Those with a fetishistic relationship with safety would have you believe that they’re noble, virtuous people who care about others just as much as themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. Safetyism is an existence premised upon fanatical self-regard; in the context of the pandemic, it has manifested as a submission to fear by those so scared of dying that they’re afraid to live. When all that matters is the calculus of the most risk-averse individuals, you end up with the ruling class's oppressive imperative to health and all its disastrous socioeconomic costs.


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But, Brad they get to sing "Happy Birthday" to themselves at least 100x/day when they wash their hands!

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I read your article. It is amazing and heart wrenching. I will be praying for you. I wanted to officially endorse the Great Barrington declaration as a physician, but my fear of reprisal and reprimand from my employer got the best of me. I feel like I have to apologize to you for that failure. If more of us who supported such measures spoke more often and more loudly about our beliefs, maybe much of this could have been avoided. Thanks for sharing your experiences and for articulating so incredibly well the truth of what has occurred and is occurring in this country and elsewhere in the world. Godspeed.

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We were let down by: our doctors, our public health officials, our news media, Big Tech, and, last but not least all the people and organizations "posing" as resisters who sucked all the oxygen out of the room with with weak claims that were easily shot down. Del Bigtree and Mike Adams were two positive exception, but I'll say 9 out of 10 were showboaters who did more harm than good. Also, related, the lack of coordination in "resistance" due to ego problems of some of the big names was also a major problem.

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Those who stand against the narrative are made into pariahs and face personal destruction. The rest of us who lack the courage and/or resources are accessories to the crime. Pretty difficult for an MD to throw away a lifetime's investment in a career and become a pariah facing bankruptcy that will impact his family.

We are all aware of other narratives that have been similarly enforced.

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" Pretty difficult for an MD to throw away a lifetime's investment in a career and become a pariah facing bankruptcy that will impact his family. We are all aware of other narratives that have been similarly enforced." True. This is the case, but how did the profession end up here? No one in the profession can fail to see how utterly corrupt the whole medical system is from top to bottom. Yet they stayed in it. To keep their MD. Which is short for "money dispenser."

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How did the profession end up here? For a trip down the rabbit-hole, research John D. Rockefeller's establishment of the modern healthcare system. ChatGTP cannot help itself and will spit it out.

Also, avert your eyes from the following, and do NOT draw the obvious conclusions: The following trends have been steadily increasing over the past 50 years: number of vaccines on the vaccination schedule, healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP, and rate of chronic disease.

If you are a stakeholder in the healthcare system, the future is bright. If you are a mere patient, not so much.

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The medical industry has been Groupthink,Inc. for decades now.

Private practice has been in STEEP decline for a very long time. More than half of all doctors are now employees.

The practice of medicine is more like an assembly line job now. And with that- who has time for research and independent exploration of new ideas, or a reexamination of old ideas that may no longer be valid?

Most of what doctors "know" about latest trends and new developments is spoon-fed to them by medical product shills...

Who also provide nearly all funding for "research" in their given field, so there's little chance of generating contradictory evidence.

That doesn't bode well for the ART of medical practice, and pretty much eliminates independent thought.

Also: how does one graduate from medical school?

By regurgitating the "right answers."

Physicians are the high priests and priestess of Good Students.

Good students obey, follow directions, consume, rehearse, and recite approved dogma, and nearly all of what they "learn" is gained through study of someone else's conclusions. Not practice. Not their own experience.

The profession ended up here because it traced the normal arc that all systems and institutions do over time.

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Yes. Well-stated. I have sympathy for the doctors caught up in the system. I'm sure it's not what most of them signed up for or intended when they started the multi-year slog beginning with pre-med. That said, when you discover you are working for the moral equivalent of the Nazis (and I don't say that lightly or without historical perspective), then what?

I know two physician who left the US (one in the 1970s and one in the 2000s) so they could practice real medicine unencumbered by "the system." Many, if not most, of the many doctors who have been forced out of the system because of their COVID stands have changed their practices to be consultative and less enmeshed with the corruption inherent in the hospitals and group practice systems. However, this is something they could have done before COVID. Did they not see what they were part of?

Physicians these days are like hotel desk clerks in a hotel with a very fancy lobby, but with small roach and rat infested guest rooms. They take the big check knowing their patients are checking into a cesspool. Their primary qualifications: 1) keeping their heads down, 2) keeping quiet, and 3) cashing their checks.

