Monkey see, monkey fucking do…HOW did this happen in the United States of America—home of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of religion?!?!
I am especially dismayed by the Fifth Circuit’s stay of the injunction re: government censorship. Some lawyers (with rose-colored glasses IMHO) assert that this circuit routinely issues such stays…..give me one recent instance where a court instituted the very injunction in a civil liberties case that they previously stayed. Having clerked for an appellate court, I never saw it. At a minimum, the injunction will be narrowed. Biden v Missouri needs to go to SCOTUS, which is likely.
I NEVER thought I'd be happy with a 6-3 conservative majority on SCOTUS and yet here we are, a lifelong liberal actually feeling good about that 6-3 majority at least when it comes to pandemic-related controversies.
The earthquake history is interesting but I'm more convinced by Senger's analysis of the deep ties between Italy and the CCP and also by a strange anonymous stock tip in early 2020 that Italy would be the first country WHO would try to lockdown in response to Covid:
Here's the strangely prescient stock tip on Jan. 30 2020:
[T]he WHO is already talking about how “problematic” modeling the Chinese response in Western countries is going to be, and the first country they want to try it out in is Italy. If it begins a large outbreak in a major Italian city they want to work through the Italian authorities and world health organizations to begin locking down Italian cities in a vain attempt to slow down the spread at least until they can develop and distribute vaccines, which btw is where you need to start investing… I just think it’s a really shitty thing to not be sharing this information with the public because they arrogantly think we’re all irrational and shouldn’t be informed as they are.
This stock tip is itself perhaps the strongest piece of evidence that the pandemic was a plandemic -- or at the very least an opportunistic response to a rather ho hum virus that would otherwise have been no different than seasonal flu.
Also, this excellent analysis of Lombardy's simultaneous lockdowns and correlation with "Covid deaths" is quite convincing that it was the lockdown policies not the virus that was causing the harm. There's no physical way for the virus to spread exactly concurrently in all of these provinces.
Reminds me of some strangely prescient predictions on Nextdoor in the SF Bay Area. Sure wish I could find it. The guy was psychic with his play by play. This was end of February 2020.
got any links? I believe Balaji Srinivasan was in the Bay Area and making a lot of "prescient" comments at the time and he's probably the prime suspect for the anonymous stock tip I posted earlier, which comes from Michael Senger's work.
I have not had a chance to read through the links you provided thank you. I tried in the past to find that guy on nextdoor but I didn’t have any luck. Sorry I just don’t have time to go down that rabbit hole right this minute.
The Italian scientist/earthquake trial was a fascinating read, and looking at the guilty verdict objectively, without needing the benefit of hindsight, makes it imo one of the craziest things I ever heard, and crazier than almost any Covid response that came after. So just when I was thinking maybe it WASN'T planned, and just breathtaking incompetence of Chicken Little people in charge, with all their arresting surfers and taking basketball hoops down in public parks and closing public schools, but then I remind myself that Amazon benefitted, chain stores with all that "essential workers" bullshit, and the politicians like Newsome carried on as usual, with their private schools and jet setting, and especially: the very long time that CDC and NIH officials and others knew they needed to jack up the fear porn to keep their coveted compliance going after the real death stats started leaking out... and then, of course, the vaccines... and minutes later I'm back to thinking it was 100% planned by a few people counting on the many people religiously following along for their own greedy reasons.
In my conspiracy theory mind Covid was a test. Data collected and studied. New plans and procedures to be implemented on the next (fill in the blanks) incident.
And the question that seems to not be of importance to a lot of people, What’s the bottom line? Control of people? Create fear for that control? Many rabbit holes to fall down, so little time!
The politicians were certainly to blame but so we're the American sheeple who so easily went along with lockdowns in spite of the right of assembly supposedly being protected by the First Amendment. Of course the BLM protesters and rioters ignored the lockdowns because that's who they are. But the rest of America went along with little to no resistance.
