social behavior we're all talking about here is the sad result...

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Dec 9, 2021
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Addicted to this stuff? Me too. Try the book Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. It's reminding me and showing me how to restructure my time & relationship to screens.

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Wow! One of the best pieces I’ve read in a long time. My daughter and her fiancé were both Ivy League athletes, he swam. We’ve talked about exactly what she said in the article ~ where is the outrage?? I’ve said the team should walkout until this ends. Scrutinizing Covid, the response, and vaccines so I can think for myself is freeing ~ she’s exactly right! Thank you for encouraging us as readers to be better critical thinkers!

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She set an example for me.

Earlier this year, I decided to ban apologies. As in, "I'm sorry, but I think announcing your pronouns is idiotic." Now I omit the "I'm sorry" part.

I've applied this personal policy to many other idiotic positions--such as "math is racist," and other mantras of the lunatic fringe.

Bravo, Abigail.

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Lol where do they ask your pronouns? I’ve never been asked IRL but when I finally do I will say “I do not consent to being spoken of in the third person”

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Since I'm now retired, I've been spared requests/commands to state my pronouns. HOWEVER, friends who remain in the workforce have told me their employers' "diversity, equity, & inclusion programs" have requested that they state their pronouns.

God help me: if I was still working, I wouldn't stand a chance.

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It's utter insanity, isn't it? The college I was working at is now fully ensconsed in the CRT/TRA/anti-racism nonsense. I quit my job there. Hoping to find online remote work with minimal contact with people. Sad but true (and I used to be a people person).

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People make me crazy. ;-)

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I miss the tree hut.

" No Grilz Alowd!!"

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I work in nonprofits and we are almost always asked to state our pronouns when introducing ourselves at conferences, seminars, etc. i just skip it. A few of us do and I don’t know if it’s purposeful for others or not.

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I do hope it's deliberate. Refuse to comply with lunacy.

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It's just more manipulation, like wearing a mask, etc.

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I'd be tempted to channel Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross: "Fuck you! That's my pronouns!"

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Yes, I "work" (volunteer) at a nonprofit where one employee has blue hair, another is a biological female that identifies as a male; a former worker and friend is a man with a husband. And this is in a rural area! 😛 The rest of the crew is actually pretty normal, I guess...

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Sounds like you work at Diversity Central.

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I will speak of you in 3rd person.

You are the third person I have responded to today!

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We need to define "racist".

I won't say math is racist. That would be like saying the earth has a climate.

But like climates, they are localized or regional. So I will say while not racist, aptitudes for math, music and smarts by and large seem to run in families.

While not racist it may have something to do with genes and breeding. And that could be as simple as interest that is shared with one's offspring. You are likely to get help earlier in the learning process if your parents are mathematics minded. So the home environment is the class room of the infant. If music, reading, creating is something exposed to then. ...

I find it odd that "cultural" is an acceptable way to celebrate specific traits, traditions and behaviors shared by a group defined as a tribe or people of a specific region.

Certainly the Irish would wish not to be confused with the Welsh, Scott or English. And in Ireland again by Clan or Catholic v Protestant.

So I must ask, what is "Racist"?

PS. You can call me, Mr. Tibbs!

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Only necessary if you have an androgynous name or are an it.

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It’s interesting that such a brilliant women with so much grace, courage and tact is treated with such derision, contempt and hatred.

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Christ was treated that way too.

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Thank you Alex for sharing this! Brave and smart people like you and Abigail will be a powerful force to get "US" out of the dismal path we are going down.

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And you too Jessica

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Yes, all of us! Thank you 😊

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Refusing to compromise. I love her.

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I've been posting some version of the following comment on Fakebook for years. It's astonishing how successful this campaign against biological reality and truth has been. And, frankly, I'm appalled at the level of cowardice I've witnessed in so many. It's actually a little scary.


Gender dysphoria is a condition of the mind not the body. No amount of hormone suppressors, cross hormones, surgery, hair, make up, clothing, or belief will turn a man into a woman or a woman into a man, a boy into a girl or a girl into a boy. It is a biological impossibility.

We are all born either male or female. While there are genetic conditions (XY Swyers, Total Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) that can make a genetic male child appear female at birth, they are distinct conditions from gender dysphoria.

Compassion does not require us to ignore fundamental reality. No one can change their sex.

