What has become commonplace is the verbiage used by Democrats. If they say a word or phrase enough times, and of course promoted by the MSM, that word or phrase becomes set in stone. Not illegal, its undocumented. Not a riot, an insurrection. Sheer madness and as we've seen since the election, they haven't changed one bit.

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In Denver, they called them the newcomers. Our communist leaders spend millions of our dollars on the newcomers and could care less that our city is one of the most dangerous.

People don’t go downtown anymore because they don’t feel safe. We rank number three for car theft.

Don’t get me started on the trend Aragua gangs out in Aurora that our news outlets said were not real 😕

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As a Texan, I'm sad witnessing what has happened to our favorite hinterland playground. Conservative Colorado was a great place to vacation. With the shift left first came pot heads and now violent gangs of illegals. In the past few years, my sister's stepson moved his family from Littleton to San Antonio and couldn't be happier.

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When I left Denver in 2015, it was safe enough to walk around Downtown and ride the 0 bus home late at night. I never thought I'd see the day when downtown Detroit was cleaner and safer than Denver.

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Not just news outlets - I got a newsletter from Hickenlooper that was very adamant that the whole thing was made up! He would never tell a lie, would he?

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just awful...happening in so many places in the country and around the world...at least a ray of hope has emerged from our cloudy skies

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Maybe some flowery language for the newcomers could be used like, , you may now "return home" safely.

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Yup. Tyranny always starts with the laws of grammar. Then it comes after children.

This is why it seems like we live on different planets. Without a common language it's impossible to share time-experience. It's a trick they play to disguise ideological uniformity as cultural diversity.

They are trying to eliminate history. If you don't learn history (or are taught false history), you have no future...but also no past. This is the road to bondage.

They also weaponize empathy.

For example with "gender affirming care". It is truly a bizarre phenomenon to see people willingly blind to depravity and call it love just because the tribe uses euphemisms to make them feel good about how the words sound rather than the evil represented by the grotesque symbolism used to camoflauge wickedness as empathy.

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I recently saw ( on X) a proud mother posting pictures of her 9 year old beautiful daughter getting her hormone blocker shots. It made me so sick & sad to see that child led to slaughter. The medical community needs to be held accountable & children protected against crazy, abusive parents ( mostly the mothers )

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Yes. I believe it's evil.

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"The revolution will be complete, when the language is perfect." Orwell

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Thank GOD WOKE and anything neo Marxist DIED on Nov 5th. Always and I mean always say F OFF to anything WOKE. That includes what "they" say what you should SAY

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@Brogan= tell that to the Episcopal bishop who lectured Trump in what was supposed to be a lesson in the word of God. If she's going to be an activist, she needs to remove the collar and get off the pulpit, a holy place in the Christian church.

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Yes there will still be those like her that think Nov 5th never occurred, but its very easy to just say F OFF! Once aware one can never be made unaware. I just laugh at anyone pushing Marxism...they have zero effect on me and will call them out at every opportunity that presents itself

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and to add to my point, just reading what's happening in Minnesota...the Dems are calling what the Repubs are doing a 'coup'....the Dems are down a seat until a new election in March so instead of conducting state business, the Dems are sitting it out and protesting the Repubs actually working....

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“Not illegal, it’s undocumented.”

Assume that (1) you leave home for a monthlong vacation, and (2) when you return home, you learn that, the day after you went on vacation, a stranger broke into your home and was living it.

You, a normal, sane person, would describe that stranger in your home as, say, a trespasser or housebreaker who had committed a crime, and is therefore a criminal.

A Democrat, however, would describe the stranger in your home as a mere “undocumented tenant,” who should not be charged with any crime, but rather should be allowed to continue living in your home. Of course, if the stranger were instead living in the Democrat’s home, the Democrat would not hesitate to call the police to have the stranger arrested and removed from the Democrat’s home prontissimo. Why? Because Democrats never shrink from being hypocritical when their own self-interest is at stake.

The term “illegal immigrant” means (1) an “immigrant,”as defined in section 1101 of Title 8 of the United State Code, who (2) enters, or remains in (such as by overstaying a visa), the U.S. in violation of Title 8 - that is, illegally. Any normal, sane person would recognize that the term “undocumented immigrant” is merely a euphemism conjured up by dishonest Democrats and other leftists to sanitize illegal behavior.