That is what bothered me from the get-go. I would never have believed that such a large part of the American people would just lay down and capitulate without much (or any) questioning. The inconsistencies were in plain view (politicians seemingly unworried and going about their usual lives while imposing restrictions on everyone else), the protests and violence that they weren't concerned about in terms of virus spread, the illogical closing of small stores but leaving large box stores open, the list goes on and on. So many Americans just turned their brains off completely. I found this fact both shocking and unsettling.
CMCM, so true! Ive been around for a while and Ive never seen so many people be so out of the logic loop, I've even gone so far as to ask two close friends who know computers if there's ANY chance that something like Michael Crichton's nano-particles from his novel "Prey" have been "turned on" in peoples' brains, and please trust me: I know I sound batshit crazy even writing this but when I recite the litany of truths that people just don't see, I feel like I'm already halfway to batshit for spending the hour I just did making my list, and that's w/o even mentioning nano-particles (PS, I have a friend from the gym, he's a blue collar guy who drives a tractor, and about a year ago we got to talking about the fact that he benches 315 and I make a joke about how I can only max out at, ohhhh, maybe 115, so I said "But I can see through those Covid lies pretty easy, guess we all have our strengths" And he says "Dude, I know, what the hell's up with all their lies??" and then he rattles off at least 10 quick lies, lies that are just objectively wrong and don't need extensive research, just illogical on their face, like "Get vaccinated cuz it's 95% effective at stopping the spread but get a booster so when you do get that non-spreading Covid it won't be bad like for the unvaccinated but wear a mask cuz this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and we're all in this together or we'll fire you oh and kick you out of college cuz the vaccine is effective especially with a shit load of boosters and when you get sick it's nowhere as bad as that unvaccinated prick and wear a mask cuz our patience is wearing thin cuz this whole charade is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and there is no. Fucking. Way this came from a lab. In China. That we funded" and I realized that either some people don't have those nano-particles or some people just have logical brains.
The problem with this blog is that it presupposes Covid was real. Covid was never real. Jon Rappoport explained way back in 2020 how the illusion was played out in Italy.
COVID Italy update: dispelling the pandemic illusion
The following information on Italy is as of March 30. It comes from an article posted at Swiss Propaganda Research. It describes reports from the Italian National Health Institute. It confirms what I've been writing about Italy---which is:
Take a population of many elderly people who already have serious, multiple, long-term health conditions, including lung conditions. Note that these people have already been treated with a number of toxic medical drugs. Add in very toxic air pollution in certain sectors of the country---which, in fact, accounts for a great amount of these lung problems. Consider that pneumonia---said to be a cardinal feature of COVID-19---has been rampant in Italy for a long time, long before the emergence of the supposed coronavirus. Numbers of flu-like illness cases and pneumonia cases, going back before "the pandemic," are huge. These cases show the same general symptoms attributed to COVID. Finally, use a diagnostic test, which, as I've described, can rack up false-positives for reasons that have nothing to do with COVID...and you have the illusion of a new epidemic.
"But...but what about the overflowing ICU wards in hospitals?"
Think it through. Every elderly ill person with lung problems now fears he/she might "have the virus," and so comes the flood of people to hospital. It's no mystery.
All right. Here are excerpts from the Swiss Propaganda Research article, "Facts about Covid-19":
"According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old."
"80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer."
"Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women."
"The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both."
"The two Italians deceased [!!] under 40 years of age (both 39 years old) were a cancer patient and a diabetes patient with additional complications. In these cases, too, the exact cause of death was not yet clear (i.e. if from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases)."
"The partial overloading of the hospitals is due to the general rush of patients and the increased number of patients requiring special or intensive care. In particular, the aim is to stabilize respiratory function and, in severe cases, to provide [toxic] anti-viral therapies."
"Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which had already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past and is likely an additional risk factor in the current epidemic."
"South Korea, for instance, has experienced a much milder course than Italy and has already passed the peak of the epidemic. In South Korea, only about 70 deaths with a positive test result have been reported so far. As in Italy, those affected were mostly high-risk patients."
"The few dozen test-positive Swiss deaths so far were also high-risk patients with chronic diseases, an average age of more than 80 years and a maximum age of 97 years, whose exact cause of death, i.e. from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases, is not yet known."
