Everyone should ditch these platforms! Twitter, Fakebook! Fuck them, stop acting like wounded animals because they “ don’t like you”, you will never be free until you stop capitulating and engaging with these fuckers! You are feeding the beast! Stop.

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It wasn't easy, but

accomplished. I joined FB in 2012 solely because of my daughter's. They lived out of state and seemed like a good idea at the time. Then it went crazy on me as my high school friends, acquaintances, teachers, etc came across me. I was v.p. of my class and received friend requests from people either I didn't know or forgot. Even referring to my YB, looking at their pic I was still clueless, but it was initially fun. Then 2015 and Trump came along. Lost 3/4 of friends ( blue state, blue city folk and I posted my confederate flag on my barn, game over.

Joined Twitter because of Trump. Liked the guy from way back in my SB ownership of a concrete foundation Co. My dream was winning a bid on any project of his, but if you're familiar with the concrete industry, especially 35 years ago, we'll let's just say it's regulated and a line you better watch if cross.

Now I'm off both after reinstating my account within 30 days. July I had enough and made it past the deadline. No joke, your stress level drops. Good riddance!

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After being thrown in FB prison numerous times, losing friends, division, and way too much of my time, because it’s addictive! I cut all ties to ALL social media, sold 50k in Facebook stock, and found out your real friends and family will find a way to keep in touch! Everyone else is baggage and some are jealous baggage.

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Back in January I dumped just about everything. https://faybomb.substack.com/p/goodbye-big-tech?r=et5uj&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=

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Excellent Read. Fir those that have left FB or are contemplating, remember to completely DELETE your account, not just disable or take a break, they need to see a kiss my ass mass exodus! That’s the only way to dismantle that machine.

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Even when you delete, they make you wait 30 days for it to be effective.

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I generally shook my head in disbelief when certain acquaintances posted silly material purchases. It was the virtual Jones vs the Jones. Although I was somewhat impressed when that kid that everyone said would never amount to anything posted pics of him build a vacation home on the lake. You mean auto shop class wasn't a waste? Some guidance counselors should perhaps resign

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Social Media is a prime example of how NOT all new technology makes peoples lives better, and it is a driving force of separation and angst among people today. Yeah, it was cool 10 to 15 years ago,but the novelty has worn off and people are waking up!!

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Your story could be said of millions, joined to enjoy adult children..left due to political mayhem. People just couldn’t seem to stay out of my voting booth.

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Keep it all away from the children, they are impressionable at early ages and cannot discern what is truly appropriate.

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Yeah me too! I joined to keep in touch with cousins and extended family members.. long time friends from high school.. I wasn’t hPpy withe disrespectful political politics of Zuckerberg… and the lack of freedom of speech.. someday I might return hahaha

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I deactivated my account the Saturday after the Presidential election, when non-political FB (liars) started pushing a message into your feed that Joe Biden won the election. FB was acting as a biased news platform and that was enough for me to pull the plug. Along with the censoring on Twitter and what happened on Parler. I disconnected from FB, Twitter, Nextdoor and IG. Recently, I let go of Netflix. I won’t give these companies my patronage. I’ve since tried Locals and Substack.

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I joined and soon regretted. Deleted my accounts right before the election. I’m so glad I did! My stress level went way down!

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Me too! I left FB 2 years ago never joined Twitter

I’m selective and appreciate true information

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I only use FB for canine groups and a hidden small Covid vaccine group. In 2015 like you I was turned off by FB. All of my NYC friends posted anti Trump, anti Republicans rhetoric all day. What ever happened to posting pics of their grandchildren or dogs? Whatever happened to posting pictures of parties in NYC and the Hamptons? I haven't posted on my profile since 2015 and I don't miss it.

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remember, they are watching..dont give them any fodder.

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They never were your true friends if they would drop you bc of who you voted for. As far as the Confederate flag, it is a symbol of our history as many things are. Good or bad, one should know all our history, not just what is picked by a certain group of people. They should choose you as a friend based on your character and morals. No President can be all things to everyone and they are always loved and hated at the same time. But to ruin a friendship over it is poppycock...

