Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

My list of 10 items is here:


1. Repeal the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act that lets government officials and academics patent (and thus profit from) federally-funded research. So much of the corruption in our current system stems from this.

2. Repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the 2005 PREP Act (and subsequent amendments). No liability protection for pharmaceutical companies.

3. Permanently end the entire notion of a “vaccine schedule”. Forcing one-size-fits-all medicine on an entire population is savage and barbaric. Anything other than personalized (“N-of-1”) medicine is malpractice.

4. Provide Constitutional protections at both the state and federal level for medical autonomy so that this never happens again.

5. Prohibit the executive branch from seizing emergency powers under the guise of public health. The Constitution does not have a pandemic exception.

6. The First Amendment must apply to social media. Ban Pharma TV ads.

7. Withdraw from the WHO, disassociate from the WEF, and dismantle the FDA, CDC, NIH, DARPA, BARDA, and ARPA-H. Make all scientific knowledge and data open source.

8. Negotiate an international treaty to ban gain-of-function research.

9. Prosecute those who participated in the iatrogenocide and covered up its harms.

10. Force Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, Merck, and GSK to pay reparations to the vaccine-injured.

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I vote for Toby's list. 100%.

For the list in the article (top 3 things). I don't agree with #1.

No vaccine should EVER be mandatory.

Trust is zero.

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Re #1: "End requirement/recommendation for any vaccine with less than 50% efficacy."

Have you learned NOTHING? I agree with Paris: No vacx should EVER be mandatory. Period. Trust is ZERO. ZERO. Z.E.R.O.

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No kidding! Alex remains clueless in many regards. Even it’s “100% effective” My body my choice.

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Too late, 83% of Americans already took expermental GMO injection.

In case you didn't know, they have AIDS now and it gets worse over time.

They are losing their natural antibodies as time passes and will soon be dead.

For the 17% of people who were smart enough to not be guinea pigs for depopulationist Bill Gates, there is no chance of them taking anything at all from mass murderers. Our new problem is that these people who think they own us are putting the depopulation ingredients into air, food, and water, just like Huxley said they would. Even sperm is dying. Heads must roll before its our heads.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

"GMO injection"

I found it excruciatingly ironic that many countries that outlaw GMO foods, for fear of what unknown dangers might be introduced to food by genetic modification, very enthusiastically required their citizens to become GMOs themselves!

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Just shaking my head. ExCRUiatingly ironic. Indeed, the betrayal runs deep and wide.

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How many elites here and across the world have actively avoided the euthanasia experiment and claim they did get whack-cinated?

Umm, "The Kingsmen", what was that premise, the privileged are immune from the cellphones set to cause widespread violence to wipe out all who are not "in the system". But, isn't evil like the Sith, only two are in place to rule, and even then, the apprentice is gunning to take out the master...

Xi is the ruler, and Biden ain't the apprentice, that's for sure.

Didn't get the memo from the Rulers? "Do as said or be dead"

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Even at 100% efficacy, a vaccine isn't necessarily safe for any particular individual. Each administration of a vaccine is an experiment in how well the subject will tolerate it. "Safe and effective" is a conclusion that applies only to the aggregate.

P.S. 100% effectiveness does not equal "necessary" for any particular individual. A individual may have natural immunity or may not have the types of exposure (not an exhaustive list) that would make a vaccine "necessary."

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Yes, agreed. Once you allow any sort of exception for X % efficacy, someone will find a way to produce a 'report' that supports X % efficacy. No vax should ever again be mandatory, for any reason, period.

If companies, municipalities, etc. are concerned with the spread of disease they can do PCR / antigen tests at airports, arenas, etc. Or, if time / cost is an issue, let people get their own test at a local pharmacy.

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You are absolutely correct!

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GREAT list!

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I like your list better. Especially #4, which would only reaffirms what is rightfully so.

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wow, that’s comprehensive and on point. go toby!

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Number 7 would definitely wipe out Number 1 . . . and vice versa!

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Mandating any type of medical intervention to keep your job or enter school has to be considered illegal and a punishable offense. I was fired for refusing the jab in September of 2021. My religious exemption was denied, I showed proof I had Covid and recovered. I am suing my former employer and I tell my story repeatedly on this Substack and others to let everyone who will listen, know how immoral, unethical, and last but not least unconstitutional it is. We have to fight back hard on all the points Alex and others have brought forward.

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a friend at church was fired by CVS for refusing and I'M SURE THEY SENT IN A RELIGEOUS EXEMPLTION, 15 year employee...they were denied their bonus, their retirment etc! And I know they are in fact the most exemplary employee anyone could ever have. these WOKE corporations will pay for their willful arrogance and I hope they go broke and are replaced with honest companies.

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100 percent, I’m not alone and those of us who are going through this one day will get our day in court and expose the tyranny and corruption.

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And the workforce of these hospitals and pharmacies will diminish significantly as time goes on. Everyone wanting to enter Med school / nursing etc is still required to take the poison to participate . We will and already do have a sick workforce ( the vaccinated ate out constantly with “ covid “ of some vital illness and this is just the beginning )

Just like Kyrie Irving , taking a stand when everyone else will soon be falling , puts these disenfranchised people at a definite hire ability advantage later ). Our workforce is about to be decimated .

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Good for you to pursue this in court. Pushback from the supporters of freedom is a necessity.

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Thank you, I loved that job but could not stand for that.