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Another thought, Ken, as to how MDs can continue work in a system they know is corrupt - we all have the capacity to work in corrupt systems that economically benefit us. For example, most in the US are comfortable with our near constant wars of choice since WWII, even though we have not been threatened except during the Cuban missile crisis. But, our military budgets exceed the combined budgets for the next 10 countries, and many of us benefit directly or indirectly from this spending. And we rationalize that "we fight them over there, so we don't have to fight here" in spite of our open borders. So we can sleep at night knowing the carnage, just as MDs can knowing that the vaccines will increase chronic disease and demand for their services.

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And yes. We've tolerated the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of absolutely innocent people and the devastation of millions of lives in the last 20 odd years alone. Only a very, very small percentage of people has lost any sleep or tried to do anything about it. Malcom X commented on this when JFK was assassinated when he referred to it as "chickens coming home to roost." He was excoriated  for this statement, but a country that deals violence all over the world should not be surprised when it comes home. Now that the communists and "Muslim terrorists" are too expensive to play act at fighting (albeit will real deaths, the defense force" need a new enemy and that would be "viruses" and the people who question the unhinged things they do to combat them.

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Fair enough. And even broader. I doubt there is a product we consume and consider essential to our "lifestyles" that somewhere in the supply chain does not involve theft of resources, abuse of labor, monopoly protection, and actual (as opposed to imagined) environmental degradations. But we go on and are happy that the cost of paying a fair price for raw materials, fair labor standards, the long term cost to future generations is not included in the price.

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Well-said. Meanwhile Ed Dowd published his chilling statistics on Vax Deaths and Injuries:

Injuries: 26.6 million

Disabilities: 1.36 million

Excess deaths: 300 thousand.

As I explained to my 20 year old daughter when she tearfully implored me not to remain Pureblood, everybody has a different risk tolerance profile.....and a different Darwin Award profile.

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The young were propagandized effectively, especially students in college. Universities deserve an award for evil in this story.

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Yale deserves the highest honor here, as they developed the positioning and messaging for the marketing campaign.

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The same universities that saddle their customers with future-altering debt not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

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very sad and funny post

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Thank you, Brad! I read your article and am so terribly sorry for the tragic loss of your beautiful girlfriend. Words fail in this, but your well-researched analysis provides some measure of optimism for the future, hopefully, by eliminating the "fetishistic relationship with safety." That unrealistic behavior simply has to stop. Many blessings to you.

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"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.."

It seriously makes me wonder whether a nation is doomed if cowardice becomes general. How can you even come up with a marketing plan for a small business if the guests can be _routinely_ scared back into taking shelter?

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Might be a function of demographics and how skewed the population is to older people now. More than ever in its history. Of course, not all older people are self-absorbed hypochondriacs but a lot of people decline mentally as they age.

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With respect to Covid, anyway, I think we witnessed fear across all demographics, all age groups.

..and it's not like the fear of having to climb over a wall and face machine gun fire. It's a paralyzing phobia aimed at a _virus_. I can't think of a better way to utterly destroy your enemy than to make everyone on the other side numb with fear.

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That's technically true, but I didn't see the older demographic publicly flaunt the scam by routinely gathering in large numbers. I'm 63 myself and called BS on this on 2/1/20 IN PRINT. Many in my generation were hip to what was going on, but many were ACTIVELY involved in pushing the fraud - more than any other demographic .

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We're the same age, but a lot of my friends of the same age or older hosted and participated in First Amendment rallies.

BUT, generally, I think you're right. The whole thing struck me as very creepy that older folks would actually push an experimental jab on kids who were at no risk, just to _slightly_ (if that) reduce their own risk. "Give Skippy, the teenager, myocarditis so that Uncle Roger can live another two years!"

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I will say that those of our age and older who did try to speak out against the fraud did not appear in the media, their letters to the editor were rejected and later when things really heated up they were shouted down by their peers.

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As I mentioned above, was the other way round with us. One good thing about the ancient peoples is they tend to understand the damage of nosey parkerism.

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so true. That's what bagpipes were for, the sound of impending doom floating over the hills at the enemy to intimidate them,

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That and psychological torture too (with apologies to bagpipe fans)

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I am a bagpipe fan and I agree. It's a haunting sound outside

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Some don't have the option of declining LOL.

