Amen! My first time commenting ever (on anything) but I’ve followed you since my wife lost her job as a nurse and I had to walk away from my graduate program a year ago because we refused to take the vaccine a couple months after we just had and recovered from Covid. A similar story to that of thousands. Thank you for your strength and perseverance. When asked “what can we do about it all?” I tell people who don’t have a platform, aren’t in the public sphere full time because of work, family, etc. I say to subscribe, donate, and support people like yourself. Who are getting the message out there that echoes what we believe. Hopefully it seems the tide is starting to turn. What you’re doing has been a catalyst for that. So you have my gratitude.

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It's not only this SPECIFIC vaccine. It's the MEANS used to try to "persuade" us. Those attempted "persuasions" must be analyzed, broken down to get to the ROOT of the problem. Democrats and Republicans should cooperate in any neccessary laws (although they like passing laws just for their own reputational benefit. Rarely do they help, mostly they make things worse. CDC, NIAID (Fauci), FDA and others should be reorganized, recognized that they are CAPTURED agencies, and all of Fauci's "people" and he has a LOT, removed. They made things WORSE by an order of magnitude, maybe 2.

Everything should be analyzed down to it's ROOTS to completely remove the DANGER that this pandemic response posed.

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I'm very sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but looking to the politicians who caused this or went along with this to solve this couldn't be more lazy and asinine. The answer is us! Individually and collectively. Stop funding the corporations that are building our cage. Get involved in local politics. School boards for instance. There's a reason why "they" aka "our government", sicked the FBI, aka "modern day stazi" on citizen parents.

If your catching flack your over the target!

Immerse yourself with the facts. Know them inside and out then

confront your lefty and righty friends and acquaintances that have bought into this lie.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

My mother raised me alone. She made it clear to me early on that she wasn't going to be around for ever to fight my battles for me so I'd better learn to fight for myself. The most important lesson I've ever learned aside from forgiveness.

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I have confronted some pro-maskers in a very polite way while trying to keep it light. I point out how absurd it is-- it doesn't work! Want to wear a hazmat suit next year?? Most still persist with the virtue signaling, others refuse to talk to me again (fine), but at least a few are willing to listen.

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I think it's a combination of factors. Tribal political bullshit and embarrassment. The political bullshit is obvious but I think it might be covering the embarrassment.

Example: you fall for the Haitian prince wanting to give you millions of dollars. All he needs is your bank info.... you're so embarrassed you don't tell anyone about it and the criminal gets away with it.

This medical malpractice is so obvious it's unimaginable that anyone would fall for it let alone tolerate it but yet they do.

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It killed my friend who was scared to go in to the hospital. He had very treatable cancer, most likely colon cancer, and he waited until it was very late, too late. He never told his friends either, and I'm still mad at him.

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As a recently retired nurse practitioner and nurse educator I never thought I would live to see the day when people would be afraid to go to the hospital. Or people's care would be based on their personal decisions. It has arrived and I understand completely. Find and support physicians and NP who are working outside the mainstream, it will cost you out of pocket dollars....and it is tough. So sorry I could not be there for your friend. We need all the nurses who have been fired to figure out how to provide custom care for those at home.

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Sry for your loss. Try not to be too hard on him.

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Forgiveness will be very hard. This was intentional at the highest levels.


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Hundreds of thousands dead because "they" suppressed known early treatment. Forgiveness will be a long time coming and not before accountability and justice.

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The Solution to this Government debacle is...... if a sizable majority voted Libertarian in the next US wide election, the two party duopoly would be instantly smashed. A total shock would be fall on the Dems & Pubs, and maybe they'll sit up and take notice! There is a 3rd choice...Libertarian. Want to really shake things up?? Vote for anything other than a D or an R, at least for the US House and Senate. We need to shake up the National Political Scene...We have the power of our Votes!! And, it has to be so overwhelming that any fraud is steam rolled over!!

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I like your enthusiasm. However, if they're willing to claim that a depends wearing, fermented/demented criminal who with shit in his pants couldn't draw 12 flies to a rally somehow recieved 81 million votes than I don't think they're worried about who votes for who. But I'm willing to try anything before it gets ugly.

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You can take over the party too, like Trump did. In the end, of course, the "republicans" helped stab Trump in the back over the 'election', but I think we haven't seen the last of Donald Trump.

I agree R is almost as bad as D, and some R are WORSE than D.