At best, they become "good fakes", condemned to a life of pretending, dangerous drugs, and surgeries. How is it more compassionate to alter a child's body to align with his or her professed gender? It isn't. Why not help the child become comfortable in the body in which he or she was born?

Oh, and there is good money...really good money...to be made off of the pain of these children and their terrified parents.

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Truth!!! All of it!!! And the money part is the scary part for me..whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath for these “doctors”! Unreal!

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I agree mostly with your comment, well stated, but there is where i disagree;

Firstly it's sex not gender, i tell you that as linguist of the two main languages that make up 70% of English (Greek and Latin).

Secondly, if you understood how the definition of "gender" that you think it means, does not because the leftists have divorced the word from it's factual etymology, when you repeat "gender dysphoria" to yourself, what a different understanding you would have. The bunk-science psychologists who come with these philological aberration made-up corrupted construction compound phrases of supposed mental conditions like "Gender Dysphoria" (Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud were morally deficient occultists and boy did Freud have some sick cocaine addiction and fantasies) and then attach meanings to such phrasal terms that almost all the time have *NO* relation to the word's true etymology, are one of the main contributors to the hijacking and then corrupting, mutilating, perverting and poisoning of accurate, correct, precise and sound intelligent English.

Sex is biological, and gender is grammatical. If you want to know more, look at my other comments on this page, especially my long ones.

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Gender dysphoria has a diagnosis code in the DSM. I'm not giving it meaning...just using the terminology. IMO, it's preferable to the term "trans". Yes, sex is immutable and biologically determined, while gender is more of a concept built around social norms. I was a "tom boy" growing up. I liked to climb trees and catch crayfish. I also liked all things pink, stuffed bears, and jewelry. I grew up with three brothers and no sisters and I never, ever wanted to be a boy or thought I was a boy, even though boy culture dominated in my family. In another era, I would have been a "problem child" and been very constrained by the limitations on my sex.

Children who are suffering with Gender dysphoria have a mental health condition. It's recognized as such right now, but there are forces trying to have it removed from the DSM. So, I think it's important to use the medical terms even if you object to them.

Anorexia nervosa is a dysphoria, but no sane person would agree with an emaciated anorexic girl when she claims she needs to lose weight. No surgeon would implant a gastric band to ease her dysphoria.

Body dysmorphic disorder is also a dysphoria. People with this condition obsess over perceived flaws in their appearance that are often not apparent to others. Many undergo repeated plastic surgeries to fix the flaws. We recognize these people are unwell, and the doctors who prey upon them are evil.

Body integrity disorder is also a dysphoria. People with this condition "identify" as disabled and will deliberately harm themselves to make their desired disability manifest. Certainly, we recognize anyone who would deliberately harm himself to require amputation or purposefully blind himself as...well...nuts.

Rachel Dolezal is not trans-racial. She's a mentally disturbed white woman who masqueraded as a black woman and hurt a lot of people. In general, most people on either side of the divide recognize that you can't change your race.

I don't know why some children and adults are uncomfortable with their sex and want to pretend they are the opposite sex. I suspect it's a combination of early messaging about their sex combined with mental health susceptibilities.

What I do know for certain is that no one can change his sex by changing his name, clothing, hair, or even his body. Caitlin/Bruce Jenner is not and will never be a woman, even though he was voted "Woman of the Year". He's a feminized man. Jazz Jennings is not a woman. Jazz was a feminized boy and is now a feminized man, even though his appearance is more typically female than Jenner's.

I agree with you in general terms. Sex is biological reality. Gender is a term to describe behaviors associated with one sex or the other. IMO, there is no one way to be a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. I find the whole argument ridiculous because, as I said, I was a tomboy. I'm still a tomboy.

It's the height of cruelty to encourage young children to believe they can change their sex by changing their clothing, hair, name, pronouns...and later their bodies. They can never be what they claim to be. So, why not help them be comfortable in the bodies they were born with?

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I hope at least one of those students was fired up listening to her. How far the anti-establishment left of the 60's has fallen! I am just reading RFK Jr's Fauci book -- forcing myself to read it because it is about such breath-taking evil I almost don't want to read it. Just think if some of the staff at NIAID or Pfizer or the other seats of corruption would feel motivated to tell the truth. Well, there have been a few, and if they aren't killed outright, they are efficiently cancelled.