I am an older person & recently learned that our 25 yo nieces kept away because afraid of making us ill.

We didn't go near the vacco venues and they did ...

Luckily some enterprising Min of Health database functionaries have been advertising fake certs on telegram! Not that I bothered, integrity is integrity after all, and health is health!

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They are bullied constantly into fear. My Dad gets those effing "free" covid tests regularly. enough for him to test twice a month. What a nightmare

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Yes, the more involved one is with the medical system, the more this will happen. Nothing about getting good sleep, healthy exercise, avoiding toxic food and eating whole foods - but and endless drone to get the vaccine or die.

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You're so right. Dad is avoiding the doctors, more than ever. Doing okay without any medications, until relatives talked him into the jabs. Now struggling but allergic to doctors. Maybe too allergic. and it's their fault.

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This is a predictable outcome of never having challenged Fauci's first fraud. Explained in full detail in this film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy3frBacd2k&feature=emb_logo

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God, Brad I am so sorry for my flippant remark. I did not take the time to read your article until just now.

Sorry for your loss man.

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It's okay, no worries!

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I hate to say it ... but I said it (because it's so clearly true): Our world is now being "led" by the obtuse.


That would include most of the leading epidemiologists. What employment category should have suffered the highest incidence of Covid infections or cases? I'd argue it's the check-out girls at our local grocery stores. For months, they had "close contacts" with hundreds of customers (and their children) every day. They touched every item the customers put in their shopping buggies. Has anyone heard of bad outbreaks at grocery stores? Did grocery stores shut down because so many check-out girls were getting sick? I'd love to see a major epidemiologic study that told us how many grocery store check-out clerks developed severe or even mild or moderate cases of Covid.

(IMO one reason this didn't happen is probably that many of these clerks had already been exposed to the virus and thus had natural immunity).

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well said!

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I would feel sorry for these people because they obviously suffer from paranoia/mental illness but these infectious disease experts and epidemiologists have made our lives and our children’s lives a living hell and would continue to do so into perpetuity if allowed to.

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I fired a doctor and a dentist over this.

Demanding masks and jabs tells you they don't use their minds. I want someone using their mind when they treat me.

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Wearing a mask at the doctor when no one is sick (would it matter even if they were?) is absolutely absurd! I refused at the dentist, I refused at my surgery follow up, and I refused at my PCP (the only one that required it-Fake Mask). Say “NO!”. This is happening because no one stands up to this complete NONSENSE!

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Exactly. I refuse.

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GOOD! Now pass it on! I didn’t realize how bad people take their freedom for granted!

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I've got my Dad doing it.

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Rosemary, that’s what “sane” people must remember! Do not let your guard down. These monsters (they are evil monsters) are already planning their NEXT tyrannical move. We’re dealing with true evil here.

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I am semi-retired and enjoy substitute teaching. On my way in today I saw one of the bus drivers in an empty bus with a mask on. The crossing guard in the front of the school is wearing a mask. I will have multiple students wearing masks throughout the day (its middle school). These are not political people or political statements they are making. It will take something, I do not know what, to change them and bring them back to normalcy.

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I teach in Japan. On March 13th of this year, yes, just a couple of weeks ago, the national government said that masks use should be left up to the individual. Yet, my kids’ schools still require them. The cram school the oldest attends has dropped them for students but maintain the requirement for teachers. I have been “teaching” almost exclusively over Zoom these past 3 years. My med school starts back with in person classes for the morning classes in May but are requiring masks AND face shields. As “IT is too dangerous for med students to be on campus all day.” I have to continue with Zoom for my afternoon classes. As there is not enough time for me to return home before these classes start, I am to wear the mask and face shield for Zoom classes. I will not and have quite the confrontation to look forward to, and probably unemployment.

These are doctors, nurses and their students. If one needs any more reason to avoid any and all in the medical profession, just think of what kind of doctors and nurses these schools are turning out.

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I can only really say OMG! ...and I feel for you. I have no more trust in the medical establishment...going on three years now.

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Good grief this sounds like a “grooming” exercise targeting anyone with a critical, non-compliant disposition.

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Wow. Is it like this throughout Japan still? My son is supposed to be interning in Tokyo this summer...

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May I ask where he will be interning? I teach in Tokyo.