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Couldn't agree with you more. Politicians go along with the Overton window, they don't influence it. At some point the things that we do may be codified, but it us who voted these people in office, and it is not reassuring. Of course both sides will always hang on things to the proposed law, and the more likely the law is passed, the more inevitable that is. We have a REALLY bad 'crop' of politicians in there now. We do IMO need to look past the tribal warfare to agree on some things.

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Indeed. When was the last time you saw a head stone with a political affiliation carved into it?

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a very wise mother

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The answer is us, but early on the lack of information and later on the lack of true information inhibited us from responding. Fortunately that lack is being remedied and there are many angry and vocal people in action. Otherwise agree with your post!

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Thanks for the feed back. Expecting information from the from the perpetrators is insane.

Question everything! Trust no one!

My background informed my response.

Bright child.

Poor student (bored with curriculum)

save for the sciences.

Taught to think critically throughout education.

25 years in the mental health field. 17 as a Case Manager for DMH.

13 year military career (NBCW expert).

Deployed to the middle east 2010.

I don't think I'm the smartest person in the room but I have a very broad base of knowledge which serves me well.

First sign of a biological or chemical attack is: lots of dead animals. And since most bugs for warfare are aerosolized your going to see dead birds first. I didn't see any of that.

Second, your going to see lots of dead people. Everywhere! I didn't see any of that.

Lastly, if you do encounter ill people, you isolate them in the area you find them. Like we used to do in hospitals. You'd have a patient that's got something contagious, sometimes in a negatively pressurized and filtered room depending on the lethality of the pathogen. If not very lethal you would place precautions on the wall at the door letting people who need to enter know what level of "precaution" they needed to take before entering.

You don't isolate an entire population to their homes. And you certainly wouldn't tell them "lock down" but ]it's ok to go food shopping or go to the liquor store.

In fact the very idea that going out was so dangerous that I should have to wear a mask and maintain some arbitrary distance from others and walk down the isles at Walmart in the proper direction (arrows on the floor) was hilariously stupid. And get this, this was the best one "the curfew"..... we were told we had to be in the house by 10pm because the virus somehow knew how to tell time and would get us. Being told to do all these things was because they would somehow keep everybody safe was lunacy!

I didn't need any other information than what they were telling me to do. If folks had simply used common sense they would have seen this to.

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Yes, Amen!

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AMEN! Exactly mine and my husband’s thoughts!

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Preach! Alex has helped me an my family so much.

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Alex, I pre-ordered Pandemia, have read it, and am now judging for myself. Bottom line, Nathan Robinson and his cronies can go fuck themselves. Excuse my language. Thank you.

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Well said!

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You’re excused !

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Robinson deserves no more politesse than that

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True: "Every control measure the public health authorities promised would control the spread of the coronavirus - from masks to lockdowns to school closures - failed."

But that wasn't the point.

The point was to control citizens. That was fantastically successful. We will see more of that in the future.

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I believe this whole scam opened a lot of people’s eyes to the corruption of our government, the FDA, the CDC, Fauci, Pig Pharma, Big Tech, main stream media, etc. They’ve destroyed what little credibility they had and it will be extremely difficult to earn any trust back. It’s alternative avenues like this Substack that people will turn to because we don’t believe the manufactured amplified narrative.

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Just want to not lose sight of Bill Gates in the discussion. He is buying farmland, outbidding the actual farm families who want to support themselves. Gates’ land grab is happening in the midwest, not just TX.

Is he buying as a hedge against the coming recession? I doubt it. He has a larger agenda and it is not “free food for the masses”.

At any rate, God is in control. Gates and his ilk are going to be surprised.

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The Chinese are buying up a great deal of our farm land as well.

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Quite true

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That can be remedied through eminent domain, I believe.

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Those laws vary by state. Eminent domain unrestrained can cut against property rights. Not sure that should be looked upon as a solution.

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Yeah - keeping my eye on him. I don’t know who’s worse - him or George Soros!

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Can you list the actual areas, please?

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Info from friends and family in IA and IL.

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Thank you for that info. This is incredibly interesting (very disturbing) and I wonder what he has in store to ruin the middle part of this country.

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And many more eyes are *just* on the verge of being opened.

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I'd like to believe this but just got back from a crowded Trader Joe's. I was the only one of 150 people without a mask. Still plenty of chumps/suckers!


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Likewise. I'm always the only one without a mask. Now when people harass me for refusing to wear a mask outside of Halloween and Mardi Gras, I simply respond with a baaaahhhhhh!

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Maybe. Or maybe enough people have had their eyes opened.

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I'm disappointed, but hardly surprised, at how successful it was.