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I liked my job too, and I was really good at it. TPTB want people like me OUT! I prayed before I went to work every morning for strength to fight the evil. God came through…as usual. FAITH!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Hoping that the latest lie (we all knew was a lie) to get full exposure -- the benefit of Natural Immunity after infection -- helps your case. See Dr Prasad's furious youtube video on the article in Lancet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzv8g1DAyDA&t=903s

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Thanks! I have gone so far down this rabbit hole, between videos, articles, interviews my head is ready to explode. He’s a great source.

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I just subscribed to him on Substack! Thank you!

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My bf is suing with many others from the city. I retired early, or I would have joined the lawsuit as well.

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Agree. The absolute nonsense of exemptions, as if someone else has to write you a hall pass. Good luck with the lawsuit. From my own cold-calling last year, law firms were only interested in those who were denied religious exemptions. I hope that changes.

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It took me awhile to find help, thankfully I found it. I had to go through the EEOC, and they granted permission to sue. On the Dark Horse podcast, Bret had military members on with their attorney, one of the guests said someone was seeking a religious exemption as an “ethical vegan”. It’s crazy that’s the way it is, but that’s the road to take I suppose.

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The law is broad as far as religious exemptions go. No specific religion or note from a pastor or priest or rabbi. If you have a sincerely held religious belief, doesn’t matter what religion.

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Bernard, a coworker of mine had a letter from an Archbishop of the city…she STILL got denied!

That should tell you this isn’t normal business as usual.

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the 'ethical vegan BS' probably worked, where the religeous exemption was denied!

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FORCED retirement

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Alex, my favorite: End pharmaceutical advertising. This would include direct to consumer advertising as well as funding medical organizations and med schools in any way. Serious serious crack down on it. If the AAP ever wants us to take their advice seriously again, they’ll have to forsake that sweet sweet pharma money.

Thank you!

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Absolutely! Pharma trains the medical students on how to prescribe their drugs!

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Have a retired MD sister. About as cynical regarding her former profession as you can get. She summarizes it as "MD's are taught to diagnosis and prescribe." "You see X and you prescribe Y."

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She has seen the light for sure! No wonder she is a 'former'!

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Went to Stanford. When she was in medical school, she commented about some world-renowned professor: "I wouldn't let him treat my cat." (She is very fond of her cats.)

Her point was that the most powerful effect in medicine is the placebo effect. You think you are going to be cured, and you get better--often having nothing to do with the treatment. She said there is a corollary effect. You get treated by the "best" and you are more likely to be cured. The corollary is that your provider gets better results and becomes even more renowned--both in his/her mind and in reputation. Perhaps having nothing to do with the actual treatment.

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I’m going to prescribe myself some placebo effects without further ado.:)

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Quite common isn't it

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It's only become worse as the years have passed too. The students now in Med schools are buried in the collective of Pharma indoctrination and then controlled thru coercion to practice as Pharma desires them too once out of med school. Subtle in some areas and overt in others, but it's REAL and going on. Just how many Doctors KNEW at their core what they were doing was wrong during the wuh-flu era yet kept silent because of FEAR of lost licensure, income or peer ostracization...WHAT % I have wondered chose NOT to speak up?

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

my sister: Nurse and bro in law: MD are both huge proponents of jabbs and meds, they roll their eyes at me talking about alternative holistic simplicity like nasal saline washes(neti) etc.... They both are poorer health as they age (40-50) and have auto-immune issues, more meds. So the real end to all of this is their early retirement from the terrible medical advice that they have given and bought into themselves. It's sad but true, the fanatical maskers and testers and jabberwackies will have to be reduced to a whimper from their mis-informed personal medical choices bought and paid for by MSM and pharma and their precious GOVT Agencies who have clearly had their best interests at heart. They'll be rendered comotose zombies who will have no energy to fight back for truth....which may be a good thing so that the real truth can emerge from those who did not buy into the NARCICISTS MOB MENTALITY (MASS PSYCHOSIS).

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So sorry to hear this. I know others who are the same. And yet they continue their journey because they don't know what else to do once they are caught in the web. I also have a daughter going down that path along with both of her daughters. It's so sad - I've tried to steer her in a different direction but then she says "but the insurance won't pay for that!" She still has not realized the insurance is a part of the problem as well! Big Pharma - Big Med - Big insurance! Big Sickness!

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Like my sister and her dentist husband. After I sent them so much good info why you shouldn’t get the vaccine especially my and many people’s opinion or discernment that they are experimental vaccines and very little clinical trials that were mere months long wasn’t enough, they went ahead a got jabbed. I asked my brother-n-law why. He said several of his doctor friends were getting it and he was gonna go along with them. I am embarrassed for him. My sister said she was not going to give up traveling. So now all I can do for them is pray.

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Amazing just how many otherwise intelligent people were swept away in the false science and propaganda. Just goes to show intelligence is not all what it seems and so very relative

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I don't think they truly understood what They were doing. Too brainwashed - like many of us - who trusted the doc and pharma so long. One "smart" friend was determined to travel at any cost. When I asked her if she knew if would shorten her life, she said she'd lived long enough! But she really suffered when her younger sister died. I was so sorry for her.

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don't think I'll take investment advice from your bro in law lol ! and yes, my zombie friends all wanted to travel and go out eat and get 'back to normal'. whcih is the furthest thing from the truth for them...they entered the zombie apocolypse.

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LOL, jabberwackies.

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The psychosis is SET-IN so deep in many isn't it

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We certainly saw this when they stood by - or took part in - murder of the helpless ones ill in the hospital with the virus.