I'll clarify a further point. Even if the diagnostic tests on patients claim to show the presence of the COVID-19 virus---and even if we accept that finding as true---the test has never been proved to be able to say HOW MUCH virus is in a patient's body. And that is vital, because, to even begin talking about a person actually getting sick, he would have to have millions and millions of virus actively replicating in his body. Therefore, the finding of the test is irrelevant in the real world, as opposed to the lab.
In the real world, of which Italy is a part, people who are aged, who have multiple and very serious long-term health problems, who have been treated for years with toxic drugs---these people die of those factors. There is no need for a purportedly new virus to explain why they are dying.
The absolute fraud and crime involved here are enormous. The perpetrators, in their bubble of reputation, wall-to-wall false science, media robots, and government back-up will escape with their careers intact.
But the truth has a way of toppling pedestals and the people who stand on them.
They (the physicians and politicians) had no business or education to make any decisions about the epidemiology or risks of SARS-CoV-2. They certainly had zero ability to put civil rights or established law on hold to deal with a pandemic. No mandates or forced compliance of any kind should ever over-ride citizen’s rights, period.
The hysterics and their irrational messaging may be inflicted on us, but we don’t have to believe them. There would (or should) have been many avenues to hear reasonable hypotheses and advice from the actual scientists who are qualified to do legitimate research. Much of this good advice or at least honest information was crushed under totalitarian censorship and threats.
Ah yes, agreed. However mix in a good dose of mass hysteria and people well, get hysterical and do no think straight. There are still people scared and they will jump off the bridge as fast as before. (We used to call them slow learners...)
Scientists and appropriately knowledgeable people from day One should have been forefront on the media stage debating everything about the virus and vaccines. All the pros and cons should have been put out there for everyone to consider.
And do not EVER forget the huge paychecks the hospitals received A) for the Covid diagnosis B) for placing on a ventilator. ICU is not a cheap hotel. Tests were maybe 80% accurate? One patient went to donate blood so she could help others (after her ICU stay for covid) blood bank told her she did not have Covid she had no antibodies! This university Professor that teaches nursing was shocked; she was intubated and placed on a vent! How could this be? Yep, she doesn't believe this crap anymore!! Hard way to learn. Ask me sometime what really happened to these "covid" patients once trapped in the hospital...I still have nightmares and guilt.
Regardless of country it's about $$ and power. The sheep (code for people/voters) are content to let govts run their lives. Even with Trump as POTUS you can thank dems/libs for the mess in the USA. I am NOT conservative but I have come to the realization that dems want to be Omnipotent. If you are told often enough that you will die you start to believe it. There were things killing folks attributed to covid that did no such thing. There was a missive on Fox Digital this morning that deaths cause by covid were false 30% of the the time. We are reaching some dangerous times in our country, it is beginning to look like Rome before the fall
Fascinating story. We vacationed to Italy March 2022… after the main freak out stupidity and before the wave of variants. The worst thing for me is that I had to get the untested “vaxx” and a booster or Italy would not let me into their country. Italians and EUbians got a fancy credit card signifying their compliance. We had a 60-weight paper card with signatures denoting our low-tech American compliance. The rules in that country were as stupid and overdone as they were back in the liberal college town I live in. So it wasn’t a big deal… until we needed to come home and had to find a testing station and navigate that complex bureaucratic process with our very weak Italian. Thankfully all four of us tested negative and they opened the gate and let us leave.
This story about the earthquake makes sense as far as Italian behavior makes sense. It gets to a larger problem we have in almost all systems that risk aversion often results in problems bigger than the initial risk. We ignore motive and jump to an Einstein in Hindsight persecution. We persecute action over inaction even when the action was a justified decision then, and the inaction resulted in missed opportunity to solve the problem.
The people are generally stupid, fearful, risk-averse and dripping with desire for someone to take care of them. Italians are notorious for that worldview. Theirs is a vacation country where they want to vacation too. But let’s not forget that it was the global media that fed the people this fear crap. It was probably that same media that pushed the “who to blame for the earthquake” narrative.
