That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 - not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Aren't you glad we shut down the world!
Yet I was an anti-science grandma killer because I actually went to the official sites and noticed the official data has always contradicted the official narrative. Hell, I had to be thrown out of the conversation because I kept posting official data in places like Jay Inslee's Twitter page.
Perhaps one of the most egregious propaganda devices of all time was the running "COVID Death Count" prominently displayed on the dashboard of nearly every network and cable news program. By now most of us realize that the numbers were fictional - made up to induce public panic. The originators of these terrorist psyops ought to be hanged for the harm they caused.
I don't think anyone is advocating capital punishment for those who aided or abetted these crimes. But for those who advocated and legislated the lockdowns and mandates which destroyed lives; why shouldn't they hang? Are you against capital punishment in general?
I, for one, am advocating for trials / tribunals and public hanging for those complicit in the devastation these people caused to our children and society writ large. And it's a large group. Kicking me out of a grocery store for going the wrong way down an isle? Hanging. Forcing people to take the vax so they can keep their jobs and feed their families? Wood chipper.
I understand the emotion, but if we are to remain a nation committed to individual rights, any trials must be conducted in accordance with the Constitution. That would mean first dismantling the totalitarian public health bureaucracy, then identifying and charging the architects of these atrocities.
It's worth noting that the Dutch are a bit different than Americans. Trim and fit, the Dutch bicycle everywhere and aren't morbidly obese. Meanwhile, fat, SUV-driving Americans presented covid with a much larger opportunity to cause harm.
As for how we handle the officials, this is probably going to have to wait for the next Republican president. But what should happen is a clear exposé of what the Chinese did to hide the virus, make clear that a lab leak is the only explanation that makes sense, and then get to the bottom of who in the USA might have been responsible for this research. We also need a thorough and public review of how the lockdown decisions were made, and on what basis.
I was living in Boston at the time, and out lockdown order cited a couple dozen laws. Since I was locked down (and retired) I figured I'd look up those laws to see what authority they had. Well, imagine my surprise! None of the laws cited provided ANY justification for locking people in their homes to prevent them from maybe getting sick. Literally these laws didn't even have anything to do with public health. Had anyone called the authorities on this, they'd not have had a leg to stand on. Yet they did it anyway. So local authorities who pulled this kind of BS also need to be held to account.
Finally, we need for the public health authorities to admit what they knew all along: you can't stop a viral respiratory illness. Not with masks, not with lockdown orders, not with anything besides a vaccine that actually works.
Once the authorities come clean, we might be able to trust them again.
But then, I'm dreaming, aren't I? That was the entire point of Alex's article. Not only won't they come clean, most of them see nothing to come clean about.
Absolutely they should be hung Fauci, Collins, Birx, Gates. What they did was worse than any other way to kill people except they did it on a mass murder level and now with the bioweapon mRNA trash they still are or were until the Republicans took over the House.
And isn't it funny, today's ritual human sacrifices - Leftists mutilating children, and other Leftists aiding and abetting them - is not too far removed from the Aztecs' ritual human sacrifices.
The Aztecs killed innocent people in order to maintain a reign of terror. Their human sacrifices had ZERO to do with justice. You should read up on this; you seem to know nothing about it.
I even reiterated my point in a later comment when I wrote "...NOT the byproduct of due process" (again, emphasis added for your benefit), and then a little later again "...the Aztecs' RITUAL human sacrifices" (again, emphasis added for your benefit).
True. But I was thinking something along the lines of the Nuremberg Trials, with lawyers, judges, and due process. Of 199 Nazi "architects of war criminals tried, 37 were sentenced to death. If we are to remain a civilized nation under laws, it is necessary to 'stay the hand of vengeance' even for wrongs of this magnitude.
It's for our own souls that I would oppose a bloody vengeance. As far as the lockdown enforcers go, well, most, if not all, embraced the vaccine theology. Perhaps they sealed their own fate along with that of their victims.
