Those with a fetishistic relationship with safety would have you believe that they’re noble, virtuous people who care about others just as much as themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. Safetyism is an existence premised upon fanatical self-regard; in the context of the pandemic, it has manifested as a submission to fear by those so scared of dying that they’re afraid to live. When all that matters is the calculus of the most risk-averse individuals, you end up with the ruling class's oppressive imperative to health and all its disastrous socioeconomic costs.


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I would feel sorry for these people because they obviously suffer from paranoia/mental illness but these infectious disease experts and epidemiologists have made our lives and our children’s lives a living hell and would continue to do so into perpetuity if allowed to.

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I am semi-retired and enjoy substitute teaching. On my way in today I saw one of the bus drivers in an empty bus with a mask on. The crossing guard in the front of the school is wearing a mask. I will have multiple students wearing masks throughout the day (its middle school). These are not political people or political statements they are making. It will take something, I do not know what, to change them and bring them back to normalcy.

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Osterholm sounds like a hypochondriac.

He really LOVES the attention of being an "expert," hence the obsessive masking.

And as I type this, there's a news story on the TV that covid shots for kids aren't necessary.


Who knew?

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Maybe epidemiologists and ID docs got into their respective fields in part due to a fascination with the threat of terrible diseases. COVID has been the greatest fix of their lives. They can't quit the cycle of fear and self-importance. Getting high on their own supply just too irresistible ;)

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They would be healthier if they ate dirt once in awhile. The mentally impaired are in charge.

One more boost just for ol’ times sake …

Read Turtles All the Way Down

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Thanks for providing support for something I realized some years ago.

It takes a good deal of formal education to utterly eradicate common sense.

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"Vaccinated or not, you should have dumped the N95s and the rapid tests and the checklist and just lived your life."

Some are so deeply indoctrinated that now every time they have symptoms of what used to be called a simple cold in 2019 they immediately reach for the rapid test. My vaccinated and boosted neighbor appeared to have Covid every month, confirmed by the positive rapid test result. It was almost a source of pride for her.

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At first, Michael Osterholm actually had a pretty healthy skepticism regarding masks for Covid, which he expressed in one of his podcasts. In short order the demands for cutting off his funding poured in, and he did a 180 on masking. Science!

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Yes, Mikey, you failed.

You failed the morality test with your lies and you failed the intelligence test if you really are truple-boosted. And masking...whatever.

Karma is a biatch.

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Dear Dr. Osterholm, My husband and I are in your age bracket. We ate at restaurants in the summer of 2020, "yes the summer of covid", without masks and our neighbors joined us. We did not get covid. We convinced our HOA that it was okay to open the community pool. All we had to do is promise to sanitize the tables and chairs after use and not sit too close together. They were sticklers about legal liability so they asked us to sign a waiver not to hold them responsible if we contracted covid. We swam from June 2020 through Sept 2020. We shopped, we visited neighbors and family, we took walks on the beach, all without masks. We even rode in the car without masks. We did not get covid. To this day, I have never tested myself for covid. (My husband did, twice but that's because he's a hypochondriac. both neg.) I guess you could say we lived our lives. I'm sorry that irrational fear kept you from living yours. Free person from SC

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Its really a religion at this point.

But Alex, you missed your signature ending: Virus gonna virus

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Fear has the ability to short circuit critical thinking. Amazing. Fear is a liar.

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Since Covid, I don’t care about any infectious diseases anymore, not even the hemorraghic ones. We are all going to die someday, but I choose to truly live today.

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Because they worship at the alter of the one almighty virus, while being oblivious to the fact that they are just one ingredient in a soup of quadrillions of viruses.

Nothing will change their behavior until they "feel" that through their actions they have eliminated the idol of their affection.

It's a beautiful disaster to watch their twisted religion implode while they're on the knees at the alter.

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Because they are being paid to make us afraid, its called a PSYOP

Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'



" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "


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