The administrative weasels get away with their malice because the media is full of the same weasel breed. It used to be that the media gave us some critical thinking to help prevent us from running around with our hair on fire… now the media pours the lighter fluid and lights the match.
I bet many others did the same. I know a few here in Canada that did that same routine to go to Portugal, well they are not as healthy as they were now. I feel for every one that is ill, however critical thinking comes in handy when it says EAU!! Best wishes.
There's certainly a HUGE portion of "cover our asses" going on here, but it's worth remembering that Italy was such a disaster because they sped up their curve by infecting all the at risk at once by placing covid patients in their vicinity. Italy gets a pass for this because they 'went first', but then our 'leaders' made the same mistake in six or seven states........
But were they really "mistakes" ? Our esteemed mental health patient HHS director took his / her Mom out of the nursing home when Pennsylvania decided to "pump up the numbers" for COVID.
And the Eagles also sang "You can check out any time you want (Hotel California) but you can never leave". Has the world's Covid response become another Hotel California?
I believe Italy 🇮🇹 has socialized medicine so when you reach a certain age and you end up in a hospital setting they don't really care for or about you as a Patient. China has a lot of influence in Italy because Italy uses the Chinese for workers making there goods like expensive everything from Italy. Kernel Sanders, was talking about how Italy 🇮🇹 healthcare system is so great as he was selling a bucket of fried Frog 🐸 legs.
Monkey see, monkey fucking do…HOW did this happen in the United States of America—home of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of religion?!?!
I am especially dismayed by the Fifth Circuit’s stay of the injunction re: government censorship. Some lawyers (with rose-colored glasses IMHO) assert that this circuit routinely issues such stays…..give me one recent instance where a court instituted the very injunction in a civil liberties case that they previously stayed. Having clerked for an appellate court, I never saw it. At a minimum, the injunction will be narrowed. Biden v Missouri needs to go to SCOTUS, which is likely.
I NEVER thought I'd be happy with a 6-3 conservative majority on SCOTUS and yet here we are, a lifelong liberal actually feeling good about that 6-3 majority at least when it comes to pandemic-related controversies.
I would expect nothing less from the 5th Circuit.
go back and watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers. the 78 version. Then look at the last 3 or 4 years.
The earthquake history is interesting but I'm more convinced by Senger's analysis of the deep ties between Italy and the CCP and also by a strange anonymous stock tip in early 2020 that Italy would be the first country WHO would try to lockdown in response to Covid:
Here's the strangely prescient stock tip on Jan. 30 2020:
[T]he WHO is already talking about how “problematic” modeling the Chinese response in Western countries is going to be, and the first country they want to try it out in is Italy. If it begins a large outbreak in a major Italian city they want to work through the Italian authorities and world health organizations to begin locking down Italian cities in a vain attempt to slow down the spread at least until they can develop and distribute vaccines, which btw is where you need to start investing… I just think it’s a really shitty thing to not be sharing this information with the public because they arrogantly think we’re all irrational and shouldn’t be informed as they are.
This stock tip is itself perhaps the strongest piece of evidence that the pandemic was a plandemic -- or at the very least an opportunistic response to a rather ho hum virus that would otherwise have been no different than seasonal flu.
Also, this excellent analysis of Lombardy's simultaneous lockdowns and correlation with "Covid deaths" is quite convincing that it was the lockdown policies not the virus that was causing the harm. There's no physical way for the virus to spread exactly concurrently in all of these provinces.
Fascinating data. I hope those Italian scientists get their wish.
Reminds me of some strangely prescient predictions on Nextdoor in the SF Bay Area. Sure wish I could find it. The guy was psychic with his play by play. This was end of February 2020.
got any links? I believe Balaji Srinivasan was in the Bay Area and making a lot of "prescient" comments at the time and he's probably the prime suspect for the anonymous stock tip I posted earlier, which comes from Michael Senger's work.
I have not had a chance to read through the links you provided thank you. I tried in the past to find that guy on nextdoor but I didn’t have any luck. Sorry I just don’t have time to go down that rabbit hole right this minute.