This is the logical ( even if it is pure insanity) endpoint when a govt monetizes death not life. All the info you present is spot on. But had we monetized making people better ( isnt that what the medical profession used to do?) all the panic porn, terror innuendo, and bald faced lies would have been minimal. And the actual covid deaths and lockdowns and masking may have taken a much different course.
But monetizing life doesnt make big pharma billions, doesnt save Moderna from its erstwhile financial disaster and doesnt make these criminal hospital EDs their huge bonuses. And of course it would have stopped the govt power play by that little rat faced weasel Fauci and his crooked pals.
I wonder how the media propagandists who pushed the jabs feel now that information has come out that the shots were not only useless but in some cases harmful? Do they regret getting their 3rd and 4th jab?
Not in some cases, sorry.. but all cases. All cases have metals & junk, nano particles that make the jabbed forever visible by satellite tech, etc. It’s not just medical, but that’s not good either. All immune systems of the jabbed are wacked. It just might take time to find out how bad and some may be able to afford reducing the effects with vitamins and nontraditional treatments.
I hope you are correct that there may be some way to reduce the effects of the shots. My daughter and her husband are both jabbed and have had one booster.
First, go to FLCCC & look into their protocols. This is Dr McCulloughs group & have been correct about vaccine effects all along. They have suggestions there, easy to follow. Tell your kids, no more boosters. 😉 I’m looking into Dr. Ana on here. She’s local for me & seems up to speed. Scary stuff on her Substack but can almost believe anything at this point. Don’t be worried, be a warrior.
Thank you for doing that. Ryan too. Actually, I think Ryan got me to really start to research this stuff and haven’t stopped. Alex too! I went from pot research to pandemic research. Thanks to everyone. I’m proof that people change their minds or can wake up. I have 2 Moderna in me & my main reason was I have M.S. ( & an elderly dad that lives w/ us)
But that’s it, no boosters & I’ve been screaming from the rooftops & sending emails to Inslee & everyone else in Olympia. I even reported the FDA to the FTC for corrupt & dishonest advertising. I’m so happy we still have people in Seattle that have brains & fight in them. We need it here.
Thanks to all! It’s not over- we have to fight the next big event. New World Order-United Nations Agenda 21, Chinese invasion, & anything else they throw our way. Keep pushing back, stay vigilant.
It's hilarious (and I'm sure you've heard me say this before):
The only way to actually help your community was to get the virus and get over it without giving it to anybody else. Yet if that was your plan (as it was mine), you were called selfish (and lots of other names).
Great Barrington at work. Once a degree of healthy younger people had become ill and had some degree of natural immunity, the world was safer for the elderly and frail. But you make no money from that. And we know government would rather spend our money. They gain, we lose.
I want to know how many people contracted covid AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!
They weren't sick--or maybe so mildly ill that the "sniffles" didn't register as "being sick," much less being infected with some purported dire contagion.
Hell, in the spring--when plants start blooming--I have a persistent runny nose from the pollen. I've never considered myself "sick."
My husband and I were two of those. We had it way back at the beginning and felt just mildly "off" for a week. And we're old. Out of curiosity I had a T-cell test almost a year later that confirmed it was truly that dreaded disease.
I wonder about that too, RioRosie. I’m a teacher in Nevada and l had to take 30 Covid tests in 30 weeks because l wouldn’t take the jab. They were all negative. I had a cough for about 4 days in 2021 , took amoxicillin, and recovered quickly. I didn’t have a test that week because of vacation. I have no idea if that was my version of Covid!
After the 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I kept thinking why are they still insisting everyone stay in. I'm not a scientist but I do remember learning about herd immunity in high school biology. Then Fauci made a statement that we couldn't risk natural herd immunity it wouldn't protect us. It was like wait what???
Many believed that to allow the virus to rip through society to gain natural immunity would kill too many along the way. Somehow they never observed that the death rate for those under 50 was similar to seasonal fly. I can't understand how they were so blind and we really ought to know why. It speaks to incompetence or corruption within the NIH. Congress might be able to find out by requiring testimony but will they?