I do understand how many, including me, went along in the early stages. But about 3-4 months in, the stories they were telling just didn't fit together. I don't consider myself particularly smart. But a combination of upbringing, good schools (that my parents sacrificed to send us to), and work experiences taught me to be skeptical of and question EVERYTHING. I don't believe shit stinks 'til I've smelled it.

It's shocking how many still believe - or say they do - it's the unvaccinated who are perpetuating the pandemic.

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My husband hosts a podcast that deconstructs the media (The No Agenda Show). He and his co-host dissected this mess from the beginning and exposed all the holes and questionable narrative. So from the start, I was skeptical. Everything they exposed is now coming to light. As far as people who are still believing this narrative, I truly believe they’re in a hypnotic state (mass formation). They believe it without even questioning bc they think the government is here to protect them.

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Here is the undeniable truth. The decision was made years ago by the billionaires and their yes men to use a vaccine in the event of a perceived viral threat. In order to get Emergency use for vaccines there could NO other protocols that showed effectiveness. So the billionaires set out using media, governments to kill any use of drugs that were competition. They even railed against vitamin supplements. The decision was made vaccines or nothing. People were told to stay at home if they were sick unless they were so sick to need hospitalization. Sadly by then too late. Media successfully conned people into thinking if you virus you will die. At least a 1/4 of our population absolutely believes this. They are lost to us forever.

Big pharma knew a leaky vaccine could never stop a mutable virus. They knew vaccinating during pandemic would result in virus mutating to evade any vaccine. Pharma knew people would accept any vaccine believing they are all the same. They were advertised as sterilizing vaccines that would end pandemic. We were fed lies that the experts knew to be false.

When big pharma was allowed to advertise on tv that was the beginning of their control of all things. The money was just too good. Regulatory agencies got controlled by pharma. Our government, big tech, pharma are one in the same. It is all incestuous. There can be no independent thinking. Most of our government agencies are headed by some individuals. The goal I believe is to make us into a competing China. One voice. Zero fun. Police state. No independent thinking. See how many young people believe unvaccinated need to be put in concentration camps, and removing their children. Young people had decades of CCP propaganda. We did not change China. China changed us. Wake up.

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Bullshit. This is an attack on the working class that has been going on since the late 70s. Now that they are coming after the credentialed cubicle plankton, it's a problem. You terrified urban domesticates are as hilarious as the Pfizer vet running your "democracy."

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If they had allowed therapeutics, i.e., Ivermectin, they wouldn't have been given the Emergency Use Authorization for the innoculation. Control--all about control. They lied and murdered people.

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Character assassination is where they go when they can’t win the argument on the merits. Keep on keeping on, Alex!

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I was a liberal Democrat now turned Independent. I will probably vote Republican like I did in the last election because I thought Trump was the lesser evil (Can you even imagine that Trump would have been the lesser evil???? Insane!!).

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I couldn't go that far...I voted libertarian. Even knowing i was throwing the vote away. But straight repub for everything else, even though I cried doing it bc I HATED the candidates (who won). But I became a single issue voter after the last presidential election. I now understand that the progressive democrats I voted for my entire life don't give a shit about my right to bodily autonomy.

(Editing my comment to add: or, even more importantly to me, my young kids' bodily autonomy. It is not an easy world for them right now, since almost every single kid they interact with has parents who wholeheartedly buy into this; almost all of their peers have gotten both jabs (and boosters for the older ones), and my own kids have dealt with being excluded from events and places because of scared people or venues that demand proof of the shot for ages 5 and up. Once the EUA was approved for 5 and up, my 8yo was forbidden to visit a friend - although they'd played together all summer, maskless, even indoors. The friends' parents got it for their 5- and 8-yo as soon as they could, and told us that our kid was no longer welcome over there. My kid was trying to be sympathetic to their fear, but I was unforgiving, pointing out the insanity of them being ok with my kid coming over when everyone was vax-free, yet now that their kids were (in theory) 'protected' from the illness, suddenly my kid was MORE dangerous to them than when their kid had no shot/no protection.

ANYWAY, my votes are henceforth going to politicians who will protect the rights of my kids to go to school and participate in society - that goes for me, too, of course, but as their protector I want to fight for a country that includes them in a positive way.)

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The GOP is the stupid party. The Democrats are the evil party. I urge people to get involved at the grass roots to elect sheriffs, district attorneys and school boards that will serve and protect your community.

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Nice take! Have to vet the crap out of the GOP RINO'S and remove them and replace as you mention with those who actually are "we the people" servants and not beholden to the land known as the SWAMP!

