A couple of you have raised questions like this, so I want to explain why I am pushing these stories about the heart - or undisclosed - problems that top professional athletes are suffering.
The writer is correct. These are stories. Even if the players are confirmed to be vaccinated, each case is an N of 1.
Why should we care?
All kinds of reasons.
Maybe most importantly, stories matter.
We know - not think, know - that Covid vaccines can cause serious heart complications in many young men. The potential for heart inflammation significant enough to lead to hospitalization is probably somewhere between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 6,000 men under 30. Israeli doctors offered this estimate six months ago, and it has held up nicely.
If anything, these estimates may underestimate the risk, because not all cases of side effects are sent to VAERS, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or similar European databases. We don’t know what percentage are reported, and frankly cannot even make a good guess - maybe as many as 50 percent for unusual and serious problems that are receiving a lot of attention (such as lethal clotting disorders in young women), as few as 10 percent for more routine side effects.
So a significant number of healthy young men are suffering serious side effects after being vaccinated - far more than are at serious risk from Covid.
Remember, three weeks ago, the New York Times - not Fox News, the New York Times - wrote that “for children without a serious medical condition, the danger of severe Covid is so low as to be difficult to quantify.” (Severe basically translates into “requiring hospitalization” - and the risk for adults under 30 is little different than for children and teens.)
But many people still have no idea just how tiny Covid’s risks are to young adults or children.
Because the people pushing extreme measures against Covid have pushed the news media to write about the tiny number of children and young adults who become very sick or die, usually without acknowledging their underlying health conditions. Sometimes these efforts have backfired badly, as last month, when the top public health official for the Canadian province of Alberta was forced to admit that a 14-year-old she had claimed died of Covid actually died of brain cancer.
Yet these efforts continue.
Because the people pressing them know that stories and symbols can defeat data. They have counted on this fact, and the aid of the media, since the very beginning of the epidemic. Britain’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies wrote on March 22, 2020:
A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; it could be that they are reassured by the low death rate in their demographic group… The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging. [emphasis in original]
The effort to keep people frightened is almost certainly why public health authorities have pushed so hard for masks, despite their obvious and repeatedly proven uselessness (I know I am going to have address the ridiculous Bangladeshi paper one day, and I will). Masks spell emergency.
It’s also probably why they they tried to keep people inside for most of 2020, long after researchers proved Covid was almost never was transmitted outside.
So stories matter. And I now receive multiple stories a week about young people who have had heart crises following Covid vaccination. But people don’t always want to go on the record, and getting information about potential underlying and confounding health factors can be difficult.
Besides, the vaccine fanatics can always point to the fact that about 190 million Americans have now been fully vaccinated. Yes, some people are getting sick or dying after being vaccinated, but with a such a large number, cases are to be expected.
Those concerns don’t apply to professional athletes. The sample size is extremely small. The National Basketball Association has fewer than 500 players, and the National Football League about 1,700; all the top European soccer leagues combined have a similar number. That’s perhaps 4,000 men in all. Even including major college football and second-tier European soccer leagues, the pool is under 20,000.
These players are extraordinary athletes who at the top level are paid millions and not infrequently tens of millions of dollars a year to stay fit and healthy. Yes, even the offensive linemen. If a notable number of them are having cardiac issues post-vaccination, that’s a very bad sign for the rest of us.
But we have other crucial reasons to play attention to this issue.
The media is essentially refusing to cover these cases or even ask questions when teams and coaches do not disclose relevant information. The obfuscation is part of a much larger pattern around Covid.
What has happened? Teams have traditionally disclosed substantive information about player injuries. Fans pay high prices to attend games, and huge amounts of money are bet on them; the presumption has been that people have the right to know if and why players aren’t going to be available, within certain narrow limits.
Worse, in several recent cases, athletes have not merely been held out of games but collapsed on the field of play, in full view of fans, many of whom are children. Those moments are frightening, anyone watching them is entitled to a clear explanation of what has happened, and, if possible, the underlying reasons why. This statement wouldn’t even have been controversial in the pre-Covid/pre-Covid-vaccine days.
When Hank Gathers, a college basketball player, collapsed on the court in 1990 and died two hours later, his death was exhaustively covered. (Gathers turned out to have cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle.) In fact, Gathers’ death was still being written about more than thirty years later.
Yet as with so much else, Covid has thrown long-established journalistic norms out the window.
Even to demand more information about individual cases - much less to suggest a pattern - is to raise questions about the vaccines.
And if you are a reporter for a elite media organization, you’d best think twice before you raise questions about the vaccines. To do so to commit journalistic harakiri. If you’re a really bad boy, you may even be shut out of social media - and lose a huge portion of your audience in one fell swoop.
Newsflash, folks:
No one knows why. No one is even trying to explain why. NO ONE IS EVEN DISCUSSING THIS. And now some of the healthiest young men in the world are collapsing before our eyes.
If those cases don’t get our attention, I don’t know what will.
You're the last big-time journalist with any balls. I would say turn off the lights on your way out, but I'm optimistic that the opposite will happen, and that in time your example will be the one young journos want to follow. Keep fighting that good fight, man. God knows we need someone to.
Yes, sir, back in the days Before Covid (BC), establishment media paid due attention if a pro-athlete got a hang-nail.
And, hell, they maundered on for weeks if a thoroughbred race horse broke down on the track. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, race horse injuries and deaths are still sufficiently important to have their very own websites reporting dutifully on such eventualities.
No doubt, those accounts would be discontinued if the CDC ever gets around to covid-jab mandates for equines.
I think Alex mentioned recently that there are something like 10,000 paid subscribers to his Stack, so that should be a signal to young journos that you can make a good living by telling the truth in an interesting way, without even being on Twitter, having a podcast, or your own TV show.
a. One who would kill you would not hesitate to rob you.
b. One who would rob you would not hesitate to lie to you.
c. One who would lie to you would not hesitate to insult you.
Considering that communism/socialism/fascism are merely euphemisms for stealing, the advocates of those systems certainly fall under (b) and (c) even if not (a).
Therefore we should always expect them to be liars and we should expect them to have a low, insulting opinion of everyone they wish to rob. Their own notions of self-worth require them to despise their victims - to think their victims "have it coming".
The problem of lying, to include self-deception, extends far broader and deeper than journalism. Some philosophers argue that it's even a necessary part of human perceptions/thought/existence. The table or desk before you seems solid enough, yet physicists will tell you that it is actually mostly empty space, the seeming solid actually a matrix of tiny particles with properties as difficult for the layman to grasp as are the particles themselves!
When one leaves the briar patch that is politics, it's fascinating to ponder some of the ideas. For example, Newton's laws of gravity, or Euclidean Geometry are "wrong" or "false" in the absolutist sense, in the sense that later theories (e.g. Einstein) refined our model of reality. Yet those older models are close enough for nearly all practical, everyday uses. So enjoy your mass of swirling electrons (table, nay, all physical objects) without worry. 😎
Much does depend upon perception. A vaccine that was (nearly) 100% effective and offered life-long protection -- as many traditional vaccines do -- might still have a death or serious injury rate of 1 in a million. Yet most people, me at least, might call that a "safe and effective" vaccine. The problem is the corruption of traditional models: the Covid-19 jabs come nowhere near the older "gold standard" of what a vaccine ideally is. So now the world is assailed by people marketing and sometime coercing a gene therapy (remember the power of a name? It didn't even fit the old definition. In other words the power of magic: put a venerated name on a dubious product!) And it's not particular safe or effective. Injury or death rate is anyone's guess, I would hazard 1:10,000.
Most don’t even know that Sen. Ron Johnson is having a hearing right now on vaccine injuries and mandates. Let’s see if any info from it makes the news.
The journalist who left her Houston Fox affiliate station during an on-air segment because they censored her coverage on Covid therapeutics is in DC today at the hearing. She's doing reports on each vaccine injury testimony from her Telegram channel. Ivory Hecker on Telegram.
This site has Unbiased News too....Straight Forward. She Actually got fired from CBS for telling the Truth. Good Reporters,like Alex,are out there. Almost all are on their own now! https://sharylattkisson.com/
Sharyl got spied on by our government for reporting the truth. She's the real trailblazer in the field. Other good ones to follow are Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, Mike Taibbi. I don't necessarily agree with all their viewpoints, but I respect the hell out of all because they were cast out for truthtelling. Adam Housley has good scoop, he just left to make wine. : )
This site has Unbiased News too....Straight Forward. She Actually got fired from CBS for telling the Truth. Good Reporters,like Alex,are out there. Almost all are on their own now! https://sharylattkisson.com/
Del Bigtree's Highwire program and email newsletter/announcements are another good source for honest coverage re: COVID, vaccines, and treatments. I heard most of the hearing thanks to an email alert from Highwire this morning.
THIS IS SO POWERFUL PLEASE WATCH: specifically Kellai Rodriquez-jab injured starts at 1 hr 43:15 on video and Dr. Brianne Dressen-vax injured 2:39:55 I am absoultely horrified at what I am hearing on this panel, sick to my stomach and it is all being supressed by Fauci et al, NIH, CDC,FDA. They will not respond to the jabbed injured, literally write them off. If this does not deserve the death penalty on all involved that are lying and covering up, I don't know what does.
Ingrid, I was in tears too. The jab injured have been abandoned by Pfizer, their own doctors, hospitals and no one will say it was the jab that caused this. Another jab injured was an orthopedic surgeon, he can't perform surgery anymore bc of the adverse effects. One mom on there had both her children enrolled in the trial. The daughter is now in a wheelchair. I believe she is 12 yo. Can you imagine being that parent that willfully allowed your child to participate in the clinical trial and now your daughter has no future bc of all the medical problems? The guilt must be overwhelming. The horror stories kept coming. I am beyond sickened.
Indeed. These parents did what they thought was right, were not told about the injured adults, and end up with a lovely girl in a wheelchair, who will probably need lifelong care. And no one helps. A few months ago I saw a film about other vaxx damaged children, one was a boy about 15, the others 3 girls. The boy finally committed suicide, as did 2 of the girls, because there was no future for them. They boy could only speak if he inflated some device. He was walking in a harnass. (Gardasil damaged)
And this time let's bring the real culprits to justice. My recollection is that only one high ranking Nazi official (Hermann Goering) was tried in the Nuremberg Trials.
p.s. Pfizer never even showed up to the panel, not one representative to address the injuries caused by their jab. I HATE YOU PFIZER, GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND MAY EVERY EVIL BEFALL YOU.
I subscribe and pay for Alex Berenson's content because he covers things like the cardiac complications in young vaccinated men. I can't get this information anywhere else and I am glad Alex provides it in detail!
Some other good sources: Children's Health Defense email newsletter and website archive. Del Bigtree's Highwire (live TV broadcast weekly, broadcasts of special events like rallies and hearings, newsletter with all the studies etc. that broadcasts refer to). Mercola.com email newsletter. Vaccine Impact emails. Stew Peters TV (also available on Rumble) for excellent whistleblower interviews plus reports by Karen Kingston and by Jane Ruby. Dr. Mobeen Syed's channel on youtube. Covexit website and youtube channel.
What about *sub-clinical* damage? The kind of cardic disease that does not land you in hospital or doctors office? I guess pro-vaxxers would call that "mild". From what I have been able to gather, even so-called mild damage can progress and become serious in the future. Is anyone looking at this?
If it's auto-immune, it definitely will. Since covid is now an endemic disease, it will continue to circulate in one mutation or another. Every time they are exposed to the spike, or a similar spike, their immune system will send out an army of antibodies, including the type that is cross-reactive, leading to more tissue damage + more inflammation. Eventually will kill them. Long after the initial vax, so "plausible deniability."
Rock song tie-in. One of Queen's more obscure songs, "Sheer Heart Attack," curiously not on the album of that name, amazingly has: teenager, DNA, symptoms of stroke, nerve damage and, of course, cardiac problems. I'm not saying prophetic, but pretty good for ten years before mRNA tech was even invented.
I am more than capable of sorting out your opinions from the facts you offer because the differences are quite clear. Please do not change a thing you are doing.
Rhetoric and Sophistry had acquired a pretty bad name even in Plato's time, about 2300 years ago. There's a difference, but it's lost on me. Both were schools that taught one to speak eloquently, prolixly, flowery and apparently with minimal content. In other words, the optimum skill for anyone seeking public office!
The reporting of heart problems in young men is most CERTAINLY being under-reported.
Case in point: a friend's two brothers, both in their mid-20's, took the Pfizer vaccine together. Four days later, within two hours of each other, both had heart attacks and were taken to the hospital. The doctors in both cases refused to say the vaccine was at fault; the nurses told them the vaccine was obviously the culprit.
So, both of their cases weren't reported as vaccine-related injuries. And yet, there is no other explanation why two healthy men in their mid-20's would have heart attacks four days after vaccination.
My friend won't say anything publicly, but she and her family won't touch the vaccines moving forward no matter what.
It is stories like hers that drive me crazy about what's happening...
The lawyer brother of a man who died after receiving the vaccine did a VAERS report, but there is a time limit that made it difficult even for him. He had everything written down and knew the legal terms and barely made the time limit. He said you only get 1 try, so it is important to have everything spelled out ahead of time.
What I've heard from doctors is that if you can't complete the form within the time limit, the system erases all your work. But you can start over. (Who has time for that? Not doctors or nurses in emergency rooms, for sure...)
This is one reason why Rose and Kirsch estimate that only between 1 out of every 41 and 1 out of every 42 adverse events are reported to VAERS. That's the mean; more serious adverse events are reported more frequently; as of a month ago they estimate that "a mere" 200,000 Americans had been killed by these delightful products our government insists every man, woman, and child be repeatedly injected with.
We have a daughter and 2 sons ages 23-27, right in this danger zone. They’re healthy, athletic - all have had the vax and did okay, thankfully. (Their pharmacist mother/dentist dad didn’t do sufficient research, never dreaming of the possibility of the evil we are seeing 🙈)
Anyway, these stories will convince them in ways no chart ever could - if even these elite athletes are having issues, then maybe mom and dad are onto something!