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Trump changed it back to allowing DHS to use illegal alien.

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“Not a riot, an insurrection.”

Insurrection is a federal crime that is codified at 18 U.S. Code § 2383.  Of the 1,500+ persons who had been charged with crimes in connection with the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol, NONE - NOT A SINGLE ONE - HAD BEEN CHARGED WITH THE FEDERAL CRIME OF INSURRECTION.

So what is the basis for the constant declaration by Democrats, and other liars and simpletons, that what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was an insurrection?  Did they know something that the Democrat U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, and his battalion of prosecutors, did not know?

To put it simply, in a way that even a cognitively challenged Democrat should be able to comprehend: no insurrectionists = no insurrection. Period.

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“If they say a word or phrase enough times, and of course promoted by the MSM, that word or phrase becomes set in stone.”

Democrats, and their lapdogs in the MSM, follow a precept that was declared by none other than the infamous Joseph Goebbels, Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (1933-1945): “A lie told once remains a lie. A lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”

If Goebbels were alive today, he would be proud of how the Democrats and the MSM continually, vigorously, and unflinchingly spew out their bald-faced lies.

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It's like they all get the memo in the morning with the words of the day. Make sure you repeat them a zillion times, the instructions say.

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Not one bit.

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Open border policies and a generous welfare state are incompatible. No wonder we have over 10 million illegals under Biden’s watch. This policy must end. Otherwise our welfare programs support the entire planet.

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I wish more people knew the stories of their grandparents & great-grandparents who came from Poland, Italy, Russia, etc. in the 19th & early 20th centuries. Their stories are no doubt similar to mine:

My great-grandfather came here from Italy when he was recruited by a mill that needed workers. He had to show he had a job and place to live--that he would not be a "public charge."

After two years of saving money, he sent for my great-grandmother--who had to show she had a husband who would support her.

No food stamps, no housing subsidies, no government-funded medical care.

Like millions of others, they arrived LEGALLY.

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Jan 23Edited

The first decade of the 20th century was often described - including by Democrats - as the “golden era” of immigration. But the immigration laws in that “golden era” were rigorous, and enforced.

For example, section 2 of the Immigration Act of 1907 provided: “[T]HE FOLLOWING CLASSES OF ALIENS SHALL BE EXCLUDED FROM ADMISSION INTO THE UNITED STATES: idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics, insane persons, and persons who have been insane within five years previous; persons who have had two or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; PAUPERS; PERSONS LIKELY TO BECOME A PUBLIC CHARGE; PROFESSIONAL BEGGARS; persons afflicted with tuberculosis or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease; PERSONS not comprehended within any of the foregoing excluded classes WHO ARE FOUND TO BE AND WHO ARE CERTIFIED by the examining surgeon AS BEING MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY DEFECTIVE, SUCH MENTAL OR PHYSICAL DEFECT BEING OF A NATURE WHICH MAY AFFECT THE ABILITY OF SUCH ALIEN TO EARN A LIVING; PERSONS WHO HAVE BEEN CONVICTED OF OR ADMIT HAVING COMMITTED A FELONY OR OTHER CRIME OR MISDEMEANOR INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE,” and so on.

That is serious vetting, unlike the current-day Democrats’ open-border, “free stuff” (paid for by taxpayers, of course), come one, come all, bum-rush-the-border policy.

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I remember these stories as a kid. They were so proud and I was in awe of their hard work and bravery.

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That's the story of my grandparents too. They went through Ellis Island and every bit of their information was recorded. They had to show that family or friends were giving them a place to stay. My father's parents boarded a ship with 3 small children and sailed to the unknown. I don't know if I could have done that. They eventually found an apartment of their own and had 4 more children, my father was one. It wasn't easy supporting a large family so as soon as the kids were old enough they found jobs to contribute to the family. My father had to quit school when he was 13 as did his siblings. His first job was delivering telegrams. Nothing was handed to them, they had to earn it. They also had to learn English, there were no ESL programs.

It makes me angry when Democrats say that we all came from immigrants, conflating illegal immigrants with my grandparents, who came legally. They did not sneak into the country. They weren't looking for handouts, they were looking for opportunities.