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And that’s the worst realization. I’m there too. Strictly independent and issue specific. But definitely NOT Dem.

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The worst part for me is that in almost every other way I'm aligned with them. But this issue is make or break for me right now. Even when it means I'm actively voting against other things I care about.

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Just think if a sizable majority voted Libertarian in the next US wide election, the two party duopoly would be instantly smashed. A total shock would be fall on the Dems & Pubs, and maybe they'll sit up and take notice! There is a 3rd choice...Libertarian. Want to really shake things up?? Vote for anything other than a D or an R, at least for the US House and Senate. We need to shake up the National Political Scene...We have the power of our Votes!! And, it has to be so overwhelming that any fraud is steam rolled over!!

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The Democratic Party left you. Like they left me. And Reagan FWIW.

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Jan 22, 2022Edited
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Nice! In primaries, please don't vote for Undocumented Democrats aka RINOs. e.g. Mitt "Pierre Delecto" Romney, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Mike Pence, John Cornyn, Brian Kemp, and countless others who claim to be "conservatives". When they win, we lose.

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I am in Georgia and NOT voting for Kemp.....😡

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Kemp is a corrupt scumbag, largely responsible for the federal coup d'etat & loss of both of Georgia's US senate seats to race-fluffing communists. Not that the cucked "Republicans" running for the seats were much better.

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I am with you, would not vote for Raffensberger, either (I live across the river in SC). Perdue and Loeffler were the worst possible Senators, too. You going to vote for Herschel?

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Ratburger is equally guilty. I donated to Herschel, but I don't live there.

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so you will vote for Stacey Abrams ...??????

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Kemp has primary opponents. Obviously, if he wins the nomination, you have to vote for Kemp. Most leftists I know don't even like Abrams, she is Hollywood's candidate. She is like the Democrat Georgia version of Chris Christie, more people outside their states like them than those who live in their states.

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The subject is PRIMARIES. Aren't you aware that scumbag Kemp has a real Republican running against him?

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Trump & his cronies was not and is not the lesser evil. Who do you think gave the green light for the lock down & the vaccines? People forget that his major campaign promise was to have a vaccine before election day. He KNEW the entire thing was a fraud:

https://twitter.com/Angelasfreenews/status/1483113327937171462 &


Look at the original publication date on the NEJM. They knew it was just a flu but than again dozens of people in trumps circle & some of his cronies not in government made billions.

Yet, because he wanted to get elected so badly he offered not only the American people to the altar of pharma & Fauci (whom he could have fired) but the world. He was angry the shot was released after the election and still whines about how he was responsible for it's development and has been an advocate for it. To this day, because of the contract his administration made with Pfizer & Moderna, NO ONE CAN GET ACCESS TO THOSE CONTRACTS to see what he gave away that is so airtight that scientist & lawyers cannot get copies of despite dozens of lawsuits filed. Those few that managed to get something from the government is so heavily redacted those pages can block out the sun. Trump is up to his eyeballs in this shit & knew what was going on.

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I voted for Trump but I have real problems with his continued support of the jabs. And Trump could have fired Fauci but wimped our.

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And the alternative (if we don't chose Trump) to help steer is out of this is? I don't think Desantis will be running this time unfortunately.

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I really DO NOT want to lose DeSantis here in Florida, but he would make an Awesome President.

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I hear you, but Florida won't stay free long if we don't restore the USA. DeSantis can choose a good successor.

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You’re right!

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Trump or DeSantis are the only ones. I will support either one if nominated. I prefer DeSantis.

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Trump has to reject his Covid Vaccine Fetish to have any chance.

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Yea, but I bet you the money is too good for him to do that.

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I agree. We have to chose the better solution - perfection is not achievable.

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You guys are dreaming.

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I'm focused more on local stuff now. School boards, sheriff, DA. These things impact me a lot more. On the national level it is kind of like deciding between the Kang and Kodos aliens on the Simpsons.

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You forgot to mention the better and viable alternative candidate you have in mind. . .

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You don't like DeSantis either? Who do you want?

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DeSantis would be vastly better than Trump. I'm sure he'd run if Trump got over his narcissism, did the right thing & backed him. DeSantis already has Florida in hand. 3 years to make it even better before handing the baton to a competent true conservative protégé. There are a couple others I could support too, like Mark Robinson, but DeSantis is ideal.

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And keep an eye on Allen West in Texas. If he can unhorse Abbott he will have a national profile - probably not in time for 2024 though.