So thank you, Alex, for all your stories and charts. I felt like a person in the desert that found an oasis (cliché I know, but so true) when I stumbled upon substack and my “people”!
Insufficient research is quite the norm. fear is often used as a vehicle sell a product.
Example of unrelated area. My dentist is pushing flouride on me (and a friend) because I’m “older”.
In deciding about fluoride for example, I have to consider that it possibly linked to brittle bones and Osteoporosis, possibly linked to calcification of the arteries, etc. Not to mention you can get too much fluoride and have Fluorosis.
The “older” person has a right to consider all these possible implications and decide what decision is best for them personally.
The ADA and dentists are routinely recommending fluoride treatments and high fluoride toothpaste. To seniors. Without disclosing these risk. Or more likely. Denying it and saying it isn’t true.
It seems to me that we are not being informed by most medical professionals and government agencies, and the truth is being hidden from us in more than just this area.
Yes, I think so…2 of them are in healthcare programs (in blue states), so possibility of mandate is real. I am busily compiling info on exemptions, just in case.
But, they are adults, live on their own. So I’m praying ALOT🙏🏼
This seems to be a key aspect to medical professionals supporting all this. They just would never consider their fellow professionals would feed them bad info..
As Stalin is reported to have said, ”A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
We need the human stories to reach the hearts; we need the data to reach the minds. Both are essential to advancing the cause of resistance to tyranny.
Alex, this was the perfect answer to your reader’s comment. As a recently retired airline pilot, I can tell you that these sort of cardiac events are happening to commercial pilots and happening, not in sporting events, but during flight with hundreds of lives at risk. The installed Resident’s administration, including officials at the FAA, know these events are happening, and are doing everything possible to keep them secret. It’s one thing to see an elite athlete experience an event ( as horrible as that is) but quite another to have these events occur to professionals who have a flight physical every 6 months and an EKG once a year. Having had 42 years of flight physicals myself, I know the FAA is exceptionally strict on pilots with heart issues. That they are turning a blind eye to the jab-related heart issues in the cockpit tells us all about the level of evil the government/pharma cabal will employ to support the “safe and effective” narrative. This is a topic on which I wish you’d turn your investigative powers. If the traveling public knew what was happening behind the cockpit door, it might well be a decisive blow to the vax/passport/social credit system/tyranny runaway train.
If what you are saying is true - and I have no reason to doubt it - what is the reason? What would make all the powers that be suddenly throw public safety out the window in order to promote a vaccine that many many people obviously don't need? Why?
I don’t know the answer to your question. I can speculate. The question I ask myself about everything COVID that I don’t understand is, “What could be the benign explanation for why the government/healthcare/business is doing this?” If I can’t think of a benign reason, I’m left with really scary conclusions.
I know that there is a huge chunk of the public who are supporting vaccines and mandates because they simply don't know that this vaccine is any different from the measles vaccine.
For them, the sum total of their knowledge goes like this: 1. We had a dangerous pandemic that caused massive economic and personal damage. 2. Now we have miracle safe and effective vaccines that will stop the damage and end the pandemic.
So for these members of the public, it makes no sense why anyone would say anything negative about the vaccines or why anyone would be hesitant to get the shot.
HOWEVER, people who work in public health and people at the FAA who are scientifically literate and who are first-hand seeing the negative outcomes of the vaccines for a small but significant number of people are also parroting the same nonsense that these vaccines are perfectly safe and effective even when they know better - and in doing so they are damaging the credibility of all our institutions - and endangering lives - so the question for them is WHY??? What possible incentive is there for them?
There's a curve. First people question the efficacy of the gene treatment (aka "vaccine"). Then people question the severity of the virus (with the same IFR as a regular seasonal flu). Then people question all of the coverups (efficacy of alternative treatments, "vaxx" side effects). Then maybe it's the business side (the 18,000 patents that have been granted around this bug and the pharma organizations that own them). The highest likelihood of the virus origins made the headlines, that too. Only slowly is it dawning on people that: the virus was for the vaccine (not the other way around); and the vaccine is to get you on the app. US is messy and disorganized, but I can report confidently from Australia that the whole thing was used (or designed) to get people onto the digital ID system. It's seamless here, from QR codes to check in at every business, to links to banking systems, to license plate ID recognition and control, to movement control and limitations, to new laws requiring verified ID in order to have a social account. It's the end of human freedom as we know it: your identity, location, medical status, bank transactions, asset ownership, and taxation, all of them subject to realtime State approval (or consequences). These politicians look on China with complete envy, after all they eliminated the two things politicians hate most: elections and press briefings. If they had tried to push totalitarian control through an ID and tracking system in normal times they would have failed, so the "crisis" has served extremely well. It doesn't take any foil headgear to note: The Australian "Health" Minister's prior role was World Economic Forum Head of Strategy. I happen to be in New South Wales, where they said the Jews (unvaxxed) would be allowed out of the ghettos (lockdown) at 70% vax rate. Then it was 80%. Then 90%. Today's number is 95%. So I think all of the medical and science and health questioning is an interesting sideshow and of course we are all scratching our heads across all of those fronts. But the Main Event is Post-Freedom Techno-Tyranny.
Time for people to resuscitate their old cell phones. Pre-smart phones. Carry them as decoys. Feign innocence. Say you can't afford another type of phone. That you prefer the old type. That you have a digital addiction problem. That you have microwave intolerance. Whatever. Be creative. Don't disclose that you have another. Shrug. Ask them for the alternative method. Point out that there's nothing in the constitution that requires you to own a smartphone. Or even a cellphone at all. Passive resistance. Surveillance Satyagraha.
I applaud you. Don't succumb. I already use mine minimally (banking, contact with family), and resent all additional intrusions and expectations. I do not want it as an umbilicus to my life. My family know that they can't expect me to be at its beck and call, and that if I haven't charged it or don't have it on me, then it's tough luck. It's not life-threatening not to have the infernal piece of plastic on my person at all times.
I DO have an old style flip phone. Apart from actual calls and checking what little email I get on it, I do not use it. More often than not, I forget it at home. In truth, I have for emergencies only. But when I have needed to use it, whoever I need to get in contact with does not answer until long afterwards. Too busy texting. No one I know was able to use their phones when we had our big earthquake and tsunami ten years ago, so it really is not even useful for emergencies.
Whether or not is was designed for this, I don’t know. But people in power certainly jumped on it to use as you describe. Things are messy in the States but they are making progress in ways we would not think of. I now need to log in to the US Postal Service web page before going to the P. O., here in Japan to mail a package to the US. The rule is for all countries but only the US is enforcing it, according to my local, Japan, postal clerk. That IRS snooping on accounts with $600 going in or out, that started with FATCA reporting on “US persons” accounts out side the US.
You don't pick the times you live in, they pick you. They are not even trying to hide their program here: the Premier of the State of Queensland was publicly questioned about the sprawling "quarantine camps" nearing completion here. The original story was they were for inbound overseas tourist travelers, but then even the blind squirrel "journalist" found a nut and asked "are they even needed any more?". The Premier confidently answered: "Yes, of course, they are for unvaccinated Australians". My follow up question would be "Will the Premier agree not to interfere militarily if the UN creates a safe passage corridor so unvaxxed (or un-boostered, they are extremely horny for those here) could get free passage to refugee resettlement boats?" Based on the last 20 months, anyone who is still unwilling to think the completely unthinkable is way behind the curve IMO. My plan is to fulfill Solzhenitsyn's only big regret in life: that when they came for him he did not quickly seize a big kitchen knife and take a few of them with him. My father was in the Dutch Resistance and spent time being tortured in a Nazi prison for writing an anti-Nazi play, and I feel like his strength is now my strength. I'm behind enemy lines too, like he was, showing my fake papers and avoiding checkpoints...Love you Papa, Live Free or Die
Listen to what Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said to a group of prominent people in Israel about how this world-wide "pubic health/technocrat" could have been implemented (I may have a word or two wrong here but this is very close):
"If I was organizing this, I'd go to a head of state and say 'I'm putting 500 million dollars in an account that can't be traced. Listen to us, or we will kill your family.'"
When Zelenko said this, one of the prominent people at the table -- a high public health official -- lowered his face and covered it with his hands. He kept his face covered for over a minute while Zelenko finished his presentation...uncovered his face and looked up only when the next speaker started to talk.
I think it's also important to realize that these sports (basketball and soccer, especially) REQUIRE amazing cardiovascular power. Most armchair athletes NEVER hit their maximum HR, whereas these guys/gals do so routinely.
I have spoken to people who have felt "off" since the vaccines ("not as energetic", "tired") and this may be subtle CV issue that would not be obvious in non-athletes.
The only way to truly test anything (system/engine/machine) is to test it under FULL LOAD - that's what a "stress test" is meant to do. The athletes are doing stress tests for a living.
It should be obvious to everyone why these stories are worth sharing. The story of Covid, the lockdown, mail in votes, and now the vaccines are the script from a really bad B movie. None of it has been believable from the start. Nobody can stay on script. They are awful actors even with the complicit media covering up their blunders.
Speaking of bad movies, you should watch the show Utopia with John Cusack. It's freaky how much of it predicted what is happening today. It's like they purposely released that show pre-Covid to make us look like a bunch of crazies that take our prophecies from a really bad, poorly acted TV show.
Thanks for the tip. 10 years ago I would have watched it but since then John Cusack, a former favorite, has proven himself to be one giant douche. Truthfully I'm having a hard time finding anything to watch on tv.
There are lots of good things to watch on the web...even on youtube with its awful censorship! Try UnHerd's Lockdown TV channel on youtube for great interviews by a young man named Freddie Sayers (a variety on COVID but many on other topics). Another suggestion, look for films on Allan Savory and his work on stopping desertification, rehabilitating ecosystems, and building top soil...wonderful and inspiring (you might want to start with Savory's TEDTalk).
Agree, seems obtuse not to recognize the significance of the healthiest human specimens becoming deathly and publicly I'll and having it greated with a yawn.
These are data, not just anecdotes. We have a more or less fixed population: professional athletes in the 2021 season. This population is young, healthy, well looked after by the best medical staff. They're also heavily vaccinated. I would argue one can get a rough idea of the near-term risk of vaccine injuries in young males by tracking all these events and dividing by the relevant denominator. Very rare for apex athletes to just keel over on the field, be disabled by heart issues.
The important thing here is that the entire population in question is visible to the public. You can't pull a starter from his season without the public noticing. It's practically a natural experiment, with the 2019 season as the control. How many pro/college athletes got heart inflammation in 2019? Guessing none. So we're talking about an incidence of like 1 in 2k, 1 in 1k, maybe even worse. It's an *insane* level of risk, relative to any normal vaccine.
Very good points. In Australia with our evil vaccine mandates, all of our AFL footballers (about 600) are currently in the process of getting their 2 shots (with few holdouts). Training is starting up and the season begins early next year - these players run a marathon every game (about 22 games/weekly a season). I fully expect to see at least one if not more literally drop from "unexpected" health issues.
Joshua - I agree completely and I appreciate your rational support of Alex. I sort of freaked out about the emailers' criticism because I really value these athlete anecdotes (each one a data point rolling in that we should keep track of).
My wife's best friend and the maid of honor at our wedding died in her sleep in April a few days after the second Pfizer jab. "Sudden Cardiac Failure" they said, and we reported it to VAERS.
As you might imagine, I am not getting vaccinated, and I have been outspoken against vaccinating our kids here in Berkeley, CA. I am loud and easy to find so yesterday I was interviewed briefly by San Jose Mercury News reporter John Woolfolk for a piece on the FDA approval for 5-11 year olds. I shared with him our story and why, if it comes to it, we will be relocating to Florida to avoid the forthcoming mandate for our kids in this state. He was very taken by our story. He said he would be running it up the flag pole with the editors at the Merc as it warranted a story all of its own. I let him know I had zero confidence that I would hear from him again, and told him he should be careful. I reminded him what happened to Gary Webb when he tried to discover the truth around a controversial topic.
I have taken to forwarding him Alex's substack articles. I imagine it is only a matter of time before he asks me to stop. I believe it is hard to be a state stenographer AND get confronted with difficult contradictory information.
Until yesterday, I wondered why Fauci et. al. were so desperate to vaccinate kids, when it obviously makes no medical sense, is totally unethical in fact, and would lead to serious opposition from parents.
Then I watched yesterday's video podcast from Viva Frei and Robert Barnes at vivabarneslaw.locals.com.
Robert Barnes said the magic words: liability protection. While Pfizer & Moderna have blanket immunity under their current EUAs, the "FDA approved" (but still unavailable) Biontech Comirnaty vaccine would not have such liability protection. Unless it gets onto the kids' list for vaccines. No liability there! Ain't it a sweet gig?
Yeah, you got it. Parents of vaccine-injured children, like me, knew the COVID-"vaccine" makers would try to get their "vaccines" on the CDC schedule of recommended vaccinations for children ASAP to get the liability protection. This is also, incidentally, why flu vaccines had to be gotten on the CDC's childhood vaccination schedule. The only slightly positive thing about this is that it should open the door for both adults, and parents of injured children, to file claims under VICP, but the system is so rigged against claimants that being able to file a claim doesn't really mean much unless you have a shoulder injury related to vaccination from a flu shot (that's a "Table Injury").
Dan - great job for speaking the truth and spreading the word!! And having the courage to transplant your family to Florida. Of course I agree it's better there, but our family lives in Washington state and we are trying to plan a move to a better state - but there are so moving parts and sometimes I just get scared about the unknown. Even if it is a freer unknown! Great comment, thank you.
My daughter and I just moved to Washington state from California due to family needs. Unfortunately it looks like "out of the frying pan into the fire" re: having a COVID-crazy dictator in place of a governor. But at least we're out of wildfire country and I'm grateful for that...