Meanwhile, after receiving a message from my ophthalmologist's office that I am overdue for a checkup, I just found out that my ophthalmologist's office insists, inter alia, that I wear a mask and have my temperature checked before I can have my eyes checked. I couldn't tell if I also needed to have my vaccination status verified but I have heard enough. Not surprisingly I am changing eye doctors given that I don't do masks, vaccines or temperature checks. Somebody ought to check their mental state.
Had 2 stints recently with a parent in the hospital--and the one here still requires a mask (in public areas--not so much in the rooms). So just to rub a little salt into it, I ordered a set of masks that said "Let's Go Brandon!" and proudly walked through to the elevators and would make it a point to stop by the nurse's stations and visitor desk to say hello and ask questions. LSS, it was pretty easy to tell by the eye-rolls who was "offended." For those, I'd pull one ear strap off, to reveal a big smile & wink--and say "because he doesn't work very well either."
Personal recent specialist visit and it’s a shock to see one of the last vestiges of mask wearers in mass. We’re these the same people who kept their horse and buggy into the 1940s? 🤣
What - NEVER AGAIN? It hasn't even stopped. You can still be banned from going on a river cruise for the love of Pete. Viking still has vaccine passports in place.
Yep. Colleges and unis better quickly get it straight to remove the requirements or they’re gong to lose potential full tuition paying students. Maybe the May deadline is what will flip them. Told my alma mater that until they remove their requirements to never ask for another $ or planned giving from me again.
Yes. I have boycotted several donations to my alma mater. I actually have received a couple morally dismissive responses. Even though I have been a meaningful donor over the last 20 years.
No recognition. No consideration and quite derogatory correspondence from the university.
To answer your excellent question, nobody in power who wants to remain in power will ever admit - much less apologize for - the Covid disaster. It would expose them as incompetent or homicidal. They created the pathogen and released it, disrupted society and the economy, immediately announced they had a vaccine "cure" on the way, locked down the world to blackmail people into eventually taking it, forcibly injected the shots when resistance arose, lied about the side effects that were undeniable, demonized anyone who tried to stop the carnage, and now are trying to change the subject to avoid the consequences. They have used the PREP Act to shield themselves from liability, thereby demonstrating that legal immunity, like absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
Alex, with due respect, many of us have already known this for nearly three years plus. I’m 59, and I haven’t had any vaccines or influenza shots. I don’t get sick. I would NEVER inject something into my body that’s dangerous.
It’s the vaccines that are destroying people’s NATURAL IMMUNITY.
Have you taken the tetanus vaccine? What evidence is there that vaccines are destroying "natural immunity", which is almost always more efficacious and longer lasting?
I may have when I was a little girl from stepping on a nail or something. I can’t remember. There is MONSTROUS EVIDENCE of vaccine injury! Have you seen the vaccine “recommendations” for babies, children and teenagers???? After what I know now, I wouldn’t get near anything a doctor or the government pushed. In fact, whatever advice they give, I do the opposite, along with non-MSM research.
I looked up ADE on line and the Wikipedia entry is helpful. As a retired physician, I remember reading about this immunologic phenomenon. Per Wikipedia, no case of ADE with COVID-19 has been documented to date. The two diseases in which ADE has been considered to play a role are Dengue fever and HIV. It appears that the argumentation with respect to HIV is still theoretical. It is very hard in a given individual to prove that the mix of antibodies and other facets of the immune response are the key to persistence of infection, which has been the norm in HIV for decades. So, it is a very important theory and more work needs to be done. Hopefully, the scientists at Pfizer and Moderna are working on this.
Our response to a virus with an IFR less than 0.2% will go down as one of the biggest blunders ever. The hysteria that fueled much of pandemic decision making was far more deadly than covid itself. History will not be kind to those who failed to demonstrate bare minimum courage in the face of uncertainty rather than prostrate themselves before the altar of Faucism.
When govts tell you to worry about something, like c19 and UFOs, ignore it because it's lies and garbage. When they tell you NOT to worry about it, like 3 mile island and toxic train derailments, be scared.
I am wondering if we will see an epidemic of mental health crisis among healthcare professionals who went with the hysterical narrative and pushed the shots that caused the deaths of their patients. I can’t fathom how these people will be able to live with themselves when they reach the realization.