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I just finished the RFK book. I agree that the incomprehensible evil he exposes is something I wish I didn’t have to contemplate. It’s so hard to accept as real. I understand why some of my family blindly trust authorities — because the world they wish existed would be so much nicer. But then I thought about all the evil tyrants I’ve read about in history and realize it has been naive of me to think we were past all that — that we’d evolved and learned. Mao is dead, the Berlin Wall has fallen. It couldn’t happen anymore and certainly not in America. The only good part about seeing it is that you can’t act or make change until you know what reality you are up against.

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Yes...we must get CDE/NIH WHISTLEBLOWERS as advertised by stevekirsch@substack.com His organization plans to support with $$$

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"What are your pronouns?"

"I am a woman."

Thanks for the script, Ms. Shrier!

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Trans cult and vax cult have a HUGE overlap.

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They both defy science.

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While proclaiming anyone who dare question them is the one defying science.

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-And, sanity!!!

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Fellow truth seeker, check this out;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liIbUFo9Sy8 - A FRAUD, A QUACK, AND A PEDOPHILE: How radical gender theory came to be | Let’s acquaint ourselves with the person responsible for modern-day gender constructs.

-NOTE: The word is actually pederast, *not* pedophile.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1QmLFtUemg - Feminist rips 'gender identity' as meaningless | Kara Dansky of the Women's Human Rights Campaign discusses the state of women's right on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' ---- [This is really surprising actually this is coming from a feminist democrat, perhaps she is seeing finally her choice to be a feminist has been in vain due to what is mentioned in the video]

What you see in those videos, since i'm a linguist of English and learned in Greek and Latin in different strengths, what they speak about in these videos i've known about for many years (and actually know more in some ways) and have been telling people on-line and off-line these same types of things for over a decade.

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Wow. Powerhouse speech. Should be a commencement address. Few if any schools would have the balls, though. Hillsdale, but that’s preaching to the choir. Maybe Notre Dame? Nah, probably not.

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Actually, I think its, "there are two sexes". I think the *change agents* use the word "gender" to obscure the issue ( though that is obviously not Alex's intent). Birth certificates used to state a person's "sex," and there were only two possibilities. I made the mistake of using "gender" when I meant sex whiule having thus same discussion with my brother and he corrected me; only reason I know.

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I agree with you. I refuse to use their cult word "gender". Biological sex is immutable reality.

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English, unlike Romance languages, has THREE genders. How can Alex and Abigail Shrier overlook the neuter gender?

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Exactly, that's why you have to use biological sex which is a binary

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"Romance language"? "neutered gender"? What are you talking about? Obviously, it's easy to neuter a male. Are you referring to how some vicious tribes in the past, completely removed their vanquished prisoners' gonads (sometimes, including the penis)? Or, are you referring to the modern day "male castration" vs. a vasectomy? The former has been around, since before Aristotle and was meant to be brutal (I won't get into the reasons of eunuchs in Arab Harams or the Chinese & Ottoman court functionaries...we know their intent). One's endocrinology is greatly affected (physiological consequences) and well documented, over the centuries. However, the male will still posses the Y chromosome. I don't believe that qualifies for "gender neutral". That's more of a psychological choice. So, no SaHiB, I don't agree with your assumption. Being assigned "gay", or, a "switch hitter" is more appropriate.

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It would seem you have no formal or informal or heuristic non-English language education.

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uh huh...right. All semantics. Speak three languages, besides English. Nice try, pal.

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Far be it from me to attempt to post a liberal education, dictionary, or encyclopedia entries. Languages are not human, and lack sex chromosomes. Quit conflating them.

Start by looking up the words "sex" and "gender", and the terms "Romance languages" (or "Italic languages") and "Germanic languages". (The latter has three genders.) Perhaps also "male", "female", "masculine", "feminine", and "neuter".

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I agree with you here in your first paragraph. As per your second paragraph, you were right, in Indo-European languages, and a bunch of other languages but not all, there is masculine gender, feminine gender and neuter gender.

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Dec 9, 2021
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Unclear whether your comment was in response to me, or to Discepolo Lazzaro. "Gender" is a verb: KJT Lev 19:19

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You are right, see my longer post in this thread.