My son is an actor and stayed away from the poison; we all did in my immediate family. He'd gladly play the part....thank goodness for Alex and his honest reporting. I would feel so lost without it, and his follower's comments too....blessings to you all!
We are no doubt headed full speed at a disaster. People are blinding by fear of covid, when in fact it's the vaccine that poses the greatest risk. How many suspicious deaths will they cover up until they can no longer deny as the vaccine being the cause? 100k? 1 million? Millions? I don't know, but if you truly love children, don't treat them like mice, please don't.
If I may add, I remember what happened with HIV/AIDs in the early 1980s. Governments around the world at the time did not want the story to come out as many fine young men around the world were developing rare cancers and other lethal diseases that no one could explain. The media for whatever reason were complicit in hiding the story. But then one famous man, a handsome actor that most everyone over 30 years old had known and enjoyed watching in film, came onto the daytime television show of his dear friend, looking so haggard and emaciated that no one at first believed it was him. That man was Rock Hudson, on the Doris Day Show. And just by that one appearance where he explained that he had a disease that was ravishing a large group of men across the country and around the world, did the social consciousness of this terrible disease finally come to the surface in a very public way.
Sometimes it only takes one person's story to change the world. Rock Hudson's story did that for HIV/AIDs...who's story will it be that exposes the dangers of the Covid "vaccines" that governments have spent a huge amount of time and money to develop the propaganda that these virtually un-tested and potentially dangerous drugs are "safe and effective"?
That's why these individual stories matter, because one day its going to be someone like Rock Hudson, a person who so many know and love, who will prove to the world that the governments and media have been lying about these drugs from even before the day they were introduced. And that's when this vaccine nonsense, with all of its offshoots that are ripping apart societies with mandates and prohibitions, will finally be exposed for the fraud that it is.
Alex - While it's sad that there are so many who fail to see the bigger picture, even some who read your posts, it's reassuring that you're able to crystalize this particular issue.
Every day the evil of humanity surprises me, but then I realize how naïve I've been. If these same people believe that it is perfectly legal and moral to murder their own unborn child up and to the moment of delivery, why would any of these atrocities surprise me? These jabs they are forcing us to take were developed, designed, or tested using aborted fetal cell lines that would have required harvesting fetal organs from a live baby. These evil medical researchers can't have fetal body parts contaminated by anesthesia.
Oddly, of the three vaccine injuries that I am personally aware (two confirmed and a third suspected but impossible to confirm). All were high level amateur athletes.
Brainwashed. I told my dad about the EMA and VAERS websites, and his answer was - they can write whatever they want on a computer. Of course he does not have one, and refused to get one when I moved here, so we could phone on it
I knew nothing about the mechanics of VAERS. I still don't know much, but after hearing Deborah Conrad's story, I'm convinced you're absolutely right. VAERS is not just a "suggestion box" for the masses.
Wait for it, when someone loses a loved one to the sociopathy of hospitals and doctors, and then, we read of the consequences for this horrific disregard for the public safety...
And it will happen, and then, the CATS will tell us there is no justification for consequences...
Kimmich refusing the vax has been on German front pages for days now and even Merkel is now pressuring him. He is that big since he also plays in the German national soccer team:
Ah Kimmich, I remember seeing the interview in DW last week. What he said made perfect sense (that he'll opt to wait and wants to see long-term data basically). Yet the news presenter painted him in a BAAD light, saying his decision was "controversial" and labeled him "anti-vax". Not surprising coming from lamestream media
Actually, such a seeming point-and-sputter could work to our side's advantage. This is, I suspect, a perennial problem of any censored press when they denounce a person, place or thing: at the least, they are giving an opponent free publicity. If they provide any detail, it may even be some free advertising for the opposition. The controlled media's messaging: "Famous Mr. X is selfish, refuses to take the vax, and endangers both himself and he sets a bad example for his many fans." Yet many of his fans may suspect that X has very good reasons for his decision and may seek to emulate him.
Why would anyone question Alex on this? Athletes are the fittest among everyone on the planet. If their bodies aren't up to fending off the dangers of the vaccine, how can we expect ours to be? And we need to know this.
Ironically, the younger and fitter you are, the more dangerous the vaccine is to you. Richard Baris of People's Pundit polled 1300 Americans about 2 months ago on vaccine AEs. Younger people reported more AEs and more severe AEs than older ones.
The overall rate for self-reported "severe AEs" using the CDC's definition "prevents daily activity" was 3.5%. For young women in their 20s, it was 7.2%
Nadine - while I think this is a reasonable hypothesis, I'm also starting to see some data roll in about elderly actually dying more from vax. It's just that sudden death at that age doesn't raise eyebrows. It'll probably be years until we know the true incidence.
See my reply to Nadine Carroll directly above re: relevant research already done. The best data for research would probably be the Vaccine Safety Datalink (U.S. federal), but researchers have to submit research proposals and get them approved to use the VSD data, and I doubt approval would be given at this point for any research that would call current U.S. COVID vaccination policy into question.
If you go to Jessica Rose's VAERS-based research on COVID-19 vaccines (link below) and look at Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, you can compare incidence of all AEs (by age) and incidence of death (by age). The highest incidence of AEs is in the 30-40yo age group and the highest incidence of death is in the 80-90yo age group. This is excellent research and I highly recommend it. Rose did a presentation of her research to Vaccine Choice Canada, and has given a few interviews. She also has a website.
Some thoughts: The MRNA vaccines train the body to synthesize the spike protein, which is now known to be a serious toxin that can cause blood clots anywhere in the body. When using a toxin for medical purposes, the most important thing is to *control*the*dose*. Lots of medicines are toxic or fatal if too much is given, but can be beneficial at a lower, carefully-controlled dose.
Too me, this is the fatal flaw of these "vaccines": the amount of spike protein produced depends in large part on the health and vitality of the individual receiving the jab. My hypothesis is that healthy, strong individuals will likely produce *more* of the spike protein after receiving the jab than less-healthy and/or elderly folks will. And that higher dose of spike protein would be more likely to have severe or fatal consequences.
I don't know if this has ever been tested. But if I'm right, it could be part of the reason we're seeing so many serious events in top athletes, airline pilots, military men, etc. We know that the risk of myocarditis, for example, is highest in younger men - could this be why? It sure would be nice if someone would research this ...
Are you suggesting that we should fully research safe doses on all sorts of people before vaccinating all 8 billion people in the world? What kind of conspiracy theorist are you?
1. they go to all parts of the body (don't stay in the deltoid),
2. they make unknown amounts of spike protein, and they do it
3. for an unknown amount of time.
I like your theory that someone healthier has better cellular mechanics and therefore it's likely that they make more spike than the next person who might be unhealthier on the cellular level.
BC - and "theories" are all we can have since, as KLG points out, the research just hasn't been done. There has never been a better use of the phrase, We are all guinea pigs......
I have 3 well informed Children, all at the top of their game in the USN. All have been on top of this pandemic (election flu) from the start. All 3 are going to be separated from the Navy, due to the brass not accepting any religious waivers. (Well unless you are Muslim). But my daughters and Son are model sailors and all very much want to serve.
A bit of a side, but very relevant: They do to their physical abilities and excellent fitness and leadership roles proctor the PRT for their respective units. Yesterday due to the lack of exercise the troops have had with lock downs and isolation. None of Her new sailors passed the test.
The threats to health in the military are not Covid-19. It is SUICIDE AND ALCOHOL.
There were 800 suicides to 30 Covid related deaths prior to the mandated vaccine.
Now it's 850 Covid to 70 with the increase being among vaccinated sailors.
I am sad that the Navy is making some terrible choices. But it's not like it's the first time.
Official's are politicians 05 to 09 and E7 and above.
It's all good. They joined to be the 1% and set an example. They all started out in Sea Cadets and Civil Air Patrol. I highly recommend both. It's nice to know that they are not only willing to stand up for our Constitutional Guarantees and be the example in the face of peers and officials who are pressuring you to do some drugs because every one else is doing it.
The pentagon won't realize anything under this Biden regime. This is not a mistake; they are deliberately purging the military of political opponents and weakening it.
If major damage is being done to some is minor damage being done to many? If so, will that minor damage have a long-term effect, perhaps becoming more visible with passage of time, on the vitality of the afflicted? What might regular D-dimer tests of athletes reveal? That test detects the presence of blood clots, including those that are small, numerous, and dispersed.
My own father who took the jab back in March ended up in the ER around July due to chest pain and shortness of breath. I made them give him a d-dimer test which was elevated and twice what's normal. No physician has been able to adequately explain that result away. I know that he probably has micro-clots all over his lungs now, but he doesn't believe that or that if they did exist it was caused by the jab. All his doctors told him it was nothing to worry about. So, despite my pleas he went to get the booster anyway.
What is it with (older) parents that WILL NOT listen to their adult kids? Infuriating. Hoping for your father's continued good health despite the poor choice to boost.
We have the opposite problem. We (80+) could not stop our kids and their kids from taking the jab. They believe in "the science". Me, I'm just a stupid engineer. No science in that profession.
A month of aspirin isn't enough. A whistleblowing medical sonographer says he's seeing *many* people with dangerous blood clots in the legs 5 months after vaccination. But maybe this physician had the sense to monitor his D-dimer after one month post-vax?
Dr Kendrick, in the comments to the post I linked, said he was just guessing about the month. Just speculating here, but possibly a month's worth of aspirin would help prevent or reduce the blood clots months down the line. Certainly Dr Kendrick did something I had not about should I have to take a shot (and it's not likely I will).
Can you provide a link to the sonographer's statement? I'd like to pass it around to some of the folks I read. Thanks.
cargoshortguy - I agree. Small amounts of heart damage in an otherwise healthy person could probably go unnoticed until perhaps the defect results in a strange arrhythmia. And boom. Cardiac arrest on a field.
If, as seems likely, elevated mortality in younger age cohorts reflects cardiac events caused by the vaccine, we would expect reports of corresponding incidents in the press. This is above all why these stories are important. The mortality data suggests these events are occurring at a fairly high rate. We ought to be able to see them. And we do.
Alex - you crystalized here why my wife and I are obstinate in our refusal so far to be injected. We just feel that the entire world is being manipulated into getting experimental drugs poured into our bodies without any proof that they will vaccinate us - in the traditional sense of the word - from this virus.
With public service announcements every five minutes on the radio program we listen to, telling us that the injections are "safe and effective" to the constant drum beat of the media pushing every covid death story as unnecessary and avoidable, it feels like we're living in a Orwellian future. None of this, of course, makes sense - the theater of wearing masks into restaurants - the already injected fearing us who haven't been - the people driving alone in cars wearing masks - it's all bizarre.
Keep writing, Alex. You and a few like you are the only calm voices in a crazy world.
Humanist Fauci and Pfizer's marketing rep, CDC, know full well that the vax kills healthy people. They told us this would be the outcome, it's just that most people don't know how to interpret viper-speak. When they say, "the benefits outweigh the risks" (and that is what they say), they do NOT mean the the risks to a single individual are very small, they mean that for society as a whole (they think) the larger population will see some benefit even though a (relatively) few individuals will die. This is just a fact that they accept and factor in -- being the ungodly humanists that they are -- and they think we should just accept too (for the "greater good").
Exactly! Friends I've known for decades (who know of my existing heart issues) keep pushing me to get jabbed. It's fine if I drop dead - just be dutiful and inject an experimental drug that is known to cause heart problems. Seriously! I don't even know what to say anymore.
Oh don't worry - I have zero intention to get jabbed. It's just astounding to me how many people I thought were smarter have succumbed to the brainwashing. Seriously disturbing!
Sadly, this has always been the narrative around childhood vaccines. Despite the surge in developmental delays, autism, and other chronic health issues after the 1986 Vaccine Act was signed. The USA has a vaccine CULT problem not a covid problem.
MLL - I wonder far more about the childhood vax schedule and many of the allergies and autoimmunity. All of this of late has really opened my eyes. Type I diabetes has SHOT through the roof. Hmmmmm. A bzillion childhood vaccines could be related???? No one seems to ask.
that's because they don't wanna know. "don't ask, don't tell" which in this case should say "don't seek, don't find". Right? A few years ago, I watched an NPR documentary about the rise in allergies in children. And this one scientist who was leading a study talked about the environment, food, etc. but never once mentioned the ONE ITEM that targets a child's immune system directly: vaccines. HOW is that study legitimate? SMH
Yes but they also don’t say what the benefits are. We all assume it’s covid immunity but they could be claiming a benefit that most of us would consider evil.
Excellent point. The hardest thing for honest people to accept is that there are truly dishonest people in high places who use a different lexicon than most of us.
I'm quite certain that the people behind the Big Agenda see substantial population reduction as a "benefit."
I tell people, "When public health authorities say a vaccine is safe, what they mean is that the expected level of injury, disability, and death is acceptable to them."
Thank you for being one of the lone voices in the wilderness speaking the unspeakable, Alex. It’s probably small comfort but, someday, you will be vindicated in your refusal to follow the official narrative. I wish so many young lives weren’t being sacrificed or forever altered as we wait to get to that day.
If you post anything about the low Covid stats in kids, even citing exact CDC numbers with the relevant link, social media will remove it. A narrative is definitely being pushed. It is creepy and scary to me. I feel most sympathetic toward kids in foster care, as I doubt they will have a choice about getting the shot.
The relentless narrative that feels cultish, lack of curiosity by the media and lack of forthrightness and transparency from our institutions, is likely why many are holding out. It is often what isn't being reported that is most important. The key is take in information, but to make one's own decision. After all, each of us will enjoy or suffer the consequences of our health choices.
Agree wholeheartedly with you. Optimistically, perhaps the percentage of population that took the jabs is less than our lying governments claim. From the outset most people could tell that the narrative was changing too often, too many inconsistencies, whatever. Even for the stereotypical deplorable hick, gut feeling can often warn when something just ain't right.