I was researching from the beginning and the data was not even coming close to the narrative being pushed.
We are unvaxxed and we all finally got covid in January 2021. My husband felt kinda crummy for a couple days, like a cold, and my kids never stopped video gaming. I was the sickest of the bunch, developing pneumonia and had a fever for 16 days. BUT - I have existing autoimmune issues that likely contributed to that. We all got through it, and I tell everyone that the WORST thing about having covid was the fear and the propaganda surrounding it. I know it probably sounds odd, but there was such a relief when I got sick. Even though there were some stressful moments for me while I was sick, I knew that the only way out was through, and I never once wished I had been vaccinated. I would just think of all the natural antibodies my body was producing!
There will not be an epidemic of mental health crises among healthcare professionals. Too many of them lack the self-awareness to feel remorse or guilt. As a group, they are some of the most brainwashed people in the world (I speak as a retired member of the profession). Even after they or their families are injured or killed by the injections they continue to praise the shots. Medical professionals who have the bravery or self-awareness to see the truth are often ostracized, stripped of their credentials, and turned out of the profession. However there will be a shortage of capable compassionate healthcare professionals because many have been killed or injured by the shot, or driven into exile for thinking independently.
And no worries, the newbies fresh from medical school will check your social justice status as well as your vaccination record before seeing you...if they see you. We’re in a world of hurt
wife & I (unjabbed) got it in oct 22. wife got it worse than me; flu like symptoms for a week. 3 kids all J&J jabbed (25-33) all got it w/ same symptoms.
"Will anyone in power ever admit - much less apologize for - the fact that 2020 was one long exercise in sacrificing the young to save the old?"
On the one hand, no, on the other hand, the lockdowns had nothing to do with saving lives. It was about power, control and getting rid of President Trump. The establishment does not care about the old or the young.
Yet I was an anti-science grandma killer because I actually went to the official sites and noticed the official data has always contradicted the official narrative. Hell, I had to be thrown out of the conversation because I kept posting official data in places like Jay Inslee's Twitter page.
Perhaps one of the most egregious propaganda devices of all time was the running "COVID Death Count" prominently displayed on the dashboard of nearly every network and cable news program. By now most of us realize that the numbers were fictional - made up to induce public panic. The originators of these terrorist psyops ought to be hanged for the harm they caused.
If we hanged all those who aided, abetted, or committed these crimes, how many people would we have left?
We are no more civilized than the Aztecs.
I don't think anyone is advocating capital punishment for those who aided or abetted these crimes. But for those who advocated and legislated the lockdowns and mandates which destroyed lives; why shouldn't they hang? Are you against capital punishment in general?
I, for one, am advocating for trials / tribunals and public hanging for those complicit in the devastation these people caused to our children and society writ large. And it's a large group. Kicking me out of a grocery store for going the wrong way down an isle? Hanging. Forcing people to take the vax so they can keep their jobs and feed their families? Wood chipper.
I understand the emotion, but if we are to remain a nation committed to individual rights, any trials must be conducted in accordance with the Constitution. That would mean first dismantling the totalitarian public health bureaucracy, then identifying and charging the architects of these atrocities.
It's worth noting that the Dutch are a bit different than Americans. Trim and fit, the Dutch bicycle everywhere and aren't morbidly obese. Meanwhile, fat, SUV-driving Americans presented covid with a much larger opportunity to cause harm.
As for how we handle the officials, this is probably going to have to wait for the next Republican president. But what should happen is a clear exposé of what the Chinese did to hide the virus, make clear that a lab leak is the only explanation that makes sense, and then get to the bottom of who in the USA might have been responsible for this research. We also need a thorough and public review of how the lockdown decisions were made, and on what basis.
I was living in Boston at the time, and out lockdown order cited a couple dozen laws. Since I was locked down (and retired) I figured I'd look up those laws to see what authority they had. Well, imagine my surprise! None of the laws cited provided ANY justification for locking people in their homes to prevent them from maybe getting sick. Literally these laws didn't even have anything to do with public health. Had anyone called the authorities on this, they'd not have had a leg to stand on. Yet they did it anyway. So local authorities who pulled this kind of BS also need to be held to account.
