Hope you sell a million Alex. :)

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Fauci has 2% on Rotten Tomatoes! Lol

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Would love it if Barnes & Noble would drop their price, too...just so I could avoid Amazon. Maybe it's worth it to just pay the higher price on B&N and call it a day...

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I agree. I would rather pay a bit more than to buy from Amazon.

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I have mostly ditched Amazon, willing to pay more (which isn't always the case) not to pass more cash to such a wretched business.

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Buy from your local small bookseller.

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Excellent! But when is the Joe Rogan interview dropping?

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I listened to it yesterday.

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Where are your Joe Rogan and buck sexton recent interviews?? They are nowhere to be found - it’s almost like you’re being censored

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With Buck:


He just did a speech at Hillsdale. Check youtube Hillsdale College channel. Also Rumble he talked to Steve Deace.

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I didn't know about the Hillsdale and Steve Deace talks. Thank you.

I wish Alex would alert us when he talks anywhere (Clay and Buck, Tucker, and obviously the aforementioned places - anywhere, really). It's helpful to get more info and also helpful for auditory learners or if we want to share with others who will listen but not read.

Here are the links for anyone who is interested:

Hillsdale: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WR9U2209z0I

Steve Deace: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/is-fauci-about-to-get-promoted-guest-alex-berenson-10-5-21/id481087877?i=1000537652053

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How can you watch the tucker segment?

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Amazon is a destructive entity.

The vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.

I say "No" to both.


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If memory serves they will match if it drops for those of us already pre-ordered…… is this Amazon thumbing it’s nose at the authoritarian Dems? I’d be shocked it the “new CEO” had even tiny balls, Bezos doesn’t, but also relieved

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They did drop the price for those of us who pre-ordered.

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NCmom - you are correct about Amazon matching the price for those of us who pre-ordered.

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would love to see amazon take on twitter...we need these tech giants to divide and conquer each other.

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That would be fun to watch, but I'll just watch from the bleachers because I won't play on the field for either social media team if it happens.

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great idea

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Hope you’re right!

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Yes ,I always order immediately because of this,you get the lowest price during preorder period.

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Yep! It's one of the two things I actually like about Amazon. The other "thing" is that I can find almost anything that I need there. I may not always like their prices or deliveries and I vehemently disagree with their politics, but the breadth of merchandise offered is hard to beat.

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Hey Alex, when will your latest interview with Joe Rogan become available? Thx!

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I want to read this, but why would you encourage people to patronize an major player in the evil empire?

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Well, it's probably not a "good" reason, but if Alex's book sells well on Amazon, that fact will help sell it everywhere. Amazon is, like it or not, a benchmark that others monitor.

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Any word about the Rogan podcast? Is it being blocked by spotify? Seems like it's been delayed...

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I'll be ordering, just have to move from NYC right when this comes out because of mandates - don't know my future address yet.

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I’m a little over an hour north of NYC and have family members that commute there for work. This place is just the worst. We would like to move as well.

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Quit Amazon a year ago.

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To me in all of this there is still a HUGE elephant in a room:

China has nearly four (4) time larger population than our beloved country, the US. China reportedly had less than 5,000 virus deaths. We have so far about 700,000 deaths. If these numbers are even remotely correct we have almost 600 times higher mortality.

Are we a failed country with incompetence and massive corruption at every level of society? What is happening to us? Who we really are?

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We will never know the TRUE Covid death numbers, so many lies and fake reports. And just recently we learned that Remdesivir was helping to kill this vulnerable patient group as well. Add to that all the people who were very sick with Covid and kept at home with no treatment until they couldn’t breathe and had to be hospitalized. Ivermectin dosing would have saved many lives but doctors were punished and penalized for prescribing it. Knowledgeable and highly skilled experts were silenced for mentioning it. Thank God doctors are willing to risk their freedoms and livelihood to speak out!

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The death/million rates for each nation depends on a lot of factors. Most of the data from most places are somewhat accurate, but the Chinese data are highly suspect. Some of the rates seem to depend on the messages politicians wish to create. To do any comparison involves higher math than most of us are capable of - the calculus of politics exceeds normal accounting.

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Thanks for "education".

OK -- we certainly can't hate China enough.

What are the correct CIA estimates on number Covid-19 deaths in China?

Tens of thousands of Western foreigners live in China -- how that ALL of them support reported numbers?

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I have been informed that everybody in China is happy with fighting the virus. So happy to turn out for the sometimes block parties where an entire neighborhood reports for testing. Imagine testing a city of ~ 25M in a week, quite efficient in getting all to show up. We are told that any positives are immediately put into quarantine. Sometimes they might go missing but everybody remains happy. Those who aren't happy often need to receive education to help them be happy. I suspect the CIA doesn't know where to find those missing people but I really don't know, I don't have a good contact anymore. I'm sure the Westerners there have learned not to ask a lot of questions; they are all happy as well.

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I hope the truth makes you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.

You've earned it.

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Just ordered! Hope this makes you rich!!! Thanks for your good work!

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What is the font size of this book (hard cover)? I struggle if the font is too small. Thanks

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Please make your books available on audible!! Thanks so much for your excellent reporting!!

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I'm looking forward to it Alex.

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Great! I’ll pre-order now!