Totally agree with you. Much to my disappointment (even though we know this about human nature), most people's actions and decisions are highly driven by anecdotal stories vs. the data, which is how we got into this mess in the first place. No reasonable person looking at the data would have been worried about Covid, unless you were elderly or had many underlying conditions (which is a hair on fire emergency in the first place). And they would certainly not be worried about kids and Covid. But yet, I know people who mask their children outside still and can't wait for the vaccine for their little children. I know (sadly too many) people who refused to see grandparents for A YEAR for fear of killing them (I mean honestly, my parents and my in-laws are in their 70s, how can you waste a year not seeing them?), and who refuse to hang out with other adults indoors...
ALEX - it was extremely patient of you to explain why you are letting us know about these news stories. I found it totally bothersome that someone emailed you and DOESN'T like knowing about the famous people that are (potentially) having health problems because of the vaccine! NO ONE ELSE IS EVEN ASKING ABOUT THESE SITUATIONS. What planet is that emailer on? We have a complete suppression of the stories. This is anything but fear-mongering. We are trying to get the word out to save people's lives.
Please keep doing this work. Don't let that emailer get under your skin.
I want to know!!! The news' suppression means some of these athlete's/celebrities experiences are never even translated into English articles. You are doing the legwork (through many of your world-wide followers) to report what is happening.
I agree, Alex. The email writer is wrong. At this point, we need to ditch being circumspect. The propagandized majority is the reason we're still in this nightmare (the government could not withstand pushback from an actual majority of the country). We need to report it all. To hell with being "moderate."
These are the type of stories that matter the most to me because I am running out of time to convince my 17 y.o. (6'2" track Junior Olympian) and my 19 y.o. fit/healthy (6' tall daughter) to postpone the jabs UNTIL next year. My hope? To see the mandates halted and vax passports deemed illegal and obsolete in light of the thousands of vax injuries and faulty clinical trials. They - like many other young and ambitious people - are feeling pressured to get jabbed (against their will) in order to compete in sports, or to travel, go to concerts/theater, etc. In the prime of their lives and with perfect health, they are Big Pharma's sacrificial lambs. People at zero risk of serious covid illness. I am FURIOUS and hope that more stories like this one come out. THANKS for your journalistic INTEGRITY, Alex! Keep exposing the real cost of this corrupt and failed public health policy.
"It's cheap and beneath your usual excellent standards." - Do you think he still thinks that after this excellent rebuttal? This is an incredibly well reasoned response. And we are now a little smarter having read it.
Alex, I'd like to wholeheartedly support what you have said and encourage you to continue in the same vein.
I work in health and fitness and have an intense interest in how athletes fair. This is for two reasons:
Just as diabetics are the "petri dish" for the effects of high blood sugar and the resultant insulin spikes (I'm talking type 2), athletes are the petri dish for the adverse effects of the vaccine.
I don't want to see ANY athletes or ANY person hurt by these experimental-untested-new-tech-bioactive vaccines. But since people are being jabbed indiscriminately and the people responsible are not taking notice, we need to see data and examples that will wake them up.
An athlete shows the adverse effects in more pronounced fashion (potentially the result of inflammatory conditions from the spike protein integrated with cells and being attacked by the immune system, or simply impairing cell function)
Put bad oil in an old Corolla that you use to potter to the shops and you may not see the effect for years. But put the bad oil in a Ferrari and try to do 200mph and you'll quickly see a problem.
Again, I don't want to see ANYONE hurt. But the jabs unfortunately are in many people and we need to see them stopped before more people are also hurt now, or in the future.
Just as diabetics provide a window into the effects of sugar in the blood in a magnified fashion, (inflammation and other comorbidities), and these effects can be extrapolated to other non-diabetics to show the long-term effects of the sugars (diabetes being one of the outcome as the insulin receptors fade)
Athletes possibly provide a window into the future for everyone. If there is cell damage or auto-immune-type processes, then age or high physical demands will likely compound the conditions, just as the effects of high blood sugar compound.
Please continue your brilliant reoprting style and range of coverage.
It highlights all the factors (and facts) that we need to know - and those mandating this poisonous rampage need to know to stop the madness.
Add to this the fact that the "vaccines" (term used loosely) only "work" for a few months, as well as reduce the likelihood of full immunity down the track, as well as therefore reduce the chances for herd immunity, as well as producing "hotter" strains because they are leaky, as well as the immediate risks of Adverse Events (MUCH higher than reported) as well as the long-term risks..... and considering that none of these risks are necessary because the vaccines are not necessary for most people..... and it is all sheer madness.
We could (should) just use the vaccs (though I'd strongly suggest NOT mRNA.... stick to traditional vacc technolgoy) on those at risk (the aged and those with high comorbidities) and leave the majority to develop natural immunity.
Thanks again for your great work and content. I just bought "Unreported Truths' and "Pandemia" and imagine I will not be able to read them fast enough.
Many elderly and people with high comorbidities would be better off getting effective early treatment (such as Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's protocol; the mortality rate for high-risk patients with this protocol is about 0.1 or 1 in 1000) than getting any type of COVID vaccine. The rest (those at extreme risk) could be "prophylaxed" with hydroxychloroquine+zinc or ivermectin. Links to information on prophylaxis, early treatment, and treatment at more advanced stages can be found at c19protocols.com.
The horrifying thing is that for many of the True Believers - I won't say most, but I would say it is a large minority - these adverse events won't make a bit of difference. Nor will reports of heart attacks and strokes at the local kindergarten. Deaths and debilitating injuries from the injections will just be seen as a price worth paying. I don't know what can break a mass psychosis, but I hope someone else does.
We had an entire generation that thought cigarette smoking was a healthy idea. Doctors promoted it. Mike Wallace, a journalistic icon, smoked while interviewing guests.
So many movies in the 40-60's had everyone walking around with a cigarette in their hand and a glass of booze in the other. And society followed....what a mess.
My 80+yr old dad says they always knew smoking caused cancer. When he was a kid they called them cancer sticks. And as for traumatic brain injury, punch drunk right? We used to say someone got hit in the head too much. Point being, we don’t need experts to know what’s true.
The belief still persists. I've seen several times the claim that cigarette smokers are more immune to COVID-19. Like many claims, we must demand, "Based upon what evidence?" I merely cite it now as an example of what seems to me, to be an absurd claim.
Perhaps a smoker's damaged lungs are a less hospitable environment for SARS-CoV-2 to replicate in than a non-smoker's healthier lungs? The human body isn't a simple machine; it's a complex ecosystem and all sorts of strange things happen in there. I'm with you on demanding "Based upon what evidence?" but as a science-minded person I often find "How could this be true?" and "How could these two apparently conflicting things both be true?" to be very productive inquiries.
People will hold tight to their delusions when reality is too hard to bear, and that's the position most of us are in right now. Most of the people I know who aren't in denial are heartsick.
I absolutely agree with what Alex has written here. There is so much censorship going on and such a push to paint the shots as completely benign, it is important to have every death/injury reported. A lot of my friends are very unaware. VAERS is very under reported, we don't know by how much exactly. Everyone should know that what people are being coerced into is possibly dangerous.
These are some of the only stories the media cannot suppress. Imagine living in a blue suburb and your kid gets shortness of breath and chest pain from the vaccine. It's the last thing the media would cover. The doctor will tell you it's genes or stress. Your neighbors would never talk to you again if you even suggest it is related to the Pfizer. You are screwed. At least the media is forced to cover these star athletes collapsing in some nominal way.
Is it possible that people who are exceptionally healthy are MORE likely to have negative effects from the vaccine? Is it possible that the strong immune system that young, healthy people have reacts more strongly - and perhaps unexpectedly - to the vaccine such that they are at greater risk from the vaccine than the average person?
Yes and Yes to your questions. A vaccination trains your immune system to recognize and attack (using antibodies) a particular kind of pathogen (or in the case of the anti-toxoid vaccines like diphtheria and tetanus vaccines, to attack a toxin produced by a pathogen). If there are "molecular matches" between the pathogen and components of your own body, your vaccine-trained immune system's antibodies can mistakenly attack those components of your body, resulting in autoimmune disorders.
When a vaccination triggers severe, acute autoimmunity, the symptoms start within a few days of the injection. Typically at about two weeks post-vaccination, the person will be hospitalized, but in many (probably most) cases the doctors don't recognize that the problem is autoimmunity triggered by vaccination and so don't offer maximally effective treatment. The peak injury caused by "cross-reacting" antibodies will occur at 2.5 to 3 weeks, because that's when antibody production in response to a vaccination peaks. Sometimes the severity of the disorder lessens over time as antibody production decreases. Unfortunately some degree of autoimmunity will continue as long as the immune system continues producing antibodies (i.e. as long as the vaccine is "effective").
Athletes have strong, energetic bodies with strong, energetic immune systems. When your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body's components, it's not an advantage to have a strong, energetic immune system.
Let's consider Gardasil vaccine for a minute here. HPV vaccines like Gardasil target multiple types of HPV virus, including HPV Type 16. Unfortunately, HPV16 has 82 molecular matches with components of the human body. One of the researchers developing Gardasil quit the project in disgust, publicly stating that everyone involved knew that auto-immunity was unavoidable because of molecular matches. In Denmark, a clinic was established to treat girls and young women with severe adverse effects from Gardasil. One of the primary doctors at that clinic said that 70% of the clinic's patients had, before getting the vaccine, been "elite athletes" (meaning champions in regional competitions). And if you read the sad stories mothers tell about their Gardasil-injured teenage daughters, you hear over and over "Before Gardasil, my daughter was healthy and happy, always full of energy! She was really good at sports, and loved playing with her teams!"
Autoimmune disorders are turning out to be major adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. If I remember correctly, there are 20-some molecular matches that could explain this fact. We should expect to see athletes among the people worst effected by post-COVID-vaccine autoimmunity.
I think we can agree holistically when we think healthy. A healthy mind goes with a healthy body.
If you are feeble minded, you are probably more likely to do what everyone else is doing. In fact it's a goal of the weak to just be a part of the herd. That's a lifetime dream for a lot of people.
"I'm somebody now! Millions of people read the phone book every day!"
Alex is well grounded in writing about the pro athletes. High visibility counts in our society. Low visibility is buried. Wonder how many high school athletes are having heart issues?
Very well written response Alex. I used to often say it's going to take one famous person having a major vaccine reaction for people to wake up to the safety of this particular vaccine, but now seeing how they respond to these potential cases I would say it's going to take several and they'll have to be so obvious no one can deny it.
When I checked, YouTube had blocked the song. I found it via Bing on a site I had never heard of and forgot to note the url. He and Van also did a mask song. Couldn't find it.
These stories really do help. People relate to individuals much more than statistics. High profile sports people collapsing on the field or mysteriously not playing will speak louder than us shouting other facts.
You're the last big-time journalist with any balls. I would say turn off the lights on your way out, but I'm optimistic that the opposite will happen, and that in time your example will be the one young journos want to follow. Keep fighting that good fight, man. God knows we need someone to.
Yes, sir, back in the days Before Covid (BC), establishment media paid due attention if a pro-athlete got a hang-nail.
And, hell, they maundered on for weeks if a thoroughbred race horse broke down on the track. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, race horse injuries and deaths are still sufficiently important to have their very own websites reporting dutifully on such eventualities.
No doubt, those accounts would be discontinued if the CDC ever gets around to covid-jab mandates for equines.
JP - oh my gosh great comment.
I think Alex mentioned recently that there are something like 10,000 paid subscribers to his Stack, so that should be a signal to young journos that you can make a good living by telling the truth in an interesting way, without even being on Twitter, having a podcast, or your own TV show.
Mark - good point! Honest reporting is so unusual that it can be unique!!!
In California, there won't be any lights on to turn off. They'll have no power.
I would laugh at your comment, if I wasn’t so saddened by the fall of a once-beautiful state.
We can hope.........
Watch out for the FBI . Not being funny. James OKeiff had several staff members whose homes were raided it sounds like today by them.
They feel great about themselves. They think they're the good guys and you're the monster. It's how Communists have operated throughout history.
The ones that encouraged blm/antifa riots changed their tunes at light speed when the riots reached their beautiful neighborhoods.
The riots did not reach their neighborhoods.
They don't even know anything is wrong!
True, unfortunately.
What a lovely way to express yourself. Have you ever worked for Hallmark?
There is a hierarchy of evil:
a. One who would kill you would not hesitate to rob you.
b. One who would rob you would not hesitate to lie to you.
c. One who would lie to you would not hesitate to insult you.
Considering that communism/socialism/fascism are merely euphemisms for stealing, the advocates of those systems certainly fall under (b) and (c) even if not (a).
Therefore we should always expect them to be liars and we should expect them to have a low, insulting opinion of everyone they wish to rob. Their own notions of self-worth require them to despise their victims - to think their victims "have it coming".
The problem of lying, to include self-deception, extends far broader and deeper than journalism. Some philosophers argue that it's even a necessary part of human perceptions/thought/existence. The table or desk before you seems solid enough, yet physicists will tell you that it is actually mostly empty space, the seeming solid actually a matrix of tiny particles with properties as difficult for the layman to grasp as are the particles themselves!
When one leaves the briar patch that is politics, it's fascinating to ponder some of the ideas. For example, Newton's laws of gravity, or Euclidean Geometry are "wrong" or "false" in the absolutist sense, in the sense that later theories (e.g. Einstein) refined our model of reality. Yet those older models are close enough for nearly all practical, everyday uses. So enjoy your mass of swirling electrons (table, nay, all physical objects) without worry. 😎
Much does depend upon perception. A vaccine that was (nearly) 100% effective and offered life-long protection -- as many traditional vaccines do -- might still have a death or serious injury rate of 1 in a million. Yet most people, me at least, might call that a "safe and effective" vaccine. The problem is the corruption of traditional models: the Covid-19 jabs come nowhere near the older "gold standard" of what a vaccine ideally is. So now the world is assailed by people marketing and sometime coercing a gene therapy (remember the power of a name? It didn't even fit the old definition. In other words the power of magic: put a venerated name on a dubious product!) And it's not particular safe or effective. Injury or death rate is anyone's guess, I would hazard 1:10,000.