Finally, we need for the public health authorities to admit what they knew all along: you can't stop a viral respiratory illness. Not with masks, not with lockdown orders, not with anything besides a vaccine that actually works.
Once the authorities come clean, we might be able to trust them again.
But then, I'm dreaming, aren't I? That was the entire point of Alex's article. Not only won't they come clean, most of them see nothing to come clean about.
And here we are. Sad, but true.
Absolutely they should be hung Fauci, Collins, Birx, Gates. What they did was worse than any other way to kill people except they did it on a mass murder level and now with the bioweapon mRNA trash they still are or were until the Republicans took over the House.
I think the Aztecs killed more than just those who aided, abetted, or committed crimes against humanity.
Exactly the point.
In the last two years, those in charge killed a lot of people. Those people were sacrificed.
We can pretend we're more sophisticated than ancient peoples, but in the end, we're just better equipped, technologically.
Whether ill intent, sheer incompetence, or temporary inanity, these people cannot be trusted, and need to be removed and rendered powerless.
Ahhh, now I understand! Mea culpa.
We don’t know enough of this but it doesn’t seem pretty. Then again none of this was either.
Don't we at least know that their practice of human sacrifice was ritual, not the byproduct of due process?
And isn't it funny, today's ritual human sacrifices - Leftists mutilating children, and other Leftists aiding and abetting them - is not too far removed from the Aztecs' ritual human sacrifices.
The Aztecs killed innocent people in order to maintain a reign of terror. Their human sacrifices had ZERO to do with justice. You should read up on this; you seem to know nothing about it.
Kim G
Roma Sur, Mexico City
I even reiterated my point in a later comment when I wrote "...NOT the byproduct of due process" (again, emphasis added for your benefit), and then a little later again "...the Aztecs' RITUAL human sacrifices" (again, emphasis added for your benefit).
THAT was my f'n point.
You should read up on how to improve reading comprehension; you seem to know nothing about it.
"...MORE THAN JUST those who aided, abetted, or committed crimes against humanity" (emphasis added, to help you)
Agreed. In the name of religion
True. But I was thinking something along the lines of the Nuremberg Trials, with lawyers, judges, and due process. Of 199 Nazi "architects of war criminals tried, 37 were sentenced to death. If we are to remain a civilized nation under laws, it is necessary to 'stay the hand of vengeance' even for wrongs of this magnitude.
I'm with you, yet with the Progressive swamp of today its highly unlikely to happen.
So, no Dexter or Charles Bronson...?
I know, bummer right ? Lol !
I would argue we don’t need the kind of people that forced lockdowns. Who cares how many there are. We do not need those types as part of humanity.
It's for our own souls that I would oppose a bloody vengeance. As far as the lockdown enforcers go, well, most, if not all, embraced the vaccine theology. Perhaps they sealed their own fate along with that of their victims.
Americans. Hold my beer. :-)
Hold your own damn beer. We are getting invaded by the Chinese next. I hope Alex gets on it. 😉 you might be drinking Tsingtao beer next.
The Chinese would never allow their occupation forces to see America as it is. That alone might spark a revolution.
This is the logical ( even if it is pure insanity) endpoint when a govt monetizes death not life. All the info you present is spot on. But had we monetized making people better ( isnt that what the medical profession used to do?) all the panic porn, terror innuendo, and bald faced lies would have been minimal. And the actual covid deaths and lockdowns and masking may have taken a much different course.
But monetizing life doesnt make big pharma billions, doesnt save Moderna from its erstwhile financial disaster and doesnt make these criminal hospital EDs their huge bonuses. And of course it would have stopped the govt power play by that little rat faced weasel Fauci and his crooked pals.
Choose life.
I wonder how the media propagandists who pushed the jabs feel now that information has come out that the shots were not only useless but in some cases harmful? Do they regret getting their 3rd and 4th jab?
If they don't, I predict they will within a year or two.