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My experience is somewhat similar. The revelation of who were REALLY friends and those whose due to their fraility relinquish individualism for the collective herd of sheep. I've always rejected mob-mentality. Needles to say, i found other ways to be in touch with those who matter to me.

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Sheep are smarter....don't insult the sheep!

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I dumped them like the waste they are. Long ago... and, not only I don't miss them, but i have more tome for more important information.

I also found that similar minds took similar action. All is well.

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I think the biggest problem we have is that the elected officials think Twitter is the only way for them to communicate. We need to start letting them know there are other forums and they must abide.

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Was kicked off right after Trump

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This. The only way these platforms modify their behavior is if people hold them accountable. Accountability equals stop giving these platforms your money!

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Kudos to you. I dropped Twitter. And I've trimmed back Facebook, but have yet to go Facebook Cold Turkey.

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Me too only there because of the messenger and a fire watch group. Even bloody YouTube butting into every body’s business. They want you to give them your ID or a credit card to prove you are over 18 to watch an operation procedure that a doctor posted, Crazy!

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Dip your toe in the water by disabling your profile. Comeback in a couple of weeks and see how many noticed you were even gone. You might be surprised!

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I went short twitter a million after they banned Trumps and lost 40k because markets are broken.

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I got out early enough to make it up.

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Yup. I deleted all of them. Fb about 3 years ago. Instagram about 2 years ago. Twitter two weeks ago. These corporate mouthpieces of the left are ruining the world. Free speech is dead. I’m over it.

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Well Said !!!

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I never joined Facebook, coming relatively late to the Internet (I was waiting to see if it was a fad and waiting for them perfect computers--also I was afraid it would take valuable time away from television). I was suspicious of facebook's invasion of privacy, and I have no use for Twitter--I find it awkward to even use text messages. Maybe if I set it up from my computer, but I have a landline, not VoIP. I guess there might be a way to connect text messaging on my computer to my mobile phone through Wi-Fi at home I don't know. I'm just looking to get a printer/copier/scanner/fax to replace a 12-year-old Panasonic film fax machine. I do have a YouTube channel which I use to mostly upload recordings of singers from television and elsewhere. I did join Instagram recently just so I can view of the photos and videos of singers I follow, but I don't post anything on it.

I was recently trying to figure another method of communication to circumvent the established forms. There are still some of the older means of communication. Telegram is gone, but there is still telephone, television and tell a woman.

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not on any of them!!!! and i never cared particularly if humans liked me, as long as the animals do, i am good to go!

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Kindred Spirits!

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Forget Co\/id , in the last few days you’ve seen with the criminal justice system under Biden, the real face of the Democrats, wants to criminalize parents protesting at school board meetings, and yet recent murders in Chicago and attempted ones in Arlington Texas, get to go home and party with their families after succeeding or trying to kill people…

This is the left, embrace sociopathy, and crush freedom…

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I read that the FBI raided the home of arrested the former head of the NYC police union! He was a trump supporter and lead the charge to push back against the vax mandate by the state of NY. Seems like a politically motivsted attack

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of course it is....they may come after us too at some point and I will say kiss my a**. I refuse to be afraid and to bow.

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If they do , they do. I'm not fearless, but we'll conditioned after the initial covid shut down.

I will not comply, period. Nor am I going to make threats. I mock them relentlessly because I believe they'd rather take a bullet than subject to mockery.

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That is an excellent tactic. And I believe you are right.

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By the way, call it what it is,


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Fritter, your brain on Twitter

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But, it is used pervasively by Twits…

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My husband and I just returned from Italy. We spoke to many Germans there.

Several of them solicited information from us. They wanted to talk about our “loudmouth ex president.”

When we said he was good for America they look shocked that we would support him.

When you said Joe Biden is corrupt they looked even more stunned.

They were raving about Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

We told them they’re not hearing the truth from the mainstream media. Then we spoke about Australia and they didn’t have a clue what was going on.

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Ya, goes back to the days at the end of the war as they asked the German town’s people about the concentration camps in their back yard: “What concentration camps. We thought those where manufacturing facilities.” It’s called denial.