Nextdoor posts get scrubbed after a while. Wayback doesn't archive them, generally.
The Italian scientist/earthquake trial was a fascinating read, and looking at the guilty verdict objectively, without needing the benefit of hindsight, makes it imo one of the craziest things I ever heard, and crazier than almost any Covid response that came after. So just when I was thinking maybe it WASN'T planned, and just breathtaking incompetence of Chicken Little people in charge, with all their arresting surfers and taking basketball hoops down in public parks and closing public schools, but then I remind myself that Amazon benefitted, chain stores with all that "essential workers" bullshit, and the politicians like Newsome carried on as usual, with their private schools and jet setting, and especially: the very long time that CDC and NIH officials and others knew they needed to jack up the fear porn to keep their coveted compliance going after the real death stats started leaking out... and then, of course, the vaccines... and minutes later I'm back to thinking it was 100% planned by a few people counting on the many people religiously following along for their own greedy reasons.
In my conspiracy theory mind Covid was a test. Data collected and studied. New plans and procedures to be implemented on the next (fill in the blanks) incident.
And the question that seems to not be of importance to a lot of people, What’s the bottom line? Control of people? Create fear for that control? Many rabbit holes to fall down, so little time!
The politicians were certainly to blame but so we're the American sheeple who so easily went along with lockdowns in spite of the right of assembly supposedly being protected by the First Amendment. Of course the BLM protesters and rioters ignored the lockdowns because that's who they are. But the rest of America went along with little to no resistance.
That is what bothered me from the get-go. I would never have believed that such a large part of the American people would just lay down and capitulate without much (or any) questioning. The inconsistencies were in plain view (politicians seemingly unworried and going about their usual lives while imposing restrictions on everyone else), the protests and violence that they weren't concerned about in terms of virus spread, the illogical closing of small stores but leaving large box stores open, the list goes on and on. So many Americans just turned their brains off completely. I found this fact both shocking and unsettling.
CMCM, so true! Ive been around for a while and Ive never seen so many people be so out of the logic loop, I've even gone so far as to ask two close friends who know computers if there's ANY chance that something like Michael Crichton's nano-particles from his novel "Prey" have been "turned on" in peoples' brains, and please trust me: I know I sound batshit crazy even writing this but when I recite the litany of truths that people just don't see, I feel like I'm already halfway to batshit for spending the hour I just did making my list, and that's w/o even mentioning nano-particles (PS, I have a friend from the gym, he's a blue collar guy who drives a tractor, and about a year ago we got to talking about the fact that he benches 315 and I make a joke about how I can only max out at, ohhhh, maybe 115, so I said "But I can see through those Covid lies pretty easy, guess we all have our strengths" And he says "Dude, I know, what the hell's up with all their lies??" and then he rattles off at least 10 quick lies, lies that are just objectively wrong and don't need extensive research, just illogical on their face, like "Get vaccinated cuz it's 95% effective at stopping the spread but get a booster so when you do get that non-spreading Covid it won't be bad like for the unvaccinated but wear a mask cuz this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and we're all in this together or we'll fire you oh and kick you out of college cuz the vaccine is effective especially with a shit load of boosters and when you get sick it's nowhere as bad as that unvaccinated prick and wear a mask cuz our patience is wearing thin cuz this whole charade is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and there is no. Fucking. Way this came from a lab. In China. That we funded" and I realized that either some people don't have those nano-particles or some people just have logical brains.
"Never let a crisis go to waste."
The problem with this blog is that it presupposes Covid was real. Covid was never real. Jon Rappoport explained way back in 2020 how the illusion was played out in Italy.