Why? Because of the unleashing of more Fauci science?
Because the mid-term and long-term effects of the jab and the boosters will become impossible to ignore.
Not in some cases, sorry.. but all cases. All cases have metals & junk, nano particles that make the jabbed forever visible by satellite tech, etc. It’s not just medical, but that’s not good either. All immune systems of the jabbed are wacked. It just might take time to find out how bad and some may be able to afford reducing the effects with vitamins and nontraditional treatments.
I hope you are correct that there may be some way to reduce the effects of the shots. My daughter and her husband are both jabbed and have had one booster.
First, go to FLCCC & look into their protocols. This is Dr McCulloughs group & have been correct about vaccine effects all along. They have suggestions there, easy to follow. Tell your kids, no more boosters. 😉 I’m looking into Dr. Ana on here. She’s local for me & seems up to speed. Scary stuff on her Substack but can almost believe anything at this point. Don’t be worried, be a warrior.
Thank you so much, I will check it out. I'm pretty sure they're not getting any more shots.
Jay Inslee doesn't care about factual information, never has.
That's completely true. I was more trying to "wake up" other people in the state.
Thank you for doing that. Ryan too. Actually, I think Ryan got me to really start to research this stuff and haven’t stopped. Alex too! I went from pot research to pandemic research. Thanks to everyone. I’m proof that people change their minds or can wake up. I have 2 Moderna in me & my main reason was I have M.S. ( & an elderly dad that lives w/ us)
But that’s it, no boosters & I’ve been screaming from the rooftops & sending emails to Inslee & everyone else in Olympia. I even reported the FDA to the FTC for corrupt & dishonest advertising. I’m so happy we still have people in Seattle that have brains & fight in them. We need it here.
Thanks to all! It’s not over- we have to fight the next big event. New World Order-United Nations Agenda 21, Chinese invasion, & anything else they throw our way. Keep pushing back, stay vigilant.
Just another rightgeous buffoon who should not be in charge of anything. Canadistan is full of these same fools. I know I live there.
I don't believe I've ever heard a more accurate description of the great man.
SimComm I'm pretty sure we were thrown out of the conversation by actually understanding that we would inevitably get it.
It was verboten to go out of our way to actually help the vulnerable.
Home of the Brave and all...
It's hilarious (and I'm sure you've heard me say this before):
The only way to actually help your community was to get the virus and get over it without giving it to anybody else. Yet if that was your plan (as it was mine), you were called selfish (and lots of other names).
Great Barrington at work. Once a degree of healthy younger people had become ill and had some degree of natural immunity, the world was safer for the elderly and frail. But you make no money from that. And we know government would rather spend our money. They gain, we lose.
I want to know how many people contracted covid AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!
They weren't sick--or maybe so mildly ill that the "sniffles" didn't register as "being sick," much less being infected with some purported dire contagion.
Hell, in the spring--when plants start blooming--I have a persistent runny nose from the pollen. I've never considered myself "sick."
My husband and I were two of those. We had it way back at the beginning and felt just mildly "off" for a week. And we're old. Out of curiosity I had a T-cell test almost a year later that confirmed it was truly that dreaded disease.
We'll never know because transmission of respiratory viruses remains somewhat mysterious, and the PCR tests were pure theater.
I wonder about that too, RioRosie. I’m a teacher in Nevada and l had to take 30 Covid tests in 30 weeks because l wouldn’t take the jab. They were all negative. I had a cough for about 4 days in 2021 , took amoxicillin, and recovered quickly. I didn’t have a test that week because of vacation. I have no idea if that was my version of Covid!
After the 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I kept thinking why are they still insisting everyone stay in. I'm not a scientist but I do remember learning about herd immunity in high school biology. Then Fauci made a statement that we couldn't risk natural herd immunity it wouldn't protect us. It was like wait what???
Yes, the idea that acquired immunity wouldn't last but bottled immunity would was always crazy.
Fauci was Science. One must not criticize Science!!
I know, the insanity of it all. Biology always wins not technology.