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I remember when it wasn't allowed, and it was felt that this should be a doctor's decision. But the pharma industry lobbied hard for it and got it - and within a few decades has captured most all of media and academia, as well as a good portion of Congress. I suspect one big reason they must charge so much (it isn't the "R&D they always cite") is that they have to pay off everyone in any position of power to do things their way and then indemnify them from any harm.

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At the very minimum, require full disclosure. As in the highest price you may have to pay." commercial.

As in: "It will cost you as much as $XXX per month. Medicare has it as a schedule Y drug"

That alone would end about 90 percent of the advertising.

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Australia doesn't have pharmaceutical advertising and that didn't help us at all.

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Australia was a unique case. It appeared from here that the taste of power and the idea that being an island nation could protect you combined with the narrative coming from the WHO and most all of the west got on a train they couldn't stop.

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It wasn't as unique as you may believe. New Zealand did the same thing as did many pacific island nations...and China went hardest of all. Not sure what their stance on pharma advertising is though.

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Great podcast today between Jordan Peterson and Jay Battacharia on how the same authoritarian measures were undertaken around the world. Very interesting and enlightening.

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Have you seen the latest from Naomi Wolf? She is really embracing her Biblical heritage as a Jew, but I have the same perspective as a Christian - our views of God, evil and the old gods are not different at all. https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/have-the-ancient-gods-returned

I'll probably do something similar as part of my essay series.

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I will never understand what happened in Aus, Can, nor NZ. I always thought their gov'ts were even more representative than the US, yet all became even harsher than the UK. I felt they were at least as independent as the US.

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The Australian constitution was written by administrators on behalf of a monarch and mainly concerned with how parliament is to be conducted. We only have two constitutional rights: freedom of religion and freedom to pass between state borders, both of which were suspended under covid and freedom of religion is routinely trampled on every day. To be honest, the Australian constitution is what you would expect from midwit middle managers running a multinational corporation.

There are really only two major parties and they are hopelessly corrupt and candidates are filtered via preselection. We have minor parties that can stick it to them but don't really have much power. The preselection powerbrokers are unelected (like lobbyists in the US) and in the state of NSW the major Liberal Party (conservatives) powerbroker has Pfizer as his main client. Every Liberal in NSW has to play good with Pfizer.

What happened to Aus, Can and NZ is that we have a royal as our head of state - not the people and we do not have a Bill of Rights. My opinion is that our constitution was also not divinely inspired like the US'.

Edit: And the only means of citizens to speak freely on public record (at local council) was just taken away in Western Australia. The minister in charge of local government decided that citizens may only speak to agenda items. This means that if there is an issue in the community that you want to get on record, you are not allowed. It has to clear multiple layers of difficult administration first. Why? "mental health of staff." Why in reality? The people were exposing their corruption.

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The ridiculous assertion in recent years that things like “mental health of staff” has surely got to end a swift but painful death soon. The idea that claiming to be upset or offended should rule others’ ability to speak is ludicrous. That is nothing but an exercise in raw power.

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Woke has always been used as a blunt weapon against dissent. Meanwhile, people who are genuinely struggling with mental health, like veterans, kill themselves.

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Helped me understand. Seems the UK itself operates under better rules.

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I equate Pharma advertising with banned marketing of cigarettes and hard liquor. Most recently “Got Covid - Paxlovid “ remember the “Got Milk?” campaign? There are more accompanying warnings in the same adds of side effects up to death.

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And it’s so ironic that cigarettes were allowed for so long but then banned, only to be replaced by pharma! I think liquor has always been allowed in print, but less so TV, although beer ads have obviously been a huge part of TV advertising for a long time.

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Concerning "1. End requirement/recommendation for any vaccine with less than 50% efficacy."

This must be "1. End requirement/recommendation for any vaccine." because they lied about the efficacy and will do so again.

- Rich

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Sunsetting the Patriot Act is a good start. I think there should be a Constitutional Amendment that ALL laws sunset in ten years. They can always be passed again--give the Legislature something constructive to do. No "voice vote" passage.

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Not sure if this was already mentioned, but it is of utmost importance that people be prevented from calling the current experimental shots “vaccines” going forward. They vaccinate against absolutely nothing. The definition of “vaccine” should be reverted back to its pre-cov*d meaning. We call flu shots “flu shots,” and on years when I skipped my flu shot I was never called “unvaxxed.” So why in h*ll are people being labeled as “unvaxxed” for turning down these shots that are not nearly as effective (or safe) as yearly flu shots????? This has to change. I, for one, will from now on answer “Yes” when asked if I am vaccinated. It should be obvious to everyone by now that the current c*vid shots have nothing to do with vaccination status.

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This guy has something to say on the subject:


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I have no idea who he is. But if after my last polio or MMR shot years ago I still got polio or measles 4-5 times a year, but my unjabbed neighbor rarely (if ever) got sick once they had natural immunity, I’d have a problem with calling those shots “vaccines.” I would also have a problem with flu shots being called vaccines if I got flu a few times a year after getting a yearly shot. Why bother? He’s stating that the shots provide immunity, and I’ve seen zero evidence of that. We can agree to disagree. I still say that shots that require endless boosters and only make you more likely to get the illness should not be called vaccines. No immunity, not a vaccine.

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People don’t need vaccines.

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You got polio 5 times a year? Uh, no. This is crazy talk.

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Exactly. I did not. Because I got an actual vaccine. That’s my point. If you get a shot to prevent getting a virus, but you then get the virus 3+ times a year and are told to get booster after booster, while getting sicker and sicker (or worse…you die suddenly), you did not get a vaccine. You are an experiment.

