After reading this piece by Shrier forwarded by Berenson, I realized how lazy Twitter made me. Seeking out writers who inspire me to be strong and to be myself are worthy of my time. Not limited character snipes and social media mantras.

Thank you.

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She is a fearless woman confronting an increasingly nasty and brutish mafia with institutions of power on its side. We must all speak the truth on this issue before the mass mental illness masquerading as virtuous tolerance is normalized.

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I lived in a college city. I worked in a family owned business. I hung with college students for about a decade. I spent significant time dealing with their issues and trying to be a mentor. I had much time to really observe. We employed hundreds of college students over that time.

There is no doubt our youth is very confused and unhappy. Suicides. Murder. Yes, we lost some. Some close to me. Our youth is fragile. Most come from broken homes. Few have hobbies they adore. They do not want kids. Few babysat. These college students did a lot of drugs. They cheated on each other. Broke up via text. One gal that took her life was dead for 5 days and nobody knew. As en employer, she was not scheduled during school week and thus we never knew she was dead. Her friends, of which she had many, never checked on her. None had ever been to her apartment. I had just spoken to her in length a few days before she took her life. Her death haunts me. Beautiful girl and very smart. She was fragile. Life was just too hard for her. Many turned up at her funeral. Where were they when it mattered?

By now we all know that our universities are a sick environment. Hang out there. Go sit in cafeteria and listen. Watch. I did lots of times. I saw nothing but sadness. Zombies. Vacant eyes. I saw fewer kids touching each other. So little hand holding. Hugging, kissing, dating….My family owned a very popular place for teens. It was was where people came with a date. It was where kids played board games. Cards. Just laughed. All gone. I cannot imagine how bad it is now as I left almost 2 years ago.

Our youth is easily manipulated because they are lonely and sad. They are easy targets.

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Wow! One of the best pieces I’ve read in a long time. My daughter and her fiancé were both Ivy League athletes, he swam. We’ve talked about exactly what she said in the article ~ where is the outrage?? I’ve said the team should walkout until this ends. Scrutinizing Covid, the response, and vaccines so I can think for myself is freeing ~ she’s exactly right! Thank you for encouraging us as readers to be better critical thinkers!

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She set an example for me.

Earlier this year, I decided to ban apologies. As in, "I'm sorry, but I think announcing your pronouns is idiotic." Now I omit the "I'm sorry" part.

I've applied this personal policy to many other idiotic positions--such as "math is racist," and other mantras of the lunatic fringe.

Bravo, Abigail.

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It’s interesting that such a brilliant women with so much grace, courage and tact is treated with such derision, contempt and hatred.

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Thank you Alex for sharing this! Brave and smart people like you and Abigail will be a powerful force to get "US" out of the dismal path we are going down.

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Refusing to compromise. I love her.

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I've been posting some version of the following comment on Fakebook for years. It's astonishing how successful this campaign against biological reality and truth has been. And, frankly, I'm appalled at the level of cowardice I've witnessed in so many. It's actually a little scary.


Gender dysphoria is a condition of the mind not the body. No amount of hormone suppressors, cross hormones, surgery, hair, make up, clothing, or belief will turn a man into a woman or a woman into a man, a boy into a girl or a girl into a boy. It is a biological impossibility.

We are all born either male or female. While there are genetic conditions (XY Swyers, Total Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) that can make a genetic male child appear female at birth, they are distinct conditions from gender dysphoria.

Compassion does not require us to ignore fundamental reality. No one can change their sex.

At best, they become "good fakes", condemned to a life of pretending, dangerous drugs, and surgeries. How is it more compassionate to alter a child's body to align with his or her professed gender? It isn't. Why not help the child become comfortable in the body in which he or she was born?

Oh, and there is good money...really good money...to be made off of the pain of these children and their terrified parents.

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I hope at least one of those students was fired up listening to her. How far the anti-establishment left of the 60's has fallen! I am just reading RFK Jr's Fauci book -- forcing myself to read it because it is about such breath-taking evil I almost don't want to read it. Just think if some of the staff at NIAID or Pfizer or the other seats of corruption would feel motivated to tell the truth. Well, there have been a few, and if they aren't killed outright, they are efficiently cancelled.

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"What are your pronouns?"

"I am a woman."

Thanks for the script, Ms. Shrier!

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Trans cult and vax cult have a HUGE overlap.