Indeed, the power of euphemism appears to be one of the major secrets to the success of evil.
Taxation (extortion)
Fractional Reserve Banking (counterfeiting)
Military conscription (slavery)
Truancy laws (kidnapping)
Education (brain-washing)
National defense (mass murder)
Preventing misinformation (censorship)
Collateral damage (murdering the innocent)
IP Law (monopoly)
Licensing (monopoly)
Protectionism (monopoly)
Public service (robbing and ruling)
Lobbying (bribing)
The Bible is read and quoted often, but Dictionaries are ignored. Therein lies the problem.
Most don’t even know that Sen. Ron Johnson is having a hearing right now on vaccine injuries and mandates. Let’s see if any info from it makes the news.
The journalist who left her Houston Fox affiliate station during an on-air segment because they censored her coverage on Covid therapeutics is in DC today at the hearing. She's doing reports on each vaccine injury testimony from her Telegram channel. Ivory Hecker on Telegram.
This site has Unbiased News too....Straight Forward. She Actually got fired from CBS for telling the Truth. Good Reporters,like Alex,are out there. Almost all are on their own now! https://sharylattkisson.com/
Sharyl got spied on by our government for reporting the truth. She's the real trailblazer in the field. Other good ones to follow are Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, Mike Taibbi. I don't necessarily agree with all their viewpoints, but I respect the hell out of all because they were cast out for truthtelling. Adam Housley has good scoop, he just left to make wine. : )
YYR - exactly! We don't have to agree 100% with the politics of a reporter in order to appreciate BASIC reporting.
April Moss did the same in Mi, she is doing Podcasts. The two work a lot together
Oh yes! I like April's work too.
I'll look her up. Thanks!
I have her book. She’s terrific, like Alex.
I keep up on news generally and covid news specifically much more than most, I am probably in the top 0.1% for
info consumption, and i didnt know.
I learned it thru childrenshealth defense.org
They do daily news letters that are very informative!
This is where I learned of it too.
Children's Health Defense is excellent.
This site has Unbiased News too....Straight Forward. She Actually got fired from CBS for telling the Truth. Good Reporters,like Alex,are out there. Almost all are on their own now! https://sharylattkisson.com/
Del Bigtree's Highwire program and email newsletter/announcements are another good source for honest coverage re: COVID, vaccines, and treatments. I heard most of the hearing thanks to an email alert from Highwire this morning.
Via ZeroHedge......
A lot of breaking news comes through ZeroHedge...One of my Regular Daily Stops.
Sound is terrible but trying to listen now
Susan Bird:Excellent sound using this link https://rumble.com/vokrf7-sen.-johnson-expert-panel-on-federal-vaccine-mandates.html
the official video is not good, but this link shows each speaker and is much better
THIS IS SO POWERFUL PLEASE WATCH: specifically Kellai Rodriquez-jab injured starts at 1 hr 43:15 on video and Dr. Brianne Dressen-vax injured 2:39:55 I am absoultely horrified at what I am hearing on this panel, sick to my stomach and it is all being supressed by Fauci et al, NIH, CDC,FDA. They will not respond to the jabbed injured, literally write them off. If this does not deserve the death penalty on all involved that are lying and covering up, I don't know what does.
I just sat here with tears in my eyes. We need another Nurnberg trial.
Ingrid, I was in tears too. The jab injured have been abandoned by Pfizer, their own doctors, hospitals and no one will say it was the jab that caused this. Another jab injured was an orthopedic surgeon, he can't perform surgery anymore bc of the adverse effects. One mom on there had both her children enrolled in the trial. The daughter is now in a wheelchair. I believe she is 12 yo. Can you imagine being that parent that willfully allowed your child to participate in the clinical trial and now your daughter has no future bc of all the medical problems? The guilt must be overwhelming. The horror stories kept coming. I am beyond sickened.
Indeed. These parents did what they thought was right, were not told about the injured adults, and end up with a lovely girl in a wheelchair, who will probably need lifelong care. And no one helps. A few months ago I saw a film about other vaxx damaged children, one was a boy about 15, the others 3 girls. The boy finally committed suicide, as did 2 of the girls, because there was no future for them. They boy could only speak if he inflated some device. He was walking in a harnass. (Gardasil damaged)
And this time let's bring the real culprits to justice. My recollection is that only one high ranking Nazi official (Hermann Goering) was tried in the Nuremberg Trials.
p.s. Pfizer never even showed up to the panel, not one representative to address the injuries caused by their jab. I HATE YOU PFIZER, GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND MAY EVERY EVIL BEFALL YOU.
Thank you! Perfect audio on Ron Johnson's Rumble. To skip into, hearing starts at 30:45.
The Media Knows how to do one thing...It's hiding information from the American People!!
How do you think Sheoplitis is re-enforced?
Is any outlet carrying the hearing?
Newsmax perhaps?
Here is a link to the hearing that was held today. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/nov-2-sen-ron-johnson-cdh-covid-vaccine-injuries-federal-mandates/
Very kind of you, thanks !
I subscribe and pay for Alex Berenson's content because he covers things like the cardiac complications in young vaccinated men. I can't get this information anywhere else and I am glad Alex provides it in detail!
Exactly. We are hear to try and find out what is really happening despite the MSM news suppression.
Some other good sources: Children's Health Defense email newsletter and website archive. Del Bigtree's Highwire (live TV broadcast weekly, broadcasts of special events like rallies and hearings, newsletter with all the studies etc. that broadcasts refer to). Mercola.com email newsletter. Vaccine Impact emails. Stew Peters TV (also available on Rumble) for excellent whistleblower interviews plus reports by Karen Kingston and by Jane Ruby. Dr. Mobeen Syed's channel on youtube. Covexit website and youtube channel.
What about *sub-clinical* damage? The kind of cardic disease that does not land you in hospital or doctors office? I guess pro-vaxxers would call that "mild". From what I have been able to gather, even so-called mild damage can progress and become serious in the future. Is anyone looking at this?
If it's auto-immune, it definitely will. Since covid is now an endemic disease, it will continue to circulate in one mutation or another. Every time they are exposed to the spike, or a similar spike, their immune system will send out an army of antibodies, including the type that is cross-reactive, leading to more tissue damage + more inflammation. Eventually will kill them. Long after the initial vax, so "plausible deniability."
I'm afraid you're right.
There's also the fact that every bit of heart damage diminishes your "cardiac reserve." This could shorten your life by years.
I am very proud of him!
Rock song tie-in. One of Queen's more obscure songs, "Sheer Heart Attack," curiously not on the album of that name, amazingly has: teenager, DNA, symptoms of stroke, nerve damage and, of course, cardiac problems. I'm not saying prophetic, but pretty good for ten years before mRNA tech was even invented.
I am more than capable of sorting out your opinions from the facts you offer because the differences are quite clear. Please do not change a thing you are doing.
The rest of the Media uses Symbolism over Substance; this is a refreshing change. Alex,keep up the good work!!
Love your handle…it fits me as well.
Bravo, Alex! It is concerning that someone who follows your work doesn't see the importance of these stories
That person is obviously a dialectic-speaking sperg who doesn't understand that 90% of the population comprehends only rhetoric.
Rhetoric and Sophistry had acquired a pretty bad name even in Plato's time, about 2300 years ago. There's a difference, but it's lost on me. Both were schools that taught one to speak eloquently, prolixly, flowery and apparently with minimal content. In other words, the optimum skill for anyone seeking public office!
The reporting of heart problems in young men is most CERTAINLY being under-reported.
Case in point: a friend's two brothers, both in their mid-20's, took the Pfizer vaccine together. Four days later, within two hours of each other, both had heart attacks and were taken to the hospital. The doctors in both cases refused to say the vaccine was at fault; the nurses told them the vaccine was obviously the culprit.
So, both of their cases weren't reported as vaccine-related injuries. And yet, there is no other explanation why two healthy men in their mid-20's would have heart attacks four days after vaccination.
My friend won't say anything publicly, but she and her family won't touch the vaccines moving forward no matter what.
It is stories like hers that drive me crazy about what's happening...
Please encourage them to do the VAERS report!! They don't need a doctor to file it.
The lawyer brother of a man who died after receiving the vaccine did a VAERS report, but there is a time limit that made it difficult even for him. He had everything written down and knew the legal terms and barely made the time limit. He said you only get 1 try, so it is important to have everything spelled out ahead of time.
What I've heard from doctors is that if you can't complete the form within the time limit, the system erases all your work. But you can start over. (Who has time for that? Not doctors or nurses in emergency rooms, for sure...)
This is one reason why Rose and Kirsch estimate that only between 1 out of every 41 and 1 out of every 42 adverse events are reported to VAERS. That's the mean; more serious adverse events are reported more frequently; as of a month ago they estimate that "a mere" 200,000 Americans had been killed by these delightful products our government insists every man, woman, and child be repeatedly injected with.
Yes, fill out their own VAERS.
We had a young teacher drop dead in the parking lot. 28yo man. "Natural causes." 🧐
We have a daughter and 2 sons ages 23-27, right in this danger zone. They’re healthy, athletic - all have had the vax and did okay, thankfully. (Their pharmacist mother/dentist dad didn’t do sufficient research, never dreaming of the possibility of the evil we are seeing 🙈)
Anyway, these stories will convince them in ways no chart ever could - if even these elite athletes are having issues, then maybe mom and dad are onto something!
So thank you, Alex, for all your stories and charts. I felt like a person in the desert that found an oasis (cliché I know, but so true) when I stumbled upon substack and my “people”!
Insufficient research is quite the norm. fear is often used as a vehicle sell a product.
Example of unrelated area. My dentist is pushing flouride on me (and a friend) because I’m “older”.
In deciding about fluoride for example, I have to consider that it possibly linked to brittle bones and Osteoporosis, possibly linked to calcification of the arteries, etc. Not to mention you can get too much fluoride and have Fluorosis.
The “older” person has a right to consider all these possible implications and decide what decision is best for them personally.
The ADA and dentists are routinely recommending fluoride treatments and high fluoride toothpaste. To seniors. Without disclosing these risk. Or more likely. Denying it and saying it isn’t true.
It seems to me that we are not being informed by most medical professionals and government agencies, and the truth is being hidden from us in more than just this area.
Flouride is a problem. I only use Flouride toothpaste a couple times a month a make sure I spit and rinse well.
Eating cheese and eggs and beef liver that have high vitamin K2 content will do more for your bones and teeth anyway!
I also drink tea every so often. Not every day. But even that is more than enough Flouride.
We already take in too much Flouride!
oil pull with coconut oil
Thank you! Appreciate the information.
Will they pass on the booster?
Yes, I think so…2 of them are in healthcare programs (in blue states), so possibility of mandate is real. I am busily compiling info on exemptions, just in case.
But, they are adults, live on their own. So I’m praying ALOT🙏🏼
Thank you for asking.
Robert Barnes at vivabarneslaw.locals.com has posted sample letters requesting exemption and invites people to use them, which many have.
This seems to be a key aspect to medical professionals supporting all this. They just would never consider their fellow professionals would feed them bad info..
As Stalin is reported to have said, ”A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
We need the human stories to reach the hearts; we need the data to reach the minds. Both are essential to advancing the cause of resistance to tyranny.
I honestly feel the tide is turning. Thanks to you and others like you. I don't know where we would be without independent journalists.
Alex, this was the perfect answer to your reader’s comment. As a recently retired airline pilot, I can tell you that these sort of cardiac events are happening to commercial pilots and happening, not in sporting events, but during flight with hundreds of lives at risk. The installed Resident’s administration, including officials at the FAA, know these events are happening, and are doing everything possible to keep them secret. It’s one thing to see an elite athlete experience an event ( as horrible as that is) but quite another to have these events occur to professionals who have a flight physical every 6 months and an EKG once a year. Having had 42 years of flight physicals myself, I know the FAA is exceptionally strict on pilots with heart issues. That they are turning a blind eye to the jab-related heart issues in the cockpit tells us all about the level of evil the government/pharma cabal will employ to support the “safe and effective” narrative. This is a topic on which I wish you’d turn your investigative powers. If the traveling public knew what was happening behind the cockpit door, it might well be a decisive blow to the vax/passport/social credit system/tyranny runaway train.
To my above comment I add the remarks of an Army Flight Surgeon responsible for the health of Army pilots - https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-and-army-troops?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NDI1OTE4LCJwb3N0X2lkIjo0MzQ0OTE1MywiXyI6ImdGNWJSIiwiaWF0IjoxNjM1ODc4OTI5LCJleHAiOjE2MzU4ODI1MjksImlzcyI6InB1Yi0zMjM5MTQiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.3i0pVHWrUmMU9Io6KdaW_Jntn4w4l33ptyCBizMo7F4
Stew Peters has had at least 3 segments regarding the covid vaxxes and pilots
If what you are saying is true - and I have no reason to doubt it - what is the reason? What would make all the powers that be suddenly throw public safety out the window in order to promote a vaccine that many many people obviously don't need? Why?
I don’t know the answer to your question. I can speculate. The question I ask myself about everything COVID that I don’t understand is, “What could be the benign explanation for why the government/healthcare/business is doing this?” If I can’t think of a benign reason, I’m left with really scary conclusions.
I know that there is a huge chunk of the public who are supporting vaccines and mandates because they simply don't know that this vaccine is any different from the measles vaccine.
For them, the sum total of their knowledge goes like this: 1. We had a dangerous pandemic that caused massive economic and personal damage. 2. Now we have miracle safe and effective vaccines that will stop the damage and end the pandemic.
So for these members of the public, it makes no sense why anyone would say anything negative about the vaccines or why anyone would be hesitant to get the shot.
HOWEVER, people who work in public health and people at the FAA who are scientifically literate and who are first-hand seeing the negative outcomes of the vaccines for a small but significant number of people are also parroting the same nonsense that these vaccines are perfectly safe and effective even when they know better - and in doing so they are damaging the credibility of all our institutions - and endangering lives - so the question for them is WHY??? What possible incentive is there for them?