Many believed that to allow the virus to rip through society to gain natural immunity would kill too many along the way. Somehow they never observed that the death rate for those under 50 was similar to seasonal fly. I can't understand how they were so blind and we really ought to know why. It speaks to incompetence or corruption within the NIH. Congress might be able to find out by requiring testimony but will they?
Now I can't get Psycho Killer out of my head.
Fa- fa- fa- fa-, fa- fa- fa- fa- fa!
Ah… Inslee.
I’d say more, but it would be… unprintable. And apparently futile.
Meanwhile, after receiving a message from my ophthalmologist's office that I am overdue for a checkup, I just found out that my ophthalmologist's office insists, inter alia, that I wear a mask and have my temperature checked before I can have my eyes checked. I couldn't tell if I also needed to have my vaccination status verified but I have heard enough. Not surprisingly I am changing eye doctors given that I don't do masks, vaccines or temperature checks. Somebody ought to check their mental state.
Had 2 stints recently with a parent in the hospital--and the one here still requires a mask (in public areas--not so much in the rooms). So just to rub a little salt into it, I ordered a set of masks that said "Let's Go Brandon!" and proudly walked through to the elevators and would make it a point to stop by the nurse's stations and visitor desk to say hello and ask questions. LSS, it was pretty easy to tell by the eye-rolls who was "offended." For those, I'd pull one ear strap off, to reveal a big smile & wink--and say "because he doesn't work very well either."
"because he doesn't work very well either." Haha 😂😂 classic!!
You had me at the one ear strap off. 😂
Personal recent specialist visit and it’s a shock to see one of the last vestiges of mask wearers in mass. We’re these the same people who kept their horse and buggy into the 1940s? 🤣
Love that!
Best ever. Somehow I missed this one.
It is actions like this that will eventually fix things. Money talks...
Thank you very much for doing this.
This is one of the best ways to send the most important message:
What - NEVER AGAIN? It hasn't even stopped. You can still be banned from going on a river cruise for the love of Pete. Viking still has vaccine passports in place.
Viking just lost your $14,000 booking. Let them know bc their average age customers aren’t getting younger
And your own country didn't accept un vaxxed till last week. How ridiculous is that?
The US has yet to drop there vax requirement at the border.
Yep. Colleges and unis better quickly get it straight to remove the requirements or they’re gong to lose potential full tuition paying students. Maybe the May deadline is what will flip them. Told my alma mater that until they remove their requirements to never ask for another $ or planned giving from me again.
Yes. I have boycotted several donations to my alma mater. I actually have received a couple morally dismissive responses. Even though I have been a meaningful donor over the last 20 years.
No recognition. No consideration and quite derogatory correspondence from the university.
Send him a few studies on masking. It’s conclusive knowledge now for sure. It always has been. Masks have never helped for respiratory virus.
the health care complex will kill you if you let it.
To answer your excellent question, nobody in power who wants to remain in power will ever admit - much less apologize for - the Covid disaster. It would expose them as incompetent or homicidal. They created the pathogen and released it, disrupted society and the economy, immediately announced they had a vaccine "cure" on the way, locked down the world to blackmail people into eventually taking it, forcibly injected the shots when resistance arose, lied about the side effects that were undeniable, demonized anyone who tried to stop the carnage, and now are trying to change the subject to avoid the consequences. They have used the PREP Act to shield themselves from liability, thereby demonstrating that legal immunity, like absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
Well said.
Ditto to that!, let's just find out exactly who " they" all are, and we can finish this fiasco....and them.
That about sums it up!
Alex, with due respect, many of us have already known this for nearly three years plus. I’m 59, and I haven’t had any vaccines or influenza shots. I don’t get sick. I would NEVER inject something into my body that’s dangerous.
It’s the vaccines that are destroying people’s NATURAL IMMUNITY.
Have you taken the tetanus vaccine? What evidence is there that vaccines are destroying "natural immunity", which is almost always more efficacious and longer lasting?
I may have when I was a little girl from stepping on a nail or something. I can’t remember. There is MONSTROUS EVIDENCE of vaccine injury! Have you seen the vaccine “recommendations” for babies, children and teenagers???? After what I know now, I wouldn’t get near anything a doctor or the government pushed. In fact, whatever advice they give, I do the opposite, along with non-MSM research.