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It seems so SIMILAR Now. Most do not seem to think or notice, things going on today are EXTREMELY UNUSUAL!

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History repeating itself...Ignorance is bliss for the well-fed...until it's not.

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I find that profoundly sad, for those folks who haven't become aware of the regressive suppression fo facts. Hopefully they were calmly receptive and not hostile to actual news.

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Yeah, regardless of their ability to filter out the truth, I just hope they’ve discovered the benefits of underarm deodorant. Come on. ..It’s a start.

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Yah? Liberal media has so distorted reality in the world!!!

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Liberal media, another thing we’ve tuned out in my house even local news. Their talking points and narrative are the same at every level. Stopped listening to their propaganda three years ago.

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Oi Vey, well they supposedly didn't have a clue either in WWII. The Germans are so disappointing and I can say that bc I am German but am losing respect fast.

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Did you say Germans? I'll say no more.

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Same thing in France.

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wow, and we think our news is censored. sounds like nothing compared to Ger/Italy

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Scary comment. I suspect many young adults in America would be just as naive. The American youth have no clue about the path they're on and better not blame no one but themselves. I wish them luck because they will knead it. Baking bread from scratch gets old kids!

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Guess they think they’ll really control us …the more they do, the harder we’ll push! Stand firm for freedom !!! Keep going, Alex - we’re here !!!

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Twitter ignores the Taliban because they want what the Taliban wants , the demise of the western way of life !! Besides , the Taliban is 100% vaccinated per the Biden executive order for employers of 100 or more!!

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darn tootin'

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Alex, I am grateful for your reporting. But it's time you put Twitter in the rear view mirror and developed your presence on other more principled social media platforms. Twitter is only as powerful as people make it and it's on its way to becoming only a platform for left wing loons. They won't be persuaded by your truthful reporting. As long as you pursue Twitter you give it undeserved credibility. Someone with your strong reporting can operate on and strengthen other platforms and ultimately reach and bring the truth to more people who will appreciate it. Metaphorically, you are lucky Twitter dumped you. Now you can build a relationship with someone who is much better for you and your readers.

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I agree with EEEEE! Time is wasted on Twitter (they kicked me off with President Trump). Now, the best of the truth speakers are on Rumble and Telegram. Alex, c’mon over, please.

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Indeed, the left never thought Fox news would make it and now its 25 years hence.

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I so agree that Twitter has embraced becoming a Left wing dumpster.

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This is why the Right always loses.

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Agree BUT only to the point where... Alex may sue Twitter, and by god I'd send money to help with that.

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I agree!!

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Excellent points!!

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Just saw Alex on Tucker Carlson-Tucker needs to give him more time on the show.

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He gets a fair amount but more would be great.

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Great to see you on Tucker tonight…always good sense and clarity; and you truly are a “great chronicler”. Thanks for great insights. Go get ‘em, Twitter, that is, on that discovery!

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Yea! I dvr it every night. Will watch now, had to finish Ted Lasso!

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These aren’t mentally ill people, they’re demonic!

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There are a lot of mentally sick powerful people in the world. Never more evident than now, at least during my 62 years. Keep up the fight. We're counting on you!

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As the poster above you pointed out, there's a big difference between mentally ill, and satanic

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Twitter is the worst. Without Alex it’s worthless.

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Terrorist of Truth. That’s why they’re afraid.

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Keep fighting the good fight, I personally appreciate it and I know I am not alone

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Where is your Rogan interview? I Keep checking Spotify. Looking forward to listening. .

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Wondering this as well

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Can someone explain logically to me why my healthy unvaccinated kids who get exposed to sick vaccinated kids at school need to quarantine for 7 plus days but the other Vaxxed kids who were exposed can continue to spread ?It is absolutely insane to me what is happening with this b.s.

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Because it is all to harass unvaccinated people. The people in power are trying to make an unvaccinated person’s life a living hell so they will give in and get the needle. It has nothing to do with health and safety at this point. The ultimate goal is to get the “vaccine” into ALL people. One can only imagine why. But shhhh- I’m going into “conspiracy theory” territory and might end up in trouble.