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I'm not sold on West as an effective politician, though I donated to his gov race (I like all 3 challengers). He lost his Florida seat to a 26-year-old stockbroker or something. He's also well aware of the corrupt junta destroying the NRA, yet remains mum, does nothing, blows off board meetings & still keeps his "NRA director" title. He should either resign loudly or honor his duty as a director. But I agree, if he wins the primary/runoff & proves to be a balls-on Gov like DeSantis, he'd be a real comer.

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Jan 23, 2022
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Yep. Having erred by letting Pence put Pfauxi on the Task Force, Trump wouldn't have had to fire him to mitigate, just offset him. There were dozens of world-renowned MDs & PhDs he could've put on the Task Force to counter Fauxi-Birx when the world was watching for weeks on end. But he wanted the camera time for himself so he babbled about HCQ etc, which immediately got it demonized. Disaster. Another thing he'll never learn is say any version of "I don't know but I'll find out." So he babbled about covid being a nothingburger, then claimed he lied "to keep people from panicking", like a lying elitist, when he's the one who panicked.

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Are you serious? Who do you think has been promoting the shot and has been bragging about ow he got the booster? tRump has financial skin in the game. Has he ever said-don't get the shot?

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Your use of "tRump" is a big tell. I don't think you're on our side.

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he may not be on orange man's side .... he very possibly is a conservative

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You forgot to mention the better and viable alternative candidate you have in mind. . .

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Obviously DeSantis --- polished, intelligent, principled with actual core beliefs (and not the HUGE ego)

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Jan 22, 2022
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Bet it took you hours to come up with that comment and it's still lame.

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Do any of you know who was responsible for the lock downs, Brix, and she was under Fauci, less power yet tRump went along with it. Truth what people cannot accept is tRump could have put a stop to all of it just like Boris has in England:


2 years too late but a few statements has completely flipped England on it's head.

I'm sure he (trump) had the info that was caught on a hot mic if his staff, with reporters in the room, were talking about it openly.

This was not a health crisis, this was an opportunity!


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Scott Atlas states in his book that Birx went to the governors and "convinced" them to shut the schools and "non-essential" businesses". I'm looking forward to finding out how she "convinced" them and who was convincing Birx and Fauci.

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I'm looking forward to finding out how she "convinced" them and who was convincing Birx and Fauci.

Aren't we all.

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Unfortunately I am beginning to think you are correct. Trump’s mantra was drain the swamp. Then he picked a really weak bunch of cabinet members that weren’t able to drain anything. He refuses to hire people that could possibly outshine him. This is a real weakness. True leaders know to surround themselves with the most talented possible. Trump has always wanted to be a billionaire. He has never managed to make more than the stake he inherited which was around 450 million dollars. He is desperate for money, always has been.

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In my opinion, seems Trump had little choice in the matter. (Establishment Republicans would have taken him out of the primaries if they thought he’d win.) His choice was either to go it alone as an Independent (ensuring defeat), or take his chances with the lesser of two evils. His biggest mistake was underestimating the extent of the rot, and assuming the establishment would support him upon success.

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Yes. I know. We watch Candace and this was a good interview. It’s a huuuuge problem that will hurt Trump Bigly.

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But he was.

Though he messed up badly by giving Fauci an audience, authorizing the CARES Act and hawking the vaxxes.

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It would be nice to have an election in which Good vs Evil was a clear distinction, not Less Evil vs Evil. The lines are so blurred today, but I suspect that is on purpose!

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There is a word for that. Uniparty.

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Jan 22, 2022
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Sometimes a little abrasion is called for.

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People who voted personality over policy are regretting it now.

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If Fire - Break Glass. Most people actually live by the policies he advocated.

Including The Orange Man Bad Weenies and Karens who only object to his style.

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He failed to use the abrasion correctly and ended up skinning his knee.

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Agree! But I’d take a few mean tweets right about now!

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Alex, you said you were going to explain your position against Ivermectin soon. Did I miss that post? I'm eager to read it.

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Alex will come around on ivermectin. https://ivmstatus.com/ It is too obviously working.

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What's really scary for big pharma is that there's evidence Ivermectin works against many viruses, which means people may start skipping those flu shots, or <gasp> forgo those childhood vaxxes, if ivm turns out to be effective against those illnesses, too.

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That would be fantastic!

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Jan 22, 2022Edited
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Indeed, it was definitively proven a year ago. 80% of COVID deaths since then should be rightly laid at the feet of our slavish media who grovel at the feet of their dear leaders/owners. Which makes Alex' slavish devoti