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He is waiting for his placement. Something coding/computer science related. He’s also taking the N2, possibly the N1. He started teaching myself Japanese during covid. He’s obsessed with it!

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That’s good. My med schools are absolutely beyond crazy in their covid protocols. I understand not all colleges and companies have been, but far too many have.

After 3 years of working from home and a once a month trip into Tokyo, my Japanese has become almost nonexistent. Sadly, my own son can no longer understand the spoken word clearly as he has not heard it except through a mask for 1/3 his life. Even his swim coaches wear masks in the pool.

April 1st is supposed to be a further relaxation of masking requirements with all coming to an end in May. However, “case” numbers are on the rise again, so I won’t be holding my breath.

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The short answer is that this is all supposed to stop in May, the 8th I think. But, they have extended the lockdowns lite numerous times these past 3years. For a more comprehensive look at what madness has been reigning supreme here, please check out my substack, it’s free. Another substack that has Greta information on what is being published here is translated and posted on Guy Gin’s Making (Covid) Waves in Japan.

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I'll never understand how people are comfortable with not being able to breathe. I guess they like muzzles.

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Beyond that, masks are bacterial and fungal incubators. Sorry, I do not wish to breath through one unless something else that they can stop is more dangerous.

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Not for the ignorant, but for the educated leftists who are making a political point (the MAGA hat for progressives), they have to know the germ catcher on their face is unhealthy, but their desire to make a statement exceeds there desire to stay healthy. Liberalism is a mental disorder - Dr. Savage.

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It’s hard for me to fathom how brain washed many people are about mask wearing (and all the other crazy Covid related things). It’s very sad that you are being forced into this insane behavior. Hang in there, you have my sympathy.

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Well, Japan and as I understand other Asian countries, never stopped wearing masks after the Spanish Flu. I have been trying to get my students to stop wearing masks against flu and colds for years. Many wear them against pollen during hay fever season, and for that they may have some effect. But it has never been what have now. Most of the non Japanese here are just as clingy to their masks as the Japanese are.

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Not to mention the micro plastic fibers inhaled that will take up permanent residency deep in the lungs as well as all of the chemicals involved in creating the mask. I held up a freshly opened k95 mask in my car, shook it in the sunlight and was horrified at the amount of fibers floating in the air. I guess COPD, lung disease and lung cancer are worth the fear of a temporary viral infection. I'm so sorry that this is your reality.

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Yes. There is at least one report of plastic fibers being found in lung tissue among the general population for the first time. These things were not designed, never meant to be worn all day every day.

The very people worried about micro plastics in the sea and in our food are the ones who tell us we must wear masks all the times.

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Having been in Healthcare for 35 years as a Medical technologist and Pharmacist. I occasionally substitute teach in a public school. As schools we’re beginning to open up the administrators were having schools put yellow tape down the middle of the school hallways to encourage two-way traffic as to impede the viral transmission. Having had many courses in microbiology, virology and epidemiology I was astounded by the deceptive foolishness that was being recommended by the CDC. I’m beginning to think it stands for (Corrupt Deceptive Crooks).

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We see this in many situations in Japan too; supermarkets included.

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Buffoons, I hope many of these clowns vax themselves into oblivion.

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These people will need some serious therapy one day for realizing at some point just how duped they were

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Osterholm sounds like a hypochondriac.

He really LOVES the attention of being an "expert," hence the obsessive masking.

And as I type this, there's a news story on the TV that covid shots for kids aren't necessary.


Who knew?

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He sounds like he has developed a serious case of OCD.

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Are you listening European news, per chance? 😉

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No. Fox Business.

Background noise while I make spaghetti sauce. I can focus my aggression on chopping onions & garlic.

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I watch too. spooks the husband but The Business channel has a lot of good information about the engines of our country.

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The onions and garlic don’t have a chance!

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Maybe epidemiologists and ID docs got into their respective fields in part due to a fascination with the threat of terrible diseases. COVID has been the greatest fix of their lives. They can't quit the cycle of fear and self-importance. Getting high on their own supply just too irresistible ;)

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"COVID has been the greatest fix of their lives."

This was true of a lot of people. COVID provided opportunities for lots of otherwise insignificant people to flaunt their inner-authoritarian. The worst were the self-appointed compliance officers at the local Kroger, Whole Foods and Costco screaming at people for allowing their mask to slip below their nose or for invading the arbitrary six-foot physical distancing orbit.