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This just happened to my daughter. It's devastating (she had to miss all the homecoming festivities) and makes no sense. Isn't it common knowledge by this point that even if you're vaccinated you can still get and transmit Covid? How is that different from unvaccinated?

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I’m sorry to hear this:(

My daughter being sent home from a boarding school for having lunch near a vaccinated positive case. She tested negative ( she also tests 3x per week) And has no symptoms and is already in a single room. The vaccinated roommate of the positive is allowed to stay and go to classes as are all the other vaccinated exposed people . My daughter will miss all

Of her (Ap) classes and her PSAT for being perfectly healthy .

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Ugh, this is madness. And our kids are paying the price.

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2 + 2 = 5.

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Would you really want to be on a platform that gladly hosts the taliban?

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Thanks for everything you do! Supporting you and the truth!

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You’re much more recognized than I but FB and Twitter removed my posts because I had too many followers. They do not want the truth spoken or seen and discussed.

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The Taliban is right up the far looney left's alley. Their lighthouse. They are not scared of the Taliban but Alex scares the poop our of them bc they know he is right...

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Twitter ignores the Taliban because they want what the Taliban wants , the demise of the western way of life !! Besides , the Taliban is 100% vaccinated per the Biden executive order for employers of 100 or more!!

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LOL, keep speaking the truth....strange bedfellows indeed.

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oops, out of them...

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@Jack is just another coward in the pocket of the Biden administration. As corrupt as they come. I milk Twitter for every bit of useful, honest information I can, and I am intelligent enough to discern truth from lies. @Jack wants to control the ignorant masses, mainly because this is how he derives his sense of power. But also because he relates so well to them.

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Small penis syndrome

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Thought for the day.

All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride. ~ Sophocles, 'Antigone'

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Although Jack is the CEO, the hyper liberal Twitter board is who have the real power. I've heard through the grapevine that Jack is working on a completely de-centralized Twitter called Blue Sky.

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Another SM platform to disengage with. Nothing good comes from inviting these bots into your headspace… nothing.

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Our "system" needs to check itself, before it wrecks itself, you know? Like you can't talk about a virus?

I'm buying Bitcoin, I'm buying Russian and Japanese shares, because this ship is piloted by lunatics who can't take criticism. That's a recipe for disaster.

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Under Obama, the Democrats did a complex bait & switch to con America into thinking Al Qaeda were the moderates and the US should team up with them to fight the Islamic State. Now, they are trying the same con with the Taliban to fight "ISIS-K which is nearly a complete fiction.

Clearly the plan is revolution, with a near total inversion of culture, values, ethics and even truth for lies. And it's working better than any of us would have believed it could a few years ago.

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Great job on TC tonight!

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oh goodie! heading to watch it.

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"I only use it for ...." is still using it, and thus the product that keeps the monster fed.

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Alex - all by himself - is a far bigger threat to "The Guardians of the Narrative" than the Taliban. After all, the Taliban are so-much-not-a-threat that Grandpa handed them $80+ billion in the very latest hardware - paid for by You and Me!

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Watched you on Tucker and I check your posts daily. Appreciate your diligence!

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I’m waiting for the day when it dawns on the Taliban that they’re just tools of these leftists elites. I need to stock up on popcorn.

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Or vice versa. Popcorn needed, regardless.

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It’s Alex’s pointy graph lines that cause Twitter to be afraid of him.

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Heard you on Clay and Buck today!

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We should all probably ditch our phones. It scares me that that is how they are tracking citizens in Australia. Doesn't the solution seem obvious? Get rid of your phone and be free.

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agree.... a slightly less inconvenient option would be a faraday sleeve for your phone, pop it in the sleeve when you are certain you don't want to be tracked.

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This is not my country anymore. You cant post to Instagram that you have natural.immunity. You coouldnt until not long ago post to fb that covid was from a lab leak, and no you cant post ANYTHING ABOUT VACCINES. Any kind. But you can pro ably post Nazi shit or gun info. my new bumper stcker will be the one thst says Covid 1984

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We were fine before Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We will be fine after they fall.