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Exactly. The acceptance of raw parasitism and, at best, unskilled labor lumps with marginally compatible cultural values should not be tolerated. People who advocate it should be shamed. Are these "minorities" so inferior that they cannot be expected to have something to contribute? And be expected to assimilate? Such implicitly cynical condescension by the Left is finally being called out (like that ridiculous Epispocal woman recently... The UUs called, they want their lack of doctrine back).

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With immigration rules like that it’s One big reason why we have/had such a great country, built on the backs of industrious, hard working people. They HAD to play by immigration rules that made sure they wanted in bad enough to save & work for the privilege.

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@Rosie- my father and his parents came from Sicily. My mother's mother came from England. All legal, all showing they could support themselves. No Daughters of the Revolution for me and I'm proud of that!

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Mine came illegally - lied about her age. But she didn't rely on public benefits. She married for money, and earned it!

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We should learn about how ancient Rome suffered death by mass migration.

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way way way more than 10 Million

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I was conservative.

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I am suffering from compassion fatigue.

There's an entire planet of poverty and misfortune. The USA cannot be solution to all of it.

I'm still awaiting a list of the NGOs, funded by the US government (that is, the TAXPAYERS), who have been facilitating the illegal immigration.

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Catholic Charities is a prominent one of these NGOs.

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Yep, I heard that one--and agitated among my family to stop supporting it at church.

And how much money to the government pay all of them? There's a job for Elon Musk & DOGE.

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@Rosie (again. Hi, friend! )- Except Catholic Charities also does a whole ton more than just the illegal thing. I'm torn just like I am about the Salvation Army: I am still miffed they said I have to apologize for being white and yet they do such good works otherwise.

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Settling illegal immigrants is big business. At the rate Biden was letting them in, more and more NGOs were needed. I would love to know how much they were paid. Lutheran Services settled illegal immigrants in our area.

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They are all housed in the Darien Gap.

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It’s seriously mind-boggling; how can they not at the very least see that at a certain point the country will COLLAPSE under the sheer weight of so many people entering the country? Don’t they care about their quality of life and their children’s quality of life??? I seriously don’t get it. It just shows the depth and breadth of the brainwashing on this issue, I think. Critical thinking has been utterly disabled.

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It's a feature, not a bug.

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That's their goal, to destroy America. They hate the ideals it was founded on. They want to socially engineer a new liberal utopia. Remember Barack Obama told us America is not exceptional. America is a colonizer, systemically racist and xenophobic. We don't deserve the life we and our ancestors worked hard for.

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The woke left understands unrestricted sham immigration will destroy the country and that is the very reason they support it. Woke nihilism is the motivation for pointless foreign wars, weaponization of justice, censorship, sexualization and sterilization of children, widespread use of experimental biological agents, and almost every other halfwit policy of recent years.

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What the woke left does not understand, since their history lessons were sanitized, is what will happen to them at the end of their mass immigration fantasy. The masses will demand and receive their "fair share" of the woke lefts assets.

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Yep. For all their cynical manipulation of Christians and the bleeding heart AWFULs, they're just using weakness to destroy society. Like the aggro-cultural Muslims in Britain and Germany.

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As I recall the Dems repeatedly said that "no one was above the law"! Since all illegal migrants broke the law entering the country then they should agree to deport them don't ya think?

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Democrats are hypocrites.

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“Elite media”? “Legacy media” is more appropriate. The work you and other investigative journalists do is what should be referred to as “elite media”.

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Oh well.

We have entered The Golden Age of; shut the fuck up retards.

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@Ryan- and THIS is why you're one of my fav commenters on different Substacks.

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I prefer regime media because it points to the fact that they are every bit as bad as Russian media in terms of carrying the water of those Democrats when they are in power.

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Rush called them state-run media. That had a nice ring to it.

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Miss Rush!

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I call it the "corporate legacy media". It no longer deserves to be called "mainstream".

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And Pope Francis can take a hike along with the Dems.

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A person can feel for the plight that these migrants find themselves in, but Biden should be an accessory to innumerable crimes in that he gave hope that in practice, meant the US would ignore its own laws to accommodate them. No country in the world can function when they are overwhelmed with a tidal wave of desperate people.

The need to stay home and make their own countries livable. If that means revolution, then so be it.

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The US gives these countries an enormous amount of foreign aid to fix their problems. Where is all that money? Rhetorical question. It's in the pockets of their leaders, the people do not benefit from it at all.

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The United States cannot afford to take in the world’s poor. That includes the misfits, criminals and many other that want to take advantage of the USA.