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Wow. Powerhouse speech. Should be a commencement address. Few if any schools would have the balls, though. Hillsdale, but that’s preaching to the choir. Maybe Notre Dame? Nah, probably not.

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Actually, I think its, "there are two sexes". I think the *change agents* use the word "gender" to obscure the issue ( though that is obviously not Alex's intent). Birth certificates used to state a person's "sex," and there were only two possibilities. I made the mistake of using "gender" when I meant sex whiule having thus same discussion with my brother and he corrected me; only reason I know.

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HUGE! Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson: US Doctors Were Reviewing Moderna Vaccine In December 2019 Before COVID Hit the US (VIDEO)

Glenn Beck was on Tucker Carlson’s show on Wednesday night and he discussed the many actions taken by Dr. Fauci and friends before the China coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the US in early 2020.

Beck mentioned that Dr. Ralph Baric reviewed Moderna and Dr. Fauci’s coronavirus vaccine in 2019.


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Thanks Alex for the link to Abigail’s article. You provide so many opportunities for folks to understand many topics.

I completely agree with all her thoughts but it’s nice to read some thing from her personally after seeing her on TV.

Much appreciated.

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I choked up several times reading this essay aloud to my wife. It's good.

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Read Irreversible Damage but prepare not to sleep for about a week if you have a daughter

Cross sex hormones combined with puberty blockers result in permanent sterilization

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Yes, just finished reading it when you posted it. Absolute courage, and encouraging. She's a hero!

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Not just a beautifully written piece. This is a marching order.

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Abigail is a hero. I think I have some understanding of politics but the position of the Biden administration—and so many Democrats—to advocate for obvious discrimination against women—whose rights they claim to be always fighting for against those evil republicans—is mystifying. However many have gender dysphoria it is a tiny fraction of the population. In this case, irrational wokism seems bent on self-destruction

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That's an awesome read Alex. Thanks for posting it. Would have never seen it otherwise.

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Abigail, like you, is living up to her name: a voice "crying out" in the wilderness of deceit.

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Cowtowing to The Mob is not valor- it’s vandalism! Beautiful, inspiring. Fear - or as Alex calls it - panic-porn - is deadly to our very beings. Stand up, stand out, be courageous!!

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Thank you for pointing the way to that awesome speech. We need as many examples of people who challenge the narrative & state the facts as we can get. It’s been very Orwellian lately.

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totally admire you Abigail! love your dedication to the truth, intellect, humility & compassion... 💕

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Thank you Alex for sharing the link to Abigail's piece... Damn, she is a magnificent writer! This line is perfection: "Take back the right to speak your mind—thoughtfully, courteously, with a goal in mind beyond giving offense. The list of unmentionable truths expands so rapidly, without reason other than the attempt suffocate a free people so that they forget the exhilaration of a lungful of air."

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Certainly worth reading. After inspecting all 57 genders, I have nailed it down to only 3 probabilities. Male, female and liberal. My next project is to determine what gender A/I really is.

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This is what happens when classical liberalism gives way to authoritarian leftism.

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Great minds think alike. I retweeted this on Twitter 30 minutes ago. Applies to the lies about Covid.

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I went back and looked through all of my college science textbooks.... organic chemistry, physiology, biology, physics, microbiology and even zoology..for life of me I could not find anything on transgenderism...I did, however, find it in my psychology book

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Divide and rule.

I'm sure a trans person, whom we'll never encounter in our whole lifetime, will be responsible for curtailing our inalienable freedoms and human rights via vaccine passports, or heaven forbid, for throwing us in a quarantine camp.

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The emperor has no clothes

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Time to take back America. We need to all stand up and speak out. If we don’t, America will be lost and unretrievable.

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This is my favorite place to go read articles be inspired that other Americans like me are still out there fighting for what is right!

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Abigail is brilliant!

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There are two biological sexes - male (XY) and female (XX) - and there is, so far, no way you can transform a body with XY chromosomes into a body with XX chromosomes, or vice versa. Plastic surgery won't do it, and neither will hormone "replacement" treatments. "Transition surgery" and "Transition hormone replacement therapy" are frauds on vulnerable people, which promise things the sellers know can't be achieved.