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Have you seen the child and teenage “vaccine” schedule???? TOTALLY UNNECESSARY in my opinion and absolutely egregious! Parents need to wake up!

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I'd say "HELLNO" to 60 days for Em. Powers, in fact, I'd go as far to say NO EMERGENCY POWERS EVER!!! Bottom line, govt ain't the boss of me, and I'll advocate keeping it that way.

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HELL YES ... My life ... my decisions ... end of story.

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You are all assuming the Covid debacle was an honest response to a real pandemic. In my humble opinion I lean towards those who believe this was part of a larger plan to damage the western countries and move forward with the WEF depopulation agenda. The evidence I see:

Death of seniors by Covid, intubation, Remdesivir, dispair, etc.

Death of those with and without health issues by Covid vaccine

Death of the poor by skyrocketing cost of living, food, heat, rent.

Legalizing of Euthanasia in the western countries.

Still births due to the Covid vaccine.

Multilation by transgender surgeries lowers birth rate.

etc, etc

Then there is the WHO proposal to be the sole world authority for pandemic response after they failed

to properly handle the last pandemic.

So many other clues exist so keep this in mind when you are looking at the Covid Pandemic. There may be a bigger plan.

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I would never in my wildest dreams think I would ever support a position like this, but I have steadily come around to that way of thinking. There can only be two reasons - such wide-scale bumbling and incompetence on the part of all so-called experts and authorities as to be incomprehensible and unbelievable; or an evil, cynical Malthusian agenda on the part of those with power and money who plan to come out ahead of all the fabricated and exaggerated crises that are being visited upon us. The television blares out the latest crisis with wall-to-wall lockstep precision, and the fear is whipped up, while the cash is raked in. The medical-industrial-military-techno complex has become an out-of-control beast, set to ravage humanity. It needs to be taken down.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Yes you reminded me that we seem to be going from one crisis to another these days. This is not abnormal in history but is unusual in modern history where the world was supposed to have matured and has better control of itself. I continue to put the pieces of the puzzel together. Some other pieces are:

US government completly ignoring vaccine deaths.

Damage to the economy from lockdowns.

Ability of China to rapidly "fill the gap" when US manufacturing was shut down during the


China sourcing so much of the common prescription drug supply in the west.

Loss of critical thinking in the west (why did so many people take a vaccine that my wife and

her friend figured out in spring of 2021 was no good!)

Loss of manufacturing capacity in the US.

People being so busy with day to day life that they don't protest bad government policy loudly (a few tweets don't count).

The bad rap the name 'Follow the Science" has now because government and MSM use it

falsely to push their own incorrect agendas.

The news that the BRIC countries want to create a replacement for the US Dollar.

and so much more.

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Oh and they banned ivermectin and Hydroxhchloroquin that proved more effective than the vaccine for Corona Virus early in the pandemic.

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Oh! And end ALL subsidies to WHO! Today!!

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Get out totally from the WHO!!

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which trump did!

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Most of these wonderful ideas require state and federal legislative action. How are we going to express the need for numerous changes to our elected "rulers" -- since they do not appear to think anything is wrong with the cockeyed systems currently in place?

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The problem was stated ever so eloquently, and ever so succinctly by Lord Acton 150 years ago: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…"

Government is the entity which possesses the monopoly on the "legal" use of force. The drive to corruption is irresistible.

The history of man is totalitarian governments with a tiny, tiny minority with unimaginable wealth and unimaginable power. We are simply reverting to the mean.

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Love the historical context. Nothing truly changes does it. Just the players of the era

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As King Solomon said: “There is nothing new under the sun”

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Most of these suggestions are like advocating term limits (our Founding Fathers' biggest error of omission). They are great ideas that will go nowhere without the support of a majority of politicians who benefit from or at least like the present system - which means they will never be adopted.

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Exactly. I have seen literally thousands of suggestions over my longish life. Most, if not all, would massively improve matters. None of which have ANY chance of being implemented for exactly the reason you cite.

My personal favorite: Require ALL elected politicians to personally prepare their own income tax returns without ANY professional assistance. They can use low cost software (maybe a $100 limit) and call the IRS (anonymously) for help. No more.

Penalty of perjury for first offense, jail time for second.

No chance in Hades.

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And kind of off the subject but they should also have to register their car in person at DMV, no assistants allowed

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Yeah I've always had the same thought that Congress should be required to prepare their own taxes .... and maybe audited every year too.

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I would that requirement would better apply to State legislators rather than Congress.

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We have to find a WAY to break this barrier

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Have to VET who we elect better and have a better citizen auditing ability and not simply a vote. Actually hold them accountable as a servant

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We saw this in the last election when at least one of the winners was found to have lied numerous times about his accomplishments! And he was not tossed out!

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Our current President has a life-long history of plagiarism and outright lying, going far beyond exaggeration and funny false stories. I can't think of any basis for removing George Santos that doesn't apply equally to Joe Biden. Hopefully, the voters will remove both of them at the next opportunity.

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lying two faced pony soldier the puppet IS

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You have a point there! All liars need to go!! What a great day that would be!!

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Which is why Santos is in office. NONE of them want the lid off that jar.

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If they tossed out the liars, the place would be empty. (A great idea).

The problem with Santos (?) is that he is an idiot. Not even a good liar.

You lie to the Government--you go to jail, at best. They lie to you? Nothing.

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Except he didn't go to jail - he's now in office ins spite of it! Agree - he is an idiot! And now in office!