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A main reason foreigners want to come to the US is that we have the rule of law. But if they enter our country illegally, they both undermine the rule of law and cheat those who are waiting in line to come in. President Trump is simply enforcing the laws Congress passed. If the Democrats want more migrants, they can try to liberalize the laws, but there still must be a way to enter the US in an orderly manner rather than just opening the border to whoever can get across it.

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A VERY progressive friend of mine, an academic dean living in NYC no less, who's originally from Ireland, earned his citizenship on the last days of Biden's Administration. This fact he VERY proudly announced on Facebook. I am genuinely happy for him (esp as Ireland has devolved so much, as their political class has betrayed their own nation over immigration, but I digress...)

For the sake of our relationship and those I have with our mutual progressive friends, I restrained myself from commenting on his Legal Process as compared to all those (his beloved) Biden let "jump the queue."

Also because, as Alex posts here, the left just can't understand the issue.

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Due respect, but you should point out the contradiction. It's inherently racist and condescending to have an easy road for "unwashed browns". Of course, pointing this out you just get yelled at for saying brown in an unflattering way.

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@AG- Ireland HAS devolved and my Irish roots feel it...

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Here's a good take:

"If you lose your ego, you lose the thread of that narrative you call your Self. Humans, however, can't live very long without some sense of a continuing story. Such stories go beyond the limited rational system (or the systematic rationality) with which you surround yourself; they are crucial keys to sharing time-experience with others.

Now a narrative is a story, not a logic, nor ethics, nor philosophy. It is a dream you keep having, whether you realize it or not. Just as surely as you breathe, you go on ceaselessly dreaming your story. And in these stories you wear two faces. You are simultaneously subject and object. You are a whole and you are a part. You are real and you are shadow. "Storyteller" and at the same time "character". It is through such multilayering of roles in our stories that we heal the loneliness of being an isolated individual in the world.

Yet without a proper ego nobody can create a personal narrative, any more than you can drive a car without an engine, or cast a shadow without a real physical object. But once you've consigned your ego to someone else, where on earth do you go from there?

At this point you receive a new narrative from the person to whom you have entrusted your ego. You've handed over the real thing, so what comes back is a shadow. And once your ego has merged with another ego, your narrative will necessarily take on the narrative created by that ego.

Just what kind of narrative?

It needn't be anything particularly fancy, nothing complicated or refined. You don't need to have literary ambitions. In fact, the sketchier and simpler the better. Junk, a leftover rehash will do. Anyway, most people are tired of complex, multilayered scenarios-they are a potential letdown. It's precisely because people can't find any fixed point within their own multilayered schemes that they're tossing aside their own self-identity." -

- Haruki Murakami

They are weak, and their bloodline is weak, and history will forget them.

You'll notice that the gnashing of teeth are coming from people that are no longer relevant, have a dwindling audience, and have no lasting influence.

It's a dead position. The movement is dead.

And history will record it as parareligion with a cross between the tulip craze, the Salem witch trials, and a cargo cult.

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If I get the above, the MSM and Dems have egoed themselves into a corner with no exit.

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They'll do great in The Reaping.

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Ryan's the man, great comments always, this one's near the top.

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Great article, Alex! I've been hesitant to dig into the details on the CBP app knowing darn well it would just p*** me off, but thank you for shedding some more light on it for me. It stuns me that the very people that were tasked with upholding our laws were the ones concocting scams to break them.

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There is a more subtle way illegal immigration distorts our democracy Democrats claim (dishonestly) to care about. Because the census counts residents and not citizens, states like California with a lot of illegals get more representatives in Congress than other states. I saw an article somewhere that if illegals were not counted, Republicans would have a 20 seat majority.

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Have you considered the obvious? Votes

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Jan 22Edited

its more than that. As mind boggling as this sounds, there are many people who see the dissipation of our major cities into violence prone, homeless encampments with a sense of satisfaction.

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...because such beliefs make them "good people" as most Babylon Bee punchlines so accurately inform us

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It also allows them to believe they have punctured the myths of the US being a good country.

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They hate America and want it destroyed.

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Proven Democrat strategy. Get lots of people to vote for "free stuff". The people from failed central American socialist countries will come here and do just that. They don't have any better developed social reflexes. Ben Shapiro pointed out that good civic habits preceed freedom and prosperity.

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