COVID Italy update: dispelling the pandemic illusion
The following information on Italy is as of March 30. It comes from an article posted at Swiss Propaganda Research. It describes reports from the Italian National Health Institute. It confirms what I've been writing about Italy---which is:
Take a population of many elderly people who already have serious, multiple, long-term health conditions, including lung conditions. Note that these people have already been treated with a number of toxic medical drugs. Add in very toxic air pollution in certain sectors of the country---which, in fact, accounts for a great amount of these lung problems. Consider that pneumonia---said to be a cardinal feature of COVID-19---has been rampant in Italy for a long time, long before the emergence of the supposed coronavirus. Numbers of flu-like illness cases and pneumonia cases, going back before "the pandemic," are huge. These cases show the same general symptoms attributed to COVID. Finally, use a diagnostic test, which, as I've described, can rack up false-positives for reasons that have nothing to do with COVID...and you have the illusion of a new epidemic.
"But...but what about the overflowing ICU wards in hospitals?"
Think it through. Every elderly ill person with lung problems now fears he/she might "have the virus," and so comes the flood of people to hospital. It's no mystery.
All right. Here are excerpts from the Swiss Propaganda Research article, "Facts about Covid-19":
"According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old."
"80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer."
"Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women."
"The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both."
"The two Italians deceased [!!] under 40 years of age (both 39 years old) were a cancer patient and a diabetes patient with additional complications. In these cases, too, the exact cause of death was not yet clear (i.e. if from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases)."
"The partial overloading of the hospitals is due to the general rush of patients and the increased number of patients requiring special or intensive care. In particular, the aim is to stabilize respiratory function and, in severe cases, to provide [toxic] anti-viral therapies."
"Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which had already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past and is likely an additional risk factor in the current epidemic."
"South Korea, for instance, has experienced a much milder course than Italy and has already passed the peak of the epidemic. In South Korea, only about 70 deaths with a positive test result have been reported so far. As in Italy, those affected were mostly high-risk patients."
"The few dozen test-positive Swiss deaths so far were also high-risk patients with chronic diseases, an average age of more than 80 years and a maximum age of 97 years, whose exact cause of death, i.e. from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases, is not yet known."
I'll clarify a further point. Even if the diagnostic tests on patients claim to show the presence of the COVID-19 virus---and even if we accept that finding as true---the test has never been proved to be able to say HOW MUCH virus is in a patient's body. And that is vital, because, to even begin talking about a person actually getting sick, he would have to have millions and millions of virus actively replicating in his body. Therefore, the finding of the test is irrelevant in the real world, as opposed to the lab.
In the real world, of which Italy is a part, people who are aged, who have multiple and very serious long-term health problems, who have been treated for years with toxic drugs---these people die of those factors. There is no need for a purportedly new virus to explain why they are dying.
The absolute fraud and crime involved here are enormous. The perpetrators, in their bubble of reputation, wall-to-wall false science, media robots, and government back-up will escape with their careers intact.
But the truth has a way of toppling pedestals and the people who stand on them.
Interesting. Thank you.
They (the physicians and politicians) had no business or education to make any decisions about the epidemiology or risks of SARS-CoV-2. They certainly had zero ability to put civil rights or established law on hold to deal with a pandemic. No mandates or forced compliance of any kind should ever over-ride citizen’s rights, period.
The hysterics and their irrational messaging may be inflicted on us, but we don’t have to believe them. There would (or should) have been many avenues to hear reasonable hypotheses and advice from the actual scientists who are qualified to do legitimate research. Much of this good advice or at least honest information was crushed under totalitarian censorship and threats.
Ah yes, agreed. However mix in a good dose of mass hysteria and people well, get hysterical and do no think straight. There are still people scared and they will jump off the bridge as fast as before. (We used to call them slow learners...)
There's a clear reason why the "chicken little" story came to be.
Scientists and appropriately knowledgeable people from day One should have been forefront on the media stage debating everything about the virus and vaccines. All the pros and cons should have been put out there for everyone to consider.
So much liability, so few to blame.
Incredible piece Alex. This explains a lot. Talk about laws of unintended consequences.
And do not EVER forget the huge paychecks the hospitals received A) for the Covid diagnosis B) for placing on a ventilator. ICU is not a cheap hotel. Tests were maybe 80% accurate? One patient went to donate blood so she could help others (after her ICU stay for covid) blood bank told her she did not have Covid she had no antibodies! This university Professor that teaches nursing was shocked; she was intubated and placed on a vent! How could this be? Yep, she doesn't believe this crap anymore!! Hard way to learn. Ask me sometime what really happened to these "covid" patients once trapped in the hospital...I still have nightmares and guilt.