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Gender is a synonym for sex. Take back its meaning. There are two genders — male and female. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=gender

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Gender is a synonym for sex; as a verb, but "gender" is far preferred for the reproductive sense. 3 grammatical sets of pronouns; 4 if plural be a gender; (and other parts of speech in any languages that haven't banned them) exist for gender as a noun. Has the neuter gender been banned? (Generic "they" replacing it?)

BTW, male and female refer to sex; not gender. Perhaps you were thinking masculine and feminine (and conspicuously omitted neuter).

Why must I give grammar and toxicology lessons on here?

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HUGE! Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson: US Doctors Were Reviewing Moderna Vaccine In December 2019 Before COVID Hit the US (VIDEO)

Glenn Beck was on Tucker Carlson’s show on Wednesday night and he discussed the many actions taken by Dr. Fauci and friends before the China coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the US in early 2020.

Beck mentioned that Dr. Ralph Baric reviewed Moderna and Dr. Fauci’s coronavirus vaccine in 2019.


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All Planned !!

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I have yet to watch that, but when I saw earlier in the year, Fauci, on video from early in Trump's presidency, say that Trump would face a new worldwide pandemic before the end of his first term, it was obvious to me that it was planned.

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Yes, Beck lays it all out in a 2 hour video for the uninitiated with vast documentation. I linked to it last week in a piece I wrote. Hold on...here...


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While a conspiracy can always exist, don't get too excited. Moderna and no doubt others had been working on mRNA and other therapies long before Covid-19. I'll admit I haven't checked, but it's likely that Moderna had previously researched vaxxes for SARS, MERS and other viruses. Re-tooling the prior research to a closely related novel virus in early 2020 is no major feat.

More interesting questions might be why they had never had a commercial product before they hit the jackpot with the Covid-19 "vaccine" in 2020. Based on my readings, no one had ever obtained approval of an mRNA treatment prior and the few human trials had disappointing results for various reasons. Alas, based upon what we read in places like this (but, of course, never in the mainstream media) the past year's experience with the mRNA jabs would seem to confirm the "disappointing" part...

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Have you read this? It's all about Moderna's failure to get an mRNA theraputic approved. It's from 2017. Fantastic read.


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Thanks Alex for the link to Abigail’s article. You provide so many opportunities for folks to understand many topics.

I completely agree with all her thoughts but it’s nice to read some thing from her personally after seeing her on TV.

Much appreciated.

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I choked up several times reading this essay aloud to my wife. It's good.

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Read Irreversible Damage but prepare not to sleep for about a week if you have a daughter

Cross sex hormones combined with puberty blockers result in permanent sterilization

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Wow.. thanks for the info fellow truth seeker.

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Yes, just finished reading it when you posted it. Absolute courage, and encouraging. She's a hero!

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Not just a beautifully written piece. This is a marching order.

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There are many who feel the same, and willingly speak out. There are also many willing to follow...why have these brilliant minds not come together, and organized us to stand?

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Abigail is a hero. I think I have some understanding of politics but the position of the Biden administration—and so many Democrats—to advocate for obvious discrimination against women—whose rights they claim to be always fighting for against those evil republicans—is mystifying. However many have gender dysphoria it is a tiny fraction of the population. In this case, irrational wokism seems bent on self-destruction

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That's an awesome read Alex. Thanks for posting it. Would have never seen it otherwise.

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Abigail, like you, is living up to her name: a voice "crying out" in the wilderness of deceit.

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Cowtowing to The Mob is not valor- it’s vandalism! Beautiful, inspiring. Fear - or as Alex calls it - panic-porn - is deadly to our very beings. Stand up, stand out, be courageous!!

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Thank you for pointing the way to that awesome speech. We need as many examples of people who challenge the narrative & state the facts as we can get. It’s been very Orwellian lately.

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totally admire you Abigail! love your dedication to the truth, intellect, humility & compassion... 💕

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Thank you Alex for sharing the link to Abigail's piece... Damn, she is a magnificent writer! This line is perfection: "Take back the right to speak your mind—thoughtfully, courteously, with a goal in mind beyond giving offense. The list of unmentionable truths expands so rapidly, without reason other than the attempt suffocate a free people so that they forget the exhilaration of a lungful of air."

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Certainly worth reading. After inspecting all 57 genders, I have nailed it down to only 3 probabilities. Male, female and liberal. My next project is to determine what gender A/I really is.