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"Do you like scary movies?" - the movie "Scream"

"Horror entertainment can trigger the fight-or-flight response, which comes with a boost in adrenaline, endorphins, and dopamine. The brain can then process surroundings and conclude that the experience is not a genuine threat. This knowledge of personal safety is one reason horror fans habitually watch scary movies."

Just search psychology of scary movies. Many likely experienced this phenomenon at some point in the last three years (or continue to experience it now).

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Great comment. As someone with PTSD, it has occasionally been remarked upon that I am 'addicted' to anxiety and stress and that I wouldn't know how to exist with out it. I can definitely see the correlation.

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my heart is with you. I'm sure you have been through something horrible, repeatedly and are a badass for being here amongst us.

Not so bad as whatever you went through, I was in an abusive marriage, my life was falling apart and drug abuse was turning into a refuge. (If you can't fight them, join them)

I went skydiving for a charity. and then again. and again. and again. One dive my chute was tangled...

Something happened in my brain. I went home and threw the husband out.

Maybe I rerouted the anxiety and stress normality?

I hope you're doing well.

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Beautiful comment. Thank you.

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I had that happen to me. This guy had it out for me. I called him “the mask Nazi”.

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Second biggest. The AIDS scam of the 1980s was the one that put them in charge. It's just that no one noticed. Fully explained and updated in this documentary


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Not a scam, Ken. I was there. There was a time when HIV moved into the general population, after the homosexuals and then the drug shooters; when it appeared that if it got loose we would lose many, many more people. I lost many women because their boyfriend used drugs, I lost many babies because their moms were infected and never knew it. Early fear is warranted, even to "bend the curve" because you don't have a ton of info. As you get info you adjust. That is actually how epidemiology works. It is only a few years ago that TB reasserted its place over HIV as the #1 infectious disease cause of death in the world. So not a scam. What has been remarkable in this charade is that even in the face of a changed virus (HIV never mutated) these epidemiologists and their political Svengalis are pretending its May of 2020.

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However there was some scamming going on. Fauci told the general public that being in a room with someone with HIV could make them catch it.

Lots of people died alone without family or friends.

sounds familiar?

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In my film there is a picture of him with 12 doctors standing around the bed of a dying AIDS patients in a very small hospital room. Clearly they weren't worried about getting it. Nor did they worry about the health of the person with the impaired immune system. (None of them were wearing masks.) The dying were just a prop for Fauci and Friends and a very useful one at that.

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how horrible!

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They were probably given AZT after they tested positive on the bogus HIV test. I watched more than a few healthy people die this way. I recommend you so some research. Deaths from AIDS did not accelerate and were not statistically significant until AFTER AZT was introduced and that's a fact that cannot be spun.

BTW, homosexuality was never the issue: Drug use, poppers in particular, and the reckless use of antibiotics (to prepare for intended random sexual encounters with multiple partners) was. Larry Kramer thoroughly documented the behavior of this subculture within the male gay population in his novel "Faggots" in 1978. Then he became the lead advocate of "give me drugs" to solve a lifestyle problem and no one was allowed to talk about it.

Watch the film and tell me where I'm wrong:


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Here is a relevant highlight, but you should watch the whole thing. I have THOUSANDS of literal hours of research into this. You've got anecdotes and the party line. Note: The speaker as many of the activists featured in the video is a gay man. Not all of them were snowed. https://youtu.be/wy3frBacd2k?t=2934

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Thank you for sharing this. I have pieced most of this together of the years. Some I remember from reading Spin in high school. I had a perfectly healthy gay friend who tested positive for HIV. Always seemed off that he should just suddenly get aids and die. He is still alive, and still just as perfectly healthy. Since the covid scam I’ve read and understood much more. But this clarified a lot. Hopefully history will tell the true story of the aids-AZT scam. Fauci is a very bad guy.

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Speaking of Spin, this film by the same name explains much: https://www.brasscheck.com/video/spin-by-brian-springer-2/

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Yeah, I debated using the word "greatest" since I realized some might be old enough to have been in their positions during the '80s. But the social media aspect amped the limelight so much now that the impact on these individuals is greater? The dopamine hits surely reinforce it all.