There's a curve. First people question the efficacy of the gene treatment (aka "vaccine"). Then people question the severity of the virus (with the same IFR as a regular seasonal flu). Then people question all of the coverups (efficacy of alternative treatments, "vaxx" side effects). Then maybe it's the business side (the 18,000 patents that have been granted around this bug and the pharma organizations that own them). The highest likelihood of the virus origins made the headlines, that too. Only slowly is it dawning on people that: the virus was for the vaccine (not the other way around); and the vaccine is to get you on the app. US is messy and disorganized, but I can report confidently from Australia that the whole thing was used (or designed) to get people onto the digital ID system. It's seamless here, from QR codes to check in at every business, to links to banking systems, to license plate ID recognition and control, to movement control and limitations, to new laws requiring verified ID in order to have a social account. It's the end of human freedom as we know it: your identity, location, medical status, bank transactions, asset ownership, and taxation, all of them subject to realtime State approval (or consequences). These politicians look on China with complete envy, after all they eliminated the two things politicians hate most: elections and press briefings. If they had tried to push totalitarian control through an ID and tracking system in normal times they would have failed, so the "crisis" has served extremely well. It doesn't take any foil headgear to note: The Australian "Health" Minister's prior role was World Economic Forum Head of Strategy. I happen to be in New South Wales, where they said the Jews (unvaxxed) would be allowed out of the ghettos (lockdown) at 70% vax rate. Then it was 80%. Then 90%. Today's number is 95%. So I think all of the medical and science and health questioning is an interesting sideshow and of course we are all scratching our heads across all of those fronts. But the Main Event is Post-Freedom Techno-Tyranny.
Time for people to resuscitate their old cell phones. Pre-smart phones. Carry them as decoys. Feign innocence. Say you can't afford another type of phone. That you prefer the old type. That you have a digital addiction problem. That you have microwave intolerance. Whatever. Be creative. Don't disclose that you have another. Shrug. Ask them for the alternative method. Point out that there's nothing in the constitution that requires you to own a smartphone. Or even a cellphone at all. Passive resistance. Surveillance Satyagraha.
I do not have nor have I ever had an idiot phone.
I applaud you. Don't succumb. I already use mine minimally (banking, contact with family), and resent all additional intrusions and expectations. I do not want it as an umbilicus to my life. My family know that they can't expect me to be at its beck and call, and that if I haven't charged it or don't have it on me, then it's tough luck. It's not life-threatening not to have the infernal piece of plastic on my person at all times.
I DO have an old style flip phone. Apart from actual calls and checking what little email I get on it, I do not use it. More often than not, I forget it at home. In truth, I have for emergencies only. But when I have needed to use it, whoever I need to get in contact with does not answer until long afterwards. Too busy texting. No one I know was able to use their phones when we had our big earthquake and tsunami ten years ago, so it really is not even useful for emergencies.
Whether or not is was designed for this, I don’t know. But people in power certainly jumped on it to use as you describe. Things are messy in the States but they are making progress in ways we would not think of. I now need to log in to the US Postal Service web page before going to the P. O., here in Japan to mail a package to the US. The rule is for all countries but only the US is enforcing it, according to my local, Japan, postal clerk. That IRS snooping on accounts with $600 going in or out, that started with FATCA reporting on “US persons” accounts out side the US.
Damn, we suspected as much, but I didn't know this had gotten so far in Australia. I'm so sorry. This gets worse, I'm afraid. ClimateCon is centered on reducing the main threat to the climate - human population. Guess how. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/11/01/corporate-and-political-elite-gather-at-cop26-to-discuss-how-the-global-population-destroying-the-planet-an-ideological-motive-to-deploy-a-mandatory-vaccine-to-eliminate-human-lifespans/
Wow. I think you've nailed it.
You don't pick the times you live in, they pick you. They are not even trying to hide their program here: the Premier of the State of Queensland was publicly questioned about the sprawling "quarantine camps" nearing completion here. The original story was they were for inbound overseas tourist travelers, but then even the blind squirrel "journalist" found a nut and asked "are they even needed any more?". The Premier confidently answered: "Yes, of course, they are for unvaccinated Australians". My follow up question would be "Will the Premier agree not to interfere militarily if the UN creates a safe passage corridor so unvaxxed (or un-boostered, they are extremely horny for those here) could get free passage to refugee resettlement boats?" Based on the last 20 months, anyone who is still unwilling to think the completely unthinkable is way behind the curve IMO. My plan is to fulfill Solzhenitsyn's only big regret in life: that when they came for him he did not quickly seize a big kitchen knife and take a few of them with him. My father was in the Dutch Resistance and spent time being tortured in a Nazi prison for writing an anti-Nazi play, and I feel like his strength is now my strength. I'm behind enemy lines too, like he was, showing my fake papers and avoiding checkpoints...Love you Papa, Live Free or Die
Where is there to go? Haiti? Sour and Central America?
Listen to what Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said to a group of prominent people in Israel about how this world-wide "pubic health/technocrat" could have been implemented (I may have a word or two wrong here but this is very close):
"If I was organizing this, I'd go to a head of state and say 'I'm putting 500 million dollars in an account that can't be traced. Listen to us, or we will kill your family.'"
When Zelenko said this, one of the prominent people at the table -- a high public health official -- lowered his face and covered it with his hands. He kept his face covered for over a minute while Zelenko finished his presentation...uncovered his face and looked up only when the next speaker started to talk.
I have the same question. They are dead set on having everyone, except Congress and a couple of unions, get these shots come hell or high water. Why?
I think it's also important to realize that these sports (basketball and soccer, especially) REQUIRE amazing cardiovascular power. Most armchair athletes NEVER hit their maximum HR, whereas these guys/gals do so routinely.
I have spoken to people who have felt "off" since the vaccines ("not as energetic", "tired") and this may be subtle CV issue that would not be obvious in non-athletes.
The only way to truly test anything (system/engine/machine) is to test it under FULL LOAD - that's what a "stress test" is meant to do. The athletes are doing stress tests for a living.
Somewhere a Pharma exec is thinking, “I knew we should’ve given athletes the placebo.”
Thanks for the great laugh! You are so right! You've earned my "Best Comment of the Day" award!
and somewhere I am thinking we should be lining up firing squads.
It should be obvious to everyone why these stories are worth sharing. The story of Covid, the lockdown, mail in votes, and now the vaccines are the script from a really bad B movie. None of it has been believable from the start. Nobody can stay on script. They are awful actors even with the complicit media covering up their blunders.
Speaking of bad movies, you should watch the show Utopia with John Cusack. It's freaky how much of it predicted what is happening today. It's like they purposely released that show pre-Covid to make us look like a bunch of crazies that take our prophecies from a really bad, poorly acted TV show.
Thanks for the tip. 10 years ago I would have watched it but since then John Cusack, a former favorite, has proven himself to be one giant douche. Truthfully I'm having a hard time finding anything to watch on tv.
Read books instead.
Written pre-1970s, preferably.
Indeed. We turn on the TV after our eyes tire of reading. I do a lot of crosswords, too.
So true as most is either filth or propaganda. We end up watching DIY or cooking stuff, or Hallmark-like movies.
You might like 'Fall of Civilizations' by Paul Cooper on Youtube. It's brilliant and visually stunning history documentaries. Check it out.
(agree on Cusak. What a disappointment he turned out to be.)
There are lots of good things to watch on the web...even on youtube with its awful censorship! Try UnHerd's Lockdown TV channel on youtube for great interviews by a young man named Freddie Sayers (a variety on COVID but many on other topics). Another suggestion, look for films on Allan Savory and his work on stopping desertification, rehabilitating ecosystems, and building top soil...wonderful and inspiring (you might want to start with Savory's TEDTalk).
Watch the original British version of Utopia. Available on YouTube.
Agree, seems obtuse not to recognize the significance of the healthiest human specimens becoming deathly and publicly I'll and having it greated with a yawn.
We would probably not watch it, presuming people are not that gullible
These are data, not just anecdotes. We have a more or less fixed population: professional athletes in the 2021 season. This population is young, healthy, well looked after by the best medical staff. They're also heavily vaccinated. I would argue one can get a rough idea of the near-term risk of vaccine injuries in young males by tracking all these events and dividing by the relevant denominator. Very rare for apex athletes to just keel over on the field, be disabled by heart issues.
The important thing here is that the entire population in question is visible to the public. You can't pull a starter from his season without the public noticing. It's practically a natural experiment, with the 2019 season as the control. How many pro/college athletes got heart inflammation in 2019? Guessing none. So we're talking about an incidence of like 1 in 2k, 1 in 1k, maybe even worse. It's an *insane* level of risk, relative to any normal vaccine.
Very good points. In Australia with our evil vaccine mandates, all of our AFL footballers (about 600) are currently in the process of getting their 2 shots (with few holdouts). Training is starting up and the season begins early next year - these players run a marathon every game (about 22 games/weekly a season). I fully expect to see at least one if not more literally drop from "unexpected" health issues.
Joshua - I agree completely and I appreciate your rational support of Alex. I sort of freaked out about the emailers' criticism because I really value these athlete anecdotes (each one a data point rolling in that we should keep track of).
I question the mental acumen of the individual who objects to hearing about vaccinated athletes who suffer from complications.
Agreed! I have rarely been so pissed in response to a post from Alex. That emailer really makes me mad.
It’s part and parcel of conservative politics. Always someone demanding the right adopts loser tactics based on some abstract principle.
My wife's best friend and the maid of honor at our wedding died in her sleep in April a few days after the second Pfizer jab. "Sudden Cardiac Failure" they said, and we reported it to VAERS.
As you might imagine, I am not getting vaccinated, and I have been outspoken against vaccinating our kids here in Berkeley, CA. I am loud and easy to find so yesterday I was interviewed briefly by San Jose Mercury News reporter John Woolfolk for a piece on the FDA approval for 5-11 year olds. I shared with him our story and why, if it comes to it, we will be relocating to Florida to avoid the forthcoming mandate for our kids in this state. He was very taken by our story. He said he would be running it up the flag pole with the editors at the Merc as it warranted a story all of its own. I let him know I had zero confidence that I would hear from him again, and told him he should be careful. I reminded him what happened to Gary Webb when he tried to discover the truth around a controversial topic.
I have taken to forwarding him Alex's substack articles. I imagine it is only a matter of time before he asks me to stop. I believe it is hard to be a state stenographer AND get confronted with difficult contradictory information.
Until yesterday, I wondered why Fauci et. al. were so desperate to vaccinate kids, when it obviously makes no medical sense, is totally unethical in fact, and would lead to serious opposition from parents.
Then I watched yesterday's video podcast from Viva Frei and Robert Barnes at vivabarneslaw.locals.com.
Robert Barnes said the magic words: liability protection. While Pfizer & Moderna have blanket immunity under their current EUAs, the "FDA approved" (but still unavailable) Biontech Comirnaty vaccine would not have such liability protection. Unless it gets onto the kids' list for vaccines. No liability there! Ain't it a sweet gig?
Yeah, you got it. Parents of vaccine-injured children, like me, knew the COVID-"vaccine" makers would try to get their "vaccines" on the CDC schedule of recommended vaccinations for children ASAP to get the liability protection. This is also, incidentally, why flu vaccines had to be gotten on the CDC's childhood vaccination schedule. The only slightly positive thing about this is that it should open the door for both adults, and parents of injured children, to file claims under VICP, but the system is so rigged against claimants that being able to file a claim doesn't really mean much unless you have a shoulder injury related to vaccination from a flu shot (that's a "Table Injury").
Dan - great job for speaking the truth and spreading the word!! And having the courage to transplant your family to Florida. Of course I agree it's better there, but our family lives in Washington state and we are trying to plan a move to a better state - but there are so moving parts and sometimes I just get scared about the unknown. Even if it is a freer unknown! Great comment, thank you.
My daughter and I just moved to Washington state from California due to family needs. Unfortunately it looks like "out of the frying pan into the fire" re: having a COVID-crazy dictator in place of a governor. But at least we're out of wildfire country and I'm grateful for that...
All the power to you Dan...stay strong and defiant! It is the only way!
My son is an actor and stayed away from the poison; we all did in my immediate family. He'd gladly play the part....thank goodness for Alex and his honest reporting. I would feel so lost without it, and his follower's comments too....blessings to you all!
Gary Oldman excels at playing evil bastards.
We are no doubt headed full speed at a disaster. People are blinding by fear of covid, when in fact it's the vaccine that poses the greatest risk. How many suspicious deaths will they cover up until they can no longer deny as the vaccine being the cause? 100k? 1 million? Millions? I don't know, but if you truly love children, don't treat them like mice, please don't.
The Vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.
If I may add, I remember what happened with HIV/AIDs in the early 1980s. Governments around the world at the time did not want the story to come out as many fine young men around the world were developing rare cancers and other lethal diseases that no one could explain. The media for whatever reason were complicit in hiding the story. But then one famous man, a handsome actor that most everyone over 30 years old had known and enjoyed watching in film, came onto the daytime television show of his dear friend, looking so haggard and emaciated that no one at first believed it was him. That man was Rock Hudson, on the Doris Day Show. And just by that one appearance where he explained that he had a disease that was ravishing a large group of men across the country and around the world, did the social consciousness of this terrible disease finally come to the surface in a very public way.
Sometimes it only takes one person's story to change the world. Rock Hudson's story did that for HIV/AIDs...who's story will it be that exposes the dangers of the Covid "vaccines" that governments have spent a huge amount of time and money to develop the propaganda that these virtually un-tested and potentially dangerous drugs are "safe and effective"?
That's why these individual stories matter, because one day its going to be someone like Rock Hudson, a person who so many know and love, who will prove to the world that the governments and media have been lying about these drugs from even before the day they were introduced. And that's when this vaccine nonsense, with all of its offshoots that are ripping apart societies with mandates and prohibitions, will finally be exposed for the fraud that it is.