As for gender, it's a bilobal continuum, with clustering at the masculine and feminine ends - most XX people - females - are feminine, and most XY people - males - are masculine. However, there are XY males who are very strongly feminine in gender expression, and there are XX females who are very strongly masculine in gender expression - and everything in between. There are as many genders as people can think up - not 2, not 63, not 93, or any other fixed number - and every new gender is an article, then a research grant, then a faculty position. Gender is a matter of psychology, not biology, and sex is a matter of biology, not psychology - psychological interventions will not change biological sex.

There's been a lot of really confused thinking in this area, pushed by people in the "soft sciences" looking to get articles published and "research" grants funded and sinecures in educational institutions established, and the more obfuscation and nonsense they can produce, and the more noise they make, the more money they get - and the same for the Medical Industrial Complex, pushing its "transition" quackery. Hormone replacement therapy is a life-long stream of income for the pharma industry, and the long-term side effects provide even more in cash flow; and the morphological alterations produced by "transition surgery" eventually revert to the original form, requiring further "correction" surgeries - again, a life-long income stream. So there are profit-oriented reasons for all of this quackery - and people who get victimized by the fraud.

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As Mark Twain taught us, it ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, it's what you know for sure that just ain't so. This fashionable lunacy is fully understood by EVERYONE yet some insist we believe something that just ain't so. They will get in trouble for that, and soon.

The demands to believe what ain't so is a time honored tactic used by oppressors to impose submission. The problem with gender mania isn't the lie, but the oppression. The nature of the lie isn't important, possibly even mildly amusing. But those who demand acceptance of the lie are trying to own you, or are useful idiots for those who do.

This is a textbook example of socialist tactics. See Rules for Radicals to learn their lessons. Those who don't want to be owned must actively prevent those efforts. If everyone who knows it ain't so strongly objects, the demands will evaporate quickly. If many who know better refuse to resist, and meekly accept their enslavement, the inevitable resistance will need to be much more violent.

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Alex, that was an amazing read. Abigail Shrier is a FEARLESS women.

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She is a brave soul. And that is one great speech. I am surprised Princeton allowed it and that she wasn't cancelled by the TRA mob. Good on Ms. Shrier.

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So courageous and so inspirational. I am sending this to my children

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If only there were more women AND men like this, bravo. I’m going to read her book:)

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Just bought her book because of this article

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amazing important speech that every single high school and college age kid should read. And most adults too for that matter.

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Spectacular. I bet at least a handful of students will take up her challenge. One of those may be our President someday. (I dream). p.s., I just bought her book, Irreversible Damage, on my Kindle.

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Thank you.

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This is not the country I grew up in since 1946. Liberals no longer want a great America, they want an equitable America. Silly me but unless we are the strongest most powerful country on earth we will not survive!

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Ever since I witnessed discovery on the faces of my wayward children. Seeing the light bulb when a revelation of advice that I had given a thousand times is heard for the first time. Usually in a quote from a professor or classic book stating the obvious.

But this discovery of what we have been saying for years seems an important factor in believing.

Not unlike earning it as opposed to getting a free lunch. We are all either prodigal sons or inherent sons. And they are two both roads home.

We had drug smuggling in the middle 1800s. We had terrorist attacks in 1570.

My fore father Samuel Hubbard of Newport RI was a close friend of Rodger Williams and moved with him to Providence. Samuel's Grandfather Thomas was burned at the stake for his protestant beliefs.

The pamphlet was the app of the day, real mail was in great use. Peer-to-peer pressure was never stronger.

I have been banned from Facebook.

Samuel Hubbard was banned from Connecticut. His Grandsons Gideon Burdick and Alden Burdick Banned from the Colonies, then the USA then Utah then their Church.

But I don't get to tweet anymore.

Or post positive comments about Kyle.

Or question crazy and deviant behaviors.

I really miss being able to pick up the book and find the phone number, address and wife's name of literally anyone in town.

I miss the most effective manipulations in the history of advertising , cigarette commercials.

I miss the most effective pressures that got me to do some things that I wouldn't share with my children. The old double dog dare and the presence of a girl.

We are definitely a kinder gentler bunch than we were just 50 years ago.

You gotta know that life is pretty good when to much food is your problem. When there are literally too many choices.

When your kids have never missed a snack.

When pets live better than most humans.

When most college graduates are women.

When we can be in a War for 20+ years and loose more troops to suicide each year than we lost in combat since 911.

That if you are a designated member of an recognized underprivileged class, you have more advantages than ever in world history. And last but not least of all a new coronavirus (like the common cold virus)

Is the world's biggest problem!


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