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For sure. The original net they cast was small (though in the 1980s they did get Oprah to tell he viewers that 1 out of 5 of them would be dead in five years from AIDS.) This time around literally everyone was caught in their fraud. And yes, social media and those damn "smart"phones made the thing possible. Pull that out of the equation and we could have stopped it.

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and where Fauci took his throne

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Agreed, but the kinder part of my soul (still barely hanging on after the last 3 years) wonders if it is subconscious. Sort of like people who major in psychology because they want to figure themselves out. Looking at the risk tables in 2020, then looking at the response from epidemiologists and ID docs, thinking "My god, did these people never leave home without checking the lock 7 times? What kind of professional OCD is being pushed on regular healthy people?" A lot, it turns out.

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That was my concern too. How many psychologically fragile people were going to be pushed over the edge by this. Now we know. It shows up on the suicide and deaths of despair figures. As for the doctors still going along with this, they are frauds pure and simple and should talk up another profession like dog walking or something they're mentally capable of (no offense to professional dog walkers intended.)

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They would be healthier if they ate dirt once in awhile. The mentally impaired are in charge.

One more boost just for ol’ times sake …

Read Turtles All the Way Down

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The mentally impaired took over medicine and public health in the 1980s. Explained in detail in this film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy3frBacd2k&feature=emb_logo

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I practiced both law and medicine and it was an open secret that many people were attracted to those professions because they were obsessive compulsive and narcissistic. Some were even sociopaths. Their worst impulses were usually restrained by a sense of duty to "do no harm" but we knew that it would not take much to turn them into Jack the Rippers. Medical schools exercised great care to screen out the worst of them but sometimes failed. These days they intentionally select the most unhinged students they can find who obsessively wallow in sociopathy and callously kill patients in the name of "the science." Law schools have followed suit and look for students who consider it their duty to shout down anyone who has unapproved views. Medical and legal professionals are becoming trained concentration camp guards. It may have begun in the 1980s but it has reached full flower now.

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Have you seen the Appellate Judge that tried to speak at Stanford? If that’s what this prestigious college grinds out, get your money back! What creepy human beings!

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I had the Stanford incident in mind when I wrote my comment, but Yale and other once great law schools are no different. I went to an Ivy League undergraduate school that turned into a factory for woke zombies. I told the school to take my name off their list of alumni because it was too embarrassing to be associated with them. It was humiliating to have their Stalinist propaganda delivered to my home. Prestigious schools have ruined their own brand. Their degrees used to be an imprimatur of achievement. Now they are Scarlet Letters of shame and certificates of mediocrity hung around the necks of their alumni.

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I'm in the same boat. My revenge: I have all the letters about the scamdmeic I wrote to my Ivy League cesspool alumni magazine starting in April of 2020. All went unpublished. I'm putting them into a short book and if all goes well will be delivering cases of them to the dorms some time in May before right graduation. Assuming I'm not stopped by facial recognition software that is.

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We went to the same cesspool undergraduate university (if your Wiki entry is correct). In 2020, when I asked them to remove my name as an alumnus, they just complied without even asking me to reconsider. That was fine with me but it did show they don't really don't care about their alumni, at least those who graduated before the Age of Wokeism. I hope your book delivery goes well but it may be casting pearls before swine.

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“Now they are Scarlet Letters of shame and certificates of mediocrity hung around the necks of their alumni.”…what an awesome description!

I do feel bad for the alumni that worked so hard for their education and to have it tainted with the collective. And a law school no less!

If I need a lawyer, I better “call Saul”.

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The great Victor Davis Hanson relates that Stanford has been so degraded by Leftism that Silicon Valley CEOs tell him that before hiring, Stanford grads need to take a competency test.

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I LOVE him! I have one of his books, “The Second World Wars-How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won”. I also read his editorial in Epoch Times.

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Hey Renee: Read that one. “A War Like No Other”. I have “The Dying Citizen” on audio but I cant finish yet as it is sooooio sad. He has a 2x-3x week podcast and also writes for American Greatness. If he ever merchandises t-shirts and stuff: “I’m not Xenophobic I’m Xenophonic”, “Woko Delenda Est” I’m all in.

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Very interesting. I was wondering about that. It does seem the overall ethical quality of doctors is in decline. They seem to be selecting for bootlickers.