I remember that well. Rock Hudson and his friends, Doris Day and Elizabeth Taylor did a lot to change the course of aids at that time.
Yeah, but remember that Fauci managed to manipulate things so that countless people died of AIDS unnecessarily...just like he's done with this virus.
Alex - While it's sad that there are so many who fail to see the bigger picture, even some who read your posts, it's reassuring that you're able to crystalize this particular issue.
It slays me that the "Take the damn jab" crowd values human life so little that they see these casualties as just the price we have to pay.
Every day the evil of humanity surprises me, but then I realize how naïve I've been. If these same people believe that it is perfectly legal and moral to murder their own unborn child up and to the moment of delivery, why would any of these atrocities surprise me? These jabs they are forcing us to take were developed, designed, or tested using aborted fetal cell lines that would have required harvesting fetal organs from a live baby. These evil medical researchers can't have fetal body parts contaminated by anesthesia.
Better off with a tribe of lions than with a bunch of nasty people. The lions might accept you
I like " It's better to sleep with a sober cannibal, than a drunk Christian. " Moby Dick.
It has nothing to do with this. I just like the quote.
And at the same time not really saving many if any lives.
Oddly, of the three vaccine injuries that I am personally aware (two confirmed and a third suspected but impossible to confirm). All were high level amateur athletes.
The cure looks to be worse than the disease. And the cure itself isn't much to write home about.
Brainwashed. I told my dad about the EMA and VAERS websites, and his answer was - they can write whatever they want on a computer. Of course he does not have one, and refused to get one when I moved here, so we could phone on it
Try entering a false report into VAERS and see how far you get.
Spoiler alert: Not very far.
Until I heard this podcast
I knew nothing about the mechanics of VAERS. I still don't know much, but after hearing Deborah Conrad's story, I'm convinced you're absolutely right. VAERS is not just a "suggestion box" for the masses.
WOW! Support Deborah Conrad’s mission by contributing to her GoFundMe. We need to hear from more like her. Thank you for leading me to that link!!
I believe it's also a felony to submit a false report VAERS.
It matters because of visibility. Hospitals and doctors are covering up vaccine injuries -- people have gone on record with their stories.
You can't cover up Sergio Aguero or Christian Eriksen collapsing on the field.
Wait for it, when someone loses a loved one to the sociopathy of hospitals and doctors, and then, we read of the consequences for this horrific disregard for the public safety...
And it will happen, and then, the CATS will tell us there is no justification for consequences...
(Civil Acquiescing Tolerant Stooges)
Please also write about athletes who refuse like Joshua Kimmich, a start player of Germany's biggest soccer club Bayern München:
Kimmich refusing the vax has been on German front pages for days now and even Merkel is now pressuring him. He is that big since he also plays in the German national soccer team:
Ah Kimmich, I remember seeing the interview in DW last week. What he said made perfect sense (that he'll opt to wait and wants to see long-term data basically). Yet the news presenter painted him in a BAAD light, saying his decision was "controversial" and labeled him "anti-vax". Not surprising coming from lamestream media
Actually, such a seeming point-and-sputter could work to our side's advantage. This is, I suspect, a perennial problem of any censored press when they denounce a person, place or thing: at the least, they are giving an opponent free publicity. If they provide any detail, it may even be some free advertising for the opposition. The controlled media's messaging: "Famous Mr. X is selfish, refuses to take the vax, and endangers both himself and he sets a bad example for his many fans." Yet many of his fans may suspect that X has very good reasons for his decision and may seek to emulate him.
Why would anyone question Alex on this? Athletes are the fittest among everyone on the planet. If their bodies aren't up to fending off the dangers of the vaccine, how can we expect ours to be? And we need to know this.
Ironically, the younger and fitter you are, the more dangerous the vaccine is to you. Richard Baris of People's Pundit polled 1300 Americans about 2 months ago on vaccine AEs. Younger people reported more AEs and more severe AEs than older ones.
The overall rate for self-reported "severe AEs" using the CDC's definition "prevents daily activity" was 3.5%. For young women in their 20s, it was 7.2%
The dead were presumably unavailable for comment.
Nadine - while I think this is a reasonable hypothesis, I'm also starting to see some data roll in about elderly actually dying more from vax. It's just that sudden death at that age doesn't raise eyebrows. It'll probably be years until we know the true incidence.
See my reply to Nadine Carroll directly above re: relevant research already done. The best data for research would probably be the Vaccine Safety Datalink (U.S. federal), but researchers have to submit research proposals and get them approved to use the VSD data, and I doubt approval would be given at this point for any research that would call current U.S. COVID vaccination policy into question.
If you go to Jessica Rose's VAERS-based research on COVID-19 vaccines (link below) and look at Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, you can compare incidence of all AEs (by age) and incidence of death (by age). The highest incidence of AEs is in the 30-40yo age group and the highest incidence of death is in the 80-90yo age group. This is excellent research and I highly recommend it. Rose did a presentation of her research to Vaccine Choice Canada, and has given a few interviews. She also has a website.
Some thoughts: The MRNA vaccines train the body to synthesize the spike protein, which is now known to be a serious toxin that can cause blood clots anywhere in the body. When using a toxin for medical purposes, the most important thing is to *control*the*dose*. Lots of medicines are toxic or fatal if too much is given, but can be beneficial at a lower, carefully-controlled dose.
Too me, this is the fatal flaw of these "vaccines": the amount of spike protein produced depends in large part on the health and vitality of the individual receiving the jab. My hypothesis is that healthy, strong individuals will likely produce *more* of the spike protein after receiving the jab than less-healthy and/or elderly folks will. And that higher dose of spike protein would be more likely to have severe or fatal consequences.
I don't know if this has ever been tested. But if I'm right, it could be part of the reason we're seeing so many serious events in top athletes, airline pilots, military men, etc. We know that the risk of myocarditis, for example, is highest in younger men - could this be why? It sure would be nice if someone would research this ...
Are you suggesting that we should fully research safe doses on all sorts of people before vaccinating all 8 billion people in the world? What kind of conspiracy theorist are you?
KLG - ha! great point
This has been my beef w/the mRNAs all along.
1. they go to all parts of the body (don't stay in the deltoid),
2. they make unknown amounts of spike protein, and they do it
3. for an unknown amount of time.
I like your theory that someone healthier has better cellular mechanics and therefore it's likely that they make more spike than the next person who might be unhealthier on the cellular level.
BC - and "theories" are all we can have since, as KLG points out, the research just hasn't been done. There has never been a better use of the phrase, We are all guinea pigs......
Fantastic post, well explained and supported rational. Bravo, stories do matter.
I have 3 well informed Children, all at the top of their game in the USN. All have been on top of this pandemic (election flu) from the start. All 3 are going to be separated from the Navy, due to the brass not accepting any religious waivers. (Well unless you are Muslim). But my daughters and Son are model sailors and all very much want to serve.
A bit of a side, but very relevant: They do to their physical abilities and excellent fitness and leadership roles proctor the PRT for their respective units. Yesterday due to the lack of exercise the troops have had with lock downs and isolation. None of Her new sailors passed the test.
The threats to health in the military are not Covid-19. It is SUICIDE AND ALCOHOL.
There were 800 suicides to 30 Covid related deaths prior to the mandated vaccine.
Now it's 850 Covid to 70 with the increase being among vaccinated sailors.
I am sad that the Navy is making some terrible choices. But it's not like it's the first time.
Official's are politicians 05 to 09 and E7 and above.
Anchors Aweigh!
That's 850 suicide to70 Covid-19 deaths since the mandate.
I recently told my active-duty Marine son (E-4) "Never trust anyone above O-5. EVER."
Remember that it was King David who Sent his Loyal friend and dedicated Captain to the front.
Then he beded his wife and she had even a more Tyrannical King.
I do hate Kings!
"Trust no man. Put no confidence in guides and never confidence in the one you sleep with!"
Micha 7: 5 , Psalms 118: 8
It's all good. They joined to be the 1% and set an example. They all started out in Sea Cadets and Civil Air Patrol. I highly recommend both. It's nice to know that they are not only willing to stand up for our Constitutional Guarantees and be the example in the face of peers and officials who are pressuring you to do some drugs because every one else is doing it.
Just say No! To drugs!
Also cousin, they will be the first in line when the pentagon realizes it's mistakes. They are healthy and well trained. All very good at their jobs.
It's hard enough to recruit good people let alone get self starting leaders and models.
The pentagon won't realize anything under this Biden regime. This is not a mistake; they are deliberately purging the military of political opponents and weakening it.
But. There's a saying: When God closes a door, the bird in your hand will fly out a window!
If major damage is being done to some is minor damage being done to many? If so, will that minor damage have a long-term effect, perhaps becoming more visible with passage of time, on the vitality of the afflicted? What might regular D-dimer tests of athletes reveal? That test detects the presence of blood clots, including those that are small, numerous, and dispersed.
My own father who took the jab back in March ended up in the ER around July due to chest pain and shortness of breath. I made them give him a d-dimer test which was elevated and twice what's normal. No physician has been able to adequately explain that result away. I know that he probably has micro-clots all over his lungs now, but he doesn't believe that or that if they did exist it was caused by the jab. All his doctors told him it was nothing to worry about. So, despite my pleas he went to get the booster anyway.
What is it with (older) parents that WILL NOT listen to their adult kids? Infuriating. Hoping for your father's continued good health despite the poor choice to boost.
BC - the older generation still really trusts the medical field. Very interesting.
We have the opposite problem. We (80+) could not stop our kids and their kids from taking the jab. They believe in "the science". Me, I'm just a stupid engineer. No science in that profession.
iiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting.... and yeah i'm sure you have no idea how to read a technical paper or journal article. (wink, sarcasm)
Prior to the jab was on blood thinners? Many elderly are on them and I wonder if it protects against that vaccine side effect.
Dr Malcolm Kendrick, Scottish physician, cholesterol skeptic, and COVID critic, took aspirin for a month after getting vaccinated...as a precaution.
He took the shot because he figured he'd have to if he wanted to continue practicing medicine.
A month of aspirin isn't enough. A whistleblowing medical sonographer says he's seeing *many* people with dangerous blood clots in the legs 5 months after vaccination. But maybe this physician had the sense to monitor his D-dimer after one month post-vax?
Dr Kendrick, in the comments to the post I linked, said he was just guessing about the month. Just speculating here, but possibly a month's worth of aspirin would help prevent or reduce the blood clots months down the line. Certainly Dr Kendrick did something I had not about should I have to take a shot (and it's not likely I will).
Can you provide a link to the sonographer's statement? I'd like to pass it around to some of the folks I read. Thanks.
To me, such logic seems about as reasoned as proposing to cut off one's hand because of the risk that one might pick one's nose.
I think it's unlikely that it's a step function. So yes - there is likely lots of minor damage.
cargoshortguy - I agree. Small amounts of heart damage in an otherwise healthy person could probably go unnoticed until perhaps the defect results in a strange arrhythmia. And boom. Cardiac arrest on a field.
And no heart damage is "minor" - it just may not be easily detectable until it progresses to something worse.
Dr Rochagné Kilian explores the relationship between Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels: https://rumble.com/vohbts-dr-rochagn-kilian-blows-the-whistle-on-covid-19-vaccines-and-d-dimer-levels.html
Was just wondering this
The last point is the most important. It's much harder to hide athlete (or celebrity) vaccine injuries and deaths like they can with random people.
If, as seems likely, elevated mortality in younger age cohorts reflects cardiac events caused by the vaccine, we would expect reports of corresponding incidents in the press. This is above all why these stories are important. The mortality data suggests these events are occurring at a fairly high rate. We ought to be able to see them. And we do.
Alex - you crystalized here why my wife and I are obstinate in our refusal so far to be injected. We just feel that the entire world is being manipulated into getting experimental drugs poured into our bodies without any proof that they will vaccinate us - in the traditional sense of the word - from this virus.
With public service announcements every five minutes on the radio program we listen to, telling us that the injections are "safe and effective" to the constant drum beat of the media pushing every covid death story as unnecessary and avoidable, it feels like we're living in a Orwellian future. None of this, of course, makes sense - the theater of wearing masks into restaurants - the already injected fearing us who haven't been - the people driving alone in cars wearing masks - it's all bizarre.
Keep writing, Alex. You and a few like you are the only calm voices in a crazy world.
Can't wait until November 30th.
Humanist Fauci and Pfizer's marketing rep, CDC, know full well that the vax kills healthy people. They told us this would be the outcome, it's just that most people don't know how to interpret viper-speak. When they say, "the benefits outweigh the risks" (and that is what they say), they do NOT mean the the risks to a single individual are very small, they mean that for society as a whole (they think) the larger population will see some benefit even though a (relatively) few individuals will die. This is just a fact that they accept and factor in -- being the ungodly humanists that they are -- and they think we should just accept too (for the "greater good").
Take it for the team!!! That is the message.
Even if the team has no obligation to take one for you if something happens.
Exactly! Friends I've known for decades (who know of my existing heart issues) keep pushing me to get jabbed. It's fine if I drop dead - just be dutiful and inject an experimental drug that is known to cause heart problems. Seriously! I don't even know what to say anymore.
Just say no!
Oh don't worry - I have zero intention to get jabbed. It's just astounding to me how many people I thought were smarter have succumbed to the brainwashing. Seriously disturbing!
I agree....it's like they have been subjected to hypnosis. It is very disconcerting!
Sadly, this has always been the narrative around childhood vaccines. Despite the surge in developmental delays, autism, and other chronic health issues after the 1986 Vaccine Act was signed. The USA has a vaccine CULT problem not a covid problem.