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It's sex not gender, sigh.

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This is what happens when classical liberalism gives way to authoritarian leftism.

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Body snatcher

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Great minds think alike. I retweeted this on Twitter 30 minutes ago. Applies to the lies about Covid.

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I went back and looked through all of my college science textbooks.... organic chemistry, physiology, biology, physics, microbiology and even zoology..for life of me I could not find anything on transgenderism...I did, however, find it in my psychology book

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The emperor has no clothes

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...and, he wears size 13 stiletto heels.

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Time to take back America. We need to all stand up and speak out. If we don’t, America will be lost and unretrievable.

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Time to take back humanity.

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This is my favorite place to go read articles be inspired that other Americans like me are still out there fighting for what is right!

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Abigail is brilliant!

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Her analysis brings to mind an old television comedy called “Soap” that aired for two or three seasons back in the late 70s. The show was a satire of the soap opera genre, which was itself a melodramatic and absurd depiction of modern human relationships, sex, conflict, and scandal. In particular, there was a character named Chuck who only spoke as a ventriloquist through his dummy named Bob. His clever shtick was made farcical and hysterical when he would goad family and friends to only talk and invariably argue with him through the dummy.

When today’s political and intellectual leaders debate and tolerate the world view of these cultural neo-Marxists they beclown themselves, much like a man who accepts the premise or false reality that a wooden dummy can substitute for a living, breathing, thinking human being.

Thank you, Abigail, for rejecting that premise.

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There are two biological sexes - male (XY) and female (XX) - and there is, so far, no way you can transform a body with XY chromosomes into a body with XX chromosomes, or vice versa. Plastic surgery won't do it, and neither will hormone "replacement" treatments. "Transition surgery" and "Transition hormone replacement therapy" are frauds on vulnerable people, which promise things the sellers know can't be achieved.

As for gender, it's a bilobal continuum, with clustering at the masculine and feminine ends - most XX people - females - are feminine, and most XY people - males - are masculine. However, there are XY males who are very strongly feminine in gender expression, and there are XX females who are very strongly masculine in gender expression - and everything in between. There are as many genders as people can think up - not 2, not 63, not 93, or any other fixed number - and every new gender is an article, then a research grant, then a faculty position. Gender is a matter of psychology, not biology, and sex is a matter of biology, not psychology - psychological interventions will not change biological sex.

There's been a lot of really confused thinking in this area, pushed by people in the "soft sciences" looking to get articles published and "research" grants funded and sinecures in educational institutions established, and the more obfuscation and nonsense they can produce, and the more noise they make, the more money they get - and the same for the Medical Industrial Complex, pushing its "transition" quackery. Hormone replacement therapy is a life-long stream of income for the pharma industry, and the long-term side effects provide even more in cash flow; and the morphological alterations produced by "transition surgery" eventually revert to the original form, requiring further "correction" surgeries - again, a life-long income stream. So there are profit-oriented reasons for all of this quackery - and people who get victimized by the fraud.

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If everything is a gender, then nothing is a gender. Maybe once long ago, the word “gender” was a useful niche term in academic jargon, but now…? No.

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As Mark Twain taught us, it ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, it's what you know for sure that just ain't so. This fashionable lunacy is fully understood by EVERYONE yet some insist we believe something that just ain't so. They will get in trouble for that, and soon.

The demands to believe what ain't so is a time honored tactic used by oppressors to impose submission. The problem with gender mania isn't the lie, but the oppression. The nature of the lie isn't important, possibly even mildly amusing. But those who demand acceptance of the lie are trying to own you, or are useful idiots for those who do.

This is a textbook example of socialist tactics. See Rules for Radicals to learn their lessons. Those who don't want to be owned must actively prevent those efforts. If everyone who knows it ain't so strongly objects, the demands will evaporate quickly. If many who know better refuse to resist, and meekly accept their enslavement, the inevitable resistance will need to be much more violent.

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I would agree with the main part of your comment since i'm aware of such things also especially rules for radicals but it is sex not gender.

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It's the mass censorship via banning/shadow-banning/silencing/cancelling etc. that makes the sane majority (and, perhaps I'm a bit of a Pollyanna but, I believe most people are NOT going for this backwards B.S.) have no place to speak out to PROVE there even EXISTS a sane MAJORITY! It's frickin' agenda-driven evil to allow the lunatics to run the asylum with absolute impunity.