Historical note: One of the functionsof the anti-Jewish laws of the Nazi regime was to remove all Jewish physicians, nurses and public health officials from government employment. They were literally replaced by card-carrying Nazi party members. According to Lifton's book "The Nazi Doctors", no other profession in Germany had a higher % of active Nazi party members. The medical profession administered the Holocaust, especially in the formative years when the targets were disabled infants, children and adults. All the means that were later used on an industrial scale later were perfected and carried out by doctors, nurses and public health officials. I can't help but make the comparison to today.

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Einsatzgruppen-MDs & RNs.

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Thanks for providing support for something I realized some years ago.

It takes a good deal of formal education to utterly eradicate common sense.

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I had a couple of Chinese students a few years ago. They told me a saying that is common in their homeland; “Don’t try to fool me, I haven’t been to university.”

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"Vaccinated or not, you should have dumped the N95s and the rapid tests and the checklist and just lived your life."

Some are so deeply indoctrinated that now every time they have symptoms of what used to be called a simple cold in 2019 they immediately reach for the rapid test. My vaccinated and boosted neighbor appeared to have Covid every month, confirmed by the positive rapid test result. It was almost a source of pride for her.

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At first, Michael Osterholm actually had a pretty healthy skepticism regarding masks for Covid, which he expressed in one of his podcasts. In short order the demands for cutting off his funding poured in, and he did a 180 on masking. Science!

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Yes, Mikey, you failed.

You failed the morality test with your lies and you failed the intelligence test if you really are truple-boosted. And masking...whatever.

Karma is a biatch.

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Dear Dr. Osterholm, My husband and I are in your age bracket. We ate at restaurants in the summer of 2020, "yes the summer of covid", without masks and our neighbors joined us. We did not get covid. We convinced our HOA that it was okay to open the community pool. All we had to do is promise to sanitize the tables and chairs after use and not sit too close together. They were sticklers about legal liability so they asked us to sign a waiver not to hold them responsible if we contracted covid. We swam from June 2020 through Sept 2020. We shopped, we visited neighbors and family, we took walks on the beach, all without masks. We even rode in the car without masks. We did not get covid. To this day, I have never tested myself for covid. (My husband did, twice but that's because he's a hypochondriac. both neg.) I guess you could say we lived our lives. I'm sorry that irrational fear kept you from living yours. Free person from SC

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That sounds so good.

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We consider ourselves blessed to have retired here.

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You were a blessing for your neighbors. You were showing them yourselves living, loving, life and not dying in the streets. If they opened their eyes, they saw it.

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Our community is mostly made up of retirees. I really can't remember that many who were afraid to go out.

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Its really a religion at this point.

But Alex, you missed your signature ending: Virus gonna virus

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Fear has the ability to short circuit critical thinking. Amazing. Fear is a liar.

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Since Covid, I don’t care about any infectious diseases anymore, not even the hemorraghic ones. We are all going to die someday, but I choose to truly live today.

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Because they worship at the alter of the one almighty virus, while being oblivious to the fact that they are just one ingredient in a soup of quadrillions of viruses.

Nothing will change their behavior until they "feel" that through their actions they have eliminated the idol of their affection.

It's a beautiful disaster to watch their twisted religion implode while they're on the knees at the alter.

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Thus emerged a cult of Branch Covidians...as we witness the same old saga repeating itself.

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The year is 2045;

Aliens arrive to find homosapien has successfully eliminated the host in waging a tireless WAR AGAINST VIRUSES!

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Exactly. And it's a replay of that the very same people pulled off in the 1980s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy3frBacd2k&feature=emb_logo

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Yes, except they got better by employing a single disposable object to CONTROL access to society.

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You are correct. They built on the AIDS scam foundation and took to the most perverse extremes possible.

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makes you wonder what a 3rd trip around would look like.

I have a feeling they'll strip you naked, leaving you with nothing but a mask.

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then I will fart in their general direction

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Because they are being paid to make us afraid, its called a PSYOP

Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'



" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "


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I am close to your thinking here. Through I am open to persuasion, I suspect the virus is real and that it does cause flu like symptoms but I bet it has long been with us, we just hadn’t looked for it. I do not believe, never did believe it was as bad as they said. It certainly did not warrant any of this madness in response to it. I think was used as the excuse to force through changes that could not make unless most of humanity was scared to death.

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Virology is a fraud, Check this out:

Mike Donio, MS: Through the Eyes of a Virologist


Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China

Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


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That may be, but I’m not there yet.

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