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Outstanding discussion. What is amazing is just how Joe Rogan prepares himself for discussions. He caught you in three errors/exaggerations ;-)). He has far higher integrity (hence also listeners trust) than most US corporate journalists who are just stenographers for DNC-CIA propaganda.

Also, great that you pointed a big difference between respiratory viruses (flu, corona) and most other because their difference provide one year or less immunity -- although reinfection is usually much milder.

China's vaccines are more traditional ("dead body") based -- you didn't explain why they are less effective in case of Covid-19.

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Was happy to see that Amazon adjusted the price for those of us who pre-ordered right away.

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I have already pre-ordered your Book Alex. Looking forward to this read! Thanks for all you do!

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Great news, Alex! Hope you sell a bunch. I like digital books.

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You should replace the word hysteria with hoax and call it a day anti-vaxxer

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jaja, what a clown!

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Can this be purchased theough another outlet?

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So mines on preorder so I’ll probably pay the higher price. I don’t give a rats …

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If you pre-ordered through Amazon, you'll get the lower price. I don't know about B&N. Regardless, I agree with your sentiment - I'll support Alex with this purchase either way!

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Is there any other place to buy your books on covid besides Amazon? Specifically the Unreported Truth series and Pandemia?

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A meeting of the FDA Committee is to be held on Oct. 26th, 2021 to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for administration of their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age: https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-october-26-2021-meeting-announcement



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I'd buy the book , maybe if i didn't already believe what's inside. The truth. Covid & vaccines are b.s. and fasiscm is becoming a reality in America. It's disgraceful

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I've ordered mine.

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Does this include all of the information in the prior booklets?

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I received your message that Amazon has "Pandemia," pre-order price of $19.23, but when I went to Amazon 10-13-21 the price was $26.99. How do I get the $19.23 price?

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Just pre-ordered, thanks!

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I thought that you might be interested, in Mendocino County California, the last 11 COVID deaths, 7 vaccinated and 4 unvaccinated.

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Surprised that so many people continue to read paper books. Kindles are so easy to use. Although, maybe this is one of those books that will soon be banned and you need it in hardcover.

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Yeah better price, just got my copy on preorder 👍🏼

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Just bought the kindel version - wish I had not had to give Amazon 1 cent... but I wanted to support you and to get your insights on this debacle.

Interestingly enough - using Google to search for "Pandemia" resulted in the search engine wanting to search for Pandemic, and I had to go to the 2nd page of search results to find the Amazon link to your book (I actually expected to have to go further or not find it at all). Using duckduckgo, it was the SECOND link.

This is why I always use duckduckgo if I'm searching for anything controversial.

Good Luck Alex - looking forward to the book!

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A week ago, I might have purchased this. But with your foray into politics yesterday, I don’t think I will. You’re now on my watch list of media members likely to stab freedom loving Americans in the back. I hope that’s not the case, but time will tell. Maybe you’ll win me (a faithful follower of your work, purchaser of your Unreported Truths books, and positive review of your work on Amazon) back. Of course, I’m not suggesting that’s important to you. I’m just trying to convey, as a “fan” my new unwillingness to spend my money on your work right now.

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Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater!

(Horrible expression, I know.) Those of us who followed him on Twitter knew were aware of his confusing political beliefs but still support his work 100%.

The fact that he can think different from you politically but still support medical freedom should give you more solace in the fact that he makes up his own mind & searches out the truth as opposed to blindly following anyone. This is important as far as reporters go.

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Not throwing the baby out with the bath water :) I never said I’d stop following his work. I said he’s on my watch list and I’m not inclined to buy his new book right now.

Yes, I was an early twitter follower of Alex’s as well. I know his Trump stance and I’ve appreciated Alex anyway.

This latest note was sort of out of the blue. And by Alex saying that if “Trump had any sense…” Alex is actually insulting all of us who believe (based on facts that Alex likely is not in possession of) that something was wrong with the election.

What’s the difference between Alex saying “if Trump had any sense, he’d stop pretending he’d won” vs Alex saying “If Trump supporters had any sense, they’d stop pretending he’d won”. Alex isn’t making a policy disagreement with Trump, he’s insulting Trump. Alex is insulting all of us, who think Trump won, as having no sense.

Anyway, thanks for your comment and perspective. Have a good day and it’s always a pleasure interacting with a like-minded person on the topic of covid.

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Trump did win so no pretense there. Unfortunately the evils changed the numbers right on national TV and still got away with it!

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Fair analysis.

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This!👆🏼is my sentiments exactly! Yesterday, you proved to me that you are not the objective and stellar investigative reporter I once believed.

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Nobody's perfect. I was disappointed that Alex went there as if he didn't understand this movement isn't about Trump, it's about us. Alex should easily recognize the state of affairs as he is one that is being impacted.

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Have pre-ordered for myself and a friend. Good Christmas presents!

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Will they refund the difference for those of us who ordered TWO copies at full price?

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Just preordered my copy!!! Thank you so much for your work and being a good source of trusted news.

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Alex, please make your book available in Audible. I and probably many other people prefer to listen to books! Thanks for your excellent writing!

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The new price doesn’t apply when you order from Amazon in Canada, unfortunately. I’m sure there’s an excellent reason.

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Already order one!

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Ordered last week!!

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I do love a bargain

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do you plan on doing an audiobook version?

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Purchased immediately and I wonder what is the cost of truth? Grateful for our Northern Star.

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Got mine :)

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