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Do we really “elect” anyone anymore? I think that day is gone. We’ve seen it and have now been trained not to ask any questions when things are obviously Not Right!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

That is the intent of true totalitarian regimes. All countries who are communist or Marxist use the tactic to squash dissent. Commie 101 really. They feel "critical thought, liberty or 1st amendment rights" have NO place. They will develop words like "anti vaxxer, vaccine hesitant, election denier or domestic terrorist or racist etc" to make it appear you are the problem or do not understand. Typical commiecrat 101

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I continue to vote to show support for those candidates I agree with.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

This may already be covered in the five next steps, but we can’t allow big tech to constantly add a “check the cdc for vaccine resources, blah blah blah” when someone posts something on facebook or instagram, etc. they don’t like. They are not God and do not have all the facts. And I don’t care about their opinion.

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"Codify a physicians right to prescribe "off label" in a more robust fashion...(pharmacy can't refuse, government can't abrogate)": -- ADD that an insurance company cannot deny payment for any medication prescribed by a doctor.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Recent legislation supported by the FDA has recently put in place language that may stop ALL off-label prescriptions. The drug I and thousands of others take for chronic autoimmune conditions is prescribed off label and without it I'd be in terrible shape.

Here's a discussion of the issue: "New FDA authority to ban off-label uses alarms doctors"


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Terrible! And they've been trying for years to get rid of all the helpful supplements that keep us away from the dangerous RX drugs. One of the best - NAC - N-Acetyl-Cystine - is a lifesaver! Many others - my favorites are herbal tinctures, homeopathic and flower essences! keep me healthy!!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

NAC has been shown to aid in preventing COVID, too.

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That was the main reason they wanted it off the market!! No help!

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Thank you for letting me share a comment. I strongly disagree with your number 1. “End requirement” with a period after it is better. If you demand 50% efficacy, they’ll come up with ways to satisfy that requirement. Then what?! Since when is it acceptable to “require” anything against one’s wishes for bodily autonomy just because it satisfies an arbitrary criterion?

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Dissolve the Union.

We don't follow the Constitution, why continue to live the charade?

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Leftists will never end their relentless hate, all consuming lust for power, and brutal cruel sadism.

And there are not superheroes to fly or swoop in and save the day…

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im not gonna say what really needs to happen next, I'll end up in a gulag.

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All ingredients should be easily found, evidence that those ingredients are not harmful should be provided and drugs that are not vaccines should not be called vaccines. FDA should brush up on what foods, anti-virals and supplements can keep us healthier so we are not as susceptible to viruses.

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End the Fed/fix the money. Seriously. The government's ability to create money out of thin air means endless incentives for lobbyists to get cozy with lawmakers. It was an experiment, and at 110 years in, it's clear that it's been a disaster. We've now have institutional corruption in every area that's touched by government policy (education, medicine, housing, food, agriculture, drug enforcement...).

Otherwise we're just playing whack-a-mole.

Of course no one who's benefitting from the Fed - and politicians are very high on that list - is going to vote for ending it, so what we can do as citizens is withdraw our support for the system. Use Bitcoin, trade with neighbors, get as self-reliant as possible. Stop feeding the beast.

I know that most folks will probably think this is nuts, but for those who don't and want to go deeper, check out the recent Bitcoin Standard podcast with Calley Means to learn more about pure corruption that underlies our food guidelines. You'll hear yet one more reason to hate Pfizer!

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Moderna just fast tracked a so called skin cancer vaccine. You might want to look into that BS.

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An oversized, overpowerful federal executive is ultimately behind the COVID response. Agencies have to do something to show they are necessary. The real battle is getting back to the constitution's assignment of power - the states have most of it - and drastically reducing the size of the federal government.

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Repeal the act that allows pharmaceutical companies to distribute their drugs more widely which caused the oxycodone epidemic.

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-Ending the law and any possibility of similar laws as the one in California that punishes doctors who disagree with Newsom.

-Demand data when making recommendations—if a disease doesn’t harm kids, no childhood schedule for the vaccine for it. Ban giving it to them.

-No minor can consent to a vaccine without their parent(s) or guardian’s agreement. However, minor can refuse a vaccine a parent or guardian wants them to get.

-Outlaw discrimination against the unvaccinated. Make such hate speech and discrimination an impeachable, sue-able, amd fireable offense.

-No coercion for EUA or any vaccine.

-Hold govt. authorities accountable for the misinformation they spew.

-Side effects must be disclosed for EUA as well as non-EUA.

-No EUAs on childhood schedule.

-Take away immunity for EUA vaccines.

-No to the WHO treaty.

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Yes, CA AB2098 needs to be repealed (impossible to get legislator support for that in CA), or ruled unlawful (expensive to litigate). At least some doctors are already suing over it. We'll see.

Once something becomes law, it's VERY hard to get it UN-done...

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I think it has been stayed by a judge who found it absurd, so I’m hoping …

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Alex talks alot about the mRNA but what seems to be the verdict on the Johnson and Johnson shot?

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Follow the lipid nanoparticles...

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END the MANDATES. This B.S. continues. Mainstream media still asleep on this. NYC & San Diego & Seattle ending their mandates in Feb. 2023 is progress. But CA seems to think it's special... City of L..A. Employee VAX Mandate still the LAW. City of San Francisco actually MANDATED BOOSTERS. Anyone here can contact the "Leadership" and put pressure, threaten to boycott these cities, etc. ---------------END THE FRIKKING MANDATES.--------------------

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Government collusion with media needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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Can you shed light on the “pandemic treaty plans” meetings that are on going with the WHO and what it would mean for US citizens as our pandemic responses would be stripped from our elected officials. The WHO would dictate things such as mandatory/compulsory vaccination even though the Supreme Court struck it down. The Biden administration is subverting our constitution and no one is saying a word.

