
Just to be clear on one point: The researchers refer throughout the paper to overall "excess deaths," rather than specifically to deaths from Covid, because they did not have access to death certificates.

But everyone (with the exception of a few conspiracy theorists) agrees that Covid deaths were the primary driver of overall excess deaths in the US in 2020 and 2021.

So the paper is really saying (and has been read to say) that differences in vaccination levels by party drove different rates of COVID deaths, and that difference in turn is visible in the overall death rates. I didn't want to get into this subtle difference in the story, but if you've gotten this far, you might be interested.

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Much like our government statistics, this study is pure propaganda

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Thanks for doing the research so I don't have too. Most of the pro mask and vaxx articles I read the last 3 years seemed to have something flawed in the article.

A pro mask article from Honolulu touted that a gym spinning class that didn't require masks all got covid. The last line of the article said that all the people who wore masks in the class all got covid too.

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I'm not a Republican, but it is obvious that the US Media hates the working class. Saw it during the Trucker Protest in Canada - the disdain in multiple articles that a Trucker should be able to choose their medical treatment.

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Is it also noteworthy that the excess death rate itself went up after open vaccine availability? Wouldn't the vaccine logic be that excess deaths would decline with a vaccine? Asking for a friend.

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"Why are reporters hyping a deeply flawed study supposedly proving Covid killed more Republicans because they had lower jab rates?"

Because it's all about psychological satisfaction for these people. No matter how much you hate mainstream media journalists, it's not enough.

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And the worst sin of the “study”? The authors did not know (and couldn’t know) the actual vaccination status.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

I wonder how many state/county pairs these researchers had to go through before finding a pair that seemed to back up the hypothesis that unvaxxed Republicans died while vaxxed Democrats lived.

At any rate, "liberals" also paint Republicans as blind supporters of anything and everything Trump says. Yet Trump touted the shots and proudly continues to do so, to this day.

Thus we are to believe that unquestioning Trump believers are too independent-thinking to take his injection. Leftists, make up your minds which bigoted view you want to hold about Republicans, for you cannot hold both of these beliefs at the same time. Unless, of course, you're not as smart and logical as you make yourselves out to be.

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What a pathetic excuse for a scientific paper.

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They are part of the Covidian cabal hellbent on never admitting they were/are wrong. Their incessant clinging to dubious study data is merely evidence of the aforementioned...in my world, revenge is a dish best served cold...bring in the day of reckoning...

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More Republicans rejected the jab?? Not from my anecdotal data base. Total anti vaxxers are liberal minded “no chemicals in my body” to begin with and when Trump foolishly took credit for the life saving vaccine that gave many TDS sufferers pause. I think the fork in the road came after people were vaxxed and oh oops! it didn’t stop anyone from getting it, common sense thinkers declined any more vaccines whereas the gaslit fearful doubled down on masks, social distancing and jabs.

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The ol homage, "figures lie and liars figure" seems to have a home in this report.

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Just more noise to divide the USA. See! Look at those bad right winged conspiracy theorist. They all died because they didn’t get vaxxed! Or their all evil because they voted for bad orange man, don’t support men in women’s sports, sexualizing children, drag queen story hour for children, decriminalizing rape of minors by pedophiles ( commiefornia) and I could go on. Nothing by accident!

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Statistics don't lie but liars use statistics to promote their agenda

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LOL we know EXACTLY why they're doing it -- they need to uphold the fiction that they were on the 'right' side of history.

And the 'study' papers know that, so they cherry pick dates and use scant data to try to make a broad point. (That's why ALL these studies ignore the fact that blue states sped up their curves by infecting all the at-risk at once. Gotta start them AFTER the blue states already killed all their covid patients)

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Good catches, Alex! Earlier criticisms by Vinay Prasad and others did not note these details, focusing instead on other methodological problems. Your article is great because you don't need to sweat over the question of why death rates were similar before vaccines came out, if confounding is the cause of the differences later on.

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