Regardless of country it's about $$ and power. The sheep (code for people/voters) are content to let govts run their lives. Even with Trump as POTUS you can thank dems/libs for the mess in the USA. I am NOT conservative but I have come to the realization that dems want to be Omnipotent. If you are told often enough that you will die you start to believe it. There were things killing folks attributed to covid that did no such thing. There was a missive on Fox Digital this morning that deaths cause by covid were false 30% of the the time. We are reaching some dangerous times in our country, it is beginning to look like Rome before the fall
Wouldn’t but much stock into what Fox is reporting on. If fox is saying that 30% of covid deaths are false, you can pretty much double that number.
The ultimate was a gunshot victim in Iowa City who was COVID positive, died and was classified as a COVID death.
You'd think they would now prosecute those who intervened with (what would prove to be) contraindicated treatments.
Fascinating story. We vacationed to Italy March 2022… after the main freak out stupidity and before the wave of variants. The worst thing for me is that I had to get the untested “vaxx” and a booster or Italy would not let me into their country. Italians and EUbians got a fancy credit card signifying their compliance. We had a 60-weight paper card with signatures denoting our low-tech American compliance. The rules in that country were as stupid and overdone as they were back in the liberal college town I live in. So it wasn’t a big deal… until we needed to come home and had to find a testing station and navigate that complex bureaucratic process with our very weak Italian. Thankfully all four of us tested negative and they opened the gate and let us leave.
This story about the earthquake makes sense as far as Italian behavior makes sense. It gets to a larger problem we have in almost all systems that risk aversion often results in problems bigger than the initial risk. We ignore motive and jump to an Einstein in Hindsight persecution. We persecute action over inaction even when the action was a justified decision then, and the inaction resulted in missed opportunity to solve the problem.
The people are generally stupid, fearful, risk-averse and dripping with desire for someone to take care of them. Italians are notorious for that worldview. Theirs is a vacation country where they want to vacation too. But let’s not forget that it was the global media that fed the people this fear crap. It was probably that same media that pushed the “who to blame for the earthquake” narrative.
The administrative weasels get away with their malice because the media is full of the same weasel breed. It used to be that the media gave us some critical thinking to help prevent us from running around with our hair on fire… now the media pours the lighter fluid and lights the match.
So you still got an “untested vaxx and booster” to go on vacation?
I bet many others did the same. I know a few here in Canada that did that same routine to go to Portugal, well they are not as healthy as they were now. I feel for every one that is ill, however critical thinking comes in handy when it says EAU!! Best wishes.
YES! God bless you!
God Bless you and yours!
Had the tickets purchased. No refund for anti-vax position.
There's certainly a HUGE portion of "cover our asses" going on here, but it's worth remembering that Italy was such a disaster because they sped up their curve by infecting all the at risk at once by placing covid patients in their vicinity. Italy gets a pass for this because they 'went first', but then our 'leaders' made the same mistake in six or seven states........
But were they really "mistakes" ? Our esteemed mental health patient HHS director took his / her Mom out of the nursing home when Pennsylvania decided to "pump up the numbers" for COVID.
Nope. Mistakes go in both directions.
And the Eagles also sang "You can check out any time you want (Hotel California) but you can never leave". Has the world's Covid response become another Hotel California?
Thanks for digging this up. Corrupt, evil, perverse incentives lead to these kind of results.
I believe Italy 🇮🇹 has socialized medicine so when you reach a certain age and you end up in a hospital setting they don't really care for or about you as a Patient. China has a lot of influence in Italy because Italy uses the Chinese for workers making there goods like expensive everything from Italy. Kernel Sanders, was talking about how Italy 🇮🇹 healthcare system is so great as he was selling a bucket of fried Frog 🐸 legs.
Have you written about MRNA vaccines be given to livestock animals which people eat?
Yes please, Alex. Fake meat or real meat with mRNA. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna become a vegetarian though.