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In addition: Remove the revolving door between regulators and Big Pharma by limiting government employee hiring by drug companies for 5, maybe 10 years. And vice versa, as well.

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Some great Ideas, but....

Nothing will change until we stop the elections from being stolen. I have watched this going on for nearly three decades, and it certainly was happening (not to the degree it is today) before that.

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I have one demand...Military Tribunals modeled after the Nuremberg Trials that investigate everything from :

- the use of taxpayer money to create the original virus;

- the deliberate murder of elderly sent into nursing homes to infect the other residents;

- school officials that made children wear masks even after it was found that children had no risk of dying from Covid and that masks could not stop transmission;

- the content of the contracts to purchase the Covid drugs;

- bribery of public and private officials in government and the medical community so as to refuse to make known the human trial data of the Covid drugs;

- the continued use of remdesivir in hospitals long after the hospitals knew the drug was doing more harm than good for patients, often leading to their death;

- lies told by members of the government, pharmaceutical and medical communities regarding the actual safety, risks, and effectiveness of the Covid drugs;

- government collusion with social media sites to censor information that was written by legitimate medical professionals and journalists but did not agree with government narrative about either Covid or the Covid drugs;

- the Covid drug mandates, especially as imposed upon the military and health care workers;

- the refusal of the FDA and State Medical Licensure Boards to allow practicing physicians to prescribe Hydroxy-Chloroquine and Ivermectin in off-label use;

- all government data from all adverse event databases on the injuries and death that are attributable from the Covid shots, and why the government agencies that maintain that data did not make it publicly available.

And I am sure there are other topics that need to be investigated.

Anyone convicted of fraud in restricting the truth being made public about any of these topics receives a 25 year prison sentence without parole. Anyone shown to have caused the death of another person through overt or covert fraud or policies that were diametrically opposed to standard practice in the medical community prior to 2020 should be subjected to life in prison and even the death penalty by public hanging.

The only way to stop this tyranny from occurring again is to institute exhaustive criminal proceedings with the harshest of punishments.

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Not only are they not going to end vax mandates but NYS for instance is about to pass a new law (per CDC recommendation) demanding all children to receive two C19 shots per year to attend public school. They will be forced to follow this schedule for their entire Pre-K-12 lives. Imagine the vast harm these demons are about to do. Only about 5% of all US adults have poisoned they babies thus far. Hopefully this one act will decimate the public school system and create mass unemployment to the teachers unions.

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Everybody needs to yank their kids out of school. We should not be playing on their field anymore. Teach your kids what they need to know until they are old enough for a trade school. Watch new trade schools pop up everywhere.

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Many excellent ideas. I sincerely hope that we can accomplish most of these ideas.

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- lots and lots of jail time for the people who perpetrated this monstrous fraud on the public (after a fair trial of course)

Fair trial and expedited execution.

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Thanks for all that, Alex. I dare to suggest that these things are on the whole lawyerly and technical, and are from a very US perspective. They may or may not work. Where I live, there were safeguards in the form of laws (e.g. human rights legislation). They were simply ignored or trampled underfoot by judges and elected politicians.

I think the best way to stop the rot is rather more basic - we need many more citizens to become actively involved in politics at all levels of society.

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We also have safeguards which were ignored and trampled, first by unelected bureaucrats (federal, state, and local public health agencies), then supported by elected officials, and essentially ratified by our court systems. Disgusting.

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I am still having issue with the personal involvement of politicians in the sensoring and manipulation of news and social media. Simply unimaginable that someone like Adam Schiff would exercise right of sensorship over any other citizen.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

I don’t know what to say further about Covid issues. It is beyond obvious and despicable the Left is about tyranny sadism and destruction. This is just one nail in their coffin to bury us alive.

Per Matt Walsh’s last couple of podcasts, being nice and respectful is beyond hopeless. So, good luck with your endeavors hanging out with evil. What else can be said to instill genuine hope and faith? Ask the folks in East Palestine how the Left truly sees Americans who aren’t subservient…

It is foolish for me to end with this, but, be as safe and well as possible.

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Per Lincoln Brown at PJmedia.com, today, in article "To my sorrow, there can be no middle ground with the Left":

"I will now finally admit that is simply not a possibility. I take no joy in that, but there comes a time when one must admit that compromise is impossible, and that to search for it involves capitulation with alleged human beings who have blinded themselves to all but the basest of pursuits and desires. There comes a time at which hope ends, and one realizes that we can no longer live with one another. It is a sad realization, but one that is based on a harsh, unforgiving reality. Long had I hoped that cooler heads might prevail, that we could see eye to eye on something. But whether it is because of the internet, our feckless leaders, or the inherent sinfulness of mankind, we must admit that the breach between the insanity of the Left and the rest of the world is simply too large and wide to bridge. It would take an act of God to bring about reconciliation."

negotiate with evil, yeah, good luck with that plan.

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The above suggestions, while well intended, are much too nice and without consequences for those who perpetrated this fraud on the American public for the sake of monetary gain and career advancement. Until the perpetrators experience the pain of severe consequences nothing will change and the above suggested efforts will be wasted. These type of weak solutions are what got us into this mess in the first place. Go bold or go home!

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No pharma ads, no mandates, ever. A full investigation into endemic medical industrial corruption.

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How about we get the government & all captured regulatory agencies completely out of health care? I don't want the government involved in any way, shape or form in how I choose to maintain my health or handle my medical issues. The only reason the government and the lazy, rent-seeking health care companies and pharmaceutical companies seek to control health care is the spigot of cash.