MLL - I wonder far more about the childhood vax schedule and many of the allergies and autoimmunity. All of this of late has really opened my eyes. Type I diabetes has SHOT through the roof. Hmmmmm. A bzillion childhood vaccines could be related???? No one seems to ask.
that's because they don't wanna know. "don't ask, don't tell" which in this case should say "don't seek, don't find". Right? A few years ago, I watched an NPR documentary about the rise in allergies in children. And this one scientist who was leading a study talked about the environment, food, etc. but never once mentioned the ONE ITEM that targets a child's immune system directly: vaccines. HOW is that study legitimate? SMH
Yes but they also don’t say what the benefits are. We all assume it’s covid immunity but they could be claiming a benefit that most of us would consider evil.
Excellent point. The hardest thing for honest people to accept is that there are truly dishonest people in high places who use a different lexicon than most of us.
So true! For most of my life, I have suffered from giving undeserved others the benefit-of-the-doubt…even when multiple red flags were flying
I'm quite certain that the people behind the Big Agenda see substantial population reduction as a "benefit."
I tell people, "When public health authorities say a vaccine is safe, what they mean is that the expected level of injury, disability, and death is acceptable to them."
Thank you for being one of the lone voices in the wilderness speaking the unspeakable, Alex. It’s probably small comfort but, someday, you will be vindicated in your refusal to follow the official narrative. I wish so many young lives weren’t being sacrificed or forever altered as we wait to get to that day.
If you post anything about the low Covid stats in kids, even citing exact CDC numbers with the relevant link, social media will remove it. A narrative is definitely being pushed. It is creepy and scary to me. I feel most sympathetic toward kids in foster care, as I doubt they will have a choice about getting the shot.
The relentless narrative that feels cultish, lack of curiosity by the media and lack of forthrightness and transparency from our institutions, is likely why many are holding out. It is often what isn't being reported that is most important. The key is take in information, but to make one's own decision. After all, each of us will enjoy or suffer the consequences of our health choices.
Agree wholeheartedly with you. Optimistically, perhaps the percentage of population that took the jabs is less than our lying governments claim. From the outset most people could tell that the narrative was changing too often, too many inconsistencies, whatever. Even for the stereotypical deplorable hick, gut feeling can often warn when something just ain't right.
Totally agree with you. Much to my disappointment (even though we know this about human nature), most people's actions and decisions are highly driven by anecdotal stories vs. the data, which is how we got into this mess in the first place. No reasonable person looking at the data would have been worried about Covid, unless you were elderly or had many underlying conditions (which is a hair on fire emergency in the first place). And they would certainly not be worried about kids and Covid. But yet, I know people who mask their children outside still and can't wait for the vaccine for their little children. I know (sadly too many) people who refused to see grandparents for A YEAR for fear of killing them (I mean honestly, my parents and my in-laws are in their 70s, how can you waste a year not seeing them?), and who refuse to hang out with other adults indoors...
ALEX - it was extremely patient of you to explain why you are letting us know about these news stories. I found it totally bothersome that someone emailed you and DOESN'T like knowing about the famous people that are (potentially) having health problems because of the vaccine! NO ONE ELSE IS EVEN ASKING ABOUT THESE SITUATIONS. What planet is that emailer on? We have a complete suppression of the stories. This is anything but fear-mongering. We are trying to get the word out to save people's lives.
Please keep doing this work. Don't let that emailer get under your skin.
I want to know!!! The news' suppression means some of these athlete's/celebrities experiences are never even translated into English articles. You are doing the legwork (through many of your world-wide followers) to report what is happening.
Well said
There is a HUGE difference with presenting an N of 1 to push a lie and presenting an N of 1 to raise awareness of a problem.
Thank you Juan, exactly right. I question the judgement of anyone who pushes this false equivalence.
Juan - well said!
I agree, Alex. The email writer is wrong. At this point, we need to ditch being circumspect. The propagandized majority is the reason we're still in this nightmare (the government could not withstand pushback from an actual majority of the country). We need to report it all. To hell with being "moderate."
These are the type of stories that matter the most to me because I am running out of time to convince my 17 y.o. (6'2" track Junior Olympian) and my 19 y.o. fit/healthy (6' tall daughter) to postpone the jabs UNTIL next year. My hope? To see the mandates halted and vax passports deemed illegal and obsolete in light of the thousands of vax injuries and faulty clinical trials. They - like many other young and ambitious people - are feeling pressured to get jabbed (against their will) in order to compete in sports, or to travel, go to concerts/theater, etc. In the prime of their lives and with perfect health, they are Big Pharma's sacrificial lambs. People at zero risk of serious covid illness. I am FURIOUS and hope that more stories like this one come out. THANKS for your journalistic INTEGRITY, Alex! Keep exposing the real cost of this corrupt and failed public health policy.
MLL - I am also encouraging my son and teenage nieces and nephews to PLEASE wait it out at least a year. The tide could turn!
"It's cheap and beneath your usual excellent standards." - Do you think he still thinks that after this excellent rebuttal? This is an incredibly well reasoned response. And we are now a little smarter having read it.
Alex, I'd like to wholeheartedly support what you have said and encourage you to continue in the same vein.
I work in health and fitness and have an intense interest in how athletes fair. This is for two reasons:
Just as diabetics are the "petri dish" for the effects of high blood sugar and the resultant insulin spikes (I'm talking type 2), athletes are the petri dish for the adverse effects of the vaccine.
I don't want to see ANY athletes or ANY person hurt by these experimental-untested-new-tech-bioactive vaccines. But since people are being jabbed indiscriminately and the people responsible are not taking notice, we need to see data and examples that will wake them up.
An athlete shows the adverse effects in more pronounced fashion (potentially the result of inflammatory conditions from the spike protein integrated with cells and being attacked by the immune system, or simply impairing cell function)
Put bad oil in an old Corolla that you use to potter to the shops and you may not see the effect for years. But put the bad oil in a Ferrari and try to do 200mph and you'll quickly see a problem.
Again, I don't want to see ANYONE hurt. But the jabs unfortunately are in many people and we need to see them stopped before more people are also hurt now, or in the future.
Just as diabetics provide a window into the effects of sugar in the blood in a magnified fashion, (inflammation and other comorbidities), and these effects can be extrapolated to other non-diabetics to show the long-term effects of the sugars (diabetes being one of the outcome as the insulin receptors fade)
Athletes possibly provide a window into the future for everyone. If there is cell damage or auto-immune-type processes, then age or high physical demands will likely compound the conditions, just as the effects of high blood sugar compound.
Please continue your brilliant reoprting style and range of coverage.
It highlights all the factors (and facts) that we need to know - and those mandating this poisonous rampage need to know to stop the madness.
Add to this the fact that the "vaccines" (term used loosely) only "work" for a few months, as well as reduce the likelihood of full immunity down the track, as well as therefore reduce the chances for herd immunity, as well as producing "hotter" strains because they are leaky, as well as the immediate risks of Adverse Events (MUCH higher than reported) as well as the long-term risks..... and considering that none of these risks are necessary because the vaccines are not necessary for most people..... and it is all sheer madness.
We could (should) just use the vaccs (though I'd strongly suggest NOT mRNA.... stick to traditional vacc technolgoy) on those at risk (the aged and those with high comorbidities) and leave the majority to develop natural immunity.
Thanks again for your great work and content. I just bought "Unreported Truths' and "Pandemia" and imagine I will not be able to read them fast enough.
Many elderly and people with high comorbidities would be better off getting effective early treatment (such as Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's protocol; the mortality rate for high-risk patients with this protocol is about 0.1 or 1 in 1000) than getting any type of COVID vaccine. The rest (those at extreme risk) could be "prophylaxed" with hydroxychloroquine+zinc or ivermectin. Links to information on prophylaxis, early treatment, and treatment at more advanced stages can be found at c19protocols.com.
Don’t forget Brandon Goodwin, a guard for the Atlanta Hawks, who lost his season due to blood clots after taking the vax.
Let's Go Brandon!
The horrifying thing is that for many of the True Believers - I won't say most, but I would say it is a large minority - these adverse events won't make a bit of difference. Nor will reports of heart attacks and strokes at the local kindergarten. Deaths and debilitating injuries from the injections will just be seen as a price worth paying. I don't know what can break a mass psychosis, but I hope someone else does.
We had an entire generation that thought cigarette smoking was a healthy idea. Doctors promoted it. Mike Wallace, a journalistic icon, smoked while interviewing guests.
So many movies in the 40-60's had everyone walking around with a cigarette in their hand and a glass of booze in the other. And society followed....what a mess.
My 80+yr old dad says they always knew smoking caused cancer. When he was a kid they called them cancer sticks. And as for traumatic brain injury, punch drunk right? We used to say someone got hit in the head too much. Point being, we don’t need experts to know what’s true.
The belief still persists. I've seen several times the claim that cigarette smokers are more immune to COVID-19. Like many claims, we must demand, "Based upon what evidence?" I merely cite it now as an example of what seems to me, to be an absurd claim.
Perhaps a smoker's damaged lungs are a less hospitable environment for SARS-CoV-2 to replicate in than a non-smoker's healthier lungs? The human body isn't a simple machine; it's a complex ecosystem and all sorts of strange things happen in there. I'm with you on demanding "Based upon what evidence?" but as a science-minded person I often find "How could this be true?" and "How could these two apparently conflicting things both be true?" to be very productive inquiries.
People will hold tight to their delusions when reality is too hard to bear, and that's the position most of us are in right now. Most of the people I know who aren't in denial are heartsick.
I absolutely agree with what Alex has written here. There is so much censorship going on and such a push to paint the shots as completely benign, it is important to have every death/injury reported. A lot of my friends are very unaware. VAERS is very under reported, we don't know by how much exactly. Everyone should know that what people are being coerced into is possibly dangerous.
These are some of the only stories the media cannot suppress. Imagine living in a blue suburb and your kid gets shortness of breath and chest pain from the vaccine. It's the last thing the media would cover. The doctor will tell you it's genes or stress. Your neighbors would never talk to you again if you even suggest it is related to the Pfizer. You are screwed. At least the media is forced to cover these star athletes collapsing in some nominal way.
Is it possible that people who are exceptionally healthy are MORE likely to have negative effects from the vaccine? Is it possible that the strong immune system that young, healthy people have reacts more strongly - and perhaps unexpectedly - to the vaccine such that they are at greater risk from the vaccine than the average person?
Yes and Yes to your questions. A vaccination trains your immune system to recognize and attack (using antibodies) a particular kind of pathogen (or in the case of the anti-toxoid vaccines like diphtheria and tetanus vaccines, to attack a toxin produced by a pathogen). If there are "molecular matches" between the pathogen and components of your own body, your vaccine-trained immune system's antibodies can mistakenly attack those components of your body, resulting in autoimmune disorders.
When a vaccination triggers severe, acute autoimmunity, the symptoms start within a few days of the injection. Typically at about two weeks post-vaccination, the person will be hospitalized, but in many (probably most) cases the doctors don't recognize that the problem is autoimmunity triggered by vaccination and so don't offer maximally effective treatment. The peak injury caused by "cross-reacting" antibodies will occur at 2.5 to 3 weeks, because that's when antibody production in response to a vaccination peaks. Sometimes the severity of the disorder lessens over time as antibody production decreases. Unfortunately some degree of autoimmunity will continue as long as the immune system continues producing antibodies (i.e. as long as the vaccine is "effective").
Athletes have strong, energetic bodies with strong, energetic immune systems. When your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body's components, it's not an advantage to have a strong, energetic immune system.
Let's consider Gardasil vaccine for a minute here. HPV vaccines like Gardasil target multiple types of HPV virus, including HPV Type 16. Unfortunately, HPV16 has 82 molecular matches with components of the human body. One of the researchers developing Gardasil quit the project in disgust, publicly stating that everyone involved knew that auto-immunity was unavoidable because of molecular matches. In Denmark, a clinic was established to treat girls and young women with severe adverse effects from Gardasil. One of the primary doctors at that clinic said that 70% of the clinic's patients had, before getting the vaccine, been "elite athletes" (meaning champions in regional competitions). And if you read the sad stories mothers tell about their Gardasil-injured teenage daughters, you hear over and over "Before Gardasil, my daughter was healthy and happy, always full of energy! She was really good at sports, and loved playing with her teams!"
Autoimmune disorders are turning out to be major adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. If I remember correctly, there are 20-some molecular matches that could explain this fact. We should expect to see athletes among the people worst effected by post-COVID-vaccine autoimmunity.
Kayla - great comment. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
wow. I didn't know about the overlap HPV16 has w/the human genome. Very interesting.
I think we can agree holistically when we think healthy. A healthy mind goes with a healthy body.
If you are feeble minded, you are probably more likely to do what everyone else is doing. In fact it's a goal of the weak to just be a part of the herd. That's a lifetime dream for a lot of people.
"I'm somebody now! Millions of people read the phone book every day!"
The Jerk
Luke Willson (Former NFL tight end) got pericarditis over the summer. Amost died. Of course I have my suspicions.
Another NFL player on the Jets (Vinny something) nearly died from rare blood clots over the summer. Had to have his spleen removed.
I have my suspicions.
I agree with the stories about athletes. Keep them coming and it just might be what wakes someone up.
Alex is well grounded in writing about the pro athletes. High visibility counts in our society. Low visibility is buried. Wonder how many high school athletes are having heart issues?
Very well written response Alex. I used to often say it's going to take one famous person having a major vaccine reaction for people to wake up to the safety of this particular vaccine, but now seeing how they respond to these potential cases I would say it's going to take several and they'll have to be so obvious no one can deny it.
Eric Clapton did...no one wanted to hear from him
And Van Morrison on masks.
He's been cancelled too
He made a song out of it: This Has Gotta Stop
When I checked, YouTube had blocked the song. I found it via Bing on a site I had never heard of and forgot to note the url. He and Van also did a mask song. Couldn't find it.
It is probably this link, but the Youtube link works in most countries:
Thanks for this link.
Speaking of songs, this one is a hoot: https://www.brighteon.com/04489566-9790-4abb-88d5-cdf8efcaa1fd
These stories really do help. People relate to individuals much more than statistics. High profile sports people collapsing on the field or mysteriously not playing will speak louder than us shouting other facts.