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I was banned a long time ago. If you say or share too much information to the wrong people with a large following they will eventually can you. I would share or retweet to Alyssa Milano, Jack, CNN, FBI, etc. I shared a tweet to Alyssa Milano where someone was saying something about Trumps lawyer being booted, and asked is this censorship. She was saying people were making it up. I was removed for a week for that, it was harassment or threatening. I did that sort of thing all the time. I berated Fauci, shared ANTIFA stuff from Andy Ngo to CNN, MSNBC BLM.... Last time, I said and shared an Andy Ngo video of BLM in a Target harassing people using a Bullhorn, "someone should trip him and kick him in the nuts." I was totally removed for that. Seriously, people say the most horrible stuff and are not removed. It was who I shared it too that mattered.

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I guess Twitter isn't your bosom buddy.

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I see what you did there.

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I'm glad someone did, and notices who she is.

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Truth is, to the establishment you are much more dangerous because you can't be dismissed as a radical nut job. You're too well versed in the facts so they can only silence you but never defeat you.

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We need to recognize and begin using alternatives to Twitter. GETTR seems to work well but is lightly populated. Give it a try. BTW, thanks for the education Alex.

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Facebook Twitter and the others -- even substack -- are digital mobs, subject to mob psychology. Weak and ignorant people are especially susceptible to mob influence, and they flock to the largest mobs to better protect their insecurities. Weakness is the national pandemic. It's a natural outcome of successful societies. We need some adversity to grow and thrive. Looks like we're getting some.

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youtube, twitter, facebook, google, apple etc are all tools of the intel agencies and establishment that runs the US and the UN (the deep state).

frankly life is easier without them. Except facebook, you don't need an account to read or watch the content, so never make an account. If you really need an account, there are alternatives out there like rumble and Gab.

For search try to use duckduckgo and dissent or Tor browser as much as possible. the rest spy on everything you do and browse

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We need to stop funding them too. Pull all of your money out of the big Tech who are the bad guys ABC Google Facebook tiktok. Twitter.... pull it out of Pfizer, JJ, Moderna. The funds that own them,, Blackrock, vanguard, etc..

Walgreens, cvs. Invest in land, food. Is the penalty for 401k still waived this year? Pull it out

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I met with our broker and reviewed every stock in our portfolio, I don’t need dirty money, and I worked in Big Pharma for 30 years! I could write a book. I completely agree with you Tom.

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I practically beg everyone to leave social media. I'm tired of my brother saying "But I keep in touch with the kids and grandkids this way." My response: "You have a phone and they all have phones. USE THEM!" There wasn't always social media. Kids don't ever put down their phones. They are always texting someone. So call them on the phone they never put down. And you get to hear their voices. Problem solved.

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I was kicked off Twitter and I still don't know what I did - and, I really don’t care. It is the ugliest place on the Internet.

I shut down my Facebook account when it began censoring people. I will not support any platform that tries to silence me or anyone else.

I get why you’re pissed Alex - but buddy- screw them - you are making them appear to be as important as they think they are.

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Democrats= demon crazed rats

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When’s the Rogan interview coming out?

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I keep checking- I saw they posted one yesterday, hope it is next.

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He said later this week on Monday. No way Rogan caved they have to be holding it until the weekend.

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Thank you for the update!

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Twitter just censored Michael Robison for describing how he got cancer after the Pfizer covid vaccine. This is Dr. Evil level stuff they are doing.


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I highly recommend James Corbett's "The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know". Get up to speed - forty-three minutes well spent:


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I genuinely would just love to know from people here, how do you continue to exist in this country with all the evil around us? The left is so hideous a group of people, they have no regard for humanity, they genuinely do not have a problem about destroying children’s lives, letting people languish, and sacrificing people who get sick from Covid simply to pad the death numbers and frighten the population into more abject tyranny.

Again, how do you live with the 70 million or more scumbags, and you want to simply worry about the election next year, well, when they come for you, don’t come screaming for me…

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Since I’ve signed up for a few sub stacks I haven’t been on Twitter. Imagine that. Although I must say I’m pretty pissed they’ve banished Alex. He’s my hero.

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