While we are at it, let's get rid of the health insurance industry and we can all go back to paying for our medical care on a fee for service basis, which will result in a 90% price drop? UHC sent me an email the other day letting me know that they were going to begin reporting the prescription information for everyone in our group health plan to HHS. Why?

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I thought you said you were a liberal, Alex!!!??

Doesn’t sound like it

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I would add an over-arching rule that any and all data funded by the public, be public. Available to anyone.

Some very limited, and sun-setted exceptions, for national security purposes will have to be protected. (How to do this? Smarter people than me will have to figure that out)

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Critical Thinking needs to be taught in all schools - at all levels! Kids need to learn to second guess and use their brain to decide what is best. Teachers, doctors, lawyers and ESPECIALLY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS are not always right. Kids and adults should know how to think.

And, at the same time, all of the above suggestions - outlaw pharma advertising, outlaw mandated drugs of any kind, reverse the Patriot Act. De-fund the NIH, CDC, etc. No emergency powers. NO Federal Employee/Official is allowed to take any money from anyone except his/her own paycheck from the government. Government departments that collect any fee for anything, turns it over to the National Debt - not allowed to keep it in their own department, EVER!

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Thank you Alex! These are all wonderful points. I especially appreciate the part about allowing doctors to prescribe off-label since I know you disagree with me about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. (I pay no attention to studies, I just experiment on myself within reason).

The point is that we should be able to discuss and disagree, and doctors should be able to practice medicine.

By the way, I am in NYC and was informed last week that I’m ineligible for a position I applied for because of my vaccination status.

Originally, I declined to get the shot for medical reasons but this quickly began to shift as I observed what was going on around me throughout 2021. I never cared why people chose not to get it because in early 2021 I went to Pfizer’s site and saw the .84% ARR. Clearly, there has never been a need to discriminate in this situation and the companies openly declared this on their own corporate websites.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Great list! Regarding the reform of emergency powers acts - something I've talked with my state rep about since mid-2020 - I'll add that a basic start is to define what is and is not an emergency. A true emergency must be immediate and not predicted. It must be physically evident to all effected by it and must be so overwhelming in nature that it cannot be handled by individuals or local governments.

I'll be looking into whether my state of North Carolina is considering reforms but unfortunately our Democrat governor vetoes anything that curbs his power and, despite his opposition making gains in both chambers of the state legislature, they are one seat short of an easy veto override.

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Open-ended emergency rights powers that can be more or less activated and continually renewed on a whim are the most evil aspect of the entire last 3 years.

Emergency powers should have a high threshold to enact, be of a very short duration and have an even higher bar to renew, including something like a 2/3 vote of the respective legislative body. And following their use, there should be a non-partisan legislative and judicial review after each use.

Our freedom is the foundation of western liberal democracy and it should fucking hard as hell to abrogate it.

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Great lists. But none of this will happen. The totalitarian regime will not allow it. There will never be a consensus. When we stop complying, this shite will end.

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I live in California. I think we have something like 20 "Emergencies" currently declared.

I am with RetiredCWO. I see nothing in the Constitution that says the Constitution can be suspended.

The sainted Abraham Lincoln established otherwise.

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Here is an excellent short (15-minute) talk of these - and other issues - that everyone needs to be aware of!


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Well written Alex.

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1) State and Territorial Executive Authorities that are authorized by their respective Constitutions and Statutes to declare States of Emergency/Martial Law must immediately upon doing so, recall their Legislatures, if not in session, and once the Legislature is convened, report their reasons for doing declaring such emergencies. The Legislature must authorize any Emergency Actions that last longer than 15 days, and remain in session throughout the duration of the emergency.

2) The Constitutional guarantee under the 1st Amendment to peaceably assemble shall be expressly and affirmatively embodied in statutes prohibiting any level of government from prohibiting or requiring assemblies or associations of citizens and permanent residents absent the emergency provisions that may be made in point 1 above. Such statutes shall provide citizens immediate redress in the Federal courts to suspend any State or local lockdown attempt, with the burden placed on said lockdown attempters to prove that their actions do not conflict with point 1 above and point 3 below, and to prove they are necessary to carry out government interests (SCOTUS strict scrutiny test).

3) Quarantine Statutes must be understood to exclusively apply to those individuals showing symptoms of an epidemic disease, or sharing a domicile, or close quarters, with individuals showing such symptoms, or must be returning to the State/Territory from an area where disease is epidemic. No lock downs. Random people in the community showing no symptoms of disease and not sharing housing with those who do may not be quarantined. And all quarantines of individuals must have a fixed time period for their expiration. No more indefinite suspensions until you to test negative on these tests that have ridiculously high false positive rates--if the disease is known to have a contagious period of 10 days and you get caught in public showing symptoms, you can be quarantined for a maximum of 10 days, and should the government require you quarantine at some place other than your domicile, they must cover the full food and lodging expenses tax free.

4) The people shall have a Constitutionally recognized right to resist any government official or employee who attempts to violate points 2 or 3 above, to the extent of being lawfully permitted to utilize deadly force in the same manner they would have the right under their respective State penal law to resist being assaulted, kidnapped, or unlawfully imprisoned.

5) No government agency or corporation may mandate the consumption of Emergency Use Authorization pharmaceutical products, to include vaccines. No government agency may mandate non-government employees (or civilians generally) to consume any pharmaceutical product, vaccines included, regardless if it is permanently or EUA approved.