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Not only can they not speak out but many don't really know what's happening. When mainstream media, govt, big tech and a healthy percentage of corporate america all work together it creates the illusion of a world that doesn't really exist. Most people are just trying to get through each day and it wouldn't seem reasonable to them to take the time to worry about any of this because it is far-fetched and they don't actually know it's happening. Once something wakes you up to what's happening it's easy to see but prior to that... not so easy.

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Exactly! And, while echo chambers like this one are great to console each other that we are not the 'only ones' alert to this insanity...and believe me, it IS COMFORTING but it still makes us look like a minority 'fringe' group when this type of place is the ONLY place to express truths from the other side.

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As the SEALS say, the only easy day was yesterday. When times are prosperous and mostly peaceful, it's easy to get lulled into a false sense of complacency. The virus panic makes some want to hunker down, hoping for a return to prosperity and peace. But the rising street crime, emerging inflation, and growing tyranny makes it unlikely we'll have prosperity or peace for a while. The illusions are fading.

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There are many places to speak out. Like here. The real problem is those who choose to not speak out. They're the pernicious elements that infect every society with minor corruption. We must constantly compete with them, or withdraw and accept their dominance. Tyrants capitalize on this corrupt complacency to shift the whole society to benefit themselves. We have to fight the small fights to avoid the big one.

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Alex, that was an amazing read. Abigail Shrier is a FEARLESS women.

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She is a brave soul. And that is one great speech. I am surprised Princeton allowed it and that she wasn't cancelled by the TRA mob. Good on Ms. Shrier.

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So courageous and so inspirational. I am sending this to my children

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If only there were more women AND men like this, bravo. I’m going to read her book:)

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She royally mis-informed her readers by making them think it is gender instead of sex.

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Just bought her book because of this article

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amazing important speech that every single high school and college age kid should read. And most adults too for that matter.

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Spectacular. I bet at least a handful of students will take up her challenge. One of those may be our President someday. (I dream). p.s., I just bought her book, Irreversible Damage, on my Kindle.

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Thank you.

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This is not the country I grew up in since 1946. Liberals no longer want a great America, they want an equitable America. Silly me but unless we are the strongest most powerful country on earth we will not survive!

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Um, no. Illiberals want Blackrock to have all the equity.

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Ever since I witnessed discovery on the faces of my wayward children. Seeing the light bulb when a revelation of advice that I had given a thousand times is heard for the first time. Usually in a quote from a professor or classic book stating the obvious.

But this discovery of what we have been saying for years seems an important factor in believing.

Not unlike earning it as opposed to getting a free lunch. We are all either prodigal sons or inherent sons. And they are two both roads home.

We had drug smuggling in the middle 1800s. We had terrorist attacks in 1570.

My fore father Samuel Hubbard of Newport RI was a close friend of Rodger Williams and moved with him to Providence. Samuel's Grandfather Thomas was burned at the stake for his protestant beliefs.

The pamphlet was the app of the day, real mail was in great use. Peer-to-peer pressure was never stronger.

I have been banned from Facebook.

Samuel Hubbard was banned from Connecticut. His Grandsons Gideon Burdick and Alden Burdick Banned from the Colonies, then the USA then Utah then their Church.

But I don't get to tweet anymore.

Or post positive comments about Kyle.

Or question crazy and deviant behaviors.

I really miss being able to pick up the book and find the phone number, address and wife's name of literally anyone in town.

I miss the most effective manipulations in the history of advertising , cigarette commercials.

I miss the most effective pressures that got me to do some things that I wouldn't share with my children. The old double dog dare and the presence of a girl.

We are definitely a kinder gentler bunch than we were just 50 years ago.

You gotta know that life is pretty good when to much food is your problem. When there are literally too many choices.

When your kids have never missed a snack.

When pets live better than most humans.

When most college graduates are women.

When we can be in a War for 20+ years and loose more troops to suicide each year than we lost in combat since 911.

That if you are a designated member of an recognized underprivileged class, you have more advantages than ever in world history. And last but not least of all a new coronavirus (like the common cold virus)

Is the world's biggest problem!


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Thank you for this awesome piece. Defy the algorithm!!!

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