It's called Antibody Dependent Enhancement. This phenomenon is why Moderna had so much trouble bringing a product to market for 10 years.
Can I get an A?! Can I get a D?! Can I get a E?!
Simon, this interesting phenomenon is entirely theoretical and cannot be proven in any given case.
GBM, it's my understanding that ADE is a well-known and accepted fact, not only with vaccine immunity but also natural immunity.
Renee, I'm not sure if it's AIDS or not, that's a complicated topic, but perhaps.
I looked up ADE on line and the Wikipedia entry is helpful. As a retired physician, I remember reading about this immunologic phenomenon. Per Wikipedia, no case of ADE with COVID-19 has been documented to date. The two diseases in which ADE has been considered to play a role are Dengue fever and HIV. It appears that the argumentation with respect to HIV is still theoretical. It is very hard in a given individual to prove that the mix of antibodies and other facets of the immune response are the key to persistence of infection, which has been the norm in HIV for decades. So, it is a very important theory and more work needs to be done. Hopefully, the scientists at Pfizer and Moderna are working on this.
Yes, it can be proven. It’s AIDS.
Our response to a virus with an IFR less than 0.2% will go down as one of the biggest blunders ever. The hysteria that fueled much of pandemic decision making was far more deadly than covid itself. History will not be kind to those who failed to demonstrate bare minimum courage in the face of uncertainty rather than prostrate themselves before the altar of Faucism.
Actually, those who ran this program will be writing the history, as they won't be removed, much less punished.
When govts tell you to worry about something, like c19 and UFOs, ignore it because it's lies and garbage. When they tell you NOT to worry about it, like 3 mile island and toxic train derailments, be scared.
How about not scared but prepared.
I am wondering if we will see an epidemic of mental health crisis among healthcare professionals who went with the hysterical narrative and pushed the shots that caused the deaths of their patients. I can’t fathom how these people will be able to live with themselves when they reach the realization.
I was researching from the beginning and the data was not even coming close to the narrative being pushed.
We are unvaxxed and we all finally got covid in January 2021. My husband felt kinda crummy for a couple days, like a cold, and my kids never stopped video gaming. I was the sickest of the bunch, developing pneumonia and had a fever for 16 days. BUT - I have existing autoimmune issues that likely contributed to that. We all got through it, and I tell everyone that the WORST thing about having covid was the fear and the propaganda surrounding it. I know it probably sounds odd, but there was such a relief when I got sick. Even though there were some stressful moments for me while I was sick, I knew that the only way out was through, and I never once wished I had been vaccinated. I would just think of all the natural antibodies my body was producing!
There will not be an epidemic of mental health crises among healthcare professionals. Too many of them lack the self-awareness to feel remorse or guilt. As a group, they are some of the most brainwashed people in the world (I speak as a retired member of the profession). Even after they or their families are injured or killed by the injections they continue to praise the shots. Medical professionals who have the bravery or self-awareness to see the truth are often ostracized, stripped of their credentials, and turned out of the profession. However there will be a shortage of capable compassionate healthcare professionals because many have been killed or injured by the shot, or driven into exile for thinking independently.
And no worries, the newbies fresh from medical school will check your social justice status as well as your vaccination record before seeing you...if they see you. We’re in a world of hurt
You're a winner!
I'd take you in a foxhole vs. all my buddies combined.
wife & I (unjabbed) got it in oct 22. wife got it worse than me; flu like symptoms for a week. 3 kids all J&J jabbed (25-33) all got it w/ same symptoms.
"Will anyone in power ever admit - much less apologize for - the fact that 2020 was one long exercise in sacrificing the young to save the old?"
On the one hand, no, on the other hand, the lockdowns had nothing to do with saving lives. It was about power, control and getting rid of President Trump. The establishment does not care about the old or the young.
..or anyone in between as well.
If only we had adopted the Great Barrington Declaration--we could have avoided a lot of suffering. The data proves it was the right approach