6) All government and private entities excepting medical providers shall be prohibited from enquiring about any individuals past or ongoing medical treatments, including vaccinations, or from maintaining databases containing the personally identifiable information of individuals who have had such treatments. Consider this the Medical 5th Amendment--a bar bouncer cannot ask if you've been jabbed, and your failure to volunteer the information when they offer the opportunity to volunteer it cannot be construed as a yes or a no.

7) Any non-government organization that mandates wearing of any novel personal protective equipment (like the masks) or the consumption of any pharmaceutical product shall be civilly liable for any damages that accrue as a result of said consumption--governments may indemnify private organizations for all or some of their losses from successful suits at law, but cannot in any way limit the damages that civil juries may award.

8) The intellectual property for any vaccine or other pharmaceutical product ordered by the government, in any of the ways "Warp Speed" functioned, ie reduced regulatory requirements, pre-orders, or cash infusions, shall be signed over the government, which will share the full research and all other information provided on a government website as soon as such information is furnished. Similarly, just as any active duty US military personnel must sign over the intellectual property rights for any inventions they develop while in the service, all US career government officials, civil or military, including the MD's like Fauci, must sign over to the USG any patents they develop while employed by the government, and shall be prohibited from being employed by government contractors or lobbyists in their area of expertise for at least 7 years after leaving government service. No more FDA-big pharma revolving door; great to also apply this to military officers and defense contractors. Better still, prohibit paid commentary to media, PR, and social media corporations for at least 7 years after leaving government service. Boost retirement pay significantly to make up for opportunities thus lost, and reduce the financial incentive to look for work arounds.

9) Abolish the NIH and its subordinate agencies, along with the FDA and CDC. The US Government will still have a Surgeon General and Uniformed Health Service under the Pentagon, but wider medical and pharmaceutical regulation of the civilian sector shall take place on a State by State basis, utilizing some combination of State level CDC/FDA's and tort law.

10) No funding shall be provided by any State or the United States to the UN's health or information bodies, the WHO, or any international health authority. And any non-US citizen officials or employees of such international agencies shall be declared persona non grata by the US State Department and deported. The US State Department shall declare the World Economic Forum to be a terrorist organization.

11) All personnel subject to Sections 10 and 32 of the US Code--personnel of the US Military and non-federalized National Guard respectively--shall be required to undergo 2 weeks of training per annum regarding the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act, Insurrection Act, and other Statutes and Constitutional provisions governing the use of the US Armed Forces, and mobilized National Guard forces in domestic operations.

12) All personnel in the 9th point above, as well as all federal officials and employees, whether military or civil, shall undergo 2 weeks of training per annum on the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights, with particular attention paid to the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments.

13) Currently existing federal statues dating to Reconstruction shall be rejuvenated to ensure the current provision of criminal penalties, including terms of imprisonment for any federal employee that, under color of law, attempts to abridge any Constitutionally protected right by either the government or a private entity--ie the FBI or DHHS convincing Twitter to censor constitutionally protected speech on the pretext of "foreign misinformation" will be a federal felony carrying prison time. Such criminal statutes shall be supplemented with civil statutes permitting either the government or private persons to sue federal employees in federal court, with said employees unable to claim sovereign immunity of any kind, or legal privilege other than their own civil rights, and unable to recoup their legal expenses from the government unless they win.

14) No member of the Federal Civil Service, Foreign Service, nor Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Armed Forces, Public Health Service, or National Guard, nor their State or Territorial equivalents, shall be permitted to comment publicly or privately about disinformation/misinformation/malinformation/propaganda, etc. The Federal Government shall remind the citizenry via a declaration by a Joint Session of Congress that government officials and employees are the people with the greatest incentive and ability to lie to the citizenry, and that claims of domestic disinformation and foreign propaganda by said officials and employees are more often than not pretexts used to suppress and censor criticisms and derogatory reports about themselves. If the elected government, or their politically accountable appointees want to make such claims, fine, but they shall not enjoy the assistance of so called "career public servants." These latter shall be subjected to prosecution or civil suits referenced in point 11 above should they attempt to pull the "muh misinformation," card.

15) A sense of the Congress resolution shall be passed reminding the American people that the United States established long term alliances and fought the Cold War in order to stop the global expansion of revolutionary communism that threatened the US system of government and the American way of life, and that the present government of China remains under control of said communist movement. No research funds, or any other funds, provided by the United States government shall be permitted to be directed to organizations controlled by the Communist Party, nor any organization affiliated with it. No more NSAID funding of CCP bioweapons labs or US military contractors outsourcing business or carrying out joint ventures with CCP controlled entities. It shall be a capital crime for any current or former President or Vice President of the United States, Cabinet or sub-Cabinet Officer, or any Flag Officer in the Armed Forces or National Guard to knowingly pursue or accept employment by any organization that lobbies for the Communist Party--too bad the Constitution's provision banning ex post facto laws prevents us from immediately executing Mattis, but one has to start somewhere.

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"Enact a law that all drug (vaccine) mandates are illegal."

As the U.S. is a signatory to both the Nuremburg Code and the Helsinki accords, am I incorrect in assuming that such a law is already illegal?

I trust we simply need a clarification and an acknowledgement from SCOTUS.

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Arrest those responsible for the creation of covid19 and the "vaccine " ! Put them on trial for crimes against humanity and then execute them in public for all the world to see ! That should be number 1 on the list. I'll guarantee you that those same individuals are currently working on their next crime. Don't ask me to name names because you should already know who they are if you have done any research and have an I.Q. above room temperature! Have a nice day.

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